Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

The Destruction Of Knowledge In Islam

QulX4Today we are plagued with fake fatwas by fake scholars and fake individuals on Q&A sites pretending to be knowledgable people hiding behind a mirage of authority because their organisation knows how to fake looking respectable and scholarly. Most of the time the absurd rulings which are never not adequately researched happens to be a woman with a fake profile picture on Facebook, suddenly she has a massive fan club of thousands that can’t even read the arabic alphabet who then begin defending her heresy. This is all deliberately done to manipulate trends and public opinion in the islamic world so they can sway and manoeuvre entire populations away from orthodox Islam, the prophet (saws) gave one piece of advice over and over again for the people of our time to combat this deliberate fitnah being staged by our own people against us;

He (saws) said repeatedly “You have to follow the congregation for verily Allah will not make the largest group of Muhammad’s community agree on error”… “Shaytan is a wolf like the wolf that preys on sheep, taking the isolated and the stray among them; therefore, avoid factionalism and keep to the congregation and the collective and the masjid”…“Allah’s hand is over the group, and whoever dissents from them departs to hell”…“Allah’s hand is over the group, follow the largest group, for verily whoever dissents from them departs to hell”.

The main body of muslims follow the same orthodox madhhabs that have been around from day one, in terms of islamic population, of 1.5 billion muslims Sufi’s make up over 55% of the Muslim Ummah, Salafi’s are not even 1%, of the sunni’s Hanafi’s are about 45% of the Muslim Umma, Shafii’s are about 33%, Maliki’s about 19% and Hanbali’s about 3% which is about the same number of people in the Arabian peninsula who are the smallest Islamic demographic.

Anas bin Maalik (ra) narrates that Rasulullah (saws) said: “Indeed, the example of the ‘Ulama (real scholar) is like that of stars in the sky, by which guidance is obtained in the darkness of the land and water…” (Musnad Ahmad)

The prophet (saws) said, “The virtue of a Alim (real scholar) to a worshipper (Aabid) is similar to the virtue of the moon when  it is full to the rest of the stars. And verily the Ulema are the inheritors of the Prophets. Verily the Prophets did not leave behind dirhams and deenars (money), but rather they left behind knowledge.” (Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah).

Abu Huraira reported the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The wise saying is the lost property of the believer, so wherever he finds it then he has a right to it.” (At-Tirmidhi)

Proper Islamic knowledge has been deliberately undermined for the past 100 years, everything that can be done is being done to corrupt it or alternately peoples understanding of it by public figures in the islamic world most would call scholars or respectable people, in a world that is heavily controlled by governments subservient to one super power no one is given an accidental podium, these people don’t speak out against islam, that is public suicide what they do is careful move you away from the real message so true islam will seem strange to people when they hear it. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Islam began as a something strange and it will return to being strange, so blessed are the strangers.” (Those who know Islam) (Muslim) real Islam is the one that teaches you how to struggle against the world and your nafs, it is the one that has the ability to change you, if you have been listening to a scholar for 10 years and never learned the steps of how to change your life in the world you live in all you have been doing is being fed a bunch of facts, true or not a list of facts don’t do anything and this is deception the prophet (saws) said would be occurring, duplicit scholars making certain people don’t know how to act so everything in islamic society becomes superficial and fake.

When a scholar teaches you a path you need take in life and how to take it step by step that is complete Islam, anything less than that is a scholar for hire.

It may be a shock to know but nearly all modern publications of the Sahih Sita, Bukhari, Muslim, Dawuud, Tirmidhi etc, contain errors or are missing ahadith found in the original hand written manuscripts, this is the sad sate of islamic publications, in some cases the number of missing ahadith runs into the hundreds and in the case of the Musnad of Imam Ahmad it was found that in all published editions nearly 100 ahadith where missing that existed in the original manuscripts. This deliberate tampering of classical text is discovered almost every year in a published islamic text, the list of books is very long and it begins with false translations of the Quran to promote a sects ideology, selective “translations” of hadith collections, or ahadith being cut of outright. Tampering with fiqh manuals and every other kind of classical text one can imagine all deliberately done to manipulate islamic populations and create trends in religion people follow, if you don’t like fake Fiqh then for some fake spirituality will do nothing is left alone and there are fake groups for everything.

One scholar wrote about the tampering with Imam Nawawi’s Riyad al Saliheen “A team of unprincipled editors and translators out of a Ryad publishing house by the name of Darussalam was commissioned to produce a glossy 2-volume English edition of Imam al-Nawawi’s Riyad al-Salihin – being distributed for free to Islamic schools around the world – designed to propagate “Salafi” ideology to the unwary English-speaking Muslim students of Islamic knowledge. This ideology is couched within a thoroughly unscrupulous “commentary” inserted into the book chapters and authored by an unknown or spurious “Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf of Pakistan,” “revised and edited by Mahmud Rida Murad” (1:7).” The fact is Imam Nawawi was Shafii in Fiqh, the new commentators took this book of the shafii madhhab and inserted their sects legal rulings through out it in disguise as commentary then passed it of as the famous Imams own work, they also relabelled many of it’s chapter headings because the titles went against their sects beliefs, these practices are now widespread and largely unnoticed by the uneducated public.

The people behind this are not dumb this effort is very deliberate and done by people who know exactly what they are doing and how to manipulate crowds. The prophet (saws) referring to the end of the Khalifah said “My community will be destroyed because of evil scholars and ignorant servants” (Darimi), the founder of the salafi sect also helped establish the Young turks who took over the khalifa….The Prophet (saws) said about the fake scholars and their servants “such a time will come when the scholars will be an element of Mischief” (Abu Nuaim). And “There will appear in latter times a people who will gain this world with the help of religion.” (Tirmidhi)

Allah’s Messenger (saws) said, “In the End Times men will come forth who will fraudulently use religion for worldly ends and wear sheepskins in public to display meekness. Their tongues will be sweeter than sugar, but their hearts will be the hearts of wolves.” (Tirmidhi)

The prophet (saws) said about our time “In the End Times of the community of the faithful, people who adorn the mosques but leave their own hearts in ruins, who fail to look after their religion as much as they do their clothes, who forsake their religious obligations for the sake of their activities in this world, will increase in number.” (Agreed upon)

The prophet (saws) swore by Allah himself that deception on a large scale would occur to His community, the Prophet (saws) said, “By the One Who has sent me with the Truth, this world will not come to an end until they are afflicted with Al-Khasf (earth- quakes), Al-Qadhf (Bombardment), and Al-Maskh (emergence of people who perform maskh on other’s i.e stunt, delude, deceive, peoples intellects, the deliberate dumbing down of society)”.

The companions said in reference to the madness in the world today shocked people would act so dumb and blindly…“And while the book of Allah will be still with us?!” He said: “While the book of Allah will be still with you.” We said: “Subhan’Allaah!! And while our intellects will be conscious?!” He said: “No, no, the intellects of the general masses at that time will be deceived! They will be following fools that have no intellects themselves. They will be assuming they have a cause (to follow), but they will not have a (legitimate) cause.” (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban).

The prophet (saws) said “The hour will not come until renunciation of this world (the heart of all spiritual life) no longer remains in peoples vocabulary (religious institutions and their scholars no longer teach it), and until fear of Allah also becomes artificial” (it is fake, your supposed to have it but no one actually does) (Jamiu al Sahgir, Imam Suyuti)

The Holy prophet (saws) prophesized about the current fitna of people abandoning real Ulema and following corrupt leaders, He (saws) said “…the people will take the ignorant as leaders,  who are asked for and give Islamic legal opinions without knowledge,  misguided and misguiding.” (Sahih Bukhari)

The prophet (saws) said “Such a time will come to people that only the name of Islam and the image of the Quran will remain (people won’t know actual Islamic knowledge which shapes peoples lives, and everything will be superficial, this situation was manufactured in society by those in charge of educating it). Mosques will be prosperous on the outside (they have the appearance that everything is fine), but will have no salvation in them (no real education). Their scholars will be the most evil under the sky. Corruption emerged from them and will return to them.” (Al Bayhaqi).

The prophet (saws) said “There will come a time for my people when… the mosques will be full of people but they will be empty of right guidance.” (Ibn Babuya, Thawab ul-A’mal), “A time will come upon people in which they will use the Masjid as a pavilion (a meeting place for the corrupt).” (Narrated by Hasan (r.a.), “Let him who reads the Qur’an ask (his reward) from Allah. Because in the final times there will be many people who read the Qur’an and seek their reward from other people (they read for show, benefit, money or to fool and manipulate people by displaying religion in front of them).” (Tirmidhi)

The prophet (saws) said “A time will come when the hypocrites will live secretly among you (secretly trying to corrupt you), and the faithful will try to live their religion in secret among others (because they are oppressed in public and in the groups these hypocrites live in).” (Agreed upon), “There will be years of deceit, in which a truthful person will be disbelieved and a liar will be believed” (Ibn Kathir),  “The (end of) time will be years of confusion. People will believe a liar, and disbelieve one who tells the truth. People will distrust one who is trustworthy, and trust one who is treacherous.” (because they can gain from them in life) (Ahmad) “There will be an abundance of critics, tale-carriers, backbiters and taunters in society.” (Al-Muttaqi Al-Hindi, Muntakhab Kanzul Ummaal) Ibn Mas’ood said, “Those are the days…when a man will not be safe from the companion he sits with.” Waabisah said, “And what do you order me to do if I reach that time?” He said, “Restrain your tongue and your hand, and be a fixture from the fixtures of your house.” (Abu Dawwud) Don’t get involved in community affairs not even the masjids who are filled with evil scholars, stay in your home.

Anas ibn Malik said, “I shall tell you a hadith which I heard from the Messenger of Allah (May Allah shower peace and blessings upon him), and which no-one will tell you after me. I heard him say “Among the signs of the Hour will be disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance. Adultery will be prevalent and the drinking of wine will be common…”” (Bukhari, Muslim).

The prophet (saws) said “Near the establishment of the hour there will days during which ignorance will spread, knowledge will be taken away and there will be much Harj, and al Harj means killing.”(Bukhari).

Allah’s messenger (saws) mentioned something and said “It will happen when knowledge will be no more. (Ziyad) said: “Allah’s messenger, how will knowledge vanish despite the fact that we will be reciting the Quran and teaching its recitation to our children and our children will teach it’s recitation to their children up to the day of Resurrection?” thereupon he (saws) said: “Ziyad, do these jews and christians not recite the Torah and the bible but not act according to what is contained in them?” (Ahmad, Ibn Maaja, Tirmidhi). Because everything will deliberately be made superficial people will no longer act on anything or have the knowledge that is only gained from experience in life.

Allah said  “The metaphor of those who were charged with the Torah but then have not upheld it, is that of a donkey carrying books…”(Surah Jumuah, verse 5)

The Prophet (saws) said that, despite the fact the Qur’an will be read, the knowledge and wisdom it contains will not be considered. “There will come a time upon the Umma when people will recite the Qur’an, but it will not go further than their throats” (Bukhari) it won’t reach their hearts because they are not sincere and the recitation is fake.

The prophet (saws) referring to scholars said “Wolves (scholars who use up people) will give readings in the end of time. Let those who come to those times seek shelter from their evil in Allah. They will be very corrupt people. Hypocrisy will prevail, and nobody will be ashamed of it and it’s manifestations (appearance in society).”(Tirmidhi)

He (saws) said about the people spreading this fitnah in the Ummah, they “shall continue to appear until the last of them appears with the Anti-Christ”

The prophet (saws) literally said people won’t be able to recognise them, and they will have a hard time seeing them for what they are; Ali (ra) said, “O people! Indeed, I heard Allah’s Messenger say, ‘There shall be a folk that comes from my Umma and they will recite the Quran—your recitation will not be comparable to theirs, or your prayers or your fasting to theirs. They will recite the Quran and believe it supports them but [in reality] it is against them. Their prayers will not go past their throats, and they shall exit from the religion just as an arrow exits from a hunted game. If only the army who encounters them knew what has been decreed for them upon the tongue of their Prophet, they would rely on it [if they knew it was referring to them]…they have shed inviolable blood and raided the people’s belongings. So go forth [against them] in the name of Allah”.’

All this is the work of the groups and sects that where invented during the last 150 years.

The prophet (saws) said “Seventy thousand scholars wearing turbans from my community will follow the Dajjaal” (Ahmad ibn Hanbal) these are the evil scholars in the masjid responsible for destroying the Umma of Muhammad (saws) today.

This is part of a larger hadith spanning the history of Islam, Hudhayfah said, I said: “O Messenger of Allah, will there be evil after this good?” (after the Khalifah has ended, after WW1) He said: “Yes, callers to the gates of Hell. (This is when the sects spread) Whoever answers their call, they will throw him into it.” “I said: “O Messenger of Allah! Describe them to us.” So he said: “They are from our people (arabs who are evil scholars), and they will speak our language.” “I said: “So what do you order me to do if that reaches me?” He said: “Hold fast to the Jama’ah (largest body) of the Muslims and their imam.” “I said: “And if there is no jama’ah, and no imam?” (no khalifa) He said: “Then avoid all of those groups (sects that will appear), even if you have to bite on the root of a tree (isolated from society), and death reaches you in that state.” (Bukhara)


Scientific Research Papers and Articles We Have Used


Below you will find some of the research papers and articles used to right the books on this website, each article explains the research paper in simple terms, this is not a comprehensive list, just a starting point on these subjects.

Transduction of the Geomagnetic Field as Evidenced from Alpha-band Activity in the Human Brain


Magnetoreception, the perception of the geomagnetic field, is a sensory modality well established across all major groups of vertebrates and some invertebrates, but its presence in humans has been tested rarely, yielding inconclusive results. We report here a strong, specific human brain response to ecologically-relevant rotations of Earth-strength magnetic fields. Following geomagnetic stimulation, a drop in amplitude of EEG alpha oscillations (8-13 Hz) occurred in a repeatable manner. Termed alpha event-related desynchronization (alpha-ERD), such a response is associated with sensory and cognitive processing of external stimuli. Biophysical tests showed that the neural response was sensitive to the dynamic components and axial alignment of the field but also to the static components and polarity of the field. This pattern of results implicates ferromagnetism as the biophysical basis for the sensory transduction and provides a basis to start the behavioral exploration of human magnetoreception.

Consciousness as a State of Matter


We examine the hypothesis that consciousness can be understood as a state of matter, “perceptronium”, with distinctive information processing abilities. We explore five basic principles that may distinguish conscious matter from other physical systems such as solids, liquids and gases: the information, integration, independence, dynamics and utility principles.

Article: Human consciousness is simply a state of matter, like a solid or liquid – but quantum.

Article: Physicists Say Consciousness Might Be a State of Matter.

On the Rationality of the Appearance of Consciousness


This paper tries to reveal the rationality of the appearance of consciousness in the evolution of the universe. Difficulties in understanding consciousness can be boiled down to two problems: the possibility of causality breaking and the origination of truth. By virtue of structural information from the neural networks, this paper gives a causality breaking description of the nervous system and promoted that the biological feelings can be abstracted as a mapping from the nervous system to the world of cognition. Cognition reflects the causality conserving experience, at the same time, it’s also connected with the causality breaking expectations. The mathematical description of trans- formation law provides a proper definition of truth, which makes cognition possible and integrate the framework. The hole theory is consistent with structures of the nervous system and biological feelings, which makes it a scientific framework of understanding consciousness.

Transmission of DNA Information Through Electromagnetic Waves


Some bacterial and viral DNA sequences have been found to induce low frequency electromagnetic waves in high aqueous dilutions. This phenomenon appears to be triggered by the ambient electromagnetic background of very low frequency. We discuss this phenomenon in the framework of quantum field theory. A scheme able to account for the observations is proposed. The reported phenomenon could allow to develop highly sensitive detection systems for chronic bacterial and viral infections.

Article: DNA Sequence Reconstituted from Water Memory.

Electromagnetic Signals from Bacterial DNA


Chemical reactions can be induced at a distance due to the propagation of electromagnetic sig- nals during intermediate chemical stages. Although is is well known at optical frequencies, e.g. photosynthetic reactions, electromagnetic signals hold true for muck lower frequencies. In E. coli bacteria such electromagnetic signals can be generated by electric transitions between energy levels describing electrons moving around DNA loops. The electromagnetic signals between different bac- teria within a community is a “wireless” version of intercellular communication found in bacterial communities connected by “nanowires”. The wireless broadcasts can in principle be of both the AM and FM variety due to the magnetic flux periodicity in electron energy spectra in bacterial DNA orbital motions.

Article: Bacteria on the Radio; DNA Could Act as Antenna.

Quantum Mechanical Evolution Towards Thermal Equilibrium


The circumstances under which a system reaches thermal equilibrium, and how to derive this from basic dynamical laws, has been a major question from the very beginning of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Despite considerable progress, it remains an open problem. Motivated by this issue, we address the more general question of equilibration. We prove, with virtually full general- ity, that reaching equilibrium is a universal property of quantum systems: Almost any subsystem in interaction with a large enough bath will reach an equilibrium state and remain close to it for almost all times. We also prove several general results about other aspects of thermalisation besides equi- libration, for example, that the equilibrium state does not depend on the detailed micro-state of the bath.

Article: Time’s Arrow Traced to Quantum Source.

Quantum Entanglement and the Spread of Information


The key to explaining and controlling a range of quantum phenomena is to study how information propagates around many-body systems. Quantum dynamics can be described by particle-like carriers of information that emerge in the collective behaviour of the underlying system, the so-called quasiparticles. These elementary excitations are predicted to distribute quantum information in a fashion determined by the system’s interactions. Here we report quasiparticle dynamics observed in a quantum many-body system of trapped atomic ions. First, we observe the entanglement distributed by quasiparticles as they trace out light-cone-like wavefronts. Second, using the ability to tune the interaction range in our system, we observe information propagation in an experimental regime where the effective-light-cone picture does not apply. Our results will enable experimental studies of a range of quantum phenomena, including transport thermalization, localization and entanglement growth, and represent a first step towards a new quantum-optic regime of engineered quasiparticles with tunable nonlinear interactions.

Time From Quantum Entanglement: An Experimental Illustration


In the last years several theoretical papers discussed if time can be an emergent propertiy deriving from quantum correlations. Here, to provide an insight into how this phenomenon can occur, we present an experiment that illustrates Page and Wootters’ mechanism of “static” time, and Gambini et al. subsequent refinements. A static, entangled state between a clock system and the rest of the universe is perceived as evolving by internal observers that test the correlations between the two subsystems. We implement this mechanism using an entangled state of the polarization of two photons, one of which is used as a clock to gauge the evolution of the second: an “internal” observer that becomes correlated with the clock photon sees the other system evolve, while an “external” observer that only observes global properties of the two photons can prove it is static.

Article: New Experiment Shows How Time May Emerge From Quantum Entanglment.

Article: Quantum Experiment Shows How Time ‘Emerges’ from Entanglement. 

Cardiac Coherence a New Measure of Autonomic Nervous System Order


Although cardiac sympathovagal regulation has been studied during stress using power spectral density analysis of heart rate variability, little is known about its regulation during emotional states. Using heart rate variability measurements, we studied autonomic balance in 20 subjects trained in a mental and emotional self-management technique called Freeze-Frame. The study was conducted in two environments: under controlled laboratory conditions, and under real-life stressful conditions in the workplace. Power spectral density plots of R-R intervals obtained from electrocardiogram recordings were divided into three regions: low frequency (predominantly sympathetic activity), midfrequency, and high frequency (parasympathetic activity). Measurements were taken for a 5-minute baseline period, followed by a 5-minute period of positive emotional expression. Three unique conditions of autonomic nervous system order can be clearly discriminated in the data: (1) normal heart function mode, (2) entrainment mode, and (3) internal coherence mode. The internal coherence mode is new to the electrophysiology literature. We provide supporting data for modes 2 and 3 and show that a group of 20 subjects trained in this technique can enter and maintain these states at will. We found that, when one is in the entrainment mode, other physiological systems lock to the entrainment frequency, which is approximately 0.1 Hz. The results suggest that emotional experiences play a role in determining sympathovagal balance independent of heart rate and respiration and further suggest that positive emotions lead to alterations in heart rate variability that may be beneficial in the treatment of hypertension and reduce the likelihood of sudden death in patients with congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease.


The heart is an organ with continuous activity, which must satisfy demands of an organism on various conditions. Therefore, heart activity is modulated at many levels, including intrinsic regulatory mechanisms, humoral factors and autonomic nervous system. The regulation of heart activity by sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system is well known. Accumulated evidence in recent decades indicates that intracardiac neurons can also significantly regulate heart activity. These neurons are concentrated in multiple heart ganglia. Interactions between neurons within intracardiac ganglia together with interconnections between individual ganglia provide anatomical and functional basis of complex nervous network of the heart. This complex intracardiac nervous system together with extracardiac autonomic neurons, innervating heart, provides modulation of heart activity during both physiological and pathological conditions.

This review article summarizes recent knowledge about the role of heart neurons in physiological con- ditions and in etiopathogenesis of selected diseases. Effect of pharmacological and surgical interven- tions on heart neurons is also discussed

Nerves of The Heart: a Comprehensive Review with a Clinical Point of View


The heart is an organ which main characteristic is its autonomy of function. Therefore, it is possible to develop elementary experiments such as extirpating the heart of a frog (Bufo amenarum), which during a certain amount of time keeps beating and even responding to brady- or tachycardian chemical stimulations. The underlying cause of this phenomenon is the action of specific solutions, which shower the mentioned organ. However, inside the organism, it adapts its functions to the somatic reality and to the specific moment of that soma. These conducts are instrumented by a complex system of information gathering, the adoption of central nervous system’s function standards, and the production of functional responses suitable for the different possible situations. All these functions are related to cardiac innervation.

Locality of Gravitational Systems from Entanglement of Conformal Field Theories.


The Ryu-Takayanagi formula relates the entanglement entropy in a conformal field theory to the area of a minimal surface in its holographic dual. We show that this relation can be inverted for any state in the conformal field theory to compute the bulk stress-energy tensor near the boundary of the bulk spacetime, reconstructing the local data in the bulk from the entanglement on the boundary. We also show that positivity, monotonicity, and convexity of the relative entropy for small spherical domains between the reduced density matrices of any state and of the ground state of the conformal field theory are guaranteed by positivity conditions on the bulk matter energy density. As positivity and monotonicity of the relative entropy are general properties of quantum systems, this can be interpreted as a derivation of bulk energy conditions in any holographic system for which the Ryu-Takayanagi prescription applies. We discuss an information theoretical interpretation of the convexity in terms of the Fisher metric.

Article: How spacetime is built by quantum entanglement.


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