The System Of The Dajjaal

From many Ahadith we know two things about the system of the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him), the first is that He will use it to place sanctions on Countries who dont follow Him, this is world wide economic dominance, the other is He will use a mixture of technology and Sihr (the occult) to trick people into converting to His false religion making them believe he is a god. The prophet (saws) said there will be forerunners to the Dajjal setting up His system for Him, meaning they will be doing the same things He is but to a lessor scale spreading these two methods of doing things around the world. The capitalist economic system that has strangled the world today and allowed countries to wipe out the entire wealth of a nation in a single day, is the first part of the system of the Dajjal.

The other part of that equation are the occult (Sihr) societies now in charge of the world which the wealthy people of the world have adopted over the past century and refuse to let go of, through which they come to manipulate the minds of the public indoctrinating them into what ever they like just as the Pharaohs of egypt before them, to whom Allah sent Musa (as) to destroy the occult system they set up to challenge Allah, this isn’t the first time in history the occult was used to control an entire population but with the arrival of the Dajjal it will be the last.

This is the Lizards hole (Myopic world view) the prophet (saws) said the Western and European worlds will crawl into and refuse to leave: Allah’s messenger (saws) said “You will indeed follow the ways of those before you, hand span by hand span, and an arms length after another. Even if they enter into a lizards hole, you will follow them.” We asked, “Is it the Jews and Christians?” He (saws) replied, “Who else!” (Bukhari)

Until the last Islamic Khalifah fell after WW1 Muslims around the world did their own thing following no one but their leaders and way of life.

We should also understand something fundamental, around the same time it fell groups started appearing around the Islamic world which today we take for granted like the Salafi’s whose purpose at the time was to destroy the Islamic world from within.

The prophet (saws) referring to the end of the Khalifah said “My community will be destroyed because of evil scholars and ignorant servants” (Darimi)

The groups we know today are the people the prophet (saws) referred to and their history is a testament to this especially the Salafi’s whose founders played a fundamental role is ending the Khalifah. Salafi’s are a group from amongst the Khawarij so is ISIS and al Qaeda, along with the Ikhwan, Deobandi’s, Tablighi’s and every group like them that popped up in the last 100 years or so from the same colonial plan to divide the muslim world by any means. This has nothing to do with the Fiqh or Aqeedah of people but their origins and the people who founded them, in the future as the prophet indicated they will also be responsible for ending the saudi government through civil wars they will instigate among it’s tribes but Allah will end their designs with the arrival of Imam Mahdi (as) to end the civil war and take control of Islam from them.

The prophet (saws) said the khawarij will continue to emerge untill the last of them will emerge on the side of the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him). The Dajjal is the biggest occultist/Sahir this world will face and he will use the economic system the west spread around the world, along with the sihr they developed to convert people to His religion, these are the forerunners to the dajjal setting up his sytem for him, this tells us that today people are using sihr to indoctrinate people into what ever they want to use them for, for them it is a way of life just like when the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) emerges, today we see signs of it in the media all the time with degeneracy rapidly spreading at an unprecedented rate. In the Islamic world the forerunners are the Salafi’s and their like and this is seen from their origins and the many groups they have set up around the world under different names. (See the chapter on the History of the Salafi’s)

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “In the end of time there shall come men who will swindle the world (Dunya in Arabic, comprehensively meaning the entire globe) with Deen (a general word which mean’s “a way of life”), deceiving the people in soft skins of sheep, their tongues are sweeter than sugar and their hearts are the hearts of wolves. Allah

[Mighty and Sublime is He] says: ‘Is it me you try to delude or is it against me whom you conspire? By Me, I swear to send upon these people, among them, a Fitnah that leaves them utterly devoid of reason.” (Tirmidhi)

That fitnah Allah sent against them is the Sihr they adopted over the past century their actions have destroyed the minds and intellects of their descendants giving them a distorted world view.

“Eyssa son of Maryam will descend, and will call (out to) the people at dawn: “O people, what prevented you from coming out to fight this evil liar? (Dajjal)” They will answer, “He is a jinn”

In order to practice their sihr these forerunners to the Dajjal must Surender their reasoning and consequently their intellect to the Jinn that empower them so the Jinns perceptions become their own, as Allah explained in a hadith Qudsi with prophets and saintly (as) men Allah sends Angels to do this, directing their spiritual sight, so they only see truth (Haq).

Thus the most intelligent creature Allah created, Man, today has surrendered His intellect to the most Myopic (shortsighted) of Allah’s creatures, the Jinn, the only creature ignorant enough to have challenged Allah directly to His face.

The Sihr that the Capitalist world today uses is incorporated into the products they sell and the lifestyles they invent and push onto the public, this is partly seen in the pagan logo’s that represent their companies which tell you the type of sihr and the actual reality behind the lifestyles they invent. Just like the Dajjal who has “two rivers” with him (a metaphor for his teachings), one is like Hell and the other is Heaven, but He will tell people the river of Hell is Heaven and the river of Heaven is Hell, when they enter the river of Heaven they will find it Hell and when they enter the river of Hell they will find Heaven, this means before they adopt the lifestyles of each he promises them the opposite of what they actually are.

Today materialism, buying any thing you come to want, is disguised as happiness because it is cheap to get but just like overeating causes many physiological problems down the road it causes many phsycological/spiritual problems and influences you can’t see, and so the catch phrase of the day is “i dont see anything wrong with it”, the reality is we are not spiritual masters to be able to see anything wrong and so the statement is a testament to the shortsightedness of our nature.

The lifestyles of today are likewise disguised, they are pagan lifestyles in origin (one where the heart has no taste of Allah) without the labels attached to them, they are continuously being reinvented as trends so they won’t be recognised by anyone. Sihr (the occult) is just an evil form of spirituality, so when you touch these lifestyles you raise their corrupted spiritual world above you and that gives them spiritual dominance over your life, you end up following their ways step by step as it is incorporated into your way of life.

When Iblis challenged Allah regarding mankind “He said: by Thy majesty (Izatika), then, I shall surely seduce them, all.” (38:82) He said he would misguide man by Allah’s majesty, grandeur, might, honour/(Izatika), by the fact creatures can be in awe of Allah. Iblis outlined to Allah the weakness of man that he saw, man can be misguided by what He is in awe of or what He magnifies in his heart, which is the core evil behind paganism, idolism and materialism you magnify falshood in the heart becouse these things don’t have any otherworldly power what so ever even if they subtly misrepresent themselves as such when you look at them.

Iblis continued “Except Thy servants from among them, the purified ones.”(38:83) meaning those who keep their hearts from magnifying any falsehood in it, anything that misrepresents itself, Allah then said: “This, then, is the truth! And this truth do I state: Most certainly will I fill hell with thee and such of them as shall follow thee, all together!” (follow your ways, corrupt people with these methods) (38:84-84).

This is part of how the spiritual world works, and for us the spiritual is just the subtle part of our psychology, but Allah teaches us how to protect ourselves from it in the Quran this is why making idols, statues and drawings of living creatures are not permitted in Islam to protect the heart from the very things Iblis swore to use against man and which are being used against mankind today, all of them are things that destroy the reality of “Allahu Akbar” in the heart.

The prophet (saws) understood this power behind the occult and idolism (today you have pop idols and movie idols for your children to idolise and unconsciously make their role models) which is why muslims around the world for the past 1400 years have been regularly chanting “Allahu Akbar”, “Allah is Greater” but this isn’t a reference to size, it means Allah is greater than anything else in your heart, what He wants is above any other want, the aim of their sihr is to destroy this in the hearts of all people around the world because as they steadily erode it from your consciousness it gives them, through their Sihr and Jinn greater access to who you are and ultimately they can shape the world how they want, but these people are doomed to live out the fate preordained for the world which the prophet (saws) saw, their plans amounting to nothing.

Allah warned about this in many scriptures, in the book of revelations for example He said about the wests rise to power over the world 100 years ago; “The dragon (Iblis) gave the (British) beast (empire) his power and his throne and great authority (meaning authority over the devils of the world)” so they can use them in their world wide network of Sihr (Occult practice) as Pharaoh did before them.

The easiest way to avoid much of their influence and the influence of their products is to cut out the Tags in your clothes and deface their logo’s from what you own, it gives their Jinn access to your house and You, and removing them helps stop that.

Imam ‘Ali’s garment where very old with patches on it. When somebody drew his attention towards it, he replied, ” Such dresses, when worn by men of status make them submissive to Allah and kind-hearted towards others and the faithful Muslims can conveniently follow the example “, likewise is the opposite of this, when your clothes are spiritually unclean they can pervert you and help the Jinn.

Allah in the Quran talks about purifying our clothes beocuse of this spiritual reality that exists in the universe, which they are manipulating today to their advantage, it was one of the first things Allah instructed His prophet (saws) to be wary of when He made Him (saws) a prophet, He instructed Him to keep His clothes spiritually clean, Tayibb and Tahir, and that is done through controlling their origin, who makes them:

يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلۡمُدَّثِّرُ (١) قُمۡ فَأَنذِرۡ (٢) وَرَبَّكَ فَكَبِّرۡ (٣) وَثِيَابَكَ فَطَهِّرۡ (٤) وَٱلرُّجۡزَ فَٱهۡجُرۡ (٥) وَلَا تَمۡنُن تَسۡتَكۡثِرُ (٦) وَلِرَبِّكَ فَٱصۡبِرۡ (٧

“O thou enveloped in thy cloak, (1) Arise and warn! (2) Thy Lord magnify, (3) Thy raiment (clothes) purify, (4) (Spiritual uncleanliness) shun! (5) And show not favour, seeking wordly gain! (6) For the sake of thy Lord, be patient! (74:1-7)

The spiritual reality of everything we have said Allah has placed in these verses, (2) Thy Lord magnify (say Allahu Akbar), (3) Thy (clothes) purify, (4) (Spiritual uncleanliness) shun! (5), these are from the foundations of religion, the things that build religion in people, that they want to destroy around the world because it empowers their system when nothing exists to challenge it or protect people from them.