Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

The Black Banners Will Appear 6 Years Before Imam Mahdi

The following Ahadith state that an army from the East (from Khorasan) carrying black banners will lay the foundation for the Mahdi’s future dominion, six years before He (ra) appears. The name “Khorasan” is derived from Persian and means “land where the sun rises”. Khorasan is a region that includes Afghanistan, Taijikstan, Northwestern Pakistan, Northeastern Iran, but the prophet specified that the Mahdi’s Army will be people from Bani Israil, of Jewish lineage, and these are the Pashtun and people of Afghanistan who in the time of the Prophet (saws) converted to Islam at the hands of Khalid Ibn Walid (ra).

The fact they converted to Islam through Khalid Ibn Walid (ra), one of histories greatest Generals responsible for the end of two of the world’s greatest empires, the Romans and Persians, is very significant.

This is because what ever the Prophet (saws) and the companions did lay the spiritual foundation for that matter to take root in future generations of Muslims, this is something well known among the scholars. For example, the companion Abu Musa al-Ashari (ra) the Prophet (saws) taught him the depths of Aqeedah and Allah mentioned Him in the Quran, His descendant Abu Hasan al Ashari (as) would found the famous Ashari Madhhab of Aqeedah that most Islamic scholars adopted.

So, the fact Imam Mahdi’s army accepted Islam at the hands of Khalid Ibn Walid (ra) means his spiritual qualities will be found in them; This is seen in ahadith about them both, the Prophet (saws) called Khalid ibn Walid (ra) the drawn sword of Allah, and one of Allah’s many swords, and the Umma said that Allah’s sword never breaks. Likewise, the Prophet (saws) about Imam Mahdi’s Army when they march to set up the Mahdi’s dominion, they will keep on coming generation after generation, until the matter is settled, at their hands Islam is saved.

It’s enough to know about them that they held back the U.S.S.R  invasion of their country in 1979 (when Russia was still a superpower that rivalled America) until the U.S.S.R finally admitted defeat in 1989.

Al Zuhari said ” The black flags will come from the East, led by mighty men, with long hair and beards, their last names are taken from the names of their home towns and their first names are from a Kunya (nick name, usually starts with ‘Abu’, which means ‘father of”).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Abdullah bin Masood narrated that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “A group of people will come from the East with Black Flags and they will ask for some “Khair” (assistance, leadership, stability), but they will not be given what they ask for (the Arabs won’t respond to them). So, they will fight and win against those people (the Arabs causing fitnah). Now, they will be given them what they asked for (leadership and responsibility), but they will not accept it until they hand it over to a person from my Ahl Bayt (Imam Mahdi) who will fill it (the Earth) with justice just as they filled it (the Earth) with oppression. So, whoever of you will be alive at that time should come to them (the Mahdi & People from the East with black flags) even by crawling over snow”. (Ibn Maja, Muhammad Al-Barzanji’s Isha’ah li Ashrat Al-Sa’a)

Ali bin AbuTalib narrated that the Prophet  صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

قال صلى الله عليه وسلم ( يخرج رجل من وراء النهر يقال له الحارث بن حراث , على مقدمته رجل يقال له منصور , يوطيء او يمكن لال محمد كما مكنت قريش لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وجب على كل مؤمن نصره او قال اجابته

“A man called Al-Harith bin Harrath (Farmer son of a farmer, this is his description) will come forth from Ma Wara an-Nahr (“the place behind the river”. Transoxiana, meaning the region, between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers, which includes Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, bordering Afghanistan ). His army (the black banners) will be led by a man called Mansur (His General) who will make matters ready and enabled (Shape the Middle East) for Muhammad’s family as Quraish enabled matters for the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم. Every believer must help him, or he (the Prophet) said: ‘respond to him (to his calls)’.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan AnNisa-ee, and Al-Buhaiqi)Abdullah bin Al-Harith bin Jiz Al-Zubaidi said that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “People from the East will come to assist the Mahdi in laying the foundation for his dominion (before He emerges).” (Ibn Maja, Tabarani)

Abu Hurairah said that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “(Armies carrying) black flags will come from Khorasan. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach إيلياء  Eelya (Jerusalem) where they will erect their flags” (they will conquer Israel, America is no longer around to defend them). (Tirmizi)

Amr Bin Marra Al-Jamli said that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: ” ‘Surely, Black Flags will appear from the Khorasan until a group (of them) will tie their horse leashes to the Olive Trees between Beit-Lahia (in Gaza district, Palestine) and Harasta (near Damascus, Syria).’ We asked: ‘Are there any Olive trees  between these places?’ He said, ‘If there isn’t any, then, soon (Olive trees) will grow so that those people (of Khorasan) will come and tie their horses there’.” (Nuaim Ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan p. 215)

Buraida said that Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “After me, there will be many expeditions (armies). You should be in the expeditions (armies) of Khorasan.”  ( Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti’s  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)

The next hadith tells us there will be six years from when the black banners head towards Israel and when Imam Mahdi (ra) emerges.

أخرج ( ك ) نعيم بن حماد (894) عن محمد بن الحنفية قال:
تخرج راية سوداء لبني العباس,ثم تخرج من خراسان أخرى سوادء, قلانسهم سود و ثيابهم بيض, على مقدمتهم رجل يقال له : شعيب بن صالح [ بن شعيب ], من تميم, يهزمون أصحاب السفياني حتى ينزل ببيت المقدس , و يوطئ للمهدي سلطانه, ويمد إليه ثلاثمائة من الشام , يكون بين خروجه وبين أن يسلم الأمر للمهدي اثنان وسبعون شهرا

Muhammad bin Al-Hanafia, said: ” A black banner (Army battalion) of Bani Al-Abbas ( family of Prophet Mohammad’s صلى الله عليه وسلم uncle, Al-Abbas) will come out (this was the Abbasid Khalifah in the past). Then, another black banner (Army battalion) will come from Khorasan (in the Future). Their turbans are black and their clothes are white. At their front end will be a man named Shuayb bin Salih (this is the name of al-Harith Ibn Harrath), from Tamim (tribe). They will defeat the supporters of the Sufyani (and proceed further) until he (Shuayb bin Salih) arrives in Jerusalem (where) he will lay the foundation for the Mahdi’s (future) dominion. He will be supplied with three hundred (men) from AshSham (Syria). From the time, he comes out (from Khorasan) until he hands over the matter (rule) to the Mahdi, there will be seventy-two months (six years).”  (Nuaim Ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)Saeed (or Sayyid) bin Al-Musayyab reported: “Black Banners will come from the East from the descendants of Al-Abbas. They will remain for whatsoever Allah wishes (this is the Abbasid Khalifah). Then, small Black Banners from the East will come to fight a man from the descendants of Abu Sufyan (Assad and his tribe in Syria and the Banu Ummayah in Saudi Arabia). They will give their allegiance to the Mahdi.”  (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

 حدثنا الوليد بن مسلم عن أبي عبيدة المشجعي عن أبي أمية الكلبي عن شيخ أدرك الجاهلية [ و ] قد سقط حاجباه على عينيه قال
إذا اختلف أهل الرايات السود افترقوا ثلاث فرق فرقة تدعوا لبني فاطمة وفرقة تدعوا لبني العباس وفرقة تدعوا لأنفسها
The following will occur during the time of the second Sufyani in Jerusalem; Al-Walid bin Muslim narrated: “If the black banners split into 3 groups: a group calling for the progeny of Fatima (Ahl al Bayt to rule the Muslims), a group calling for the progeny of the Abbas (tribe of the prophet), and a group calling for (the kingship to be) for themselves…” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)
حدثنا الوليد ورشدين عن ابن لهيعة عن أبي قبيل عن أبي رومان
عن علي قال إذا إختلفت أصحاب الرايات السود يخسف بقرية من قرى أرم ويسقط جانب مسجدها الغربي ثم تخرج بالشام ثلاث رايات الأصهب والأبقع والسفياني فيخرج السفياني من الشام والأبقع من مصر فيظهر السفياني عليهم
Ali bin Abi Taleb (r.a.) said: “When the black banners differ among each other, a town/city of the towns/cities of Iram and the western side of its Mosque collapses (from the Earthquake). Then, in AshSham, three banners (armies) come out for each (warlord) of the As’Hab (reddish white man), Abqa’, and Sufyani. The Sufyani comes from AshSham and the Abqa’ from Egypt. The Sufyani will defeat them.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)
 حدثنا سعيد أبو عثمان عن جابر عن أبي جعفر قال يخرج شاب من بني هاشم بكفه اليمنى خال من خراسان برايات سود بين يديه شعيب بن صالح يقاتل أصحاب السفياني فيهزمهم

Abi Ja’far said: “A young man from Bani Hashem (Prophet Mohammad’s صلى الله عليه وسلم family clan) with a mark in the palm of his right hand comes out from Khorasan with black banners (this is Mansur their General). Between his hands (meaning assisting him) will be Shuayb bin Salih (their leader). He fights the followers of the (1st) Sufyani and defeats them.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)The next Hadith tells why the people of Afghanistan and the surrounding area will first come out;

   حدثنا الوليد بن مسلم ورشدين بن سعد عن ابن لهيعة عن أبي قبيل عن أبي رومان عن علي بن أبي طالب رضى الله عنه قال إذا خرجت خيل السفياني إلى الكوفة بعث في طلب أهل خراسان ويخرج أهل خراسان في طلب المهدي فيلتقي هو والهاشمي برايات سود على مقدمته شعيب بن صالح فيلتقي هو وأصحاب السفياني بباب اصطخر فتكون بينهم ملحمة عظيمة فتظهر الرايات السود وتهرب خيل السفياني فعند ذلك يتمنى الناس المهدي ويطلبونه

Ali bin Abi Taleb (r.a.) said: “If (the 1st) Sufyani’s Cavalry marsh to Kufa (in Iraq), the people of Khorasan will be requested to come to aid. The people of Khorasan will come out seeking the Mahdi (wishing for him to appear, they know the prophecies and what will occur after they go to war). So, the Hashimi (Mansur, the General of the Army) with an army carrying black banners, at its front end is Shuayb bin Salih, He will meet the followers of the Sufyani at Istakhar Gate and a great battle will occur between them. The black banners will be victorious. Sufyani’s Cavalry will run away. At that time, people will wish for the Mahdi (to appear) and ask for him.”  (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)The Prophet (saws) said, “At the end of time there will be a trial in which people will be sorted (fitnatul Duhaima, sep-11) in a similar way to that in which gold is sorted from (scrap) metal. Therefore do not rebuke the people of Syria (During this time, between 2001 and 2011 Syria instigated a number of events) rather, rebuke the evil people among them (their leaders, Asad and his tribe), because amongst them are the Abdals (Awliya). Allah will send a flood from Heaven (the Arab spring) that will disperse their groups in a way (cause the civil war) that if foxes were to attack them (ISIS, al Qaeda) they would be victorious (their called foxes because they are Occultists pretending to be Muslims, calling naive Muslims, anyone who is susceptible to their Sihr, to take part in their fake Jihad). Then Allah will send a man (a leader to the people of Syria) from the perfumed musked children of the Messenger amongst approximately 12-15,000 under three banners (3 battalions) and their password is ‘Die, die!’ (you can’t be with them unless your dedicated like them) And they will be fought by the people of 7 banners (7 different armies) under each is a man (Leader) seeking the kingdom (Syria for himself). They will be killed, defeated, then the Hashimite (Mansur leader of the black flags) will appear, so Allah will restore unity and favors to the people and this will be the case until the Dajjaal (the lying, false messiah) comes.”

Ammar binYasir said: “When the Sufyani reaches Kufa (in Iraq) and kills the supporters of the family of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  , the Mahdi will come (his path will begin) and the bearer of his Banner will be Shuayb, the son of Salih (Al Harith ibn Harrath).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

 حدثنا رشدين عن ابن لهيعة عن عبد العزيز بن صالح عن علي بن رباح
عن ابن مسعود قال يخرج رجل من الموالي يمر ويدعو إلى بني هاشم يدعى عبد الله يلي أربع سنين ثم يهلك

Ibn Masud said: ” A man from Mawali appears and calls for Bani Hashem (Prophet Mohammad’s صلى الله عليه وسلم  family clan, He calls for them to possibly to take charge. They may for a while before Bani Ummaya kill them in the civil war). He is called Abdullah. He will rule for 4 years and then die.”  (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)Thawban reported that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “Three men will be killed at the place where your treasure is (the Ka’ba). Each of them will be the son of a Caliph (Saudi ruler), but none of them will get hold of the treasure (the Kingdom). Then, the Black Banners will come out of the East, and they will slaughter you, in a way that has never been seen before. If you see him (the Mahdi), give him your allegiance, even by crawling over snow, because he is the Khaliph, the Mahdi.” (Ibn Maja, Musnad Ahmad, Al-Haakim’s Sahiha, Al-Zahabi, Ibn Kathir’s Niyaha fi Al-Fitan wa Al-Malahim, Abu Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan, Muhammad Al-Barzanji’s Isha’ah li Ashrat Al-Sa’a)

Because the Hadith starts with the Saudi civil war, this hadith may seem to contradict Ahadith about when Imam Mahdi will first appear or cast doubt on when the Saudi civil war will occur, or when the Black Banners will appear, but the fact the Prophet (saws) said Imam Mahdi may be with them at this point in time means the black banners mentioned in this hadith is a latter battalion from those people that will march on Arabia after they see the Arab nations fighting over the Euphrates treasure, most likely to stabilise the region.


Allah Will Throw A Comet At America And Its Exact Date From Ahadith

Allah Will Throw A “Star” At Earth And Its Exact Date From Ahadith

Allah revealed in the Book Of Revelations: 21 Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder like a large (Great) millstone and threw it into the sea (the giant Asteroid that will hit the earth) and said: “With such violence the great city of Babylon (America) will be thrown down, never to be found again”

حدثنا عبد الله بن مروان عن أرطأة بن المنذر عن تبيع عن كعب قال
هلاك بني العباس عند نجم يظهر في الجوف وهدة وواهية يكون ذلك أجمع في شهر رمضان تكون الحمرة ما بين الخمس إلى العشرين من رمضان والهدة فيما بين النصف إلى العشرين والواهية ما بين العشرين إلى أربعة وعشرين ونجم يرمى به يضيء كما يضيء القمر ثم يلتوي كما تلتوي الحية حتى يكاد رأساها يلتقيان والرجفتان في ليلة الفسحين والنجم الذي يرمى به شهاب ينقض من السماء معها صوت شديد حتى يقع في المشرق ويصيب الناس منه بلاء شديد

Talking about the massacre of Bani Abbas, the Prophets (saws) tribe when Civil war grips Saudi Arabia, Ka’b said:”The perishing (end) of Bani Al-Abbas (by Banu Umayya) will be once a star appears in Jawf (region), and a Hadda (powerful, hammering sound) and Wahiya (catastrophe occur). All of this in the month of Ramadan. The redness (in the sky) will be between the 5th and 20th of Ramadan. The Hadda (powerful, hammering sound) is between the middle and the 20th (of Ramadan). The Wahiya (catastrophe) is between the 20th and 24th (of Ramadan). A star thrown (by Allah from space, the asteroid) illuminates like a moon (it’s a bright comet with a tail) and then turns like a snake until its ends meet ( this is when Jibril Throws it, diverts its course towards earth just as Allah revealed). Two tremors will be in the night of Fis’hain. The star thrown (by Allah from space) is a Shahab (asteroid) that rushes from the sky with a powerful sound (the Sayha) when it drops in the East (in the ocean) and because of it, people will experience magnificent disasters (around the world until the hour).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

“It was but one Shout (Sayhatan), and lo! they were extinct.” (36~:29)

حدثنا الوليد بن مسلم حدثنا شيخ عن يزيد بن الوليد الخزاعي عن كعب قال علامة انقطاع ملك ولد العباس حمرة تظهر في جو السماء وهذه تكون فيما بين العشر من رمضان إلى خمس عشرة وواهية فيما بين العشرين إلى الرابع والعشرين من رمضان ونجم يطلع من المشرق يضيء كما يضيء القمر ليلة البدر ثم ينعقف قال الوليد وبلغني عن كعب أنه قال قحط في المشرق وواهية في المغرب وحمرة في الجوف وموت فاشي في القبلة

Ka’b said: “The end of the kingship (rule) of Bani Al-Abbas (the end of their presence on Earth) is redness in the sky which occurs between the 10th to 15th of Ramadan. A Wahiya (catastrophe) between the 20th and 24th of Ramadan and a star (the asteroid) coming from the East that illuminates like a moon (a bright comet) in a full moon night, then it turns (Jibril changes it’s course towards earth and throws it at America). Also Ka’b said: “Drought in the East, Wahiya (catastrophe) in the West, redness in the Jawf (Interior, Arabia), (and) death that spreads (perhaps due to contagious diseases) in Qibla (Mecca).”  (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan )The Arab countries will fight over the wealth of the Euphrates after the asteroid and earthquake occur, possibly because resources are scarce by this point. Previously we stated it would be closer to the end of the war in Syria because ahadith indicated this in a general manner, the next hadith is the only hadith we have seen that gives a specific date, indicating later.

حدثنا عبد الله بن مروان عن أرطاة عن تبيع عن كعب قال
تكون ناحية الفرات في ناحية الشام أو بعدها بقليل مجتمع عظيم فيقتتلون على الأموال فيقتل من كل تسعة سبعة
وذاك بعد الهدة والواهية في شهر رمضان
وبعد افتراق ثلاث رايات يطلب كل واحد منهم الملك لنفسه فيهم رجل اسمه عبد الله

Ka’b said: “There will be around the Euphrates, near AshSham (Syria) or a little beyond it, a great assembly (of armies). They will fight each other over wealth, and seven out of every nine will be killed. And that will be after the Al-Hadda (earthquake in Syria) and Al-Wahiya (catastrophe) in the month of Ramadan, and after the split resulting in three banners (battalions, referring to the Saudi civil war), each (head of a battalion or army) will seek the kingship (of the country) for himself, among them, is a man whose name is ‘Abdullah.” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)The Asteroid will occur then the Earthquake in Syria, then the civil war in Saudi Arabia then the war over the Euphrates because most Arab countries are now desperate for resources.

حدثنا عبد الله بن مروان عن أرطاة عن تتبيع
عن كعب قال إذا كانت رجفتان في شهر رمضان انتدب لها ثلاثة نفر من أهل بيت واحد أحدهم يطلبها بالجبروت والآخر يطلبها بالنسك والكسينة والوقار والثالث يطلبها بالقتل واسمه عبد الله ويكون بناحية الفرات مجتمع عظيم يقتتلون على المال يقتل من كل تسعة سبعة
Ka’b said: “After two tremors (or disasters, one from the asteroid hitting earth the other from the earthquake in Syria) occur in the month of Ramadan, three individuals from the same Household (family) spring forth (vying for kingship. Three rulers from Saudi Arabia will fight to rule). One of them is vying for it by force, another one asking for it by piety, calmness, and dignity, and the third vying for it by killing and his name is Abdullah. There will be near the Euphrates river a great assembly for battle, where they will fight for the money (wealth or treasures). Seven out of every nine will be killed.”  (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Dates For Events

This hadith dates how long the fitnah of September the 11th took, our work these ahadith explains why in more detail here we are quoting it in short so you can see it.

Abu Huraira said: “The fourth Fitna (sep-11th) remains for 12 years, (America pulled out of Afghanistan) then it clears (it’s ramifications around the world clear in 18 years as another hadith explains). Once it clears (this is after 2019), the Euphrates will recede revealing a mountain of gold (when it recede’s and when people will fight over it are separated by a few years). Seven out of every nine (people fighting for it) will be killed.” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan) (the river recede’s for the people of the east as the Bible says, but the war over it won’t be until much later).When the major Fitan of the end times are mentioned in ahadith, the ones given specific names by the Prophet (saws), they refer to the Iraq-Kuwait war and everything that occurred after it because that is the point in time, as the Prophet (saws) stated, the Non-Muslims will first come into Islamic lands and begin destroying the Ummah completely.

Understanding this next hadith gives the exact date for the Asteroid;

Huzaifa said: ” The Fitan after the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم until the Hour (of Resurrection) are four (1. (1990) The Iraq-Kuwait war which the prophet said invited the non-muslim’s into Islamic lands 2. (1991-2010) Occupation of Iraq, 1st and 2nd Gulf war, sanctions. 3. Wars In Syria which will only end when Imam Mahdi emerges 4. al-Dajjal): the first is 5 (years or months), the second is 20 (years or months), the third is 20 (years or months), the fourth is the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan) (What people face when Imam Mahdi (ra) emerges are not fitan testing the Islam of Muslims, the entire Ummah will have an Imam sent by Allah guiding them).

About this hadith, the Prophet (pbuh) said: There will be such troubles and calamities that nobody will have a place to shelter from them. These calamities will travel around Sham (the wars that went around Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel in the 50’s, 70’s and 80’s) and settle over Iraq (in the 90’s staying there for 20 years until 2011). They will bind (entangle) the Arabian Peninsula (from one end to the other, Lebanon and Syria to Iraq)…As they attempt to eliminate these calamities in one (place) they will arise again in another (wars went around Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel then it all settled on Iraq for 20 years and finally went back to Syria after Iraq). (Kenzul Ummal, Book of Thoughts on Doomsday, Vol 5, p 38-39)

The word fitnah means trials, troubles, tribulations people face and not just War, it is something that tests your religion.

Number 5 in the hadith means months, it refers to the Iraq-Kuwait war, the grandstanding of Saddam and goading of world Superpowers in the months after it and just before Iraq was invaded outright as a result, the troubles after the Kuwait war was actually why it lasted this long. The first 20 means years and it is from the fist Gulf War (in 91) which includes the sanctions, spread of espionage and every time America attacked the country, which includes the 2nd Gulf war until troops finally pulled out, all of which lasted for 20 years, which is 2011.

This means the War in Syria (2011) and the fitnah’s that will result from the war devastating Sham will last for 20 years, just like events in Iraq mentioned in the first 20 years include all the troubles the Iraqi people went through and not just the wars, that is all fitnah for the people themselves, the perspective of Rasul Allah (saws) is what the people are facing not the definitions given to it by the world media.

Ahadith state the fitnah of Syria began with the Arab Spring and not the war itself, that occurred on December 18, 2010 (it rather escalated at this point in time and was brewing for some time before that), roughly speaking that is 2010 + 20 = 2030. But if the hadith above, which is a different narration, refers to the war itself (2011) then 2011 + 20 = 2031.

The first 20 years in the hadith included 2 separate Iraq wars, sanctions, life under Saddam who forced people to spy on each other and their own families to ensure total control over his population, life under American occupation who invented these methods during the cold war and everything the Iraq people suffered on top of that.

If the Syrian war lasts for about 10 years then you have another 10 years of other kinds of wars and troubles (4 years of European dominance,+ 6 years for Imam Mahdi’s Army a number stated in hadith so it can’t change) resulting from it before Imam Mahdi appears.

(NOTE: This chapter is a chapter we added later to our work after uncovering these Ahadith which for the first time dated when the Euphrates river will dry up, previously we could only estimate, if it dries after the Asteroid which is expected in 2029, then the Euphrates will dry in early 2030-32, we need to give 6 years rule to the Army of Imam Mahdi before He (as) emerges as ahadith stipulate. This then would push back the date of when Imam Mahdi (as) will appear to late 2030’s and not mid or early as we previously assumed, Insha Allah we will update our work in light of these Ahadith in time but these are the dates based on all the major events mentioned by the prophet (saws)

A famous Asteroid called Apophis is due to come close to earth in 2029 it is not dificult to date the Arab spring to this year because the fitnah began before it escalated in the year we took as its start, from Ahadith Imam Mahdi (as) appears only after the Asteroid and it is a sign that will show the time is near. Immediately after the Asteroid though the Earthquake in Syria occurs in the same month and it is the second of the three major earthquakes at the end of time mentioned by Rasul Allah (saws), then the civil war in Saudi Arabia will occur because America is gone, the world is devastated and nothing is holding people back from seeking their own self-interests on a world stage.

Then the war over the Euphrates occurs most likely this river will dry up because of the Asteroid, or because of the Asteroid spoiling all the drinking water in the world Turkey will shut the Dam to the Euphrates river wanting to keep all the water to themselves which it has threatened to do so in past years, this world disaster will give them the excuse.

“Wormwood is the name of the Asteroid that will hit the earth, it is mentioned in the New Testament, in the Book of Revelation (ch. 8, vv. 10-11). “The third angel sounded his trumpet (Of Judgment), and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water — the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.” (Rev 8:10–11)” Wormwood is a bitter root so the verse could be saying the star will make life bitter on earth as all the drinking water is poisoned and farming begins to fail.

Apophis is dated to come near earth in April 2029, while Ramadan of that year is in January and February, something could occur to increase its speed as Ahadith say it will turn from its path and Hit earth or it could be another Asteroid altogether. Looking at NASA’s Earth Impact Monitoring website shows there are a number of Asteroids exactly like Apophis passing near earth around the same time as Apophis which is the smaller among them.

So how can we be certain of this event, one major thing will occur in the world prior to this event, Europe in the next decade will Dismantle America economically, the Asteroid is meant to be a punishment by Allah on America to ensure they never rise up again, America will persist for a number of years after it is dismantled but it will turn to degeneracy and became a haven for every devil and every evil, the punishment of Allah on Jinn who wish to take control of the earth, or wish to walk on the earth or wish to manifest themselves on earth on Mass is destruction by Asteroid, which we see from History and Ahadith.

The Most famous is the death of the Dinosaurs when they and their Jinn became increasingly violent and would not relent Allah killed them those who did not die he made them suffer Maskh, and so the Jiin of today are much smaller than the Jinn of those days. The other is Allah ending the world of Oracles and Shamans when it dominated the earth in the time of Rasul Allah (saws) by Asteroids being hurled at the Jinn behind it trying to steal news for their soothsayers who where fueling this way of life killing the earth.

Jinn will once again show their heads during this period which the Bible states and Allah will destroy them with an asteroid, that is the Hikmah behind this event.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai).

These Fitnah’s are: 

1) Syrian Civil War.

2) Europe invading Syria, Lebanon and all Islamic lands, sanctions being placed on Syria just like Iraq.

3) The Sufyani warlords emerging and destroying Sham and Arabia.

4) Arab Nations including Syria fighting over the treasure of the Euphrates.

Referring to the armies fighting over the treasure of the Euphrates Ibn Sirene (ra) said:

حدثنا ضمرة عن ابن شوذب
عن ابن سيرين قال لا يخرج المهدي حتى يقتل من كل تسعة سبعة
“The Mahdi does not appear until seven out of every nine (fighting over the treasure) die (including Syria).”  (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)
حدثنا يحيى بن اليمان عن كيسان الرواسي القصار وكان ثقة قال حدثني مولاي قال سمعت عليا رضى الله عنه يقول لا يخرج المهدي حتى يقتل ثلث ويموت ثلث ويبقى ثلث

Referring to Arabia and Sham (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine) Ali bin Abi Taleb (r.a.) said: “The Mahdi does not appear until one third (of people) are killed (in wars), one third dies (probably due to natural disasters or famine and disease), and one third remains.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)These are all the troubles the people of Syria (and Sham) will face in these 20 years. Something you have to consider about the word fitnah, it doesn’t just mean war it means all the kinds of troubles people are facing because of an event, so you can’t date it exactly to when troops pull out because the people are facing other issues.

So, Syria will see 20 years just like the 20 years Iraq faced, therefore the most consistent understanding is that these 20 years include the civil war and events after the civil war that the people of Sham will face.

2010 or 11 + 20 = 2030-31 these years are exactly as the hadith of the Prophet (saws) mentioned about the Asteroid hitting when the month of Ramadan begins on Friday. When you check the calendar for dates in the time range, 2030-31 are dates when Ramadan begins on Friday (taking into account moon sighting).

That is the year the Asteroid hits, the earthquake in Syria happens, the Saudi civil war occurs, the fighting over the Euphrates treasure and the year Imam Mahdi (ra) emerges to stop it all, this is the year all misery will end, he (ra) will spread justice on earth like America and the West spread misery and devastation.

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (ra) said that the Prophet (saws) said:  “When there is a Sayha (sound like the shout mentioned in the Quran) in Ramadan, then there will be turmoil in Shawwal, and the tribes will form groups in Zul-Qi’da (because now America is gone from the world and they are free of their politics), and blood will be spilled in Zul-Hijja, and in Al-Muharram! What is prohibited?” saying it three times, “Oh, Oh! The people will be killed in a great massacres.”  He said: “We said: “What is the Sayha (scream), O Messenger of Allah?” He said: “This will be in the middle of Ramadan, on a Friday morning. That will be when the month of Ramadan begins on a Friday night. There will be a Hadda (powerful, hammering sound around the world) that will awaken one who is asleep, and bring the young women out of their rooms, on a Friday night during a year of many earthquakes (and very cold). So when Ramadan begins on a Friday night in that year, (and) then when you have prayed Fajr on Friday in the middle of Ramadan, then enter your houses, close your doors, block your windows, cover yourselves, and block your ears. When you sense the scream, fall down in prostration to Allah and say: “Subhanal-Quddus, subhanal-Quddus, rabbunal-Quddus (Glory be to the Most Holy, glory be to the Most Holy, our Lord is the Most Holy).” For whoever does that will survive, and whoever does not will perish.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan, Hadith )

Remember what Imam Ali (ra) said about the end of misery because that hadith is also about the 20 years of fitnah Sham will face. That year also marks the year the Sufyani will turn against Europe and Russia in Syria kicking them out.

All of this is why these 20 years are significant for the Ummah;

Imam Ali (ra) said, “Wait for the end of misery once three things occur.” We said: What are they, O’ Prince of Believers? He said: “The dispute among the people of AshSham (Syrian civil war), the Black Banners (Imam Mahdi’s Army ruling Arabia), and the Qaz’a (Asteroid) in the month of Ramadan. It was asked: “What is the Qaz’a ? He said: “Haven’t you heard what Allah said in the Quran (26:4):  إن نَّشَأْ نُنَزِّلْ عَلَيْهِم مِّن السَّمَاء آيَةً فَظَلَّتْ أَعْنَاقُهُمْ لَهَا خَاضِعِينَ  ‘If We wish, We can send down to them from Heaven a sign, such that their necks remain bowed down (in humility).’ This Aya (sign) will make a girl come out of her bedroom, wakes up the person who is asleep, and frighten the one who is awake.” (Ibn Al-Shajari’s Al-Amali Al-Shajaria)

It’s called a sign because a visible and bright comet passing by the Earth will suddenly change course mid-flight as it is thrown by Jibril (ra) at America.

So, Insha Allah, the matter of WHEN is firmly established now.

Signs Of The Asteroid, Imam Mahdi, The Sufyani, Civil War

Signs Before The Asteroid

Every time Allah punishes a people He sends Jibril (as) to do so, He did this to Babylon, the people of Ad and Thamud and He will do it again to America who Allah calls the greater Babylon. So the presence of Jibril (as) in these ahadith serves to Prove this sound is the result of Allah’s punishment on a people.

Imam Ali (ra) Said Allah meant this verse against America because it will be fulfilled against them, Quran (26:4):

إن نَّشَأْ نُنَزِّلْ عَلَيْهِم مِّن السَّمَاء آيَةً فَظَلَّتْ أَعْنَاقُهُمْ لَهَا خَاضِعِينَ

The Smoke That Will Cover The Earth For 40 Days: “Therefore, watch for the day that the sky brings a profound smoke. (44:11) It will envelop the human race. This will be a painful retribution!” (44:12)

When the first Gulf war occurred Saddam bombed the oil fields as a tactic of war, this caused huge fires that would burn for months, the fires were so large they lit up the night sky all the way to Saudi Arabia, which the Prophet (saws) mentioned in ahadith saying this light would illuminate the necks of their camels.

It is in this context the following ahadith should be understood, another event will occur in the future like the oil fields being set on fire;

Referring to Saudi Arabia; “A huge fire from the East for 3 or 7 nights, darkness (darker than normal night) will be seen in the sky, and there will be a redness in the sky spread across the horizon, unlike the pink in the horizon with which we are familiar.”  (Muhammad Al-Barzanji’s book Isha’ah li Ashrat Al-Sa’a)

أمالي الشجري: ج‍ 2 ص‍ 27 أخبرنا عبد الكريم وابن قاذويه قالا: حدثنا عبد الله إملاء قال: حدثنا أبو العباس أحمد بن محمد الجمال قال: حدثنا إسماعيل بن عبد الله قال: حدثنا عبد الله بن صالح قال: حدثني معاوية بن صالح، عن ابن الزاهرية، عن كثير بن مرة أنه قال: قال ابن قاذويه: آية الحدث في رمضان نار تكون في السماء شبيها بأعناق النجب أو كأعمدة الحديد. فإذا رأيتها فأعد لاهلك طعام سنة. قال وربما قال: آية الحدث عمود نار يطلع من السماء

Ibn Qazuwaih said that Kathir bin Murra said: ” The Aya (sign) of the event of Ramadan will be a fire in the sky like the necks of camels or like iron columns (Huge Jets of Fire possibly from an oil field). If you see it, prepare for your family food supplies for a year.” Or perhaps he (Kathir bin Murra) said: “The Aya of the event is a column of fire originating from the sky.”  (Ibn Al-Shajari’s Al-Amali Al-Shajaria)

أخبرنا ابن قاذويه، قال حدثنا عبد الله، قال حدثنا محمد بن عبد الرحيم بن شبيب، قال حدثنا إبراهيم بن سعيد، قال حدثنا روح بن عبد الجليل، قال حدثنا نصر بن علي، قال: أول الآية حمرة تكون في السماء

Ibn Qazuwaih said that Kathir bin Murra said: ” The beginning of the Aya (sign) will be redness in the sky.” (Ibn Al-Shajari’s Al-Amali Al-Shajaria)

حدثنا عثمان بن كثير عن جرير بن عثمان عن سليمان بن سمير عن كثير بن مرة قال
آية الحدثان في رمضان والهيش في شوال والنزائل في ذي القعدة والمعمعة في ذي الحجة وآية ذلك عمود ساطع في السماء من نور

Kathir bin Murra said: ” The Aya (sign) of the occurrence is in Ramadan, and commotion (disturbance) is in Shawwal, Nazail in Zul-Qa’da, fighting is in Zul-Hijja, and the Aya (sign) of this is an illuminating column of light in the sky.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

 حدثنا عبد القدوس عن عبدة بنت خالد بن معدان

عن أبيها خالد بن معدان قال إذا رأيتم عمودا من نار من قبل المشرق في شهر رمضان في السماء فأعدوا من الطعام ما استطعتم فإنها سنة جوع

Khaded Bin Madan said: ” If you see a column of fire from the East, in the month of Ramadan, in the sky, get food as much as you can, for it is (going to be) a year of starvation (famine).” (Tabarani,  Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan )

 حدثنا عيسى بن يونس والوليد بن مسلم عن ثور بن يزيد

عن خالد بن معدان قال إنه ستبدوا آية عمودا من نار يطلع من قبل المشرق يراه أهل الأرض كلهم فمن أدرك ذلك فليعد لأهله طعام سنة

Khaded Bin Madan said: ” An Aya (sign) which is a column of fire rising from the East will appear that all people of the land will be able see. Whoever is present (alive) should arrange for his family food supply for one year.”  (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan )

Signs Telling Us Imam Mahdi Will Soon Be Known

“O’ people, surely Allah forbids tyrants and their followers for you and (Allah) bestows leadership upon the best of the nation of Muhammad. Join him in Mecca — he is the Mahdi!”

Most Ahadith have to do with television and fighting over what to broadcast about Imam Mahdi just before and after He emerges (as).

“A call in Ramadan that will be heard by each people in their own language (his advent will be announced on T.V in all countries, in this Ramadan the Asteroid will hit, so it seem people at that time will know it is a sign he is near), announcing the Mahdi’s advent will awaken those who are asleep and alarm those that are awake.”  (Muhammad Al-Barzanji’s book Isha’ah li Ashrat Al-Sa’a)

  حدثنا أبو إسحاق الأقرع حدثني أبو الحكم المدني قال حدثني يحيى بن سعيد عن سعيد بن المسيب قال

 تكون فرقة واختلاف حتى يطلع كف من السماء وينادي مناد ألا أن أميركم فلان

Saeed bin Al-Musayab said: “There will be disunity and dispute until a hand from Heaven (A satellite) and a caller calls that your prince is this person (maybe the significance is that a satellite will be hijacked to make the announcement over live television).” (Nuaim Ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

   حدثنا ابن وهب عن إسحاق بن يحيى عن محمد بن بشر بن هشام عن ابن المسيب قال

 تكون فتنة بالشام كان أولها لعب الصبيان ثم لا يستقيم أمر الناس على شيء ولا تكون لهم جماعة حتى ينادي منادي من السماء عليكم بفلان وتطلع كف بشير


Saeed bin Al-Musayab said: “There will be a Fitna in AshSham (Syrian civil war). Its beginning will be like a play of boys (the Arab spring that began because of the bullying of a fruit stand owner by police, who then burned himself alive). Then, the affairs of people will not settle on anything and unity will not be achieved until a caller calls from Heaven: ‘Follow this person’, and a hand appears as a sign. (The significance i think is that government or private satellites will be hijacked to make the announcement because they wont do it, announce it to people so they know, Allahu allam all of this is analogy but this hadith tells us it will occur after the war in syria ends again affirming what imam Ali mentioned in the other hadith in my other email. This syrian war is also mentioned many times in a hadith in relation to Imam Mahdi)” (Nuaim Ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

  حدثنا عبد الله بن مروان عن سعيد بن يزيد التنوخي عن الزهري قال

  إذا التقى السفياني والمهدي للقتال يومئذ يسمع صوت من السماء ألا إن أولياء الله أصحاب فلان يعني المهدي

قال الزهري وقالت أسماء بنت عميس: إن أمارة ذلك اليوم أن كفا من السماء مدلاة ينظر إليها الناس

Al-Zuhri said: ” When the (last and third) Sufyani and the Mahdi meet to fight each other, a voice from Heaven will be heard saying (Another public announcement): ‘The people who are loyal to Allah are friends of this person, meaning Al-Mahdi.’  Al-Zuhri said that Asma bint Omais said: ‘The sign of this will be a hand dangling (extended) from Heaven that people will see'(meaning they will clearly know the satellite has been hijacked and this isn’t normal broadcasting).”  ( Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti’s  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)

   حدثنا الحكيم بن نافع عن جراح عن أرطاة قال

 إذا كان الناس بمنى وعرفات نادى مناد بعد أن تحازب القبائل ألا إن أميركم فلان ويتبعه صوت آخر ألا إنه قد كذب ويتبعه صوت آخر ألا أنه قد صدق فيقتتلون قتالا شديدا فجل سلاحهم البراذع وهو جيش البراذع وعند ذلك ترون كفا معلمة في السماء ويشتد القتال حتى لا يبقى من أنصار الحق إلا عدة أهل بدر فيذهبون حتى يبايعون صاحبهم

Artat bin Al-Munzir said: “When people are in Mina and Arafat (near Mecca, for Hajj), after tribes split into parties, a caller will say “Your prince is this person”. Another voice follows it saying: “He is lying”. Then, another voice says: “It (first caller) said the truth.” So, they will engage in fierce fight …. then you will see a hand dangling from Heaven (Angels don’t argue back and forth or fight, so this is clearly people broadcasting a message. So a satellite will be hijaked to let people know about Imam Mahdi (ra) and official broadcasters will accuse that person of lying to hide the truth). Then, the fight becomes even more fierce (some tribes of Saudi Arabia will be for Imam Mahdi other against Him, some of them will Hijack a T.V station or satellite and others will fight them) such that only the number of (Muslim) people who fought in Badr remains alive (amongst them). So, they go to give Bay’a (allegiance) to the man (Mahdi).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

   حدثنا الوليد ورشدين عن ابن لهيعة عن أبي قبيل عن أبي رومان

عن علي رضى الله عنه قال بعد الخسف ينادي مناد من السماء إن الحق في آل محمد في أول النهار ثم ينادي مناد في آخر النهار إن الحق في ولد عيسى وذلك نحوه من الشيطان

Ali bin Abi Taleb said: ” After the Khusf (land collapse, Europe sends an Army from Sham against Imam Mahdi will will be swallowed by an earthquake), a caller from Heaven calls (Someone will broadcast): ‘The truth is in the family of Mohammad ‘ in the beginning of the morning. Then, another caller at the end of the morning calls (a broadcast from Europe or someone allied to them): ‘The truth is in the progeny of Jesus.’ This (second call) is from Satan.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Huzaifa said that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said : “At that point, a call will come from Heaven saying: ‘ O’ people, surely Allah forbids tyrants and their followers for you and (Allah) bestows leadership upon the best of the nation of Muhammad. Join him in Mecca — he is the Mahdi!’ ” (Nuaim Ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan, Tabarani, and Abu Amru Uthman bin Saeed Ad-Dani’s Kitab Al-Sunan Al-Waredah fi Al-Fitan)

The Sufyani And Imam Mahdi’s Army

The Pure soul (al Nafs al Zakiya) who will be killed is believed to be a man from Bani Hashem, from the family clan of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم along with either his brother or sister, the ahadith are not certain which.

  حدثنا رشدين عن ابن لهيعة قال حدثني أبو زرعة عن عبد الله بن زرير عن عمار بن ياسر رضى الله عنه قال
إذا قتل النفس الزكية وأخوه يقتل بمكة نادى مناد من السماء إن أميركم فلان وذلك المهدي الذي يملأ الأرض حقا وعدلا
Amar bin Yasir said: “Once the Pure soul (al Nafs al Zakiya) and his brother are killed, they are killed in Mecca, a caller from Heaven calls (It will be Broadcast): “Your prince is”  (He will say his name). This is the Mahdi who will fill the Earth with equity and justice. ” (Nuaim Ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)
 وقال ابن عياش وأخبرني بعض أهل العلم عن محمد بن جعفر قال علي بن أبي طالب قال
ويقتل أخوين من قريش من بني هاشم ويصلبهما على باب المسجد رجل وأخته يقال لهما محمد وفاطمة


Ali bin Abi Taleb (ra) said about what the Sufyani does in Mecca: “He (the Sufyani) kills two siblings from Bani Hashem of Quraish, a man and his sister, they are called Mohammad and Fatima. He crucifies them at the gate of the Masjid (in Mecca).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)After the war in Syria ends Europe will eventually place sanctions on Syria and try to dominate the country in the same way America once did to the rest of the world, by setting up proxy leaders to rule for it that it will support. It will go to the tribe of Asad, the bani kalb and support three warlords from among them, one after the other, who the prophet (saws) called al Sufyani on account of their lineage back to Abu Sufyan the Father of Muawiyah who apposed the Khalifah of Ali (ra) and set up the first dynasty in Islam.

Abu Nadhrah reported: “We were sitting in the company of Jabir bin Abdullah (r.a.) when he said: Soon the people of Iraq will neither receive any food (grain) nor any money.’” We asked, “Why would such a thing happen?” He replied, “Because of the non-Arabs.”(America) He then said: “Soon the people of Shaam (Syria) will neither receive any money nor grain.” We asked as to why this would happen. He replied: “Because of the Romans.”(Europeans) And in the narration of al-Hakim there is the following addition: “Then he said: “By He in Whose Hand is my soul, the matter will return as it began. All Iman will return to al-Madinah, as it began from there, until all Iman will be in al-Madinah.” (Muslim)

After describing these events, Jabir (r.a.) then brought the saying of the Messenger of Allah (saws): “There will be in my Ummah a khalifah who will give out wealth in heaps, without counting it.”

Abu Hurairah related that the Messenger of Allah said, “Iraq will be prevented from its dirham (a currency) and its (Qifaz) measurement; Sham will be prevented from its (Mudd) measurement and its Dinar (a currency) and Egypt will be prevented from its Irdab (measurement) and its Dinar (currency). You will recoil to that position from were you started and you will recoil to that position from were you started, the bones and the flesh of Abu Huraira would bear testimony to it” (Muslim)

The Emergence Of The Sufyani Warlords and How Imam Mahdi’s Army Will Secure Rule For Him

Several narrations say tyrants will emerge before Imam Mahdi (ra) from Syria and rule the Middle East, they will be backed by Europe. Some of the narrations specify their names, a nickname or give a physical description of them. One of the Sufyani’s names will be Urwa bin Muhammad and his Kuniya (nick name) will be Abu-Utba.
 حدثنا يحيى بن اليمان عن يحيى بن سلمة عن أبيه عن أبي صادق قال لا يخرج المهدي حتى يقوم السفياني على أعوادها


Abi Sadek said: ” The Mahdi does not emerge until the Sufyani emerges on the ashes (of the Muslim nation).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)Iraq is now devastated, Syria is now devastated, and within 10 years after the war in Syria ends; the Arab/Islamic nations will go to war with each other over the treasure under the Euphrates river, then Europe will devastate the coast of Sham (Syria and Lebanon) when it invades Sham outright setting up the rule of the Sufyani on their behalf. This means Lebanon will be destroyed and as Ahadith state it’s people will desert the country completely and go inland towards Arabia, Europe will then invade Egypt and North Africa and Russia will invade North Arabia…All before Imam Mahdi appears.


حدثنا الوليد بن مسلم عن شيخ
عن الزهري قال في ولاية السفياني الثاني ترى علامة في السماء

Al-Zuhri said: “During the reign of the second Sufyani, a sign in the sky will be seen.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)Possibly a significant broadcast, or the first time a station is hijacked to inform the Umma of something, before the other times surrounding Imam Mahdi’s appearance. The First Sufyani will appear after the war in Syria, when Europe invades Sham and then places sanctions on it. When he dies not long after this he will be replaced by another. The first Sufyani will be a leader that flees to Europe seeking their aid, the prophet (saws) said he will be the one who invites the Europeans into Islamic lands.

حدثنا رشدين عن ابن لهيعة عن أبي قبيل حدثنا ابن وهب عن ابن لهيعة عن فلان المعافري سمع أبا فراس   سمع عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص رضى الله عنهما يقول علامة خروج المهدي إذا خسف بجيش بالبيداء فهو علامة خروج المهدي


Abdullah bin Amr Ibn Al-Aas said: “If a Khusf (land collapse) occurs to an army in Bayda (near Mecca), that will be the sign of the appearance of the Mahdi.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)This sign indicates that the person this army was sent to attack is the Mahdi (ra), the land collapse is the last of three major Earthquakes at the end of time, the second will occur before this in Syria.

  حدثنا رشدين عن ابن لهيعة عن يزيد بن أبي حبيب قال
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم خروج السفياني بعد تسع وثلاثين


Yazid bin Habib said that the Messenger of Allah  صلى الله عليه وسلم said: ” The coming out of the Sufyani is after thirty nine (Months ?).”  (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)This may mean He will emerge 3.25 years (39 months) after the war in Syria ends. As other hadith indicate some of the companions counted events from the war in Syria.

 قال ابن لهيعة وأخبرني عبد العزيز بن صالح عن عكرمة
عن ابن عباس رضى الله عنه قال
خروج السفياني في سبع وثلاثين كان ملكه ثمانية وعشرين شهرا وإن خرج في تسع وثلاثين كان ملكه تسعة أشهر  إن كان
Ibn Abbas (r.a.) said: ” If the coming out of the Sufyani is in thirty seven (months), his reign will be for 28 months (2.33 years). If he comes out in thirty nine (months), his reign will be for 9 months.”  (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)
 حدثنا يحيى بن سعيد عن سليمان بن عيسى قال
بلغني أن السفياني يملك ثلاث سنين ونصف

Sulaiman bin Isa said: “I was told that the Sufyani will rule for three and a half years.”  (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)The first Sufyani will rule for 2.33 years then the one after him for 3.5 years Imam Mahdi (ra) will face the second and third Sufyani’s. Imam Mahdi (ra) will try to convert the third Sufyani, he will believe, but His mother will have his ear and turn him back to kufr.

 حدثنا أبو عمر عن ابن لهيعة عن عبد الوهاب بن حسين عن محمد بن ثابت عن أبيه عن الحارث بن عبد الله
يخرج رجل من ولد أبي سفيان في الوادي اليابس في رايات حمر دقيق الساعدين والساقين طويل العنق شديد الصفرة به أثر العبادة
Al-Harith bin Abdullah said: ” A man from the progeny of Abi Sufyan comes out, from the drought valley, with (an army carrying) red banners. He has thin arms and thin legs, with long neck, very yellowish (meaning pale) in complexion, on him (can be seen) the mark or sign of worship.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)  This narration most probably refers to the first Sufyani.
 حدثنا عبد الله بن مروان عن أرطاة عن تبيع
عن كعب قال  امرأة يملك حمل اسمه عبد الله بن يزيد وهو الأزهر ابن الكلبية أو الزهري بن الكلبية المشوه السفياني
Ka’b said: “He (Sufyani) will rule for the pregnancy period of a woman (meaning 9 months as one of the earlier hadiths indicated). His name is Abdullah bin Yazid and he is the Al-Azhar ibn Al-Kulaiba or Al-Zahri bin Al-Kulaiba, the physically deformed Sufyani.”  (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)
 حدثنا الحكم عن جراح عن أرطاة قال
يدخل الأزهر بن الكلبية الكوفة فتصيبه قرحة فيخرج منها فيموت في الطريق ثم يخرج رجل آخر منهم بين الطائف ومكة أو بين مكة والمدينة من شيب وطباق وشجر بالحجاز مشوه الخلق مصفح الرأس حمش الساعدين غائر العينين في زمانه تكون هدة
Artat bin Al-Munzir said: ” After Al-Azhar ibn Al-Kulaiba enters Kufa (in Iraq), he will suffer from Qarha (illness), so he leaves it, then dies on his way. Then, another man from them (Bani Al-Kulaiba or Sufyan) emerges (and succeeds him) from between Al-Taif and Mecca or between Mecca and Medina … in Hijaz. He is physically deformed, has a flat face, strong arms, his eyes are inwardly set deep in his eye sockets. At his time, the Hadda (powerful, hammering sound, this is the Asteroid hitting of the coast of America or the second major earthquake that hits Syria) will occur.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)
  حدثنا الحكم بن نافع عن جراح
عن أرطاة قال في زمان السفياني الثاني تكون الهدة حتى يظن كل قوم أنه قد خرب ما يليهم
Artat bin Al-Munzir said: “At the time of the second Sufyani, the Hadda (powerful, hammering sound, this is the Asteroid hitting of the coast of America or the second major earthquake that hits Syria) occurs, such that every nation thinks the land or nation next to them was devastated.” (this wording indicates it is the earthquake, both events occur right after each other)  (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)
حدثنا رشدين عن ابن لهيعة عن عبد العزيز بن صالح عن علي بن رباح عن ابن مسعود قال يتبدى نجم ويتحرك بإيليا رجل أعور العين ثم يكون الخسف بعد  ذلك


Ibn Masud said: “A star (comet, possibly Al-Tariq Star) begins (will be seen in night sky). Then, a man who is Awar (has a deformed eye) moves/roams around Eelya (Jerusalem). Then, the Khusf (land collapse) occurs.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)This hadith clearly indicates Israel will be conquered by this point, because many ahadith state after Imam mahdi’s army take it, they will eventually be attacked by one of the sufyani’s over it. The hadith also indicates America wont be around to help them.

 حدثنا رشدين عن ابن لهيعة عن عبد العزيز بن صالح عن علي بن رباح
عن ابن مسعود قال يتحرك بإيلياء رجل أعور العين فيكثر الهرج ويحل السبا وهو الذي يبعث بجيش إلى المدينة
Ibn Masud said: ” A man who is Awar (has a deformed eye) moves/roams around Eelya (Jerusalem). Killing increases. He makes  السبا (plundering and taking slaves) permissible. He is the one who sends the army to (attack) Medina (and Imam Mahdi).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)
حدثنا عبد الله بن مروان عن سعيد بن يزيد عن الزهري قال يبايع السفياني أهل الشام فيقاتل أهل المشرق فيهزمهم من فلسطين حتى ينزلوا مرج الصفر ثم يلتقون فتكون الدبرة على أهل المشرق حتى ينزلون مرج الثنية ثم يقتتلون فتكون الدبرة على أهل المشرق حتى يأتوا الحص ثم يقتتلون فتكون الدبرة على أهل المشرق حتى يبلغوا إلى المدينة الخربة يعني قرقيسيا ثم يقتتلون فتكون الدبرة على أهل المشرق حتى ينتهوا إلى عاقر قوفا ثم يقتتلون فتكون الدبرة على أهل المشرق فيحوز السفياني الأموال ثم تخرج في حلق السفياني قرحة ثم يدخل إلى الكوفة غدوة ويخرج منها بالعشي بجيوشه فإاذ كان بأفواه الشام توفي وثار أهل الشام فبايعوا ابن الكلبية اسمه عبد الله بن يزيد بن الكلبية غائر العينين مشوه الوجه فيبلغ أهل المشرق وفاة السفياني فيقولون ذهبت دولة أهل الشام فيثورون ويبلغ ابن الكلبية فيثور بمجموعة إليهم فيقتتلون بالألوية فتكون الدبرة على أهل المشرق حتى يدخلوا الكوفة فيقتل المقاتلة ويسبي الذرية والنساء ثم يخرب الكوفة ثم يبعث منها جيشا إلى الحجاز


Al-Zuhri said: “The people of AshSham (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, or part of al Sham) offer Bay’a (allegiance) to the Sufyani. He defeats the people of the East (the black banners), kicking them out of Palestine (Jerusalem)….and follows them and defeats them in several more locations, including Qirqisia (in Syria near the boarder of Syria and Iraq, close to boarder of Syria and Turkey and the river Euphrates). He will suffer from Qarha in his throat and after entering Kufa (in Iraq), he leaves it and dies once he reaches the outskirts of AsSham. The people of AshSham will offer Bay’a to the son of Al-Kulaiba whose name is Abdullah bin Yazid bin Al-Kulaiba. His eyes are inwardly set deep in his eye sockets and  his face is deformed. Once the people of the East know about the death of Sufyani, they say the reign of the people of AshSham is finished. So, they rise up. Once Ibn Kulaiba (the second Sufyani) learns about this rise up, he sends an army. They fight and the defeat will be for the people of the East. Ibn Kulaiba’s army will enter Kufa (in Iraq) and kill the fighters (of people of the East, Imam Mahdi’s Army) and takes their children and women, and destroys Kufa. Then, he will send an army to Hijaz (Mecca & Medina).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)Khalid bin Maadansaid ” The Sufyani will defeat those who joined forces against him on two occasions, then he will die.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

The Warlords Before Imam Mahdi

Each of these men will be seeking to rule the Muslims during the chaos after Europe Invades all Muslim lands, they are minor warlords that will appear with the second Sufyani.
حدثنا الحكم بن نافع عن جراح عن أرطاة قال
إذا اجتمع الترك والروم وخسف بقرية بدمشق وسقط
طائفة من غربي مسجدها رفع بالشام ثلاث رايات الأبقع والأصهب والسفياني ويحصر بدمشق رجل فيقتل ومن معه ويخرج رجلان من بني سفيان فيكون الظفر للثاني فإذا أقبلت مادة الأبقع من مصر ظهر السفياني بجيشه عليهم فيقتل الترك والروم بقرقيسيا حتى تشبع سباع الأرض من لحومهم

Artat bin Al-Munzir said: “If the Turks (Russians, specifically southern Russia) and Romans (Europeans) (in alliance) amass their armies, and a village in Damascus experiences Khusf (the second major earthquake, so the timing is just before Imam Mahdi (ra) and after the Asteroid), and a group of people fall off the western end of their mosque (this is the main Mosque Syria is famous for), then three banners will be raised in AshSham: Abqa’, As’Hab (reddish, white man), and Sufyani. A man in Damascus will be besieged, then killed with those who are with him. Two men from Bani Sufyan will appear (probably As’Hab  and Sufyani), the second one will be the victorious. Once the support armies of Abqa’ approach, the Sufyani defeats them. He (the Sufyani) will kill the Turks (Russians) and Romans (Europeans) in Qirqisia (an ancient city in Eastern Syria) until the foxes in the land satisfy their hunger from their flesh (of the Russians and Romans).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)The second Sufyani will eventually break the alliance with Europe after the Asteroid and earthquake hit, at this point major events are causing chaos around the world, and large natural disaster are appearing because of the asteroid, so nothing is certain anymore. Europe and Russia have a strong presence in Syria and after these major events one of which will devastate Syria, the rule of the warlords will be threatened.

حدثنا رشدين عن ابن لهيعة عن أبي قبيل عن سعيد بن الأسود عن ذي قرنات قال
يختلف الناس في صفر ويفترقون على أربعة نفر رجل بمكة العائذ ورجلين بالشام أحدهما السفياني والآخر من ولد الحكم أزرق أصهب ورجل من أهل مصر جبار فذلك أربعة فيغضب رجل من كنده فيخرج إلى الذين بالشام فيأتي الجيش إلى مصر فيقتل ذلك الجبار ويفت مصر فت البعرة ثم يبعث إلى الذي بمكة

By this point in time Europe has invaded Egypt and North Africa so leaders from al Maghreb will rise up and fight them. Zi Qarnat said: “People will differ in the month of Safar and split (in their allegiance) among four individuals: (1) a man who has sought refuge in Mecca, (2) two men in AshSham, one of them is the Sufyani and the other one is a son of Al-Hakam, who is blueish and As’hab (reddish white in complexion), (3) and a man from the people of Egypt who is a tyrant. These are the four. So, a man from Kinda (a Leader who will lead the people of al Maghreb) becomes angry. He marshes towards those vying for kingship in AshSham. His army comes to Egypt, kills the tyrant (Abqa’) and destroys Egypt severely. Then, he sends an expedition to Mecca.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Khusf (Land Collapse/Earthquake) In Syria

“The Earth will swallow a village called Harasta near Damascus.”  (Muhammad Al-Barzanji’s book Isha’ah li Ashrat Al-Sa’a)

أخرج ابن عساكر (2\216) عن خالد بن معدان قال : يهزم السفياني الجماعة مرتين, ثم يهلك , ولا يخرج المهدي حتى يخسف بقرية بالغوطة, تسمى: حَرَسْتَا
Khaled bin Ma’daan said: “Sufyani defeats the group twice, then perishes. The Mahdi will not come out until a Khusf (land collapse) occurs in a village in Ghawta called Harasta.” (Ibn A’sakir)
حدثنا الوليد ورشدين عن ابن لهيعة عن أبي قبيل عن أبي رومان
عن علي قال إذا إختلفت أصحاب الرايات السود يخسف بقرية من قرى إرم ويسقط جانب مسجدها الغربي ثم تخرج بالشام ثلاث رايات الأصهب والأبقع والسفياني فيخرج السفياني من الشام والأبقع من مصر فيظهر السفياني عليهم

Some Years after the Mahdi’s Army rule Arabia, and just before he emerges, they will differ among themselves, when the warlords see this they will be challenged over their rule.Ali bin Abi Taleb (r.a.) said: “When the black banners differ among each other, a village from the villages of Iram and the western side of its Mosque collapses. Then, in AshSham, three banners (armies) come out for each of the (warlords) As’Hab (reddish, white man), Abqa’, and Sufyani. The Sufyani comes from AshSham and the Abqa’ from Egypt. The Sufyani will defeat them.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

The Tribes Of Saudi Arabia, and What Lead To Their Division

Bani Hashem is the family clan to which Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم belongs.

Banu Umayya are a clan of the Quraysh tribe descended from Umayya ibn Abd Shams. The clan staunchly opposed the prophet Muhammad (saws), but eventually embraced Islam before His death in 632. A member of the clan, Uthman ibn Affan (ra), went on to become the third Khaliph of Islam in 644-656, while other members of the Umayya tribe held various governorships. One of these governors, Mu’awiyah I, forcefully became khaliph in 661 AD and established the Umayyad Dynasty.

The following Hadith will tell us how the tribes of Saudi Arabia will split as well as who is fighting for the Kufar and who is fighting for Imam Mahdi (ra). Banu Umayya the prophet (saws) said the destruction of Islam was at their hands, Muawiyah ended the Khalifah of Imam Ali (as) and the system of the prophet (saws) He set up through Him and the first three khalifas’s of Islam, their opposition to Islam will flare up again before Imam Mahdi (ra) appears.

حدثنا رشدين عن ابن لهيعة عن أبي قبيل قال
يملك رجل من بني هاشم فيقتل بني أمية حتى لا يبقى منهم إلا اليسير لا يقتل غيرهم ثم يخرج رجل من بني أمية فيقتل لكل رجل اثنين حتى لا يبقى إلا النساء ثم يخرج المهدي


Abi Qabil said (When the war between the tribes starts): “A man will reign from Bani Hashem (meaning from the family of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم ). He kills Bani Umaya until very few of them remain alive and does not kill except them. Then, a man from Bani Umaya will rise up and kills for every man two until nobody remains alive, except women. Then, the Mahdi appears.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

حدثنا عبد الله بن مروان عن الهيثم بن عبد الرحمن عمن حدثه

عن علي بن أبي طالب رضى الله عنه قال يخرج رجل قبل المهدي من أهل بيته بالمشرق يحمل السيف على عاتقه ثمانية أشهر يقتل ويمثل ويتوجه إلى بيت المقدس فلا يبلغه حتى يموت


Al-Haytham bin Abd-Al-Rahman narrated based on someone that Ali bin Abi Taleb (r.a), who is the cousin, son-in-law, and the 4th successor (Caliph) of Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said (About the Arabian countries and Israel being conquered): ” A man will come out from the East before the Mahdi, from his Household (family), carrying a sword for 8 months, killing and maiming people. He heads toward Jerusalem and dies once he reaches (conquers) it (This is the Hashimi, leader of Imam Mahdi’s Army).”  (Nuaim Ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

This last hadith is the famous hadith of the prophet (saws) describing the modern era and the major events that shaped the Islamic world to get us here, starting with the Iraq Kuwait war, Osama bin laden trying to rally the Islamic world before 9/11, then 9/11 the trial that forced the world to choose sides, George Bush famously declaring “You are either with us or against us”. This division will continue until it splits the tribes of saudi Arabia in two and they fight each other, some clearly with Imam Mahdi (ra) and Islam and some clearly with the Kufar and against Islam.

Abdullah ibn Umar said: While we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah (Prophet Mohammad) , he mentioned the Fitan (strifes, trials & tribulations), mentioning many of them until he mentioned the Fitna (strife, trial & tribulations) of Ahlaas (Iraq Kuwait war in the 90’s). Someone asked him: ‘ O Messenger of Allah, what is the “Ahlaas” Fitna? He said ‘It is fleeing and plunder. Then, will come Fitna (strife, trial & tribulations) of AsSarra’ (Secrets, spying on people, spying on the general population of the Islamic world, this is just after the cold war that fitnah, their way of doing things, entered into the Islamic world through Saddam Hussein): its smoke is under the feet of a man (descendant) from my household (family), who claims he is of me ( my follower), but he is not because my Awlyia (followers or loyalists) are those who fear God (He was from ahl al bays and claimed it). Then, the people will choose a man (to be a leader) who will be like a hip-bone on a rib (meaning he will not be able to hold a firm leadership grip, Ossama Bin Laden before 9/11). Then, the Duhaima (9/11, Dark & Cunning fitnah that catches people off guard) Fitna that will not leave anyone without slapping him a slap (testing his faith); if people say it is finished, it stays longer (eventually the world question when it would end, then it stayed longer); a man who is in the morning a Mu’min (Believer) by the evening becomes a Kafir (Disbeliever), until people will be divided into two factions: a faction of Iman (faithfulness in belief) without hypocrisy and a faction of hypocrisy without Iman (faithfulness in belief, they fake religion to hide their occult practice). When this happens (the sorting of the entire world is finished), expect the Dajjal (to emerge) that day or the next day’.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Al-Haakim, and Al-Zahabi)


Allah Will Devastate America

When will America collapse, who will do it and how will it be done?

The Prophet (saws) said, “At the end of time there will be a trial in which people will be sorted (fitnatul Duhaima, September the 11th) in a similar way to that in which gold is sorted from metal (the pure will be known from the filth because the filth was disguising itself before hand. They made themselves known with this attack). Therefore do not rebuke the people of Syria (because of the conflicts surrounding it after 2001) rather, rebuke the evil people among them (Assad and his tribe), because amongst them are the Abdals (substitute saints, when one of them dies Allah replaces him with another person). Allah will send a flood from Heaven (an event, the Arab spring that ended most muslim dictators and ended in Syria) that will disperse their groups (cause a civil war) in a way that if foxes were to attack them (ISIS, kufar occultists disguised as Muslims) they would (opportunistically) be victorious. Then Allah will send a man (to the people of Syria) from the perfumed musked children of the Messenger, praise and peace be upon him, amongst approximately 12-15,000 under three banners (battalions) and their password is ‘Die, die!’ (they will fight to the death and won’t accept anyone to join them unless he is the same) And they will be fought by the people of 7 banners (seven different leaders from around the world each with designs Syria) under each (flag) is a man (leader) seeking the kingdom (for himself). They will be killed, defeated, then the Hashimite (leader of the black flags, the Mahdi’s army) will appear (in Afghanistan), so Allah will restore unity and favours to the people and this will be the case (for many years) until the Dajjaal (the lying, false messiah) comes.”

It may seem the hadith is saying when the Hashimi appears this will cause unity to spread around the Muslim world but rather the hadith is pointing to a point in time when this will occur. If we look at Afghanistan today and a leader suddenly takes control of it, until history shows who he is years later his simple appearance on the scene won’t do anything for the Muslim world, most ahadith actually say people won’t be certain of the Mahdi’s Army until the Imam himself appears and because of this people will fight them.

So what is the one thing that will cause an entire ummah so fractured to once again be united?

The hadith says Allah is the one who will unite them, and also in the Hadith Allah says the Arab spring was an event He sent from Heaven that ended the era of dictators.

So the event that will unite a global ummah will likewise have to be global like the Arab spring, affecting the entire world and not a small region in it like a single leader appearing.

We know from Ahadith and history that America placed sanctions on Iraq, being the dominant power in the world, but ahadith state that it will be Europe that will place sanctions on Syria after this civil war and then eventually Egypt, meaning the will seek to dominate the Islamic world.

So why will Europe take the lead from America?

Ahadith also state that Armageddon or WW3 will be fought against Europe and America is missing from the scene at this point never to be heard from again in any hadith because after Europe leads the Mahdi appears, then the Dajjal, then Isa (as) then Yajuj wa Majuj, America has nothing to do with these major events according to any religion.

The Bible also affirms this fact so where did they go?

The prophecies Allah gave to the prophets before Islam primarily had to do with the world empires that would rise and fall one after the other until the day of judgment, and all these empires are listed in a chronological order so you can follow these empires and identify them very easily.

The last empire mentioned in the prophecies of the Bible is an empire that will set up a global economic power that will strangle the world through trade destroying all the cultures of the world leaving nothing of their identities, which is a pretty identifiable event because this can only occur once.

We are living that reality now.

The Bible says about America’s war on religion: “Your merchants were the world’s important people. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray (only one nation achieved this). In her (America) was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy (saintly) people, of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.” (The Book Of Revelations)

Like every empire it mentions, the Bible amazingly also outlines the fate of America and that is to be economically destroyed by Europe in a surprise attack that will shock the world, considering the last economic collapse most would say the writing is already on the wall. America will persist for another decade or so in civil war then Allah will completely annihilate them.

So when is this set to occur?

We know for certain between now and the time Imam Mahdi appears Europe will want to assert it’s dominance over Islamic lands.

The Mahdi’s army appears some six years before Him their leader the Hashimi will take control of Afghanistan after the Syrian war, so sometime after the civil war the Hashimi will gather the people of Afghanistan into an Army when this happens the Mahdi will appear six years later.

Europe after the Hashimi appears will dominate Syria and set up a series of warlords they will send to fight the army, who the prophet (saws) called the sufyani’s after their lineage, there will be more than one of them from the same tribe and this is the bani kalb, Assads tribe which will lose this civil war, through the warlords and the backing of Europe they will want to take control of Syria again.

The bible says when Europe takes over they will do the exact same things as America before them, so from placing sanctions on Syria to setting up dictators to rule on their behalf to dominating Islamic lands, all things America is known for today, Ahadith seem to be clear when Europe will begin to emulate America indicating when they will first assert their will on a world stage.

The bible also says they will have three years to speak arrogantly like the British empire once did, asserting their dominance over everyone else, which gives us a realistic time frame of when they will economically collapse America.

The hadith about Syria says Allah will restore unity to the Ummah after the war ends and the only thing that can achieve that, is that their main enemy which caused all the divisions of the world to begin with, now no longer exists.

So after the war in Syria ends Allah will place it in the hearts of Europe to attack America, which He states in these terms in the Bible.

Considering Europe will have three years to assert it’s dominance over the world after it attacks America, and the only thing to stop them will be Imam Mahdi himself who will take control of All Arab lands from them, his army appearing 6 years before him, it is a fair estimate to say Europe will Attack America about 1 to 3 years after the Syrian civil war ends and because of it Allah will restore unity to the Muslim ummah.

It is the only global event that can do that.

What Are Other Indicators Of America’s Collapse?

In ahadith the Prophet (saws) said the fitnah of September the 11th will last for 12 years, and it did, he also (saws) said its effects around the world will last for 18 years. Which is 2019, so around this year the influence America is asserting around the world because of sep 11th will stop, telling us their influence around the world will decrease for some reason. He then said the Euphrates river will uncover a mountain of gold after this event in 2019 over which the Arab nations will fight. It will be after this event that destabilises the entire middle east region that the Mahdi’s army will march on Jerusalem conquering every Arab country. Such an event is not likely to occur if America is still around protecting Israel, so, these are the timeframes of ahadith and they are clear.

The Bible even prophecies this saying the river Euphrates will dry up so that event will prepare the way for the kings of the east, east of it is Afghanistan and the river drying will cause war between the Arab countries so that event which weakens the Arabs is so the Mahdi’s army can take control and prepare the Muslim world for Him. “The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.”

The Prophet (saws) said, “the Hour will not come until Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) rules the Arabs” (Tirmidhi, Fitan: 43).

“Some people will appear from the East (His army) and prepare the way for Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will be the ruler among them. (Ibn Majah, Kitabul Fitan: 35 (4088)

Allah Will Destroy America With A Comet

In the bible Allah says after Europe decimate’s America economically it will persist for a few more years as a ghost of its former self, lost in civil war, it will become a haunt for Devils. Then Allah will command an Angel to hurl a Large asteroid at it annihilating it completely, it will hit just off the coast causing large destruction to it and every island on earth.

One of Allah’s Angels will say;

“20 “Rejoice over her (America’s destruction by Europe), you heavens! Rejoice, you people of God! Rejoice, apostles and prophets! For Allah has judged (America) with the judgment she imposed on you.” (Allah judged America as America Judged the people of Allah).

21 Then (some years after this as other verses clarify) a mighty angel picked up a boulder like a large (Great) millstone and threw it into the sea (this is the giant Asteroid that will hit the earth, after which we will witness great natural disasters around the world, beginning with a huge earthquake, the second of the three great earthquakes towards the end of time, it will split Damascus in three.) and said: “With such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down, never to be found again” (Allah calls America the Greater Babylon in the book of revelations, and the great prostitute (of the world) because all the leaders of the world made secret deals with her, like the deals people make with prostitutes).

The Asteroid will hit in the ocean off the coast of America and its intention is to decimate it completely, in another vision of John we are told islands will disappear (giant tidal waves), so places like Hawaii, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines all such places should prepare for this disaster, and the mountains won’t be seen, the Quran in Surah al-Dukhan (the smoke) talks about a smoke towards the end of time that will cover the earth for 40 days.

22 The music of harpists and musicians, pipers and trumpeters, will never be heard in you again. No worker of any trade will ever be found in you again. The sound of a millstone will never be heard in you again.

23 The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world’s important people. By your (dark) magic spell all the nations were led astray. (reference is made to America’s occult practices in business, politics and everything else, the verse is saying America used it to dominate the world.)

24 In her was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people, of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.” (Book of Revelations).

These are the first-hand prophecies for future generations of Christians and Muslims that John (ra) was given, while in ahadith the Prophet (saws) said just before Imam Mahdi (ra) appears, and the timing of both events coincide exactly as we outlined earlier, that a loud explosion, sound, sayah will be heard around the world.

The Astroid hitting the earth is the sound of Allah’s punishment on a people and just like every time in the past Allah destroyed a people, Muslims are asked to avoid all lands Allah sent down His punishment upon. The Prophet (saws) said people should seek protection from this sound that carries Allah’s punishment with it, by shutting all doors and windows, covering yourself and placing your fingers in your ears (anything that will muffle the sound) and stay inside, all so it’s spiritual effects don’t touch you and your family and misfortune befalls you in the future.

“It was but one Shout (Sayhatan), and lo! they were extinct.” (36~:29)

“Then it will be a single Shout; and behold, they will begin to see! They will say, “Ah! Woe to us! This is the Day of Judgment!” (37:19-29)

[But,] then, that [Last Hour] will be [upon them of a sudden] but a single Shout” (79:13)

“But when the Shout cometh” (80:33)

أخرج ( ك ) الداني ( 519) عن شهر بن حوشب قال:قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :
(( يكون في رمضان صوت, وفي شوال [ مهمهة ]  , وفي ذي القعدة تحارب القبائل, و علامته [ ينتهب ]  الحاج  وتكون ملحمة بمنى يكثر فيها القتلى, وتسيل فيها الدماء, حتى تسيل دماؤهم على الجمرة, حتى يهرب صاحبهم, فيؤتى بين الركن والمقام, فيبايع وهو كاره, ويقال له: إن أبيت ضربنا عنقك, يرضى به ساكن السماء وساكن الأرض

Shahr ibn Hawshab said that the Messenger of Allah (saws) stated: “There will be a Sound in (the Hijri Islamic month of ) Ramadan, a Mahmaha (murmuring) in (the Hijri Islamic month of) Shawwal, and war among tribes (of Saudi Arabia) in (the Hijri Islamic month of) Zul-Qi’dah (towards the end of this war Imam Mahdi will appear and stop it) and its sign will be that pilgrims will be robbed (looted). There will be a war with many people killed and blood will be shed in Mina (near Mecca), such that their blood flows on the Jamra (Stone of Satan at which pilgrims throw stones during Hajj).” (Abu Amru Uthman bin Saeed Ad-Dani’s Kitab Al-Sunan Al-Waredah fi al-Fitan )

حدثنا أبو عمر عن ابن لهيعة قال حدثني عبد الوهاب ابن حسين عن محمد بن ثابت البناني عن أبيه عن الحارث الهمداني
عن ابن مسعود رضى الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال إذا كانت صيحة في رمضان فإن يكون معمعة في شوال وتميز القبائل في ذي القعدة وتسفك الدماء في ذي الحجة والمحرم وما المحرم يقولها ثلاثا هيهات هيهات يقتل الناس فيها هرجا هرجا
قال قلنا وما الصيحة يا رسول الله
قال هذه في النصف من رمضان ليلة جمعة فتكون هدة توقظ النائم وتقعد القائم وتخرج العواتق من خدورهن في ليلة جمعة في سنة كثيرة الزلازل (والبرد) فإذا صليتم الفجر من يوم الجمعة فادخلوا بيوتكم واغلقوا أبوابكم وسدوا كواكم ودثروا أنفسك وسدوا آذانكم فإذا حسستم بالصيحة فخروا لله سجدا وقولوا سبحان القدوس سبحان القدوس ربنا القدوس فإن من فعل ذلك نجا ومن لم يفعل ذلك هلك

Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (ra) said that the Prophet (saws) said: “When there is a Sayha (sound like the shout mentioned in the Quran) in Ramadan, then there will be turmoil in Shawwal, and the tribes will form groups in Zul-Qi’da (because now America is gone from the world and they are free of their politics), and blood will be spilled in Zul-Hijja, and in Al-Muharram! What is prohibited?” saying it three times, “Oh, Oh! The people will be killed in a great massacres.” He said: “We said: “What is the Sayha (scream), O Messenger of Allah?” He said: “This will be in the middle of Ramadan, on a Friday morning. That will be when the month of Ramadan begins on a Friday night. There will be a Hadda (powerful, hammering sound around the world) that will awaken one who is asleep, and bring the young women out of their rooms, on a Friday night during a year of many earthquakes (and very cold). So when Ramadan begins on a Friday night in that year, (and) then when you have prayed Fajr on Friday in the middle of Ramadan, then enter your houses, close your doors, block your windows, cover yourselves, and block your ears. When you sense the scream, fall down in prostration to Allah and say: “Subhanal-Quddus, subhanal-Quddus, rabbunal-Quddus (Glory be to the Most Holy, glory be to the Most Holy, our Lord is the Most Holy).” For whoever does that will survive, and whoever does not will perish.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan, Hadith )

Checking the Islamic pre-calculated calendar in the estimated timeframe, and allowing for 1 to 2 day moon sighting differences; March 2024 or 2025. January 2030, 2031. December 2032. November 2035. October 2037. The three years, 2030, 31, 32, are the most likely points in time for the event to occur and the years in which we will see Imam Mahdi (ra). It all hinges on when the war in Syria ends than most events will play out within a decade because that is the timeframe of ahadith, from the drying of the river Euphrates, the war between the Arab and surrounding nations over it’s wealth, Europe Attacking America economically, the sanctions on Syria by Europe, the first and second of the Sufyani’s in Syria, the Appearance of the Hashimi and the black flags in Afghanistan who will then come to the aid of Iraq when it is attacked by the Sufyani, they will then continue across Arabia taking Jerusalem. The wars between Europe and Islam would have started the Yellow flags will appear from North Africa after Europe invades Egypt to liberate it, Russia will conquer North Arabia, Allah will devastate America with the Asteroid, then the tribes of Saudi Arabia will fall into civil war, at the end of which Imam Mahdi (ra) will appear.

عن فيروز الديلمي قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يكون في رمضان صوت قالوا يا رسول الله في أوله أوفي وسطه أو في آخره قال لا بل في النصف من رمضان إذا كانت ليلة النصف ليلة الجمعة يكون صوت من السماء يصعق له سبعون ألفا ويصم سبعون ألفا قالوا يا رسول الله فمن السالم من أمتك قال من لزم بيته وتعوذ بالسجود وجهر بالتكبير لله ثم يتبعه صوت آخر فالصوت الأول صوت جبريل والثاني صوت الشيطان فالصوت في رمضان والمعمعة في شوال ويميز القبائل في ذي القعدة ويغار على الحاج في ذي الحجة والمحرم وما المحرم أوله بلاء على أمتي وآخره فرج لأمتي .الراحلة بقتبها ينجو عليها المؤمن خير له من دسكرة تغل مائة ألف

Fairouz Al-Dailami said that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: ” In, Ramadan, there will be a Sound. They said: O Messenger of Allah, is it in its beginning, in its middle, or in its end ? He said: No, in the middle of Ramadan. If the night of the middle is Friday, there will be a sound from the sky that causes death to 70 thousand and causes deafness to 70 thousand (this means immediate death from the sound alone like causing heart attacks and deafness). They asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah, who will survive from your Umma (nation)? ‘ He said: ‘Whoever stays at home, seeks refuge (to Allah) through Sujud (prostration), and openly declares Takbir of Allah (‘Allah Akbar’). Then, another sound will follow it (in Sham, an earthquake). The first sound is the voice of Gabriel (carrying out Allah’s punishment) and the second sound is the voice of Satan (Disaster). The sound is in Ramadan, the disturbance is in Shawwal, the tribes form into warring groups in Zul-Qi’da, and it is feared for the pilgrim in Zul-Hijja. In Al-Muharram, what is prohibited in Muharram? Its beginning is calamity on my Umma (nation) and its end is a relief to my Umma (Imam Mahdi will appear). A Rahila (an animal or mode of transportation, I.e fleeing) that may save him is better than a fortress (castle) that shelters one thousand. ” (Tabarani, Abu Amru Ad-Dani, Al-Haithami’s Mujama Al-Zawa’id)

أورد ابن الشجرى في الأمالى الشجرية عن أمير المؤمنين علي
قال انظروا الفرج في ثلاث قلنا يا أمير المؤمنين وما هى قال اختلاف أهل الشام بينهم والرايات السود والقزعة في شهر رمضان فقيل وما القزعة قال أو ما سمعتم قول الله في القرآن : إن نَّشَأْ نُنَزِّلْ عَلَيْهِم مِّن السَّمَاء آيَةً فَظَلَّتْ أَعْنَاقُهُمْ لَهَا خَاضِعِينَ . آية تخرج الفتاة من خدرها وتوقظ النائم وتفزع اليقظان

What Imam Ali (ra) says in the next hadith is amazing because it tells us when all this will happen, one event occurring after the other:

Ali bin Abi Taleb (r.a.) said: ” Wait for the end of misery once three things occur.” We said: What are they, O’ Prince of Believers? He said: “The dispute among the people of AshSham (the Syrian civil war occurring now), the Black Banners (Imam Mahdi’s Army lead by al-Hashimi which other ahadith say will appear after the war in Syria), and the Qaz’a in the month of Ramadan (why will all these events Mark the end of Misery? because the country causing misery around the world will have been entirely destroyed. From this hadith we know When America will be devastated by the Asteroid). It was asked: “What is the Qaz’a ? He said: “Haven’t you heard what Allah said in the Quran (26:4):

إن نَّشَأْ نُنَزِّلْ عَلَيْهِم مِّن السَّمَاء آيَةً فَظَلَّتْ أَعْنَاقُهُمْ لَهَا خَاضِعِينَ

“If We will, We can send down on them a message from the skies, so that their necks would [be forced to] bow down before it in humility.” This Aya (sign from the sky will) make a girl come out of her bedroom, wake up the person who is asleep, and frighten the one who is awake.” (Ibn Al-Shajari’s Al-Amali Al-Shajaria)

أخبرنا جراح عن أرطاة قال
في زمان السفياني الثاني المشوه الخلق هدة بالشام حتى يظن كل قوم أنه خراب ما يليهم

The following hadith is possibly the second sound mentioned in the earlier hadith, it is the second of the three giant earthquakes at the end of time: Artat bin Al-Munzir said: “During the time of the second Sufyani who is physically deformed, a Hadda (powerful, hammering sound) will occur in AshSham (Greater Syria) such that each people will think it is the devastation of other people next to them.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

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