Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

Islam’s Major Scholars On How The Universe Was Created From Subatomic Space

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


In the works of scholars throughout Islamic history, such as Imam al Ghazali and Imam Ibn al Arabi, they have spoken about and elaborated on the subatomic Universe. All muslim scholars read the same Quran, studied the same Sunnah, Hadith literature along with the Seerah (biography of the prophet) to draw knowledge from. The Ash’ari and Maturidi Aqeedah speak about the nature of the subatomic world to varying depths, but some scholars took this further and conceptualized the entire quantum structure of the universe from the Quran and Sunnah.

In the vocabulary of the Quran and Sunnah and the literature of the scholars the subatomic world has (compared to our time) a unique vocabulary we need to learn before we can understand what is being said.

To help explain these difficult ideas Imam Jalal al Deen Rumi often used poetry to teach people complex ideas about Allah, Islam and the Universe, He said:

“Dont feel sad you have the entire universe inside you” (the subatomic world and it’s particles)

“Stop atcing small you are the universe in estactic motion” (Quantum mechanics).

“Love is the bridge between you and everything else” (Quantum entanglement).

“Love is the energizing elixer of the universe the cause and effect of all harmonies” (Quantum entanglement through the coherence of waves, in space all particles exist as subatomic waves).

“Love is the religion and the universe is the book” (through our physiology man is connected to the universe and impacts it).

Subatomic particles are the ink of Allah and He imagined (created) the universe how He wished with them, because of this the prophet (saws) called space the inkwell (that these particles, or ink, exist in).

Imam Ibn al Arabi said about this, using a similar vocabulary; “The reality of imagination is transmutation (tabaddul: transformation as the particles create things) in every state and manifestation (zuhur) in every form (they take). There is no true being which does not accept (or undergo) transmutation except Allah; so there is nothing that possesses Real Being (al-wujud al-muhaqqaq) except Allah (what is our true form if we loose it once we die). As for that which is other than Allah, that is imaginal existence (temporary). So when Allah manifests Himself within this imaginal existence (this universe). He only appears in keeping with its reality, not in His Essence (“dhat”, He appears according to our limits only), which possesses true Being. This is what is meant by Allah’s words, “Everything is perishing except His Face” (28:88), i.e., except His Essence, since no state in the cosmos continues to endure. whether it be engendered (created and given form) or divine. . . . Hence, everything but Allah’s Essence undergoes transformation (istihala), rapid or slow; everything but Allah’s Essence is intervening imagination and vanishing shadow (by comparison). Therefore no engendered existent in this world, (or) in the next, and in whatsoever is between them, neither spirit (Jinn, Angel), nor soul, nor anything other than Allah’s Essence, remains in a single state; on the contrary, it is transmuted from one form to another constantly and forever: imagination (the forms particles have taken) is nothing but this, (and this universe is nothing but Allah’s imagination)” (Futuhat al Makiyah).

Imam al Ghazali in his work “The Niche Of Lights” (Mishqat al Anwar) similarly says; “all (lights or particles) rise to the Light of Lights (Allah’s light which created the first subatomic particle), the Origin and Fountainhead of lights (particles), and that is ALLAH, only and alone; and that all other lights (particles) are borrowed from Him, and that His alone is real light (everything has taken form from Him); and that everything is from His light (formed by His will), nay, He is everything, nay, HE IS THAT HE is, none but He has ipseity or heity at all, save by metaphor (we take our qualities physical and otherwise from Him). Therefore there is no (true) light but He, while all other lights (forms) are only lights (particles formed) from the Aspect which accompanies Him, not from themselves. Thus the aspect and face of everything faces to Him and turns in His direction; and “whithersoever they turn themselves there is the Face of Allah.” (This work was translated by a christian hence it’s difficult wording, once we realise the essence of this subject is that everything is created from subatomic particles, and they came from Allah’s light and took the qualities (shape) He gave them the entire discussion becomes much simpler to understand, for example the Imam next says “So, then, there is no divinity but HE; for “divinity” is an expression by which is connoted that towards which all faces are directed”, meaning all qualities we take on, in every respect to us, originate from Him Hence Allah is the Divine and the originator of everything we are).

Imam Ibn al Arabi calls the imagination (act of creating) of Allah by names well-known to those familiar with the Imams teachings. Perhaps the most famous is the “Breath of the All-Merciful” (nafas al-rahman) mentioned in verse 32:9, it is a reference to the cloud (of particles) the prophet (saws) spoke about which Allah extracted and created the universe from, literally it is a field (cloud) of subatomic particles that everything was made from at the beginning of the universe.

Abdallah ibn. mas‘ud and some (other) companions of the messenger of Allah said commenting on: “He is the one who created for you all that is on earth. then he stretched out straight toward the heaven and fashioned it into seven heavens.” Allah’s throne (sidrat al Muntaha, the furthest limit of subatomic space) was upon the water (a simile for an ocean of particles). he had not created anything except what he created before the water (this subatomic depth). when he wanted to create the creation, he brought forth smoke (the cloud in other translations) from the water (this is a simile for the process particles were undergoing when the Universe was being created, the simile for Arabs 1400 years ago is of steam coming from water, being used to create space). the smoke (cloud) rose above the water and hovered loftily over it (particles were forming other particles), he therefore called it “heaven”(Heaven is the subatomic part of our universe), then he dried out the water (physical matter was formed), and thus made it one earth.” (Tabari)

The Prophet (saws) teaching about subatomic depths said; (each statement here is a simile) Allah’s Messenger (saws) was asked “what is below the earth, and he said “water” (the subatomic oceans or depths); it was said “then, what is below water?” He said “darkness” (Dark matter and energy, the blackness of space); it was said “what is below the darkness?” He said “wind” (the Kursi which is the second last subatomic depth); it was said “what is below the wind?” He said “soil” (the Arsh, it is called soil because just like the gourd beneath our feet, it is the foundation (outer boundary) of the universe, sidrat al muntaha); it was said “what is below soil?” He said “knowledge of creatures discontinues at the knowledge of the Creator.” (Tabari)….this hadith can be understood easily if we start with the soil and work backwards, Knowledge of creatures stops at the Arsh, it is the limit, so here soil can’t be anything else and as is commonly understood by the scholars, what is before the Arsh is the Kursi, footstool, it gets this name because in distance it is like a footstool to a throne. We can explain what the other similes are because we have compared them to other ahadith that explain more, this is just summation in this present work.

Imam Ibn Arabi says: “The cosmos (universe) in the state of its existence is nothing but the forms that are received by the Cloud (of particles) and that become manifest within it.”

Hence the breath of Allah mentioned in the verse is Allah’s command to subatomic particles to take the forms He commanded, in this verse the context is the human soul.

In the vocabulary of the scholars of Aqeedah the subatomic forces holding all particles together are called Aradh (translated vaguely as the accidents that act upon particles), Imam Ibn Arabi said about this…“So if you look at the reality of the cosmos (space), you will see it as a vanishing accident (aradh, in this context it means “incidental characteristics” or temporary qualities particles have taken, think particles fields affected by forces to form matter). . . , while the fixed substance is the Cloud (the subatomic field, solid matter is temporary, vanishes, when it’s form is destroyed, but the smallest subatomic particles, the cloud, is more lasting), which is none other than the Breath of the All-Merciful. All the forms that become manifest in the cosmos are accidents (have taken form) within the cosmos and may vanish; they are the possible existents (al-mumkinat) and are related to the Cloud as forms are related to a mirror [when different objects are placed in front of it, it reflects different forms]” (Futuhat al Makiyah).

The term Accident (aradh) is one taken from Islamic physics directly, Islamic scholars who were also physicists called the smallest indivisible particle, the first particle to exist in the universe, ‘Al-Jawhar Al-Fard’, the unique essence.

The scholars understood the subtle words of Allah in the Quran better than us, Allah says about His breath in the Quran directing people to what it is referring to;

32:6 Such is the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible, the Mighty, the Merciful,

32:7 Who made all things good which He created, and He began the creation of man from clay;

32:8 Then He made His offspring come into existence from an extract (sperm) of insignificant fluid;

32:9 Then He fashioned him and breathed into him of His (Own) Spirit; and appointed for you hearing and sight and hearts (that take advantage of this soul). Small thanks give ye!

Allah begins the passage about the creation of man by mentioning He is the knower of the visible and invisible in this universe, the visible is the physical matter we are created from and the invisible is the subatomic particles everything comes from, the invisible is most relevant to the verse “and breathed into him of His (Own) Spirit” because the soul is entirely made from subatomic particles, while the visible here is a reference to clay.

Allah created the soul after He created the universe and He created everything in it from subatomic particles as the prophet (saws) said in many ahadith.

Imam Suhrawardi

Imam Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi (d.1193, Imam al Ghazali d.1111), was a Shafi‘i Sunni scholar and more than likely followed the Ashari Aqeedah as he speaks about the Aradh (accidents) and Jawhar (particles, often translated as substances) in his works.

In 1183, Imam Suhrawardi arrived in Aleppo (Syria), the year Salah al Deen (d.1193) conquered the city and handed it’s governance over to his son al-Zahir (d.1216), who the Imam befriended. In 1186, he completed his most significant work, “Kitab Hikmat al-Ishraq”. Hikmat al Ishraq literally means the “Wisdom of Illumination”, referring to the light or particles Allah created the Universe from, mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah. The title of the work gives the literal intention behind the Imam’s work because in Islam wisdom is from Allah alone, “And whosoever is granted wisdom is indeed granted abundant good”(2:269).

The Imams work teaches similar ideas to what Imam al Ghazali teaches about the structure of the universe and what Imam al Suyuti (d.1505) said Angels are, in relation to their role in this universe, Imam Suhrawardi’s work because of it’s technical nature only found limited acceptance, like any physics textbook it is only read by it’s students. The only similarity between these scholars, besides coming to similar conclusions about the universe, is that each scholar followed the Shafii Madhhab of Fiqh (Legal School of Thought), meaning they would have employed the same rules (Usul) for interpretation and applied the same Usul al Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence) to the Quran and Sunnah, they all practiced Tasawwuf, and followed the same Ashari Aqeedah.

The prophet (saws) said about this matter, “Allah hath Seventy Thousand Veils of Light and Darkness: were He to withdraw their curtain, then would the splendors of His Aspect surely consume everyone who apprehended Him with his sight.” (Imam al Ghazali Mishqat al Anwar, the Niche Of Lights).

As the hadith indicates if we begin with the splendour of Allah, Imam Suhrawardi taught that all the universe is a successive outflow from the original Light of Allah, Light of Lights (Nur al-Anwar). The fundamentals of his teachings is pure light (particles), that unfolds from the Light of Allah in a descending order of ever-diminishing intensity in relation to Allah’s splendour, and through complex interaction, gives rise to a “horizontal” array of other lights (particles). In other words, as the hadith of Jabir states (mentioned in the note on the subatomic world) Allah began creation with a single particle then divided it into other particles, He would create four particles at the same subatomic depth, this what the Imam meant by horizontal, then in a vertical direction, meaning at a subatomic depth closer to us, Allah took the fourth particle and created four other particles from it, Allah did this repeatedly until the physical universe was created.

In the Niche of Lights (Mishqat al Anwar), Imam al-Ghazali (d.1111) discussed this using the Qur’anic terminology of light, whereas Imam Suhrawardi, in his Wisdom of Illumination, according to western academics who could not trace his Islamic sources said, He “developed a truly original light ontology”, in other words he proposed a unique structure to the subatomic nature of the universe, more accurately He was one of the first people to speak about subatomic space and quantum mechanics as some Authors on this subject noted.

Allah says about the first moments of creation, “And the heaven We created with might, and indeed We are (its) expander.” (Quran 51:47), “Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We separated them, and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?” (Quran 21:30)

“In verse (21:30), the Arabic words ratq and fataq are used (for matter being joined). The word ratq can be translated into “entity” “sewn to” “joined together” or “closed up”. The meaning of these translations all circulate around something that is mixed and that has a separate and distinct existence. The verb fataq is translated into “We unstitched” “We clove them asunder” “We separated” or “We have opened them”. These meanings imply that something comes into being by an action of splitting or tearing apart.”

From the first particles later particles where forced into existence by the changing conditions present in the early universe, as the verse states the matter that both heaven (space) and earth are made from where a joined entity (particle) then they where torn from this entity as other particles where created and the universe formed. Solid matter represented by the earth in this verse, came from subatomic matter represented by the heavens, which many ahadith on this subject indicate, this is how they where joined then separated, this is what that expression means, the physical was torn from the heavenly in the vocabulary of the Arabs.

In this verse is another confirmation that what is meant by Heaven is the subatomic part of the universe, it is the ghayb, unseen, Allah often speaks about.

Today physicist have coined the term the big bang, the universe came into being from a singularity, implied in this is the idea that we can trace the origins of matter and particles by there earlier states in the universe, as they developed from then to the forms we know today.

The Imam explained that ‘while light always remains in itself identical, its proximity (depth as we go deeper into the subatomic universe) or distance from the Light of Allah (its origin) determines the ontic (real) light reality (nature) of all beings. Light (particles) operate through the activities of dominion (the way the particles that come form each other interact with each other) of the higher ‘triumphal’ or ‘victorial’ lights, as well as the desire of the lower lights (later particles) for the higher (first) ones, operating at all levels and hierarchies of the universe.’

‘Reality (the subatomic) proceeds from the Light of Lights (Allah’s light) and unfolds via the First Light (the first particle) and all the subsequent (generations of) lights (particles) whose exponential interactions bring about the existence of all entities. As each new (generation of) light (particle) interacts with other existing lights (particles), more light (particles) and dark substances (dark matter and energy) are generated. Light (particles) produce both immaterial (subatomic fields) and substantial lights (particles), such as immaterial intellects (Angels), human and animal souls.’

‘Light (particles) also produces dusky substances, such as bodies. Light (particles) can generate both luminous accidents (Aradh), such as those in immaterial lights (subatomic fields), physical lights (particles formed from the field) or rays, and dark accidents (dark energy), whether it be in immaterial lights or in bodies.’ (this is an amazing comment, literally the scholar said as physics says, particles can act as force carriers, Aradh).

With the notion of intensity of light, Imam Suhrawardi then develops his two-fold process of light (particle) production. A vertical hierarchy (the subatomic world unfolding to the physical one) and a horizontal hierarchy (different subatomic particles being created at specific subatomic depths) of pure immaterial light structure (subatomic fields, termed) his “Illuminationist” quantum physics. From the Light of Lights (Allah’s light) proceeds a first vertical hierarchy of lights (particles) from which is created a Second Light (generation of particles), and from which the all-encompassing barzakh, unseen subatomic world is (first) created, from the Second level of lights (particles) a Third Light level (generation) of lights (particles) is created, and the Second (level of) barzakh (the word here refers to subatomic depth, the Imam understood the unseen, ghayb, was the subatomic). The vertical hierarchy (generation) of lights (particles) interacts with a horizontal hierarchy (generation) of lights’. (In physics the first particles to exist act as the subatomic forces that create larger particles, light is the electromagnetic force it is responsible for it, and other boson particles similar size to light particles cary the other two subatomic forces we know of. This is why physicists today are looking for one of the first particles in the universe, they think is responsible for the force of gravity).

‘Out of the interaction of the vertical and the horizontal lights (particles), the bodies of the lower physical world are generated. These horizontal or vertical lights are all structurally interrelated.’

‘The two dimensional hierarchy of lights introduces a new non linear notion of subatomic causation. The multiplication of subatomic entities serves to increase the ontological distance that exists between the Light of Lights (Allah’s light) and the sublunar world (the physical world that resulted from it), while simultaneously providing a greater holistic view of reality, since light lies at its core.’ (Meaning as each subatomic depth is created it creates distance from Allah’s light which is the point of origin, the boundary of the universe or the lowest subatomic depth, this distance kept increasing until we reached the physical world).

The scholars of Islam where very close in describing the universe to modern physics, which shows just how much they understood from the Quran and the prophets (saws) words, this isn’t surprising since Allah said “We have explained in detail in this Qur’an, for the benefit of mankind, every kind of similitude”(18:54), without the benefit of modern equipment it is difficult to be entirely accurate, even in our time, but the major components are all there.

When Allah talks about spirituality He is talking about the subatomic world, in a language Arabs could understand, it surrounds the entire body and it’s effects we feel through our senses. Everything is made from something even our thoughts, imagination and dreams, they are all made from subatomic particles, and all these are are the medium through which we experience spirituality, no one was more clear on this point than Imam al Ghazali who often repeated it in his major work Ihya Ulum al Deen (the revival of religious sciences) and wrote an entire seperate work to explain it, The Niche Of Lights (Mishkat al Anwar).

Many of Islams Major scholars understood this but before our time it was an understanding difficult to teach. Imam Ibn Arabi, Imam Suyuti, Imam Rumi and many more all wrote on this subject it is the key to understanding the depth of their works and spirituality itself. Our spirituality is governed by the Laws of this universe, this was the lesson Allah taught His Angels when they objected to Adam being made Khalifah on earth. The Angels objected on the basis of humanity becoming corrupted, while Allah replied to them by literally saying ‘You don’t know the science behind their spirituality, but I do’.

“And He imparted unto Adam the names of all things [the ability to know the unseen]; then He brought them within the ken of the angels and said: “Declare unto Me the names of these [things], if what you say is true.”

They replied [unable to name anything]: “Limitless art Thou in Thy glory! No knowledge have we save that which Thou hast imparted unto us. Verily, Thou alone art all-knowing, truly wise.”

Said He: “O Adam, convey unto them the names of these [things you have not seen before].” And as soon as [Adam] had conveyed unto them their names, [Allah] said: “Did I not say unto you, `Verily, I alone know the hidden reality of the heavens and the earth, and know all that you bring into the open and all that you would conceal’?” [how you move things in the universe] (2:31-33).

Allah says to his Angels who live in the Unseen part of our world and already see what is veiled to us, “Did I not say unto you, `Verily, I alone know the hidden reality”, Ghayb al Samawati wal Ard, “of the Heavens and the Earth”, in other words how the heavens and the earth work and the laws they run by, which are the basis for Man’s spirituality and ability to know the unseen better than you Angels, Allah was referring to a type of Ghayb (the Unseen laws of the universe) the Angels could not see, these are the Laws of the Heavens (subatomic world) and the Earth (physical world) with which He created them.

This is the area of knowledge we need to learn, in order to understand mans spirituality and every verse of the Quran that is till a mystery to us today. Understanding space and how it works is a tafsir to the Quran that unlocks it;

Allah said “In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages [through what they perceive] in the utmost horizons [of the universe] and within themselves [the microscopic and subatomic], So that it will become clear unto them that this [revelation] is indeed the truth.” [Qur’an 41:53]


الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِين


Invoking and Receiving Baraka; How It Works

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Invoking, How It Works: The word invoke has other meanings than to pray to, americans for example invoke their 5th amendment rights…..In our time of science, the science behind our deen can be explained and the difference between right and wrong that our scholars understood long ago can be made crystal clear to the rest of us. Our universe runs on laws Allah placed in it, this includes the unseen parts of it, ghayb, there is one law in science that explains how distant things connect with each spiritually, it is called quantum entanglement and our body uses it all the time [the science behind it is better explained in the books we have written, found at my website, here we are just summing up].

The idea of Invoking something, meaning connecting to it spiritually is the foundation of our religion, because the first verse Allah revealed in the Quran was for the Prophet (saws) to Invoke Allah while he was reading the spiritual signs so Allah could empower Him to understand them.

Gabriel asked the prophet to Iqra, read, Iqra in the name of your Lord who createth. In the name of is an invocation that connects us spiritually with a specific quality of Allah, in this verse two qualities Rabb and Creator.

How we are connected is a matter of science because at some point the body has to be doing something to connect itself and another thing so our heart and mind perceive, there is no alternative to this, religion isn’t magic.

Allah in the Quran often invokes things other than Him so we connect ourself to them while we are reading the Quran;

“Nuun By the pen And by the (record) Which (they) write.” 68:1

The words “By the” are an invocation for our benefit, Allah does this in the form of an Oath we recite after Him, but the act is an invocation by us. Imam al Ghazali explained in His work Mishqat al Anwar, that the Quran is a sun for the mind, it directs the self and connects it spiritually with the things Allah created in the seen and unseen universe (ghayb) as we read it.

In this respect Imam Ali (ra) explained “the vision of the eye is limited, (but) the vision of the heart transcends all barriers of time and space”, so the act of invoking connects a person spiritually to what ever they invoke regardless of whether it is in the physical world or in ghayb (the unseen).

Allah does this many times for us in the Quran;

In one Surah alone he does this more than 10 times asking us to invoke these things we are reciting so we can learn from them;

“BY the sun and its radiant brightness, By the moon as it reflects the sun!, BY the day as it reveals the (sun to the) world, By the night as it veils it darkly!, BY the sky and its wondrous make, By the earth and all its expanse! BY the Soul and how it is formed in accordance with what it is meant to be, And inspired it with what is wrong for it and right for it. To a happy state shall indeed attain he who causes this [self] to grow in purity, and truly lost is he who buries it [in darkness].

Elsewhere in the Quran He asks us to invoke not just created objects but ideas and thoughts so we benefit from them, He often asks us to do this when He begins a verse with the words “Say”, in other words invoke this idea so you benefit from it;

“Say: Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know?” 39:9

“Say, Journey in the land, and behold how He originated creation,.” 29:20

Allah also uses the words “and remember” to ask us to invoke things;

“And remember Abraham and Isma’il raised the foundations of the House (with this prayer): Our Lord accept (this service) from us, for you are the All-Hearing, the All-knowing.” 2:127

The act of reading these verses invokes the things being mentioned so we connect to them spiritually, this is the understanding of the great scholars of Islam, this is the science behind how the Quran benefits man spiritually, if we didn’t connect with these things on a spiritual level then there can be no benefit (baraka) in the Quran, to this end Allah explains that the Quran was sent down for this very purpose;

“And We send down with the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss.”(17:82)

This verse tells us a number of things about how this works, the words send down means we are given things from the spiritual world when we recite the Quran, things that heal us spiritually and psychologically and are a mercy, meaning things that protect us from harm in life. The other thing it tells us is that when the wrong doers read the Quran it increases them in loss, this is because through the wrong they do they build themselves up in the world on the back of haram, but the Quran takes them in the opposite direction towards good, so they loose the evil spiritual strength they had as they recite it.

It’s considered a loss for them because they deliberately persist in Haram for the sake of being strong and when they see good they ignore it, so it doesn’t benefit them anything except the loss of their strength, power and influence.

This is the act of invoking in the Quran, but people can invoke anything to connect to it spiritually, it is a fundamental law in the universe that people can use for wrong or for good. For example people who practice sihr invoke evil things to increase the effectiveness of their sihr, if the act of invoking didn’t connect you spiritually to what is being invoked then sihr would not work, but Allah mentions it clearly in the Quran, the evil eye also works by connecting to people or things spiritually with a gaze that has a bad intention behind it.

Muslims understood this law in the universe and discovered ways to use it to benefit people and society. Invoking in this Naqshbandi dua (see video) means to connect spiritually with the souls of these Awliyah, the science behind it then brings it’s Baraka into your life. All souls are given their place in the Akhira right after death, the place is a Maqam (station or rank) of baraka Allah granted them in the universe, this is the same for all people, but the Maqam of the Prophets has the most Baraka attached to it, this is Allah’s gift to them. The prophet (saws) Allah gave him the Maqam of writing His (saws) name on the Arsh (throne), the Arsh is what supports the entire universe and Allows man to know Allah, so the soul of the prophet has this benefit with it when it is invoked in the Quran, so man can know Allah when they invoke his (saws) name, a tremendous rank.

This is the essence behind invoking the names of those near to Allah, whether they hear you or not is not relevant and is entirely up to Allah and His Angels who choose to convey your words. But the science behind invoking works regardless, just like gravity doesn’t discriminate about who and what it affects on earth.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِين


Hadith: ‘The World Will Be Split Into Two Camps’

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Asaalamu Alaikum; Salman al farisi (ra) said “I swear to him who holds my life”, (the prophet (saws) said) “Oh Salman, at that time will talk (al) ‘Ruwaybidah’ (the corruptors of society). Salman asked: “And what is Ruwaybidah? O Messenger of Allah, my father and mother be sacrificed for you.” (the) Holy Prophet (saws) said, “Such (degenerate) persons will talk about (and govern) public affairs who had not talked in such matters (as these) before (they will govern over matters not normally governed over, and will govern peoples private lives to degrees never heard of before). Then in a short time, chaos will appear upon the earth, and every nation will think that chaos was only in their land (but it will cover the whole world). They will remain in that condition as long as Allah would wish them to remain.”

The prophet (saws) described the world we see today perfectly, not simply what is reported in the news and is being manipulated, but what is happening behind the scenes to control people’s lives. We will mostly Quote Ahadith In part to be brief.

The Prophet (saws) said, “At the end of time there will be a trial in which people will be sorted (called fitnatul Duhaima) in a similar way to that in which gold is sorted from metal.”

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “There will be at the end of time a trial that will sort out men as gold is sorted out from metal (fitnatul Duhaima)” (These Ahadith are found in the references of Abu Dawud, Ahmad, Ibn Majah and At-Tabarani and al Hakim reported them).

The prophet (saws) begins these lengthier Ahadith by mentioning the sifting of people, “At the end of time there will be a trial in which people will be sorted in a similar way to that in which gold is sorted from metal” the precious metal is removed from the scrap ore around it, hence He (saws) is telling us the pure religious people will be sorted from the scrap degenerate people around them. This Fitnah that began splitting the world into two camps is called the Duhaima, or the era of darkness, and it was the September the 11th attacks in which America famously declared “You are either with us or against Us”, this is all made clear by many other ahadith outlined elsewhere in our works.

The prophet (saws) gave us a history of how this Fitnah entered the Islamic world and came to dominate it, by outlining the events that shaped the Islamic world beforehand, it all began with the first Gulf War in which America first invaded Islamic lands on such a large scale.

The Prophet (pbuh) said: There will be such troubles and calamities that nobody will have a place to shelter from them. These calamities will travel around Sham (the initial wars after WW2 between the 50’s, 70’s and 80’s) and settle over Iraq (Iran-Iraq war, the Iraq-Kuwait war then finally the first Gulf war in the 90’s that ensured war would permanently settle over iraq to this day and into the future). They will bind the Arabian Peninsula (in it’s politics)…As they attempt to eliminate these calamities in one (place) they will arise again in another (the invasion of Afghanistan then the Syrian Civil War). (Kenzul Ummal, Book of Thoughts on Doomsday, Vol 5, p 38-39)

Abdullah ibn Umar said: While we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah he mentioned the Fitan (strifes, trials & tribulations), mentioning many of them until he mentioned Fitnatul Ahlaas (The trial of the Saddlebag). Someone asked him: ‘ O Messenger of Allah, what is fitnatul Ahlaas? He said “It is the usurping of wealth and the fleeing” (the Iraq Kuwait war because of which America entered Islamic lands and has never really left. The simile is of raiders riding into a town and plundering it of all the wealth they can carry in their saddlebags then fleeing, which Iraq did to Kuwait, the so called war lasting only two days until America intervened). Then (after it), will come Fitnatul Sarra (the fitna of secrets, espionage, subversion of Islamic society by spying on the Islamic population to govern their private lives through the Ruwaibidah, the degenerates placed in charge): its smoke (effects from it’s fire which occurred because of the worlds largest war of espionage, the cold war, between the U.S and USSR) is under the feet of a man (descendant) from my household (family), who claims he is of me, but he is not because my Awlyia (saintly men) are those who fear Allah (Saddam Hussein, whose last name indicates He is from Ahl al bait, but His actions took Him out of it). Then people will gather and agree upon a man, (but it will be an agreement that is) like a hip on a rib (meaning this will be a temporary arrangement, as a hip bone does not belong on the rib, a person needs to bend forward for that to occur and so he can’t stay in that posture. Before September the 11th the Arab world at large rallied around Osama bin Laden who was attacking America around the world). Then there will be the Duhaima (Blind black, dark, catastrophic) trial (the era of Darkness). It will afflict every single person from this Nation. When it will be said that it is over, it will return; during it, a man will be a believer in the morning and a disbeliever (by) the night (such is it’s intensity). (This will continue) until people will go to two Fustaats (groups) — the Fustaat of Eemaan (Group of faith and religion), in which there is no hypocrisy, and the Fustaat of hypocrisy, in which there is no Eemaan (Religion, the group of hypocrites will be Kufar in secret, but they will openly profess religion, this is why they are Hypocrites). And when that will come to you (when the sorting of people into the group of religion and the group of kufr will finally end), wait for the Dajjaal on that day or on the morrow.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 37, Hadith 3. Ahmad related it as well in his Musnad).

The Duhaima (September the 11th) is the Fitnah that will sort people out into two camps until the time of the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him), and will only end when He emerges because He will take control of the camp of hypocrites and attack the camp of Religion trying to destroy them and religion completely.

People today are being forced to join the group of Hypocrites, this is done by various ways the most effective is the use of sihr (the occult) against them, the prophet (saws) said “at the end of time sihr will be widespread”, a person “will be a believer in the morning and a disbeliever (by) the night”.

People will be made Kufar in a short period of time by society also using Maskh on them, this is the deliberate stunting of peoples intellects and intelligence using Sihr and drugs (pharmaceuticals). The prophet (saws) swore by Allah himself that this would occur to His community, the Prophet (saws) said, “By the One Who has sent me with the Truth, this world will not come to an end until they are afflicted with Al-Khasf (earth-quakes), Al-Qadhf (Bombardment), and Al-Maskh (emergence of people who perform maskh on other’s)”.

Maskh literally means to shrink or stunt someones personal growth, today they deliberately stunt large portions of societies intellects so they can’t judge clearly and be taken advantage of by those who practice Sihr (the occult), hence today they have made society revolve around them and the elitist societies who perfected it. This is the camp of the hypocrites the prophet (saws) spoke about, these people are the forerunners to the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) who the prophet (saws) said will pave the way for Him setting up his system before He arrives. The Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon Him) is the biggest occultist this world will face, He will use a combination of Sihr and technology to delude people, hence what we see today, including Maskh, is the system He will perfect and try to imprison the world with when He emerges.

This state of affairs, of Maskh and Sihr (the occult) being widely used is also clearly prophesied in the bible. The prophet (saws) mentions the effects of Maskh on society clearly in the next hadith.

The companions said in reference to the madness in the world today (caused by Maskh), shocked that people would act so blindly and immaturely…“And while the book of Allah will be still with us?!” the prophet (saws) said: “While the book of Allah will be still with you.” We said: “Subhan’Allaah!! And while our intellects will be conscious?!” He said: “No, no, the intellects of the general masses at that time will be deceived! They will be following fools that have no intellect themselves. They will be assuming they have a (legitimate) cause, but they will not have a (legitimate) cause.” (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban)

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said to Kab ibn Ujrah “O Ka’ab ibn Ujrah, may Allah give us refuge from the rulings of al Sufaha (those who brainwash others and are brainwashed themselves, these are the elite societies who perform Maskh on each other and society, and the Ruwaibidah they use to control society). The prophet was asked “O Messenger of Allah what is the rulings of al Sufaha? He (saws) said “Rulers who will be after me (at the end of time). They do not follow my guidance, and they do not implement my sunnah. The one who follows their lies, and helps them in their oppression (use of Maskh), he is not from me, and I am not from him, and he will not enter my Hawd (paradise). And the one who did not believe their lies, and did no help them in their oppression, he is from me, and I am from him, and he will enter my Hawd. (Sahih Ibn Hibban, al Mustadrak, al Hakim)

Imam Badr al-Din al-Ayni (d.855 AH) said: The phrase, ‘sufaha al-ahlam’, implies ‘mentally deficient are the brainwashed’, the Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “At the end of time there shall appear a folk (so recognize them), young in age and brainwashed (Sufaha al Ahlam)”.

Allah mentions the camp of the hypocrites in the Quran in clear terms; And there are among mankind people who say: We believe in Allah and the last day; and they are not at all believers (the camp of the Hypocrites). They desire to deceive Allah and those who believe, and they deceive only themselves and they do not perceive. There is a disease in their hearts, so Allah added to their disease and they shall have a painful chastisement because they lied. And when they are told, “Do not spread corruption on earth,” they answer, “We are but improving things!”Are not they indeed the spreaders of corruption? But they perceive not. And when it is said to them: Believe as the people believe, they say: Shall we believe as the deluded (Sufaha) believe? Now surely they themselves are deluded (Sufaha), but they do not know.”(2:7-13)

Allah then goes on to amazingly talk about the occult practice of the camp of hypocrites who pretend they are Muslims, “And when they meet those who have attained to faith, they assert, “We believe [as you believe]”; but when they find themselves alone with their devils (Jinn), they say (to their Jinn), “Verily, we are with you; we were only mocking!”(2:14)

From verse 7 to verse 20 in surah al Baqarah Allah uses 13 verses to describe the state of mind and reality of these people who are the most deluded people that Allah has ever mentioned in the Quran.

Many people today have joined the camp of the hypocrites who are fake Muslims, Christians and Jews (etc), pretending they still have Islam (religion) but practice Sihr (the occult) on people on behalf of those who control them and society. Allah will never accept these people until they get themselves out of this camp and situation and return to the camp of the Muslims in order to struggle with them for the future, the Muslims have given up their lives and families for their Deen so Allah won’t show leniency to those who put them in this hardship, and in fact He swore this in the Quran at the beginning of time when Adam was still in Jannah, such was Allah’s knowledge of this matter.

You have to save your self from the Hypocrites by any means in order to save your Akhira (afterlife), because these people controlling the camp of Hypocrites follow the occult and are part of Iblis’s plan for the world, (Iblis/Satan) said: “O my Lord! Give me then respite till the Day the (dead) are raised.” (Allah) said: “Respite is granted thee till the Day of the Time appointed.” (Iblis) said: “O my Lord! Because Thou hast put me in the wrong, I will make (wrong) fair-seeming to them on earth (I will delude them about matters in their lives), and I will put them all in the wrong (making wrong and shortsighted choices), Except Thy servants among them, sincere and purified (who purify themselves spiritually).” (Allah) said: “This (path of purifying our character) is indeed a way that leads straight to Me. For over My servants (who do this) no authority (control) shalt thou have, except such as put themselves in the wrong (perform corrupt acts) and follow thee.” (15: 36–42)

Allah swore he would throw the camp of iblis and those who follow Him and His ways into Hell, there is no other end for the camp of hypocrites.

Save your self before your life ends and leave them, even if they are your family, leave them before your religion leaves you,  Ibn ‘Umar said: “The Messenger of Allaah (saws) said: ‘Whoever imitates a people is one of them.’” (Abu Dawood) while Allah said “And if any amongst you takes them [Jews and Christians] as Awliyaa’ [friends, helpers]), then surely, he is one of them…”(5:51)

Iblis said: “Because thou hast thrown me out of the way, lo! I will lie in wait for them on thy straight way: Then will I assault them from before them and behind them, from their right and their left: Nor wilt thou find, in most of them, gratitude.” (Allah) said: “Get out from this (Jannah), disgraced and expelled. If any of them follow thee – Hell will I fill with you all.” (7: 16–18) There is is no other end for this camp, so take Heed the Mizan (scales) with Allah is an eye for an eye and nothing less.

“And We ordained for them therein a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds is legal retribution”(5:45). Practicing the occult for the sake of business will never be accepted, if you destroy someones life the destruction of your Akhira and life is its retribution as punishment.

But before that even happens in the next life, in this world you have automatically forfeited your life because the Prophet (saws) commanded: “Kill every sorcerer (Sahir), for this is the punishment ordained by Allah”, those who practice the occult or have it practiced for them, their Islam will never be accepted by Allah, this is why the Prophet (saws) described the camp of Hypocrites as the camp of Kufr with no religion. So don’t stay with them, if death comes to you in that state, while your with them this is the decree of Allah upon you, you are one of them. The Messenger of Allah said, “He is not of us the one who practices sorcery, or the one for whom sorcery is done.” (At-Tabaraanee)

This is the sorting of the pure religious people from the scrap degenerate people around them, so don’t be with the degenerates if you want an afterlife, don’t wish it for your children hoping it will make life easier because it will only get worse year after year until it ends with the coming out of the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon Him) who will take control of this group and your children, not a day sooner than this.

The prophet (saws) said, “Perform all good deeds before the era of evil dawns (the Duhaima, which is the biggest Fitna we will face that will stop people from even performing good deeds, like salat and sawm), the darkness of which will increase in waves. The effects of these evils will be so grave that a person will be a Mu’min (believer) in the morning and a Kaafir (nonbeliever by) night, or a Mu’min at night and a Kaafir (by) the morning. A person will sell his Deen (religion) in lieu of a paltry sum” (Muslim) religion will be sold for the sake of ease and safety in this world, but Allah won’t accept this from anyone.

The Prophet (saws) said regarding the Fitna of the Duhaima, September the 11th, which began the sorting of people “It will last for twelve years, then it will end”, America stopped their wars 12 years after they invaded Afghanistan.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said about this fitnah’s ramifications: “The fourth Fitna (ad Duhaima) is 18 years, then it clears (America’s political effects because of it will end after 18 years). Once it clears, the Euphrates (river) will recede revealing a mountain of gold that the Umma (Muslim nation) will fight for it (more troubles and wars will occur right after these ones). Seven out of every nine (people fighting for it) will be killed.” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

America’s influence through the fitnah will end after 18 years, but it will continue to split the world into two camps until the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) emerges, because it has shaped people’s minds around the world and set it on a path it can’t get out of.

It gave the world tunnel vision or a myopic world view people can’t see past, Allah’s Messenger (saws) said “You will indeed follow the ways of those before you, handspan by hand span, and an arms-length after another. Even if they enter into a lizard’s hole, you will follow them.” We asked, “Is it the Jews and Christians?” He (saws) replied, “Who else!” (Bukhari). This myopic world view is the Lizards Hole the west crawled into during the past 100 years and can’t get itself out of, this is the lizard’s hole the Arabs and Muslims followed them into.

Save your self and leave them for the people of religion before your end arrives, otherwise, your fate will be sealed with them.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Jinns Angels and Hajj

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

Many people have seen Jinn, especially those involved in the occult since you can’t be any good at it unless they open their ways for you, another group intimate with Jinn, Jinn who are Muimin, are the Awliya and sufi shaykhs, they help open man’s perception to the spiritual world they naturally live in and guide them to the Angels who’s existence in this world is much more subtle to detect.

If you have any kind of ego you can’t see Angels it is impossible, you have to annihilate the self (ego) until “YOU” and “I” no longer exist in your vocabulary, at that point you stop attributing anything you have done in life to yourself and after that you see that it was in fact the Angels who gave you every good in your life and every thought that benefited you, all along it was them speaking to you.

Most people do something to show their labours to others, this is their self on display for others to notice so they can take credit for their work.

Because Angels are selfless they don’t take credit for any of their work so how can you sense the presence of a self that has no self to be sensed, you have to get rid of your own nafs (self) to stop the thing that is causing so much noise in your heart, then you can see them.

After your ego is annihilated and there is no chance of it coming back, you begin to sense the many Angels in your life, you begin to see where you end and they begin what comes from you and what comes from them, at that point they can talk to you more openly and directly.

“For (every person) are angels ranged before him and behind him, who guard him by Allah’s command (Jinn constantly try things against man, and the evil of mens actions hit or miss you in the spiritual world long before anything occurs in life). Lo! Allah changeth not the condition of a folk until they (first) change that which is in their hearts; and if Allah willeth misfortune for a folk there is none that can repel it, nor have they a defender beside Him.”(13:11)

All good in our life comes from Allah (and his angels) and all evil from us, just as some thoughts are more powerful than others and some more worthwhile than others, Angels are the power behind each of your thoughts and the Jinn’s thoughts, that is the best description one can give for what they do.

If you reach this point along the way you will have seen the world of Jinn long before this, you will have experienced them seen their short comings in comparison to man, and seen in your self where you end and they begin.

This is the story of one of my experiences with the Jinn of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) i had many years ago whilst on Hajj.

I was raised primarily alongside Christians and salafi’s, they were the people I was surrounded with in my youth through no effort of my own, over the years I watched this group destroy every Muslim I grew up with as they “got a hold of them” one after the other, may Allah curse them, and so before I witnessed their evil for myself first hand, which they try to force you to stay silent about it and it’s occult nature, I made the mistake of going on hajj with a mixed group that was dominated by them, (people should understand, all secrets loose their power over you when you talk about them, since then we have learnt many things that destroy their evil and frees the self from it).

Inevitably they caused trouble for me on many occasions during the hajj and tried their best to invalidate it, what was more amazing than witnessing their evil and people actually trying hard to cause you to loose your Hajj, was witnessing how Allah repeatedly saved me from them, as many times as they tried i saw something from Allah, some things more significant than others.

It’s no small thing to save enough money to go on Hajj and we worked for a long time for this journey, they set themselves up against us and Allah set Himself against them.

Two events that stand out are what occurred during muzdalifa and the stoning of the devil, called Rami al-Jamarat like our name, after this event we used to say over the years, especially to salafi’s who attacked us for no real reason, that Allah made stoning the devil my nature. The other event was when i visited the grave of the prophet (saws) to say my salam.

The group we went with didn’t organise for us to take the 21 stones for the stoning from the usual place because of overcrowding so we ended up in a place prepared by the government, the salafi’s of the group who did collect the stones from the proper place began to make fun that our Hajj would be invalidated and they sent someone to debate the matter with me, not that we showed interest but probably to try and drive the point home.

This was the first of the troubles they caused for us here, they also insinuated our location was chosen on purpose by the group because of this fact. After the person they sent made his points, somehow an obscure article of fiqh on this isolated issue that i read once maybe 6 years earlier came to my heart, and i quoted it’s fiqh points almost word for word to him, this wasn’t because i had an excellent memory but i could sense i was being spoken to and made to repeat the words (this is the work of the Angels).

He pretended he wasn’t convinced until someone else in the group who knew the rulings stated this was the same fiqh the Saudi government used to establish the place, so He stayed silent after that.

At a later date when it came time to go to the area where the stoning occurs, they sent two couples i had briefly befriended to make me lose my way, we were meant to catch a bus together to get there but somehow we caught the wrong bus and ended up in a different place, by the time we left the bus we were lost so we walked back for 4 or more hours before we finally ended up at the pillars (somehow buses where only going in one direction), but by the time we arrived it was night fall.

Those who know Hajj know the stoning occurs at set times during the day and only women and the elderly and those with an excuse can do it at night, which I had because of what occurred on their account but they hadn’t surmised that yet when they finally decided to show their true faces and persisted in their ways.

While we were standing in front of the pillar they began to make fun that i had invalidated my Hajj because it was night and that the stones i was using where not from the right place, then they began to insinuate that they switched the stones i had gathered myself with those from another area.

The stones for the stoning must be collected by the person himself and they must all be thrown by that person for it to be a valid ritual.

What they forgot was the intension behind the act, to stone your devil, and this is what saved me from their evil and kept my Hajj valid.

All of this was a lot to take after such a journey and long walk, during which we kept reminding our self of the reward Allah grants to people who walk to the masjid for their prayers, so we kept our sabr, prayed to Allah and took a stone that wasn’t at the top of the pile and threw it at the pillar.

Just before the stone Hit the pillar we saw the shaytan Allah had appointed to be our enemy in life standing there (every human is appointed a jinn by Allah and I recognised mine from dreams I had seen him in), the stone hit him in the eye and it exploded making a sound, he then ran off holding his eye and crying.

That is when i saw the people i was with practiced sihr, they also saw the Jinn and what happened to him with my first throw, and began asking each other if they also saw it, after that they stayed silent and deflated.

After all of their troubles trying to invalidate my Hajj Allah allowed me to stone my devil with the first throw while they watched, Allah is the one who accepts and rejects the Hajj of a person not the fiqh rulings around it. Islamic fiqh states all 21 stones must be thrown for the ritual to be valid, which i did, but i knew Allah accepted it from the first throw and the others were not necessary.

Fiqh ensures you do the right thing it doesn’t tell what is occurring in ghayb (the unseen world).

Eventually we made our way to madinah al munawara to see the prophet (saws), we hadn’t realised before this journey that we were practically the last person in our home community they hadn’t “gotten to” or “indoctrinated” into their cult, and so they sought to use us in other ways during Hajj which also failed, but that is another story.

Before sending my salam directly I visited the Masjid of the prophet (saws) and sat near the Rawdah, an area near the prophets grave that He (saws) said Allah had made it part of Jannah, and who ever prays there prays in Jannah.

I sat there for some time praying, thinking about my troubles and contemplating the pressure i was under by entire groups of people who where calling each other against us “like people invite one another to a meal”, but Allah made us to withstand such preasure and we did for which he granted us a station with Him (but that is also a story for another time).

While in that state of worry we saw a large Muslim Jinn, to this day He (ra) is the largest Jinn we have ever seen and unlike any of the others, He came out of the prophets (saws) chamber and covered most of the ceiling in front of the door where we say salam, He (ra) looked at me smiling until i could see his large eyes and white teeth clearly. He let me know He was the Jinn of the prophet (saws) and placed in my heart the conversation He just had with the prophet (saws), i heard some of its words and His voice (saws) but couldn’t make out much, this was to establish who He was.

He said to me “Soon you will be with them” and He indicated to me a group of Indian Muslims standing near the door of the prophet (saws) sending their salam, it was a blessed place to be which was was dedicated to Muslims who send much salam, mostly Muslims from the Indian sub-continent stand there and hardly any arabs (i am conveying the blessed nature of the people that stand there as it was shown to me by the prophets (saws) Jinn), and usually they are made fun of by the Arabs which we witnessed from our group and their shaykh (may Allah curse them like i have seen Him curse their group over the years).

This area was dedicated to standing still and sending your salam at length, not just simply walking past in haste, if the fard prayer is done in haste the angels role it up and throw it in the persons face when he is finished.

At the time, I didn’t understand why this was significant to me and how it would solve my problems, we already made the intension to send many prayers on the prophet (saws), but we sensed Allah was giving us something.

Sometime later at night, just before we went to see the prophet to send our salam, one of the salafi’s came to us and said that one of the two shaykhs would be visiting the prophet (saws) at night and we should go with him, later we saw them make fun of people who send their salam at length, in hind sight if we knew salafi’s are people who have left Islam through their evil and just use the group as a guise to hide themselves in the community, it would have made many things easier.

The shaykh we were with was well known in my area, young and popular with the youth, if we mentioned his name most people would know Him, but it was Him who Allah decided to humiliate because of the lies he was charged with teaching to the youth (may Allah curse Him, we have seen more than this from him but that is for another day in front of Allah).

Just before we went He gave a speech about people who stand in front of the prophets grave and send their salam at length, then He warned any of his group who would do this that they shouldn’t, there would be consequences and everyone should follow him and stay closely behind Him, he would be walking directly through the area saying his salam and not stopping.

Since everyone was already “with” Him, when He looked at me and said this, it became apparent this was all set up for my sake to interfere with my journey.

We went into the prophets (saws) masjid and began walking to the prophets door, about half way through we decided not to follow what he said, we made the intension to send as many salam as we could earlier and He wasn’t going to stop us, but we didn’t know what to do since He was rushing the entire group and I would be seen by everyone, probably part of his intension so they could use it as an excuse later on (which they did).

As we neared the door i wasn’t certain how i was going to send my complete salam, but suddenly i felt something from ghayb grab and move me into a spot next to were the Indian Muslims the prophets (saws) Jinn (ra) had indicated earlier stand, I was an Arab standing next to a large group of muslims from the indian sub continent and i stood out, but it was the exact spot the prophets Jinn showed me, and now i stood in it relieved i could take my time and not only send my salam but the salam of every person who entrusted me with saying salam to the prophet (saws).

I stood there for a long time and after finishing i saw how short my words where in comparison to the Muslims next to me, so i began to say what I heard them say and ended up staying there until my heart was at peace that i had spent enough time in front of the prophet (saws), and He (saws) could know me properly, which was the intension i had behind extending my stay in front of Him (saws).

Allah had humiliated that fake shaykh who just kept walking, by working against him and showing me how evil he was when he wasn’t in the public eye.

I have had many encounters with Jinn since then over the years (my first was as a child), most have been evil, misguided or lost and uneducated by our standards and Allah gradually taught us how to deal with them all, but some have been good and these are mainly the Muslim Jinn you will find with real Sufi tariqah’s.

In an ocean of darkness that covers the world today they have preserved our traditional ways and you will be blessed if they show you anything of what they have learnt from the great awliyah of that tariqa, and used to practice with them.

The following is an account of the most significant thing that occurred to me on my Hajj journey with this group.

As we wrote earlier the salafi’s we travelled with had taken us as a target and tried to invalidate our Hajj on a number of occasions, and as we suspected our trip with that shaykh to send salam on the prophet (saws) was set up as an excuse for them to cause trouble for us later on now that they had seen me ignore his words and stand with the muslims to send salam.

By this point of the trip they had sent one of their devils to befriend my father who i traveled with, in order to get to me and he had been antagonising me through the trip.

A day or so after my trip with that shaykh i decided to visit the prophet (saws) again, our group stayed in Saudi Arabia for 30 days one of the only groups to do so every year and this year would be the last time they did that, it was one of the reasons i went with them, so we got to see the holy sites outside of peak traffic times and it was on one of these fortunate days that i decided to visit the prophet (saws) again.

Last time I visited I made the intension to extend my salam on the prophet (saws) to give Him time to see and know me, it was the first time standing in front of him and this was my intension, on this second occasion Allah rewarded my intension and turned it against the devils.

I walked in there with a small informal group from amongst the people i travelled with and not many people where in the masjid, but it was a small slow stream of people, all of this occurred before the government put up the permanent barricade in front of the prophets doors and assigned guards that never left, and on this occasion there were no guards in front of the door because it was very quiet.

As i approached the door i steadily walked ahead of my group in eagerness and just as i reached the area i slightly turned to look at them and saw they stood back and asked others to do the same, so when i reached the door i was the only person at the door. As i was sending salam i lost myself in that moment and forgot about time or any notion of other people in the masjid it was as if i was the only person standing in front of the prophet (saws) sending prayers on Him (saws).

The group where setting me up letting me send salam on the prophet (saws) by myself for a long time, probably counting on what the Saudi government usually says to get me in trouble, and especially given that shaykhs earlier warnings, but they didn’t expect how long i would be there and something made me stay longer outside of my own intension, the whole world disappeared and i was given time with the prophet as much as my heart could want, no one else walked past and the area was silent as if i had it to my self, something very rare.

Finally towards the end i decided to finish and walk out the door, as i started to do so my senses where completely taken over and i was covered in an intense white light that blinded me to everything, i couldn’t hear, see or sense anything and it walked me out the door not being able to see anything, in hind sight i think this was an Angel the prophet (saws) asked to help me against what my group had waiting for me just outside the door.

I walked but couldn’t see hear or sense anything except the white light and so I barely even noticed reaching the exist, we would have continued walking with the Angel long past the exist to jannah al Baqi, such was the peace we felt, had i not heard some people shouting at me which took me out of that light and state.

The fake salafi shaykh had pre-arranged for his students to stand just outside the door to harass me for standing in front of the prophet (saws) for so long, and the man they sent to befriend my father was assigned with attacking me, but as i walked outside the door not being able to see or sense anything it was his screams of terror that snapped me out of my state, as my site returned because of his screams, i saw him fall on his rear screaming then scrambling backwards as fast as he could with his hands and legs looking at me in horror.

Later this reminded me of what the Angels did for the companions at badr, the kufar would scream at things the companions (ra) themselves did not see and run away in terror.

That man came at me as I was walking out the door trying to attack me, supposedly he was chosen to go into fever over the other students shouts at me, which Allah didn’t want me to hear or see what they said.

But just as he reached me, which i dint even notice, He saw something that terrified him, it made him fall and was enough of a fright to then make him scramble backwards on his bum as fast as he can before even thinking to get back up and run.

When i first saw him coming out of my state i saw the shaytan in his face and didn’t even recognize him until after he fell and began scrambling away, the Angel showed me what was really guiding him.

When the other students saw what occurred to him, I don’t think they saw what he saw, they all shut up and became deflated making excuses for themselves, i don’t know what they saw exactly but all i could see was the intense white light of the Angel protecting me.

“And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.”(8:30)

They planned and Allah planned, but Allah is the best of planners, He turned everything they did into my opportunity in front of the prophet (saws) and defeated their plot when they decided to attack us outright.

We will end the account here, Jazak Allah Khair for listening,

Shaykh Rami al Rifai.

Angels Jinns and Humans; Their Perspective On Life

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

“The evil of mens actions hit or miss you in the spiritual world long before anything occurs in life”

“For (every person) are angels ranged before him and behind him, who guard him by Allah’s command. Lo! Allah changeth not the condition of a folk until they (first) change that which is in their hearts; and if Allah willeth misfortune for a folk there is none that can repel it (not even the Angels with the power to normally do so) , nor have they a defender beside Him (Allah).”(13:11)

“Every action (we take) has an equal and opposite reaction” by the universe, this reverberates to the deepest most sensitive and subtle parts, its subatomic depths.

“They know but the outer surface of this world’s life, whereas of the ultimate [repercussion of] things (their actions) they are utterly unaware.” [Qur’an 30:7]

The prophet (saws) explained this fact in ahadith by quoting this verse; “O my son!” (said the prophet Luqman), If there be (but) the weight of a particle (Habatin) (of your actions) and it were (hidden) in a rock (in subatomic space), or (anywhere) in the heavens or on earth (so here we have three seperate locations for the rock and it isn’t in space or earth), Allah will bring it forth: for Allah understands the finest (most subtle) mysteries (meaning the subatomic, because that is the most subtle and sensitive part of the universe), (and) is well-acquainted (with them).”(31:16)

“And We place the scales of justice for the Day of Resurrection, so no soul will be treated unjustly at all. And if there is [even] a particle (Habatin), We will bring it forth (from the subatomic depths). And sufficient are We as reckoners (of every particle of your actions).” (21:47)

The following is a generalisation illustrating the perspective on life of Angels Jinns and Humans, in contrast to each other.

The conception of each issue we face in life begins in the subatomic world, at the point that issue begins to come into existence in that world, the Angels see it from its first moments in subatomic space since they are subatomic creatures made entirely of sub atomic particles (Light/Photons), this is their world and natural habitat.

From that point they see how it will evolve and grow and where it will impact life on earth, at this moment in time they can choose to affect it as it grows and evolves and direct it’s path before it affects humans or leave the matter to itself. Either according to something Allah decreed about life on earth or their personal moral choices based on the immense knowledge Allah gave them and their role in life as those who help Allah create what comes into existence from the subatomic world to the physical world (15:21).

We all know about their role in creating children in the mothers womb they shape and mould everything from particles to atoms to human life itself.

When that issue begins to surface in the atmosphere of our world around us, that is when the Jinn first see it, since the Jinn created from atoms (a smokeless fire) see this world from that depth of the universe, the Angels created from subatomic particles of light and one of the smallest particles in existence see matters from a greater depth than the world of Atoms.

When the Jinn see the issue growing and evolving in the atmosphere around the humans they attach themselves to that is when they are able to shape and affect how that issue grows and evolves from that point before it affects the lives of people.

Angels make their choices about matters then the Jinn after them, each according to their own capacity and their is a vast difference between Angels and Jinn.

Finally this issue reaches the perception of man as a feeling or an idea or a situation he falls into and man is given the choice of how to bring it to fruition, act upon it, react to it, or do nothing about it but he tastes it only after the Angels and Jinn have influenced it.

This order is entirely because of our physiology and place in the universe, the Angels influence life from the subatomic, the Jinn from the Atom and man once he is able to perceive it, mans perception once he sees a matter overpowers the will of Angels and Jinn in the matter and it becomes entirely his, Angels and Jinn are forced to follow his lead at that point.

Man has the most freewill of all creatures but he makes his choices last, after everything has manifested itself in his life.

All of this is a matter of physics because the human body has the greatest “gravity” around it so it moves any Atoms and particles in its wake, the advantage of the Angels and Jinn is the sensitivity of their perception from their place in the universe, but in the bigger picture that advantage limits your ultimate perception of life which Allah taught to the Angels and Jinn when He created man.

This all occurs because the thoughts we have in our minds or the feelings we feel are all made of subatomic particles, think of a sunny day and the warmth you feel beocuse of all those light particles hitting you and how issues also shape what you feel and think, our thoughts are the subatomic aspects of our body. The fact is everything is made of them including the images we see in our minds.

The world of Angels is the subatomic, the world of Jinn is the atom and the world of humans is the environment and earth, but mans perception reaches into the depths of subatomic space and that is where is spirituality is created from, Allah teaches this in Surah al Shams (91) where it talks about the subatomic influences on life and what shapes the human soul.

All of this influence on man is why life may seem chaotic at first, other beings have made choices about our life before we have so we can’t understand the reason why things occur, but once you wake up to our spirituality we see the origins of things a lot better and that chaos disappears.

That issue which first begins in the world of Angels comes into our perception and mind last because what we are perceiving in our self is subatomic space itself, that is the spiritual world religion talks about and many of the great scholars affirmed this.

We can see this fact from the topics Allah chose to mention together in these verses;

“His is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth and what is between them [the subatomic] and what is beneath the ground (every kind of location in existence is mentioned, then Allah directs these themes to our own thoughts). And if you utter the saying aloud (or keep silent), then surely He knows what is secret, and what is yet more hidden (Akhfa/Deeper)” [Qur’an 20:6-7]

What is more hidden then the thoughts you keep to your self are the depths of those thoughts in the subatomic world, their sources, their origins.

“and there is not a thing but its (sources) treasures (origins) are with Us (subatomic), but We only send down thereof in due and ascertainable measures”(15:21).

Imam Suyuti said in His Tafsir: “And there is not a thing but that the stores thereof (the source off it’s origin) the keys to its stores (origin of it’s particles) are with Us and We do not send it down (to this world) except in a known measure according to the benefits of all creatures.”

But it is precisely because we are the last to receive all issues and decide upon them that Allah said to the Angels I am placing a khalifa on earth, one who will represent Me, and the Angels replied that ‘man would not be able to know You and become corrupt in this place’, because earth is the lowest of the low, the lowest place of spiritual perception (Intellect) and the Angels worried man did not have the ability to know Allah if he is blind to the spiritual world that proves His existence, how will they know their Lord.

But Allah replied to the Angels by showing them Adam (as) and His ability to receive revelation, the names of all things and act upon it, this is His ability to know the spiritual world through his heart better than them with their eyes who see it perfectly, because the example Allah set ended in the Angels not knowing what Adam (as) was able to know with his heart of that world which they governed.

Man with his heart can sense the unseen world better than the Angels because he can encapsulate with his spiritual sight the entire universe to get a sense of the greater picture that represented Allah’s qualities to ultimately see Him, Imam Ali (ra) said “The vision of the eye is limited; the vision of the heart transcends all barriers of time and space”.

This is why Allah expands the heart (gives it depth) of every prophet (saws) after they are given prophethood, “Did We not expand for you, [O Muhammad], your breast?(94:1), “[Moses] said, “My Lord, expand for me my breast”(20:25).

Angels who know the unseen primarily with their eyes would have to travel from one end of the universe to the other to get that same sense, Man was created for this very purpose and earth is his training ground. Allah’s signs (ayat) are seen in the smaller picture of the universe while Allah Himself is seen in the larger picture hence man can know Allah better than Angels.

“And surely, We created you and then gave you shape (that surpassed the Angels); then We told the angels, “Prostrate yourselves to Adam,” and they prostrated”(7:11)

“And He taught Adam the names – all of them. Then He showed them to the angels and said, “Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful. They said, “Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise.”(2:31-32)

Adam named things both Angels and Him had never seen before from the revelation (light filled with knowledge) Allah placed in His heart. Scientifically the heart has a sophisticated nervous system that qualifies it as a miniature brain because of it’s complexity and role in the body and it is the only organ that is independent of the brain, meaning it does what it wants.

It also generates the bodies strongest electromagnetic field which it senses the world around it with. In plain language it generates a strong light it uses to send and receive signals at the subatomic level like a mobile phone and the brain decodes all of this information.

The prophet (saws) said Allah “created from the first (particles to exist) the Light in the believers visions (imagination), and from the second (another particle after it) the light of their hearts which is knowledge of Allah (how they know the world and Allah), and from the third (another particle) the light of their inner harmony (‘Uns) which is Tawhid (how they know that) ‘There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah…”. (Abd al-Razzaq (d. 211) narrates it in his Musannaf according to Qastallani in al-Mawahib al-laduniyya (1:55) and Zarqani in his Sharh al-mawahib (1:56 of the Matba`a al-`amira edition in Cairo).

We should explain that seeing with the heart also means learning and gaining knowledge at the same time, because multiple organs are focused simultaneously, our inner sight is connected directly with our mind (intellect) and heart and all related faculties are focused together. So you need knowledge to direct and focus your sight inwardly and you gain immediate knowledge of things in the unseen as you see them which is why the awliyah called this experience “taste”, you feel what you see and that feeling explains the nature of the things you see.

This is also why the prophet (saws) in the hadith above said “the light (vision) of their hearts is knowledge of Allah”, evil hearts mainly sense the evil in the universe while pure hearts sense everything pure, eventually the heart will get a sense of Allah in the universe as it gains more experience in life and when it is given depth like the prophets it can see Him directly, which our prophet (saws) achieved.

Allah then asked the Angels and Jinn to prostrate to Adam because once Adam surpassed Angels and Jinn on earth, the place he was destined for, they would need to follow Him to be able to measure matters with Haq and Justice, otherwise they would become unjust even if it is not their intention, they needed to follow the natural course of things, their consequences accurately, and the end of all matters that begin in the spiritual world are their effects on earth, the physical world.

“They know but the outer surface of this world’s life, whereas of the ultimate [repercussion of] things they are utterly unaware.” [Qur’an 30:7]

Judge matters before they run their course and you won’t see the complete picture, you then risk committing serious mistakes in life, something the Jinn fell into when they ignored the capacity and role of man, hence they became misguided and misguided those who followed their perspective on life.

“And [mention, O Muhammad], the Day when He will gather them together [and say]: “O ye assembly of Jinns! Much did ye take from men.” Their friends amongst men will say: “Our Lord! we made profit from each other: but (alas!) we reached our term – which thou didst appoint for us.” He will say: “The Fire be your dwelling-place: you will dwell therein for ever, except as Allah willeth.” for thy Lord is full of wisdom and knowledge.”(6:108)

Life was about to get complex on earth with mans arrival and only he was equipped to maintain the balance of life on earth and the universe because the spiritual creatures in charge of both would have to follow him. Allah advises us about this in the Quran and we see it from the themes Allah chooses to mention together in these verses;

“(Allah) Most Gracious! (1) It is He Who has taught the Qur’an. (2) created man: (3) and taught him speech (Intelligence) (4) The sun and the moon follow (defined) courses (in space); (5) And the Stars and the trees are in obedience. (6) And the Firmament (universe) He has (formed and) raised high, and set up its balance, (7) In order that ye may not transgress (due) balance (on earth, this is the reason fro the vastness of space). (8) So establish measure with justice and fall not short in the balance. (55:9)”

Prior to Adam’s arrival on earth only animals and Jinn existed here but after Adam the issues Jinn and Angels would face where becoming exponentially more complex, think of the world of animals and the complexities of our lives by comparison.

Angels see issues from the depths of subatomic space, while Jinn see them from the depths of the atmosphere around us, but mankind would be the ones to experience how they shape the world first hand, He would be the one to live them out and know them better from his own experiences than Angels and Jinn who would only observe them from their perspective on life.

Mans judgment on matters from his experiences would be more fair and balanced than either the Angels or Jinns could ever be, but man would first need to be nurtured spiritually from childhood to adulthood to have that capacity, he would need the guidance of both the Angels and Jinn before he can take the lead in life and properly become Allah’s khalifa (representative).

Allah placed this responsibility on both Angels and Jinn for which the Jinn would benefit from what He gave man and mature like Him while the Angels would learn from His life what they had not seen before, their reward is to know Allah better than they did before by completing their picture of life in the universe from mans experience, failings and triumphs. Through Him they would eventually see every kind of experience that Allah wills to exist and gain knowledge of it completing who Allah wants them be in the next life, they would then need that knowledge to help them judge correctly when Allah decides to reveal more of Himself to creation and asks man and Angels to take the lead in knowing Him.

Many have reached such a state of perfection among men and become Allah’s khalifa on earth to all his creatures, the prophets (ra) are not only the leaders of mankind but also the leaders of the Angels and Jinn and after them some of the Awliya also reach this state.

This is why one of Islam’s most known saints Shaykh Abdul Qadir al Jilani (ra), who often saw Angels said ‘some awliyah (saintly men) are shaykhs (leaders) only to people, others shaykhs only to people and Jinn but others are Shaykhs to People, Jinn and Angels’, Allah had made him one of them.

Imam Ibn al Arabi (as) who also often conversed with Angels, often mentioning it in his works, said by comparison “They (the Angels) are my shaykhs”.

This is the place of man in the universe who was also created in Allah’s image, something the Angels and Jinn where not granted. Imam Ibn al Arabi (as) explained this statement of the prophet (saws) by analogy regarding the creation of the universe from particles, He (as) said that Allah Imagined the universe and life into existence, meaning with His intellect (mind) He moulded all subatomic particles to create the universe and life.

So then how is man on that Image of Allah…when man imagines anything in His mind he likewise moves and moulds subatomic particles to create what ever He sees or imagines in himself. But unlike Allah man can’t create anything with his imagination, he doesn’t have complete knowledge or power to finish that creation with purpose, it is only an approximation based on his understanding of life.

This is why when the prophet (saws) said Adam was created on Allah’s image he advised that people should avoid hitting the face of a person, not because man looked like Allah but because his intellect should be respected, which did something very similar to Allah.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “When any one of you fights his brother, let him avoid the face, for Allah created Adam in His image.” (Muslim)

Angels and Jinn where not given this to the same capacity as man, this is entirely physiological, Angels have no imagination and we do beocuse of our heart (emotions), mind (Intellect) and nafs (self/ego) which create it. The Jinn are something between man and Angels in this regard, they are closer to mans nafs (ego) while Angels are closer to mans intellect in their state of existence.

Hence they can’t be on the Image of Allah, they are limited by their spiritual existence and bodies, while Man is both a spiritual and physical creature that Allah created from the entire spectrum of matter.

Man needs to grow spiritually until he is both the shaykh (leader) of the Jinn and Angels before that role is complete, but the Jinn chose to rebel and stunt mans spiritual growth in life not seeing how they stunted their own growth in the process, instead of being counted with the Angels like Allah intended in the Quran they stunted themselves over the centuries becoming twisted choosing to fool man from behind stones and wood (Idols) with an invented spirituality.

“Yet they (idol worshipers) make the Jinns equals with Allah (this is the limited spirituality behind idols, it comes from Jinn), though Allah did create the Jinns; and they falsely, having no knowledge, attribute to Him sons and daughters. Praise and glory be to Him! (for He is) above what they attribute to Him!” (6:100)

When the Prophet (saws) reached the nearest heaven on His (saws) night Journey he looked below it and he saw a dense cloud of smoke filled with Jinn. He asked: “What is this, O Jibril?” He replied: “These are the devils that swarm over the eyes of human beings so that they will not think about the dominions of the heavens and the earth, or else they would have seen wonders.” Perception opens deeper perception but the Jinn chose to turn mans eyes away from it all.

The Angels who chose to prostrate to Adam (follow him spiritually) only do so to humans who reach their spiritual height, this is so they can properly converse with him on an equal footing and raise him even further.

Knowledge opens more knowledge, the prophet (saws) said “My Lord came to me in the best form” -the narrator said: “I think he said: in my sleep”‘ – “and asked me over what did the Highest Assembly (al-mala’u al-avla) vie (“the angels brought near” to Allah according to Ibn al-Athir in al-Nihaya and others); I said I did not know, so He put His hand between my shoulders, and I felt its coolness in my innermost, and knowledge of all things between the East and the West came to me (and He (saws) understood what they said).” (Sahih, Tirmidhi)

For man, being brought close to the Angels entails taking responsibility in life for everything Allah places in front of you and disposing of its affairs wiht Haq (Justice), Angels only accept spiritually mature people who understand consequences and act accordingly from their heart, not out of obligation.

Man is only at a disadvantage in this life because he needs knowledge and wisdom to grow;

By the sun and his brightness, And the moon when she followeth (reflects) him, And the day when it revealeth him (his intensity), And the night when it enshroudeth him (the world is calm), And the heaven (atmosphere) and Him Who built it, And the earth and Him Who spread it (it’s gravity), And the soul and Him Who perfected it. And inspired it (through all of these with conscience of) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it. He is indeed successful who causeth it to grow, And he is indeed a failure who stunteth it (buries it in darkness).(91:1-10)

And so man must rely on other creatures to learn and experience knowledge and wisdom properly, but once he has that his capacity far exceeds both Angels and Jinn because Allah’s knowledge is infinite and exists at depths even the Angels struggle with.

“Then he (the prophet on his night Journey) approached (Allah) and came close. And was at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer.”(53:8-9) At this point in the Journey of the prophet (saws) Jibril (as) had to stay back because this place was near the edge of the universe and the prophet (saws) was witnessing Allah’s splendour outside of it, something Musa (as) was not able to withstand.

The prophet (saws) said “Do you know the greatness of Allah? Truly, His Throne (‘arsh) is on His Heavens (the universe) like this” – and he formed with his fingers something like a dome over him (a dome around the universe)– and it (the Arsh) groans on account of Him like a saddle groans because of its rider.” (Abu Dawwud)

The prophet (saws) explained “Allah hath Seventy Thousand Veils of Light and Darkness: were He to withdraw their curtain (remove the veils between us and him, like He did for Musa (as)), then would the splendours of His Aspect surely consume everyone who apprehended Him with his sight (this is what is putting pressure on the Arsh and what the prophet (saws) witnessed).” (Imam al Ghazali, Mishkat Al Anwar)

The Awliya explained the place of man and what the prophet (saws) reached on that night when they said “Qalb al Insan, Arsh al Rahman”, the heart of man is the throne of the all merciful, man is the physical Kaaba that the spiritual world revolves around and Allah has created him to know Allah best.

In the next life the Jinn will be seen as the small immature creatures they chose to be, man who suffers them in this life will be free of them in the next and able to move at speed with the Angels.

Ultimately man will always rely on the Angels who Allah appointed to help him in life, this will be his state in the next life they will guide him and then follow His lead after their help, because like Adam, man has a capacity to sense the unseen better than them and Allah trained mankind for this on earth, a place his eyes are blind but not his heart.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

How Do Angels Put Your Life Together​

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Recently some questioned me about spiritual matters, challenging how much I knew, the short answer is people who have seen Angels, who are helped by them, who are taught by them, can write about them from that experience that is a source of knowledge, and what I write should be proof of what I have claimed because scholars can recognise the origin of words and their merit, even if you can’t.

In my last email, I explained that Allah created only one thing that can read every reaction in the universe perfectly and from that see all things into the future, and that is the Pen.….

From this, we can understand that seeing the future itself is a science created by the systems of the universe and not a “crystal ball” trick. This is because time is created by the particles of space and their entanglement together, and it is the direction and rate at which the universe is evolving, so if you see that occurring you can see the direction the universe is heading in.

After all, if the universe wasn’t preparing for your future by something of it existing in the present to evolve the universe to that point, then time would not exist, or rather space-time as physics now calls space, that is the space “physically” intertwined with time,  would not exist, but more on that later.

The Pen as the Prophet (saws) explained was the first intellect Allah created it was the archetype that all other intellects are based off, Allah then gave His other creatures various types of intellects like it, but the Pen is the most complete and perfect intellect and because it was the archetype this means the intellects of Angels, Jinn and Man are lesser kinds that are not as complete as it.

This tells us the role of each creatures intellect in trying to discover the future, it is the underlying thing that drives man to know new information.

“all (things) have We registered in a prototype (Imam in Arabic, the Imam is someone copied in prayer, literally Allah creates things from archetypes, Man was created in Allah’s image, DNA is another example), the archetypal Book” (36:12).

What each of Allah’s creatures has to catch up to the pen and how it sees the universe in a complete way, to gain that knowledge which helps us predict the future or predict answers to things, is the heart, and in this regard, man has surpassed every other creature because of his heart. Now I don’t mean heart in the same way it is said today which makes it almost worthless, but in the same way, Allah intended it when He proudly showed the Angels what Adam could do above them.

Allah said in a hadith Qudsi “Neither My Earth nor My Heavens can contain Me, but the heart of a Believing Servant, contains Me”, the heart has the capacity, in its vision of the universe to encompass anything and relay that vision to us through feelings and inspiration, even the entire universe which is the meaning of this Hadith.

Allah placed in Adam’s (ra) heart the name of every thing He ever created, then when He placed some of them in front of Adam (ra), so the Angels could see the difference between them and Mankind, Adam (ra) could speak their names from what He felt about them and His heart told Him (ra).

The Pen as an intellect could see everything in the universe and its future in absolute terms, while other creatures were given an intellect and a heart to catch up to it.

In this way, Angels in being are more closely related to the Pen, a Pure intellect, while Adam combines both, relying on his intellect to learn from his heart that feels things in the spiritual and physical world. We can understand then how Angels and Jinn, who are entirely spiritual creatures, use more of their intellects and less of their hearts.

Angels because of this have no need for an imagination, they don’t imagine anything which for us is just guessing things or being deluded about them because we can’t see them clearly, Angels only see things as they truly are, while Jinn because they are obsessed with earth and everything in front of their eyes, which they can’t get past because they need the wisdom of humans to do so, are corrupted by their hearts, because they rely more on the intellect their hearts are smaller as a result.

All of this has to do with the physiology of each creature and then about the choices they make in life.

The heart essentially works like a compression program on a computer, it Zip’s or compresses vast amounts of information about the universe. It senses and gathers information from the world around you then it compresses it into a feeling that you can feel and understand from or inspires you with it. This is what the verse “Man was created of haste. I will show you My signs (so your hearts can sense or see them), so do not impatiently urge Me” (21:37) means, man’s heart in a single moment has to see and judge matters, that behind them is a vast amount of information regarding them but it can’t convey any of that in the time it takes for you to notice your instincts.

So, feelings are the best form of compressing knowledge and wisdom and conveying the hearts judgment on something.

This is what it means to act on your feelings, and because of how important this is Allah instructed you to clean the machine responsible for your judgment, your body and heart, otherwise what you perceive will be warped in some way and you won’t have a right sense of things.

Because of what people do in life some people are more deserving of being given wisdom as a result of all of this which is also a form of knowledge being compressed into shorter statements; “He grants Hikmah (wisdom) to whom He pleases, and he, to whom Hikmah (wisdom) is granted, is indeed granted abundant good. But none remember (this) except men of understanding.”(2:269)

Allah’s Apostle (saws) said about the Quran, “I have been sent with ‘Jawami-al-Kalim ‘ (the shortest expression with the widest meaning and knowledge) and have been made victorious with awe (cast in my enemy’s hearts), and while I was sleeping, I saw that the keys of the treasures of the world were placed in my hand.”

Abu Huraira (ra) added: “Allah’s Apostle (saws) has gone, and you people are utilizing those treasures, or digging those treasures (that knowledge in the Quran and Sunnah) out.” or said a similar sentence.” (Bukhari)

“Say (O Muhammad, to mankind): Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel! For it is He who hath revealed (the Quran) to thy heart by Allah’s leave, confirming that which was (revealed) before it, and a guidance and glad tidings to believers.” (2:97)

The average person doesn’t realise all of this is occurring in the background, in wisdom and the verses of the Quran is a large amount of knowledge describing the universe in a few short words. So, think of a prophet’s heart which receives revelation, the words of Allah and their meaning contain every other word that defines them, but the words of Allah in their meaning also contain all His knowledge, and Allah said about His words in the Quran;

“And if all the trees in the earth were pens, and the sea, with seven more seas to help it, (were ink), the words (knowledge) of Allah could not be exhausted. Lo! Allah is Mighty, Wise.” (31:27)

To demonstrate the capacity of the heart, Allah placed the names of everything in the universe in the heart of Adam (as) to illustrate this quality of the heart to compress large amounts of information into something small, the heart of a normal man from its senses gathers information on everything it can sense and does the same to a lesser extent.

The Prophet (saws) similarly said about himself and the knowledge Allah gave him; “My Lord came to me in the best form” -the narrator said: “I think he said: in my sleep”‘ – “and asked me over what did the Highest Assembly (al-mala’u al-avla) vie (“the angels brought near” those discussing the minute technical details of everything); I said I did not know, so He put His hand between my shoulders, and I felt its coolness in my innermost, and knowledge of all things between the East and the West came to me.” (So he could understand their technical and detailed speech) (Sahih, Tirmidhi)

Because of this vast amount of knowledge the spiritual (subatomic part of the) heart can carry, process and is responsible for, the scholars said the heart is the riding animal of Allah, and more famously, “Qalb al-Insan Arsh al-Rahman”, the heart of man is the throne of Allah.

This is all to compare the heart in each creature, Angel, Jinn and Man because it helps us understand how the Angels do their work.

The pen as a pure intellect could see what was going to happen in the universe until its end; “The first thing Allah created was the pen after which He commanded it to write. The pen asked its Rabb (Lord) what should I write. Allah said, ‘Write the decree of all that which is to occur till eternity/Qiyamah.”

Similarly, because of the same systems and mechanisms Allah placed in the universe for the pen to carry out its job, pure creatures who are also endowed with an intellect can see the future but to a lesser imperfect extent, their sense of what is going to happen based on the knowledge they are able to gather according to their scope, is exactly that mechanism.

But, because their intellect is housed in bodies with systems that intellect relies upon, each creature having different physiology and capacity, the Pen who as ahadith describe is a kind of light which means it is entirely composed of subatomic particles is the most Perfect at seeing the future.

This similitude between the role of the Pen and our intellects you can see from Ahadith and what Allah stated clearly in the Quran.

The Prophet (saws) said, “Dreams are one out of 46 parts of Prophecy,” and “Nothing remains of the beginnings of Prophethood except the true vision a Muslim may see.”

Abu Huraira reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, say, “Nothing remains of prophecy except glad tidings.” They said, “What are glad tidings?” The Prophet said, “Righteous (true) dreams.”

Aisha said about the Prophet (saws): “He would never see a vision, except it, subsequently came true as surely as the cleaving of the dawn.” The Prophet saw in his dream that he had conquered Makkah long before the conquest took place, after which the Quranic verse was revealed: “Allah has fulfilled the vision of His Messenger in very truth” (46:26). Similarly, Prophet Joseph saw 11 planets prostrating to him (12:4), which stood for his 11 brothers that betrayed him, and who eventually came under his leadership.

Among Allah’s creatures, prophets and Angels are the most perfect at seeing the truth about everything and consequently the future. It was because of the prophets perfection and mental ability that when the pagans accused the Prophet (saws) of Madness, meaning that His mind was warped and could not see clearly, Allah swore by the most perfect and pure intellect that He (saws) was not Mad;

“Nun. By the pen and that which they write (what the Angels record about everything, the human intellect also records), Thou art not, for thy Lord’s favour unto thee, a madman. And lo! thine verily will be a reward unfailing. And lo! thou art of a tremendous nature. And thou wilt see and they will see, Which of you is the demented. ” (68:1-6, see our Tafsir to this verse).

But, the rest of Mankind only gets glimpses of the future, unlike Angels it isn’t their daily staple. The work of the pen and Angels almost entirely relies on seeing the future and the systems in the universe that allow this.

The future itself is only a mystery when we are incapable of knowing it, otherwise, it is just the reactions of the universe playing out and where they will lead to. While the universe may seem infinite to us it isn’t infinite to Allah and it isn’t infinite to the Pen who saw everything, Allah even tells us in the Quran that He accounts for every single thing in it, that includes every subatomic particle in the universe and that isn’t difficult for him;

“Lo! We it is Who bring the dead to life. We record that which they send before (them), and their footprints. And all things We have kept in a clear Register.” (36:12)

Now, if you have ever wondered how Angels know what to do, how things seem to naturally fit in together in the grand scheme of things, this is how;

When Angels go to decide any matter they see its future first then work to bring that about because they are Allah’s hand in the universe, Allah in a way has placed them between the events that occur in the universe, so they are the intermediaries bridging the gap between cause and effect…but in terms of scale you have to think every minute thing that occurs everywhere.

Man sees the future and waits for it to happen but it is the job of the Angels to ensure it Happens. To us life is one continuous flow of time, one second occurring after another, one day after another and every event is followed by another.

In reality, everything that makes up our life is a small piece of a giant jigsaw puzzle that is put together by every Angel in existence. At any given moment something will occur next to an Angel relating to one small issue in your life, that Angel will be responsible for how to deal with it, for example, should a cup of coffee fall from a desk or not, when he goes to act He sees its future and brings about what needs to happen for the cup to fall or stay safe.

Some think Angels don’t have free will, rather it’s because of their absolute dedication to what Allah tasked each one of them with, that it is more accurate to say they don’t have lives of their own, they dedicate their lives to serving you and others, because absolute focus on the task is what is required to do the job perfectly and to give it its complete worth.

This is coupled with some other things like their physiology and the place they reside in, ghayb, that has a hand in why they are dedicated and don’t have lives of their own. We saw this in the story of the two Angels who came to live on earth as men and made the same mistakes as them when they took the complete form of man, so the matter definitely has to do with the place each creature exists in and their bodies.

It’s because man acts with out giving everything it’s complete and deserved worth that Allah criticised him in the Quran for having a nature of haste.

Abu Dharr, may Allah be pleased with him, who said: “The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: ‘I see what you do not see and hear what you do not hear. The heaven (space) makes a noise like groaning (you can listen to this on youtube), and it has the right to (it isn’t a surprise), for there is no space in it the width of four fingers, but there is an angel there, placing his forehead in sujood (obedience) to Allah (In complete submission to the task Allah made Him responsible for). By Allah, if you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much, you would not enjoy your relationships with women and you would go out in the street praying to Allah.’” (Tirmidhi)

The cup of coffee is a simple example of one thing occurring, the matter of our entire day is much larger and more complex, our day is made of pieces of the puzzle that Angels are charged with solving and putting together each day. They react to every action that is occurring in the world by everything in it, helping it continue on its path until Allah decides something different about it, then they make the changes to its state that are required to affect change.

You can see this from the fact there are Angels named after every kind of Job needed for life to go on.

You have Mika’il who is in charge of the earth and its ecosystem, nature, along with the Angels that help him. There is Jibril who is in charge of revelation but since that door is closed what is left to man is inspiration, learning wisdom, knowledge and the truthful dream from Allah, He also has Angels that help Him inspire and teach man. You also have Angels in charge of the mountains, rivers, forests, cities, towns, sky, weather, rain, clouds, lightning and every kind of creature on earth.

Then you have the Angel of death and the Angels that help him, they are responsible not just for things dying but things ageing, falling apart and decaying. Then you have the recording Angels that write everything down, and the Angels in charge of every aspect of your life.

Between all these Angels and the ones we have not mentioned, the Jigsaw puzzle of your life is put together under their countless hands, each one sees the future in relation to their job and acts according to how something should happen, but they act independently of other types of Angels, so the process is organic and comes together as something well thought out, discussed, deliberated over, with freedom, in a natural state and not something that is forced.

Sometimes the Angels will argue with each over what the best path should be, and this primarily comes from our choices in life which always create new permutations on previous choices that older generations of mankind made, because the world changes and each event in life occurs in a different environment and circumstance as a result, the hikmah (wisdom) regarding it also changes, so the Angels are always learning something new from us.

Imam Ali asked the Prophet (saws) if the pen is dry and everything is in Allah’s foreknowledge do we still have a choice, the Prophet (saws) replied it is 50/50, half fate (half governed by the laws of the universe) and half free will, governed by the choices of creatures.

Besides governing according to the commands Allah placed in the universe, Angels will wait for everything to make its choice in life and decide on matters in context of that;

[The angels say], “There is not among us any except that he has a known position.” (37:164)

Consider the size of the Universe in its entirity it is surrounded by the Arsh, then the Kursi within that, then within that the part of the universe we know in our night sky; “The apostle of Allah asked some men of Medina what had been said there about the falling stars and was told: ‘We said, “A king has died or has begun to reign; a child has been born, or has died.” ‘ The apostle of Allah replied: ‘It was not so. When Allah reaches any decision concerning His people He is heard by the bearers of His throne (In the deepest part of the universe), who praise Him; and this praise is taken up by the angels below them (Near the Kursi), and by others still further below (at the edges of the visible universe); and the praise continues to descend until it reaches the sky of this world (our night Sky), where other angels also praise. Then these ask each other why they praise, and the question ascends gradually till it reaches the bearers of the throne. They then, tell of the decree of Allah concerning His people, and the news travels down by degrees until it reaches the heaven of this world, where the angels discuss it. But the evil Jinns (devils), who used to listen to such discussions by stealth, sometimes misheard, and what they retold to soothsayers on earth was sometimes true and sometimes false. The soothsayers also conversed about these matters, some giving true and some false accounts. So, when the coming of the apostle was being discussed by the angels, Allah foiled the evil Jinns by hurling meteors (at them), and from that time onwards an end was made to soothsayers”. (Seerah ibn Ishaq)

Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: the Prophet of Allah (saws) said:

“There was a man from among a nation before you who killed ninety-nine people and then made an inquiry about the most learned person on the earth (seeking repentance). He was directed to a monk. He came to him and told him that he had killed ninety-nine people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted. He replied in the negative so the man killed him completing one hundred (murders).

He then asked about the most learned man in the earth. He was directed to a scholar. He told him that he had killed one hundred people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted. He replied in the affirmative and asked, `Who stands between you and repentance? Go to such and such a land; there (you will find) people devoted to prayer and worship of Allah, join them in worship, and do not come back to your land because it is an evil place.’

So he went away and hardly had he covered half the distance when death overtook him; and there was a dispute between the angels of mercy and the angels of torment. The angels of mercy pleaded, ‘This man has come with a repenting heart to Allah,’ and the angels of punishment argued, ‘He never did a virtuous deed in his life.’ Then there appeared another angel in the form of a human being and the contending angels agreed to make him arbiter between them. He said,`Measure the distance between the two lands. He will be considered belonging to the land to which he is nearer.’ They measured and found him closer to the land (land of piety) where he intended to go, and so the angels of mercy collected his soul”. [Al Bukhari and Muslim]

Another hadith adds: “Allah ordered the village (towards which he was going) to come closer to him, and ordered the village (whence he had come), to go far away, and then He ordered the angels to measure the distances between his body and the two villages. So he was found to be one span closer to the village (he was going to). So he was forgiven.” (Bukhari)

Looking back at how the universe prepares for the future, Allah says “By the heavens full of paths” (51:7), the complete passage around verse 51:7 relates to every minute thing the Angels are responsible for;

“By those that winnow with a winnowing (Angels of the wind). And those that bear the burden (of the rain. Angels of the rain). And those that glide with ease (upon the sea. Angels responsible for the sea and its ships). And those who distribute (blessings) by command (Angels responsible for putting the Jigsaw puzzle of your day together), Lo! that (punishment) wherewith ye are threatened is indeed true, And lo! the judgment (to come in the next life) will indeed befall. By the heaven full of paths.” (51:1-7)

Meaning by the paths the heaven (sub atomic) prepares for future events which is the context of that verse and the underlying thing behind the work of the Angels. The paths exist so the work of the Angels can occur, so they can see the future, and every life in the universe can follow one of these spiritual paths.

The very next verses then talk about how mankind has been very wrong about this matter and everything else;

“Verily, [O men,] you are deeply at variance as to what to believe” (51:8), meaning by the heaven full of spiritual paths to follow, you are still lost on which are the right paths we have prepared for you.

“perverted in his views thereon is he who would deceive himself! They but destroy themselves, they who are given to guessing at what they cannot ascertain.” (51:9-10) the universe is complex and figuring life out for your self will cause you to become lost from all the choices, from the possible paths you can take in life… “they who blunder along, in ignorance lost” (51:11), just because the universe is full of paths to follow it doesn’t mean they are all right for you.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “When Allah created Paradise, He said to Jibreel: ‘Go and look at it.’ Jibreel went and looked at it, then came and said: ‘O my Lord! By Thy might, no one who hears of it will fail to enter it.’

Allah then surrounded it with disagreeable things, and said: ‘Go and look at it, Jibreel.’ He went and looked at it, then came and said: ‘O my Lord! By Thy might, I am afraid that no one will enter it.’

When Allah created Hell, He said: ‘Go and look at it, Jibreel.’ Jibreel went and looked at it, then came and said: ‘O my Lord! By Thy might, no one who hears of it will enter it. ‘

Allah then surrounded it with desirable things and said: ‘Go and look at it, Jibreel.’ Jibreel went, looked at it, then came and said: ‘O my Lord! By Thy might and power, I am afraid that no one will remain who does not enter it.’ (Abu Dawud)

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

حُفَّتِ الْجَنَّةُ بِالْمَكَارِهِ وَحُفَّتِ النَّارُ بِالشَّهَوَاتِ

“Jannah is surrounded by hardships and the Hell-Fire is surrounded by desires (ease).”

If you want to know what that thing is which helps the universe move into the future and makes part of the future exist now, the simple answer is particles and the thing that connects them together, quantum entanglement. The famous double slit experiment (of physics) we mentioned in our last email has already shown how particles will move to the future position of events long before the rest of the universe catches up, that is a subatomic or spiritual path being created, and Allah said in the Quran “By the heavens full of paths” (51:7), meaning by the paths that everything will come to follow, the smallest particles being the trail blazers for the rest of the universe because they are the most sensitive to any kind of force or action.

Particles are sensitive to our intentions and will go to where we intend things before we do anything, or they will begin to shape things when we make an intention even if we don’t act upon it because intentions are a simple way of saying a force that acts upon the particles.

In terms of the universe, the smallest particles will move in the direction any force (from anything) is heading before it arrives there, and Amazingly Allah spoke about this in a hadith Qudsi;

“Allah has written down the good deeds and the bad ones. Then He explained it [by saying that] he who has intended a good deed and has not done it, Allah writes it down with Himself as a full good deed, but if he has intended it and has done it, Allah writes it down with Himself as from ten good deeds to seven hundred times, or many times over. But if he has intended a bad deed and has not done it, Allah writes it down with Himself as a full good deed, but if he has intended it and has done it, Allah writes it down as one bad deed.”

“Writes it down” basically means how the universe reacts to simple thoughts and the power behind each thought that drives the process. Allah doesn’t have a pen or paper and already knows everything, the only thing left that is moving in the hadith is the universe, the ink of Allah as the Prophet (saws) described it or the giant recording machine we mentioned in our last email.

The prophet (saws) said, “The first thing Allah created was the pen, then He created the ‘Nun’ (space) which is an inkwell” (for particles that are the ink);

“This is what Allah stated ‘Nun and the Pen.’ (68:1) And He said to it, ‘Write’. So the pen wrote all that will be until judgment day. Then Allah created the Nun (outer most part of space) above the waters (the subatomic depths, water or ocean is a simile for a sea of particles in space) and He pressed the earth into it’s back (into subatomic space, the Earth bends sub atomic space around it which is how gravity is created and why the Prophet (saws) said pressed into its back). He (Allah) then said to the pen ‘Write.’ The pen asked ‘What shall I write?’ Allah replied, ‘Write what was and what will be until judgment day; whether deed, reward, consequence and punishment- until judgment day.’ Thus the pen wrote what shall be until judgment day. Allah then placed a seal over the pen and it will not talk until judgment day. Then Allah created the mind (intellect of living things) and said, ‘By my Glory, I will establish you in those whom you love and I will take you away from those whom you despise.’” (Imam Qurtubi gave the following chain, Narrated by Al-Walid Ibn Muslim, narrated by Malik Ibn Ans, narrated by Sumay son of Abu Bakir, narrated by Abu Salih Al-Samaan, narrated by Abu Hurayrah who heard the prophet (saws))

When you do something compared to just thinking about it, its effects are up to 700 times more powerful in the universe than any thought or intention.

Knowledge of all of this is to help you see the world Allah created around you so you can stay connected to Him and your Deen. The path of Ihsan in Islam helps you make sense of everything that seems to be chaos, the Angels who put the jigsaw puzzle of your life together can make all of it clear to you because they work with it.

Every little item in your life, every small thing around you, arrived there because of the work of the Angels deciding something about it at every moment of its existence, they are made from light and act at the speed of light and faster, and all their work is what makes up the day you experience.

Looking at this in modern terms; we live on earth, the physical part of the universe, but around us is the subatomic world, that part of the universe decides the qualities each thing is going to have and its qualities decide how you will feel about it, experience it and react to it.

Everything has its qualities but how you feel about things often changes, one moment a pen could be your favourite another moment that changes to something else, there are spiritual reasons behind this and every other small change in your life, from good sources and bad.

We are a single person while Angels are countless, so consider that there are many types of feelings we can have about everything and even more types of thoughts you can think about anything, it is easy for them to arrange all that.

The best way to see Angels is to understand they are like the light in our intellect, in our mind, and the simplest way to describe their hand in your life is to say Angels are the power behind our thoughts.

They are the power that decides the effectiveness of entanglement, underneath the world around us is ghayb the sub atomic, Angels makes certain everything arrives at its destination as Allah decreed it and the Pen foresaw. In modern terms, this is saying that the laws of the universe (fate) bring things about in our world, and while that is occurring at every moment we live our life, that is the 50 % freedom from fate Allah gave all creatures.

Sayyid Rami Al Rifai.

Seeing Allah In This Life

Bismillahi rahmani raheem assalamu alaikum

I was reminded of this subject this morning and was told when I last spoke about it, it benefited a lot of people and helped them understand, so Insha Allah I am going to write about it again from my own experiences.

The first thing you have to understand is that the human body sees with its eyes and heart, today because of science we understand how the heart sees and what is meant by vision of the heart. Both organs relay all of their information to the brain which creates the images you see in your mind. The eyes show you the world around you while the heart shows you the spiritual world that is influencing you.

In this regard the prophet (saws) said there are three types of dreams, one from the self which is created from your memories and experiences that you lived, the second is from Jinn and shaytan, a spiritual creature able to influence your heart and place images in your mind, they can influence the nervous system of the body because it runs on electrical impulses and their creation is closely related to electricity.

The last kind is from Allah and that is done through the Mala’ikah/Angels another creature that can place images in your mind and influence your heart.

The point of understanding this is to understand what the spiritual world is and where it is, ghayb, the unseen world is the sub atomic world around us, we are made from atoms and things larger than atoms but Allah created creatures that are made from sub atomic particles, the Angels from light or the photon particle and the Jinn from a smokeless fire, the electron particle which is what electricity is made of.

The journey of man from childhood into old age is one where he matures and opens his heart to greater spiritual depths, and as He reaches deeper into the spiritual world he is in fact reaching deeper into what Allah called Jannah, the sub atomic world.

Allah assigned 7 depths to Jannah and at the end of these depths you will find His Arsh, His throne, which is something that encompasses the entire universe like a hard shell protects the egg inside, the term Arsh is an honorific for its place and role with Allah.

This spiritual journey of the heart is opened through two things, Ihsan and wisdom, which is knowledge used in a beneficial way by seeking the best path at all times.

The prophet (saws) describing our Journey in life and our Tariqah once said to us, “acting with wisdom increases your wisdom, and that is the shortest path” (to Allah).

As you act with wisdom your own wisdom increases and so does the depth of your heart, some people are shallow and don’t go past the first Jannah, others the second, some people mature and reach the third, while practising the tenants of Islam faithfully in life ensures you reach the fourth Jannah before the end of your Journey.

Some people excel others and reach the fifth Jannah and here the thing that is truly behind wisdom, inspiration, begins to manifest in a person’s heart. Wisdom is only useful when you know how and when to use it and that comes from the Mala’ikah inspiring you with the right answers.

The sixth Jannah is where inspiration is settled upon the heart and the seventh is where you are a Master/Sayyid.

This should now tell you the path to Allah, but how do you see him?

When you first begin to mature you have to contend with the world of Jinn who inhabit the shallowest part of the spiritual world. Their “world” is “superimposed” unto this world and so they influence it spiritually and shape the lives of people in it how they like, they are shallow creatures and because of that Allah never sent a prophet from their kind to them because they are incapable of reaching the seventh Jannah which is required for prophet hood.

Hence when you look inside yourself to advance on this spiritual Journey you have to purify yourself of their influence, wants and needs.

In this endeavour the scholars said, “Whosoever knows himself knows his Lord”, “man ‘arafa nafsahu faqad ‘arafa Rabbahu”, because the Journey to Him is through the self and that is where you will see everything mentioned by the prophets and saints.

You overcome the Jinn not through strength but with wisdom, by practising it and increasing in it, that is the only way. As you gain wisdom you gain something they can’t acquire, touch or contend with and that is where you find freedom from them.

Most people lose to them today because they are forced to deal with them before they mature properly, that is why people need a REAL spiritual guide to help them, their presence alone stops Jinn from doing their worst to you, therefore in the past Muslims created Tariqah’s around Imams who traversed this journey successfully so they can mimic what they did and achieve the same results.

After looking in yourself and seeing the world of Jinn you will come across the Mala’ikah and their world in a deeper place than them, where the Jinn only exist on this earth with us the Mala’ikah exist in the sub atomic depths of ghayb right up to the Arsh.

By now you may be thinking we see the Jinn and Angels in our selves through our heart and they exist around us also, your body is the tool you use to see the world, so don’t confuse the word imaginary with delusion and something being not real, these are things your body does when you nafs/self is out of control and lost in desire.

Just like the Jinn are able to create dreams you are able to create false, imaginary, images, but when you calm the self and rid it of impure things your mind becomes a tool by which you see the spiritual world, that is the struggle of the spiritual path, the more you achieve the less delusions you have and the deeper you are able to see and reach.

The prophet (saws) said modern psychology is a Fitnah Allah sent against the Kufar for adopting the occult to destroy/addle their minds because they created false ideologies using the mechanisms of religion.

So Ignore its incomplete view of the world that is based on outdated medicine, literally for most of the last century psychology and medicine thought emotions and feelings are all delusions of the brain (created by it) and the body and heart have no role, so they developed their science around this error that they are correcting to day. It is obvious that a psychology (science) about the self that ignores the heart entirely will certainly addle/imbalance the minds of those who adopt it

The heart is the only organ in the body that tells the brain what to do by sending it what it thinks and experiences, in fact it is the first organ to form in the body so this should tell you its spiritual primacy, modern medicine is at odds with what came before because computers and technology changed everything.

When you begin to see the world of Mala’ikah you begin to understand and see where all of your thoughts come from. As you travel the path at first you see all the things that come from your own logic, because you are now paying attention to yourself, while other thoughts you don’t know why you thought them. Then you come to understand Jinn and their world hence you now understand why certain impulses come to you, while before you didn’t know why, seeing the Mala’ikah shows you were the rest of your thoughts and feelings come from.

In this way you gain greater control over yourself and life because you understand what moves you better.

Once you have become accustomed to the world of Angels, eventually Allah will call you into His presence and show you where His hand is in the universe.

In the Journey of the self, your “Journey To The Lord Of Power”, you will see that Allah is behind the Mala’ikah, whatever thoughts are not inspired by the Mala’ikah, Jinn or you come from a deeper place and are His hand in your life, His hand is the most subtle/Latif in yourself.

Allah said about this in the Quran, He created the Arsh established Himself upon it and is controlling the universe from here, so when your heart reaches the Arsh in its spiritual depths, Allah will teach you how to see Him in life because you are now able to see past the nafs, Jinn and Mala’ikah to see Him.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


فَتَعَـٰلَى ٱللَّهُ ٱلۡمَلِكُ ٱلۡحَقُّ‌ۖ لَآ إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ رَبُّ ٱلۡعَرۡشِ ٱلۡڪَرِيمِ

The ‘Uwaysi’ Transmission Of Spiritual Knowledge

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalmau alaikum.

Sayudina Uwais al Qarni (ra) was a contemporary of the prophet Muhammad (saws) who lived in Yemen but never had the chance to meet the prophet (saws) because he had duties towards his mother, which he could not leave. So Allah taught Him about Islam from a distance, whilst in Yemen He would often hear the Khutba’s of the prophet (saws), receive news about events and see them, hear the Adhan and pray with the congression in Madina from a distance, and after the prophets (saws) death the companions would visit Him (as) on the instruction of the prophet (saws).

The prophet (saws) said about Him (ra) “He is the best of the Tabiin.”

What we should understand is that Allah used the faculties inherent in Man which Allah displayed to the Angels, His physiological ability to receive revelation and inspiration, to connect Him to Ahl Madina from Yemen and this was wasn’t a miracle like people think of Magic today, in other words it had scientific basis in the systems of the universe like every miracle of Allah.

The spiritual manner in which Allah taught Him (as) about Islam would mark the foundation for how many scholars and awliyah in Islam would be taught over the next 1400 years, the prophet (saws) famously said Allah takes the souls of the believers whilst they are asleep, at this time the souls talk to each other, consider that deeply and what they are doing at this time and the fact the souls of people had a life long before they entered bodies to be born, because, that is the crux of how spiritual knowledge is passed on from one person to the next, from the Angels to the prophets and from the prophets and awliya to people.

This was the manner in which I was raised into the Naqshbandi Tariqah by the prophet (saws) and was given a unique Naqshbandi silsila going back to Him (saws), and this is the manner in which many scholars, Imam’s, Awliyah where raised before me in the past, by either the prophet Muhammad (saws) or Sayidinah al Khidr (as).

Here is an explanation of this by the scholars of the Naqshbandi Tariqah;

The ‘Uwaysi’ Transmission of Spiritual Knowledge


Sayyidina Shah Bahaudin Naqshband al-Uwaysi al-Bukhari received the silent dhikr from the spiritual presence (ruhaniyya) of Khwaja Abdul Khaliq Ghujdawani. He did not meet with him physically because there were five shaykhs between them in the Golden Chain. Similarly Sayyidina Abul Hasan al-Kharaqani took spiritual guidance and initiation in the Naqshbandi Order from the spiritual presence of Bayazid Bistami.

In this form of spiritual transmission, the spirits meet in the world called calam al-arwah (the world of spirits) which is beyond calam al-ajsam (the material plane). Whoever takes knowledge through spirituality from a deceased Master in the Naqshbandi Way, is called both Uwaisi and Naqshbandi. That spiritual connection is as powerful and effective as the physical connection.

The sign of the Favor of Allah Almighty and Exalted on his servant is to authorize one of His saints to uplift that servant to the Divine Presence. That is why many saints who came in previous times were guides for those who came after through this spiritual (Uwaysi) connection. It is known that many saints have been under the guidance and training of prophets and other saints that lifted them up.

As we mentioned, Sayyidina Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdwani was raised up by Sayyidina al-Khidr (s), Sayyidina Uways al-Qarani, and the spiritual Presences of Sayyidina Ali and Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq. Then Sayyidina Abdul Khaliq raised Shah Naqshband, who also received guidance from Sayyidina Uways al-Qarani, Sayyidina Ali, Sayyidina Abu Bakr, and the Prophet (s). Sayyidina Jafar as-Sadiq raised up Sayyidina Bayazid al-Bistami. Sayyidina Bayazid al-Bistami raised up Sayyidina Abul-Hasan al-Kharaqani. Sayyidina Ubaidullah al-Ahrar was raised up by the spiritual connection to Sayyidina Isa (s) and to Shah Naqshband. It is known that Sayyidina Ahmad al-Faruqi, in addition to the spiritual power he was receiving from Shah Naqshband, was also receiving spiritual support and power from Sayyidina Ali (r). Sayyidina Shaykh Sharafuddin ad-Daghestani was raised through spirituality by Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r) and by Sayiddina Muhammad (s). Sayyidina Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani was under the spiritual guidance of Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarani (r), of Sayyidina Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani, and of Sayyidina Shah Naqshband and Sayyidina Ali. Shaykh Nazim received, in addition to the guidance received by Shaykh Abdullah and Shaykh Sharafuddin, additional guidance from Sayyidina Jalaluddin Rumi and Sayyidina Abdul-qadir al-Gilani, who were his grandfathers on his father’s and his mother’s side.

These are the shaykhs of the Naqshbandi Order mentioned by Shaykh Abdullah ad-Daghestani, who have, in addition to their physical connection, received the Uwaisi connection. They are known as the Shaykhs of the Two Wings (Dhul Janahain), meaning that both the physical lineage and the spiritual lineage are combined in them. These saints are only nine in number. Each one represents one of the nine spiritual points on the chest of the human being. Through these points these saints can reach their followers at any time. Because they have the authority of these nine points, they consider all of humankind to be their followers, whether they are aware of their spiritual connection to them or not. Through these points, which are of ‘Uwaysi’ nature, they can reach and affect any human being, intercede for them, and inspire their hearts in order to direct them to the Divine Love, although they have never met physically.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

The Cost Of Sihr

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

This is one of the funniest things I have seen from Jinn, so bear with me. Some time ago I wrote about how evil most Jinn are, primarily I was referring to Jinn born relatively recently and never experienced the world before 1970, which is around the time they started losing their minds and perspective on reality, because of the culture of drugs, music and degeneracy that was destroying the world and the conservatism that existed for thousands of years.

Older Jinn before this period show more restraint and wisdom in all their dealings because that was the atmosphere they grew up in, in comparison to today. Because of the fitnah of these younger Jinn that is covering the earth, no matter how evil when you fight older Jinn you come to appreciate their manner of doing things in comparison to the younger ones, everything is well defined in their minds along with how things are supposed to be. To get some perspective on that the Jinn of old are like people in the movie to kill a mocking bird, while Jinn of today are the creatures from the movie gremlins.

Older Jinn are more serious in tone while younger Jinn are crazy morons with no idea of consequence and incapable of learning it, their lack of perspective is so bad if you have seen a cartoon called Marvin the Martian who fights over mars regardless of costs to everything else even himself, I am not exaggerating when I say they are that bad, no matter what the cost is to anyone even them.

This world will literally go to hell when the older Jinn die, because there won’t be any restraint left among their kind, restraint is needed to learn outcomes properly so you don’t repeat the same mistakes, lack of restraint in Jinn shows up as insanity in humans, these younger Jinn are like a broken record playing the same song over and over again because they can’t learn anything properly.

This is why I am extremely prejudice against them, when I expressed that a while ago some occultists thought they could fix my problems and the jinn’s problems by making me love Jinn, they did a love spell so I would like them and they would like me.

What happened made most Jinn red faced, for someone like me who has control over his heart and love I noticed what happened after a day or two, and the Jinn in question are still embarrassed about it to this day.

I noticed that whenever a shaytan would want to attack me they would instead come and sit down and watch what I am doing, then after some time they would want to have a casual conversation until they got chummy and close, usually with a shaytan you would think some attack is about to occur and this is all a set up, but instead they made themselves at home like they had nothing to fear from me.

When I saw that they didn’t want to leave and my heart was warming up to them, because this was affecting us both, my history with them was always going to be between us, I then understood what happened. So I said to the Jinn when they started getting “googly eyed”, don’t you guys have a way of seeing if someone did a love spell on you, their women suddenly appeared and answered yes we do, they then left to do something.

Not long after they came back and confirmed what I thought and dragged their husband’s way from me laughing at them.

Today every time one of them wants to bother me I say to them are you sure there isn’t a love spell on you, they get red faced and leave again.

Its not the first time I have seen a love spell and its usually done or sought after by women for various reasons. These young women like the young Jinn have no knowledge of consequences, doing something to a person’s heart is like stealing their entire life so the consequences are on that level.

Allah says in the Quran the sorcerer will never prosper, that isn’t saying sihr doesn’t work and you get nothing, what it is saying is that you will lose in your own life more than you will gain. Say you regularly do love spells on people, you will find that as you age in the long-term love will be taken out of your life until you die in a loveless state with a dry heart like a prune, maybe you become incapable of loving, or everything you love you have lost by this time, or anyone that loved you no longer does, it varies but the cost is always related to you loosing love in your life because you manipulated it in others.

This isn’t something you’re going to see or can test for, this is Allah’s hand in the universe and that is more subtle than the Angels, and the consequence’s always match the crime with Allah.

“And recite O Muhammad to them, that is the Jews, the tidings the tale of him to whom We gave Our signs but he cast them off emerging in his disbelief in the same way that a snake emerges from its shed skin, he rebelled in disbelief, this was Bal‘am b. Bā‘ūrā’ a scholar from among the Children of Israel who had been given some knowledge of the Scriptures and who was asked by them to invoke Allah against Moses. And when he did the invocation turned against him and his tongue fell out onto his chest and Satan pursued him catching up with him, and so he became his comrade and he became of the perverse.” (7:175, Tafsir al Jalalayn)

Some advice to occultists who like to take life and people apart through Maskh and sihr, (think the Jason Bourne movies and project MK ultra the Russians and Americans are known for), I’m saying this because I see kids of occultists today being put through domestic occult variation of this without the labels put on it so no one can recognise it, the result is clear enough to people who Allah gave sight and experience (Maarifah) so they can see what is wrong with the world today. It’s used to train their children because it is easier for their children to lose their humanity when they use these methods and what you end up with are people who don’t know why they should care, a common theme among youth, while caring is the nature of being young so you can learn from what you care about.

Allah created everything in stages, humanities nature was created from the varying qualities found in the creatures of this world, physical and spiritual, but we take our qualities to more sophisticated levels because we combine them with a sharp intellect.

When you pull apart a person’s humanity it goes back into its constituent parts, the qualities that came together to make it, each person is different, this inst comprehensive but here at this first stage you will find responsible Jinn like those found in animals, you often see them mimicking aspects of advanced human behaviour, as you pull apart those qualities here you will find small creatures and reptiles and less responsible Jinn, and after them comes insects and mindless Jinn, the kind that pervades the world today because of the Maskh being practised on the youth of the world. You can see this list from anything a human is capable of eating, which shapes their personality, insects are the lowest kind of creature to be given character from which humans take spiritually, which is why the worst kind of degenerates their character is likened to that of insects… The prophet (saws) warned about this fitnah of Maskh in many ahadith and this is why some things are halal to eat while others are not.

Allah created man in the likeness of His complete qualities, therefor Man is the soul and heart of the universe and everything else is a facet of that physiology, that body.

Creatures at the most base level of a persons humanity are without a heart or second thought for anything, here you will find the worst Jinn and humans without any remorse or feelings because they haven’t learnt what humans should have growing up, they are completely deconstructed to their most base emotions and lost in that abyss because they don’t know how to put themselves together.

The answer is like teaching a person with a non-permanent spinal injury how to feel again, its step by step rehabilitation, something that is built up over time, you have to train your heart to feel again and remove everything that is killing it.

The Awliyah know this process very well because Allah does this to them, deconstructs their personality, to show them what it means to be Human, as well as ghayb, the spiritual world, His Mala’ikah and all the spiritual creatures He created that influence man, many scholars have described and written about this process in their lives, it’s called the annihilation of the self, and those who complete the path learn how to see Allah himself. What is shown in movies is just a modern attempt to replicate something thousands of years old using technology, but because this is a spiritual process the have newly learnt about today you can instead replicate it with the occult, which is just an evil form of spirituality.

Imam Jalal al Deen Rumi (ra) said after He accomplished this; “I searched for Allah among the Christians and on the Cross and therein I found Him not. I went into the ancient temples of idolatry; no trace of Him was there. I entered the mountain cave of Hira and then went as far as Qandhar but Allah I found not. With set purpose I fared to the summit of Mount Caucasus and found there only ‘anqa’s habitation. Then I directed my search to the Kaaba, the resort of old and young; Allah was not there even. Turning to philosophy I inquired about him from ibn Sina but found Him not within his range. I fared then to the scene of the Prophet’s experience of a great divine manifestation only a “two bow-lengths’ distance from him” but Allah was not there even in that exalted court. Finally, I looked into my own heart and there I saw Him; He was nowhere else.”

The cornerstone of their occult practice is isolation, isolating the person so they feel trapped which makes you spiritually vulnerable, the prophet (saws) said “Satan is a like a wolf that preys on sheep, taking the isolated & the stray among them; so, avoid factions & keep together (be part of the largest community so your spirituality is protected).” Hadith.” (Ahmad)

With Allah at the end of this annihilation/deconstruction of the self He helps His people come back into this life and the Ummah with new knowledge and understanding of how the world works, how things come together so they can guide the rest of the world, which is His intention from the start.

Imam Jalal Al Deen Rumi said “Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you”, while Imam Ibn Arabi said “Man is a copy (nuskha) of the two forms (tow realities), the Divine Names, and the Universe. He is made according to two images: his exterior image, his body, is a copy of the Universe (the physical reality of the cosmos), while his interior image (spirit, nature), his powers (faculties), is the image of the Divine Names (Qualities)”.

Annihilating the self is how a person learns and sees this which is why Allah combined both subjects, the universe and the self, in the same verse and said they will come to see how the Quran is the truth when they try to replicate the annihilation of the self to see what is within themselves, in the future, meaning with technology; “In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages [through what they perceive] in the utmost horizons [of the universe] and within themselves, so that it will become clear unto them that this [revelation] is indeed the truth.” [Quran 41:53]

This fitnah is mentioned in the Quran but unlike what is happening today with the youth Allah only does this for a person after they reach Adulthood so they know the way back to humanity because its already familiar to them and they don’t become lost. What the fitnah mongers of today are doing to their own children is this same thing in order to create spiritual monsters/beasts/animals of varying kinds, manipulated and controlled by Jinn who these fitnah mongers can use in life.

A child who doesn’t know what it means to be human doesn’t know the path back so they stay lost, to come back they have to learn it from scratch and they can never defeat the Jinn controlling them on their own, its become their world now. They need to recognise they are a victim of something, they need to grow as a person so the Jinn can’t take hold of their personality, they need to expand their hearts…They need to gain wisdom.

“Have they, then, never journeyed about the earth, letting their hearts gain wisdom, and causing their ears to hear? Yet, verily, it is not their eyes that have become blind – but blind have become the hearts that are in their breasts!” (22:46)

“Acting with wisdom increases your wisdom, and that is the shortest path.”

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Creatures Of The Spiritual World

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Many of us have seen movies of native Americans being guided by their spirit animals, their entire society and culture revolved around communicating with the spirit world around them, remarkably the truth is very similar to what is portrayed in movies.

Many of these creature’s and their Jinn have wisdom about life they share with people. Many years ago, I had a strange dream, I woke up in the wilderness in the far north of my country, in the forests of central Queensland. I wondered through the forest for a bit then in the distance I saw aborigines dressed in their war paint with shields and spears coming towards me, then all of a sudden, they rushed at me to attack, but stopped just in front of me when they saw I didn’t move, hesitate or was afraid of them.

Then an air of peace came around them and they explained they were testing my heart, this had nothing to with bravery, they were testing to see if it contained any evil because if it did evil breeds doubt and suspicion in a person and that is what would have made me flinch and run. They then said to me you have permission to come into our land and if you do we will protect you, I then woke up.

I had no idea what they were talking about I had no intension of visiting their land which is far north of where I lived, but they travelled a long way from there to find and say this to me so Allah must have shown them something.

This test, is to test the character of your heart and I had seen this thing three times before. The first time was as a child by my great Uncle, he was a farmer, one day he asked me if I would like to play in his lettuce field, so I did and he left me there, after some time from nowhere a black figure rushed at me as if to grab me, but stopped just in front of me I then saw it was my great Uncle, I didn’t budge or flinch at what he was doing and he got his answers. Others in my family failed this test and He along with my great grandmother (may Allah have mercy on them) treated them differently ever since.

Everything is according to its intension and if you have the right intension you can test a person’s heart which is what he was doing, seeing what came out of it through my actions.

The second time was after reading the Gospel of Thomas (if i remember correctly), in it was the account of a vision Thomas had of a giant multistory beast rushing at him but he didn’t fear it, soon after I had the same dream and saw the same beast he described rushing at me with the same result. The third time was when I began spending time in a community dominated by Africans newly arrived in the country, one of their leaders wanted to test my character to see if i was a spiritual danger to his people, so he walked towards me calmly entirely focused on me and as he did so it felt like a silver back guerilla was charging at me, then his Jinn took on the form and I could see his shape clearly, it was like looking at this wise and old spirit whose character showed the beauty of his wisdom in its image coming at me with intent.

I wish I could have given him advice, the white people of that community are entirely evil and it wasn’t a good place for his people to be. It didn’t surprise me Africans would show me something so open, when I was younger, as I explained it to my self, a group of African Jinn must of heard I was a person of Ihsan but not spiritually aware, so they visited me in a dream riding strange beasts, they said these are the Jinn/animals inside cheetah’s which they ride, as a way of opening the spiritual door to ghayb, other than that I couldn’t explain why they took an interest in me.

Some years after the Aboriginal spirits/Jinn visited me I decided with someone I grew up with to go on a trip to Queensland, he wasn’t a Muslim but someone I went to school with, while we had no plans of visiting central Queensland we did go into its wilderness and forests along the coast.

Unknown to me this trip for him had a different meaning, at the time I had not yet realized he was an occultist, and not compromising on my Deen growing up, after surviving a number of their fitnah’s they decided to see my fate if they put me directly in harm’s way.

I’m not going to go into the details of the trip, we spent some time in a boat on the water fishing in shark and crocodile infested water, which I didn’t realize until the last day of the trip, I thought we would only see that in the far north which is basically a wild jungle. I wrote earlier about the Mala’ikat al Mawt that Allah had placed with me to protect from the fitnah covering this world, I’m certain they arranged everything, and all of this was the work of the Mala’ika guiding the spiritual creatures of this world to help me, if Allah has not written death for you the Mala’ika in charge of it won’t allow you to die before your time.

While on the water we decided to follow the river up to its source, a series of lakes, after some time traveling in the wilderness we reached a lake and spent some time there fishing.

We were in the middle of the lake, in the far distance the entire shore was dense forests and tall trees, after some time I noticed something at the top of the trees, it was giant eagle, I didn’t realize it at the time but I shouldn’t have been able to see him clearly from this distance, I watched him for some time then he took of flying.

After a bit all of a sudden, he dove right in front of us and plucked a large fish out of the water, that is when I got a good look at him and his size, He was enormous and had a massive wing span. I asked the person with me if he saw that and how big he was and he gave me a funny look saying he wasn’t as large as I described.

When we took the boat back to the lake house we mentioned to the person working there what we saw, he was a local and knew the area better, he said that was the leader of the eagles and it’s not often he reveals himself. What I was looking at was not just the eagle but His jinn which was revealing himself to me, which is why I saw him from a distance and much larger than he actually was, he was showing me his stature among the other eagles.

It was to say to me that I was under his protection now and nothing would happen while I was there, danger presented itself a number of times on the trip but alhamdulillah nothing happened, I didn’t do anything stupid like jump into the water to swim and none of the man eating creatures showed any interest in me.

If you have ever seen the type of Jinn that exists in man eating creatures, I can tell you they are not anything to mess with, they are the qualities of that creature and those which hunt other creatures that ferocity and intent radiates from them. The silver back guerrilla was not the first I have seen, that would have to be a great shark I saw at the beach, after I left the water I sensed this great darkness in the water then I realized what it was.

This next creature I saw is a story of its own, I wrote previously how, eventually in the city its people and spirits opened up and they began introducing me to their society, to be brief, while I was walking in the city a man with a medical briefcase walked towards me and while looking at me from a distance opened it, something black and dark came out of it and at me, it grabbed me and held me in place in the middle of the day so I couldn’t move, it didn’t harm me I was being shown something. It let me go and after I got home I began to dissect everything I noticed about it until I finally solved what it was, from what I had seen before in wild animals, it was the Jinn of a lion taken out of its animal and used for something else, I recognized it from the way it lunged at me and held me in place completely motionless, it was like seeing a lion grabbing its prey and holding on to it.

I was being shown the basis of many spiritual attacks that occur to people, much of it is not a matter of power but how to use what’s in nature, many of the Jinn in animals who take on the quality of that animal are used to attack people by occultists to produce different effects. The African chief for example His jinn was from a silver back guerrilla, native Americans are known for taking on the shape of their spirit guides, the wolf, bear, eagle, etc., that is just another way of describing what I saw with the African chief, this was something common in the old world, the people in the city learned to expand on what they had seen in their travels and re-purpose these Jinn for other things, but I won’t get into that here.

Probably one of the most remarkable things i have seen is the Chinese dragon dance, not the one seen in martial arts movies, but its spiritual basis performed by Jinn of that society. In the same town i met the African chief in i walked into a small Chinese restaurant, it was run by a Chinese man and his wife and they where helped by their son. The man seemed to recognise something about me, after i placed my order and sat down, i saw him preparing the food in the back kitchen, i had a clear view of it. As i was sitting the atmosphere changed as he began working and the Jinn of the place began to softly teach me about their culture, eventually as he began to work i began to see rhythm in his movements, then i began to hear the beat he was working to, then his wife started preparing somethings and saw they were working in perfect harmony. As he continued i began to see deeper into his work and saw as if the matter was a festival they were celebrating, their movements in spirit mimicked the Chinese dragon dance in movies, it had a beginning middle and end which i followed and could hear the drum beat perfectly from their work as they prepared the food.

The Jinn informed me he wanted to pass that on to someone who would appreciate it, they lost their son to this society, the same evil town and its people, and he looked down upon their ways, in fact he didn’t even like me being there and treated me like any white person would treat a Muslim that isn’t working for them against other Muslims. He was naive and couldn’t see the situation he was in, he was only ever going to be turned into a tool they could use and never saw that, all he saw was the benefits of leaving his people and not what was going to happen to him in the long term.

Your tribe, culture, people, is the only safe place for any of you these days, unless you have a way of isolating your self from society and surviving in such a state, the only thing your almost always going to find in the world is worse evil before you find the right path.

The eagle I met in the forests of Queensland ensured no harm would come to me while I was on that trip, some years later I woke up in a dream and I was flying with a group of eagles very high in the sky like I was one of them, after taking all of that in I saw that same eagle was at the head of this group leading them and he began talking to me, he explained some things about his kind so I could understand their perspective on life and then why he was here.

It’s not often that it happens, he said, but sometimes some of their youth are attracted by what they see in the city and want to explore the world, he wanted to make certain this youth didn’t lose himself, his heart, while he was here so he asked if I could look after him. He wanted to anchor him to me so he didn’t get lost, I’ve walked in the city many times and knew its streets well enough, so I agreed, he then introduced me to the youth who as flying at the back of the group.

He was young and adolescent but alhamdulilah after seeing what he wanted to see he decided to eventually go back home to his people.

The Muslim Ummah in the past are not different from everything I have described, except for the fact they understood who created these creatures and where their wisdom came from. Connecting yourself with the spiritual world around you is the first step to seeing Allah in your life, every prophet and wali achieved it before you and this is what that world looks like today.

Insha Allah don’t let the kufr behind technology distract you from thinking these things no longer exist, the reality is, from what I have been shown by the same people who run society, is that society is being deliberately blinded to the existence of the spiritual world so you can be taken advantage of. It’s easy to take candy from a person if he is still a spiritual baby and doesn’t know how the world actually works.

“Have they, then, never journeyed about the earth, letting their hearts gain wisdom, and causing their ears to hear? Yet, verily, it is not their eyes that have become blind – but blind have become the hearts that are in their breasts!” (22:46)

This is what existed in the old world and this is the wisdom Allah is referring to in this verse.

Before I finish I am going to explain to you the nature of that town I visited so you can insha Allah gain wisdom from my travels. I wasn’t simply there visiting, I was there for other reasons and had to visit the town repeatedly over an extended period of time. This was something the Australian local’s didn’t like and began causing serious trouble for me, I wasn’t doing anything to bother them it was simply my presence as a Muslim, and at the end they cost me something important in my life because of their ignorance which Allah showed me before I left.

On one of my last trips there one of the local Jinn, a white female, explained to me the nature of the town and why I wasn’t welcome, I don’t know how much you can trust her words, but she spoke like she owed me something and was going out of her way to let me know, what she said I have seen elsewhere in another form so it isn’t as fantastic as you may think, which made me believe what she said.

The longer I stayed in the town the more insight I gained into its people, culture and demographics and soon I realised that there were people there from almost every corner of the earth, in exact proportions as if someone calculated the matter, which surprised me considering the town was semi isolated, I mean that in the context of suburbia, the place seemed backwards (a dark place) more than anything else so it was a surprise something technical would be going on, but I suppose Isolation is a quality you would want.

This is what the Jinn who represented the leaders of the community wanted me to understand, the towns population had similar population proportions to the continents of earth, because they wanted to measure how people would interact in a specific environment they controlled under their conditions, and from that see the spiritual outcome and then correlate and infer the results on a global scale.

As a Muslim I was interfering with that and ruining their results and the balance they wanted, so I had to go. This is the moment where the “white people” see they are the biggest morons in their own story, the part where Allah’s lesson dawns on them, because no sooner had the Jinn explained everything then it dawned on her that you can not conduct such a global experiment waiting to observe spiritual outcomes and have no one real representing the Islamic community, at that moment she realised the entire experiment was an expensive failure and the only real Muslim Allah sent to the town that would have validated their results and allowed them to see actual real world outcomes, they drove out of town and ensured he wouldn’t need to come back.

They were trying to learn about the spiritual nature of the world and Allah in His wisdom rather than throw it back in their face wanted them to see something real, so He helped them by correcting their mistakes and sent sent them someone representative of the community they forgot. Can you ignore the spirituality reality of this community and expect to understand the spiritual balance of this earth, no, they rather designed the matter according to how they wished the world was rather than how it actually was.

Allah wanted to show them the actual place of Muslims in all of this because they tried to look in earnest, but they instead relied on corrupt outcomes from a fudged experiment and created policies from them, all of this means you are burying your self away from reality.

Allah’s Messenger (saws) even spoke about this, He (saws) said: ‘You will indeed follow the ways of those before you, hand span by hand span, and an arms length after another. Even if they enter into a lizard’s hole (their new reality), you will follow them.’ We asked, ‘Is it the Jews and the Christians?’ He replied, ‘Who else!’” (Bukhari)

It was the Italians in our travels who first showed me a comparison between Islamic light and the light of other communities, again that is a story in itself, in their explanation they were openly astounded by it and dis-heartened they couldn’t emulate it. They were showing me because it is dying in this world and they understood its significance, the real light of Islam is the only light that fosters growth and prosperity in a society, the closest thing to it, for the sake of comparison, is the pursuit of Cold fusion and the promise it holds, the light of Islam from Muslims is like free energy from very little work.

Allah mentions this in surah al Asr, man is for ever in a state of loss under the systems of the universe unless he exists under the light of Islam, the Italians even showed me a comparison to light from Italian spirituality so I could gain proper perspective on their words, they openly said they cant compete with what they witnessed in the days of the Islamic Khalifah and lamented its history. The subtext to this conversation was business and the products people purchase from different communities, when I understood what I was looking at I explained it to them, we produce light in abundance from our constant prayers and place it in our work and lives which others benefit from.

Human physiology produces light, Baraka, Blessings (a general term referring to every spiritual benefit) through our actions in life and that is placed in our work and what we produce with our hands, this is why things created by machines have less blessings/benefit in them.

So Imagine an entire community involved in consistent prayer there is an over abundance of light and purity in the atmosphere and lives of these people.

This is why traditionally (in history) Muslims where always generous in their dealings because they had an abundance of light to work with while other societies calculated and tightened everything.

Most people don’t work with the light of Baraka but that is the thing which runs the economy of Jinn in the world and the less there is the less spiritual benefit people derive from what they own. Occultists know this and so they often steal it from people, this is the most common type of evil in the world today.

The worst kind of light is the light from western people, it results from what they are hiding about themselves and nothing even comes close to it, the gap is so large you cant even claim this issue is subjective, they are entirely tightfisted and calculative, right down to the last particle in their dealings.

I think many people already sense that when buying things from them in comparison to other communities, when you have an abundance of spiritual light there is no need for any of that.

If you have trouble understanding what light means here you can substitute the word out and replace it with the idea of how the sunnah of a society shapes their lives, everything but Islam breeds stinginess until their culture eventually chokes on its own results/mindset down the line and cant free itself from its own psychology, ”Even if they enter into a lizard’s hole (a tight narrow reality) you will follow them”.

This is the shortsightedness of modern society that is deliberately trying to get rid of religion because they deluded themselves into thinking they can shape the word in their own image, if nothing is interfering, like a single Muslim walking into their town. The reality is they are all part of someone else’s plan who swore to ruin mankind when Allah cast Him out, and so in their mindset these people who think they are in charge, despite their short life spans, never really considered the place of Muslims in the world.

The Jinn of that town felt they owed me an explanation because of all they did to me and that is when they realised the bigger picture on earth included real Islam, otherwise your not truly studying reality but your own delusions about it.

I know this account may seem fantastic but they do a similar thing at university, especially to those at the Phd level. I know this because my father has a Phd, when I surpassed him spiritually and intellectually I began to think about acquiring one. In one of my trips to this countries oldest university, I was shown the reality of what they go through and was advised not to seek it out, its a fitnah and most of its people are a fitnah today.

What they do, and what was happening in this town, its a form of miniaturising the problem, shrinking it down to see it from a larger perspective, a form of Maskh, not just of the problem but your mindset to get answers about things on a larger scale.

In the end your given a set of tools as you study your Phd that open your mind to your chosen field, but you deliberately become closed to many other areas of knowledge, most Phd’s don’t realise that’s what’s being done to them. In the old world most scholars were Polymaths, they were experts at many subjects, think Leonardo Da Vinci or Imam al Ghazali, today they don’t allow that to exist because educated people with breadth of knowledge would be the first to try and fix society, so qualities like pettiness and selfishness are deliberately “bread” into them at this level, this is what I was shown by this countries most established institution.

Its unfortunate that most of them become evil, that never used to be the case, but it happened when a specific group of people in society wanted to dominate it and began injecting their people into every position of authority, the prophet (saws) spoke about the most degenerate kind of people coming to rule this world and so this was part of that process.

People with a Phd, their kind of occult evil is the most subtle you will come across so you wont ever notice it, and its covered with false etiquette designed to make you have faith in their words to disarm you, but as a shaykh of tasawwuf, someone who senses subtle changes I saw them and eventually had to deal with them and their over confidence in their own abilities.

It got so bad with how many I saw are corrupt and how arrogant and above everything they deliberately placed themselves, at the end of that period in my life, one of Allah’s Mala’ika who witnessed it all informed me that Allah wont allow any one with a Phd to ever enter the highest parts of Jannah, almost entirely because of how they viewed themselves above everyone, unjustifiably, spiritual height is entirely reserved for the people of Ihsan (Perfection), not knowledge, so Allah made positions of height and authority in the next life Haram for them and those who enter Jahanam their punishment will revolve around where they placed themselves above everything in this world.

Insha Allah you now have insight into the depths and lengths “the people in charge” go to, to find out about how the world behaves so they can make decisions about peoples lives from comfortable arm chairs, and how ignorant of the world people who spend their lives in buildings can actually be.

The last thing the Jinn of that town explained to me was that the leaders of these communities, present in this town, around the world are all involved in these kind of experiments so they can shape their societies effectively.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

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