Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

My Sins Are Catching Up With Me What Can I Do

Bismillah al Rahman al Raheem, wa alaikum assalam.

I am often asked, Allah has brought me back to Islam I want to start on the spiritual path but my past is filled with evil, what can I do:

You committed sins over a period of time so you need to purify yourself through your spiritual cycles over time, Allah talks about this in surah al Shams (91) which I have written a tafsir to.

Take a copy of the Quran and begin writing it by hand until you are finished, don’t worry how long it takes but do something every day, you will find the baraka from that habit will eat away whatever is following you from your past.

When you are done, start again, make this a small routine everyday insha Allah.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

How To Get Away From The Claws Of America

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum.

The general idea of this advice is to build a library of books in your home on various subjects that may touch your life or be relevant to it, so that when Qadr tests your reality it has that knowledge contained in the books to contend with and your outcome will be better as a result compared to someone who had nothing between him and fitnah.


سُوۡرَةُ الفَاتِحَة
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ (١
ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ (٢) ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ (٣) مَـٰلِكِ يَوۡمِ ٱلدِّينِ (٤) إِيَّاكَ نَعۡبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسۡتَعِينُ (٥) ٱهۡدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٲطَ ٱلۡمُسۡتَقِيمَ (٦) صِرَٲطَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنۡعَمۡتَ عَلَيۡهِمۡ غَيۡرِ ٱلۡمَغۡضُوبِ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّينَ (٧

يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱتَّقُواْ ٱللَّهَ وَٱبۡتَغُوٓاْ إِلَيۡهِ ٱلۡوَسِيلَةَ وَجَـٰهِدُواْ فِى سَبِيلِهِۦ لَعَلَّڪُمۡ تُفۡلِحُونَ (٣٥

Allah (swt) has informed me that there are people among my readers who need this kind of help, I don’t like revealing exactly what I do because as soon as I do the Occultists in this country attack that very thing the next day almost, but helping these people has a higher priority with me so I will deal with whatever comes of it later.

If you are new to my writing I apologize for the lack of context but this is written for people who have been with me for some time and understand these issues because they are dealing with the same, although everyone will benefit from what I am asking of them.

People in this world stand over you with one thing, knowledge, it is power so save yourself from being forced into an abyss of ignorance and lowliness fuelled by the fact they have not given you knowledge by taking the following advice.

The Kufar take us for sport thinking they can hunt us down but they are not that intelligent, any person who has the word Shaykh written next his name you should understand he is a master of something, and any person who is a shaykh of Tasawwuf, spirituality, is a master of the domain you are trying to manipulate with your occult practice, you should understand in this case that you are the hunted, numbers don’t mean anything to people who know how the universe works only to those relying on Jinn to do their work, you think along the lines of what can my Jinn do or can’t while we can command the very space around your Jinn against them.

As you can see from my writing and books I specialize in how the universe works and what makes ghayb the unseen do what it does, where do you think that knowledge comes from if not from what I have witnessed or was shown by Allah.

Case in point, after I made my declaration last week, I don’t know what got it into their minds but my old Highschool decided to attack me, this is a private institution and the best education in the area, but if you have seen the old movies where the head Nun of a coven of Nuns turns out to be a worshiper of satan who has converted every nun under her including the priest, this is the kind of “Catholic” school they are.

My year coordinator for example was a Masonic witch and the art teacher was classical witch, I am not going to make a list but suffice to say the Movie mean girls looks like Barbie girls at this school. They (their jinn) came at me in a group headed by the principle, I think because they lost their place in the world after what I did, it only took me a few minutes to deal with the entire group after which some other Jinn from another group began begging my forgiveness for what they had done in the past.

I spoke about all of this beforehand and I think they wanted to see for themselves if what I said was the truth and I could overcome the Highschool I came from. I know some of them read what I write so understand the magnitude of your situation from this, last week the school captain from my year was here asking me to deal with the entire school, no one at the school likes what you are doing or did and they all want change, take that as a wakeup call.

Getting back to the point of this email, after advising people to purchase Islamic books because the Baraka from just owning them wards of the worst kinds of evil today, every now and again some people ask me what specific books, I know very well they want to know so they can remove them from the market place, I have been dealing with your kind for a long time.

This list of books can’t be removed from the Market and they are a list that will destroy every advantage Kufar society has over anyone. The Kufar try to win every high ground possible and that is entirely based on the have’s and have not’s, but there are some very simple and easy things you can do to bridge that gap which doesn’t involve a lot of money and that is owning the things which make up the foundations of their society, beliefs, systems and institutions.

Understand, the explanations I am giving next to each book are the easiest things I can put into words in a short format, owning these books do much more spiritually, in short they destroy things working against you, in another article I wrote;
“When you purchase books, you bring the reality of the knowledge in that book into your life and along with it the ability for the Angel to act on that knowledge in your life with ease.”
“When Allah says in the Quran “Read: In the name of thy Lord Who createth, (1) Createth man from a clot. (2) Read: And thy Lord is the Most Bounteous, (3) Who teacheth by the pen, (4) Teacheth man that which he knew not. (5)” He is telling us He teaches man with books, that also means He changes their realities with them.”
“If you would like clearer proofs, it lies in the fact Allah says He is the one teaching man with books not you reading them, as you read you imagine what you are reading and that is you creating the reality of the book in your life, so when Allah says He is teaching you when you are reading He is talking about creating the reality you see when you read because He is the creator of reality the one in charge of creating those images you see and their nature.”
“This is because Allah is the Haq (reality) of everything, He is saying He is creating your reality with books as you read them and the Angels are charged with doing this work for him.”
[End Quote]

This list is by no means complete but it is comprehensive, it involves going onto Amazon and purchasing the kindle digital version of these works most of which are between 99 cents and $4.

With the exception of the Islamic works, the reason why you want the digital version over the physical versions is that most of these works are flawed and if you have a physical copy in your home eventually your spirituality and life will revolve around what is in them because it is something you own and your spirituality revolves around the things you own, this is one of the rules of the unseen which governs life in the universe that the rich know and use against people.

These books are in order of Priority and the list is subject to what is available on Amazon, one last piece of advice you must purchase them and avoid free copies this elevates everything you are doing a great deal, only get the free copies if you have no money but their benefit will be greatly reduced, you want something to tie the work to you spiritually and money does that making you the owner of that work;

  1. The Book of Aphorisms: Being a translation of Kitab al-Hikam by Ibn ‘Ata’illah al-Iskandari (This book ensures there is always wisdom in your spiritual life between you and any fitnah)
  2. The Masnavi I Manavi of Rumi Complete 6 Books by Maulana Jalalu-‘d-din Muhammad Rumi (This work protects you heart and self spiritually, from things like their fitnah’s of love, psychology as well as sihr of Persian origin, think Illuminati here. It also elevates your place in the world because it is a work of great standing they use for their elitism, all the classical works on this list do that so understand, I won’t repeat it).
  3. The Kashf al-mahjúb: the oldest Persian treatise on Súfiism.
  4. Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Socrates (This undermines the power of their psychology/philosophy, as well as any Jinn that use it to drive you crazy, it will take their power away from them)
  5. Plato: The Complete Works (31 Books) (This will help you against the fitnah’s of their institutions, government, Law and lawyers).
  6. Delphi Complete Works of Aristotle (Illustrated) (Delphi Ancient Classics Book 11)
  7. Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Oedipus, Jason and the Argonauts and 50+ Legendary Books: ULTIMATE GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY COLLECTION
  8. The Complete Works of John Locke: The Two Treatises of Civil Government, On Human Understanding, Elements of Natural Philosophy, Of the Conduct of Understanding … (24 Books With Active Table of Contents) (In short, He was responsible for taking from Islam and using it to found American society. American society and its constitution revolves around his work).
  9. Works of Thomas Jefferson (One of America’s founding fathers. Forces them to see you and disarms most of their fitnah).
  10. The Collected Works of Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalytical Studies, Articles & Theoretical Essays (Modern psychology is based of his works, owning the history of your enemies will break their fitnah, it will stop them from rising above your head).
  11. Delphi Collected Works of Sir Isaac Newton (Helps with any fitnah from school and education)
  12. Delphi Collected Works of Galileo Galilei (Illustrated) (Delphi Series Seven Book 26) (This does the same but from a different perspective).
  13. The Complete Works Confucius (Help’s with Asian fitnah)
  14. Gray’s Anatomy: With Original Illustrations by Henry Carter by Henry Gray (One of their original books on anatomy, mitigates medical fitnah).
  15. Principles of Economics – Alfred Marshall [Modern library classics] (Annotated) (Helps with business and the fitnah involved in earning a living).
  16. The Law by Frederic Bastiat
  17. A Text-book of Pharmacology and Therapeutics By Arthur Robertson Cushny
  18. An Advanced English Grammar with Exercises by Farley and Kittredge (Helps You communicate on an equal footing).
  19. Advanced Reading, Writing, and Grammar for Test Prep (Mitigates fitnah involved with tests).
  20. Advanced Grammar: THE PASSIVE VOICE: Your grammar torch to shed light on passive voice, reported speech, complex subject, complex object, and clefting (Brookgarbolt’s Treasure Book 3)
  21. Mishkât Al-Anwar by AL-GHAZZALI (It will stop them from manipulating your spiritual light)
  22. Alchemy Of Happiness by Al Ghazzali
  23. The Complete Arabian Nights (1001 Nights Including All the 16 Volumes of The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night) (It will mitigate the fitnah of their stories, culture, movies, novels etc. This work is dated to about 900 AD it is one of the oldest on this list and has much attached with it.)
  24. Complete Works of George Orwell (Delphi Classics) (He detailed their plans, owning the blueprint will make things immensely easier for you spiritually, it will combat their spying and fasad in your life and you will see a visible difference like reduced pressure from their direction.)
  25. Sadi’s Scroll of Wisdom: with illustration.
  26. ARABIAN POETRY – (Pre-Islamic or Contemporary with Muhammed Includes the Hanged Poems, and a synopsis of the Antar Saga) – Annotated Arabian Horses History Kindle Edition (It’s important to own the pre Islamic poetry like the hanged poems of the Kaaba, almost every Islamic work is based of the language used in them so they are things that spiritually open up the Islamic world and stop fitnah).
  27. Cognitive Psychology: Handbook for Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience by Prof. Nilesh Vitthal Nikam (This helps mitigate the fitnah of psychology in your life which is used to manipulate you).
  28. Delphi Complete Works of Herodotus (Illustrated) (Delphi Ancient Classics Book 12) (The Father of History, this mitigates the fitnah they create with their false reporting of events and historical lies).
  29. Delphi Complete Works of Livy (Illustrated) (Delphi Ancient Classics Book 26) (This is a fundamental work on the History of Rome, over 5000 pages. European and western society sees itself as the new Roman Empire and has had a long fascination with how they did things, through history this work has shaped much of modern society, this work will open doors for you and allow you to walk in places you never would have reached).
  30. Delphi Complete Works of Leonardo da Vinci (Illustrated) (Masters of Art Book 1) (This work will expand your mind, Leonardo da Vinci is almost the closest thing the non-Islamic world has to a Mujahid Imam, where doors are intellectually closed because of the west’s war on Islamic History and its figures, this door is still open, from what I have learnt spiritually from the Italian community and their Jinn He was their attempt at reaching the heights of Ijtihad our scholars reached).
  31. Wisdom of the Buddha: The Unabridged Dhammapada (Dover Thrift Editions) (It is almost certain Buddah was a prophet of Allah, this work is a collection of His sayings and wisdom, besides that baraka, it will help you against Asian and Indian fitnah as well as open doors for you in those communities).

Everyone should own these books you don’t need to read them that isn’t the point. If you purchase these works you will see that your situation in life will improve, the older the work the more powerful the benefit from it because it has spent more time influencing the world and that means there are more things in this world that relied on it.

Here is a list of University level textbooks you should own, each book will help you with any fitnah related to its subject, the engineering texts are necessary because engineers design everything in our world. Remember, the principle is your spirituality revolves around the things you own, so understand, You will find you will be able to hold your own with people at this level a lot better because these books are university level and you own them, this is what backs them up and now you are almost on a similar footing. This is the intention of this next list, to help you deal with the bigger things in life that come from the people at the top.
If you have ideas of your own for books make certain they are at least university level textbooks, taught at university, you can’t get higher than that.
  1. Business Ethics By John Fraedrich & O. C. Ferrell (Owning a book on ethics will save you from the evil spirituality and influence of unethical companies and their reach around the world. This is no small feat for one book but such is the nature of this spiritual evil controlling everything.)
  2. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (After Ethics a text book on physiology is the most important, it will save you from any spiritual manipulation of your body, if left unchecked this leads to dominance of your character, control of your personality and self, all because they are now doing sihr upon things at the microscopic level inside you so it comes up from in you into your self).
  3. Campbell Biology by Campbell, A. Urry Lisa…(etc), (If you are experiencing wideness (Things that are Ajeeb) in your life the spiritual basis of this fitnah in the world is their work in biology and what they can do with DNA, crossbreeding things and genetic alteration, this text will mitigate their efficacy in your life).
  4. Advanced Grammar in Use Book with Answers and CD-ROM: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners By Hewings
  5. Principles of Investments By Bodie
  6. Principles of Econometrics 4E + Eviews Handbook 4E By Hill
  7. Investments by Keith Cuthbertson,‎ Dirk Nitzsche (Protects your ability to invest, and mitigates fasad deliberately used against your livelihood).
  8. Understanding Jurisprudence: An Introduction to Legal Theory By Wacks, Raymond
  9. Real Estate Development: Principles and Process by Mike E. Miles,‎ Laurence M. Netherton,‎ Adrienne Schmitz (There is a lot of elitism in real estate and owning property that drives a lot of sihr in the world, this work will kill the voice and power of Jinn in your home, especially those that don’t belong to your family, it can help block them from just walking in when ever they want).
  10. Pathophysiology of Heart Disease By Leonard S Lilly (It will protect your heart from being influenced and attacked, it will essentially protect your nafs and soul)
  11. Fundamentals of Pharmacology by Shane Bullock
  12. Neuroscience by Dale Purves (Helps protect your freewill and the integrity of your choices in life. It will help free you from their designs upon your mind and self through everything they create).
  13. Psychology 11e by David G. Myers (This will give you peace of mind, it will stop Jinn from flipping issues in your head to the same depths psycholgists achieved. Psychology is also used in everything to manipulate people, this mitigates that global fitnah)
  14. Obesity: Evaluation and Treatment Essentials, by Steelman and‎ Westman (The cause of obesity is cravings, inclinations and lack or control, usually at the promptings of Jinn, this book is not here to treat obese people but protecting you from any spiritual fitnah that has this dimension to it, which is most of them, this is why this is a powerful book.)
  15. Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics (This book has the ability to end any fitnah you experienced relating to developing while growing up including Maskh, which today they are designed into society).
  16. Pure Gold from the Words of Sayyidi abd Al-aziz Al-Dabbagh : Al-Dhahab Al-Ibriz Min Kalam Sayyidi abd Al-aziz Al-Dabbagh by Ahmad B. Al-Mubarak Al-Lamati (Malfuzat)
  17. Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik – Arabic-English Hardcover – by Malik Ibn Anas (Author),‎ Aisha Bewley (Translator) (This work will help you stand up on the sunnah and protect you from the modern fitnahs that destroy it in you)
  18. Levels of the Heart – Lataif Al Qalb Paperback by Nurjan Mirahmadi
  19. The Female Brain by Cynthia L. Darlington (If women are dominating you or they seem a mystery or giving you trouble you can’t solve, this book will help you spiritually control these things. In modern times women are deliberately making themselves a mystery to men to dominate them, they are denying men spiritual understanding of their nature to stop them developing above them, it is a world wide movement today that Allah is going to punish women over by taking men from earth until 1 man exists for every 50 women).
  20. Ibn Seerin’s Dictionary of Dreams: According to Islamic Inner Traditions (Understand the world of dreams is the spiritual part of the universe Angels and Jinn live in, when I purchased this book some of the Jinn came and said to me, this book is like a law book to us, it defines what Jinn can and can’t do and regulates their affairs towards you stopping the worst of their insanity from affecting you. In Arabic the word insane, Majnun, comes from the word Jinn and would literally translate as to “Jin-nify” something).
  21. Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis by Fred L. Mannering,‎ Scott S. Washburn, (This will elevate you above the fitnah found on roads and with cars).
  22. Audio Production Principles: Practical Studio Applications by Stephane Elmosnino (Sound is engineered, deliberately designed and it saturates every part of modern life, hence any intention can be put into it, this will mitigate all fitnah associated with sound, music and anything else related)
  23. Engineering Design Process By Yousef Haik & Sangarappillai Sivaloganathan & Tamer M Shahin
  24. Urban Design Thinking By Kim Dovey
  25. Herbal Manufacturing: How to Make Medicines from Plants By Adams
  26. Essential Neonatal Medicine By Sinha, Miall & Jardine
  27. Mathematics for Engineers By Robert Davison & Tony Croft (This will connect you with most of the science in the world)
  28. Chemistry By Allan Blackman & Steven E. Bottle & Siegbert Schmid & Mauro Mocerino & Uta Wille (Chemistry and Physics are used for everything, these two textbooks will literally increase the happiness in your life, that is the simplest way to put it, all because of how far-reaching they are in this world).
  29. University Physics with Modern Physics By Hugh D. Young & Roger A. Freedman
Understand, most fitnah today is done by low Jinn and the cure is elevating yourself above them owning something does that which is why elitism is a thing in the world.
Stopping the ways in which your body can be spiritually manipulated against you is the most important thing you can do. The easiest way to get a person to swallow sihr is for the Jinn to recite it over medicine they are taking, sihr is just words said in ghayb that affects things on earth, so if you have a guide book on the subject being affected the words of Jinn are less effective, you have something physical on the matter while their words are like the wind only effective when they are not being challenged, this is why Allah says “So fight the minions of the devil. Lo! the devil’s strategy (attempts) is ever weak” (4:72), hence the list of books I have been presenting and the most important from the list above are those that deal with the human body, except for those regarding your spirituality, i.e things that affect you from a distance you can’t percoeve.
  1. Levels of the Heart – Lataif Al Qalb Paperback by Nurjan Mirahmadi
  2. Pure Gold from the Words of Sayyidi abd Al-aziz Al-Dabbagh : Al-Dhahab Al-Ibriz Min Kalam Sayyidi abd Al-aziz Al-Dabbagh by Ahmad B. Al-Mubarak Al-Lamati (Malfuzat)

If Europe and the west modeled themselves after the Romans and the Greeks and owning the works that brought their world about opens everything they closed to the outside, their is one book that is capable of opening every country in the entire world, that book is alRisalah fi ‘Ilm Usul alFiqh By Imam Shafii, every legal system on earth in every government relies on the science of Juresprudence that Imam Al Shafii developed, this book is probably the only book the Prophet (saws) prophesized about and here is what He (saws) said;

“O Allah! Guide Quraysh, for the science of the scholar that comes from them will encompass the earth. O Allah! You have let the first of them taste bitterness, so let the latter of them taste reward.” (Ibn Hajar) The only other Book that has been said about is the Quran!!

“Muhammad ibn Idris ibn al-`Abbas, al-Imam al-Shafi`i, Abu `Abd Allah al-Shafi`i al-Hijazi al-Qurashi al-Hashimi al-Muttalibi (d. 204), the offspring of the House of the Prophet, the peerless one of the great mujtahid imams and jurisprudent par excellence, the scrupulously pious ascetic and Friend of Allah, he laid down the foundations of fiqh (Law as we know it today) in his Risala, which he said he revised and re-read four hundred times, then said: “Only Allah’s Book is perfect and free from error.””

“He is the cousin of the Prophet – Allah’s blessings and peace upon him – descending from al-Muttalib who is the brother of Hashim, `Abd al-Muttalib’s father. Someone praised the Banu Hashim in front of the Prophet, whereby he interlaced the fingers of his two hands and said: “We and they are but one and the same thing.” Al-Nawawi listed three peculiar merits of al-Shafi`i: his sharing the Prophet’s lineage at the level of their common ancestor `Abd Manaf; his birth in the Holy Land of Palestine and upbringing in Mecca; and his education at the hands of superlative scholars together with his own superlative intelligence and knowledge of the Arabic language.”

Ibn Hajar added the following “The Prophet (saws) said about Imam Shafii: “Truly, Allah shall send forth for this Community, at the onset of every hundred years, someone who will renew their Religion for them.” (Ibn Hajar) The scholars agreed, among them Abu Qilaba (d. 276) and Imam Ahmad, that the first to be sent was `Umar ibn `Abd al-`Aziz and then al-Shafi`i.”

After the Quran you should own this book in the original Arabic.

What makes westerns look like westerners?

Not all westerners look the same, or rather appear as if they are from the same class of people, so maybe the title should be what makes the west look like the west, what makes them look like they are above even though morally they are not.

The short answer is their study and preservation of history…knowledge is a light that dresses you, this is why people involved in different professions or activities look different because the light of that knowledge on them, the light of that profession, is different. Each type of knowledge and how it appears when it is on you is different and the light the world sees the western world by is primarily derived from their study and preservation of history.

This is the light the British Empire appeared under when it turned to science and America followed suit, even thought today their entertainment industry is changing that as they all begin to worship it instead.

The light of Islam on the Islamic world made us appear the same to the west 100 years ago but when we sto
pped doing the work of knowledge we stopped wearing its light, today that is the reason people are denied knowledge, this understanding is a source of dominance for one people over another and why labels like the third world exist for the same places that knowledge began, the same places that ancient civilisations began.

You can’t fix what is happening to the world but you can fix what is happening in your house, in this respect I have added the following two books;

  1. Ancient History: From the First Civilizations to the Renaissance by J. M. Roberts
  2. Modern History: From the European Age to the New Global Era by J.M. Roberts

If you can not purchase the exact book that is fine a similar book on the same subject will do the same thing, in relation to history you will find these books can be world changing if you are suffering from fitnah and the primary source of occult fitnah in the world today is still Britain, they may not take the lead like America politically but that is where it all began. Today the superpowers of the world help each at the occult level to dominate lessor countries and people so understand what I am about to advise.

After purchasing books on ancient and modern history, purchase separate books on the History of:
  1. Britain,
  2. America,
  3. Russia,
  4. Europe,
  5. China,
In that order you will find that is the order/hierarchy they are intervening with in peoples live’s today with the network of Jinn they have spread around the world to influence people. Then on the History of;
  1. India,
  2. Africa,
  3. Latin America,
  4. The Middle East,
  5. Central Asia,
  6. Ireland
  7. Scotland (These last two are the backbone of western fitnah around the world)
Books are expensive, but the used book market on places like eBay is large and you can purchase books on almost any subject for about $10, so search there.

These books will stop all exaggerations by their Jinn which is the source of manipulation today, how they make what is holy seem small and what is corrupt seem appealing, how they are manipulating the balance of spirituality in peoples minds, they work very similar to what I stated about Imam Ibn Sireens Dictionary Of Dreams, they act like a law book for the spiritual world that forces things into perspective and because you now have the history of a people you have a realistic picture of them which challenges the Jinn who seek to distort what these people are and turn them into demigods in peoples minds.

Buying these books used is fine, but when you purchase these books or any from the list write your name in them along with the names of you family, you will see a huge difference in baraka, it will attach what is in them and their light to you, begin this with Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, you are asking the owner of light to dress you.

If you have ever suffered a spiritual attack you know Anxiety, Depression, Suicide can all be induced in a person, Jinn are the medium for all evil in the world, so like the other subjects I have covered if you can defeat the Jinn coming to your house you can put an end to what you are feeling and experiencing.

The answer to all of this is Islamic poetry, here is a list of some of the most famous works in the world, another benefit of this list is that owning the works on classical Arabic poetry will help you understand Arabic and the Quran, when the scholars wanted to understand the language of the prophet (saws) they studied pre Islamic Poetry.

  1. The Masnavi (or Mathnawi) by Maulana Jalal ad-Din Rumi (6 Volumes)
  2. Rumi’s Sun: The Teachings of Shams of Tabriz by Camille Helminski (Translator),‎ Refik Algan (Translator)
  3. Divan of Sadi – by Paul Smith
  4. Divan of Hafiz: Special 30th Anniversary Volume by Hafiz (Author),‎ by Paul Smith (Translator)
  5. Conference of the Birds (or Bird Parliament) by Farid ud-Din Attar
  6. Abu Nuwas by Philip F. Kennedy
  7. ANTHOLOGY OF CLASSICAL ARABIC POETRY (From Pre-Islamic Times to Ibn ‘Arabi) by Paul Smith (Translator)
  8. Arabic Sufi Poetry: An Anthology by Paul Smith (Translator)
  9. Classical Arabic Literature: A Library of Arabic Literature Anthology by Geert Jan Van Gelder (Author)
  10. The Qasida in Sufi Poetry: An Anthology by Paul Smith (Translator)

Besides improving your Ihsan there are things you can do to help the Mala’ikah have better access to your life, Allah created all things from something and every thing is subject to the laws of the universe. The Mala’ikah are created from light which is the photon particle and so they are subject to the laws that govern the subatomic world, in short there are things that hinder their work and things that help it.

Some time ago the prophet (saws) came to me and said “soon you will see the Malka’ikah circling around you”, I then saw them circling above my head like birds flying around the Kaabah.

After some time went by and I forgot about this, it then occurred to me to expand my library with some books on Mala’ikah, the first book I knew about and could rely on was, Angels Unveiled, a Sufi Perspective by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, not long after I made the intention to buy the book one of Allah’s Mala’ikah, He was one of the Higher Angels, came to me and said when you purchase the book you will see us circling around you (in life) then He showed me how as I walked.

This is the baraka of that book in my life, I see them often but the fitnah’s of this world block their work owning this book made things easier for them, it is based on the work of Imam Suyuti and written by one of Allah’s people, the book made it easier for them to access my life and this was the result.

I then looked into getting more books and decided on the following two;

  1. Encyclopedia of Angels by Richard Webster
  2. The Encyclopedia of Angels by Constance Victoria Briggs

These two books are “a collection of over 500 angels from traditions and belief systems the world over, from the Bible and Jewish scriptures to Islamic and Buddhist texts”.

When I made the intention to purchase these two books one of the Mala’ikah hit one of the Shayateen near me very hard, the Shaytan then shouted at Him saying “how did you reach me”, Jinn live in the unseen nearest us in our world while the Mala’ikah by simile are in the depths of space, I then heard the Mala’ikah say as long as He has my name with Him i can reach you.

These two books will clear up a lot of fitnah in your life and help you organize it from the chaos that it normal is, which is created by Jinn being in your life, you will see a clear path open in front of you as a result and have a better sense of direction about everything. Spiritually they are a package deal, one complementing what the other is missing, but they are fairly inexpensive books.

The last book I looked at purchasing was Angels in Islam: Jalal Al-Din Al-Suyuti’s Al-Haba’ik Fi Akhbar Al-Mala’ik by Stephen Burge. If you can find the original Arabic get that but owning this book will put you on the highest spiritual standard when it comes to these things, it will open the way for the Mala’ikah into your life like it was in the old days of Islam and it will seem like a complete opening.

This is why I am including a link to the book below, if you know where to get the Arabic please email me the link, simply having it you will see a difference in your life but remember what I said about the difference between purchasing something and receiving it for free, the book is very expensive because it is not common but worth saving for, the digital version is more reasonable but again owning a physical copy is what you should aim for;…pdf

Here is the list of Books again:

  1. Angels Unveiled, a Sufi Perspective by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
  2. Encyclopedia of Angels by Richard Webster
  3. The Encyclopedia of Angels by Constance Victoria Briggs
  4. Angels in Islam: Jalal Al-Din Al-Suyuti’s Al-Haba’ik Fi Akhbar Al-Mala’ik by Stephen Burge

The section to my website entitled Encyclopedic Works contains 4 of Islam’s major encyclopedic works.

The first is Imam Qurtubi’s Tafsir, I have written about this work before, when england was first developing they relied on this work and the methods of this Shaykh, they also copied his spiritual archetype from which comes the image of the english judge.

The second work is the famous tafsir to sahih bukhari fath al bari, this has major spiritual benefit in the Islamic world, I have also written about this work before, before I acquired a copy I saw a dream in which i witnessed the people of egypt celebrating this work after the Imam finished it, I was then told soon I would become one of its people, that is done by simply having a copy of this work, you will be included in the silsila of baraka that Allah spread around the world because of it.

The next work is Imam Ghazali’s Ihya Ullum al Deen, it was famously said if nothing remained of Islam except this work it would be enough for people, owning this work will save your deen.

The last work is the famous Tarikh Baghdad by Khatib al Baghdadi, the greatest significance of Tarikh Baghdad lies in the field of hadith Imam Al-Baghdadi narrates the biographies of about five thousand narrators of hadith from a total of 7,831 biographies which the book details alphabetically.

Of all the works I would consider this the most important for what people are facing in our time, it will save nothing less than your identity. One of the major sihr people are made to suffer is the loss of their identity and self, this is so they can be moulded into what the occultists want, if you’re blank slate they can write on it whatever they want, if this wasn’t their main weapon we would see them doing things in the open but they need to influence you from a place you can’t see them from for anything to work properly.

If you have seen the last star wars movie the main plot theme is the manipulation of lessor people by the main villain, an occultist essentially, through their spirituality by manufacturing spiritual experience for them and between them and those they care for who are also spiritually awake, through this he controlled the choices they made and the outcome of events.

This work contains the biographies of over 5000 men of Allah, it is a spiritual connection with each and every one of them that will help you see your real identity which comes from your history and the history of your people.

The Kufar have nothing that can overcome this work and others like it, I have seen this truth from the Mala’ikah and Muslim Jinn, who said in boast to the Kufar Jinn after I got a copy if the oil shaykh’s knew the significance of Islamic works like this and how to use them they wouldn’t lose to the Kufar controlling arab lands.

All of these books will improve your life immensely, they will block many types of shayateen from racing ahead of you and directing your life, giving you better control over it.

Just as these books bring Baraka into your life some books can be a fitnah because of who created them, even the Quran can have sihr attached to it, so it doesn’t matter what the subject is or who the Author is even if he is a Mujtahid Imam or Imam al Ghazali, if you see books from these publisher and groups or their equivalent stay away, by Allah I will be a witness against them on the day of Judgment because of the fitnah I have seen in their books first hand;

  1. Dar Al Salam or Darulssalam
  2. DKI Lebanon
  3. Salafi Publications and All Salafi groups
  4. International Islamic Publishing House (IIPH)
  5. Deobandi, Tablighi, Hizb ut-Tahrir
  6. Any Mujadid group.

Fitnah will follow you around from them until it takes over your life, so beware of stocking your library with their fitnah. I am not endorsing any of the following publishers since I have not checked them myself generally real muslims are not allowed to do business on a global scale; this is a list someone else put together, the better publishers from what is out there are generally:

  1. Mu’assasah al-Risalah (aka al-Risalah): al-Risalah al-‘Alamiyyah; and Mu’assasah al-Risalah Nashirun.
  2. Dar Taybah
  3. Dar al-Minhaj
  4. Dar ‘Alam al-Kutub
  5. al-Maktab al-Islami
  6. Dar Ibn Hazm
  7. Dar al-Basha’ir al-Islamiyyah
  8. Dar al-Gharb al-Islami
  9. Dar al-Ta’sil

The last type of books to stay away from if you are purchasing Arabic books are the classical books of Islam published with a modern style cover on it, make certain the book has the old style cover you see in a scholars library anything else is either inferior and you won’t get the same benefit or has something wrong with it that isn’t obvious to see.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

[Sometimes when we accomplish something we wonder if it was at the standard of the Awliayh who came before us, it was in relation to this thought that when we achieved something Allah indicated to us this is how the work of the Awliyah was received. After seeing this we wondered how few of our works had this reception. Then in relation to this present list and that context, we saw Sayydinah Muhammad (saws) and Saydinah Ibrahim (saws) with their light shinning who said they are going to bear testimony on the day of judgment to how accurate we are being in this work. Understand the work of the Awliyah behind them they have the Anbiyah helping in the background from ghayb that is why their work has a sense of weight behind it that seems otherworldly/immense.]

سُوۡرَةُ الکافِرون
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
قُلۡ يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلۡڪَـٰفِرُونَ (١) لَآ أَعۡبُدُ مَا تَعۡبُدُونَ (٢) وَلَآ أَنتُمۡ عَـٰبِدُونَ مَآ أَعۡبُدُ (٣) وَلَآ أَنَا۟ عَابِدٌ۬ مَّا عَبَدتُّمۡ (٤) وَلَآ أَنتُمۡ عَـٰبِدُونَ مَآ أَعۡبُدُ (٥) لَكُمۡ دِينُكُمۡ وَلِىَ دِينِ (٦)

سُوۡرَةُ الإخلاص
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

قُلۡ هُوَ ٱللَّهُ أَحَدٌ (١) ٱللَّهُ ٱلصَّمَدُ (٢) لَمۡ يَلِدۡ وَلَمۡ يُولَدۡ (٣) وَلَمۡ يَكُن لَّهُ ۥ ڪُفُوًا أَحَدٌ (٤)

سُوۡرَةُ الفَلَق
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

قُلۡ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ ٱلۡفَلَقِ (١) مِن شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ (٢) وَمِن شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَبَ (٣) وَمِن شَرِّ ٱلنَّفَّـٰثَـٰتِ فِى ٱلۡعُقَدِ (٤) وَمِن شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ (٥)

سُوۡرَةُ النَّاس
بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

قُلۡ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ ٱلنَّاسِ (١) مَلِكِ النَّاسِ (٢) إِلَـٰهِ ٱلنَّاسِ (٣) مِن شَرِّ ٱلۡوَسۡوَاسِ ٱلۡخَنَّاسِ (٤) ٱلَّذِى يُوَسۡوِسُ فِى صُدُورِ ٱلنَّاسِ (٥) مِنَ ٱلۡجِنَّةِ وَٱلنَّاسِ (٦)

If you ever happen across this fitnah in life use the following verse (12:35) and surah in a taweez against it naming the evil:

ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

إِذَا زُلْزِلَتِ الْأَرْضُ زِلْزَالَهَا

وَأَخْرَجَتِ الْأَرْضُ أَثْقَالَهَا

وَقَالَ الْإِنسَانُ مَا لَهَا

يَوْمَئِذٍ تُحَدِّثُ أَخْبَارَهَا

بِأَنَّ رَبَّكَ أَوْحَىٰ لَهَا

يَوْمَئِذٍ يَصْدُرُ النَّاسُ أَشْتَاتًا لِّيُرَوْا أَعْمَالَهُمْ

فَمَن يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ خَيْرًا يَرَهُ

وَمَن يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ شَرًّا يَرَهُ

America Is Collapsing What Should I Do

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

I received a question about my last email, Hisab al Mala’ikah, America is collapsing I work for an American company what should I do.

If you read the verses regarding this carefully you will have your answers, keep in mind that all of this is an economic collapse of its systems and institutions and not war;

“After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was made bright with his glory. 2 And he called out with a mighty voice, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great (America the greater Babylon of the two) ! She has become a dwelling place for demons (Jinn), a haunt for every unclean spirit (evil people), a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal (possessed creatures, you won’t find refuge in its land, its evil has destroyed everything in it). 3 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries (adopted her ways). The kings of the earth committed adultery with her (Betrayed their own people), and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”

4 Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “ ‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues (Punishments); 5 for her sins are piled up to heaven, and Allah has remembered her crimes.” (Book of revelations)

In the first paragraph we are told what is going to occur then after that in the second paragraph Allah advises us on what to do. When the economic collapse occurs Allah says we should leave it immediately and migrate, I haven’t quoted the verses after these but Allah continues in the book of revelations and says after its society falls into complete degeneracy and it becomes a place only for evil, He will destroy it outright (Physically), but this will occur about 10 years after its economic collapse.

The point is people will have time to distance themselves from America and leave it after Europe destroys it, but if you have investments in American currency I would advise you to switch to the Euro at some point because there is no coming back for them.

If you work for an American company all of these will collapse with America so you should make preparations to find work elsewhere. The prophet Muhammad (saws) indicated the fitnah of America will last for 18 years from september the 11th 2001 then clear up, that is September 2019 and how ever long after that for events to clear, more than likely no more than 6 months to a year, in all likelihood it will clear within 3 months.

From what I have studied that isn’t the date for their economic collapse, but the date when their influence around the world will diminish, it is possibly the date when something will occur that will diminish their place in the world causing other countries to challenge them internationally before their ultimate defeat. It is up to you if you want to risk finding out what that date exactly is, but it is not that far of.

If I was to make an educated Guess the events in the bible will play out around 2020-2022, very soon after 2019, Europe will gain enough courage and momentum to challenge them by then, many say America’s last economic collapse was Europe’s first attempt at this a second one won’t be far off.

Insha Allah now I am going to tell you something the Mala’ikah told me about a year ago, when America collapses all the groups that work for it around the world in each country, they will become like a headless chicken running around lost without leadership, they will try to recover their former position in the world but won’t, they won’t ever recover from that and with nothing backing them, people will begin to dominate them in every country, they will fight them and dismantle them.

There is no future for these people even if some of them persist until the coming of the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) when Allah will kill them with Him.

This is an occult fitnah that is gripping the world and in reality it is an attack by Jinn on humanity. Therefore, spiritually speaking, America is one of the largest countries in the world their spiritual backing of anything is more significant than that of Europe simply because they are united in their cause and spiritual/occult focus, while the EU is comprised of different countries speaking different languages having different mindsets, in Ghayb this is very significant and it colors the picture of every spiritual/occult outcome.

Even if Europe takes over every one of these groups on earth, like America did when it took over from the British Empire, their backing and support of these groups won’t ever present itself in front of the world the same because of this reality in Ghayb, these groups will never have the same menace as they do now and when something that was once like a giant wall in people’s eyes begins to look like it has patches all over it, they will never command the same awe in people as they once did, that will be their defeat because that was how they won the world.

The Companion of Isa (as) John (ra) said; 1 And I saw a beast (Empire) rising out of the sea (An empire built upon the ocean, the British Empire), with ten horns and seven heads (A small Island controlling many nations), with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads (the Nations it controlled were pagan. From India to Africa to the America’s). 2 And the (Empire) that I saw was like a leopard (in qualities); its feet were like a bear’s (It followed the Ottomans who in previous verses are described as a bear in character), and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth (The Romans. The leopard is the smallest of the Big cat species, here this is a reference to them being a small Island in comparison to other Empires in history. They behaved like the Expansionist Ottomans, walking in their shoes, having the feet of a bear, and spoke/had policies like the Romans who are lions). And to it the dragon (Iblis/satan) gave his power and his throne and great authority (He gave them control over His Jinn empire and so they learnt the Occult and used it on the world. In the 18-1900’s there was a real fascination with the occult in the west and europe, from this came the Occult societies that are now said to rule the world). 3 One of its heads (Britain’s) seemed to have a mortal wound (Germany in WW2 almost defeated them), but its mortal wound was healed (By America’s intervention in the war), and the whole world was filled with wonder (the awe of science being first discovered and its accelerated development because of WW1&2) as they followed the (Empire). 4 And they worshiped the dragon (Iblis, they adopted the occult), for he had given his authority (over Jinn) to the (Empire), and they worshiped the (Empire), saying, “Who is like the (Empire), and who can fight against it?” (for a short period of time in history Britain controlled most of the earth).

5 And the (Empire) was given a mouth (in front of the world, this is world media) uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months (3.5 years, this is WW1). 6 It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling, a that is, those who dwell in heaven (It challenged religion openly). 7 Also it was allowed to make war on the saints (The Islamic Ummah was one that lived by the guidance of the living saints, Salah al Deen Ayoubi the Khalifah who took back Jerusalem would not go to war before taking their advice, hardly anything of that world is left in today) and to conquer them (They ended the Islamic Khalifa entirely in WW1). (With them gone) authority was given it (the Empire) over every tribe and people and language and nation (For the first time in History, so we can be certain of  what these verses are talking about), 8 and all who dwell on earth will worship it (Follow the British way of life), everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain (Everyone whose guidance was not decreed by Allah before creating the world will fall to them. There is a hadith on this, when Allah created the universe He cast His light upon it and whoever that light reached was guided in life and whoever it didn’t reach will be misguided). 9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear:

10 If anyone is to be taken captive,

to captivity he goes;

if anyone is to be slain with the sword,

with the sword must he be slain

Their empire was so vast covering most of the earth, if they set their eyes on anyone His fate was almost certain, you won’t be able to fight them Allah decreed they should win, He used the evil they chose to adopt to end a world that turned away from Him and was lost in heedlessness unable to turn back. Almost Every rebellion against them in history failed, the Muslims know this from their own History along with the Indians, Africans, Asians and South Americans.

Allah says in the above verses, they controlled the world by filling it with Awe and wonder they then took advantage of people lost in it turning them into their agents through manipulation of the occult.

The point is the time of awe and wonder will be over with America, no one will be able to control the people of the world with it again until the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon Him) who is the last Sahir this world will face. Awe and wonder are a form of sihr on the mind when it is deliberately manufactured, you can manipulate people’s beliefs with it and that is pure sihr.

Natural awe is a result of life’s circumstance, because the difference is to subtle to notice unless you are the one controlling events Allah won’t allow the occultists of the world to persist in the long run like they wish, He will send Isa (as) against them to kill them all at the end with the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

While the Fitnah of Yajuj wa majuj will be something ordinary, over wealth, Allah states their intentions in the bible, therefore this Fitnah of Sihr and the Occult that began with Ibliss, won’t ever take over the world again after America and the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon Him).

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai

Insights I Don’t Share In My Writing

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

When I am studying a subject I often have insights into matters that are too deep to share, it would take too much explanation or too much scientific language to explain a point that is essentially limited in its relevance to the work. Basically, to explain something complex it would take a few paragraphs to simplify one point, while in writing it is better to be succinct.

One insight that I have been pondering for over a year now is about Jahannam (Hell) and its nature.

When you understand the relationship between the spiritual world and the physical world, you see that all the suffering in the world today is because of the abuse of Allah’s creatures of ghayb, the unseen, sihr only exists because ghayb exists, desires, delusions, lust, insanity only exist because ghayb exists and all the suffering of mankind occurs because the creatures Allah placed in ghayb abuse its place over the physical world to dominate man.

This world we live in is simple, a tree is a tree, “what you see is what you get”, but in ghayb what you think is a tree from a distance up close could be something entirely different, a tree in the spiritual world, for example, could the lote tree that supports the entire universe, or Zaqqum the tree of Hell that is a source for its people’s suffering.

It is a world of qualities, illusions and delusions and only when your own nature/heart/self are straight can you properly travel to the hights of ghayb, because to come closer to Allah and the Arsh you have to be like the physical world, “what you see is what you get” in your heart.

This is the biggest lesson in the Quran about the Isra wal Miraj of the Prophet (saws), at the Height of his (saws) journey Allah tells the entire universe through the Quran that the heart of the prophet didn’t lie or waiver in seeing what it saw, it didn’t deviate from the mission, from focusing on Allah in a journey to the end of the universe witnessing the marvels Allah created, nothing distracted Him (saws).

So, after understanding where misery in the world truly originates from and seeing that man is the equivalent of a slave on earth subservient to Allah’s spiritual creatures and their whims, the nature of Hell surprised me entirely because first and foremost it’s the embodiment of justice for man over Allah’s spiritual creatures.

Our entire lives we suffer the fitnah that comes from ghayb being over us and we are underneath it, it tells us what to do all of our lives. But in the Akhira Allah turns this upside down and the physical world will tell the spiritual world what to do because that is man’s true destiny which Allah intends for Him.

Allah will say on the day of judgment to people: “We have stripped from thee the Veil that covered thee and thy (inner) vision, this day (your vision) is iron” (50:22) no Jinn will ever be able to dominate a human again.

We see what Allah intends for man in the fact He asked both Angels and Jinn to prostrate to Adam, not even a man’s wife is allowed to prostrate to her husband but Allah asked these creatures to.

In the Akhira you will see through the nature of Hell that the physical world is now on top of the spiritual world, and the eternal punishment of all the spiritual creatures will first be from the physical forces of the universe upon them down to the spiritual, something Allah mentions in the Quran in how he describes Hell, the fire will burn them first then Hell will reach the luub (core) of their hearts at the end, meaning psychological and spiritual torments are last.

This is easier to visualise when you know that Allah taught the Prophet Idriss (saws) that black holes are Jahannam, this is the prison and doom that will seal the people of Jahannam in it.

Black holes are characterised by a single force, its crushing gravity that is so intense it bends the fabric of space (think a sheet of cloth bending) on its self like a wafer over and over, again and again, the number of times it bends on itself is too great to count, and with each bend the crushing force of gravity is multiplied more and more destroying whatever is in it right down to the particles it is made from. Because of this force, Allah called Hell in the Quran “the Crusher” Al Hutumat.

Ans of all the forces that exist in the universe Gravity is the only one that works in the physical world, sub-atomically in ghayb the spiritual world gravity has no effect, it only works on large objects like suns, planets and whatever life is on them, while every other force in the universe only works sub-atomically (in ghayb) and has no effect in the physical world.

So, after understanding this and some other scientific facts about black holes we see that the spiritual creatures of Allah which made life hell for humans because their world was higher will spend the rest of eternity suffering the torments of the forces in the physical world, the forces that never touch them in life.

Hell plays a very significant role in the existence of life besides tormenting the wicked, the prophet (saws) explained it “expands and contracts”, “breaths”, or flares up at certain times of the day and because of this Humans are not allowed to pray at those times. This is so we don’t connect with Hell spiritually while its forces are increased, but these forces also help mankind by freeing him from the evil that concentrates around him subatomically throughout the day. That evil becomes like a rust that doesn’t want to move while the forces of hell break that rust and help “dissolve it”.

The place of Ghayb over the physical world was a major source of arrogance and short-sightedness for Jinn, this is the reason Iblis rebelled against Allah in the first place it was the source of His strength and he couldn’t see past that to look at what Allah actually created and its purpose, a creature capable of holding vast amounts of wisdom and because of that knowing Allah the way He wanted. Now they will spend eternity with the physical world holding them down and tormenting them because they couldn’t listen.

“Have they not travelled in the land so that they should have hearts with which to feel and ears with which to hear? For indeed it is not the eyes that grow blind – but it is the hearts, which are within the breasts, that grow blind. [Surah al-Hajj: 46]

I had written previously how at one point like many scholars in history Allah caused me to fear the nature of Jannah. Our body is a system that needs to be in a balanced state for our judgment to be balanced, and Jannah is a place of Bliss with one overriding state, happiness. For people who care little about responsibility, consequences or repercussions in life this will mean very little to them but they will be in the lower levels of Jannah with the blissful ignorant because of this.

But those burdens I mentioned also mean awareness, knowledge, experience and wisdom, they mean you have gained enough control over yourself in this world and grown through it to experience the highest spiritual states and happiness Allah will ever create without your body becoming unbalanced.

On the day of judgment, Allah will bring death meaning every force that causes death and kill it so your body will never die again.

And in the next life, unlike this one, Allah will place all His reward and happiness in Jannah and all His punishment and consequences in Jahannam. The reason Jahannam is needed in the universe is that its spiritual force permeates the entire universe will help keep the people of Jannah balanced. These are some of the systems in place in the next life that will help people, it is up to you which of the two lives you want to experience after you die.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

One Of The Oldest Lessons In Islam

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

The following is one of the oldest lessons in Islam, from its heart and core, unfortunately, scholars rarely talk about it today so if you haven’t heard this before know this is one of the pure lessons of old.

When we die and go to Jannah we become ahl al Barzakh, our souls are there and our bodies are in the grave until Yawm al Qiyamah. The scholars in our time explained between Maghrib and Isha prayers all the souls of the afterlife, those who are deceased, your family, friends, forefathers all the way back to Adam, are called every night to sidrat al muntaha, the lote tree, which is the Maqam of sayidinah Jibril (as), the place where he stopped on the night of Isra wal Miraj and told the Prophet (saws) he could not go further or He would be burnt up.

There, all the actions and deeds of the people still living on earth are displayed in front of their eyes, from the previous day until the present day. Everything that occurs on earth is exhibited for the souls of the deceased ones in a similar way to how we watch television. In barzakh the news of this world appears daily to your family friends and forefathers, in detail and in general. The deeds of the individuals, their community, nation are all displayed, and every soul in Barzakh knows about its relatives and what happened between them and how they are acting.

It is for this reason between Maghrib and Isha you make dua and give value to that time, whoever asks for Allah to cover their bad actions Allah will cover them and not display them at the lote tree under the Arsh. All deeds are displayed to them at this time except for the people who are busy asking Allah for forgiveness or asking Allah to cover their deeds.

All your good deeds will also be displayed to them and the Angels at that time will be making the Tasbih (prayer) “Subhana man Adh-hara al Jameel wa Satarah al Qadih”, “Glorified Is that one which has shown the beautiful and has hidden the ugly”.

So many people in this world die because their forefathers in barzakh are praying against them, when they see something that makes them shy (embarrassed of you), sad, ashamed, repeatedly causing them to shy away from you, they start to ask “Oh Lord either make them good or take them away”.

When they see something good they pray for you because you have enlightened their face, increased them in light. When we make dua or pray between Maghrib and Isha and Allah covers our deeds in front of them, it is a protection so we don’t receive any negative dua from them which affects our lives.

Every human being has to know that this time, daily, is a source of reward or misfortune for the people on earth.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

The Prophet Understood The Universe More Than You Think

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum

“The apostle of Allah asked some men of Medina what had been said there about the falling stars and was told: ‘We said, “A king has died or has begun to reign; a child has been born, or has died.” ‘ The apostle of Allah replied: ‘It was not so. When Allah reaches any decision concerning His people He is heard by the bearers of His throne, who praise Him; and this praise is taken up by the angels below them, and by others still further below; and the praise continues to descend until it reaches the sky of this world, where other angels also praise. Then these ask each other why they praise, and the question ascends gradually till it reaches the bearers of the throne. They then, tell of the decree of Allah concerning His people, and the news travels down by degrees until it reaches the heaven of this world, where the angels discuss it. But the evil Jinns (devils), who used to listen to such discussions by stealth, sometimes misheard, and what they retold to soothsayers on earth was sometimes true and sometimes false. The soothsayers also conversed about these matters, some giving true and some false accounts. So, when the coming of the apostle was being discussed by the angels, Allah foiled the evil Jinns by hurling meteors (at them), and from that time onwards an end was made to soothsayers”. (Seerah ibn Ishaq)

When you come to understand the spiritual world you start to see how significant some things are in Islam that you overlooked before hand. One of these is the fact that when the prophet Muhammad (saws) was given prophethood, it stopped all jinn around the world from being able to get news of the future from Heaven, except what Angels tell them deliberately to thwart their harm. This event marked the end of the pagan world that worshipped false idols in many forms, something that had covered the entire world and up to the time of Nuh (as) the only solution by the prophet (as) was to ask Allah to end mankind.

This should tell you something about our prophets (saws), today because of our lack knowledge, intellect and good character we pass these events of as “something Allah did”, or something “He gave to someone”…Allah gave it to that person is short hand for saying this event is what he earned through his work because Allah clearly declares in the Quran “La ha Ma kasabat wa alayha ma Ktasabat”, “For it (each soul is only) that which it hath earned, and against it (only) that which it hath deserved” (2:286).

What an injustice we are doing to our self by not investigating and doing the main task Allah sent down Quran the for, to discover the science behind everything in the universe. Allah repeats this instruction many times in the Quran in various ways, they all boil down to “Go learn about the universe”.

Abu Huraira (ra) said: “Allah’s Apostle (saws) has gone, and you people are utilizing those treasures (He gave you), or digging those treasures  out (that knowledge behind the Quran and Sunnah).” or said a similar sentence.” (Bukhari)

The prophet (saws) became a prophet only after He earned it through what he did before hand in his life, and he only went on the Isra wal Miraj, His (saws) night journey to learn about the universe, which is also the event that proved his superiority over every other human or creature Allah ever created, because unlike previous prophets (as) He (saws) was shown everything and only because “For it (each soul is only) that which it hath earned, and against it (only) that which it hath deserved” (2:286).

Ask your self what would it take to deserve something like that from Allah?

To understand this matter on a grand scale, the entire affair is a competition between every single creature Allah created. If a Jinn through his work and character could reach prophethood Allah would grant it to Him, if the Angels through their work over the trillions of years they have been alive could surpass the Prophet (saws) in what he did, Allah would have given it to them. Those among mankind who surpassed the other creatures did so because they earned it and every prophet was given every miracle, every sign because He (as) earned it with Allah.

The door of prophethood isn’t closed because no person could reach prophethood after the prophet Muhammad (saws), the prophet (saws) Himself said multiple time if there were to be a prophet after me it would be Umar (ra), and you can be certain that also meant Abu Bakr (ra). The door was closed because each prophet (as) was tasked with doing some of the work Allah required for the universe to learn about Him, when the prophet (saws) become a prophet He exceeded everyone else and completed all the work Allah required, the door of prophethood is closed because there is no need for any new prophet by Allah and every 124,000 prophets Allah had ever sent beat the rest of mankind to the task.

The matter was decided long before any of us were born on the day of Oaths when we were all souls and those to be prophets responded to Allah well before the rest of mankind, such was their degree of excellence and Ihsan (perfection) above the rest of us.

So, when idol worship was suddenly ended on earth and the “1000 year” pagan fire of the Persians was put out miraculously, and idols around the world toppled over instantly, and shooting stars were sent against the Jinn of the earth preventing them from going into space and getting news of the future for their oracles and soothsayers, that was all through the power behind the prophet Muhammad (saws) reaching prophethood. Its spiritual force marked the point the world changed from worshipping wood and stones to the age of science we know today.

These events all announced His (saws) status to the entire Jinn world, in a single day;

‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Abbaas said (soon after He was given prophethood): “The Prophet (saws) went out with a group of his Companions heading for the marketplace of ‘Ukaaz. This was when the shayateen (devils) were prevented from getting any news from heaven, and shooting stars had been sent against them. The shayateen went back to their people, who said, “What is the matter with you?” They said, “We cannot get news from heaven, and shooting stars were sent against us.” Their people said, “Nothing is stopping you from hearing news from heaven except some new event that must have happened. Go and look in the east and the west of the earth, and see if you can find out what it is that is stopping you from hearing news from heaven.” Those who went out in the direction of Tihaamah came upon the Prophet (saws) in Nakhlah, when he was on his way to ‘Ukaaz, and found him leading his Companions in Fajr (morning) prayer. When they heard the Qur’an, they listened to it and said, “By Allah, this is what is stopping us from hearing news from heaven.” When they went back to their people, they said, “O our people, we have heard a wonderful Recital (the Qur’an). It guides to the Right Path, and we have believed therein, and we shall never join (in worship) anything with our Lord (Allah). [al-Jinn 72:2]. Then Allah revealed to His Prophet (saws) the words: “Say (O Muhammad): “It has been revealed to me that a group of jinns listened (to this Qur’an)” [al-Jinn 72:1], and Allah revealed to him what the jinn had said.” (Bukhari)

How could the Jinn after hearing the Quran understand that these words are what stopped all of them on earth from getting news from Heaven. Their understanding of the world gave them insight into the significance of the words they were hearing, they had enough knowledge to convert at that moment, if you don’t see the significance in the words of the Quran you lack the insight to understand it.

Something even worse than this that people accuse the Prophet (saws) of is that receiving revelation is just receiving the words of Allah. Any person who has experience with Marifah from the Angels will tell you if the Angels did that, just give the Prophet (saws) the words, they would be forcing them on him (saws), they would be moulding His (saws) mind by force and breaking His (saws) character.

It is reported that once Rasulullah (saws), placed his blessed head on the thigh of Zayd bin Thabit (ra) and descent of ‘Wahy’ (revelation) started during that time, Zayd (ra) felt so much weight on his thigh that he thought it was going to crack.

Allah even mentions this in the Quran as a quality of the Angels appearing in their real form, it would be punishment for normal people.

Marifah, and by extension revelation occurs according to the person’s knowledge and experiences in life. So then looking at the Quran and the subjects it covered a person may ask what on earth did the Prophet (saws) know before hand before receiving some of the more complex verses in the Quran.

The answer is Allah revealed the Quran over a period of 23 years, one verse at a time and each in response to an event that occurred which the prophet learned from the event about life. For the more complex and scientific verses Allah also revealed that gradually and at each step and each subject Allah would teach His prophet more about the universe, exactly like a person going from one year in school onto the next, and as He (saws) learned, Allah revealed the next more advanced verse on the subject.

We can see this from how many verses seem like they are repeating themselves except for a single word that highlights the subject from a different angle.

In the Arabic, this changes the entire meaning of the verse because now you are looking at a different area of science that is related to the topic. You can see this clearly from my work, some in the past have stated that I often repeat the same thing in many of my books, rather they have failed to understand the subject has shifted to a different scientific subject and that is being highlighted, exactly as Allah himself does so in the Quran.

If you have seen some of the complex topics I discuss like the nature of space, time and quantum entanglement, by Allah, I can tell you i am holding back on what I Know the Prophet (saws) understood about these matters in Ahadith. The more you understand science the more you see how far ahead He (saws) still was and I don’t think we will ever catch up because some subjects are beyond the capacity of technology today.

He was the first person to be shown the entire universe, He (saws) saw its shape and held it in His (saws) eye, His (saws) went to the edge of space and reached two bow lengths from leaving the universe completely and came back and taught his companions and us about it all, none of which Allah would have shown him if he could not understand the science behind it, so His (saws) could see the significance of what His (saws) was looking at.

Today most of the formulas that physics use rely on assumptions about the age, shape, size and weight of the universe, you can be certain that most of these equations will be thrown out and the numbers disregarded because they have no real clue how big the universe is, how old it is and how deep sub atomic space is, but the prophet (saws) saw all of this and knows the answers well.

“Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty, and, He is Able to do all things. Who hath created life and death that He may try which of you is best in conduct; and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving. Who hath created seven heavens in harmony. Thou (Muhammad) canst see no fault in the Beneficent One’s creation; then look again: Canst thou see any rifts? Then look again and yet again, thy sight will return unto thee weakened and made dim.” (67:1-4)

It’s interesting the translator stated the verse was referring to the Prophet (saws), instructing him to look again and again at how the universe was constructed, a passage about subatomic space.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Spiritual Archetypes

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Sometimes when I share things there is a deeper purpose to it than just writing to teach others, this is such a case. I don’t expect many to understand the following but simply understand that just as we have governments and leaders in this world, the spiritual world has its leaders, hierarchies and systems which its creatures use and live by.

Growing up in a western country eventually you get to see its spiritual realities and how those systems are utilised by its spiritual creatures. The first time I encountered this was in early school when we went on a trip to our nation’s capital and visited its parliament house, the second was in high school when I was asked to become the schools vice-captain, then in university when with the student body council, and finally later in life when leaders from amongst the Jinn were forced to acknowledge my spiritual authority in the community which Allah had granted us at the age of 20. Each time a spiritual experience was attached to the event but their meaning wouldn’t become clear until I saw a pattern emerge of constantly being asked to take positions of authority despite never showing interest in them, constantly turning them down, and after Allah granted us spiritual sight to understand the reality behind them.

This is one insight I gained into the world of Jinn and their governments; each country has spiritual archetypes that people in that land are raised upon, their Jinn do this for them ensuring people are raised on one of the archetypes of their land to what ever degree each person is able to achieve in life. This is like the prophet Muhammad (saws) to us, we follow His Sunnah and character and try to achieve the same as Him, so when you visit a country you see how many of its people look the same act the same and feel the same.

In my land, there are seven the Jinn have chosen to be the archetypes for its people, each country is different, all of them are former leaders of the country, from among the first generations, I was shown all seven and their character, only one had a good moral character and the others fulfilled other roles. When ever a person fulfils that mould, Sunnah properly, the Jinn choose them for positions of authority, one example I was shown was that of Julia Gillard a former prime minister, when she completed the “Sunnah” of one of the archetypes they allowed her to lead, these are not easy things to achieve and saw what she had to go through spiritually before becoming leader.

I was shown all of this because in fulfilling my role as a Muslim of this land, I completed the sunnah of one of them, so the Jinn of this land who had been deliberately ignoring all the signs of Allah up to this point finally had to reveal themselves and explain the actions of their people up to this point in my life, despite this achievement…at the time we had just overcome a difficult struggle in life.

Each country has its similar archetypes, the muslim Ummah has the prophet Muhammad (saws) primarily, then other prophets, then the companions, and then the tabiin, and finally the awliyah.

When you join a spiritual tariqah that is like dedicating your life to achieving this and the Jinn of that tariqah, if there are only a few the Angels take up this responsibility, help you fulfil the Sunnah of the one that best matches your personality so you have a path (plan) set out for you in life to get into Jannah.

When Allah granted us our silsila of Tasawwuf I was allowed to see the heart of every person in that chain all the way back to Abu Bakr (as), this was like seeing their Sunnah and it was for the same reason the archetypes i am mentioning exist. On that same night I also saw one shaykh of this life who often helps people and saw that Allah had moulded him on the sunnah of the Prophet Dawud (as), He was given a youthful wisdom that wasn’t burdened.

The prophet (saws) said “My Companions are like the stars; whoever among them you use for guidance, you will be rightly guided.”

So after seeing that this country I live in had only seven spiritual archetypes, I asked why not more, they said some among them raised this issue but those in charge were not interested, it would take much effort to add another.

After gaining this experience you can then see the origin of traditions in a country, and in this discussion with them, i was allowed to see one of Britains archetypes, when I asked they wouldn’t reveal more than this, but this one that i was being shown, it was like an honor I was being presented with.

One of their archetypes was Imam Qurtubi who they learnt about from the Muslim Umma and their Jinn a few hundred years ago. When you look at Oxford University that is what you should see as one of their archetypes, and this shouldn’t be a surprise because the Bible itself mentions this in the book of revelations, that the British Empire would adopt from previous empires as it came to power.

They explained when the country was first looking to ground scientific principles in its institutions they looked at a few Islamic scholars, they mentioned them but i have since forgotten which, they looked at the Tafsir of Imam Qurtubi how he arrived at his judgments and saw that was a good starting point for them, the image of the old judge sitting on his seat in court that archetype is from Imam Qurtubi and his Ijtihad as a Mujtahid Imam, and they knew about usul al Fiqh and Ijtihad and explained how he arrived at his tafsir, all of which they learnt from the time of the Khalifah and their Jinn.

I asked why not another, they said for their people and their personality he arrived at his judgments in good time while considering a wide amount of information even if he doesn’t go into the minute details, other Mujtahids, the sunnah of other Ijtihads, would be to difficult to adopt because of spiritual perfection, the more Ihsan required the more details involved and for humans that isn’t an easy path.

In the bible each empire in the dream of John is represented by an animal whose qualities it resembled, the Ottoman Empire was a bear because of its expansionist and waring nature, while the British empire was a mixture of animals, it had the feet of a bear, it walked in the shoes of the Ottomans they ended and took over from as world leaders, and it stoop up like the beast of the Roman empire, which it emulated, so seeing Imam Qurtubi was a spiritual archetype for them wasn’t a surprise, if you have read his beautiful tafsir and seen how he thinks and puts his arguments together understanding what i am saying is much easier.

I thought i would end this with a passage from Muhammad Asads auto biography “A Road to Mecca” to help put this experience with Jinn into perspective;

THE sun is about to set when a big, black snake suddenly slithers across our path: it is almost as thick as a child’s arm and perhaps a yard long. It stops and rears its head in our direction. With almost a reflex movement, I slide down from the saddle, unsling my carbine, kneel and take aim – and at the same moment I hear Mansur’s voice behind me:

‘Don’t shoot – don’t…!’- but I have already pressed the trigger; the snake jerks, writhes and is dead.
Mansur’s disapproving face appears over me. ‘Thou shouldst not have killed it… anyhow, not at the time of sunset: for this is the time when the jinns come out from under ground and often assume the shape of a snake …’

As I remount my dromedary, playing with these questions with the half-smiling disbelief of a man whose upbringing has made him more thick-skinned than are people who have always lived closer to nature, Zayd turns with aserious countenance toward me:

Mansur is right, uncle. Thou shouldst not killed the snake. Many years back whem I Ieft Hail after Ibn Saud had taken the town – I shot a snake Iike that one on my way Iraq, lt was also at the time when the sun was setting. short while afterward, when we stopped to say our sunset prayer, I suddenly felt a leaden weight in my legs and a burning in my head, and my head began to roar like the roar of falling waters, and my limbs became like fire, and i could not stand upright and fell to the ground like and empty sack, and everything dark around me.

I do not know how long I remained in that dark­ness, but I remember that in the end I stood up again. An un­known man stood to my right and another to my left, and they led me into a great, dusky hall that was full of men who walked up and down in excitement and talked to each other. After a while, I became aware that these were two distinct parties, as before a court of justice. An old man of very small size was sit­ting on a raised dais in the background; he seemed to be a judge or chieftain, or something like that. And all at once I knew that I was the accused.

‘Someone said: “He has killed him just before sunset by a shot from his rifle. He is guilty.” One of the opposing party retorted: “But he did not know whom he was killing; and he pronounced the name of God when he pulled the trigger.” But those of the accusing party shouted: “He did not pronounce it!” – whereupon the other party repeated, all together, in chorus: “He did, he did praise the name of God!” – and so it continued for a while, back and forth, accusation and defence, until in the end the defending party seemed to gain their point and the judge in the background decided: “He did not know whom he was killing, and he did praise the name of God. Lead him back!”

‘And the two men who had brought me to the hall of judg­ment took me under the arms again, led me back the same way into that great darkness out of which I had come, and laid me on the ground. I opened my eyes – and saw myself lying between a few sacks of grain which had been piled on both sides of me; and over them was stretched a piece of tent cloth to protect me from the rays of the sun. It seemed to be early forenoon, and my com­panions had evidently made camp. In the distance I could see our camels grazing on the slope of a hill. I wanted to raise my hand, but my limbs were extremely weary. When one of my companions bent his face over me, I said, “Coffee …”-for from nearby I heard the sound of the coffee mortar. My friend jumped up: “He speaks, he speaks! He has come to!” – and they brought me fresh, hot coffee. I asked them, “Was I unconscious the whole night?” And they answered, “The whole night? Full four days thou didst not budge! We always loaded thee like a sack onto one of the camels, and unloaded thee again at night; and we thought that we would have to bury thee here. But praise be to Him who gives and takes life, the Living who never dies …”

‘So thou seest, O my uncle, one should not kill a snake at sun­set.’

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Spiritual Sight

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

The following is for the benefit of the people who know me personally, to help them understand something, but I don’t mind sharing it as well.

Jabir ibn Abdullah reported: The angels came to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, while he was sleeping and some of them said, “He is asleep.” And some of them said, “His eyes are asleep but his heart is awake.” They said, “Verily, your companion has a parable, so present the parable for him.” Some of them said, “He is asleep.” And some of them said, “His eyes are asleep but his heart is awake.” They said, “His parable is the example of a man who built a house, set up a banquet therein, and then sent a messenger to invite people. Whoever answered the invitation would enter the house and eat of the banquet, and whoever did not accept the invitation would not enter the house nor eat of the banquet.” The angels said, “Interpret this parable for him that he might understand.” Some of them said, “He is asleep.” And some of them said, “His eyes are asleep but his heart is awake.” They said, “The house represents Paradise and the messenger is Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Whoever obeys Muhammad has obeyed Allah, and whoever disobeys Muhammad has disobeyed Allah. Muhammad has caused distinction between the people.”

The idea of talking about this came about from something very funny, after writing my last email Gentle Warning, it took less than12 hours to get one of those funny letters asking me funny questions all the while softly accusing me of being a kafir, in the very lengthy letter which was mostly garbage, one point was raised about me seeing Jinn and visualising them. So this got me thinking about how these occultists see Jinn, I suppose to them it would be like seeing a marriage they believed in or the Jinn appearing to them and they recognise it as an image of their mind controlled by another creature or some variation on that.

For someone who has had the veils removed from them by the Prophet (saws) and granted true spiritual sight the matter is not so. Real spiritual sight for the Arifeen occurs much more naturally and without effort, as long as the Barzakh is present on your inner sight insanity is what stands between you and proper spiritual sight, so that veil is like constant weight on your inner perception and if you push against it you can go insane, this is something the Prophet (saws) explained to me himself just before he removed that veil from me, this is given to every person Allah wants to bring close so when you read the words of the great scholars and wonder where it comes from and why you don’t what they do, this is why, Allah wants them to experience things only given to people close to Him.

Once that veil is removed there is no on and off switch with your inner sight you sense and see that world always, it is something that will change you because your sense of inner peace will be gone like your privacy is taken away. So the scholars of tasawwuf usually train for this, but with myself I went through something difficult, akin to being attacked by Jinn and their hubris prepared me for what Allah wanted (i won’t go into the details) but it is why the prophet (saws) appeared to me, He healed me from what they had done, removed the brazakh to help me against them and explained to me what it is in detail.

If you have understood so far then you know why I quoted that hadith above, once that veil is removed the matter is like this all the time, “His eyes are asleep but his heart is awake,” and this is akin to sleep deprivation if you are not prepared for it.

I say sleep deprivation because the matter is like Imam Ibn Arabi explained, Allah’s spiritual creatures will seek you and need you and these are creatures who don’t know the world like we do, so your sense of inner peace will go and you will become a mercy for Allah’s creatures always helping and fixing.

Despite this I rarely see Jinn like these occultists invasion, they rarely want to show themselves to me either because they know if I hold them in my gaze I will hold them to account, and the ignorant among them who on the few occasions tried I hit them as soon as I saw them, so they tend not to try.

The matter is akin to having control of your inner perception effortlessly, I don’t need to envision anything or focus on anything or concentrate because there is now weight on my inner vision like theirs.

As long as the barzakh on your inner sight hasn’t been removed your easily susceptible to delusions, when it is removed your inner sight is straightened and while you’re not immune it sees true more often than not, so I guess it is harder for the Jinn to fake things as much they like so they often don’t try any fancy things like they do with the occultists.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Insights Into My Past

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

After my last few email’s in which I wrote about working in the Sydney CBD (Central Business District) and consequently being attacked with the occult by one of the dinosaurs (companies) there because they didn’t like me in their territory and thought I was “ruining their lab conditions”, some people tried to help me by revealing some of the secrets of how these people do their work.

I won’t reveal what was said but it had to do with masks, while that explains nightmares and things of that calibre this was something closer to attempting possession, ultimately I proved too strong for their Jinn who were not prepared for someone with real spiritual depth. It didn’t work because if you have depth beyond the world of Jinn it doesn’t matter how far they reach in the Jinn can’t ever take hold of something their claws can’t get a grip around.

Allah also sent his Mala’ika to protect me and by the end when the Jinn who were attacking me saw my spiritual nature, they understood they were mistaken and began to speak out against the people who sent them and how naive they are, a sign Allah is trying to change the Jinn’s hearts because they regretted what they did.

I’m writing this primarily for my own spiritual benefit, the more who know the more its reality is impacted and its Haq is revealed.

As I wrote earlier Allah wanted me to see these people which is why He placed me there, I didn’t leave that place alone until I saw most aspects of their society. Most of the time I was there or revisited it I saw resistance, people didn’t like a Muslim walking through their area and they showed it, but to the majority of their jinn, it was a different story and I think that was because of Allah, the Jinn saw what was needed to fix things in their land whilst people didn’t and they acted on superficial reasons.

Over a number of years, I revisited the area multiple times mostly by myself and each time I experienced something different although not necessarily spiritual in nature.

I think whilst I was working there without knowing I connected with some of the Jinn in charge of the area, for example, one-time whilst I was walking through the streets at night, something diverted my attention and made me walk down an alley way, it was a dead end when I turned to go back I found a women had followed me, she mumbled something like I’m going to show you and it became obvious she was doing something with the occult, when all of a sudden she began to stare at something large above me then she profusely apologised and said I didn’t know, I didn’t know.

The entire time I was there I was walking with one of their Jinn and when she went to attack me he revealed himself to her and threatened her, letting her know I was meant to be there.

He finally revealed himself to me and said he was one of the Jinn that used to work or protect me when I still worked in that area. Then he said when the 2004 Tsunami hit and that morning Allah showed me what he showed me He and his friends witnessed what Allah did.

A few times a year I used to get the feeling of wanting to revisit the CBD, it’s an hour long trip to get there from where I live, and mostly I would visit at night and just walk around, most people would be too scared to go at night but it was the opposite with me.

Whilst I walked, the most peaceful state used to come over me and all the cares in the world would disappear so I would walk without having anything to fear, and in over a decade nothing ever happened to me.

At the time I didn’t know why but I’m certain it was Allah who protected me with his Angels and who sent down peace into my heart, this is because I was doing something He wanted me to do so I could see what He wanted me to see, and that affected the Jinn there who saw and felt this about me.

“It is He who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the believers that they might add faith unto their faith. And to Allah belong the soldiers of the heavens and the earth, and ever is Allah Knowing and Wise.”(48:4)

Eventually by the end of my time there, as I became more spiritually aware I would see that I was invited a few times a year to visit the area by different groups of Jinn.

Towards the end of my time there, and this surprised me, a group of Aboriginal Jinn invited me to go “walk about” (a special term they use) in their land, the CBD, I asked them why? they said they wanted to show me the spiritual paths of their land.

“By the heaven (spiritual world) full of paths.”(51:7)

“Who made the earth for you an expanse and made for you therein (spiritual) paths and sent down water from the cloud; then thereby We have brought forth many species of various herbs.”(20:53)

“As for those who strive in Us, We surely guide them to Our paths, and lo! Allah is with the good.”(29:69)

Some “white Jinn” objected to this, but the aboriginal Jinn said, they wanted me to see that despite these tall buildings there, the old spiritual paths still exist and these white men can’t do anything about it, people from all over are going to follow the natural paths that exist on earth, they have been around longer than you have so you can’t get rid of them or create a monopoly.

So I did as they asked, that night I began my journey soon after dark and didn’t return home until early the next morning, I walked the entire night and when I got home I didn’t feel any tiredness or fatigue, I’m certain the Jinn gave me strength because they took responsibility for the trip.

Whilst I was there one significant event occurred, I was walking and the Jinn that had protected me before said he wanted to show me something, and through the corner of my eye, he revealed an Anglican priest had been following me around.

When He saw I noticed Him he was startled because he didn’t expect I would see him. The Jinn said look, and it was as if the air or darkness around the priest began to move and went to attack him from every direction, this was a multitude of Jinn surrounding him, but it stopped just before reaching him, the Jinn said to the priest we listen to what he says, then the priest said I wanted to know why you don’t attack him, why you accept him, the Jinn replied to the Anglican priest, He doesn’t ask anything from us.

The Jinn was referring to how the church and priests use and manipulate Jinn for their gain, the priest was there trying to figure out how to control and take advantage of these Jinn, because I guess it would give him access to all of the city like he saw me gain access.

If it wasn’t for them I would never have seen the priest, it was like he had a spell protecting him from my sight but that didn’t affect the Jinn, that was the first time I saw priests using the occult but it wasn’t the last, the matter goes right to the top, there is a line between spirituality and the occult and it is very clear, they crossed it a long time ago when religion was destroyed in western countries.

Looking back on my time there I think Allah wanted to teach the Jinn of that area something, and not the Humans, and slowly and slowly that was occurring because eventually, Allah made it so a Muslim found acceptance among them despite what the humans felt about my presence. This is why when ever I visited Allah placed peace with me and showed me I had nothing to fear from anyone or anything, eventually the spiritual creatures began to see and understand that and act that way towards me.

“He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquillity upon them and rewarded them with a victory, near at hand.” (48:18)

After almost a decade of visiting, these are the most significant events that I am writing, and towards the end I saw I had earned something amongst their spiritual ways and that spiritual path which began with the Aboriginal Jinn, by the end it would be the white Jinn who would come and tell me I had learned all the spiritual paths of the city, which they showed me in a dream.

This meant I had perspective on the spiritual paths humans took in this place and could see them. They wanted to show me this so on one of my last visits as I was walking they began to reveal to me the paths people would take in the city and I could see the patterns of how “human traffic” flowed because of these paths from one area to the next, which is nothing small because that is like gaining spiritual sight (insight) to a place that is meant to keep its secrets, so their enemies don’t win against them, and now I was seeing how it worked, flowed and where it was heading, eventually they would show me other spiritually aware humans who were in charge of these paths, who they likened to Judges, where they walked, stood and observed.

Lastly, the Jinn would show me their different groups, and the different kinds of humans there, they wanted me to see each group was there raising their children and the next generation of humans on how to see them, by the end they would say to them I was like the old man in the city, referring to the wisdom Allah had placed with me when he granted me my silsila, they showed me some of the spiritual centre’s of the city, that where like its spiritual heart, which revolved around the oldest trees and likened me to one of these old trees.

But that all ended when that dinosaur (corporation) decided to attack me because they thought I was ruining the way things worked, even their own Jinn would disavow them and call them naive by the end, I stopped going back, but eventually Jinn would seek me out again wanting me to return but the type of Jinn that would visit would come for selfish reasons, so I stopped going altogether.

This wasn’t the last time I was attacked by jinn, but it was the most severe and every time the Jinn (the mature of them) would change in some way after learning from the experience, they would teach me something about how they did things before walking away to show their hearts changed from what they originally thought.

Some would introduce their families to me out of respect, such was the case with one Japanese Jinn I met when I purchased some art from a Japanese shop, and the shopkeeper, who was like a nun, didn’t approve.

She sent Him to haunt me, He would reveal that He was once one of Japan’s leading samurai, the second best armour in Japan as he called it and he left Japan, or was exiled because He was reckless, He would focus on winning with one strike at all costs, He was effective and never lost but moved with out consideration for the next step which was dangerous to humans, eventually He showed me this strike and how effective it was and its flaws, and how traditional Japanese Jinn haunted people before the modern age, the old ways in the forests.

Another time was with an African Jinn, who followed me home after she saw me on the train, this was before I was attacked severely, she would come to defend me when they attacked and scared many of their Jinn away, when she wanted to talk she said Her tribe were responsible for scenes in the exorcist movies when the priest went to Africa, they chose them because they had the scariest form, she showed me her true form and said I had nothing to fear, it was like a giant black wasp with many black eyes, most people couldn’t stand to look out of fear, but she wanted me to see and understand how these people use different Jinn from around the world to do their work.

I think it’s fate, Allah, that as this dinosaur attacked me, Allah would send us a Jinn from the tribe responsible for the exorcist movie that inspired their kind…to attack them.

I know how reading about so many Jinn in one letter can make it seem as if I see things like this all the time, but I am condensing something that took place over a decade or so into one email, it takes time to earn anything spiritual because your character has to grow so for the most part this doesn’t occur, but Allah singled us out to know ghayb and its creatures, this was part of that process.

One advice I will give is that you can’t see Jinn, Angels or what is occurring to you properly until you rise above it spiritually, that was the true purpose of the Aboriginal Jinn visiting me, they wanted me to complete that spiritual path I began when I started working there, but I don’t think they realised where I would end up.

With Angels Allah has them arranged in ranks along the paths humans take, your spiritual heart rises from heaven to heaven (Sama’an Sama’an) or from one group of Angels to another as you grow and gain wisdom.

“HE FROWNED and turned away because the blind man approached him! Yet for all thou didst know, [O Muhammad,] he might perhaps have grown (Ya Zakah), or have been reminded [of the truth], and helped by this reminder. Now as for him who believes himself to be self-sufficient (one of The Nobels of Makkah) to him didst thou give thy whole attention, although thou art not accountable for his failure to attain to purity; but as for him who came unto thee full of eagerness and in awe [of God] him didst thou disregard! NAY, VERILY, these [messages] are but a reminder: and so, whoever is willing may remember Him in [the light of His] revelations blest with dignity, lofty and pure, [borne] by the hands of messengers (Angels) noble and most virtuous. [But only too often] man destroys himself: how stubbornly does he deny the truth!” (80:1-17)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

All Islands Will Disappear After The Asteroid

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, wa alaikum alsalam.

Sometimes we have experiences in life so unique we don’t know who they will benefit in our life or if we will ever share them.

I was recently asked to comment on what is happening in the Philippine between Muslims and Christians and so I will post my response here. I don’t know what is happening in the Philippines beyond their is a struggle between Muslims and Christians but I will share with you a spiritual experience I had regarding another people of that region which I feel will give you insight into your situation especially since it now looks like Allah will be repeating the same judgement.

Many years ago people from Indonesia and Malasia started increasing in my community, and eventually, we would interact with them often. So, like any group of people now with a significant presence in your life, their spirituality and world integrate into yours.

Eventually, we would hear about the struggles occurring in their lands and the plight of their people. For me, personally, I would eventually find out this was a test from Allah and lesson in how to judge matters Islamically. You see once you hear about an event you have a spiritual responsibility in front of Allah to take the right stance, you must be either for it or against it otherwise as the Prophet (saws) explained in a hadith, it is as if you are there participating in it and its consequences will impact your life regardless of whether you are on the other side of the earth.

We would eventually hear about the plight of the Banda Aceh people and their struggle against the Indonesian government. So we were forced to judge the matter for our self, who was right and wrong, we concluded against the People of Banda Aceh despite the fact they were truly being oppressed and the government was in the wrong. This was because the time we lived in the Prophet (saws) commanded we do nothing to correct the situation of society, there are many ahadith on this I have quoted in my book on Syria, and more importantly because in Islamic Aqeedah, the thing that teaches you the correct Islamic creed and decides if you are a Muslim. It clearly teaches you do not oppose governments, destabilise them or rebel against your rulers because there will be severe consequences, and again there are many ahadith.

This is all in normal situations, but in the political climate of the world today, doing this is increasingly punishable because you are now putting every person in that country in danger as their enemies pick them apart because of the instability and weakness you have caused and it will result in Islam being removed from the country completely.

So that is how I judged the people of Banda Aceh, I thought they should be punished by Allah despite their situation.

This was the test Allah set for us and this is how we concluded, some time later maybe a year and unknown to me Allah wanted to show me His judgment. We were working at a place on the coast of my city, Sydney, in the early Morning, when something spiritually grabbed my perception and sight, most likely an Angel, and turned it towards Indonesia, you have to consider the huge distance between the two places, but that place was brought close to me in my sight and I could see it’s landmass like someone in the ocean just seeing land from a distant ship. I then heard a large crack sound almost like an explosion, like something huge just gave way, then in the sky, we could see huge multitudes of Angels diving down to earth like birds diving into the ocean to grab fish.

Except these were the Angels of death and they were grabbing the souls of people as the 2004 Tsunami was taking their lives, then my sight was returned to me, but I didn’t know exactly what I was seeing until I got home and heard what had happened on the news.

The 2004 Tsunami had struck, later scholars would say this was the first of the three Major earthquakes at the end of time, it wiped out Banda Aceh and its people entirely.

In the end, I felt Allah gave them what was best for them to save them and the country at large, He gave the Shahadah in the way they died and Jannah in the Akhira.

Abu Hurayra (Allah be well-pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (saws) said: “Who do you reckon to be a martyr (shaheed) amongst you?” They replied: “The one who is killed in the way of Allah.” He said: “In that case the martyrs among my people would be few!” They asked: “Messenger of Allah! Then who are the martyrs?” He said: “He who is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr; he who dies naturally in the Cause of Allah is a martyr; he who dies of plague is a martyr; he who dies of a stomach disease is a martyr; and he who is drowned is a martyr.” (Muslim)” He (saws) also said, “There are seven kinds of martyrdom other then being killed in the way of Allah: the victim of a stomach disease (al-mabtun) is a shaheed; the victim of fire is a shaheed; the drowned person is a shaheed; the victim of cancer is a shaheed; the victim of plague is a shaheed; the victim of debris is a shaheed; a woman who dies from complications of pregnancy is a shaheed.” (Ahmad)

How is all this relevant to the Philippine?

If you have read my recent posts on Allah destroying America with an Asteroid you will know this is going to hit off the Coast of America, Ahadith say east of Arabia which is the west coast of the USA. Looking at any Map will tell you the Giant Tsunami’s that will result from the Impact are heading directly towards the Philippine, Japan and Papua New Guinea so these places are in the same kind of danger the people of Banda Aceh were in.

These Islands buffer other land Mass like Indonesia and Malaysia, but in a separate verse in the bible not related to the Asteroid, it says all Islands will disappear from the earth at the end of time.

People should pay attention to the warnings of Allah, otherwise, His judgement on them will catch them unawares like the 2004 Tsunami and this time the death toll will be in the hundreds of millions.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

In an unrelated matter, I was asked about why am I sharing my spiritual experiences if Rijal al Ghayb of today are hiding themselves, it was a subtle question with obvious undertones. The simple answer is Allah revealed in the Quran about the Prophet Muhammad (saws), and this is his sunnah Allah is teaching us; “Nor was he miserly with news from the unseen” (81:24)

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