Americans Will Not Receive Rahma In The Akhira

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Once you have seen the face of your enemy you can measure the extent of the retribution they will receive, in their case I was simply shown their fate, they are a people who Allah will deny any kind of Rahma in the Akhira and any people who intend it towards them out of their benevolence will be stopped and shown their true face in life.

They are a people who conspire to put you in a helpless state and that is when they come and strip you of everything in your life, May Allah curse them, they are certainly the most cursed of all people in the Akhira. Allah revealed in the Quran about them that lowest level of hell is reserved for them, the people of jahanam will live the life of insects in comparison to the life we know above it while they will live the life of microbes in comparison to insects.

At the 4th level of Hell Allah says Qala Layanbazana fil Hutumat, they will be lost to the crushing torment of hell, and what will tell you what that crushing force is it is the crushing force of the black hole in the center of our universe at its deepest point. While at the 7th level of Hell Allah says Fa umhun Hawiyah, Hell will nurture their character in her ways like a mother nurturing her child.

The prophet (saws) said at the end of time you see the civilization of destruction, America, and from them you will see the end of all civilizations on earth.

The bible said they are the greater Babylon of the two such is the level of their degeneracy, the prostitute of the world that forced every ruler on earth to betray his people for her, and the civilization that will strangle the world with trade, capitalism and its economic systems.

Allah curse them to the end of time for what they have to people all over the earth.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.