Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

Salafi’s Running Scared – How To Cure Them

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, asalamu alaikum.

Recently Salafi’s have been sending their Jinn to me trying to get me to talk about what I see regarding them, their consequences, the Mala’ikah have shown me how their Jinn put words in front of my mouth so I would speak more openly.

I have ignored them mostly, the scholars said “if you know yourself you know your lord”, similarly if you know yourself you also know what is or isn’t part of your character and if you are someone who can see the subtle presence of Mala’ikah, Jinn are not a problem.

Understand I know the salafi fitnah inside and out, if you are someone who knows me you know exactly why, if you are someone from overseas kindly stop bothering me with their little tricks, remarks, questions and the favorite move of everyone who can’t think for them self, “If we surround him we will overpower him spiritually”, I have withstood entire schools, companies, warehouses turning on me at the same time trying this and it isn’t enough, that is 1000 people at a time, what are you going to do over the Internet.

Allah speaks about the worth of a Mu’min in the Quran and the educated among you will know what verse I am referring to and why 1000 is a significant number spiritually, I know your tricks their variations and who designed them and your language.

So, the Salafi’s want to know their fate, I was advised by the prophet Muhammad (saws) to write this letter, what is to follow, it is a rahma from Him (saws) to whoever will listen.

Understand that spiritually, today was built upon yesterday and tomorrow is built upon today, you can’t commit the same crime twice and expect the same judgment, the second time around will be worse for you. So understand when I tell you that you have a history which has made you climb a mountain of punishment that is now upon your heads, it goes without saying this matter is also the same for fake sufi’s, it doesn’t matter if you have Naqshbandi next to your name or Shadhili you are not being spared anything from their fate by Allah and the Mala’ikah.

As of now this is what you are all up to in severity, and I am speaking from what I have seen the people who come at me receive, Mala’ikat jahanam are grabbing the souls of every one of you Jinn and Human and taking away its power and efficacy in the universe, the people who receive this punishment will eventually be dead inside and dead to the world.

You opened this door for your selves when I witnessed you doing sihr on the souls of people to control and kill them inside, now you are receiving the same, your punishment in the Akhira will be worse than that of the people Lut, Babylon, Allah called you all in the Injeel the greater Babylon of the two so perceive your situation from that title.

So how do you cure Salafism?

Salafi’s have a backlog of spiritually bankrupt acts trailing them in the world, over time you create your own reality through your actions, you create the world you are trapped in and can’t see your way through so what you need to do first is distance yourself from things spiritually coming at you, so it then becomes easier to deal with what you are surrounding yourself with in the present otherwise you are doomed to repeat your habits.

If you are a sahir and every day you receive orders to do sihr nothing is going to change, but what if you could stop people from coming to you and placing orders, you would be a sahir who no longer practices his craft, after that point it becomes a skill that you lose over time.

The people you meet in life are there because of the reality you created for yourself spiritually, and like anything else you can change it and keep it away from you, just like owning a cat means you won’t have trouble with mice, owning the things I am going to outline will repel the spirituality of the fitnah that has come to dominate your life.

Firstly, they will keep the distant things you can’t see from affecting you, then they will improve your life as you make room for your own self. If you think not having certain kinds of thoughts will help you in life this will do exactly that, there is a reason why you think every thought and those who perceive can see what is happening in the world from that.

I have written an article about all of this before which you may have read but I have greatly expanded it since then, read the following article it will tell you exactly what to do;

As I explained in the article owning books will repel Jahaliyah, but owning books on specific subjects will give you benefit in life in relation to that subject.

Regarding the spiritual condition of Salafi’s I am going to outline here the books from that list you need to own, the why of it is mentioned in detail in the article.

The first set of books listed in the article you need to own are the Amazon kindle digital works, most of which are between 99 cents and $4.

Be certain to purchase The Kashf al-mahjúb: the oldest Persian treatise on Súfiism, it is like owning a piece of history, owning this book ensures you have a straight path, tariqah, with you in life if you own it it can’t ever be held against you that you don’t know the right path which is a powerful statement to negate spiritually, I heard this from the Mala’ikah themselves who explained it to me after I purchased it.

After this are university text books, these four books are the most important books in this email you can’t do anything unless you own them and they are the heart of what will help you;

  1. Neuroscience by Dale Purves (Helps protect your freewill and the integrity of your choices in life. It will help free you from their designs upon your mind and self through everything they create).
  2. Pathophysiology of Heart Disease By Leonard S Lilly (It will protect your heart from being influenced and attacked, it will essentially protect your nafs and soul). Here is a more advanced text aimed at doctors: Hurst’s the Heart, 14th Edition: Two Volume Set by Valentin Fuster,‎ Robert A. Harrington,‎ Jagat Narula,‎ Zubin J. Eapen
  3. Psychology 11e by David G. Myers (This will give you peace of mind, it will stop Jinn from flipping issues in your head to the same depths psychologists achieved. Psychology is also used in everything to manipulate people, this mitigates that global fitnah)
  4. Medical Physiology By Walter F. Boron & Emile L. Boulpaep (You will gain inner strength from this book)

Neuroscience; It will protect your mind, the kufar who control you do sihr on specific parts of the brain in a subtle way, because it is subtle anything can challenge it, its strength comes from not being discovered this book alone can free you.

Pathophysiology of Heart Disease; It will mitigate any sihr that is affecting your heart, and your heart is responsible for many things in the body most importantly what you are feeling which influences what you are thinking.

Psychology; It will stop them borrowing into your mind, the fitnah the world faces today developed by psychologists, they dug into the self to see what makes it work and how to kill it, this book will kill their work which you suffer at the hands of Jinn who know their knowledge.

Medical Physiology; It will stop them controlling your body against you and you see after owning this book you become stronger and healthier which you need to avoid depression and anxiety.

Understand most fitnah today is done by low Jinn and the cure is elevating yourself above them owning something does that which is why elitism is a thing in the world.

You need a foundation to start from to work on your life and these are the best things to get, don’t be afraid to spend a few hundred dollars to save your life and akhira, if you can’t even do that for yourself just to see what happens then be certain Allah is not going to accept anything from you on Qiyamah.

I can say that with certainty, because Allah and his prophet (saws) a long time ago in many ahadith condemned your entire group and people to the bottom of hell, but they didn’t speak about you individually, as long as you live you as an individual have the door of rahma open to you, as long as you don’t die with this group that is condemned beyond saving it does not have to be your fate.

After these books be certain to purchase “Pure Gold from the Words of Sayyidi abd Al-aziz Al-Dabbagh : Al-Dhahab Al-Ibriz Min Kalam Sayyidi abd Al-aziz Al-Dabbagh by Ahmad B. Al-Mubarak Al-Lamati (Malfuzat)”.

He was the Ghawth, highest spiritual authority, of his time and I have taken from him myself so i can attest to his words, unlike the other books this is a work I recommend you read to see what the life of a wali looks like, he is very open about his karamat and what goes on spiritually in the universe, if you think I am open about speaking to Angels wait until read what He says, it will show you an Islam you have never imagined seeing in your life.

This book has a similar effect to The Kashf al-mahjúb but better, you will see it will keep your mind sound.

These next works I know their importance from breaking your sihr against me, when i got a copy of them the biggest sahir of your group a famous shaykh in my country explained to me how they, the salafi scholars, placed certain sihr on all people so it only breaks when they gain an equal footing as them in knowledge, he spoke to me about it because I broke his hand a long time ago…today he can barely get a Jinn to come into my area.

These two works are;

ANTHOLOGY OF CLASSICAL ARABIC POETRY (From Pre-Islamic Times to Ibn ‘Arabi) by Paul Smith (Translator). In this work is every Islamic poetry that Muslims scholars relied upon to do tafsir of the prophets (saws) and companions (ra) words, owning them is a standard you reach in life, the sahir shaykh knew this fact and used it and I knew it from my studies, so get this book.

The other book is Tarikh Baghdad By Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi 17 Vols, if you can purchase it but if you can’t you can download it from my website, it is a compilation of over 5000 biographies, think about that you will own the life story of 5000 of the best muhadithun of Islam, this work is another standard in Islam that I only discovered after getting a copy, so at least download it for free from my website.

All the works on this page have a similar effect, they are among the biggest works in Islam, so download them all insha allah.

The last two books you should definitely own are and alhamdulillah they are not that expensive;

Encyclopedia of Angels by Richard Webster

The Encyclopedia of Angels by Constance Victoria Briggs

Having the names of the mala’ikah with you gives them better access to your life to help you and better access to the shayateen attacking you, when I made the intension to get these books i witnessed an Angel hit a shaytan that had been bothering me so hard it echoed in the room, the shaytan screamed at the Angel how were able to get at me, the Angel replied because He has my name with Him, there is power in names so own them.

Don’t be lazy or cheap when it comes to saving yourself, all you have to do is own these books and have them in your house, do this then sit back and see what happens, if you do nothing then nothing will happen physics (the universe) is this harsh and simple.


Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


The Other Way To Cure Salafism

[I wrote this email a few days later, the knowledge in it is very beneficial]

Bismillahi rahamani raheem, assalamu alaikum

In my first email on this subject I mentioned a salafi shaykh, someone confused which shaykh I was referring to and sent me a severe threat regarding another shaykh. It was a veiled threat about being sold into spiritual slavery, you see occultist buy and sell people from behind their backs who they are using to fuel their sihr, this is something on a global scale and it is the reason why parts of the world are deliberately kept in third world conditions so they are easy and cheap targets.

Even before this threat the Mala’ikah have shown me this despicable thing they do and soon America will see serious trouble because of it, if you read ahadith you will see the prophet (saws) mentions slavery right up to the time of Imam Mahdi (ra), can any of you identify it today, no that is because it has changed forms.

So, regarding this other shaykh, the person who made the threat knows me in life, I saw the prophet (saws) respond to him (saws) and He will receive those words from the prophet Muhamad (saws) on the day of judgment, as such I am going to speak plainly;

Your shaykh and I first met when we were both very young in Lebanon, his shaykh at the time identified me as a person of Ihsan and decided to use me for his student, like your shaykh He was an occultist and he wanted to prepare his students future, so He attached your shaykh to me spiritually.

After I came to this country this connection ensured he would follow and as a result after some years He was appointed the shaykh of a masjid near me. When I became aware enough he admitted to me what he was and showed me when you would see his real character, when he would act like a devil, it was part of the deal he made after his shaykh trapped him into the life he now leads.

It is right at the end that he turns on you, being young at the time he thought he was making the best deal possible because he thought it helped him stay upright most of the time.

It didn’t work out for Him, the shaykh you are threatening me with can never stand over me because he follows me spiritually, that is the path His shaykh made for him, so your threats are as hollow as you are.

As a result of your bluntness I am also going to be blunt and show people the other way of curing Salafism, read into how it looks what you want, I am being deliberate.

This cure is as effective as anything that can cure real sihr and probably the simplest thing you can do, it destroys Jinn and their spiritual connection to you.

The first thing you need to do is get a bowl of water or be near a tap, strip down of all your clothes, grab a bottle of cockroach spray and very lightly spray your body with it avoiding your face but be certain to get your hair and private parts.

If you feel any burning on your skin, btw that is the most this will do, just wash it off with water. Next spray lightly on your fingers and rub your ears and eye lids with it, then wash that off with water you don’t want it on there for too long.

The jinn that have made your body their home will all lose their spiritual connection to you permanently, they will try to come back but they will have to go through the reality of the cockroach spray to get at you and that is a bad poison you have put between you and them.

If you need to do this more than once over a period of time do it, this will cure salafism, masonism and any other kind of occult possession disguised as spirituality, if the priest in the exorcist movie had a can of this stuff that movie would have ended in a few minutes and you would not have seen a trilogy.

If you see any jinn come back spray them or their general direction with it, they hate it, no one has anything to lose from trying this and everything to gain.


Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.



سُوۡرَةُ النّصر بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

إِذَا جَآءَ نَصۡرُ ٱللَّهِ وَٱلۡفَتۡحُ (١) وَرَأَيۡتَ ٱلنَّاسَ يَدۡخُلُونَ فِى دِينِ ٱللَّهِ أَفۡوَاجً۬ا (٢) فَسَبِّحۡ بِحَمۡدِ رَبِّكَ وَٱسۡتَغۡفِرۡهُ‌ۚ إِنَّهُ ۥ ڪَانَ تَوَّابَۢا (٣

If You Want This World To Treat You Fairly

فَتَعَـٰلَى ٱللَّهُ ٱلۡمَلِكُ ٱلۡحَقُّ‌ۖ لَآ إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ رَبُّ ٱلۡعَرۡشِ ٱلۡڪَرِيمِ

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

Insha Allah I am going to teach you something about reality and how it works, how the universe is able to accommodate the different realities of every creature in it and how you can make it treat you fairly.

We each create our own reality based on what we learn, think and experience. The term reality basically means how we come to view the world but religion teaches us something deeper it is also how the world treats us, reacts to us as a consequence of our beliefs and actions.

Allah in a Hadith Qudsi explains “I am as my servant thinks I am”, Allah is not saying you are trapped by your own thoughts and you won’t receive better, He explains next in the hadith as you raise yourself so will your reality be raised;

“Allah the Most High said, ‘I am as My servant thinks I am. I am with him when he mentions Me (this is you raising your reality). If he mentions Me to himself, I mention him to Myself; and if he mentions Me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly greater than it. If he draws near to Me a hand’s length, I draw near to him an arm’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed’” (Bukhari) I go to him at speed means your reality changes at speed.

Allah charges the Mala’ikah with changing people’s realities, how they feel about the world and interpret it, your reality is created not just by what is in yourself but also by what is around you, and what is written in your name “what your right-hand possess” as the expression goes in the Quran.

This is why when a wali wants to rid himself of materialism he gets rid of his possessions and lives a simple life, this clears his perception of everything that was distorting or corrupting it. But this is only the first step, and unfortunately people only know this step, if you gain enough mastery/maturity over your nafs Allah will send you back into the material world to live among people because you have straightened out your inner sight and material things won’t over power you, this happens to people who complete the path, we see this best in the story of the prophet Dawwud, Sulaiman and Yusuf (saws) who were all prophets and given wealth.

Wealth was not going to distort their reality blinding them to the Mala’ikah and Allah in their life.

The universe runs on laws, so does your reality and the Mala’ikah who are in charge of it, naturally the Mala’ikah don’t come down to this earth, therefore their hand is limited in physically moving things around on earth, they rather do things from a distance, but as you come to own things, that changes the degree to which the Mala’ikah can have free or easy access in your life.

I wrote previously how purchasing a book on Angels and their names gave them better access to you, that is because I deliberately made it easier for them to have a presence in my life because I brought their reality into my world by knowing their names.

When you purchase other books, you bring the reality of the knowledge in that book into your life and along with it the ability for the Angel to act on that knowledge in your life with ease.

When Allah says in the Quran “Read: In the name of thy Lord Who createth, (1) Createth man from a clot. (2) Read: And thy Lord is the Most Bounteous, (3) Who teacheth by the pen, (4) Teacheth man that which he knew not. (5)” He is telling us He teaches man with books, that also means He changes their realities with them.

If you would like clearer proofs, it lies in the fact Allah says He is the one teaching man with books not you reading them, as you read you imagine what you are reading and that is you creating the reality of the book in your life, so when Allah says He is teaching you when you are reading He is talking about creating the reality you see when you read because He is the creator of reality the one in charge of creating those images you see and their nature.

This is because Allah is the Haq (reality) of everything, He is saying He is creating your reality with books as you read them and the Angels are charged with doing this work for him.

The Quran is the ultimate book man is taught by, it is the ultimate book man’s reality is created with, because it is the literal words of Allah not someone else’s words on His behalf it creates the purest reality, Imam Al Ghazali regarding this said “The verses of the Quran, in relation to intelligence, have the value of sunlight in relation to the eyesight, to wit, it is by this sunlight that the act of seeing (spiritually) is accomplished.”

Here is a story that illustrates all of this, recently I purchased a book on business ethics, in the reality that modern society has trapped the world under religious texts are given no value, so because they have no value in the reality of the Masses, their spiritual influence on earth has diminished and because of that Jinn are not affected by them like they used to be.

Their reality with Allah is still the same, meaning their ultimately reality in the universe has not changed but man and Jinn are allowed to create delusions, temporary false realities in the world, they will persist and cover the earth as long as people still believe in them and influence life like they are Haq (the truth).

This is all part of the system Allah created to give every creature its freedom to choose its path in life, which is part of Allah’s test for it before the akhira. Essentially every false system on earth, way of life (Deen), is a temporary delusion people have chosen to adopt or become indoctrinated into.

So, in a world like this where religion has no value the closest thing you will find that is acknowledge by this system we all live under, to religion and morality is business ethics, hence the need to own such a book.

As soon as I purchased the book some Jinn started going crazy making trouble and slinging false accusations about the book being nothing, at that point one of Allah’s higher Mala’ikah, from the Angels presence I could tell He was higher than Mala’ikat al Kursi but lessor than Mala’kat al Arsh, referring to the book on ethics said to the Jinn ‘next time you come I am going to hit you there’ (at that distance away from Him, meaning long before you have a chance to come near me, like you are now, because of that book) then I saw how much room in my life this book was going to create between me and the Jinn and how they would be forced to act with better ethics towards me because it was a book the system they lived by (western society) acknowledged.

That is all you need, something the dominant society acknowledges in its institutions and you can be certain it will affect the reality they are dominating the world with at present.

Empires have come and gone in history and along with them their realities and belief systems which shaped this earth, insha Allah you use this to think your way out of your troubles.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

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