Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

Duality, The Mirror Of The Self

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

In reaching Allah a Muslims needs help to see, regarding this the Messenger of Allah said;

“A Muslim is a mirror to another Muslim” (Abu Dawud)

In Occult practice there is something called duality where they get a shaytan to mirror an aspect of you in order to control it, they call it duality because outwardly that is how it appears to them but like most things they know about the spiritual part of the universe they are mistaken.

In short a copy or mimic of something is not that thing and anything you learn or gain through this will fall short the deeper you look into the details because to have absolute control that is the only place to go, into the realm of the Angels who see the subatomic to the Jinn’s macroscopic view of the universe.

The most famous proof they use for duality which has been paraded around as if it is the proof of their existence is that black and white are dualities of each other, the opposites, many monuments have been built around this mistake.

“In physics, a color is visible light with a specific wavelength. Black and white are not colors because they do not have specific wavelengths. Instead, white light contains all wavelengths of visible light. Black, on the other hand, is the absence of (all) visible light.”

Nothing is not the opposite of Something, only two created things can be opposites of each other because opposite means they are connected like the Ying and Yang symbol influencing each other spiritually and “nothing” has no influence on the universe. But for thousands of years they have made this mistake and persisted in it, likewise is the reality of this occult practice it only goes as far as their eyes can see.

Duality is only as perfect as the mirror, as perfect as the mimic is, but it is not a universal truth of the universe, it is not a law written into it but something livings things choose to be.

This is something Jinn and Angels are good at because it supports the self of the Human, Jinn need to be dualities/mimics of Humans because they often loose themselves in fitnah and find themselves again in man, while the sahir abuses this ability of the Jinn to gain control of someone. Angels have no self so they can follow your choices to such perfection you think they chose to be your duality but in reality, that is their Ihsan in looking after you. The difference between Angels and Jinn is intention, the Jinn need while the Angels don’t.

If you can imagine the capacity of Angels then Imagine the Capacity of Allah who is more subtle and capable than them, He asks you to look inside yourself to find Him, think about what that means.

You can only find Allah in yourself when you annihilate it, destroy your nafs entirely, but isn’t that the opposite of Duality, one self mirroring another, isn’t that the opposite of the Angels supporting you.

The Answer is no, because Allah chooses to be your duality and mimics you particle by particle, the perfect mirror, until you see Him, He is the perfect guide.

The Prophet (saws) said, “Allah the Most High said, ‘I am as My servant thinks I am. I am with him when he mentions Me. If he mentions Me to himself, I mention him to Myself; and if he mentions Me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly greater than it. If he draws near to Me a hand’s length, I draw near to him an arm’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.’”

This is a path you take, in reality you are clearing you self of preconceptions so you don’t assume or jump to conclusions when things occur, because when you are looking spiritually doing these things means you are directing your spiritual sight to delusions and mistakes.

Allah explains the path away from him as such;

“Satan has overcome them and made them forget the remembrance of Allah. Those are the party of Satan.” (58:19)

“And be not like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves.” (59:19)

You would think remembering you self is then the path to Allah while forgetting yourself is the opposite, but the people who forget Allah forget themselves. Allah is saying to His people when you remember Him you are only remembering/strengthening yourself because He is reciprocating your intent and giving your self qualities it never had before, “If he draws near to Me a hand’s length, I draw near to him an arm’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed’”, Allah isn’t moving, He is talking about what the self is doing and it is acquiring qualities from Allah as it see those qualities in Him so in reality you are mirroring Him, becoming His duality.

Don’t be like the occultist who forgot Allah so Allah took away their qualities, that is the biggest thing they suffer from today and they go to great lengths to get any part of it back.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


What Makes Man’s Spiritual Vision Unique

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

What makes man’s spiritual vision unique among all of Allah’s creatures, such as the Angels and Jinn?

Angels and Jinn have peripheral vision while looking at the spiritual world while man does not.

They see the spiritual world with their eyes and that sight is limited by the 180 degrees view eyes are limited by, but man sees spiritually with his heart and that vision has no limit of distance, time or direction we see 360 degrees around us.

It has no limit of distance or time because it relies on subatomic particles and that is how they exist, and it is 360 degrees around us because it relies on the electromagnetic field of the heart and body to see and that is in all directions around the human body.

Both Bukhaari (418) and Muslim (424) narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said:

“Do you think that I face the qiblah (and do not know what you are doing)? By Allah, your bowing and prostrating are not hidden from me; I can see you behind my back.”

Imam Nawawi (ra) said: “The scholars said What this means is that Allah, may He be exalted, created for the Prophet (saws) the ability in the back of his head to see what was behind him, and he (saws) was granted more extraordinary abilities than this. This is not contrary to reason or textual evidence; rather the texts confirm this (there are many other ahadith), so we must believe in it.”

Imam Ibn Rajab (ra) said: “This does not mean that he used to turn around and look behind him whilst he was praying, so that he could see how they were praying, as some people think. Imam Ahmad refuted those who claimed that, and affirmed that this was one of his unique characteristics, and one of his signs and miracles.” (Fath al-Baari (4/341))

Imam Ibn Hajar (ra) said: “The correct view is that it is to be interpreted as it appears to mean, and that this “seeing” was in a real and literal sense that was unique to the Prophet (as far as He knew, it was not though) and was an extraordinary feat.”

The prophet Muhammad (saws) was not the only person to be granted this sometimes the Awliyah are granted the same miracles the prophet (saws) had as a sunnah, and many of the Awliyah reported being able to behind them as well as they saw in front of them.

This is because spiritual vision is via the vision of the heart, the eyes see because light (photon particles) bounce of objects and reach the eyes, while the vision of the heart is an electromagnetic field (light) that surrounds the entire body interacting with all the particles around it, it is not limited by the peripheral view of man’s eye sockets.

If you are a person of Tasawwuf/Ihsan and Muslim Jinn have revealed themselves to you, you can ask them to show you this to a small extent and you will see your inner sight will see behind your back, it has been 1400 years since the prophet Muahmmad (saws) and Jinn are well aware of these abilities and how to help man with them.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


How America Reaching Mars Spells Their End

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Recently I heard a conversation between the Mala’ikah and some Australian shayateen who were arguing with them, the response of the Mala’ikah was an explanation of what America will find when they reach Mars.

A Quote from the Space-x program: “Our aspirational goal is to send our first cargo mission to Mars in 2022. The objectives for the first mission will be to confirm water resources and identify hazards along with putting in place initial power, mining, and life support infrastructure. A second mission, with both cargo and crew, is targeted for 2024, with primary objectives of building a propellant depot and preparing for future crew flights. The ships from these initial missions will also serve as the beginnings of our first Mars base, from which we can build a thriving city and eventually a self-sustaining civilization on Mars.”

Imam Ahmed narrated in his Musnad that the Prophet (saws) said: “Verily, Gog and Magog (Russia and China) ….The people will resort to strongholds (at the time they try to conquer earth). And, Gog and Magog will throw their arrows (Missiles) towards the sky (space). When they come back to them stained with what looks like blood (an Arabic metaphor for success), they will say: ‘We have defeated the people on earth and those in the heaven (space) as well.’ Then, Allah the Almighty will send against them worms (a disease) in their necks that will kill them all. Allah’s Messenger (saws) said: “By Him in Whose Hand Muhammed’s soul rests! Living creatures of the earth would grow fat and be thankful due to eating their flesh and blood.”

We first have to explain something about the spiritual part of the universe so you can properly understand what the Angels said. Our article “Reaching The Arsh With Your Heart” explains what the Mala’ikah were referring to;

To be brief, as every Muslim knows the first level of Jannah begins where our sky ends and space begins, so going further into space means you are also going deeper into the spiritual world.

Here is a quote from our work: “There is an immense amount of knowledge in each depth of ghayb (that inspires man on earth) about everything in life and each of the prophets that Muhammad (saws) saw on the night of Isra wal Miraj, in the different levels of Jannah, was an expert of that depth (that type of knowledge).”

“The Prophet (saws) ascended until he reached the first heaven. When the Prophet and Jibril arrived at the first heaven, Jibril requested the gate to be opened. The angel assigned to that gate asked Jibril, “Who is with you?” Jibril answered, “It is Muhammad.” The angel asked Jibril, “Was he dispatched? Is it time for him to ascend to heaven?” Jibril said, “Yes.” So, the gate was opened for him, and the Prophet Muhammad entered the first heaven. There, Prophet Muhammad saw Prophet Adam.”

The life story of each prophet (saws) revolved around that type of knowledge and this is how Allah developed/matured mankind over the ages, Adam’s (as) story relates to fitrah, Isa (as) to Materialism, Yusuf (as) to Beauty etc.

As you go deeper into space you open yourself to the spiritual influences that teach you that knowledge and increase you in wisdom;

“Here are the 8 spiritual depths (corresponding to each level of Jannah/space) that the heart is inspired by as it moves closer to Allah”.

  1. Allah – Each person is born on a fitrah, Allah has placed in their heart that He exists, and to know Him you have to know what He created so you can see His qualities in order that when you finally see Him you have certainty of what He is like from your experiences in life.
  2. Materialism – Perception and knowledge Of the Physical World around you, (learning how to live and survive).
  3. Beauty – Perception of the Universes Natural Beauty (the first type of spirituality man experiences), love and Attraction is the source of all openings in the heart.
  4. Science – Attraction leads to in depth study of what you’re interested in or love, about a third of the Quran is Allah asking man to study the world and the universe more closely, “Who hath created seven heavens in harmony. Thou canst see no fault in the Beneficent One’s creation; then look again: Canst thou see any rifts (faults)? Then look again and yet again, thy sight will return unto thee weakened and made dim (by the amount of what you will find exists).”(67:3-4).
  5. Insight – Beginning of Inspired and deeper thoughts, Wisdom begins here and comes from knowing the details of how things work.
  6. Inspiration – Wisdom is mixed with experience, true Wisdom is gained and your thoughts are guided to the truth by the Angels.
  7. Sainthood – Wilaya, you become the friend of Allah and the Angels walk with you in life, shaping your perception so it is prepared to see Allah. Here you gain spiritual insights into matters and see them coming from a distance, thus you begin to put the complete picture of life together from its many spiritual and physical parts, using the knowledge of the previous levels to see the highest form of science (truth, knowledge, the actual reality of matters) in the universe. The closest thing man has to this today in the world is the study of subatomic space and the universe, how it works, how it was created and what it looks like. In the old world this was the highest aspect of Aqeedah that only the scholars and awliyah studied or understood. “Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty (control of the Universe), and, He is Able to do all things (in it). Who hath created life and death (the systems that make them work) that He may try you which of you is best in conduct; and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving. Who hath created seven heavens in harmony (the seven regions of subatomic space). Thou canst see no fault in the Beneficent One’s creation; then look again (into subatomic space): Canst thou see any rifts?(tears in the harmony) Then look again and yet again, thy sight will return unto thee weakened and made dim. And verily We have beautified the world’s heaven (Beauty leads to science, so study what you are attracted to)”(67:1-5)
  8. Allah’s beloved – Your heart and soul have now entered the Arsh, a place Angels can’t go, you have completed the picture of the universe, understand what Allah created from the inside out and consequently see Allah in it and worship Him as if He is next to you, as if you see Him. Once you complete this path Allah makes you one of His mercies to the worlds, the universe, because its spiritual creatures will now learn from you. This is a description given to the prophets (as) in the Quran but its meaning is the reality of anyone who reaches this far, the prophets reached it with complete perfection and that is their distinction. At this point, the Angels take advice from you because your heart takes input from a place deeper than their existence. The great wali of Allah Abdul Qadir al Jilani said, there are shaykhs to people, shaykhs to Jinn and shaykhs to Angels, those who lead the Angels, and this is the meaning behind Allah asking the Angels to prostrate to Adam and mankind, the Angels now follow His lead in life because Allah demonstrated that He surpassed them.

The deeper America penetrates into space the more it opens itself up to these kind of spiritual experiences, to spiritual growth. People who deal with America and Americans know how deliberately closed minded they are, they are a people who gain their strength over others from calculated ignorance, it ensures they can ignore peoples rights and worth.

We all know how culturally backwards they actually are in comparison to the rest of the world and especially in comparison to the standards of etiquette/adab mankind reached in the past which they deliberately destroyed and replaced with MTV generation X,Y,Z.

I am certain others who understand this subject can better describe what they are like, ultimately this is is what I am referring to, the saying “there is method to his madness” sums it up well.

The Mala’ikah explained that when they reach Mars they will think they will get one thing (dominance) but instead it will open their minds (in spite of themselves, to how the rest of the world actually is in respect to wisdom, knowledge and culture) and they will begin to see other people around the world properly, how people have always wanted to be seen, (the Mala’ikah pointed at Europeans here). The strength and dominance they once gained through their ignorance will now become their weakness as their minds are forced to process this new understanding of people and that will spell their end as new openings (in their character) appear for their enemies.

The Mala’ikah then said they are reaching into Jannah and going to (spiritual) places without paying its dues. Every person Allah elevated their heart to reach the depths of spirituality paid what is due this path (into space), things are earned in life while Americans search for how they can get them for free they will find the domain of Allah is not cheap, free or easy it is paved with talking responsibility;

“Truly, We did offer Al Amanah (the trust/responsibility) to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they declined to bear it and were afraid of it. But man bore it (the fate of living things is to experience the results of their actions and take responsibility for them, while the universe can only bring them about without consequence to itself for right and wrong). Verily, he was unjust (to himself) and ignorant (of its results).” (33:72)

“O you who have believed, do not betray Allah and the Messenger or betray your trusts while you know [the consequence].”(8:27)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


Walayah (Sainthood) What Is It ?

Bismillahi rahmani rahemm, assalamau alaikum,

If you ask a person what is a wali (saint) you will receive many different answers, some will say it is a person who can perform miracles, others will say it is Allah’s friend or a person of high Ihsan (perfection).

These are things that while still correct all talk around the issue, there is one verse in the Quran that answers it exactly but because the verse is not about this subject people don’t know this is the proper answer with Allah;

“O Prophet – behold, We have sent thee as a witness [to the truth], and as a herald of glad tidings and a warner, and as one who summons [all men] to Allah by His leave, and as a light-giving beacon.” (33:45-46)

Other translations have “as a lamp that giveth light”, “ as a lamp spreading light”, this is to show you the literalism in this verse, of spreading light and what it is referring to directly, the human body acting like a lamp illuminating the area around it.

I know some people in their premature understanding will go back to thinking of this verse in metaphor because “the body is not a lamp”, but you could not be further from the truth, in fact Allah is teaching man the science behind prophet hood and subsequently what a wali is in this verse, you just don’t know human physiology properly.

To be brief, the human body is entirely a giant lamp that gives light because of its nervous system, but its light is not in the visible part of the light spectrum, the heart, brain and nervous system all produce a strong electromagnetic field (light) that surrounds the entire body by about 3-4ft, this is the same with all living creatures and it is how they and us sense the world around us, it is the thing that directs and shapes our feelings by what is occurring around us sub atomically. Animals use it to hunt we use it to sense what others are feeling, the mood in a room, while prophets and saints are inspired through it.

This is how we communicate spiritually with each other, in physics it is called the coherence of waves (electromagnetic waves) and this is what the spiritual heart is composed of inside man, his hearts complex nervous system that functions like a mini brain inside the heart.

Angels for example are made from light and so they talk to man and inspire him through His light, one light wave talking to another, this is what mobile phones do and today the scientific name for light is the electromagnetic field.

The heart doesn’t have ears to listen with but it senses the world around it with its electromagnetic field (light), so understand what Allah explains in this verse; “Say (O Muhammad, to mankind): Who is an enemy to Gabriel! For he it is who hath revealed (this Scripture) to thy heart by Allah’s leave, confirming that which was (revealed) before it, and a guidance and glad tidings to believers” (2:97).

Imam Tustari said in his tafsir “Allah does not open the heart of a servant if it still contains three things, loving to remain (in this world), love of wealth, and concern about tomorrow.”

The Imam also said in his Tafsir “the nafs (self) has seven celestial veils (hujub samawiyyah) and seven earthly veils (hujub ardiyyah)”, things that cover it and stop it from sensing clearly, seven veils relating to material things and seven veils relating to spiritual things, these veils make our perception to varying degrees delusional, if we want to be inspired with clarity we have to work at removing them. The Imam then explained “when ever man buries his nafs (self) in earth upon earth (ardan ardan), (lowers his esteem and ego), his heart (qalb) is raised up Heaven upon Heaven (sama’an sama’an). And when he (completely) buries the nafs (ego) under the ground (tahta at tara), the heart reaches the throne” (Arsh).

The Imam just explained the entire Path/Tariqah to Allah, but for this present work what we are interested in is the goal, what occurs when we get there.

The spiritual depth of the heart is the depth of subatomic space, light is a subatomic particle and it is the medium of spirituality, and it ends with the Arsh of Allah which is the boundary of the universe its outer limit called sidrat al muntaha in the Quran. Between man on earth and the Arsh are the seven regions of Jannah, the Kursi, then the Arsh.

When Imam Tustari said the heart reaches the Arsh He meant in its perception and the place it receives its spiritual sustenance/light from. The human body can receive light from different sources, Angels, Jinn, People, Animals, Birds, Jannah, the Kursi, Arsh and then shine it into this world.

This what the prophet Muhammad (saws) meant when He (saws) said; “A Muslim is a mirror to another Muslim.” (Abu Dawud)

As each person’s heart expands with wisdom it gains depth into the spiritual part of the universe, its subatomic part, when you complete this process like the prophets and Awliya your heart reaches the Arsh in the place it receives light from.

The seven levels of Jannah are the seven subatomic depths that inspire people with knowledge and guidance through their light, “his heart (qalb) is raised up Heaven upon Heaven”, the prophet (saws) saw this on the night of Isra wal Miraj when He saw the prophets in charge of each level of Jannah, in other words each type of knowledge that man receives on earth from them. (see our article Reaching The Arsh With Your Heart)

In life people develop to varying degrees of maturity, some will only reach the first, second and third Jannah in the depth of their character and they are usually seen as shallow people, mature people reach the 4th, 5th and 6th depths of Jannah in the place they gain wisdom/light from, while the saints and prophets complete the Journey reaching the 7th and beyond which is the Arsh.

Each person then spreads their light on earth from what they achieved, influencing others, this is what verse 33:46 means except it is talking about prophetic light that shows people the light of Allah most perfectly;

“O Prophet – behold, We have sent thee as a witness [to the truth], and as a herald of glad tidings and a warner, and as one who summons [all men] to Allah by His leave, and as a light-giving beacon.” (33:45-46)

Being a Wali means you have reached the Arsh as Imam Tustari described and now Allah is shining the light of His Arsh, which He established Himself upon (Istawa), through you in this world.

“They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their speech, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.” (61:8)

This is what this verse means by the light of Allah on earth, remember Allah and His light are perfect and don’t need work but man does, it was the prophet (saws) who was spreading it 1400 years ago and today it is us.

The pagans wanted to end Islam but Allah revealed this verse saying He will spread His light until the end of time, man is the mechanism by which this is done so Allah said to the pagans you can’t stop Islam because He is going to Help them.

The word light in the Quran is first understood literally then meaning is added to it based on its functionality, this is how spirituality is understood.

The role of the Wali is to literally spread the light of Allah on earth so others can see by it things they could not see except in their presence, because of it.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


Can Man Become A god – The Reality Of Man

Bismillahi rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum.

I was asked a series of questions by a new student of Tasawwuf in which they asked me about the nafs and the last level of Ihsan a person achieves, when the heart reaches the Arsh of Allah;

“Level 7? to my understanding is what I call ‘man-god’… who has found rooh-qudsi (muhammadean spirit) and has developed all 99 attributes, shaitan has annihilated ego and what is left is a human who is ‘one with Allah’. Like our revered prophet, but NOT like the prophet since he IS the archetype of the perfect man. This person IS the universe.”

What things sound like when you hear or learn about them and what they are when you reach them are very different things, you associate descriptions with what you are already familiar with in your inexperience and so over time meaning is corrupted because it has changed into the new understanding of language that each new generation of mankind develops for itself.

You don’t speak like your grandfather and they don’t speak like theirs, this is the nature of history and language.

This is a problem with language the scholars of Islam recognised at the start and did their best to preserve the Arabic language in its original meaning at the time of the prophet Muhammad (saws).

The term “man-god” is entirely modern since a Muslim would never dare compare themselves to Allah, the Questioner was young and used it because they learnt it from the western society they lived in, but it exists in western society because of the idiocy of freemasons trying to figure out the depths of spirituality and describing it in terms of things they are chasing after.

Even if you have the power to control the universe and change it however you like you are still a spec in comparison to Allah, if you don’t know why then you may think this is just exaggeration or reverence, but you would be a fool who acts and accuses without knowledge.

The answer is right in front of you but you have never put any effort into thinking about Allah so you can’t even imagine. Allah is a being who knows the thoughts of every creature in existence at the same time, He sees every reality at once, interacts with every reality at the same time and who He is as a God, His character, is built upon that basic knowledge and capacity to see and act on everything at once.

While you are drunk on wishing to control the universe, who Allah is lies in understanding His capacity to Know everything, you will only see Him after seeing that first and indeed the prophet (saws) said no one will see Allah before the Dajjal is killed because his fitnah is clouding your judgment from thinking higher and higher.

In reality this statement is aimed at Sayyidinah Isa (as) telling us what He (saws) will achieve when He (saws) returns and finishes His (saws) lifespan/tariqah on earth using what the prophet Muhammad (saws) taught to help Him (saws) achieve it.

Putting aside the error of using the term Man-god, the short answer is that whoever reaches this level Allah asks them to work with the Mala’ikah in guiding people and the universe, so while the descriptor is in the ballpark its exaggeration is not even close, you are a servant serving and that isn’t a god.

In reality servant is not even how you see yourself, you are someone helping Allah and He places you on an equal footing with His Mala’ikah.

“one who has found rooh-qudsi”, a purified spirit, this is why the term servant is wrong, even though it is often used, because to say servant means you see a self that serves but when you purify yourself to this level you are a walking Quran it is part of your nature and not a thing you put on and take off, it is you.

The prophet Muhammad (saws) said “I am a Slave (abd)” often but He (saws) was talking about the reality of man in the universe being subservient to its laws against His will because things affect man from the hands of others even if he has done nothing wrong and he is forced to take care of that to fix his situation in life.

“shaitan has annihilated ego and what is left is a human who is ‘one with Allah’”, this is again is exaggeration in language, all due to modern descriptions falling short of reality. I am going to lower what this means a level so you can understand its scope, you can’t see Allah with your eyes until the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) is killed, this is more like living life with a feeling of Allah in your heart at all times that guides you, that is being at one with Allah, but because we are talking about people who have reached the Arsh in their heart it means Allah Himself has placed a Light in their heart that is present at all times so that they “see” (sense) Him and His will.

You are at one with the light of Allah and because that is His will, Him, you are not literally at one with Allah directly.

“since he (the prophet) IS the archetype of the perfect man”, this is absolutely correct, mankind was created on the form of Adam but their Ihsan (perfection) its archetype is our prophet (saws), despite the mistakes in language I am pointing out if you can look past it you will see wisdom in the paragraph, not many understand this about our prophet (saws).

“This person IS the universe.” Yes, but not in the way you think, every person is the universe because they have the entire spectrum of the universe in them from the subatomic to the physical playing out in their body and when you control your nafs to the level of the Arsh you control the universe because the Arsh controls the universe and you are connected with it and working from this level.

This is not true for any other creature except man because Allah’s other creations given intelligence don’t have physical bodies and so they are missing a large portion of the universes spectrum, the Angels having bodies of light, the photon particle, and the Jinn created from a smokeless fire, electricity or the electron particle. Imam Rumi who understood this said “Don’t feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.”

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


Can Children Run The World

Bismilahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu alaikum.

Using Jinn to do anything for you is the worst thing you can do to yourself because Jinn stop things before they start, before they come into existence in this world, before they materialize, before they have had a chance to live. This is why Sihr, the Occult, Magic is such a severe crime and carries a death sentence with each act, it stops things and takes things and changes things at their source in the spiritual world before it reaches life on earth, so for that both the Jinn and Sahir (Occultist) will be punished for each act of sihr like they took a life because essentially, they stopped a life from existing.

They say if you give a man a fish he will eat for a day but if you teach him how to fish he will eat for a life time, what if you took away his ability to fish you will have taken from him a lifetimes worth of fish, such is the nature of doing anything with Jinn and manipulating ghayb, the unseen, the spiritual world.

Allah says in the Quran “O you men! surely We have created you of a male and a female and made you tribes and families that you may know each other; surely the most honorable of you with Allah is the one among you most careful (of his duty); surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.”(49:13)

This verse is about diversity, Allah created us varied so spiritual things will have a chance to come into existence, come into our life, this is what “Know each other” means, not so they can be stopped before they have a chance to exist through sihr.

The ones closest to Allah are those who are mindful of their duty, in this verse this means duty to society and the people around you so you can maintain diversity by maintaining boundaries, this is the definition of maturity and being an adult and what is needed to keep life spiritually healthy.

Such is the stupidity of Jinn in our time, they used to stand behind man waiting for things to occur in the world before taking part but now they want to race ahead of him as soon as they see anything coming on the horizon and decide his life from a distance that he can’t even perceive.

On the day of judgment, you will find this generation of Jinn utterly humiliated and despised by every one of their forefathers who will accuse them of bringing this world and its many civilizations to an end because they could not let man have his life on earth before interfering.

They will remain like this among the race of Jinn for the rest of time, seen as the weakest of their kind and the least intelligent.

If you could ask the elders among the Jinn today who lived from before the first world war, some are still alive, you will already see this reality, how they view these Jinn who have not had a chance to develop mentally.

One of the Main reasons Allah placed man on earth with Jinn is so Jinn can mature into adults, Jinn are easily influenced by their surroundings and are incapable of standing up unless what is in their environment stands up in front of them, they need man as role models so they know what Maturity looks like, otherwise you see stupid behaviour in them mixed with maturity and they stay like old aged children for the rest of their lives.

This is what the sahir relies upon for guidance, and after generation upon generation of relying on short sightedness and short sighted opinion the world today is trapped in a psychology it calls normal.

This is the psychological equivalent of inbreeding and after years of damage because real diversity has been killed in the world, the lizards hole (type of world view) the world has trapped itself into: Allah’s messenger (saws) said “You will indeed follow the ways of those before you, hand span by hand span, and an arm’s length after another. Even if they enter into a lizard’s hole, you will follow them.” We asked, “Is it the Jews and Christians?” He (saws) replied, “Who else!” (Bukhari).

Jinn are good at hiding themselves so people don’t see they are being led by a creature that has the maturity of a teenager with a “drug” habit that needs to be fed by human interactions.

In effect the jinn are stealing your life from you, what you built up in your heart from your experiences and treating it like nothing more than a T.V soap opera they watch and change the channel when they get bored.

Today we live in a world that has lost to this fitnah and the “MTV people and culture” spreading around the world are the result of that inbreeding.

Soon Allah will take care of this through war because this state is not sustainable by the earth and not once in History has He let it persist.

You don’t know Allah, nothing has changed in how things are done, what you are missing is an ability to judge affairs properly because you grew up in a world twisted into immaturity, the antithesis of right judgment, so how can you rely on your eyes?

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


Why Does Allah Say The Kursi Is On Earth

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Why Does Allah says “Wasiaah Kursiyuhul Samawati Wal Ard?” (2:255)

Why does Allah make a point of saying the Kursi extends over both the heavens and the Earth, when this is true for both the Kursi and Arsh, why is it more significant for the Kursi than the Arsh?

Ibn Abbas (ra) explained “Kursiyuhu Ilmuhu” (bukhari), Allah’s Kursi is His knowledge in the universe, the Kursi is responsible for all knowledge in the universe, the knowledge of how things are created, how the universe and its systems work, every topic of knowledge you can think of except for one and that is reserved for the Arsh.

While the Kursi is raw knowledge, data, regarding everything, how that knowledge is used is the responsibility of the Arsh. The Arsh is responsible for Wisdom in the universe, because it is also responsible for the existence of Allah’s qualities in the universe and they only do things with Wisdom.

Allah makes a point of saying the Kursi is on earth because while every creature can freely have some form of intelligence not every creature attains wisdom.

Allah made it easy for His creatures to gain knowledge by allowing the Kursi to interact with our intellect on earth, but wisdom is something sought after, earned through how we live and a result of age and experience.

You have to look deep in yourself, become sagacious to become wise, this Journey of the inner self is your soul reaching deeper into ghayb (the spiritual world) to reach the Arsh and be inspired by it as easily as your intellect is inspired by the Kursi.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai


Microsoft & Intel: Why The West Is A Degenerate Society

Bismillahi Rhamani Raheem, assalamu alaikum.

In my email “America Has Finally Lost Its Grip On The World” I outlined the tool America was using to dominate the world and that because that had finally come to light it marked the end of its dominance which also concurred with the Prophet Muhammad’s statement that their fitnah will only last for 18 years then clear up (2001-2019);

America built a “back door” into every single Intel CPU on earth that came out in the last 15 years or so which was recently discovered, they are working on fixing it but it won’t be fixed until Intel brings out their next line of CPU’s and every computer on earth is upgraded to that.

Now that spyhole into every person and governments life on earth has been blocked they have come up with something new to replace it.

In the next Microsoft Windows 10 update they are introducing a new feature called “timeline”, it will record everything you do in every app and every browser and maintain that record for 30 days, you can then open that app or document into the state you last left it in or search what you did over the past few weeks.

So instead of having to hack your computer and install spyware it is now directly built in by the manufacturer. How they intend for it to be used and how it can be abused are two very different things, you don’t install cameras inside your house broadcasting on the internet and say “well they are password protected”, as long as the tools are there they can be reprogramed and repurposed and Microsoft has now built the tools right into your home.

“Timeline tracks what you’re doing—which documents you have in which apps, which e-mails you’re writing, what Web pages you have open, that kind of thing—and lets you retrieve that information later. On Windows, the Timeline information is displayed in the task switcher. Press the taskbar button (or, we’d hope, Win-Tab) and Windows will continue to show your currently open applications. But you can now scroll that view to bring historic applications and documents into view. ”

“Behind the scenes, this is powered by the Microsoft Graph…It has its origins in Office 365; the Graph was initially a representation of user and group data that was stored in Azure Active Directory (a cloud computing service for data). New elements have been added over time; the Graph also represents, for example, documents and files, so you can find out who has been working on what files and when.”

“the net result is a system that can potentially be used by “far more people”, “much more of the time”.” (My quotation marks)


Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


The Fate Of Australia Is Sealed

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Recently the Mala’ikah speaking on behalf of the prophets (saws) informed me that the fate of Australia is sealed. It can’t be changed, they said, speaking about its future when after Europe rises to power and America no longer exists as it does today, a time when Australia will be isolated and shunned by every non-western country, effectively the entire world, (paraphrasing);

“Just like they made small the world (of every real Muslim in their land) so that their Dunya (world) does not extend beyond the windows of their houses, their world will be made the same”.

If you want to understand what that world will look like, look at the poorest African countries and its people living in tin houses, isolated from the world stage, no one looking at them, having no power to influence or look to anyone to lead them.

A number of Jinn witnessed this Muslim and non-Muslim, two Indonesian Jinn who were present said to each other “didn’t I tell you I saw these people like that”, meaning He witnessed this future of theirs before the Mala’ikah informed me and this affirmed his vision for him.

The punishment upon Australia is an eye for an eye, what they did to real Muslim’s living here, it will be done to them, they made their world so small they could hardly leave their homes and so the same will be done to the entire country when the western world comes to an end, they will find it difficult to do the smallest thing spiritual or otherwise.

Europe, when it takes power will dismantle America but it will also take down three of its allies, the prophet Daniel (saws) was shown this vision, here is part of that account; Daniel 7 “After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast (Empire)—terrifying and frightening and very powerful (America). It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left (this phrase is unique, describing the beast as completely viscous, it means America did not leave anything after defeating an enemy, it destroyed the people by destroying their culture and identity completely. America was called “The Civilization of Destruction” by the prophet Muhammad (saws) for this exact reason, it utterly destroyed a people and its history). It was different from all the former beasts (Empires, not only did American technology set it apart from previous empires but the world that it arose in was different from all other times in history), and it had ten horns (Allies it controlled and dominated but did not rule, because there are no crowns, this is biblical terminology). 8 “While I was thinking about the horns (its allies), there before me was another horn, a little one (it existed quietly), which came up (to power) among them (the European Union is formed from America’s allies and rises to power to defeat America); and three of the first horns were uprooted before it (this means Europe will uproot three allies of America when it rises to power, possibly England, Australia and Canada, its main allies, England has already “left” the European Union). This horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being and a mouth that spoke boastfully (this is similar to the Roman Republic, described earlier, being given the mind of a human when it was turned into an Empire under Julius Caesar. When Europe rises to power at that time it will be an empire).

“I saw that the woman (America) was drunk with the blood of Allah’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus (His prophet-hood, Muslims). When I saw her, I was greatly astonished” (Book of revelations 17:6) this is the way of western countries and its people and for this Allah’s judgment is pronounced against them. Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

سُوۡرَةُ البَلَد بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

لَآ أُقۡسِمُ بِہَـٰذَا ٱلۡبَلَدِ (١) وَأَنتَ حِلُّۢ بِہَـٰذَا ٱلۡبَلَدِ (٢) وَوَالِدٍ۬ وَمَا وَلَدَ (٣) لَقَدۡ خَلَقۡنَا ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ فِى كَبَدٍ (٤) أَيَحۡسَبُ أَن لَّن يَقۡدِرَ عَلَيۡهِ أَحَدٌ۬ (٥) يَقُولُ أَهۡلَكۡتُ مَالاً۬ لُّبَدًا (٦) أَيَحۡسَبُ أَن لَّمۡ يَرَهُ ۥۤ أَحَدٌ (٧)أَلَمۡ نَجۡعَل لَّهُ ۥ عَيۡنَيۡنِ (٨) وَلِسَانً۬ا وَشَفَتَيۡنِ (٩) وَهَدَيۡنَـٰهُ ٱلنَّجۡدَيۡنِ (١٠) فَلَا ٱقۡتَحَمَ ٱلۡعَقَبَةَ (١١)وَمَآ أَدۡرَٮٰكَ مَا ٱلۡعَقَبَةُ (١٢) فَكُّ رَقَبَةٍ (١٣) أَوۡ إِطۡعَـٰمٌ۬ فِى يَوۡمٍ۬ ذِى مَسۡغَبَةٍ۬ (١٤) يَتِيمً۬ا ذَا مَقۡرَبَةٍ (١٥) أَوۡ مِسۡكِينً۬ا ذَا مَتۡرَبَةٍ۬ (١٦) ثُمَّ كَانَ مِنَ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَتَوَاصَوۡاْ بِٱلصَّبۡرِ وَتَوَاصَوۡاْ بِٱلۡمَرۡحَمَةِ (١٧)أُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ أَصۡحَـٰبُ ٱلۡمَيۡمَنَةِ (١٨) وَٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ بِـَٔايَـٰتِنَا هُمۡ أَصۡحَـٰبُ ٱلۡمَشۡـَٔمَةِ (١٩) عَلَيۡہِمۡ نَارٌ۬ مُّؤۡصَدَةُۢ (٢٠)

سُوۡرَةُ الفِیل بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

أَلَمۡ تَرَ كَيۡفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصۡحَـٰبِ ٱلۡفِيلِ (١) أَلَمۡ يَجۡعَلۡ كَيۡدَهُمۡ فِى تَضۡلِيلٍ۬ (٢) وَأَرۡسَلَ عَلَيۡہِمۡ طَيۡرًا أَبَابِيلَ (٣) تَرۡمِيهِم بِحِجَارَةٍ۬ مِّن سِجِّيلٍ۬ (٤) فَجَعَلَهُمۡ كَعَصۡفٍ۬ مَّأۡڪُولِۭ (٥)


Is “Ethics The Only Way To Win”

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

I was asked if purchasing a book on business ethics the only way I could win, the question sounded belligerent phrased this way I don’t know if it was intended but I will answer it.

If the dominant reality on earth today does not accept the Quran, Bible, Torah and Talmud, the Shreemad Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and Veda, the Tripitakas, the The Great Learning, the Analects of Confucius, the Book of Mencius and The Doctrine of the Mean….or any other religious text as their actual guiding book then Business “ethics” is their only religious text.

As to whether this is the only way I could win, then no, there are many things I am not sharing with you that Allah has asked me to do in dealing with them which is not the business of people who haven’t reached Allah nor will they reach these places, the Mala’ikah will not accept them or their opinion.

In fact I saw this recently after I wrote “I am also al-Haqq”: The Saint Is A Mirror, in which I said the wali decides the shariah of “Karma” in the universe for each new generation of mankind, since each new situation in life requires its own understanding, an Australian shaytan asked the Mala’ikah in front of me why he couldn’t do this work, because he was chasing after it for his people who were making certain their people where controlling every spiritual position in the world, the Mala’ikah replied to Him this isn’t for people who don’t do the work of Allah, pointing towards his degeneracy while replying, meaning it will never be given to the likes of you.

In this reply the shaytan saw his reality and the reality of his people, no matter what they do where they climb they are always under the dominant reality of the universe and will never control it, thus they are doomed to go to their fate as described in the Bible, Torah and Quran.

​I wrote about the book on Ethics because it surprised me how quickly their fitnah fell in front of it, it was as if they had never seen morality before and were forced to acknowledge it, most of them are that depraved like they had not experienced a single thought on morality and this book shattered their world (lessor reality) with it.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


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