Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

What Ruined Jinn?

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

The answer to what ruined Jinn in our time is very simple, but to reach it and see that is what occurred is not, you need a deep understanding of the heart, fate and the spiritual world.

As man lives his life each time he experiences something he forms an opinion and feeling about it in his heart, today these are seen as very cheap things, how you feel about something comes and goes, but the reality is that is the gold (Dhahab) of the spiritual world around which it revolves, even the Arsh of Allah, His throne revolves around what occurs to man’s heart.

The same is true for Allah’s other creatures, His Angels and Jinn, what ends up in your heart is also your spiritual connection to the rest of the universe, it decides your fate, Karma, how the universe will react to you based on what you experienced and what reached your heart.

There is a saying among the scholars and Awliyah (saints), “Qalb al Insan Arsh al Rahman”, the heart of Man is the throne of Allah (by which the universe is moved), what we are discussing is the meaning of that understanding they witnessed about man.

They witnessed that the entire affair was cause and effect, If you experienced oppression that feeling in your heart will make the universe react to what you deserve as a result, that may sound like I am making this big but in fact physics explains it very simply, what is in your heart is a created from particles, even your feelings and memories, and particles can entangle themselves with everything in the universe no matter how far and connect you to it, it is called quantum entanglement and your experiences as you live them make those connections and give direction to that entanglement.

What I just explained is an old understanding given a modern context in science, so understand this is what the scholars understood without the science of how.

But if Karma, what you deserve as a result of your suffering or hard work is cause and effect and not something magical and uneducated, then somethings can interfere with that cause and effect and change what you deserve as a result.

The reason Allah made music Haram, more specifically stringed and wind instruments like the flute, violin, saxophone and piano is because it emptied the heart of everything it earned spiritually from your years of living.

Music can make you cry, laugh, ecstatic it can make you live out an entire life in a single song, but once you live it you have lost what your heart had, all those years it took to get there, and that is the key to understanding all of this.

Because of one song you have lost years from your life, you have lost your spiritual connection to the wealth you earned over a lifetime while you listened and cried. You have ruined the Mizan/balance of your heart, so it is like being robbed of your worth, imagine not being able to love your wife like you used to love her because of a song.

Music was the original medium that did this to man and Jinn, but today we have television, movies and video games that all do the same thing and this matter is worse for Jinn.

They can live out an entire life watching a single tv show and for them that is complete Maskh (stunting of their spiritual growth), they can no longer develop into proper adults and as a result they can no longer help man develop into the same, which has been their job with man from the time Adam (ra) came to this earth.

Man showed Jinn how to stand up and Jinn helped the next generation of man reach the same, this has been our co-existence with them and the prophet Muhammad (saws) called Muslim Jinn our brothers in religion because they looked after us.

Today most Jinn are ruined because of Music, television, movies and video games, they are increasingly immature and as a result increasingly devilish, but their level of immaturity is self-assured destruction, they will bring an end to you and themselves without a care.

The word Majnun/insane in Arabic comes from the word Jinn because of how insane they can act and make others act.

Imagine how much entertainment there is in the world that is how much the hearts of Jinn and mankind are being emptied of their wealth every day, that is why we are all spiritually poor.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

We Need What Is Old – Stop Destroying It

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum

Recently I purchased from my local grocery store some Scottish Kippers, they came in a box but inside the box where two fish shrink wrapped and sealed, the fish where caught in the Atlantic ocean and half smoked, preserved and shipped across to the other side of the world and sold here.

They didn’t take much to prepare about 8 minutes in the oven and that was it, but surprisingly they were the best tasting fish I had ever had, it had the best sea salt taste to it and the abundance of fish oil was unlike anything I had ever seen or tasted, if I could I would present it to the Prophet Muhammad (saws) in Jannah who likes simple food like this.

Nothing in recent memory even came close, not even the much more expensive and fresh fish I had a week earlier, you can tell the quality of a meal when you are still tasting it a few days later like you just ate it.

But, I had had this experience before and it came in an even more surprising package, a can of smoked salmon, this was no ordinary can this brand had won awards for this product. After eying the can sceptically and wondering who would give an award to canned fish, granted it was more expensive to purchase, I could see nothing to tell me why until I opened it.

As soon as I opened the can it immediately perfumed the air with the most beautiful salmon smell I had ever witnessed, this is not an exaggeration I purchased fresh salmon and it didn’t smell this good, on top of that it tasted almost like fresh salmon that was smoked.

So what made these two products so successful, it was the fact they were both doing something old.

The Scottish kipper was prepared in an old way I remembered from my youth that preserved the fish in every respect and made it possible to ship it across the entire globe without losing quality, imagine if they did that with fish from other parts of the world people could be eating quality seafood from any part of the earth.

The canned salmon was preserved in the can similarly using a method I had seen in my youth, I remembered eating ordinary canned fish in Lebanon that tasted like this, today they are giving it awards.

Today we live in a world where everything good has already been destroyed so when we see something old this is the kind of contrast in experience we can expect from it because it was a better way of doing things.

​Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

The Maqam Of Imam Tustari

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

From an early age Imam Tustari led an ascetic life with frequent fasting and study of the Qur’an and Hadith, He practised repentance (tawbah) and, above all, constant remembrance of Allah (dhikr). This eventually culminated in a direct and intimate rapport with Allah with whom He was a special friend and one of the spiritual elect, Awliyah. Imam Tustari was also near to the Islamic Scholars of Hadith, when he met Imam Abu Dawwud he said “O Abu Dawwud, I want something from you.” He said, “What is it?” Sahl said, “On a condition that you say that you will fulfill it if possible.” Abu Dawwud replied in the affirmative. Sahl said, “Get out your tongue with which you narrated the hadiths of the Prophet (peace be upon him) so that I kiss it.” Abu Dawwud accepted that and Sahl kissed his tongue.

The Imam was also an Islamic scholar who commented on and interpreted the Qur’an, Imam Tustari explained that the Qur’an “contained several levels of meaning”, which included the outer or zahir and the inner or batin, in modern terms, Shariah, the study of governing life and Science, the study of how the universe works. Imam Tustari also “was the first to put” the Sufi exercise of remembrance of Allah, Dhikr, “on a firm theoretical basis” an immense place to be given by Allah and likewise was His maqam.

Shaykh Abu Bakr bin Haw’war stated in Bahjat-ul-Asrar that, ‘There are seven Awtad (Pillars/Major Awliya) of Iraq: Shaykh Ma’ruf Karkhi, Shaykh Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Shaykh Bishr Hafi, Shaykh Mansur bin ‘Ammar, Shaykh Junayd, Shaykh Sahl bin ‘Abdullah Tustari, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani. The Awtad (Pillars) are those who are the sovereigns of the world, and the Qutbs of the earth (the Spiritual axis around which the soul of the world revolves).’ (Bahjat-ul-Asrar, p. 385)

The Imam famously said “I am the Proof of Allah for the created beings and I am a proof for the saints (awliya) of my time,” any person who reads His tafsir will see His language and tafsir of qualities in the Quran was used the world over after his time, His definitions of things are still used to this day and they are the foundations of/in many languages.

Like Imam abd Al-aziz Al-Dabbagh (as), Imam Tustari (as), was someone I took from spiritually, His statment “I am the Proof” I witnessed it the frist time I opened His tafsir and long before I knew who He (as) was, as soon as you read His (as) words you can see their is something different about His (as) insight like they are “Sirat al Mustaqeem” which we ask for when reciting al fatiha.

On the day of Judgment you will see Imam Tustari in the first few rows of the Ummah, this is something Allah has shown us, Insha Allah if you want His Baraka in your life and home connect yourself to Him (as) by acquiring His (as) tafsir, if you can not you can at my site.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

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