Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

Why Allah Created Everything

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Allah says He created Adam (as) in His image, the scholars explain that is in reference to his spiritual side not his physically body which comprises of the sum of his intellect, heart and soul and what man does with them.

Because of this Scholars like Imam ibn Arabi said the act of creation is similar to man Imagining something, then expressing it, when Allah commanded Kun it occurred with His capacity and the intention behind the expression contained Allah’s knowledge of all things.

Before we were created everything existed only in Allah’s knowledge, so the Imams explained creation wanted to be created hence that was a force that exerted itself until Allah created.

But that is not why Allah created all things, the reason why Allah created all of us was to give us our worth, a thing that remains only in your knowledge can only exist in abstract form, as the sum of its ideas, but it’s worth can only exist and be known in its living or created form.

Allah wanted to create Rasul Allah (saws) to give Him His (saws) worth with Him, and that difference between existing in Allah’s knowledge and its reality after being created is also knowledge that is with Allah which could only be actualised after creation was created.

If Allah did not create Rasul Allah (saws) He could not receive His worth, why do i say worth and not qualities or attributes, because Your place with Allah is a result of your qualities and attributes, it is the end of things, of course what I am saying about Rasul Allah (saws) applies to all things.

So, the act of creation was an act of Love by Allah for His creations, His wish to spend the rest of eternity with us.

وَحَنَانًا مِّن لَّدُنَّا وَزَكَاةً

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Al Jassasah and Something Effective Against Jinn

Tomb of Habil (q)

One of the first steps to seeing Jinn is to see their sings, Isharat, “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ‘Someone from among the jinn called me, and I went with him and recited Qur’an for them.’ He took us and showed us the traces of where they had been and the traces of their fires”, in this hadith the jinn are teaching Rasul Allah (saws) how to see them, how to identify where they had been, how to track them in the world from their footprints.

Once you learn this you eventually understand their nature from you experience and maarifah with them, that is when it becomes easier to see them, the key to all of this is Isharat and because of this, today the Jinn abuse it. Many of you have heard of the secret handshakes and language occultists use these are all Isharat among themselves and its origin and inspiration are the jinn.

When the jinn want to attack someone, they bombard them with isharat that don’t make sense and confuse them in an attempt to drive them insane, this is the first step of possession, infestation, the other two steps are infestation and lastly possession. Ishrat for jinn is a way to open a door into your nafs as you pay attention to their attacks mostly in wonderment at what you are seeing.

What they want is to hold your perception in their hands and mould it so they can control you this is what infestation refers to, and that beginning of the second stage of possession, oppression, the stage when Jinn increase their attacks to break you down psychologically and spiritually.

Isharat is the reason occultists employ hidden messages that can only be seen by other occultists, by other people who have been through these stages of possession and now their nafs recognises the Isharat of their fellow occultists in something.

Insha Allah you now see how the fitnah of Ishrat is a major one in the world today.

Allah Almighty says,“And among us (Jinn) there are righteous folk and among us there are far from that. We are sects having different rules.”(Al-Jinn: 11)

“And there are among us some who have surrendered (to Allah) and there are among us some who are unjust. And whoso hath surrendered to Allah, such have taken the right path purposefully.”(Al-Jinn: 14)

“… Verily he (shaytan) and his soldiers from the jinn or his tribe see you from where you cannot see them (ghayb)…”(Al-A`raf: 27) They spy on you which is why the fitnah of Spying is a major one that supports everything occult, and why it is important to do taweez against the Jassasah of the Dajjal, you will find that it is the Avatar for the fitnah of spying and the Idol of espionage in the world, therefore attacking the jassasah is how you kill this fitnah in your life it is how you kill the power of every Jasus group in the world today like the Ikhwan and Hizb al Tahrir.

I am speaking from what I have witnessed after using what I am about to teach you, if these people want to free themselves from this dark entanglement they will find the Jassasah is at its heart and what makes it so dark, this is the path to unentangling yourself.

Understand there are types of Darkness in the world today, not all are pure evil or even evil, Allah himself said He has veils of both light and darkness, this is a scientific statement, when something is removed from the living and it only exists in history it is removed from the light of life and its place in the universe only exists in the darkness of space, the darkness of the universe, that darkness is neutral neither good or evil, it is just particles existing that were once influenced by life.

If everything black is evil that is like saying if you are black then you are evil, the point is you need to identify the type of darkness you are dealing with so you can address it precisely.

The darkness of the Jassasah may seem like the darkest evil when you see it, but it is more filth than pure evil it is an ancient filth which is why it also has spiritual power.

It is the filth of selling everything about you and doing anything to get what you want until nothing of you is left, the Jassasah excels at this more than any other creature which is why it is the idol of espionage and spying and why its people employ these methods they have been advertising in many espionage movies.

It is the reason Allah called America the great prostitute in the bible because it sells itself to every nation in the same way the Jassasah does, this is the subtle meaning of Capitalism to Capitalise every aspect of yourself spiritual and physical and put a price upon it, to be a Capitalist nation means to do this to your own people.

“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark (the system of the empire), or the name of the (Nation, Capitalist), or the number (System) of his name (Capitalist)”. (Book of revelations 13:17 KJV)

I am speaking from my Kashf and Maarifa, Allah has shown me the evil of the Jassassah and this is what it is and how it fits into the world, this is what is running America, what its people are blindly imitating, Insha Allah Understand what all of this is protecting you from.

Abi Said al Khudri (may Allah Be Pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (saws) said: “Fear the perception (firassah) of the believer for he sees with the light of Allah the Almighty the Majestic.” [Jami’ at Tirmidhi]

The Prophet (saws) said, “Indeed Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, created His creation in darkness, then He cast His noor (light) upon them, so whoever is touched by that noor he is guided, and whoever it missed, he goes astray. It is for this reason that I say that the pens have dried with Allah’s knowledge.” [Jami’ at Tirmidhi n°2642]

Abu Sa’eed reported: The Messenger of Allah (saws), said, “The hearts are four kinds: a polished heart as shiny as a radiant lamp, a sealed heart with a knot tied around it, a heart that is turned upside down, and a heart that is wrapped. As for the polished heart, it is the heart of the believer and its lamp is the light of faith. The sealed heart is the heart of the unbeliever. The heart that is turned upside down is the heart of a pure hypocrite (everything that enters it is casts out and doesn’t let touch it), for he had knowledge but he denied it. As for the heart that is wrapped, it is the heart that contains both faith and hypocrisy. The parable of faith in this heart is the parable of the herb that is sustained by pure water, and the parable of the hypocrisy in it is the parable of an ulcer that thrives upon puss and blood; whichever of the two is greater will dominate.” [Musnad Ahmad n°10745]

The Messenger of Allah (saws), said “70,000 veils of Light and darkness separate Allah (from his creation). Nobody reaches the reality of one of those veils without being annihilated (freeing His nafs from something useless of this world so He can make room for something from Allah. There is no such thing as Tabula Rasa, a blank human being, I have reached the end of the path and seen what goes and what remains, the heart expands so it can take in more and what you know of this life you now look upon it from an elevated perspective. Allah builds he does not destroy unless it is evil or deficient)” [reported by Abu Ya’la in his musnad , At-Tabarni in Al-Kabir and Ibn Abi ‘Asim]

The prophet (saws) said, “Allah has Seventy Thousand Veils of Light and Darkness: were He to withdraw their curtain, then would the splendours of His Aspect (or Countenance, or Face, Wajh) surely consume everyone who apprehended Him with his sight.” (Mishkat Sharif)

The Jassasah is the spiritual nexus for all espionage in the world, like the silsila of a tariqah brings the baraka of the prophet (saws) into your life, it is the spiritual driving force behind the existence of this fitnah, it is an ancient creature like Ibliss which is why it has spiritual power, this is the reality of the world because most likely it taught its ways to the world on behalf of the Dajjal who is its master, this is how the spiritual ties are tied.

If you understand spiritual hierarchy he is spiritually on top of all espionage in the world because the jassasah bows to Him, these are the unseen masters of the people of espionage and the fitnah of spying which is covering entire nations and their people today.

Jassasah literally means a spy in Arabic it is the spy of the Dajjal;

Imam al-Nawawi said that it is called this because the creature al Jassasah, tajasssus is assigned to spy and investigate, to find a variety of news that will be given to the dajjal. (Saheeh Muslim bi juz Syarhin Nawawi XVII p. 104)

Ibn Manzhur said that al Jassasah on the island amid the sea is a spy looking for news that will be given to the dajjal .. as mentioned in the hadeeth of Tamim ad Dari, who said it said, “I am al Jassasah” (Arabic Lisanul juz VI p. 38)

Al Jassasah is the thing all jinn are imitating today and why you will not find a trustworthy one amongst them, so you need to block it and the first thing that invites Jinn into your life, their Isharat.

Here is the Taweez: Write the following titles for the fitnah we will be listing; Abd al Qafs, Abd al Kufr, Abd al Sihr, Abd Iblis, Abd Al Dajjal, Abd Al Jassasah, Abd Al Waqiha, Abd Al Sharmuta, Abd Al Maal, Abd Al Khamir, Abd Al Hashish (in Arabic if you can).

Underneath it write verse (12:35),

ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

Underneath the verse write Fitnah of Isharat (in Arabic if you can, search for Fitnah and Isharat and just type Arabic next to each search), now draw a circle around it all.

If you have not done so already do the same again for Fitnah Al Jassasah and Fitnah of Espionage and Spying, Khair insha Allah.

وَحَنَانًا مِّن لَّدُنَّا وَزَكَاةً

Something That Will Satisfy People

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

A jinn came and asked Allah in front of me for something regarding myself that will satisfy him and people, something that will make my words be enough for him to see I am one of Allah’s people.

This is what I was asked to say, when we say the name of Rasul Allah, Muhammad (saws) we say after it salla lahu alaihi wa sallam, May Allah pray upon him and increase Him (saws) in peace, many of us say it so often we don’t sense what is reaching Rasul Allah (saws) from us.

In next life when people see my life they will begin saying Salla lahu alaihi wa sallam after my name, it is something I will earn from Allah.

If you want to see the baraka of this say Salla lahu alaihi wa sallam after my name, then ask someone to say it after your name for you and you will see what reaches your heart.

My life today is shrouded by the fitnahs of this world so people will not see me, no matter what they try, it is not the fault of people or mine, the fitnahs are stopping everyone and everything for seeing right.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

The first lecturer I had at university was with a professor who, as I was informed, in his youth worked on the Sydney harbor bridge, it is an Iconic bridge in this country. That may not mean something to a lot of people but knowledge and who you learn it from is exactly like the Sahaba, Tabiin and Taba Tabiin, how the scholars determined who was a Tabii from among the Imams.

Imam Abu Hanifa (as) was a Tabii because he heard from the companions, and so learning from people grounded in knowledge is a spiritual silsila and something that should be respected even if it is from your enemies, I was lucky enough to learn from another person of caliber at this university and that was in the subject of physics, the lecturer was a retired physicist and one of the best this country had seen.

All of this was well before I had a grasp on “world affairs”, unfortunately that class with the first lecturer was my only class because he was retiring, unknown to me he saw something in me and before he left on his final day fate would have it that I ran into him, I had never really spoken to him it was literally my first class at university but before he left, one of his student teachers was with him, he stopped me and asked me some questions relating to quality at university, then after seeing me more closely and that I had an affinity for scholars like himself, he all but apologized for not being able to teach me explaining some of the situation at university.

In not so many words the university was allowed to be run down by corrupt people from the middle east, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Bahai, religion has nothing to do with this it is a certain class of people from among these religions the university was now deliberately catering to, initially he mistook me for one of them until he saw different and went out of hi way to speak to me personally.

He had enough of their childish corruption and wanted to leave, His replacement was a corrupt lecturer which I mentioned in one of my last emails, he was not qualified to fill his role in the least and the students knew it, it was obvious he acquired his position by calling in favors.

When people know their subject the light of that subject shines from them and makes the subject “come alive” for the students listening, the two lecturers I mentioned had this the corrupt one did not, his lessons all came from copying the work of others and no doubt that is what rubbed off on people.

The university I went to was a dark place, not violent, but dark because sinister people went there, it was among these people and their schemes that Allah elevated me to wilayah and gave me spiritual authority, this was the first place Allah spread his light. I lived on campus with these people so I saw them up close, a number of times they tried to make me fall into things but I avoided it all.

Call it luck for them or call it Allah’s will, to deal with me they all decided I was the most popular guy at university and they all wanted to befriend me, every place I went people would come and greet me.

I think they thought they would be getting one thing but because of how I dealt with this popularity they got something else, and certainly this was Allah’s plan to change this place and teach them, it was a mercy for them to stop them from becoming worse people because otherwise the campus would have turned into what you see in American universities and they would have all been forced to live it.

What occurred through this was all the groups had to change the way they dealt with each other, rather than open animosity which is what was occurring until I arrived and what caused the professor to want to retire. If this seems strange this was not the first time this occurred to me, I went to an exclusive school before hand and was almost the only Muslim at this school there the student body approached me to become the school captain because of my morality and integrity.

Because I became their standard by which they chose what extremes to act by, and it just so happened I was devout so I tempered how they behaved, they had to stay within the bounds of my reality in public, over the years that ended up changing the entire university and them, before my time was over some of the students made remarks regarding this, speaking about how they would have had to act if nothing changed.

When I left the Deen of the university, who before becoming Deen was one of my lecturers, His jinn arranged for me to visit the university again and as I walked he spoke to me, he showed me the changes the Deen made to the university beautifying it and removing the darkness that was once there, he said that was because of my presence at university he was able to make some of these changes.

The university was able to get rid of the corruption because they where able to get rid of the student council that was dominated by these corrupt people from the middle east who were holding the university hostage, suing them on a number of occasions and holding the entire campus to ransom under their authority and corruption.

I have no delusions about the university and what its people are, the administration fought my presence there bitterly, I am just relating what some of its leaders chose to do out of courtesy to their enemy, the elderly among them followed gentlemen’s rules and that is how they conducted themselves.

That is the long and short of it, the corrupt lecturer accused me of being one of these people for his own gains to get at me spiritually and manipulated people and staff at university on that basis, He attacked me recently over an email on sihr sending His jinn to me in a dream and in the dream Rasul Allah (saws) came and revealed this about him defending me, the Prophet (saws) said to his jinn ‘you disliked him because you saw the light of Allah and His authority in him’, up to that point in time some 20 years later he still had not understood why he hated me and acted against me.

Everyone else at university saw me differently, I had been there for a number of years and they saw how I acted for themselves.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

How Fitnatul Dajjal Entered The UAE

Tomb of Khalid-bin-Waleed (q)

We have a long history with the United Arab Emirates, we have visited the country multiple times over the years and have had the chance to see its people up close to see what they are, it is unfortunate they have rid themselves of the soul of Islam despite the number of mosques, as the prophet (saws) foretold they are decorated on the outside but have no soul in them.

From the beautiful deserts which I visited to the towns and cities, you will not find the soul of Islam, but you will find culture in spades. During my stay there, I happened to stay in the same town Hamza Yusuf stayed when he visited the country while He was converting to Islam and heard from them first hand his story.

When you reach the spiritual side of the UAE you will understand their brand of spirituality, as they described themselves, it is not much different than the fantasy you see in classical western media regarding Arabia, the story of Aladdin would be right at home here along with the Jinn and 40 thieves.

Just look at photos of the beautiful Sheikh Zayed Mosque, I am certain the architects took that design from a Disney movie, or rather the other way around considering how long the British have been here.

Upon my first arrival in the country after taking in the atmosphere of the land I looked around and a feeling of the country being drained of Islam completely came over me until it was entirely barren, this was the first time I had experienced such a thing and I have never seen it elsewhere, the jinn of the land where explaining something to me.

This feeling stayed with me until I first visited its deserts, the place I felt the heart of the land and at home, in this place I was tested by their Jinn to see my character. Most people when venturing deep into the desert feel scared of the emptiness but only a son of the desert will find piece where others find fear, the Bedouin we met noticed this contrast between myself and my traveling companions and remarked so explaining to me how not everyone sees what I see when first entering a desert.

The people of this land will understand what I am saying to them, even if others do not, it is also a test to see if there is fintah in a person, which was the intent of the Jinn.
The desert is the only place you will find what is real in this country, which brings us to the subject of this email, how this happened:

“The UAE consists of seven emirates and was founded on 2 December 1971 as a federation. Six of the seven emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain and Fujairah) combined on that date. The seventh, Ras al Khaimah, joined the federation on 10 February 1972. The seven sheikdoms were formerly known as the Trucial States, in reference to the treaty relations established with the British in the 19th Century.”

“Artifacts uncovered in the UAE show a history of human habitation and transmigration spanning back 125,000 years. The area was previously home to the ‘Magan people’ known to the Sumerians, who traded with both coastal towns and bronze miners and smelters from the interior. A rich history of trade with the Harappan culture of the Indus Valley is also evidenced by finds of jewellery and other items and there is also extensive early evidence of trade with Afghanistan and Bactria as well as the Levant.”

“Through the three defined Iron Ages and the subsequent Hellenistic Milieiha period, the area remained an important coastal trading entrepôt. As a result of the Ridda Wars, the area converted to Islam in the 7th Century. Small trading ports developed alongside inland oases such as Liwa, Al Ain and Dhaid and tribal bedouin society co-existed with settled populations in the coastal areas.”

“A number of incursions and bloody battles took place along the coast when the Portuguese, under Albuquerque, invaded the area. Conflicts between the maritime communities of the Trucial Coast and the British led to the sacking of Ras Al Khaimah by British forces in 1809 and again in 1819, which resulted in the first of a number of British treaties with the Trucial Rulers in 1820. These treaties, including the Treaty of Perpetual Maritime Peace, signed in 1853, led to peace and prosperity along the coast and supported a lively trade in high quality natural pearls which lasted until the 1930s, when the pearl trade collapsed, leading to significant hardship among the coastal communities. A further treaty of 1892 devolved external relations to the British in return for protectorate status.”

It was a decision based on survival, which while smart at the time the rulers of the land switching between resources and trade routes to stay alive, but eventually the Fitnah of the British would enter these lands and never leave it, as the fitnah of the Dajjal spread around the world this was one of the first places in Arabia it found a home.

Rasul Allah (saws) mentioned these people in the famous hadith of Jibril (as) where the prophet was asked to define Islam, Iman and Ihsan, then finally regarding the signs of the hour, He (saws) said:

Jibril said, “Inform me about the Hour.” He (the Messenger of Allah) said, “About that, the one questioned knows no more than the questioner.” So he said, “Well, inform me about the signs thereof.”

He said, “They are that the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress, (a reversal of patriarchy) that you will see the barefooted, naked, destitute, the herdsmen of sheep (Bedouins competing with each other) in building lofty buildings.” (This hadith is about the UAE Competing with Saudi Arabia, this act is the hallmark of the hour, what these people are doing).

Thereupon the man went of. I waited a while, and then he (the Messenger of Allah) said, “O Umar, do you know who that questioner was?” I replied, “Allah and His Messenger know better.” He said, “That was Jibril (the Angel Gabriel). He came to teach you your religion (The definitive sign of the hour).”

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Ata narrated from ‘Abdullah ibn Buraydah “And that you see deaf, dumb, blind, barefoot shepherds of sheep competing with each other in building as if the kings of people (as if they are the kings of the earth). He said, “So the man [Jibril] stood up and left, and we asked, ‘Messenger of Allah, who are these you describe?” He answered, “They are the Arabs.” (This is how this hadith is narrated with these last words by ‘Ali ibn Zayd from Yahya ibn Ya’mar from Ibn ‘Umar).

From the time the United Arab Emirates gained protectorate status from the British, became their subjects, the British has been working on changing this society:

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ascribed [to the Prophet], “Truly of the signs of the Hour there is that the best (of people) will be disparaged and the worst will be honoured.” (Sahih of al-Hakim)

That is what I saw on my many visits to this land, it was not something that happened overnight and certainly it was forced upon them.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: There will be civil strife (fitnah) which will render people deaf, dumb and blind regarding what is right. Those who contemplate it will be drawn by it, and giving rein to the tongue during it will be like smiting with the sword. (Abu Dawud)

This is exactly fitnatul Dajjal, those who think about it will open doors to their nafs so they can be dominated by its sihr, it will force people to become kufar and leave them deaf, dumb and blind regarding what is right, meaning these people will deliberately purify their nafs of everything right repeatedly out of fear and loyalty to those who converted them, just as it sounds it is slavery.

This behaviour is why the world can’t be saved from them and why Rasul Allah (saws) commanded that we should stay at home and not try to fix society, your good will not gain any ground with them in the slightest and they will only use it as means to reach you.

Abu Hurairah said, “The Prophet (saws) said, ‘Before the Hour comes, there will be years of deceit, in which a truthful person will be (intentionally) disbelieved and a liar will be (deliberately) believed; and the insignificant will have a say’.” (Ahmad)

Meaning the truthful person his words will be ignored to marginalise him from society and the liar will be deliberately believed to elevate him in society, this is the work of ahl al Dajjal so they can achieve this reality “the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress”, so they can reverse the status of people in a civilization so evil is leading everything spiritual and you are fooled by it following them, “and the insignificant will have a say” in running society.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: There will be civil strife which wipe out the Arabs (Destroy their identity), and their slain will go to Hell. During it the tongue will be more severe than blows of the sword. (Abu Dawud)

The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Before the Last Hour there will be fitna like pieces of a dark night in which a man will be a believer in the morning and an infidel in the evening, or a believer in the evening and infidel in the morning. He who sits during them will be better than he who gets up and he who walks during them is better than he who runs. So break your bows, cut your bowstrings and strike your swords on stones. If people then come in to one of you, let him be like the better of Adam’s two sons. (Abu Dawud)

All of this is being done quietly, that is how it took over the world.


ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

Have You Seen Allah?

Bismillahi rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum.

“No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision (He is responsible for all vision).” (6:102)

Imam ‘Ali was asked by one of his companions, Tha΄lab al-Yamani whether he had seen his Lord. Imam ‘Ali replied, “How can I worship something that I do not see?” When asked how he saw Him, Imam ‘Ali replied, “Eyes do not reach Him with physical sight, but the hearts reach Him with the realities of belief (With the realities one reaches with Al Yaqeen, certainty, because it is a force that directs inner sight in ghayb).” (The source is Shia)

When you ask the Question have you seen Allah, you are asking have you seen an object, a shape, a thing, in this sense no eyes have seen Allah because all these things are created by the universe while Allah is not created by anything, or made of anything to be seen.

Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiq (as) was once asked, “will Allah be seen on the Day of Resurrection?” His answer was, “May He be exalted and glorified from that! The eyes can only reach an object which has color and shape, but Allah, the Exalted, is the Creator of colors and shapes.” (The source is Shia)

It was narrated that Abu Dharr said: “I asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), ‘Did you see your Lord?’ He said, ‘ He is veiled by Light, how could I see Him.’” (Narrated by Muslim, al-Eeman, 261).

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbas said: “ ‘The (Prophet’s) heart belied not what he saw, and indeed he saw Him at a second descent.’ [al-Najm 53:11-12] (This means that) he saw Him twice with his heart.” (Rather once with his eyes and once with His heart) (Narrated by Muslim, al-Eeman, 258).

It was narrated that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “Whoever told you that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw his Lord was lying. He said that no vision can grasp him [al-An’aam 6:103].”

So, the Question of seeing Allah is of two kinds, can you see Allah and Have you seen Allah, while it is not possible to see Allah directly you can see Allah indirectly, you can see the Maqam of Allah in the universe and He has taught us about this in the Quran and Sunnah.

The Messenger (saws) said, “When the inhabitants of Paradise enter Paradise, Allah will say to them, ‘Do you want Me to give you anything more?’ They will reply, ‘Have You not made our faces bright? Have You not brought us into Paradise and moved us from Hell?’ Allah will then remove the Veil and they will feel that they have not been awarded anything dearer to them than looking at their Lord.” (Muslim)

How is this possible, what these Ahadith are saying is that you are not looking at Allah directly but His Maqam in the universe and the things that carry it. A number of things in the universe Allah has placed His maqam in, the Arsh, Light (all the subatomic particles in the universe), Time and the Mala’ikah.

“Indeed, your Lord is Allah, who is created the heavens and earth in six periods He then istawa (established His Maqam upon) the Throne.” (Himself in the verse means His Maqam) [Surat-al-Araf 54]

Anytime Allah says He Is something it refers to his Maqam:

“Allah is the Light (particles) of the heavens and earth.” (Particles here means in their totality and what they are doing everywhere in the universe at the same time, they paint a picture that perfectly represents Allah) (24:35)

“Allah said, ‘The sons of Adam offend Me and say, Woe to time, but they should not say Woe to time. I Am Time, I alternate the night and the day, and if I willed, I could seize them both.’” (Muslim)

Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated from Abu Hurayrah (ra) that some people said: “O Messenger of Allah, will we see our Lord on the Day of Resurrection?” The Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “Do you doubt that you see the moon on the night when it is full?” They said, “No, O Messenger of Allah.” He (saws) said, ‘Do you doubt that you see the sun when there is no cloud?” They said, “No, O Messenger of Allah.” He (saws) said, “You will see Him likewise…”

Abdullah b. Shaqiq reported: I said to Abu Dharr: Had I seen the Messenger of Allah, I would have asked him. He (Abu Dharr) said: What is that thing that you wanted to inquire of him? He said: I wanted to ask him whether he had seen his Lord. Abu Dharr said: I, in fact, inquired of him, and he replied: I saw Light (which is His Maqam).” (Muslim)

Alhamdulillah it is in this respect we can say we have seen Allah, Allah has so far honoured us with vision of Him once in our life when He established us in this world.

I have seen the Arsh of Allah like any person sees anything in this world in front of them, but seeing Allah does not compare to that because of the honour that is with it, in its light. For some time, Allah guided our heart to help one of his servants, a woman who has suffered much in life, she was not a Muslim but had many of its qualities.

My help was from a distance and it was spiritual in nature, when the time came the prophets of Allah came to me and asked if I had al Yaqeen regarding her, after affirming, in an instant I saw four prophets of Allah go to her soul and begin working on it, at that moment I saw Allah, His immense light as He worked on her soul, after my vision returned to me, I realised I was seeing one of the prophets of Allah, Sayidinah Ibraheem talking to Allah at that moment while her soul was being healed and I saw Him (saws) and Allah conversing over the matter.

Allah gave me the honour of seeing Him while He fixed her soul so it can accept Islam, Understand, the Arsh is Azeem, Immense, it has the magnitude with it of being the largest thing Allah created, the known universe is like a small ring sitting inside an immense desert compared to the size of the Arsh, but the honour that is in Allah’s light alone is more immense than it, when you see His light honour is what you see.

Abu Musa reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) was standing amongst us and he told us five things. He said: Verily Allah the Exalted and Mighty does not sleep, and it does not befit Him to sleep. He lowers the scale and lifts it (Balance in the universe, that decides fate in every moment). The deeds in the night are taken up to Him before the deeds of the day (There is order and precedence in how the universe works). and the deeds of the day before the deeds of the night. His veil is light. In the hadith narrated by Abu Bakr (instead of the word “light”) it is fire (subatomic particles). If he withdraws it (the way these particles have formed the universe and everything in it, if He unravels the universe, if He unravels the subatomic fields, the layers of particles), the splendour of His countenance would consume His creation so far as His sight reaches.” (Muslim)

“And when Musa (Moses) came at the time and place appointed by Us, and his Lord (Allah) spoke to him; he said: “O my Lord! Show me (Yourself), that I may look upon You.” Allah said: “You cannot see Me (Qur’an states: LAN TARANI NOT LAN URA), but look upon the mountain; if it stands still in its place then you shall see Me.” So when his Lord appeared to the mountain , He made it collapse to dust, and Musa (Moses) fell down unconscious. Then when he recovered his senses he said: “Glory be to You, I turn to You in repentance and I am the first of the believers.” [Al Qur’an, Surah 7, Verse no 143]

In Tafsir al Jalalayn the Imams write “{You shall not see Me}, which means you do not have the capability to see me the use of the wording (Lan Tarani) rather than Lan Ura (I shall not be Seen) implies that it is possible to see Allah”.

Many of the Scholars and Awliyah have seen Allah, Imam Ahmad (as) was not just a Mujtahid Imam He was a wali.

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal used to be severely tortured for saying that the Qur’an is not created. At that time, the caliph, Al Mu’tasim was with the opinion that Qur’an was created. When Imam Ahmad was imprisoned, as Sulaiman said, ‘He was then carried to the prison and the people departed, so I departed with them. Then when the next day arrived the people came (to the door of al Mu’tasim) so I came with them and stood in front of the chair. Then al-Mu’tasim appeared and sat on the chair and said, ‘Bring Ahmad ibn Hanbal.’ So he was brought and when he stood in front of him al-Mu’tasim said to him, ‘How were you in your cell during the night, O’ son of Hanbal?’ He said, “In goodness, and all praises are due to Allah.” Al-Mu‘tasim said, ‘O’ Ahmad, I saw a dream yesterday.’ He said, “And what did you see, O’ Ameer-ul-Mu’minin?” He said, ‘I saw in my dream as if there were two lions approaching me and they desired to tear me apart. And then two angels appeared and repelled them from me. They gave me a hook and said to me, ‘This written (piece) is the dream that Ahmad ibn Hanbal saw in his cell.’

So what is it that you saw, O’ son of Hanbal?’ Ahmad faced al-Mu’tasim and said, “O’ Ameer-ul-Mu’minin is the book with you?” He said, ‘Yes, and when I awoke, I read what was in it. Ahmad said to him, “O’ Ameer-ul-Mu’minin, I saw as if the Day of Judgement had been established, and as if Allah had gathered the first and the last (of people) in a single plain and He was calling them to account. Whilst I was standing, I was called for, so I proceeded until I stood in front of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, and He said to me, ‘O’ Ahmad, for what were you beaten?’ I said, “On account of the Qur’an.” He said, “And what is the Qur’an?” I said, “Your words, O’ Allah, belonging to You.” He said, ‘From where do you (derive and) say this?’ I said, “O’ Lord, ‘Abdur-Razzaq narrated to me.”

So ‘Abdur Razzaq was called for and he was brought, until he was made to stand in front of Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, and He said to him, ‘What do you say about the Qur’an, O ‘Abdur Razzaq?’ He said, ‘Your words, O’ Allah, belonging to You,’ so Allah said, ‘From where do you (derive and) say this?’ He said, ‘Ma’mar narrated to me.’ So Ma’mar was called for and he was brought, until he was made to stand in front of Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, and He said to him, ‘What do you say about the Qur’an, O Ma’mar?’ He said, ‘Your words, O’ Allah, belonging to You,’ so Allah said, ‘From where do you (derive and) say this?’ He said, ‘Az Zuhri narrated to me.’ So Az Zuhri was called for and he was Brought, until he was made to stand in front of Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, and He said to him, ‘What do you say about the Qur’an, O’ Zuhri?’ He said, ‘Your words, O’ Allah, belonging to You,’ So Allah said, ‘From where do you (derive and) say this?’ He said, “Urwah narrated to me.’

So ‘Urwah was brought, and He said to him, ‘What do you say about the Qur’an?’ He said, ‘Your Words, O’ Allah, belonging to You,’ so Allah said, ‘O ‘Urwah, from where do you (derive and) say this?’ He said, “Aa’ishah, the daughter of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, narrated to me.’ So ‘Aa’ishah was called for and she was brought, until she was made to stand in front of Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, and He said to her, ‘What do you say about the Qur’an, O’ ‘Aa’ishah?’ She said, ‘Your words, O’ Allah, belonging to You,’ so Allah said, ‘From where do you (derive and) say this?’ She said, ‘Your Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلمnarrated to me.’ He said, ‘So Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلمwas called for and he was brought, until he was made to stand in front of Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, and He said to him, ‘What do you say about the Qur’an, O’ Muhammad?’ He said, ‘Your words, O’ Allah, belonging to You,’ so Allah said, ‘From where has this come to you?’ So the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلمsaid, ‘Jibreel narrated to me.’

So Jibreel was called for and he was brought, until he was made to stand in front of Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, and He said to him, ‘What do you say about the Qur’an, O’ Jibreel?’ He said, ‘Your words, O’ Allah belonging to You,’ so Allah said, ‘From where has this come to you?’ He said, ‘Such did Israafeel narrate to me. So Israafeel was called for and he was brought, until he was made to stand in front of Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, and Allah, the Sublime, said to him, ‘What do you say about the Qur’an, O’ Israafeel?’ He said, ‘Your words, O’ Allah, belonging to You,’ so Allah said, ‘From where has this come to you?’ He said, ‘I saw that in Lawhul-Mahfoodh (the Preserved Tablet).’

So the Preserved Tablet was brought and stood in front of Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, and He said, ‘O’ Lawh, what do you say about the Qur’an?’ And it said, ‘Your words, O’ Allah, belonging to You.’ Then Allah, the Exalted said, ‘From where has this come to you?’ And the Lawh said, ‘Such did the Qalam (the Pen) inscribe upon me.’ Then the Pen was brought until it stood in front of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, so Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, said to it, ‘O Qalam, what do you say about the Qur’an?’ The Qalam said, ‘Your words, O’ Allah, belonging to You.’ So Allah said, ‘From where has this come to you?’ The Qalam said — ‘You dictated and I wrote.’ Then Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent, said, ‘The Qalam has spoken the truth. The Lawh has spoken the truth. Israafeel has spoken the truth. Jibreel has spoken the truth. Muhammad has spoken the truth. ‘Aa’ishah has spoken the truth. ‘Urwah has spoken the truth. Az-Zuhri has spoken the truth. Ma’mar has spoken the truth. ‘Abdur-Razzaq has spoken the truth. Ahmad ibn Hanbal has spoken the truth. The Qur’an is My Speech, it is not created.’

Sulaiman as-Sijzi said, ‘Al-Mu’tasim leapt upon hearing that and said, ‘You have spoken the truth, O’ son of Hanbal.’ Then al- Mu’tasim repented, ordered the necks of Bishr al-Mareesee and Ibn Abi Duwaad to be beaten and revered Ahmad ibn Hanbal and bestowed upon him, but (Ahmad) refrained from that. He was then ordered to be taken to his house and was taken.’

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Japan, Seeing Allah and Honor

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, asalamu alaikum.

I wrote previously on seeing Allah: “Allah gave me the honour of seeing Him while He fixed (a womens) soul so it can accept Islam, Understand, the Arsh is Azeem, Immense, it has the magnitude with it of being the largest thing Allah created, the known universe is like a small ring sitting inside an immense desert compared to the size of the Arsh, but the honour that is in Allah’s light alone is more immense than it, when you see His light honour is what you see.”

I live in a town that is a sister town to a city in Japan, when Allah honoured us with seeing Him some Japanese jinn witnessed it, when it came time to write about it they wished for me to speak about honour in Japan in relation to the honour I saw in Allah’s light, but that was not right it was not their place to have this comparison with Allah.

But many people in this modern world have never experienced honour, they may know the definition but not what it looks like, in this respect Japan is a land that still preserves honour in its society so it is the best place to see and learn it from.

Unfortunately though that is changing; Japan still preserves its traditional society which has many qualities of Ihsan, because of this we often ask Allah to open Islam for them, these Jinn one day asked Rasul Allah (saws) about Japan and myself in respect to this, Rasul Allah (saws) said to them “Rami is trying to save a sinking ship”, one that is losing its way which if they preserved, it would be enough to lead them.

My connection with Japan is not something small, my sword in the Akhira is a Japanese sword, they perfected it and Allah chose for me to take it from them, Allah also chose for the way of the sword to reach the end of this world through them.

But traditional Japanese society of old, which is held in high regard with ahl al Ghayb is being destroyed from the inside out, from outside forces manipulating it and changing it to a modern façade that is nothing but destruction and the antithesis to what it was, that is the sinking ship, Japan not being able to preserve its heritage.

One of the best representations of honour in Japan, and there are many, you can witness in the film the 47 Ronin (1962), which is a tale from 1701 Japan.

Allah says falsehood is ever bound to vanish, so a tale of honor preserved for so long is Qadr by Allah, it is a good representation of it.

Why do I mention this particular story, because the honor in this film is in a sense the type you will see in the light of Allah, this because these people accepted fate and fate is Allah’s hand so their actions are like seeing the light of Allah in the world.

This is what it means when your actions are inline with Allah, His light will shine in the world through you, there are many events in history that are like this which we can mention, from many societies, Understand, nothing represents what we are describing better than man resigning himself to fate and facing it with a heart filled with certainty, the person moves with the light of Allah coming from his heart and that is Allah giving them honour from Him.

It is narrated that Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, (may Allah bless and grant him peace) said, “On the night in which I was taken on my night Journey, a pleasant fragrance came my way, and so I said, “O Gabriel! What is this pleasant fragrance?”

He said, “This is the fragrance of the hairdresser of Pharaoh’s daughter, and her children.”

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “On the night on which I was taken on the Night Journey (Isra’), a beautiful fragrance came to me. I said: O Jibreel, what is this beautiful fragrance? He said: This is the fragrance of the hairdresser of Pharaoh’s daughter and her children.

I said: What is their story? He said: Whilst she was combing the hair of Pharaoh’s daughter one day, the iron comb fell from her hand and she said, ‘Bismillah (in the name of Allah).’ The daughter of Pharaoh said: ‘My father?’ She said: ‘No. My Lord and the Lord of your father is Allah.’ She said: ‘I will tell him about that.’ She said: ‘Yes.’ So she told him and he summoned her and said: ‘O So and so, do you have a Lord other than me?’ She said: ‘Yes, my Lord and your Lord is Allah.’ He ordered that a baqarah (a cow) made of copper be heated up, then he ordered that she and her children be thrown into it.

She said: ‘I have a request to make of you.’ He said: ‘What is your request?’ She said: ‘I would like my bones and my children’s bones to be gathered together in one cloth and buried.’ He said: ‘This will be done for you.’ He ordered that her children be thrown into it in front of her, one by one, until they came to the last one who was an infant boy who was still being breastfed.

It was as if she wavered because of him, but he said: ‘O mother, go ahead, for the punishment of this world is easier to bear than the punishment of the hereafter.’ So she went ahead.”

Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: Four infants spoke: ‘Isa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him), the companion of Jurayj, the witness of Yussuf and the son of the hairdresser of Pharaoh’s daughter.

Narrated by Imam Ahmad in al-Musnad (1/309), al-Tabaraani (12280), Ibn Hibbaan (2903) and al-Haakim (2/496).

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

The Stages Of Possession: Why The World Had To Be Oppressed

Fitnatul Dajjal is the fitnah of rulers possessed by Jinn ruling with the occult like Pharaoh ruled Egypt, Allah sent Musa (as) to challenge His sihr and that fitnah, Allah will send Imam Mahdi (as) to stop this one.

Modern western society began with the British empire, after their decline America took the reins from them in every respect, the book of revelation says the following about the British Empire;

“(The world) worshiped (Ibliss) for giving the (British Empire) such power, and they also worshiped the (Empire). “Who is as great as the (Empire)?” they exclaimed. “Who is able to fight against (them)?” the entire world was in awe of the British war machine.

This is how the fitnah of the Dajjal came to rule the world, how the world came under occult societies of the rich and elite.

After achieving a Maqam with Allah he opened for us the verse in the Quran that is the most powerful against this fitnah which is crippling the world today, it is the crux of what they want for everyone, Jinn possession under their control. It is certainly Allah’s Hikma and fate that for us this issue began with Zuhd and Sayidinah Sulaiman (as) and it ended with Zuhd and Sayidinah Sulaiman (as) when Allah revealed this to us.
“And indeed We did try Solomon and We placed on his throne a body (a copy of him, Jasadan, a devil, so he lost his kingdom for a while)”. (Verse 38:34)
وَلَقَدْ فَتَنَّا سُلَيْمَانَ وَأَلْقَيْنَا عَلَىٰ كُرْسِيِّهِ جَسَدًا ثُمَّ أَنَابَ
Here is the fitnah of possession mentioned in Ahadith, remember the words of this verse when you read what Satan calls out because He calls out the thing that the people of that day most fear, and remember the Dajjal is the first possessed child in History and his fitnah is to call people to his sunnah, his way of life:
Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: The Last Hour would not come until the Romans would land at al-A’maq or in Dabiq. An army consisting of the best (soldiers) of the people of the earth at that time will come from Medina (to counteract them). When they will arrange themselves in ranks, the Romans would say: Do not stand between us and those (Muslims) who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them; and the Muslims would say: Nay, by Allah, we would never get aside from you and from our brethren that you may fight them.
They will then fight and a third (part) of the army would run away, whom Allah will never forgive. A third (part of the army) which would be constituted of excellent martyrs in Allah’s eye, would be killed and the third who would never be put to trial would win and they would be conquerors of Constantinople.
And as they would be busy in distributing the spoils of war (amongst themselves) after hanging their swords by the olive trees, then Satan would cry: The Dajjal has taken your place among your family (Verse 38:34). They would then come out, but it would be of no avail. And when they would come to Syria, he would come out while they would be still preparing themselves for battle drawing up the ranks.
Certainly, the time of prayer shall come and then Jesus (peace be upon him) son of Mary would descend and would lead them. When the enemy of Allah would see him, it would (disappear) just as the salt dissolves itself in water and if he (Jesus) were not to confront them at all, even then it would dissolve completely, but Allah would kill them by his hand and he would show them their blood on his lance (the lance of Jesus Christ). (Muslim)

Once you understand what the ruling elite are you can then understand what they do and why they do it, think of the fitnah Africa or South America saw at the hands of the colonial powers, all the global wars in the last century, or all the refugees in the world today, it was because of needless oppression and needless killing, but it wasn’t, it had purpose and reason, ones that you have not understood yet because you have not understood the goal behind the act.

We know in order to spread their dominance around the world they first had to spread their way of life in order to create the networks needed to achieve this and the world emulated the British way of life while Europe competed with them in order to surpass them.

“The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the (British, their way of life)” (Book of Revelations)

There are three generally accepted stages to possession, the first is Manifestation and Infestation, the Jinn need access to you before they can do anything, the second stage is oppression, after gaining access they need to weaken you psychologically and spiritually before they can control you, and the last stage is possession, control over your will.

If you can understand one simple thing you can extrapolate how they do it and what you can do about it. Your spirituality and psychology are moulded by all the things you own or use, they are the things that influence your life, if they can control that and where it comes from they can control you.

The more in control you are of your possessions and food, the more independence you have, meaning you own and manufacture everything with your own hands, the less you will be susceptible to this kind of manipulation.

It is for this reason women are more susceptible than men, they live in their husbands houses and they wear clothes and eat food purchased for them, this reality is the reason religion seeks to protect them, from all of this even leaders of a country can extrapolate the weakness of their people and how to fix it, a country needs to be independent of other countries as much as possible.

It was because of this spiritual reality that is today being manipulated on a world scale, that the imams of this world all gave similar advice to Imam Ali, the objects in your life influence you:

Imam Ali counselled the people about life in this world, and life in the world to come in the following terms: “O men of Allah. May God keep you happy, and shower His favors on you! You should prepare yourself for the long journey that awaits you. There are many difficulties that beset your path. Death is ever anxious to devour you. Renounce the riches of the world, and catch hold of piety. Life in this world is short, whereas life after death will be everlasting. Buy those commodities here which will stand you in good stead in the other world. Do not demean yourself before God, Who is well acquainted with your innermost feelings. Do not allow your soul to be lost in this world before death may overtake you.”

“Son, do not be tempted by the world for Allah has revealed its worthlessness. Even the world itself is aware of its transitory nature. Those who are devoted to the world are like barking dogs and ferocious animals who fall at one another, the strong devouring the weak. Some of such beasts are tied down, and are devoid of the power to harm. Some of them run amuck like camels, which roam about causing mischief. They are devoid of intelligence. They tread the path of destruction, and are enveloped in darkness. They cannot see light. They have got themselves lost in the labyrinths of the world. They are enamoured of the world and have made it their God. The world is playing with them and they are playing with the world. They have completely forgotten the Hereafter.”

Allah’s Apostle said, “The Prophet David (Daud) used not to eat except from the earnings of his manual labour.” (Bukhair)

The Prophet said, “One would rather take a rope and cut wood and carry it than ask others.” (Bukhair)

The Prophet said, “Nobody has ever eaten a better meal than that which one has earned by working with one’s own hands. The Prophet of Allah, David (Daud) used to eat from the earnings of his manual labour.” (Bukhair)

Insha Allah we have explained the reason for the unnecessary oppression we have all witnessed in this world, oppression whose purpose is to enslave the world under the power ibliss gave to the occultists ruling like Pharaoh ruled, that is, his network of shayateen around the world that need people to carry out their wishes.

Rasul Allah (saws) spoke about this fitnah in ahadith mentioning when it will begin and when it will end, Abu Sa’id al-Khudari(RA) narrated that Prophet(SAW) said:

“Severe calamity from the direction of their ruler (Saddam Hussain) will befall my people (The Ummah at large) during the Last Days (Rasul Allah (saws) said in another hadith describing the fitan, Saddam is the one who invited the Kufar into Islamic lands and set in motion the events that lead to the fitnah of September the 11th). It will be a calamity which, in severity, shall be unprecedented (this is how fitnatul Dajjal spread in Islamic lands). It will be so violent that the earth with injustice and corruption will shrivel for its inhabitants (the world will seem small as if there is no place to go). The believers will not find refuge from oppression (being spread by these occultists). At that time (its oppression will end when) Allah will send a man from my family (Imam Mahdi) to fill the earth with justice and equity just as it is filled with injustice and tyranny (Understand the reason for His (as) greatness, He (as) will end oppression all over the world that is fuelling the fitnah of the Dajjal). The dwellers of the heavens and the earth will be pleased with him (all people on earth will be relieved). The earth will bring forth all that grows for him, and the heavens will pour down rains in abundance. He will live among the people for seven or nine years. From all the good that Allah will bestow on the inhabitants of the earth, the dead will wish to come to life again. (Ibn Hajar, al-Sawa’iq al-muharriqa, P. 161; Yanabi’ al-mawadda, Vol. 2, P. 177)

Understand the reality of the people behind this occult fitnah from the following Hadith; “A man once came to Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, and asked”:

“Do the heavens and the earth weep for anybody?” He replied: `Yes, there is no one who does not have a gate in the heavens (the spiritual part of the universe, the subatomic) through which his provision comes down and his good deeds ascend (His actions in life impact the universe). When the believer dies, that gate is closed; it misses him and weeps for him and the place of prayer on earth where he used to pray and remember Allah also weeps for him (there is a power vacuum in the places he used to impact the universe with his life). But the people of Fir`awn (who were occultists, which the people of the Dajjal today emulate) left no trace of righteousness on the earth (where they lived) and they had no good deeds that ascended to Allah, so the heavens and the earth did not weep for them (their life had no benefit in the world after they died).”’ (Tafsir Ibn Kathir).

They seek to control the world from the spiritual part of it so, Insha Allah we will end this with ahadith about ghayb and the barakah Allah places for man in the subatomic part of the universe, to help us understand the role it plays in our life.

The Prophet said: “Anyone who fasts for one day for Allah’s pleasure, Allah will keep his face away from the Hell fire for (a distance covered by a journey of) seventy years (Allah will keep the harmful effects of Hell, the harmful effects of the black hole at the centre of our universe, away from him by this extent)” (Bukhari, Muslim).

The Prophet (saws) said (We are all connected to each other spiritually,) “A believer in respect of another believer is like a building whose parts support one another.” and he intertwined his fingers.

Rasul Allah (saws) made the following dua shortly before His (saws) death, “All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly”, Ameen.

ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

Allah Will Raise Imam Mahdi (as)

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Rasul Allah said about Imam Mahdi (as) Allah will rectify Him in a single night, the correct understanding of what that means is that Allah will raise Him in a single night.

What that itself means in detail is that Allah will open something for him to do and that task in a single night will raise him above the Mala’ikah so they will follow him, essentially so they follow Him like they prostrated to Sayidinah Adam (as).

This is what Rasul Allah (saws) taught me, recently Allah opened a task for me to perform and after accomplishing it Rasul Allah (saws) said in front of the Jinn and Mala’aikah that I saw watching “Allah has raised Rami” (in a single night), the intent behind phrasing was a lesson meant to teach me that in essence this is what Allah will do for Imam mahdi (as), on another level, he will raise Him above all the Mala’ikah.

Not long after this I surpassed the Dajjaal and was able to describe Him as i did in my two chapters on his secrets and identity, regarding which Rasul Allah (saws) said to me about the former, “people will not find another person who will be able to complete these words against him”.

The heart needs to encompass a thing, be more than it, to see it clearly, in order to know how to describe it, and the subject of the dajjal is shrouded in kufr and sihr, the spiritual sight of your heart needs to penetrate through that darkness around him in order to see him, and you need to be more than his kufr in order to surpass him.

Insha Allah understand the task Allah set before us and the reason for me covering these subjects, the descriptions I have given are the best descriptions people will find regarding him until his death, and what I wrote is the straightest line to him you will ever find (Qala Rasul Allah).

If this seems strange to strangers, understand some claim the awliyah don’t know who they are, they don’t know themselves, if they don’t know themselves then how can they claim to know Allah, I am shaykh of tasawwuf from the Naqshbandi tariqah, Allah raised us to wilayah almost 20 years ago in the year 2000, since then we have been working in the way of Allah, “And those who strive for Us – We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with Muhsineen (those who seek perfection, completeness, insan al kamil)” (29:69).

Insha Allah I will teach you something against Him, the first step to surpassing the Dajjal was Allah teaching me to use the following against him, if you want to see the truth of how your world is affected by him, do this, those who can perceive will be shocked.

Write the dajjals title, Abd al Kufr (all of this in Arabic if you can, عبد الكفر),  underneath it write the following verse (12:35), then underneath that write the Dajjals name (الدجال), all in a simple taweez, like a circle.

Then do the same elsewhere for Al Jassassa (الْجَسَّاسَةُ) which is his spy when he was trapped on the island, and pay attention to what you see spiritually:

ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

Do the same for Iblis (إِبْلِيس), I have seen this destroy something from Him (a brand of Kufr) he is trying to cover the world with, use the same title and method for all of them.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

The Dajjal: His Age and Identity

One question regarding the dajjal is his age, because there are seemingly conflicting ahadith that imply he was alive during the time of the prophet (saws) and others that say He will be born in the future.

The first hadith is the famous hadith of Tamim Dari, a Christian who survived a shipwreck on an island along with his crew mates and ended up meeting the Dajjal and his spy al Jassaasa.

Here is the hadith in full, something interesting, when they ask him who he is the English says I am al Dajjal, while the Arabic says I am al Massih, the anointed one, the translators had no right to do this.

Amir b. Sharahil Sha’bi Sha’b Hamdan reported that he asked Fatima, daughter of Qais and sister of ad-Dahhak b. Qais and she was the first amongst the emigrant women:

Narrate to me a hadith which you had heard directly from Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) and there is no extra link in between them. She said: Very well, if you like, I am prepared to do that, and he said to her: Well, do It and narrate that to me. She said: I married the son of Mughira and he was a chosen young man of Quraish at that time, but he fell as a martyr in the first Jihad (fighting) on the side of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ). When I became a widow, ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Auf, one amongst the group of the Companions of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ), sent me the proposal of marriage. Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) also sent me such a message for his freed slave Usama b. Zaid. And it had been conveyed to me that Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) had said (about Usama): He who loves me should also love Usama. When Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) talked to me (about this matter), I said: My affairs are in your hand. You may marry me to anyone whom you like. He said: You better shift now to the house of Umm Sharik, and Umm Sharik was a rich lady from amongst the Ansar. She spent generously for the cause of Allah and entertained guests very hospitably. I said: Well, I will do as you like.

He said: Do not do that for Umm Sharik is a woman who is very frequently visited by guests and I do not like that your head may be uncovered or the cloth may be removed from your shank and the strangers may catch sight of them which you abhor. You better shift to the house of your cousin ‘Abdullah b. ‘Amr b. Umm Maktum and he is a person of the Bani Fihr branch of the Quraish, and he belonged to that tribe (to which Fatima) belonged. So I shifted to that house, and when my period of waiting was over, I heard the voice of an announcer making an announcement that the prayer would be observed in the mosque (where) congregational prayer (is observed). So I set out towards that mosque and observed prayer along with Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) and I was in the row of the women which was near the row of men. When Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) had finished his prayer, he sat on the pulpit smiling and said: Every worshipper should keep sitting at his place. He then said: Do you know why I had asked you to assemble? They said: Allah and His Messenger know best. He said: By Allah. I have not made you assemble for exhortation or for a warning, but I have detained you here, for Tamim Dari, a Christian, who came and accepted Islam, told me something, which agrees with what I was telling, you about the Dajjal. He narrated to me that he had sailed in a ship along with thirty men of Bani Lakhm and Bani Judham and had been tossed by waves in the ocean for a month. Then these (waves) took them (near) the land within the ocean (island) at the time of sunset.

They sat in a small side-boat and entered that island. There was a beast with long thick hair (and because of these) they could not distinguish his face from his back. They said: Woe to you, who can you be? Thereupon it said: I am al-Jassasa. They said: What is al-Jassasa? And it said: O people, go to this person in the monastery as he is very much eager to know about you. He (the narrator) said: When it named a person for us we were afraid of it lest it should be a devil. Then we hurriedly went on till we came to that monastery and found a well-built person there with his hands tied to his neck and having iron shackles between his two legs up to the ankles. We said: Woe be upon thee, who are you? And he said: You would soon come to know about me. but tell me who are you. We said: We are people from Arabia and we embarked upon a boat but the sea-waves had been driving us for one month and they brought as near this island.

We got Into the side-boats and entered this island and here a beast met us with profusely thick hair and because of the thickness of his hair his face could not be distinguished from his back. We said: Woe be to thee, who are you? It said: I am al- Jassasa. We said: What is al-Jassasa? And it said: You go to this very person in the monastery for he is eagerly waiting for you to know about you. So we came to you in hot haste fearing that that might be the Devil. He (that chained person) said: Tell me about the date-palm trees of Baisan. We said: About what aspect of theirs do you seek information? He said: I ask you whether these trees bear fruit or not. We said: yes. Thereupon he said: I think these would not bear fruits. He said: Inform me about the lake of Tabariyya? We said: Which aspect of it do you want to know? He said: Is there water in it? They said: There is abundance of water in it. Thereupon he said: I think it would soon become dry.

He again said: Inform me about the spring of Zughar. They said: Which aspect of it you want to know? He (the chained person) said: Is there water in it and does it irrigate (the land)? We said to him: Yes, there is abundance of water in it and the inhabitants (of Medina) irrigate (land) with the help of it, He said: Inform me about the unlettered Prophet; what has he done? We said: He has come out from Mecca and has settled In Yathrib (Medina). He said: Do the Arabs fight against him? We said: Yes. He said: How did he deal with them? We informed him that he had overcome those in his neighbourhood and they had submitted themselves before him.

Thereupon he said to us: Has it actually happened? We said: Yes. Thereupon he said: If it is so that is better for them that they should show obedience to him. I am going to tell you about myself and I am Dajjal and would be soon permitted to get out and so I shall get out and travel in the land, and will not spare any town where I would not stay for forty nights except Mecca and Medina as these two (places) are prohibited (areas) for me and I would not make an attempt to enter any one of these two. An angel with a sword in his hand would confront me and would bar my way and there would be angels to guard every passage leading to it; then Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) striking the pulpit with the help of the end of his staff said: This implies Taiba meaning Medina. Have I not, told you an account (of the Dajjal) like this? ‘The people said: Yes, and this account narrated by Tamim Dari was liked by me for it corroborates the account which I gave to you in regard to him (Dajjal) at Medina and Mecca. Behold he (Dajjal) is in the Syrian sea (Mediterranean) or the Yemen sea (Arabian sea). Nay, on the contrary, he is in the east, he is in the east, he is in the east, and he pointed with his hand towards the east. I (Fatima bint Qais) said: I preserved it in my mind (this narration from Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ). (Muslim)

If the Dajjal was alive in the prophets time then what does this hadith mean:

“His father will be tall and thin and his nose will be pointed like a beak, while his mother will be fat with two long hands. They will both remain thirty years without a child. After thirty years, a son with visual impairment in one eye, biting teeth and of little benefit will be born to them whose heart will remain awake while his eyes sleep (Meaning he witnesses ghayb 24 hours a day from birth).” (Tirmidhi)

The first and most obvious explanation is that because the hadith is daeef, something was lost in the transmission like the hadith changing from past tense to future tense. One explanation I have heard which i don’t think is correct is that Tamim ad dari was relating a dream to the prophet (saws), but everything in the hadith says otherwise, some of Rasul Allah’s companions have spoken to me regarding this and we should take these ahadith literally, He was a man and He was alive during the time of the prophet (saws) imprisoned on an island.

The island is in the Arabian see and from the description given by the prophet that is directly east of Madina and the description of Tamim ad Dari that he crashed on an Island near the shore and the Dajjal was chained in a monastery, religious building, it is not that hard to find out which Islam because we know them all and the history of each.

The Island that fits the description of everything perfectly is Astola Island, it contains an old Hindu monastery dedicated to the god of war, if you draw a line east of Madina it is just north of that, and it is fairly close to the place he will emerge from in the future, Iran.

That leaves us with one conclusion the Dajjal has long since left his prison and is in the world preparing for a time where he can emerge and dominate it with an economic system that will trap nations, and a technology that will trap people psychologically and spiritually.

Another thing you have to consider is that if he is long lived and he is imprisoned, Iron chains rust and weaken so time would have been on his side and that is reasonable proof he is no longer on the island.

Beside this another proof is that Rasul Allah (saws) asked His Ummah from His (saws) time to ours to seek protection from the fintah of the Dajjal, if He is chained on another Island hidden behind magical clouds or an invisibility barrier (Allah did him no such favours), then what Fitnah was the Ummah seeking protection from over the past 1400 years every week and every Friday.

If he is loose in the world then we can know him by his work, above all he is a sahir, then a child possessed by Jinn who know sihr, the proof of his presence in the world should be identifying any place where people ruled using the occult, that is the only thing that will forward his agenda, getting people to adopt his ways (see our article for this history, “The Wisdom Underpinning Punishment and Hell”. The occult group I mention are from Iraq, a place near where the Dajjal was imprisoned and where He will emerge from, they are responsible for spreading this fitnah to Europe and its rulers. Wa Llahu Allam]

This leaves us with one more question how has he been able to stay alive all this time, this is one constant that everyone agrees on, he has been alive for more than 1400 years.

The Dajjal is born to Jewish parents, that means he is not older than the Jewish religion and he began life as a Jew, it may be possible he was alive during the time the Jews were killing their prophets and that corrupted him, it may be possible he was among the exiled tribes of Judah since the location of his imprisonment places him near the place of their exile, Afghanistan.

One thing to consider is that it was the Jews of his tribe who imprisoned him on this remote Island, their solution for him after they recognized him. Something we can safely conclude is that the Dajjal is a Jewsih Kafir from the old days when they were challenging their prophets.

I think the condition he was born with, that his heart sees ghayb 24 hours a day, and his self and soul delving into ghayb gave him long life, for normal people there is a barzakh/veil between them and ghayb, that Allah placed on all people, stopping them from seeing it without impedance, this veil if your self-approaches it and tires to pierce it you will go insane because it is responsible for insanity in people.

Because we are not speaking about abstract things but things that affect us physiologically, the deeper you go into ghayb the exposure you have to its forces and power could be rejuvenating his body keeping it ageless, like a person relying on energy in the universe rather than food transformed into energy by the body, to keep him alive.

The Prophets and Awliyah are similar in their vision of ghayb, their bodies have formed deep connections with ghayb and lived upon this connection, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Verily, Allah has forbidden the Earth to consume the bodies of the Prophets.” (Sunan Abu Dawud (1047), Sunan al-Nasa’i (1374), and Sunan Ibn Majah (1636).)

“According to Ibn `Abd al-Barr, the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in which he said, “Verily, Allah has forbidden the Earth to consume the bodies of the Prophets” also applies to the martyrs (among the companions) as well. He then relates an account where the Khaliph Mu`awiyah wanted to cause the spring at the base of Mount Uhud to flow. The Khaliph, therefore, ordered a public statement to be made that those who had a deceased relative in the vicinity should undertake to exhume his body and relocate it. Jabir was one of those who went forth to exhume the bodies.”

He said: “We went forth and exhumed the bodies, finding them fresh and flexible…When a spade struck the finger of one of the bodies, drops of blood issued forth.”

Az-Zarqani comments that this event took place forty years after the Battle of Uhud.

ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

Secrets Of The Dajjaal

[When I wrote this chapter Rasul Allah (saws) reminded me of how some years ago He (saws) said I would say this, (paraphrasing) and it will race ahead of everyone spiritually and show the reality of the people of the Dajjal in the world, He (saws) also said people will not find another person who will be able to complete these words (Description) against him. Understand, when we say Fitnatul Dajjal this is what we are talking about].

September The 11th Was The Beginning Of The End For The Arabs

Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-‘As: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: There will be civil strife which will wipe out the Arabs, and their slain will go to Hell. During it the tongue will be more severe than blows of the sword. (Abu Dawud)

Narrated Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: There will be civil strife (fitnah) which will render people deaf, dumb and blind regarding what is right (this fitnah will shut up the people of morality and stop them from speaking, this is not about politics). Those who contemplate it will be drawn by it, and giving rein to the tongue during it will be like smiting with the sword (because all these things are doors that open the way for sihr to influence you, the arguments against religion and morality are all laced with sihr, like a wide net cast to catch whatever fish it can). (Abu Dawud)

Narrated Abu Musa al-Ash’ari: The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Before the Last Hour there will be fitna (al Duhaima, September the 11th) like pieces of a dark night in which a man will be a believer in the morning and an infidel in the evening, or a believer in the evening and infidel in the morning. He who sits during them will be better than he who gets up and he who walks during them is better than he who runs. So break your bows, cut your bowstrings and strike your swords on stones. If people then come in to one of you, let him be like the better of Adam’s two sons. (Abu Dawud)

Narrated Abu Bakrah: The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) said: There will be a period of fitna in which the one who lies down (doing nothing) will be better than the one who sits, and the one who sits is better than the one who stands, and the one who stands is better than the one who walks, and the one who walks is better than the one who runs (to it). He asked: What do you command me to do, Apostle of Allah? He replied: He who has camels should remain with his camels, he who has sheep should remain with his sheep, and he who has land should remain with his land. He asked: If anyone has more of these, (what should he do)? He replied: He should take his sword, strike its edge on a stone, and then escape (the snares, traps and sihr of this fitnah) if he can. (In the past people used to leave their homes and they faced nothing more than other people, now sihr is driving everything and if you go out it will be done on you, you will come home thinking nothing changed but it will attack you from the inside out over time).

This version adds: He (the Prophet) said: All their slain will go to Hell. I (Wabisah) asked: When will this happen Ibn Mas’ud? He replied: This is the period of turmoil (harj) when a man will not be safe from his associates (they are agents of the government or some other secret group). I asked: What do you command me (to do) if I happen to live during that period? He replied: You should restrain your tongue and hand and stay at home. When Uthman was slain, I recollected this tradition. I then rode (on a camel) and came to Damascus. There I met Khuraym ibn Fatik and mentioned this tradition to him. He swore by Allah, there was no god but He, he had heard it from the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him), as Ibn Mas’ud transmitted it to me. (Abu Dawud)

“Upon hearing all of these, the companions, may Allahu ta’ala be well pleased with them, asked Rasulullah, peace be upon him, as to how the Muslims of that time should behave. In response he said, “Be like furniture in your house!” In another narration he said, “At such times of instigation, do not depart from your homes!”” (Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi.)

Narrated AbuMusa: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: This people of mine is one to which mercy is shown. It will have no punishment in the next world, but its punishment in this world will be trials, earthquakes and being killed. (Abu Dawud)

Narrated Abu Musa al-Ash’ari: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Before you there will be commotions like pieces of a dark night in which a man will be a believer in the morning and an infidel in the evening. He who sits during them will be better than he who gets up, and he who gets up during them is better than he who walks, and he who walks during them is better than he who runs. They (the people) said: What do you order us to do? He replied: Keep to your houses. (Abu Dawud)

Narrated Al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad: I swear by Allah, I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) say: The happy man is he who avoids fitna: happy is the man who avoids fitna; happy is the man who avoids fitna: but how fine is the man who is afflicted and shows endurance. (Abu Dawud)

Secrets Of The Dajjal

To understand what this fitnah like patches of a dark night actually is and why it will end the Arabs, we have to understand what the fitnah of the Dajjal is because we are living in the time when the Dajjal’s forerunners are preparing the world and its people for him.

In a hadith Rasul Allah (saws) said when Isa (as) descends to earth He will go to the Muslims and say what prevented from coming out against this Dajjal, the Muslims at the time will say He is a jinn, they will think He is something like a Jinn.

In another Hadith Rasul Allah (saws) said Allah will bring the Dajjal on the day of judgment and He will kill Him, meaning he will not enter jannah and he will not enter hell for His actions in life, he will cease to exist in the akhira.

In another Hadith Rasul Allah (saws) said if the Dajjal came out in His (saws) time the children of Madinah would have been enough to defeat Him.

These ahadith tells us a number of things, the first is how to defeat Him, the second his nature and the third, even though his fitnah and what he will manage to do to the world will be great, he, himself is not, because children can defeat him. A nuclear bomb does not indicate to you the strength of the person who used it.

The first hadith tells us He will have the same powers Jinn have, they also tell us he is possessed by them, the second hadith tells us to what extent he lost his body to Jinn and most likely from what age he was possessed.

When a person reaches the age of puberty that is when he becomes legally responsible for his actions, in the next life the Dajjals fitnah will not earn him hell which means he is not responsible for his actions, it is the fault of what controls him Jinn, and he will not enter Jannah, his fitnah is so great the scales can’t be balanced in his favour so he will die like a child that is never born and has no akhira or animals who will have a similar fate, they just lived and never achieved anything spiritual so they will be turned to dust.

Because he has no will of his own and he is dominated by Jinn this tells us that everything we know today which works against Jinn will work against Him.

It also tells us the fitnah of the dajjal is forced possession by Jinn and forced kufr, rejection of Iman, the person will have no will of his own in his own body, they will live inside a body being controlled by Jinn forcing them to do things they don’t believe in, it is a prison and hell.

The jinn will replace your character, qualities, personality with theirs, they will make you lose your human nature and replace it with that of a Jinn until you can no longer see yourself, only them, that is why the companions of Imam Mahdi (as) said to Isa (as) when He asked them why they did not go out from their fortress to fight the Dajjal, “He is a Jinn”, no rather he is a man whose human nature has been replaced by that of a Jinn so he now moves, acts and behaves as them.

The following Ahadith explain this further, the first is regarding Saf Ibn Sayyad a child in the time of the prophet (saws) dominated by Jinn who were confusing him and controlling his will, they made him think he was a prophet.

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar said, “‘Umar ibn al-Khattab went along with the Prophet and a group of people to Ibn Sayyad, and found him playing with some children near the battlement of Banu Maghalah. At that time Ibn Sayyad was on the threshold of adolescence; he did not realise that anybody was near until the Prophet struck him on the back. The Prophet (S) said to him: ‘Do you bear witness than I am the Messenger of Allah?’ Ibn Sayyad looked at him and said, ‘I bear witness that you are the Prophet of the unlettered.’ Then Ibn Sayyad said to the Prophet, ‘Do you bear witness that I am the Messenger of Allah?’ The Prophet dismissed this and said, ‘I believe in Allah and His Messengers.’ Then the Prophet asked him, ‘What do you see?’ Ibn Sayyad said, ‘Sometimes a truthful person (jinn or Angel) comes to me, and sometimes a liar (Jinn).’ The Prophet said to him, ‘You are confused’, then he said, ‘I am hiding something from you.’ Ibn Sayyad said, ‘It is Dukh.’ The Prophet said, ‘Silence! You will not be able to go beyond your rank.’ ‘Omar ibn al-Khattab said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, shall I cut off his head?’ The Prophet said, ‘If he is (the Dajjal) you will not be able to overpower him, and if he is not, then killing will not do you any good.'”

This is what happens when children see the spiritual world and its creatures, because their mental strength has not matured they are susceptible to the intellectual manipulation of creatures whose voice is heard inside their self, when that is your life you lose what self you have because you cannot listen to two voices at once, this is what Ahl al Dajjal are doing to their children today.

The following Hadith is reported by Abu Bakara it tells us something immense about the Dajjal and proves the entire case, He was born with no barzakh/veil between him and ghayb, the spiritual world: “His father will be tall and thin and his nose will be pointed like a beak, while his mother will be fat with two long hands. They will both remain thirty years without a child. After thirty years, a son with visual impairment in one eye, biting teeth and of little benefit will be born to them whose heart will remain awake while his eyes sleep (Meaning he witnesses ghayb 24 hours a day from birth).” (Tirmidhi)

Likewise Ibn sayyid could see ghayb all the time and it was dominating him, Imam Muslim recorded this narration on the authority of Sayiduna Abu Sa’id (ra). Rasulullah (saws), Sayiduna Abu Bakr and Sayyiduna ‘Umar (rah) once encountered Ibn Sayyad on a road in Madinah. After questioning him, Rasulullah (saws) asked him, What can you see’? He said, I see a throne on water.’ Nabi (saws) said, ‘You are looking at the throne of Iblis on the ocean…’

Jabir Ibn ‘Abdullah said, “The Prophet said, ‘The Dajjal will appear at the end of time, when religion is taken lightly. He will have 40 (spiritual) days (about 1.25 years in actuality, according to scholars) in which to travel throughout the earth. (add these up) One of these days will be like a year, another will be like a month, a third will be like a week, and the rest will be like normal days. He will be riding a donkey (Business jet); the width between its ears (wings) will be 40 cubits. He will say to the people: “I am your lord.” He is one-eyed, but your Lord is not one-eyed. On his forehead will be written the word Kafir, and every believer, literate or illiterate, will be able to read it. He will go everywhere except Makkah and Madina, which Allah has forbidden to him; angels stand at their gates. He will have a mountain of bread, and the people will face hardship, except for those who follow him (sanctions and manipulation of rain and weather on earth). He will have two rivers, and I know what is in them (how they work and what makes them work). He will call one Paradise and one Hell. Whoever enters the one he calls Paradise will find that it is Hell (it will trap him in an instant), and whoever enters the one he calls Hell will find that it is Paradise (the truth, he will leverage the spiritual force behind this reality/duality to empower his sihr, if both were false things he would not have the power/force of presence (Himma) in the world to do what he wants).

Allah will send with him devils who will speak to the people. He will bring a great tribulation; he will issue a command to the sky and it will seem to the people as if it is raining (naturaly). Then he will appear to kill someone and bring him back to life (he will use technology to claim he is in control of the universe). After that he will no longer have this power. The people will say, “Can anybody do something like this except the Lord?” The Muslims will flee to Jabal al-Dukhan in Syria, and the Dajjal will come and besiege them. The siege will intensify and they will suffer great hardship. Then Isa (Jesus) son of Mary will descend, and will call the people at dawn: “O people, what prevented you from coming out to fight this evil liar?” They will answer, “He is a Jinn.” (he is a person possessed by Jinn) Then they will go out, and find Isa (Jesus) son of Mary. The time for prayer will come, and the Muslims will call on Isa (Jesus) to lead the prayer, but he will say, “Let your Imam lead the prayer.” Their Imam (the Mahdi) will lead them in praying Salat al-Subh (Morning prayer), then they will go out to fight the Dajjal. When the liar sees Isa (Jesus), he (his persona and the sihr behind it) will dissolve like salt in water. Isa (Jesus) will go to him and kill him, and he will not let anyone who followed him (all the sahireen) live’.” (Ahmad).”

This is His fitnah because what happened to him is what is in his heart and what he will spread to other people, what is being spread around the world now.

It is reported that he will have a paradise and a hell with him, but his paradise will be his hell and his hell will be his paradise, when people go to his paradise he will imprison them in their own self and force his shayateen on them, they won’t be able to speak or show the least objection, he will do this with technology that is being developed in our time and perfected by the time he appears.

Hudhaifah related that the Messenger of Allah said, “I know more about what the Dajjaal has with him than he himself knows. With him are two flowing rivers; in the vision of the eye (in your imagination), the first one is white water; in the vision of the eye (spiritual perceptions created with technology), the second one is burning fire. If he (the Dajjaal) reaches one of you, then let him go to the one he sees as being fire and let him close his eyes. Then let him bend his head and drink, for it is indeed cold water. And the Dajjaal has an eye that is obliterated; over it is coarse skin (that covers the eye). Written between his eyes is ‘Kaafir,’ which every believer will read, regardless of whether he is literate or illiterate.” (Muslim)

Septmeber the 11th was the beginning of the end for the Arabs because that is when this fitnah began to spread among the wider population;

“Before the Last Hour there will be fitna like pieces of a dark night in which a man will be a believer in the morning and an infidel in the evening, or a believer in the evening and infidel in the morning.”

In the wilderness patches of complete darkness occur when there is no moon light and you cannot see your own hand. What September the 11th did to the world, its politics and wars, was evil, it was a dark fitnah, but this fitnah is darker than the darkness that is covering the world, meaning among the darkness of the night (September 11th), there will be something darker spreading around the world because of September the 11th, which will force people to become kufar in a single day, just like the fitnah of the Dajjal will force people into hell and servitude in a single moment.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said about this fitnah: “The fourth Fitna (ad Duhaima, September the 11th fitnah) is 18 years (2019), then it clears (but the fitnah of the Dajjal will persist until he emerges). Once it clears, the Euphrates (river) will (eventually) recede revealing a mountain of gold that the Umma (Muslim nation) will fight for it. Seven out of every nine (people fighting for it) will be killed (Understand if before you could not see this occurring, Saudi Arabia has already marched to war in Yemen, so the Arabs will fight each other, Yemen is the first signs of this coming war).” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Abdullah ibn Umar said: While we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah he mentioned the Fitan (strifes, trials & tribulations), mentioning many of them until he mentioned Fitnatul Ahlaas (The trial of the Saddlebag). Someone asked him: ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is fitnatul Ahlaas? He said “It is the usurping of wealth and the fleeing” (Iraq invasion of Kuwait, that will invite the Kufar into Arab lands). Then (after it), will come Fitnatul Sarra (the fitna of secrets. The fitnah of spying on entire populations of a country so you can find out everyone’s secrets so they can use sihr against people with their personal information. This is how the fitnah of the Dajjal spread around the world and how they trapped people): its smoke is under the feet of a man (descendant) from my household (family), who claims he is of me, but he is not because my Awlyia (saintly men) are those who fear Allah (Saddam Husain). Then people will gather and agree upon a man, (but it will be an agreement that is) like a hip on a rib (meaning this will be a temporary arrangement, as a hip bone does not belong on the rib, if man bends his body to such a position he cannot stay there for long before needing to do other things in life, so this position is temporary. This was Osama Bin Laden until September the 11th occurred). Then there will be the Duhaima (Blind black, dark, catastrophic) trial. It will afflict every single person from this Nation. When it will be said that it is over, it will return (September the 11th and tis wars); during it (a worse fitnah will spread around the world), a man will be a believer in the morning and a disbeliever (by) the night. (This darker fitnah will continue) until people will go to two Fustaats (groups) — the Fustaat of Emaan (Group of with faith or religion), in which there is no hypocrisy, and the Fustaat of hypocrisy (Kufar still pretending they are Muslim or people of religion, they pretend because they are secretly possessed and forced into a life they don’t want), in which there is no Eemaan (faith or religion). And when that will come to you (when the sorting of the world will finally end), wait for the Dajjaal on that day or on the morrow (this will last for decades until he comes out).” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 37, Hadith 3. Ahmad related it as well in his Musnad).

September the 11th started a number of wars in Arab and Islamic lands, from Iraq to Afghanistan to Yemen to Lebanon and Syria, it began the “Arab spring” and brought the end of the era of Dictators, it also marked the end of the Arabs being in control of their own lands as the fitnah of the Dajjal spread to its people.

These secret Kufar are living in Madinah now and they will bring ruin to its society by changing it even while Imam Mahdi (ra) is ruling from Jerusalem:

It was narrated by Mu’adh ibn Jabal that the Prophet – Peace be upon him – said: The flourishing state of Jerusalem (under Imam Mahdi) will be when Yathrib (Madinah) is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib (Madinah) will be when the great war (the battle of Armageddon) comes (this is before the Dajjal, they will live there for a long time and accomplish its ruin during the time of Imam Mahdi), the outbreak of the great war will be at the conquest of Constantinople (by Imam Mahdi, meaning turkey won’t follow Him) and the conquest of Constantinople when the Dajjal (Antichrist) comes forth (it occurs seven months before Him). He (the Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder with his hand and said: This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting (meaning Mu’adh ibn Jabal). (Sunan Abu Dawud – Book of Battles (Kitab Al-Malahim))

The Prophet (saws) said, “There will be no town which Ad-Dajjal will not enter except Mecca and Medina, and there will be no entrance (road) (of both Mecca and Medina) but the angels will be standing in rows guarding it against him, and then Medina will shake with its inhabitants thrice (i.e. three earthquakes will take place) and Allah will expel all the non-believers and the hypocrites from it.” (Bukhari)

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: ‘When any one of you says Tashahhud, let him seek refuge with Allah from four things, and say: “Allahumma inni a’oodhi bika min ‘adhaab jahannam wa min ‘adhaab al-qabri wa min fitnat il-mahyaa wa’l-mamaat wa min sharri fitnat al-maseeh al-dajjal (O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the torment of Hell, from the torment of the grave, from the trials of life and death, and from the evil of the fitnah of the Dajjal).”’” [Narrated by Muslim, no. 924]

For 1400 years Muslims have been seeking protection from the fitnah of the Dajjal, from the fitnah of being possessed by Jinn, from the fitnah of being spiritually dominated by them, the prophet (saws) clearly showed us His fitnah will emerge long before him and affect the world from the time of the prophet (saws), it is the fitnah of rulers secretly governing from behind this fitnah with the occult worshipping Jinn like Pharaoh governed Egypt.

Today some occultists think they can solve everything by using Jinn, Jinn will not have a chance against the Jinn of the Dajjall, He will have the entire occult world spiritually under him and that is His empire. That is why you have to concentrate on the man himself and not his persona which only Isa (as) can kill, when Isa (as) comes back his persona and spiritual power will dissolve like salt in water.

Insha Allah I will teach you something against him, write the Dajjals name with the following verse (12:35) in a simple taweez like a circle, then do the same for Al Jassassa الْجَسَّاسَةُ which is his spy when he was trapped on the island, and pay attention to what you see spiritually:

ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

How It Will End

The Dajjal will try to destroy religion on earth and its people but He will fail, Isa (as) will kill him, but this end Allah has fated for man after the death of Isa (as). Before the hour Allah will lift the Quran from the face of the earth and take the life of every Muslim, then as Imam Ahmad narrated that Abd-Allah ibn Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Among the most evil of mankind will be those on whom the Hour comes when they are still alive, and those who take graves as places of worship.”

Narrated by Muslim (2940) from ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with him), who said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The Dajjal will appear among my ummah and he will stay for forty. Then Allah will send ‘Eesa ibn Maryam, who looks like ‘Urwah ibn Mas’ood, and he will pursue him and kill him. (The hadith skips ahead in time here to the end of the life of Isa (as) some 40 years later) Then the people will remain for seven years (after His death) with no enmity between any two people. Then Allah will send a cool wind from the direction of Syria and there will be no one left on the face of the earth in whose heart there is an atom’s weight of goodness or faith but it will cause him to die. Even if one of you were to enter the heart of a mountain, it would enter upon him and cause him to die.” He said: I heard it from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who said: “There will be left the most evil of people who will be as careless as birds and be as cruel as wild animals. They will not acknowledge any good or denounce any evil. Then the Shaytan will appear to them and will say: Will you not listen to me? They will say: What do you command us to do? He will command them to worship idols, but despite that they will have ample provision and a good life (they will not acknowledge him). Then the Trumpet will be blown.”

Some insights on this hadith, when Allah says He did something it means it is His qadr no matter who enacts it on earth, He said this about the Arab spring and that was most likely western manipulation of the Islamic world:

In this hadith Allah talks about lifting the era of dictators from the Islamic world, He did this with the Arab spring: The Prophet (saws) said: The Prophet hood will remain amongst you for as long as Allah wills it to be. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it (meaning the Prophet will die). Then there will be the Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology. And it will last for as long as Allah wills it to last. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be biting kingship, and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be tyrannical (forceful) kingship (an era of dictators) and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then He will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be a Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology. Then he (the Prophet) was silent. (Musnad Imam Ahmad (v/273)

In the following two Ahadith Allah talks about the Arab sporing directly:

The Prophet (saws) said, “At the end of time there will be a trial in which people will be sorted (September the 11th, “you are either with us or against us”) in a similar way to that in which gold is sorted from metal. Therefore do not rebuke the people of Syria rather, rebuke the evil people among them, because amongst them are the Abdals (Awliya). Allah will send a flood from Heaven (the Arab spring) that will disperse their groups in a way that if foxes were to attack them they would be victorious. Then Allah will send a man (to the people of syria) from the perfumed musked children of the Messenger, praise and peace be upon him, amongst approximately 12-15,000 under three banners and their password is ‘Die, die!’ And they will be fought by the people of 7 banners under each is a man seeking the kingdom (Syria). They will be killed, defeated, then the Hashimite (leader of the black flags) will appear, so Allah will restore unity and favors to the people and this will be the case until the Dajjaal (the lying, false messiah) comes.”

At-Tabarani in al-Awsat, Nu’aym and Ibn ‘Asakir narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib [radhiyallahu ‘anhu] that the Messenger of Allah [sallallahu ‘alayhi wa-sallam] said:“There will be at the end of time a trial that will sort out men as gold is sorted out from metal. So do not revile the people of ash-Sham, but revile their evil ones, for among them are al-Abdal. A flood is about to be released upon the people of ash-Sham that will split their unity, so that even if foxes attacked them they would defeat them. At that time, a man from my household will come out with three banners. The one who estimates highly will say: They are fifteen thousand. And the one who estimates lower will say: They are twelve thousand. Their sign will be: “ Amit, amit [kill,kill].” They will meet in battle seven banners, and under each of those banners shall be a man seeking the kingdom. Allah will kill all of them, and restore to the Muslims their unity and bounty, and their far ones and near ones.”

The Hadith about Iblis probably means the evil people left earth will scheme and design a virus that will kill everyone except their kind who are inoculated to it, they will unleash it after Jesus dies, it will come from the direction of Syria and Europe. All the Christians and Jews will believe in Isa (as) before His death but some people among them worship Iblis (Allah’s curse be upon him), we see him speaking to them at the end of the hadith like he gave them everything they wanted and they are his people, but they will ignore him because that is the nature of man when he has everything he wants in life.

This was the fate of Russia and Asia before this when they wanted to conquer the world, most likely by the same kinds of people:

Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet (S) said…”Gog and Magog (China and Asia) will fire their arrows (Rockets) into the sky, and they will fall back to earth with something like blood on them (be destroyed). Gog and Magog will say, ‘We have defeated the people of earth, and overcome the people of heaven (Space, people living in stations and bases on the Moon and possibly Mars).’ Then Allah will send a kind of worm (Virus produced from worms most likely, for example “Flublok is produced by extracting cells from the fall armyworm, a type of caterpillar, and genetically altering them to produce large amounts of hemagglutinin”) in the napes of their necks, and they will be killed by it (in a single day)…’By Him in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, the beasts of the earth will become fat (of their flesh).'” (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ahmad)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

[If you would like to see the fitnah of the Dajjal through History, which is the fitnah of ruling through the occult and jinn who dominate these people, read our work “The Wisdom Underpinning Punishment and Hell”.]

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