Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

What Really Happens When You Think About Allah

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum.

When you think about Allah you make subtle connections with Him, with who He is, with what He created so He is known, with everything in the universe.

This occurs at a level you can never perceive and His particles facilitate this, it is in physics and because of it Allah said in the Quran “Allah is the light (particles) of the heavens and earth” (24:35) when you sense Him you sense them.

So, when you think about Allah that increases your awareness of everything around you and that is how man comes to know the universe, everyone according to His capacity to take in what Allah has created which is why Allah says to each prophet when He grants him prophethood, we expanded your breast, the vessel that is filling with our light.

This is why people who are aware of Allah are marked by understanding, wisdom, breadth of knowledge, acceptance and forbearance, while those who turn away from Allah, Allah turns away from them (Quran) and so they are marked by ignorance, lack of awareness, understanding or comprehension and breadth, for all but a few things in life that involve them.

The human body can only know what is created, what is inside the universe, so the human body’s ability to make these connections with everything is what we call seeing Allah, Allah says He IS something a handful of times, once regarding the particles of the universe and the other is Time, “I am Time”, “in my Hand is the night and day”, Allah is the light of the universe, the passing of time and His hand is the forces of the Universe that move things, “and if I willed, I could seize them both”.

To see Allah you have to know all these things be connected to all of it, that is, first seeing His signs in the universe, then seeing His hand in things, then finally seeing Him, His light, all of this occurs as Allah expands your breast.

Allah explains this in the hadith Qudsi where He says:

       ما وسعني أرضي ولا سمائي، ووسعني قلب عبدي المؤمن…

“Neither My Earth nor My Heavens could contain Me, whilst the heart of My believing servant does contain Me (know me)…”

For the heart to be able to encompass Allah it has to be able to encompass the entire universe in its senses (another word for making spiritual connections), this hadith shows Allah created the physics for the heart to achieve this, achieve seeing Him.

The responsibility of the soul is to grab whatever it can of understanding from the universe, with its light, the heart is the window to the soul hence this is described as a function of the heart while it is the soul doing all of this.

It makes no difference if this hadith is complete or not, if you remember my explanation about the heart and the nature of fear…or my statement about surpassing the Dajjal and being able to describe him as a consequence…the heart cannot know anything properly until it is able to encompass it, and certainly prophets and Awliyah saw Allah in this life.

This is the job of the Arsh, the deepest subatomic layer created from the smallest particles in the universe, which is the boundary of space.

It has been related on the authority of Wahb ibn Munabba that “Allah created the Throne from His light, and the Footstool was affixed to the Throne. The Primordial Water was within the Footstool upon the back of strong wind (a simile for sub atomic layer’s the prophet (saws) mentions often in ahadith). The Throne has tongues (another simile) equal to the number of all created things, with which It glorifies Allah and remembers Him.”

Each created thing is connected to Allah by the Arsh’s glorification of Him, while the Arsh itself is the thing Allah istawa upon, established His reality upon, after which Allah connected all things to it so it can know Him.

The Arsh is Allah’s reality in the universe and just like Allah is aware of all things at the same time, so is the Arsh its purpose is to make those “physical” connections, as a person travels on the path of Wilaya and lowers his esteem of himself, loses his nafs and ego, his heart is raised in worth until it reaches the Arsh and begins taking from it directly, begins taking from the reality of Allah directly.

At the end of this Journey this occurs and the wali is able to use what Allah has in His hand, the universe: Allah Most High says: “He who is hostile to a friend of Mine I declare war against. My slave approaches Me (His heart approaches the Arsh) with nothing more beloved to Me than what I have made obligatory upon him, and My slave keeps drawing nearer to Me with voluntary works until I love him. And when I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears (He hears what Allah hears), his sight with which he sees (He sees what Allah sees), his hand with which he seizes (He uses the forces of the universe), and his foot with which he walks (He walks the paths of Allah). If he asks me, I will surely give to him (All things are open to Him), and if he seeks refuge in Me, I will surely protect him” (Fath al-Bari, 11.34041, hadith 6502); (Imam Bukhari, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, al-Bayhaqi, and others with multiple chains of transmission, and is sahih.)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

One Of The Punishments Of Jahanam

This is the Maqam of Sayidinah Bilal (ra)

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum

Rasul Allah (saws) said to me “nothing balances the scales like death”, what you will see in the following video is one of the punishments of Jahanam that will satisfy the scales.

“Anyone who disregards the message of the Most Gracious, we appoint a devil to be his constant companion.” [Quran 43:36]

It will be done to People and Jinn who have committed crimes of the same nature and caliber as Iblis’s defiance to Allah when He swore while speaking to Him, that he would take as many people to hell with him as he could.

“I swear by Your majesty, that I will send them all astray. Except Your worshipers who are devoted absolutely to You alone.” [Quran 38:82-83]

It will be done to People and Jinn who do sihr on the Prophets, Mala’ikah, Awliyah of Allah, like myself or Imam Mahdi (ra), it will be done to people who deliberately corrupt people, taking them from religion to fitnah, to people who take a person from Iman to Kufr in a single day.

It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) observed: Be prompt in doing good deeds (before you are overtaken) by turbulence which would be like a part of the dark night (an extended period of darkness). During (that stormy period) a man would be a Muslim in the morning and an unbeliever in the evening or he would be a believer in the evening and an unbeliever in the morning, and would sell his faith for worldly goods.” (Muslim)

This is the era when it will not be possible to do good on earth, our time.

“Do you not see how we unleash the devils upon the disbelievers to stir them up?” [Quran 19:83]

“They give money to charity only to show off, while disbelieving in Allah and the Last Day. If one’s companion is the devil, that is the worst companion.” [Quran 4:38]

The nature of their rebellion is a fassad that defied everything Allah created and intended, and so Allah will give them a punishment that will crush them right down to the space between their atoms, to the space between the particles their atoms are created from, until their Mass is almost unimaginable, and when Allah brings them back to life, because there is no death in the next life, they will live from then on with persistent pressure, a heavy force, on their backs like the dense weight and feel of steel is on them and in their bones.

“Such companions will divert them from the path, yet make them believe that they are guided.” [Quran 43:37]

This punishment is what occurs to a Sun before a black hole is created, it is not even the end of the process, Understand, this is easy for the Mala’ikah of Jahanam to do because a greater force exists inside a black hole, the force that created it, which is the power of those Mala’ikah.

It will be done to Iblis to crush His ego and it will be done to his people, don’t die one of them because nothing of you will remain after this punishment. If Mala’ikat Jahanm had not shown me this is what balances the scales for such rebellion I wouldn’t write it.

“Woe to every fault-finding backbiter, who amasses riches, counting them over, thinking they will make him live for ever. (“and would sell his faith for worldly goods”)

No indeed! He will be thrust into the Crusher!”

“What will explain to you what the Crusher is?”

“The fire of Allah, kindled, (the forces of the Universe kindled, at their most extreme.)”

“Which rises over people’s hearts. It (Hell/the Black Hole) closes in on them (creating) towering columns.” (the Jets of a black hole as it crushes the atoms of planets and the particles in them creates columns of energy like a nuclear explosion). (104:1-9) 

“Some He guided, while others are committed to straying. They have taken the devils as their masters, instead of God, yet they believe that they are guided.” [Quran 7:30]

“Say, “Shall I tell you who the worst losers are? They are the ones whose works in this life are totally astray, but they think that they are doing good.” [Quran 18:103-104]

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


“It closes in on them in towering columns”, how can columns close in on them, because the columns of energy result from the pressure/force of a black hole crushing matter, like letting of steam after pressure builds up.

Taweez Against Masons

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu alaikum.

Insha Allah, this is one of the most effective things you can do to stop the fitnha of these people in your life, these people tell their stories in allegory through their media, one such movie that will illustrate the purpose of this Taweez is the movie “Mother”. If you read the plot to the movie, the father sacrifices his child in a satanic, cannibalistic ritual to strangers he invites into his home, it is a business deal between him and them so he can open doors for himself the movie is about people who use their family and children like this.

This scene is metaphor for what the Masons do to every child they can reach, it is a system they created and it is represented in a number of ways in media, most famously in the movie the Matrix, they steal the rizq in the life of every child until nothing is left, and they continue to steal from them as they grow up and live their life.

In fact, by Allah, Ahl al Ghayb (the Prophets and Awliyah) accused them of the following in front of me, they deliberately take the purity of every women among them like the people of Babylon chased every male and female they saw, it is a deliberate plan they have to “touch” every women that is born, it is the reason Allah called them the greater Babylon and why no pure women remains on earth.

Every women on earth who fell from purity growing up they sent people she knew against her, it is a deliberate agenda these people are following, that made her lose her way and Ahl Al Ghayb witnessed all of this. This taweez is very effective it will stop what ever fitnah was being described in the movie mother regarding every child, it begins the same as the others so write the following in a book, it should look like this with a simple circle drawn around it afterwards, it does not need to be perfect and I have added a few things to it:

Abd Al Maal, Abd Al Khamir, Abd Al Hashish, Abd al Qafs, Abd al Kufr, Abd al Sihr, Abd Iblis, Abd Al Dajjal, Abd Al Jassasah, Abd Al Waqiha, Abd Al Sharmuta, Abd al Jahash, Abd Al Himar.

(In Arabic if you can, these things are sources of power for fitnah and they are used as accusations against the subject, they will bring things into the open if the accusation holds against them and essentially destroy their power).

(Verse 12:35), ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for yourself and your spouse and family)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the world)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for Ummat Al Islam)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for Ahl Al Bayt)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for Ahl Al Ghayb)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for Ahl Al Jannah)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for Ahl Rasul Allah)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Muhsineen)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Mu’imineen)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Prophets)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Angels)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Awliyah)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Scholars)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Mujtahid Imams)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Shuhada)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for the Mujahideen)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this according to Allah’s intention, before writing just say According to your Intention Ya Allah)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this according to Rasul Allah’s (saws) intention)
  • Fitnatul Masons (Write this for yourself multiple times after this line, at least 3 of 4 so it reinforces it for you.)

Now draw a circle around the entire thing, the circle does not need to be perfect and it doesn’t matter if it is closer to a rectangle. This taweez can save a persons life if these people are surrounding them, it will end their hand in your life, so write it even if you don’t suspect anything, that is the point of their fitnah being secret, so you don’t even consider challenging them.

Here is the word Fitnah and Mason in Arabic, Insha Allah use them:  فتنة مايسان

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Fitnatul Sarra Or Asrar

Rasul Allah (saws) said Fitnatul Sarra would enter this Ummah because of the Fitnah of Sadam Hussain, but when the prophets (saws) speaks about something they are not speaking about the actual outward crime but the fitnah that will affect people and its reality.

It is because of this Fitnatul Asrar does not mean the fitnah of secrets or espionage but the fitnah that will result from secrets and espionage. The difference here is that you have to look at the spiritual harms of secrets to know what Rasul Allah (saws) was talking about. The fitnah is referring to espionage, but this is also the era of the Ruwaibida the people who will micromanage people’s lives, so secrets here is not just referring to espionage between countries but between everyday people regarding everyday things.

Because of that Rasul Allah (saws) is referring to the secrets people keep in our time, like their loyalty and allegiance, and the fitnah that will result from that, the world being divided into two camps one of religion and one of occultists (Kufar) secretly hiding themselves among people, the prophet (saws) called Fistaat al Munafiqeen.

Foremost among the consequences of Fitnatul Sarra is the fact secrets are the number one thing that empower sihr, the occult, and main in which it is used is for a sahir to misrepresent himself in front of people and be the exact opposite in reality, this creates illusion in people’s minds and empowers it as time goes on until the illusion the person is under becomes very powerful, at this point the person is entirely deluded in their life.

If you understand this then you can understand how the world is being deluded and why the sahireen are hiding their faults and sins and pretending to be upright people with religion, you can also understand why Rasul Allah (saws) called them Fustaat al Munafiqqen, the camp of hypocrites and this is not referring to normal hypocrisy.

The world has always been filled with hypocrites but never has the world been divided into two camps one lead by hypocrites, the nature of the prophets (saws) statement is then entirely different and means there is a nefarious agenda occurring with half the people on earth against the other half, and so this secrecy is how the camp of occultists is empowering their delusions upon people.

Allah would not reserve the lowest depths of hell for normal hypocrites that is not Haq, rather hypocrites part of a world wide agenda against people of faith:

“Verily, the hypocrites shall be in the lowest depth of the fire, and thou wilt find none who would support them” (4:145).

Abdullah ibn Umar said: While we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah he mentioned the Fitan (strife’s, trials & tribulations), mentioning many of them until he mentioned Fitnatul Ahlaas (The trial of the Saddlebag). Someone asked him: ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is fitnatul Ahlaas? He said “It is the usurping of wealth and the fleeing” (Plundering by raiders on horseback, this is the Iraq invasion of Kuwait). Then (after it), will come Fitnatul Sarra (the fitna of secrets): its smoke is under the feet of a man (descendant) from my household (family), who claims he is of me, but he is not because my Awlyia (saintly men) are those who fear Allah (Saddam Hussein). Then people will gather and agree upon a man, (but it will be an agreement that is) like a hip on a rib (meaning this will be a temporary arrangement, as a hip bone does not belong on the rib, if a man bends his body to such a position he cannot stay there for long before needing to do other things in life, so this position is temporary, Osama bin Laden before 9/11 his support ended then). Then there will be the Duhaima (Blind black, dark, catastrophic) trial (Sep. the 11th). It will afflict every single person from this Nation. When it will be said that it is over, it will return; during it, a man will be a believer in the morning and a disbeliever (by) the night. (This will continue) until people will go to two Fustaats (groups) — the Fustaat of Eemaan (Group of faith or religion), in which there is no hypocrisy, and the Fustaat of hypocrisy (Munafiqeen), in which there is no Eemaan (faith or religion). And when that will come to you (when the sorting of people will finally end after Imam Mahdi (ra) Appears and fights all the major wars), wait for the Dajjaal on that day or on the morrow.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 37, Hadith 3. Ahmad related it as well in his Musnad).

Other Ahadith say “Then, the Duhaima Fitna (Dark Black & Cunning trial that catches people off guard will occur) that will not leave anyone without slapping him a slap (testing his faith to see if he will become a kafir); if people say it is finished, it stays longer (this was the question that surrounded America in Afghanistan and what occurred, people wanted it to end, even Americans); a man who is in the morning a Mu’min (Believer) by the evening becomes a Kafir (Disbeliever, because it is sihr which is the only thing that can do this to a person), until people will be divided into two factions: a faction of Iman (belief and religion) without hypocrisy and a faction of hypocrisy without Iman (belief and religion). When this happens (the sorting is finished), expect the Dajjaal that day or the next day’.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Al-Haakim, and Al-Zahabi)

Selling Sihr

You now understand what creates sihr, illusions as well as delusion in the world and once you understand the principles you can learn to see where it is in the world.

One example I will give of a company selling sihr is IKEA, the well-known furniture company, it designs and markets its self as exclusive because its furniture is designer but in reality, it is far from this using cheap materials in place of truly rare resources.

Anything that is rich its raw materials and manufacture must be the same, IKEA wants to be seen like this to people of no discernment who don’t know what makes something rich or cheap, because these people do not know the issues or what they are looking at when they see IKEA furniture.

IKEA furniture may be well designed but because the materials are not of high value you do not gain the spiritual benefit of a wealthy item, spirituality is attached to the materials, craftsmanship adds to that it does not give the same reality by itself.

This is an example of just one thing being misrepresented as something else and the west first turned to this when they realised they could not keep up with people of actual wealth, like famous Arab and Islamic hospitality which lavished actual wealth on their guests (see the example of Mansa Musa the richest man in history, who was a Muslim).

So, they began to make things that are cheap look expensive, but because the reality is their materials are cheap it became a sihr that did not benefit people seeking actual wealth, from this came the form of elitism we see covering the world today, you are elite simply because you claim it.

When something is rich it carries with it this spiritual reality, wealth begets wealth and likewise this goes for the spiritual reality of objects, hence this was a form of robbery, people thinking they are buying rich but in reality, they are buying dust that did nothing.

From this you can see who in the world is being deluded and who in the world is deluding people. The fitnah of espionage existed in the world long before it entered into Islam, this is the history of Fitnatul Sarra, the overall fitnah created the atmosphere, culture and mindset for all of this to occur, it normalised every kind of vice in the minds of people by justifying them for “supposedly” higher reasons.

Adrenochrome – The Drug Used To Break People

Bismllahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Sometimes Allah places in front of you something you are not even looking for, this is what He did when I did a search for a word that randomly came up in front of me to understand what it meant, I am writing about it because by the end you will see the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) and how He is being emulated.

“Adrenochrome, alternatively called Neuromelanin is a hallucinogenic drug suspected to have been originally used in Project MK-Ultra. Like Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), Secret Cold War experiments tested various drugs during unethical human experimentation in the United States (to see if they can re-program people). These hallucinogenic drugs antagonize psychological phenomena”.

Like many evil things that exist in the west it was inspired by the occult, in this instance ritual sacrifice:

“Adrenochrome? In scientific terms, it is a chemical that is produced in the human body when adrenaline [also known as epinephrine] oxidizes. A potential victim is terrorized, thus increasing the amount of adrenaline that is flowing through their body. They are then killed and the adrenochrome is collected.”

“An example of such an extraction, is shown through a scene in the movie “Maze Runner: The Death Cure”. In which the character ‘Minho’ is implanted with a false reality of being chased by huge spider like monster. In this short scene, his adrenaline is taken out from tubes (at the back of his neck) as the ‘cure’ (needed to save humanity from extinction).”

This drug and its meaning to society is often portrayed in movies like this, for example Hunter S. Thompson references Adrenochrome in the novel/film starring Jonny Depp “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” which is meant to be a semi biographical film. Another example is the television show the Flash, in which one of the main villains uses a mind control drug to control and keep his wife enthralled and in love with him, such are the suggestive and euphoric effects of Adrenochrome that the CIA was chasing in their program.

“Adrenochrome is a product of the oxidation of adrenaline/epinephrine, hence it can be artificially synthesized via the reaction between catechol and chloroacetyl chloride”.

The two ways of acquiring Adrenochrome is to synthetically manufacture it or to extract it from the human body, prior to its manufacture it was acquired by occultists from the human body.

“Adrenochrome was first discovered in 1936 – 1937 by D. E. GREEN, D. RICHTER and J. BROSTEAUX, though it is sometimes erroneously credited to HUMPHRY OSMOND, ABRAM HOFFER and JOHN SMYTHIES in 1952 – 1954, who came up with the hypothesis linking adrenochrome to schizophrenia”, the drug can be used to induce schizophrenia or waswasa in a person.

After Allah placed this subject in front of us we began to study its spiritual reality, it allowed the Jinn to do a number of things and is the door of waswasa they use to open a person to some of the worst things a human can face.

A sahir if he has a person’s blood and does sihr upon it the jinn will have access to their nafs up to whatever things blood is responsible for in a person, but because Adrenochrome is produced by the persons nafs from fear, from what they are thinking and feeling, what is within a person’s heart directly telling them how to behave, the Jinn now has access to the inner most parts of the persons psyche making the waswasa of jinn infinitely more insidious and effective like they are the person thoughts directly.

Because it comes from what is within the self the Jinn can reach the place it comes from in the self. Adrenochrome is the chemical used when they want to break someone down, manipulate them, dominate them or make them insane.

Like LSD which is used for similar purposes usually it is slipped into a person’s drink or food often to people they want to requite and manipulate over long periods of their life so they become more aware of the occult and spiritual things.

An example of its use in the occult, is for the person to be under the influence of a spell that creates paranoia and fear in them so that when the body naturally produces this drug the jinn is instructed to target it in the human body in order to go deeper into their psyche. The drug may be used once in a person’s life to open the right spiritual doors for Jinn then this occult method is followed through over a person’s lifetime to manipulate them in a prolonged manner, in this way the drug is no longer needed just the conditions in the human body when they are drugged so the Jinn knows what to recognize.

Adrenochrome Like LSD has “psychoactive and euphoric properties and can be used as a mind control drug”, it can make a person have a mild adrenaline high (mild excitement) causing them to be “interested”, suggestive or aroused. We have no doubt that it can be used to prompt and corrupt women who would otherwise have the strength against their fitnahs, this is something the kufar have openly admitted to us at one point or another over the years, although what drug they use we never knew.

The chemical compound has the molecular formula C9H9NO3, and its

Purported Effects Are

  • Hallucination
  • Thought Disorder
  • Bizarre Ideation
  • Masturbation
  • Depersonalization
  • Body Image Disturbances / Body Dysmorphia
  • Euphoria
  • Hyper-Mania / inappropriate affect to stimuli.

Derivatives / Alternatives Drugs to Adrenochrome

  • Adrenochrome Semicarbazone – Similar, but with noticeably different effects. (Rinkel & Solomon 1957).
  • Mescalin – Effects similar to adrenaline / adrenochrome. (Smythies 2002)
  • Neuromelanin – May be related to the synthesis of adrenochrome in the brain.

Now that you understand, Alhamdulillah I can tell you how a person can free themself from the insidious waswasa these drugs create and the spiritual harms that come with them which are used much more commonly than people realise.

You need to do this to cleanse your heart of the traces of Adrenochrome or LSD whose influence remains even decades later until the matter is addressed, this is the nature of ghayb, if this is not done the same doors used to corrupt you will remain open to Jinn in your life because the drugs created patterns of behaviour for them to repeatedly follow in your psyche and manipulate against you.

Often when a person is under attack more than one thing is used to reinforce the attack, it is very common that more than 80 Jinn are used in the process, Jinn out number humans on earth about 10 to 1. Regarding insidious waswasa sihr is often also done on house phones because of what it represents to initially bring in the Jinn to your house to attack you, so a change in house phones is necessary (do not purchase it from the same places).

One more thing you can do to help yourself, especially if your life is “monochrome” or depressed, buy a spice rack with at least 12 different spices, everything has its spiritual benefit and reality, its spiritual life and you can see what that is by looking at what people say. For example, with spices people like to say “spice up your life”, or the “spice of life”, there is much wisdom in what women use and the presence of spices will ward of the spiritual things that create the opposite of these sayings, you should purchase them with this intention in mind.

Spices have the ability to bring change, consider that in history for a very long time spices where considered wealth and the sign of a wealthy family, that history and peoples beliefs is spirituality and Haq (reality) today shaping the world, even if spices are readily available.

If you have doubt understand Muslims understood the baraka inside everything and used it, for example tea was known to have much baraka in it, because of this Muslims used to wear it in pouches on their clothes like Taweez to ward of specific spiritual harms as they walked in public or in markets. It works, try sprinkling tea leaves around your house and see how the atmosphere changes to that of peace, salam.

Over the years I have received emails from people suffering from jinn or waswasa, Insha Allah both them and women who “fell” to the wiles of men even in their lives, even if you don’t suspect anything foul in your history you should do the following taweez, you don’t need to have seen foul play, just search for “LSD in food and drink” and you will see posts of people talking about secretly putting in what people consume.

This taweez will close the spiritual doors that were opened and mitigate any Jinn using them even if it was opened over two decades ago. It can free women trapped in marriages to insidious men who enthral them at their whim, such are the euphoric effects of these drugs, people may think a person has mind control powers but understand what goes into creating this in you are things like these drugs, Insha Allah you don’t need to live in fear of leaving.

The spiritual nature of things is that once a door is opened it will stay open until you close it, so do this out of caution if not anything else, it will certainly work and it will stop the dominance of people over you who are using it.

Understand the punishment of these people will mimic their fitnah in life, most of them will remain insane in the akhira for eternity, then when Allah has finished with what has come from their own hand’s hell will become like a mother nurturing her child, with them, “Fa Umuhun Hawiya”, “Khaliduna Fiha Abada”.

These people are absolutely ruthless, their aim is to get rid of religion from earth entirely and they are doing this by marginalising all “good” people including through marriage, there are movies dedicated to this reality, the movie “mother” is an allegory regarding this. People who won’t join them in their societies it is done to them by manufacturing illnesses in people, the fitnah of homeless people foe example in their own countries is entirely manufactured and a result of this effort, they sacrifice the people they love for the love of a greater evil.

وَضَرَبَ اللَّهُ مَثَلًا لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا امْرَأَتَ فِرْعَوْنَ إِذْ قَالَتْ رَبِّ ابْنِ لِي عِندَكَ بَيْتًا فِي الْجَنَّةِ وَنَجِّنِي مِن فِرْعَوْنَ وَعَمَلِهِ وَنَجِّنِي مِنَ الْقَوْمِ الظَّالِمِينَ  

Understanding this is not more difficult than understanding that a parent can scar a child psychologically and that evil people can do this intentionally and systematically to serve an agenda.

The origin of this marginalization began with the first psychiatric hospitals to appear, they used them to fill with people like native Americans who still fought for their rights and anyone else they deemed “trouble”. This is the reason we saw torture and barbaric practices from the people in charge over the past hundred years disguised as medicine…no “sane” person would not register in themselves they hurting people.

Insha Allah, write the following in a book, it should look like this with a circle drawn around it afterwards:

Abd al Qafs, Abd al Kufr, Abd al Sihr, Abd Iblis, Abd Al Dajjal, Abd Al Jassasah, Abd Al Waqiha, Abd Al Sharmuta, Abd al Jahash, Abd Al Himar, Abd Al Maal, Abd Al Khamir, Abd Al Hashish. (In Arabic if you can, these things are sources of power for fitnah and they are used as accusations against the subject, they will bring things into the open and destroy their power).

(Verse 12:35), ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

  • Adrenochrome, Fitnah of Adrenochrome
  • Neuromelanin, Fitnah of Neuromelanin
  • Fitnah of Adrenochrome Semicarbazone and Mescalin.
  • Fitnah Of LSD, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Marijuana and Drugs.

(Because these Issues are related you should also write)

  • Fitnah of Psychiatry, Psychology and their Institutions.
  • Fitnah Of Homelessness and Homeless People.
  • Fitnah Of Hospitals (This is the place the wider doors to a person physiology are first opened)
  • Finah Of Spiritual and Occult Contracts (it is the thing driving the fitnah’s of the world today).
  • Fitnah Of Home Phones.

Do this once for yourself and once for the entire world and Ummat Islam, it will strengthen the help you receive as you help others, Allah will send Mala’ikah to do this for you.

Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) said: “There was a man from among a nation before you who killed ninety-nine people and then made an inquiry about the most learned person on the earth. He was directed to a monk. He came to him and told him that he had killed ninety-nine people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted. He replied in the negative and the man killed him also completing one hundred. He then asked about the most learned man in the earth. He was directed to a scholar. He told him that he had killed one hundred people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted. He replied in the affirmative and asked, ‘Who stands between you and repentance? Go to such and such land; there (you will find) people devoted to prayer and worship of Allah, join them in worship, and do not come back to your land because it is an evil place.’ So he went away and hardly had he covered half the distance when death overtook him; and there was a dispute between the angels of mercy and the angels of torment. The angels of mercy pleaded, ‘This man has come with a repenting heart to Allah,’ and the angels of punishment argued, ‘He never did a virtuous deed in his life.’ Then there appeared another angel in the form of a human being and the contending angels agreed to make him arbiter between them. He said, ‘Measure the distance between the two lands. He will be considered belonging to the land to which he is nearer.’ They measured and found him closer to the land (land of piety) where he intended to go, and so the angels of mercy collected his soul”. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

In another version: “He was found to be nearer to the locality of the pious by a cubit and was thus included among them”. Another version says: “Allah commanded (the land which he wanted to leave) to move away and commanded the other land (his destination) to draw nearer and then He said: “Now measure the distance between them.’ It was found that he was nearer to his goal by a hand’s span and was thus forgiven”. It is also narrated that he drew closer by a slight movement on his chest.

Imam Muslim narrated that ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: When Allah put Islam in my heart, I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said: “Give me your right hand so that I may swear allegiance to you.” He held out his hand and I withdrew my hand. He said, “What is the matter, O ‘Amr?” I said, “I want to stipulate a condition.” He said, “What do you want to stipulate?” I said, “That I will be forgiven.” He said, “Do you not know that Islam destroys that which came before it?”

“Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief), their past will be forgiven. But if they return (thereto), then the examples of those (punished) before them have already preceded (as a warning)” [al-Anfaal 8:38]

وَحَنَانًا مِّن لَّدُنَّا وَزَكَاةً وَكَانَ تَقِيًّا

Al Dajjal And His People

Adrenochrome has been widely referenced in the media, movies today are filled with subtle subjects that only the people who know about them understand them.

Case in point, we mentioned the movie “Mother” a satanic allegorical film about the fitnhas of these people in the world, would it surprise you if we pointed out that the exact same story is portrayed in the more mainstream film Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 in a more palpable way, the father of the hero is the exact same father figure as the husband in the movie “Mother” with the same motivations and actions.

Read the plot of the movie mother and re-watch Guardians Of The Galaxy, you will see they are the same movie, it is the reason why the “hero” kills his father (Ego), Guardians of the Galaxy goes further than the film “mother” and actually explains to you why the child of each mother is sacrificed and the mother is discarded.

The cannibalistic sacrifice of the child in the movie mother is allegory, the farther in reality is sacrificing each child to strangers (occultists) who come into his home, the missing subtext is that it is a business deal, what the child is losing here is his future “life” and “soul”, the power behind his qualities, personality and human abilities, which the occultists are taking for themselves to empower their lives, when the farther is done with one child or mother he just creates another, or marries another women.

Guardians of the Galaxy contains many references to children, similar business deals, mothers and what happens to them. It also contains themes about manipulating emotions and people “high” in one form or another to deceive them, and people “loosing” them selves subsequently replacing it with monstrosities, which is the fate of these children and women, the father Ego even admits to manufacturing an illness in his wife and killing her when he is done with the arrangement, at the end he goes into a monologue about why this needs to be done.

Unusually so, killing is like water in this film, such is the insidious nature of how these subjects are presented, the movie explains how the children are used to further the expansion of this system, just like the movie Maze Runner: The Death Cure explains The Cure (Adrenochrome) is needed to “save” humanity, both films justify how children are no more than “batteries”, this system is what they intend to “Save The Galaxy With”.

The women we mentioned earlier in the first part of this article, this is what their husbands are doing to them and their children, what they are using them for, to steal their “life” and their “soul”.

When a person has no “soul” (when you hear this in film it is metaphor), it means the soul is corrupted or deformed (almost) beyond repair, “and the one who corrupts it fails” (91:10), that is the only time a Jinn can possess a human, (every soul can be repaired and returned from this).

Every person is a light from Allah representing Him for that the Jinn will lose everything Allah ever gave to them right down to basic qualities.

This is how these men view their families in reality, as livestock for an army, the Dajjal, the first possessed child and the opener of such things in the world, is the “father” of their kind and what they are emulating.

(In writing this work we have completed the overall description of this fitnah gripping the world, Qala Rasul Allah (saws)).


Adrenochrome – The Drug Used To Break People

Bismllahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Sometimes Allah places in front of you something you are not even looking for, this is what He did when I did a search for a word that randomly came up in front of me to understand what it meant.

“Adrenochrome, alternatively called Neuromelanin is a hallucinogenic drug suspected to have been originally used in Project MK-Ultra. Like Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), Secret Cold War experiments tested various drugs during unethical human experimentation in the United States (to see if they can re-program people). These hallucinogenic drugs antagonize psychological phenomena”.

Like many evil things that exist in the west it was inspired by the occult, in this instance ritual sacrifice:

“Adrenochrome? In scientific terms, it is a chemical that is produced in the human body when adrenaline [also known as epinephrine] oxidizes. A potential victim is terrorized, thus increasing the amount of adrenaline that is flowing through their body. They are then killed and the adrenochrome is collected.”

“An example of such an extraction, is shown through a scene in the movie “Maze Runner: The Death Cure”. In which the character ‘Minho’ is implanted with a false reality of being chased by huge spider like monster. In this short scene, his adrenaline is taken out from tubes (at the back of his neck) as the ‘cure’ (needed to save humanity from extinction).”

This drug and its meaning to society is often portrayed in movies like this, for example Hunter S. Thompson references Adrenochrome in the novel/film starring Jonny Depp “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” which is meant to be a semi biographical film. Another example is the television show the Flash, in which one of the main villains uses a mind control drug to control and keep his wife enthralled and in love with him, such are the suggestive and euphoric effects of Adrenochrome that the CIA was chasing in their program.

“Adrenochrome is a product of the oxidation of adrenaline/epinephrine, hence it can be artificially synthesized via the reaction between catechol and chloroacetyl chloride”.

The two ways of acquiring Adrenochrome is to synthetically manufacture it or to extract it from the human body, prior to its manufacture it was acquired by occultists from the human body.

“Adrenochrome was first discovered in 1936 – 1937 by D. E. GREEN, D. RICHTER and J. BROSTEAUX, though it is sometimes erroneously credited to HUMPHRY OSMOND, ABRAM HOFFER and JOHN SMYTHIES in 1952 – 1954, who came up with the hypothesis linking adrenochrome to schizophrenia”, the drug can be used to induce schizophrenia or waswasa in a person.

After Allah placed this subject in front of us we began to study its spiritual reality, it allowed the Jinn to do a number of things and is the door of waswasa they use to open a person to some of the worst things a human can face.

A sahir if he has a person’s blood and does sihr upon it the jinn will have access to their nafs up to whatever things blood is responsible for in a person, but because Adrenochrome is produced by the persons nafs from fear, from what they are thinking and feeling, what is within a person’s heart directly telling them how to behave, the Jinn now has access to the inner most parts of the persons psyche making the waswasa of jinn infinitely more insidious and effective like they are the person thoughts directly.

Because it comes from what is within the self the Jinn can reach the place it comes from in the self. Adrenochrome is the chemical used when they want to break someone down, manipulate them, dominate them or make them insane.

Like LSD which is used for similar purposes usually it is slipped into a person’s drink or food often to people they want to requite and manipulate over long periods of their life so they become more aware of the occult and spiritual things.

An example of its use in the occult, is for the person to be under the influence of a spell that creates paranoia and fear in them so that when the body naturally produces this drug the jinn is instructed to target it in the human body in order to go deeper into their psyche. The drug may be used once in a person’s life to open the right spiritual doors for Jinn then this occult method is followed through over a person’s lifetime to manipulate them in a prolonged manner, in this way the drug is no longer needed just the conditions in the human body when they are drugged so the Jinn knows what to recognize.

Adrenochrome Like LSD has “psychoactive and euphoric properties and can be used as a mind control drug”, it can make a person have a mild adrenaline high (mild excitement) causing them to be “interested”, suggestive or aroused. We have no doubt that it can be used to prompt and corrupt women who would otherwise have the strength against their fitnahs, this is something the kufar have openly admitted to us at one point or another over the years, although what drug they use we never knew.

The chemical compound has the molecular formula C9H9NO3, and its

Purported Effects Are

  • Hallucination
  • Thought Disorder
  • Bizarre Ideation
  • Masturbation
  • Depersonalization
  • Body Image Disturbances / Body Dysmorphia
  • Euphoria
  • Hyper-Mania / inappropriate affect to stimuli.

Derivatives / Alternatives Drugs to Adrenochrome

  • Adrenochrome Semicarbazone – Similar, but with noticeably different effects. (Rinkel & Solomon 1957).
  • Mescalin – Effects similar to adrenaline / adrenochrome. (Smythies 2002)
  • Neuromelanin – May be related to the synthesis of adrenochrome in the brain.

Now that you understand, Alhamdulillah I can tell you how a person can free themself from the insidious waswasa these drugs create and the spiritual harms that come with them which are used much more commonly than people realise.

You need to do this to cleanse your heart of the traces of Adrenochrome or LSD whose influence remains even decades later until the matter is addressed, this is the nature of ghayb, if this is not done the same doors used to corrupt you will remain open to Jinn in your life because the drugs created patterns of behaviour for them to repeatedly follow in your psyche and manipulate against you.

Often when a person is under attack more than one thing is used to reinforce the attack, it is very common that more than 80 Jinn are used in the process, Jinn out number humans on earth about 10 to 1. Regarding insidious waswasa sihr is often also done on house phones because of what it represents to initially bring in the Jinn to your house to attack you, so a change in house phones is necessary (do not purchase it from the same places).

One more thing you can do to help yourself, especially if your life is “monochrome” or depressed, buy a spice rack with at least 12 different spices, everything has its spiritual benefit and reality, its spiritual life and you can see what that is by looking at what people say. For example, with spices people like to say “spice up your life”, or the “spice of life”, there is much wisdom in what women use and the presence of spices will ward of the spiritual things that create the opposite of these sayings, you should purchase them with this intention in mind.

Spices have the ability to bring change, consider that in history for a very long time spices where considered wealth and the sign of a wealthy family, that history and peoples beliefs is spirituality and Haq (reality) today shaping the world, even if spices are readily available.

If you have doubt understand Muslims understood the baraka inside everything and used it, for example tea was known to have much baraka in it, because of this Muslims used to wear it in pouches on their clothes like Taweez to ward of specific spiritual harms as they walked in public or in markets. It works, try sprinkling tea leaves around your house and see how the atmosphere changes to that of peace, salam.

Over the years I have received emails from people suffering from jinn or waswasa, Insha Allah both them and women who “fell” to the wiles of men even in their lives, even if you don’t suspect anything foul in your history you should do the following taweez, you don’t need to have seen foul play, just search for “LSD in food and drink” and you will see posts of people talking about secretly putting in what people consume.

This taweez will close the spiritual doors that were opened and mitigate any Jinn using them even if it was opened over two decades ago. It can free women trapped in marriages to insidious men who enthral them at their whim, such are the euphoric effects of these drugs, people may think a person has mind control powers but understand what goes into creating this in you are things like these drugs, Insha Allah you don’t need to live in fear of leaving.

The spiritual nature of things is that once a door is opened it will stay open until you close it, so do this out of caution if not anything else, it will certainly work and it will stop the dominance of people over you who are using it.

Understand the punishment of these people will mimic their fitnah in life, most of them will remain insane in the akhira for eternity, then when Allah has finished with what has come from their own hand’s hell will become like a mother nurturing her child, with them, “Fa Umuhun Hawiya”, “Khaliduna Fiha Abada”.

These people are absolutely ruthless, their aim is to get rid of religion from earth entirely and they are doing this by marginalising all “good” people including through marriage, there are movies dedicated to this reality, the movie “mother” is an allegory regarding this. People who won’t join them in their societies it is done to them by manufacturing illnesses in people, the fitnah of homeless people foe example in their own countries is entirely manufactured and a result of this effort, they sacrifice the people they love for the love of a greater evil.

وَضَرَبَ اللَّهُ مَثَلًا لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا امْرَأَتَ فِرْعَوْنَ إِذْ قَالَتْ رَبِّ ابْنِ لِي عِندَكَ بَيْتًا فِي الْجَنَّةِ وَنَجِّنِي مِن فِرْعَوْنَ وَعَمَلِهِ وَنَجِّنِي مِنَ الْقَوْمِ الظَّالِمِينَ  

Understanding this is not more difficult than understanding that a parent can scar a child psychologically and that evil people can do this intentionally and systematically to serve an agenda.

The origin of this marginalization began with the first psychiatric hospitals to appear, they used them to fill with people like native Americans who still fought for their rights and anyone else they deemed “trouble”. This is the reason we saw torture and barbaric practices from the people in charge over the past hundred years disguised as medicine…no “sane” person would not register in themselves they hurting people.

Insha Allah, write the following in a book, it should look like this with a circle drawn around it afterwards:

Abd al Qafs, Abd al Kufr, Abd al Sihr, Abd Iblis, Abd Al Dajjal, Abd Al Jassasah, Abd Al Waqiha, Abd Al Sharmuta, Abd al Jahash, Abd Al Himar. (In Arabic if you can, these things are sources of power for fitnah and they are used as accusations against the subject, they will bring things into the open and destroy their power).

(Verse 12:35), ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

  • Adrenochrome, Fitnah of Adrenochrome
  • Neuromelanin, Fitnah of Neuromelanin
  • Fitnah of Adrenochrome Semicarbazone and Mescalin.
  • Fitnah Of LSD, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Marijuana and Drugs.

(Because these Issues are related you should also write)

  • Fitnah of Psychiatry, Psychology and their Institutions.
  • Fitnah Of Homelessness and Homeless People.
  • Fitnah Of Hospitals (This is the place the wider doors to a person physiology are first opened)
  • Finah Of Spiritual and Occult Contracts (it is the thing driving the fitnah’s of the world today).
  • Fitnah Of Home Phones.

Do this once for yourself and once for the entire world and Ummat Islam, it will strengthen the help you receive as you help others, Allah will send Mala’ikah to do this for you.

Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) said: “There was a man from among a nation before you who killed ninety-nine people and then made an inquiry about the most learned person on the earth. He was directed to a monk. He came to him and told him that he had killed ninety-nine people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted. He replied in the negative and the man killed him also completing one hundred. He then asked about the most learned man in the earth. He was directed to a scholar. He told him that he had killed one hundred people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted. He replied in the affirmative and asked, ‘Who stands between you and repentance? Go to such and such land; there (you will find) people devoted to prayer and worship of Allah, join them in worship, and do not come back to your land because it is an evil place.’ So he went away and hardly had he covered half the distance when death overtook him; and there was a dispute between the angels of mercy and the angels of torment. The angels of mercy pleaded, ‘This man has come with a repenting heart to Allah,’ and the angels of punishment argued, ‘He never did a virtuous deed in his life.’ Then there appeared another angel in the form of a human being and the contending angels agreed to make him arbiter between them. He said, ‘Measure the distance between the two lands. He will be considered belonging to the land to which he is nearer.’ They measured and found him closer to the land (land of piety) where he intended to go, and so the angels of mercy collected his soul”. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

In another version: “He was found to be nearer to the locality of the pious by a cubit and was thus included among them”. Another version says: “Allah commanded (the land which he wanted to leave) to move away and commanded the other land (his destination) to draw nearer and then He said: “Now measure the distance between them.’ It was found that he was nearer to his goal by a hand’s span and was thus forgiven”. It is also narrated that he drew closer by a slight movement on his chest.

Imam Muslim narrated that ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: When Allah put Islam in my heart, I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said: “Give me your right hand so that I may swear allegiance to you.” He held out his hand and I withdrew my hand. He said, “What is the matter, O ‘Amr?” I said, “I want to stipulate a condition.” He said, “What do you want to stipulate?” I said, “That I will be forgiven.” He said, “Do you not know that Islam destroys that which came before it?”

“Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief), their past will be forgiven. But if they return (thereto), then the examples of those (punished) before them have already preceded (as a warning)” [al-Anfaal 8:38]

وَحَنَانًا مِّن لَّدُنَّا وَزَكَاةً وَكَانَ تَقِيًّا

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum,

A number of people have asked for an alternate method to support my work than PayPal, alhamdulilah now you can do so using cryptocurrency.

Here are the currencies and addresses you can use, they can also be found at my website:

Bitcoin: 1EmQroUN3qAKKcjvwz7fgGCFr2tCBFjvt7

Ethereum: 0x4540061f7348783b945da5db51b3cd3a5a5d3366

Litecoin: MLttUvywZNv4Yd7dnQZUkGvjj4xsfq51Er

Zcash: t1WuASAW6u26i5vUoRPfp5iZmf6KHAtewig

Dash: XfQLeqnHpspMn2zn4YH74VYae4AwUaAWgM

Cryptocurrency is a new form of currency being used online, it works the same way as changing money from US to Canadian, then you just send it from your crypto wallet to any of the address’s above belonging to the respective currency.

This question has come up in the past and some fuquha have already ruled cryptocurrency is halal to use, I don’t know about Saudi Arabia but the UAE are some of the biggest investors with plans for their own currency, the country is ruled by Maliki fiqh if you don’t know.

From my perspective I have been working with the Mala’ikah for some time now looking into it and they do not have a problem with it, it is just a form of currency or commodity depending on which crypto you are using, it is not shares but some currencies give shares as a consequence of extended ownership, all wealth and currency began with bartering and what ever value man placed upon it, this is no different.

To preempt something, I have seen from the kufar, the current economic system ruling the world is the system the Dajjal will use to strangle the world, cryptocurrency will be an extension of that, rather, not the currency but the technologies being developed as a result of it that will track everything to minute details allowing him to do that.

Life must go on so that is not a reason to avoid it, even in the time of Yajuj wa Majuj people will still go on hajj.

There are over a thousand currencies some where started by criminal organizations, do some basic research if you can’t figure out anything, Allah will not blame you for it being well hidden. Other currencies where started by some of the richest organizations in the world and have their own agenda, again that is not your concern the American dollar is owned by a country Allah calls the greater Babylon in the bible.

Almost all the major tax havens in the world where either started or developed by the “City of London”, don’t confuse that with London this is a section of the city dedicated to the elite like the Vatican is separate from Italy, with its own laws and government.

The point is these are the systems that we live under if they are inherently halal they are fine to use, but like everything else in the modern world protect yourself spiritually from any fitnah attached to it, Rasul Allah (saws) said regarding the currency everyone is using now, from it the dust of riba will enter every house.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


Al Amanah – The Trust (Responsibility) and Jihad

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

“Truly, We did offer al-Amaanah (the trust or moral responsibility, duties which Allah has ordained in order to keep the balance, the means of balancing the universe) to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they declined to bear it and were afraid of it (the responsibility). But man bore it. Verily, he was unjust and ignorant (of its requirements)”

[al-Ahzaab 33:72].

Notice how in this verse Allah does not ask the Angels to carry the trust the responsibility of balancing the larger picture of the universe, this is the place of the prophets and awliyah and it is done by helping the Mala’ikah.

The role of a wali is to balance the hand of the Mala’ikah and to stop one group from dominating anything, for example in a time of oppression you do not want the mala’ikah of Rahma do dominate and show mercy to the taghut (oppressor) if Allah has not written repentance in his qadr, this will only lead to more oppression as the taghut is given free reign, and you do not want the Mala’ikah of beauty to add excessive beauty to women because it will lead to zina (fornication), the Mal’aikah are in charge of their respective spheres of responsibility but Allah has placed the balance of the bigger picture in the hands of his prophets, awliayh and in the Akhira, mankind.

The wali does this with the more complex issues of life and new situation that arise in the world which need arbitration between the Mala’ikah and this world, I recently wrote about Cryptocurrecny that is one such issue which needed hikmah (wisdom).

Cryptocurrency is halal (permissible) but like all money today that has the traces of riba upon it, it is not tayyib (spiritually pure): “O ye people! Eat (consume, use) of what is on earth, Halal and Tayyib and do not follow the footsteps of the evil one, for he is to you an avowed enemy.” (Surat al-Baqarah 2:168)

If you understand all of this then you can see that surah al Rahman (55) is a tafsir to what the Amanah entails which man was ignorant of.

This is our tafsir to the opening verses of surah al Rahman at our website:

Tafsir Surah Ar-Rahman: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (Allah) Most Gracious! (1) It is He Who has taught the Qur’an. (2) created man: (3) and taught him speech (and Intelligence) (4) The sun and the moon follow (defined) courses (in space); (5) And the Stars and the trees are in obediance. (6) And the Firmament (space) He has (formed and) raised high, and set up its balance, (7) In order that ye may not transgress (due) balance (on earth). (8) So establish measure with justice and fall not short in the balance. (9)

Allah, al Rahman, in the first verses tied three topics together, He tied the knowledge that is in the Quran with the creation of man, and then the speech He (swt) taught him. The knowledge in the Quran, is related to the creation of man in how man is given knowledge by Allah, which is through revelation and inspiration received in man’s heart, this is related to his speech because man speaks according to what is placed in his heart, so in Allah teaching and inspiring the Quran He is teaching man new types of speech that man did not have. When we look at how these things work in the human body, as Imam Malik said, “Knowledge is a light placed in the heart by Allah”, this is a physiological statement about the role of the heart to learn from the the electromagnetic field which is the scientific name for light. Allah gives man knowledge according to what He is doing in life, so this light is the source of speech taught to man by Allah, (we have explained in detail in our other works how the body uses light through the nervous system of the heart and brain to shape our consciousness).

The sun and the moon and the path they are on is tied to all of this because Allah inspires man’s self through the influence of these celestial bodies in space on earth’s atmosphere, this is a process that begins at the subatomic level because the sun and moon exert electromagnetic fields on our planet which affect the planet from the subatomic level, ultimately they inspire and influence both man and what he speaks because our ecosystem is part of a bigger picture and it shapes what our day will look like.

By simile the trees of earth are numerous and countless like the stars, this is their relationship in this picture Allah is painting for us, in this verse Allah is mentioning the most distant thing from us in space, the stars, and the closest thing to us on earth, the trees, in relation to the greater context of the surah, this is because He is drawing a picture of how the ecosystem of outer space and the ecosystem of earth are connected through subatomic fields like the electromagnetic forces of the sun hitting the earth, all these objects Allah is mentioning are influencing each other and ultimately us.

Allah says, after referring to how the sun and the moon influence man through their defined paths in space which shape our seasons and days, that it is not just them that do this with their subatomic fields, but both the stars and the trees have a role to play. This is because He mentioned their obedience to him in the verse, meaning their role in the balance that Allah set up in space, they are part of the greater ecosystem and He uses them to inspire man from the subatomic level of the Universe. The stars are each like our sun ending out rays of light and influencing us at night when the sun is least active, while the trees are crucial to life on earth and its atmosphere, they are the last piece in this puzzle and in contrast to the sun and moon one of the smallest parts in it that has a significant influence on our planet.

This picture of space and earth needed to first be drawn because it leads to what is in the next verses, where Allah talks about how He created space and placed a balance and harmony in it, Allah then says the depth of space and it’s balance is directly related to the balance on earth, “the Firmament (space) He has raised high, and set up its balance (this was done) In order that ye may not transgress (the due) balance” on earth, meaning they are connected to each other. Allah is saying the order we see in space through the movement of the sun and moon it is also present on earth in its atmosphere and ecosystem that the trees help create and maintain.

Allah is teaching us that the balance He placed in the Universe and on earth in their ecosystems create a balance in man’s self who lives in them, because the surah begins by teaching us about the ways in which man is inspired in life and learns knowledge. So, inspiration and man’s speech being mentioned together is a reference to his psychology and state of mind, hence the order and balance that exist in space and nature is why man can feel harmony and be at peace with the earth and its natural ecosystem, Allah is connecting man’s nature to the ecosystem he lives in and informing him about what influences it because it influences him.

Allah then warns that if man destroys the balance in nature it will cause his self to become unbalanced, because the balance that exists in nature no longer exists so it cannot help man’s self stay balanced as he lives his life, if we live in the city we feel our lives are chaotic if we live close to nature we feel at peace all because of the environment we live in that shapes our day. This is why after mentioning the balance in space, in the next verse Allah warns man about destroying the balance that exists on earth, “and fall not short in the balance”.

These verses first required man to learn knowledge of the universe in order to understand them because they were intended for a time when man would have the ability to destroy the balance on earth.

Method – How This Tafsir Was Written: This tafsir was written according to the themes of each verse which outlined the topics Allah was mentioning, this then made the picture Allah was drawing for us very clear. Allah taught the Quran through revelation which was revealed to man’s heart, how man is able to receive revelation in scientific terms I have written about in detail elsewhere, but understanding the how makes the connection between each verse very clear and the larger picture obvious. Allah in these verses goes from talking about giving man revelation to teaching him speech because this knowledge relates to how each person is inspired in his everyday life by various sources, his daily inspiration is the source of what he chooses to speak about to others.

This is related to the sun and moon because Allah in surah al shams (91) explains how He inspires man through them, but in this surah He talks about how the ecosystem of space is connected to the ecosystem of earth, the trees essentially create our ecosystem for us through the oxygen they produce and atmosphere they clean. The subtext of the Quran here is how this influence occurs through the subatomic part of our universe, it’s forces and particles, Allah explains in the verse of light (24:35) more directly that He inspires mankind through these means.

After then drawing this picture for us Allah tells us the important lesson we should learn, that if we ruin the ecosystem of earth we will imbalance man in his life and self permanently, we will not only ruin how he is inspired each day and the source of his peace in life we will reduce his intelligence which we will see and witness in his speech and vocabulary as it degrades. This is because if the ecosystem that Allah created to keep man balanced, at peace and in harmony with the universe can no longer function in this role man will suffer psychologically and spiritually, which will decrease his intellectual capacity, intelligence and speech, all these are related to each other physiologically, the most obvious way is in man’s breadth of knowledge and capacity for things in life.

Mankind has witnessed all this already, with the dumbing down of man over the past one hundred years as he destroyed the earth, we witnessed this in the way language has changed during this time, linguists, historians and academics have all attested to this change in their works. We no longer have the capacity to speak as our grandfathers and their fathers once did with the same breadth and vocabulary, we have shortened our sentences because our mental capacity lacks the strength it once had, and man gains his strength from nature.

Balancing The Mala’ikah

Insha Allah you have by now read my previous work on Angels I posted recently (“Which Angels Are Fallen – Answering The Satanists Claim’s”), you will need it to see the greater picture of my words here.

As a wali I am going to teach you something that will make your life immensely easier, how to protect yourself from the Imbalances of the Mala’ikah on earth. I have permission to do this because Allah has been teaching about the Mala’ikah for almost twenty years now, so I know what people need in regards to them. Some Mala’ikah may be a temptation to the Kufar but when evil covers the entire world and every kafir has an Angel with him on his path just like the Dajjal will be appointed two Mala’ikah, Imbalance and Disproportion in the mizan of the universe from the side of the Mala’ikah is much more common so inadvertently oppression occurs in spheres not in the Angels awareness.

The Angels are arranged in tight ranks their sphere of control and perception is thus limited to their rank and so the lower Mala’ikah will have trouble with the larger picture of anything, in humans and Jinn because they have free will to choose what sphere of awareness they want to live by this behaviour you would call lack of intelligence and maarifah, but the Angels have no such choice they are subservient to Allah’s will over them in this who is looking at the entire Picture of the universe and what it needs.

The Mala’ikah can not do Haram but they can empower evil in an unbalanced and unjust way in the world. What I am about to teach you the higher Mala’ikah will help you with it because at present they are trying to guide their brothers one earth away from the paths of fitnah as they have run their course and change is coming, this is the way of change.

The Taweez is simple and based of the one we did for the Dajjal except we are going to use the names of Allah instead of the other accusations and titles, any Mala’ikah not in line with what Allah wants and these titles will be affected, so it is no more than Haq and balance you are asking for.

The Taweez should look like this with the intention behind each line in brackets, use the 99 names of Allah as you like and try to write it in a book in Arabic, lastly this is for anyone to use Muslim and non-Muslim:

Abd Allah, Abd al Rahman, Abd Al Raheem, Abd Al Malik, Abd Al Quddus, Abd Al Sallam, Abd Al Mu’min, Abd Al Muhaymin, Abd Al Aziz, Abd Al Jabbar, Abd Al Mutakabbir, (Use as many names as you like but no less than this, next write)

  • Al Mala’ikah, Fitnah Al Mala’ikah (Write this for yourself and your wife).
  • Al Mala’ikah, Fitnah Al Mala’ikah (Write this for the entire world).
  • Al Mala’ikah, Fitnah Al Mala’ikah (Write this for Ummat al Islam).
  • Al Mala’ikah, Fitnah Al Mala’ikah (Write this for your family, you can add more lines for whoever else you wish, now continue with the names of Allah).
  • Fitnah Al Mala’ikah Taking Nur (Write this multiple times for the same people you wrote it for above)

(Jinn can not touch the light of a person, but Mala’ikah can make mistakes with this because of who they are with. It occurred with us that one time when Allah was speaking to my heart and He was adding light to my light one of the Mala’ikah came and took that light in the middle of what Allah was doing. I was entirely amazed at this for a long time, then I began to think about the nature and audacity of that Angel who had no Haq to do this and it occurred to us this must have been one of the the Angels of Iblis who was watching from a distance. This is because Iblis is the only creature to challenge Allah directly whilst Allah was talking and His Angels where present when this occurred, when such a path was created, the Angel was following it (like a person from their perspective would follow a sunnah) and today many people worship Iblis and follow his path. This is the reason it was said iblis was cast out of Jannah with his Angels (who needed to learn), this Angel was the Angel with Iblis when Allah asked him to prostrate at the grave of Adam (as) in in repentance and Iblis refused).

(Insha Allah now finish with the names of Allah).

Abd Al Khaliq, Abd Al Baari, Abd Al Musawir, Abd Al Ghaffaar, Abd Al Qahhaar, Abd Al Wahhab, Abd Al Razaq, Abd Al Fatih, Abd Al Alim, Abd Al Qabid, Abd Al Bassit, Abd Al Kaafidh, Abd Al Raafi, Abd Al Mu’izz, Abd Al Muzil, Abd Al Sami, (You can add more but do no less than this, you can also choose other names to write).

Now draw a circle around the entire thing, this will mitigate any Angels helping a shaytan in his way.

War in Islam is that the wali deals with the Mala’ikah of his enemies so that His people can proceed unhindered, this taweez will help with that so learn and use it, in ages past people were normal and the Mala’ikah followed normal paths so when they saw Islam they responded to it, now people are not normal hiding their kufr and who they worship, and so the Mala’ikah have to honour the way of the people they are with, hence they respond less to Islam when they see it.

These are the lessor angels on this earth, responsible for the lowest of creatures who in our time they are the dominant people, these Angels need help in the manner we are showing you, their actions will be placed on the scales for judgment and any Imbalance in the mizan will rectified.

Do this even if you don’t think you need help, you will then see what your life was missing which you did not have the ability to notice.

وَحَنَانًا مِّن لَّدُنَّا وَزَكَاةً وَكَانَ تَقِيًّا

Mala’ikah Deserving Of Punishment

Angels like any living creature are capable of making mistakes and sometimes these mistakes impact a persons life and for this the person deserves Haq over the Angel, this can take many forms.

Abu Huraira Narrated: The angel of death was sent to Moses and when he went to him, Moses slapped him severely, spoiling one of his eyes (other translations have punched him in the eye). The angel went back to his Lord, and said, “You sent me to a slave who does not want to die.” Allah restored his eye and said, “Go back and tell him (i.e. Moses) to place his hand over the back of an ox, for he will be allowed to live for a number of years equal to the number of hairs coming under his hand.” (So the angel came to him and told him the same). Then Moses asked, “O my Lord! What will be then?” He said, “Death will be then.” He (Moses) said, “(Let it be) now.” He asked Allah that He bring him near the Sacred Land at a distance of a stone’s throw. Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Were I there I would show you the grave of Moses by the way near the red sand hill.” (Bukhari)

When I asked about this hadith, Musa (as) was praised and it was said He (as) had a Haq over the Angel to do this (but it is not apparent from the narration).

“Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Imam at-Tabarani explained that “the angel of death used to come to people in a visible form. When he went to Musa (alaihis salam), Musa put out his eye.” Ibn Khuzayma said: “Some of the heretics refuse to acknowledge this and say that if Musa recognized him then how did he not take him seriously? If he did not recognize him then would he not have retaliation from him for putting out his eye? The answer is that Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) did not send the Angel of Death to Musa desiring to take his soul at that moment, He sent him to him to test him. Musa punched the Angel of Death because he thought that he was a human who had entered his house without his permission and did not know that he was the Angel of Death. The Shariah allows for the putting out of the eye of anyone who looks into a Muslim’s house without permission. The angels came to Ibrahim (AS) and Lut (AS) in human form and they also did not recognize them at first. If Ibrahim (AS) had recognized them he would not have offered them food. If Lut (AS) had recognized them he would not have feared for them from his people.””

“Another one of the people of knowledge said: “He hit him because he came to take his soul before giving him a choice since it is established that no prophet is taken without being given a choice. This is why, when he gave him a choice the second time, he submitted.””

Allah has taught a number of important lessons through Sayyidina Musa (as), it occurred that the Jews of His time because of his (saws) shyness and modesty began accusing Musa (as) of leprosy, so when Musa (as) was washing (partially clothed) Allah caused His clothes to go missing until the Jews were able to see his skin and He was exonerated of their accusations.

Allah showed us here that He will make things occur against a persons wishes to save them from something greater, likewise is the story of Musa (as) and the Angel of death.

Allah was teaching us that if an Angel makes a mistake of judgment, then like any Human He is subject to shariah law as a consequence. This is because mistakes and harm are not abstract things they are things that affect the balance of the universe and a persons life, therefor the Angel like any human is responsible for fixing their mistake, this is the aim behind every punishment in Shariah, to remove the spiritual corruption (fassad) created by the wrongful act in order to balance the universe, balance the scales.

“And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance (of Justice), In order that ye may not transgress (due) balance. So establish weight (business) with justice and fall not short in the balance.” (55:9-7)

Why Angels Fall Short and Why Man Surpasses Them

Angels hold things to account based on the nature of that things creation, what it is created from and what is happening around it in the universe, this is their scope as creatures with limits and essentially the issue but more can be said, what we are about to say is not black and white.

This is the perspective of the Angels, while Allah holds things to account based on the meaning of their actions, the basis of judgment begins with what the Mala’ikah are doing but it ends at the height of what the issue stands for, and this latter part the Angels have trouble seeing because they cannot see every aspect of the issue in every part of the universe it is impacting, especially all of it at the same time like Allah.

Man surpasses the Angels because he embodies Allah’s 99 qualities which make up who He is, to the point Allah said Man was created on Allah’s image, to do similar things to Allah in the universe, that statement is primarily related to man’s judgment and what his heart can grasp.

All of this is in respect to man knowing His own life better than anyone else including the Angels. Man can grasp the higher meaning of each issue because he has experience with every issue from the lowest point of its aspect to the highest, man lives in the lowest of the low, earth, and the physical state of matter and can reach the highest of the high with his heart and soul, the Arsh, while the Mala’aikah asked Allah to teach them why man sinned on earth.

Because of this Maarifah Allah asked man to be His Khalifah on earth and Judge his life and the life of others, while He asked the Mala’ikah to prostrate to Adam (essentially all the prophets).

People look at the strength and ability of the Angels and say no they surpass man because of it, Iblis said the same thing about himself and was blinded, while Allah said no it is man’s knowledge and wisdom that He is looking at, his ability to reach the highest aspects of these unlike the Jinn and Mala’ikah who are both limited because they are not on the same image as Allah.

The fact that man surpasses the Angels is something the prophets have taught us, they said it about themselves to the Angels to teach them, the context is what I am explaining to you now.

The Angels judge according to the nature of something while Allah judges according the meaning of it and that is harder to grasp because it requires a heart that can reach its meaning in fullness, man can do it the Angels can’t.

Sayydinah Ibrahim (as) said this to the Angels to help teach them why their Judgment is increasingly falling short (far too many new matters are arising that do not fit the old model they relied upon), the Mala’ikah need the Ijtihad of the Mujtahideen of this Ummah, this is part of that effort.

Allah said “And certainly We have explained in this Quran every kind of example, but man is most of all given to contention.” (18:54) The Ijtihad of Man is what teaches the Mala’ikah the Hikmah regarding new things, Allah revealed the Quran to us to discover its treasures.

To explain what we said with a simile: a person can look at something old and haggard and see what it means (like his wife who gave to him her life), then hope it’s hidden worth materializes, while the Angels will not change things until your worth, the sings of Allah, materialize…more or less this is the reality.

Peoples hearts are at rest when they see what you are saying in ahadith, Allah said in a hadith Qudsi:

ما وسعني أرضي ولا سمائي، ووسعني قلب عبدي المؤمن…

“Neither My Earth nor My Heavens could contain Me, whilst the heart of My believing servant does contain Me (know me)…”

In another simile: The Mala’ikah take up your actions to Allah, while the hearts of the prophets already know Allah. This is the same thing that Allah explained to the Mala’ikah when He brought Adam (as) in front of them and asked Him (as) to name things He (as) had never seen before.

This is what it looks like in a book while we are describing what it looks like in practice…in reality.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


Taweez For Engineers

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

When i was studying Civil Engineering the occult was used to try and stop me from completing it, here is a taweez that can help with the fitnahs associated with this subject and these people. You don’t need to be an engineer to use this maybe you are married to one and see fitnah, you can write this to help your self, your children or them or all of you, change the intentions mentioned in brackets as you like.

Also you can substitute engineering for any profession or subject you wish.

Write the following in a book, it should look like this with a circle drawn around it:

Abd al Qafs, Abd al Kufr, Abd al Sihr, Abd Iblis, Abd Al Dajjal, Abd Al Jassasah, Abd Al Waqiha, Abd Al Sharmuta, Abd al Jahash, Abd Al Himar, Abd Al Maal, Abd Al Khamir, Abd Al Hashish. (In Arabic if you can, these things are sources of power for fitnah, and they are meant as accusations against any fitnah).

(Verse 12:35), ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

  • Fitnah of Engineering (Write this for your husband)
  • Fitnah of Engineering (Write this for your self)
  • Fitnah of Engineering (Write this for the world)
  • Fitnah of Engineering (Write this for Ummat al Islam)
  • Fitnah Of House Phones (Write this for you and your family, Sihr can be done on these to bring waswasa into your house)

(keep alternating between these intentions as much as you like down the page, then draw a circle around the entire thing).

Insha Allah that helps.

Effective Subjects For Taweez

Here are some effective subjects for Taweez that will improve your life.

  • Fitnah Of The Prostitute and Beast She Rides (this phrasing is from the bible for the fitnah of America and Europe, when i wrote this the jinn began complaining, then one of Allah’s Angels came and said Allah is specific in His language and knows their fitnah, meaning this phrasing in the Taweez will cover exactly what is wrong and mentioned in the bible as their fitnah.)
  • Fitnah Of American people and Jinn
  • Fitnah Of British people and Jinn
  • Fitnah Of (Your country, or any country you have visited. their) people and Jinn
  • Fitnah Of The following countries, Irish, Scottish, French, German, Egyptian, Suadi.
  • Fitnah of Iblis, Al Dajjal, Al Jassasah
  • Fitnah of Home Phones (Sihr can be done on these to bring waswasa into your life)
  • Fitnah Of Spiritual and Occult Contracts (the thing that compels a sahir to be evil)
  • Fitnah Of Cannibalism (This is the European kind which they see as medicinal, it is used to gain the power of victims, still widely practiced today among occultists, where they eat a small portion of someone, or poison someone good with it to turn them.)
  • Fitnah of Incest (This is how they create Taghuts that don’t listen to anyone or anything).
  • Fitnah of The Top 10 Food manufacturing Companies (search for them and list them by name, When i did this it broke the Jinns ability to come close, I saw much fitnah from these companies disappear some of it relating to the Maskh of people on mass, you control a people by their food supply.)
  • Fitnah of Apple and Microsoft (These two operating systems cover the entire world, this is how they are spreading their global dominance, it is the first door they enter and dominate your life by, everything else is under them because nothing else is so ubiquitous in the world and relied upon and integrated into peoples lives as these two operating systems, and their companies).
  • Fitnah Of “The City Of London” (This part of London is like the Vatican in Italy it is the real center of power in England and the source of their fitnah, you will see something disappear from the Jinns abilities which is at the heart of their evil when you do this, because when iblis gave the British Empire his Authority, this is the place it was being controlled and used from through history).

If you want to help yourself, the world and Ummat al Islam then do this for all of them, then continue to search for places of evil in the world, or things that are evil and do this taweez for them, if you think what can this do, understand when Allah said:

ما وسعني أرضي ولا سمائي، ووسعني قلب عبدي المؤمن…

“Neither My Earth nor My Heavens could contain Me, whilst the heart of My believing servant does contain Me (know me)…”

You are using the same physics that makes this possible for mans heart to affect change, and it is the Mala’ikah who are taking what you do and acting upon it because mans place with Allah is to open doors for them into the world so they can change it, this is that work, what you are doing is creating the spiritual paths for the future generations for the Ummah to walk upon:

“By the heaven full of paths,” (51:7)

Understand Allah gives according to peoples intentions and if you do a good deed Allah will multiply it and if you just intend it He will write it down for you once, here you are actually trying to save the world with a real intension, don’t you think Allah will write it down at least once.

Abu Huraira Narrated that Allah’s Messenger (saws) said: “Allah says: Whenever My slave intends to do a bad deed, (I say to the deeds recording angels): Do not record it against him until he (actually) commits it. If he has done so, write it down exactly as one in his record book. But if he refrains from it for My sake, write down this as a virtue in his favour. And when he intends to do a good deed, but does not actually do it, write it as a virtue for him. And if he puts it into practice, write its reward equal to, from ten to seven hundred times (in his account)”. (Bukhari, Muslim)

If you do these taweez Allah write for you that you are trying to save the entire world in your book of records, which is no small act, Understand, If a person is trying to save the world and you come against them then Allah will write for you that you are trying to stop the world from being saved, which is also no small act.

When you try to stop a wali or people from doing this, that is the deed that will be written for you in your book of records, the people of fitnah have trouble understanding that some actions even if you have been doing them for a long time will have different consequences each time and some things you do are of this magnitude.

The actions of a wali are always on this magnitude and the people who come against them will receive punishment of this caliber.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Which Angels Are Fallen – Answering The Satanists Claim’s

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum

I was given permission to write about this subject by the prophet Muhammad (saws) who Initially refused I should say anything because people cannot handle knowledge about how things work, they say Allah is Al Qadir, al Muktadir and that is how a car works, on faith.

What is Allah decreeing (Al Qadir) and what process of Qadr is He presiding over and measuring (Al Muktadir) if this universe worked on “magic” or the often-misunderstood command of “Kun” (Be), the names of Allah and what they do in the universe are a witness against people when it comes to science.

Our world works because of scientific asbab (cause and effect) which Allah does not bypass when doing things. People can’t seem to understand that this includes the world of Angels, the entire Quran is Allah explaining science to you, the cause and effect of your actions on the world around you and then the reaction of the universe to you, the universe represents Allah’s will, what He wants to occur.

“Allah tasketh not a soul beyond its scope. For it (is only) that which it hath earned, and against it (only) that which it hath deserved.” (2:286) remember this next time you want think about religion, Islam is not Fiqh (Law), Islam is how the universe works and the haram and halal are based on that, fiqh is meant to express that not replace it.

Allah does everything using everything in the universe, His command “Kun” (be) has a role but it is not the “beginning and end” of what occurs.

Our scholars famously said what ever Allah does under the Arsh, inside the universe, He does through asbab, cause and effect (science), what ever He does above the Arsh, outside the universe, He does with the command Kun, be and it is instantaneously.

Understand Allah is timeless, while everything in the universe exists through time, if you can understand this you can understand why Allah expressed the nature of His command over everything with the word Kun, Be, and it is.

You see this command is used outside the universe where time does not exist, so the nature of Kun Allah’s command is timeless, it occurs instantly but as soon as that command begins to move the universe it is now in the domain of time and works with time, with the nature of our existence.

The more understanding you have the more you may think the lines are grey or blurred, but that is in fact not true that is your inability to define the boundaries of things as they get smaller in your mind, there is a limit to man’s capacity, beyond which Allah lifts responsibility from him, but He has other creatures that can see things to their minute details in a well-defined manner and they take up that work and responsibility, where we end they begin and vice versa.

These are Allah’s spiritual creatures the Angels and Jinn who live to balance and influence the minute details of things. Jinn like us have their limits while every issue in the universe begins in the sphere of the Angels perception, they see it forming first and its nature, so Understand that all things have limits and Angels live according to how the universe works, they are not limitless creatures.

Many of us have heard the Christian claims about fallen Angels and the “airs” occultist put up regarding them, hoping some fault exists in them;

“The concept of angels sinning against God and being expelled from Heaven mainly developed in Judaism during the Second Temple period. It is mainly found in Jewish pseudepigrapha, such as the Book of Enoch, and the Book of Jubilees (Books not accepted by Judaism, the idea was something adopted into “popular Jewish culture”). Although modern Judaism generally rejects the Enochian writings, Jewish traditions acknowledges Samael (an Angel) as a tempter (in charge of temptation), who is in charge of several subordinative accuser angels. However, these angels are regarded as being still subordinative to God’s plan and act as evil inclinations (Allah punishes the evil by leading them further astray, this is in the Quran).”

Allah’s angels are in charge of every facet of the universe, some are in charge of Allah’s knowledge of evil and the things that create it and destroy it, and what brings people to it and makes them leave it.

“In Christianity, Satan is often seen as the leader of the fallen angels. The New Testament mentions Satan 36 times in 33 verses, and the Book of Revelation tells of “that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world”, being thrown down to the Earth together with his angels. Further the book of Revelation speaks of Satan as a great red dragon whose “tail swept a third part of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth” (this is a dream John had about the future of Ibrahim’s son Isaac and His mother who were left in Makkah, Christians have trouble with this dream, because it is about Islam and it is their practice to deny Islam did anything in the world). In verses 7–9, Satan is defeated in the War in Heaven against Michael and his angels: “the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him” (These are the words of the Angels talking about this event to John (as), not God).”

“In Luke 10:18, Jesus says: “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” While the New Testament thus mentions Satan falling from Heaven, it never says that he was an angel, only that he masquerades as one in 2 Corinthians 11:14. The concept of fallen angels is not foreign to the New Testament, though; both 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6 refer to angels who have sinned against God and await punishment on Judgement Day. The Bible records several different times when angels fell to earth. Some have already fallen. Genisis 6:2 (the term sons of God refers to Jinn, this story appears first in the Book of Enoch) Revelation 12:4 and others fall in the future, Revelation 6:13 (both are an idiotic interpretation by Christians of the word “stars” mentioned in the dream of john earlier which is about the Islamic world). Early Christians also integrated non-biblical details from the Enochian writings (a book the church does not accept), which circulated both in oral and written transmission. Irenaeus referred to fallen angels as apostates, who will be punished by an everlasting fire. Tertullian and Origen referred to fallen angels also as teachers of Astrology.”

(All of which are naive interpretations by people cut of from the Sunnah of the texts they are giving tafsir to, the Christian ancient world was one cut off from the rest of the world and is essentially one society trying to interpret the history of another society with their own framework of ideas. Much of this came from Jewish writings and Jews were largely persecuted in their lands).

In the entire new testament fallen Angels are not mentioned once it is all interpreted and translated in, the book of revelations is the Angels “revelations” to the companion of Jesus (ra) John (ra) and not prophecy to a prophet.

Like their confusion over the title claiming this book is revelation, when it is only inspiration to a saint, they are severely wrong about this subject as well.

Christians adopted this belief primarily from a book they do not accept in Christianity, The Book Of Enoch (Idris), where most of these stories are found and ironically the book itself says Ibliss was not an angel in the exact same manner the Quran makes that distinction, changing the entire meaning of every translated account in that book, but since it was one obscure passage, to the Christians of old who had no concept of Jinn at the time to correctly interpret what that meant they invented an entire theology around it that has persisted for thousands of years.

Even the bible itself asserts the same, saying Iblis “masquerades as one (of the Angels) in 2 Corinthians 11:14”, (“And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light”), in fact this is the meaning behind Ibliss being called an Angel in the Quran and the Book of Enoch, He is a Jinn that was made an honorary Angel because both creatures influence our the world from the spiritual part of it and at that time Iblis was in Jannah, elevated to a state Angels are elevated.

At one point in history this state was an honorific remembering a time when He had Ihsan (perfection) like one of the Angels, so Allah counted Him amongst them, since both Jinn and Angels are spiritual creatures, until he rebelled over the most idiotic claim that of (his) strength having more worth with Allah than (Adam’s) Wisdom.

Explaining how Christians are wrong and have been for over 2000 years is simple, most Christians are not Jews and knowledge of Jesus’s (saws) words is grounded in the traditions He (saws) was raised in. Christians are the gentiles who they say Jesus preached to, basically the uneducated, the poor and the beggars, people you would think are lost today if you saw them and who scarcely knew how to read a book, this is the origin of tafsir in the Christian religion and why it diverges from tradition, essentially would you accept tafsir from an uneducated homeless person or a scholar isolated from the history he is studying.

It is no wonder they began inventing things no one had heard of before trying to understand how the universe worked, today this is like physics or cosmology being taught at university by an illiterate group then their students founded a church around these claims.

The gaps that seem to appear when reading the bible, both Muslims and Jews can fill them in very easily because the subtext is entirely referring to their cultures and origin, just as any person when speaking, his culture and lineage is the background of his words.

Jews and Arabs are the descendants of Abraham Christians are not, one from His sons Isaac the other from His son Ishmael (saws).

Jesus (as) came from a Jewish tradition, I think most Christians finally understood that when they heard Him (as) speak Aramaic for the first time, it is the language of Abraham (as) which Arabic and Hebrew came from.

The Jewish Sunnah of its prophets dictated what words and concepts meant which preserved a religion from people claiming idiotic ideas about it, after all Jesus (as) was a Jew like every other Jewish prophet who used the term father in the old testament before him, but the gentiles who had never read the old testament, an exclusively Jewish text at the time, put a new interpretation on it sticking to the Roman traditions they knew and were raised upon.

Despite what Hollywood has made them look like today, they were pagan before Jesus (as) hence they used their pagan traditions to interpret him (as) claiming He was part of a trinity and divine, just like one of the gods of Rome they already worshiped before meeting Jesus (as).

This is Just like the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar who was deified after his death and an entire religion/cult was founded around him within the framework of Roman religions by the senate;

“The Imperial cult of ancient Rome identified emperors and some members of their families with the divinely sanctioned authority (auctoritas) of the Roman State. Its framework was based on Roman and Greek precedents, and was formulated during the early Principate of Augustus, it was Philip’s son Alexander the Great who made the divinity of kings standard practice among the Greeks, His immediate successors, the Diadochi, offered sacrifices to Alexander, and made themselves gods even before they claimed to be kings.”

“The Ptolemies of Egypt and the Seleucids claimed godhood as long as they lasted; they may have been influenced in this by the Persian and Egyptian traditions of divine kings, The Roman magistrates who conquered the Greek world were fitted into this tradition. When T. Quinctius Flamininus extended Roman influence to Greece proper, temples were built for him and cities placed his portrait on their coinage; Worship and temples appear to have been routinely offered by Greeks to their Roman governors, with varied reactions.”

“Caesar’s name as a living divinity – not as yet ratified by senatorial vote – was Divus Julius (Jupiter Julius, their god Jupiter to them was part of trinity Just like Jesus (as), and here we see Caesar being lifted to this godhood by attaching his name to Jupiter); The Temple of Caesar or Temple of Divus Julius also known as Temple of the Deified Julius Caesar is an ancient structure in the Roman Forum of Rome, Italy, located near the Regia and the Temple of Vesta, the temple was begun by Augustus in 42 BC (not long before Jesus (as) was born) after the senate deified Julius Caesar posthumously.”

When the Egyptians and Persians began deifying themselves Allah gave them time to see what would come of this, like anything new that appears in the world, the Greeks and Romans adopted this from them and also began Deifying themselves, Allah ended the Greeks with the Romans and ended this practice after the Romans deified Jesus (saws), who essentially was the last in line.

The Roman Emperor Constantine deified Jesus (saws) because it was the only way the Roman Empire would accept a Jew of lowly birth, who was a carpenter from a people either the slaves in Roman society or barely Roman citizens, as a god and new head figure of the Roman Empire in the likes of Julius Caesar, it was little more than a necessary political move by a people notorious for inventing gods, cults and religions.

Judaism is the cultural identity of Jesus (as), it was how He (as) spoke, acted and behaved and that is the only acceptable way to interpret His words, Jesus (saws) was not a Roman like the gentiles who treated everything He (saws) said as Roman, they did not know how to look at the outside world or Jews because their society was on top.

Let’s start with this Quote: “the deceiver of the whole world, being thrown down to the Earth together with his angels.”

If the honorific for Iblis is being used by the Angels who said this to John (as) then the verse literally translates as Iblis was throw down to earth along with His Jinn (His kind), but, it is generally accepted in Islam He was the only Jinn Allah saved by raising him from earth to Jannah before killing most of the Jinn causing chaos on earth in the age of the dinosaurs.

This honorific of calling a Jinn an Angel is like calling your child an Angel and was primarily for the sake of the old world, think back 10000+ years ago to mans capacity to understand differences, to the time of Idriss (Enoch) when this was first said and recorded in His book.

Mankind could not handle the idea of different species existing other than the Angels, Allah made it easier for them to understand the nature of something by emphasising a relationship it had to something they already knew, the nature of Jinn and Angels are somewhat similar.

It is the same reason prophets called Allah father in the old testament, it taught illiterate people about the relationship they should be having with Allah in a simple way, a father son relationship, this is how Allah treats His creation in life, like a father nurturing a child and raising them to maturity, but He is not the father of anyone or anything.

The translation of the verse in the book of revelations rather suffers from a wrong perspective, If I said the Arabs were cast out of their homes along with their Jewish friends, am I saying these Arabs are Jews or is there ambiguity about the affair.

These Arabs could be Jewish Arabs, Muslim Arabs or Christian Arabs, but what I am not saying is that these two peoples are one and the same group, there is an obvious distinction being made because we are using two separate titles, so whatever the interpretation you can’t conclude they were in fact the same group from the start.

If they were Jewish Arabs that means the other Jews being mentioned were not Arabs but Jews from a different race.

If you can understand that you can understand the entire confusion of translators who were never qualified to translate nuances of a culture they had never seen or studied or were born into. In fact, the Jews have the correct answer to all of this which we have already quoted, all Angels act on behalf of Allah no matter their role, but because Christians are an arrogant people they prefer their own opinions over traditions and scholarship, after all they invented an entire religion around this type of mistake;

“Furthermore, [this divine writ is meant] to warn all those who assert, “God has taken unto Himself a son. No knowledge whatever have they of Him, and neither had their forefathers (knowledge of Jesus (saws), it was a new spin on an old trick, this was not the first trinity of the roman empire it was rather a regular claim about their rulers, being part of the Roman trinity of gods Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto like Jupiter Julius): dreadful is this saying that comes out of their mouths, [and] nothing but falsehood do they utter!” (118:4-5)

“It is generally, although erroneously, supposed that the doctrine of the Trinity is of Christian origin. Nearly every (pagan) nation of antiquity possessed a similar doctrine (Sumaria, Babylon, India, Greece, Egypt, Rome). [The early Catholic theologian] St. Jerome testifies unequivocally, ‘All the ancient nations believed in the Trinity’ ” (p. 382)”.

The trinity of Jesus (saws) was not the first trinity among the pagan religions but it was the first to be forced onto the monotheistic religion of Abraham, that Judaism, Islam, Christianity and Jesus (saws) ascribed to.

Gods in the ancient world were passed around like business cards, “The ancient heathen deities of the pagan Irish, Criosan, Biosena, and Seeva, or Sheeva, are doubtless the Creeshna [Krishna], Veeshnu [Vishnu], [or the all-inclusive] Brahma, and Seeva [Shiva], of the Hindoos” (Thomas Maurice, The History of Hindostan, Vol. 2, 1798, p. 171), the entire affair had no integrity.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “Allah the Almighty said, ‘Pride is My cloak and greatness is My robe, and he who competes with Me in respect of either of them, I shall cast into Hell Fire.’” (Sunan Abu Dawud), Christians rule the world through elitism today and that is both pride and arrogance, the bible has almost the same saying as this near word for word.

We know Angels are created from light (photons) and Jinn (demons) from fire (Electrons), this is common in all religions but Christianity banned science for a thousand years hence their tafsir is missing this basic aspect to it, when science is absent from a people Law becomes science and everything is argued based on that to horrific ends.

Europe had the dark ages, Islam had ibn Taymiyah, a lawyer whose arguments effectively declared all tafsir based on science kufr, science was seen as almost magic back then and today the extremists of the world are following his words.

Imam Ibn Arabi and Imam Ghazali where scholars who suffered at the hands of lawyers who had no idea science existed.

Light is the photon sub atomic particle and it is one of the smallest particles in existence, while fire is primarily made up of Atoms; “Fire is the result of a chemical reaction called combustion. At a certain point in the combustion reaction, called the ignition point, flames are produced. Flames consist primarily of carbon dioxide (Molecules), water vapor (Molecules), oxygen (Atoms) and nitrogen (All are atoms or molecules and not sub atomic).”

This is what most people think Jinn are made of but the prophet made a distinction, He (saws) said a fire which has no smoke and that is electricity and electricity is made of electrons. The distinction between photons and electrons is important because we can now separate Satan from Angels, their real nature is not even close and neither is the Christians theology regarding this.

So, what does it mean Satan was cast out of Heaven with His Angels, to understand that we have to understand that Angels do not sin because they are physiologically incapable of it, they do make mistakes in judgment and the most famous Angels who have made mistakes we know about them from two stories.

The first is the story of the angels sent to earth to live as humans because they could not understand why Humans kept sinning, the fact this occurred is important to understanding why Angels can make mistakes but they cannot sin, from their manner of existence Angels could understand the nature of sin but they wanted to know why humans could not stop falling into it.

The answer was entirely physiological because to understand why the Angels had to become human and live in the same environment as mankind, earth otherwise they could never understand.

This tells us it is impossible for Angels to fall into sin unless they are humans living on earth.

Angels are all around us now on earth and even at the time when this was occurring but that still is not enough for them to know and understand why mankind sinned, they had to take the physical form of a human to first know.

The second story is of the Angels of Babylon Harut and Marut who taught mankind the occult;

“Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Shayatin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels, Harut and Marut but neither of these two (angels) taught anyone (such things) till they had said, “We are only a trial, so disbelieve not (by learning this magic from us).” (Tafsir Ibn Kathir)

These two Angels were punished for this afterwards even though it was not sin it was a mistake of naivety and altruism which we can see from their statement in the Quran. If you think about how grave this mistake was the world today is the way it is because they taught this knowledge to man and Jinn.

Angels are in charge of the universe their knowledge is not all encompassing it is limited and so their mistakes can have enormous consequences on the universe therefor Allah must derive haq (Justice) for the wronged parties from those who made it, that is why Angels can be punished for things that are not sins or crimes, manslaughter the accidental death of a person is an easy comparison to this.

It is like an engineer making a mistake in the design of something and his choice killed someone as a result, this is not murder but a mistake in judgment.

Angels live under the same balance that exists in the universe for us and must deal with it every day, it is their job to balance the universe.

Abu Musa reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) was standing amongst us and he told us five things. He said: Verily Allah the Exalted and Mighty does not sleep, and it does not befit Him to sleep. He lowers the scale and lifts it (Balance in the universe, that decides fate in every moment and as the Balance changes the Mala’ikah do its work). The deeds in the night are taken up to Him before the deeds of the day (by the Angels who deal with every act we perform. There is order and precedence in how the universe works). and the deeds of the day before the deeds of the night. His veil is light (subatomic particles, all of this occurs in subatomic space). In the hadith narrated by Abu Bakr (instead of the word “light”) it is fire (Allah’s veil is fire which is more accurately energy or particles). If he withdraws it (the way these particles have formed the universe and everything in it, if He unravels the universe, if He unravels the subatomic fields, the layers of particles, which are veils between us and Him), the splendour of His countenance would consume His creation so far as His sight reaches.” (Muslim)

Similar to these stories is the story of Gabriel (as), Jibril after seeing man disbelieve in Allah for so long decided to take a human disciple and teach him, He took great care in educating the youth about everything including Allah, but in the end the young man ended up dying a Kafir, a mistake the Angel swore never to repeat again, at one-point Angels had trouble understanding human nature and needed to learn about it, these are those stories and experiences.

To understand Angels properly and what “Ibliss and His Angels” means, since it is a statement by Angels describing other Angels, and whose context is entirely separate from the Book of Enoch, you have to understand that Allah has assigned angels to guide every living creature he created, big and small, good and evil and everything in between;

“Each person has angels who take turns in guarding him by night and day, who protect him from evil and from accidents, just as other angels take turns in recording his deeds, good and bad, by night and by day. Two angels, on the right and the left, record his deeds.  The one on the right writes down good deeds and the one on his left writes down evil deeds (a book of records to be referenced later on). Two other angels guard him and protect him, one from behind, and one from in front. So there are four angels by day and four others by night.” (Ibn Kathir)

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said, “Angels come to you in succession by night and day and all of them get together at the time of the Fajr (early morning) and Asr (afternoon) prayers.  Those who have passed the night with you (or stayed with you) ascend (to the Heaven) and God asks them, though He knows everything about you well, “In what state did you leave my slaves?”  The angels reply: “When we left them they were praying and when we reached them, they were praying.” (Bukhari Muslim)

These are only some of the angels with you mentioned in ahadith, there are other Angels responsible for the path you take in life, what ever it is you choose they are responsible for bringing it about, all creatures learn from their own experiences and so because of this Angels will take the path you take in life supporting you with their light so they know it like you, this is what gives you freedom and strength in life, but some people are evil therefore Angels are forced to walk this path with you.

Angels by nature must take the path they are tasked with in order to learn all its knowledge and act on it, this is the only way to gain raw knowledge in the universe and they are the first to learn about knew things that come into existence from good, evil and what is in between.

When Allah says He cast Iblis out along with His Angels, that doesn’t mean His followers, it means His guardians who took His path with Him and enabled Him, opened the way for Him, this was their mistake like the occult was the mistake of the Angels of Babylon Harut wa Marut.

This mistake is not a sin but one of better or worse judgment, you should understand Angels are incapable of sinning, not by choice but by physiology. To be brief, the Angels hand is one of light they make choices about things at the origin of their inception in the universe, that is their responsibility and most of their work, sins don’t exist here they exist closer to us in the physical world.

Sins are types of acts that damage the universe while Angels exist at the same level the forces of the universe exist, the photon for example is the particle responsible for the electromagnetic force, this is a deeper subatomic sphere than our world and just as those forces are removed from the end product of their creation so are Angels.

If we want to understand how Allah can cast Angels out from heaven the answer is simple, that type of Angels does not belong there and the Angels of Iblis more than likely were raised up to Jannah along with Him and came out of it with Him.

Not every Angel knows Allah to the same degree they are arranged in ranks from the Arsh, the end of the universe to earth the physical part of the universe.

Ghayb the part of the universe they exist in is layered and each layer is hidden from the other behind a veil, if an Angel does not have access to all parts of ghayb then his perception of the “world” will be limited to what he can see, so the Angels of the Arsh know Allah the best and the Angels furthest away from the Arsh know Allah the least and these are the Angels on earth that were raised up to Jannah with iblis.

Consider this Hadith: Ibn Abbas (ra) said: “Two thousand years before (mankind) was created, there were Jinn on (Earth), and they caused corruption on it and shed blood (they caused fitnah during the age of dinosaurs, this is the blood they shed, with these creatures, other Ahadith indirectly say Allah punished the dinosaurs by killing them and turning the rest to lizards, He shrank/evolved them). Then Allah sent against them a troop of Angels who beat them and cast them away to islands in the seas. So, when Allah said: ‘I am placing (mankind) generations after generations on Earth,’ They (the Angels) said, ‘Will You place therein one who will cause corruption and shed blood’ (Al Baqarah, 2:30, referring to what they saw the jinn do before them on earth), That is: Just as those Jinn did?? Then Allah said: ‘I know that which you do not know.’” (Al-Hakim).

After this event occurred Allah raised Iblis to Jannah along with his earthly Angels responsible for him in life. When He became arrogant they were also responsible for enabling this mistake, responsible for experiencing defiance to Allah, everything an Angel experiences they become Imams in it hence they could not stay elevated to be examples and a spiritual force for Allah’s creation.

You can say to an Angel you should have known better but you can’t say you have sinned, the choice to sin doesn’t occur in their sphere of existence, it is the reason why they could not understand why man kept on sinning on earth, they don’t understand its nature because they can’t experience it.

Satanists and Christians want to claim Angels fell from their nature, photons (light) particles are not electrons or even Atoms, they should learn the basics of science before accusing them of something they are incapable of. If you want to understand how removed from sin Angels are research how small the photon particle is in the depths of subatomic space compared to an Atom on earth, you can fit much of the solar system inside that distance.

The Angels in following your path in life will adopt every aspect of it required to bring about the acts you choose to commit, that is their Ihsan that they are committed to sincerely, and that is their strength, they can live with you from their perspective, they are honouring Allah’s words and intention of diversity for creation in this verse:

“O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.” (49:13)

Allah created diversity then supported it with His Angels, so you will find Angels walking very different paths in this world.

It is men and Jinn who choose to do evil and these Angels must walk this path with them until Allah’s final decree comes upon them, they don’t commit your sins, they don’t override your free will, they allow the “physics” of what makes them possible exist.

Here is where you will find the most severe mistakes that Angels can make because to know the person they are supporting they adopt the mindset properly. Creation is here to find out all the knowledge it can discover about matters, good, evil and grey.

Hence you have Angels that have an Arab mindset, a Jewish mindset, a Christian mindset, an American mindset, a British mindset, a Criminal mindset, a happy mindset, a depressed mindset, it depends who they are with, this is something I have seen from the Angels and they fight for your right to exist the way you are vehemently, but it is not an indication of right or wrong.

The companions of the prophet (saws) knew all of this, when they went to war they spoke to the Mala’ikah of their enemies who would then help them defeat their people in War, this is how the companions took Persia and Rome the worlds largest superpowers in a very short period of time and no one could fathom how, the companions could see and speak to all the Mala’ikah, it is something Insha Allah the Ummah and its Awliayh will do again leading up to the time of Imam Mahdi (as), this is the way of war in Islam.

For Jinn and man this is dangerous ground because they find the power to commit their evil from Angels, the test of evil is impartial with Angels over it who are as impartial as the Angels of Babylon who taught the occult as a test, they all say essentially the same thing “We are a trial, so do not disbelieve.” (2:102)

Evil would not exist otherwise and Allah created it to see who would fall into it and for Angels to learn about Allah’s knowledge of it from its people.

Where Angels make mistakes is when some of them begin to believe in the path you take from their perspective, its right to exist in the grand scheme of things, so they enable you to do more and become blind/myopic/tunnel visioned to the rest of the world around them, even other Angels who advise them, this I have also seen.

This is because Angels follow the natural forces of the universe closely and help develop every kind of permutation on events that can exist, it is one reason why the span of time is so long, billions of years and it why Allah said in a Hadith Qudsi “I am Time”, meaning my nature is only known by those who know the full span of time that it is revealed over, the Angels.

We have seen these mistakes in the Quran from the Angels Harut and Marut, who some may have thought their acts crazy, why would you teach man such an evil just because you declared you are a test, they are following higher principles that make the universe exist because that is the life of Angels.

In the end Allah saw the matter our way and declared they went too far in following this higher path, they created to much harm so He punished them for wrong judgment in matters He gave them permission to act in on His behalf.

Becoming short sighted, caught up in the details and blind to the larger picture, is the short coming of all spiritual creatures because the spiritual world follows the physical one, hence Allah’s spiritual creatures follow the effects of what the physical world is doing to the spiritual one:

“There are no special doors for calamity and happiness (in men’s lot); they come as men themselves call them. Their recompenses follow good and evil as the shadow follows the substance (as the spiritual follows the physical).” (The Tao)

The lower Angels that this primarily occurs to are almost singular in their focus while mankind acquires a variety of qualities from Allah and the higher Angels, gaining wisdom over multiple subjects in life, eventually the lower Angels are surpassed as people come into proper maturity when they complete the sunnah of their life at the age of 40.

Because of this the lower Angels of earth end up living the reality of people on earth and become distanced from the reality of Allah, when that covers the world that is when the word of a Muhsin becomes as if nothing because the lower Mala’ikah are not echoing his reality and spreading Allah’s Haq, at this point it becomes more difficult for the Higher Mala’ikah who are more distant from this world to keep up as Allah would, as a result of this we see the oppression around us every day.

A sign of this was that in ages past miracles where easier to perform because the mala’ikah who performed them where all connected together at every level so every step of Allah’s hand in creation (His knowledge of everything from every perspective, in creation) was addressed and could be used to benefit man.

The reality of this is seen is surah al Rahman (55) where Allah combines in this surah the ecosystem of the stars and earth and warns about ruining the balance on earth because it will affect the heavens, the domain of the higher Angels.

Allah has many different groups of Angels, some in charge of Mercy some in charge of punishment, some in charge of knowledge, some in charge of beauty, as you can see their focus in life is singular and so is their perspective as a result of that, this is why spiritual creatures can easily loose themselves in their focus on something, Jinn being the worst of these creatures becoming entirely deluded having an “insane” train of thought.

Only the higher Angels have breadth in the qualities they embody, the leader of the Angels Michael (as) for instance is in charge of earth and everything that goes on here which is the opposite of singular focus.

It is only mankind that has Allah’s full spectrum of qualities which is why He said He created man in His image and why any mature human who sees Jinn sees them as small (or singular) minded.

Because Angels effectively live in Jannah compared to man they learn about consequences from watching them occur in the universe, they are also as old as the universe but Allah also creates new Angels every day, for example when Ayatul Kursi (2:255) is recited Allah (swt) creates an Angel on account of it to protect you from shaytan until the morning.

The older Angels don’t make the mistakes as the Angels on earth because they are always close to Allah’s Haq (reality), the wisdom in the universe, the existence of it comes from the prior experiences of the Angels, they share it with us as guidance and these are the mistakes they make in learning it from which we come to benefit.

“both 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6 refer to angels who have sinned against God and await punishment on Judgement Day. The Bible records several different times when angels fell to earth. Some have already fallen. Genisis 6:2 Revelation 12:4 and others fall in the future, Revelation 6:13 Early Christians also integrated non-biblical details from the Enochian writings, which circulated both in oral and written transmission. Irenaeus referred to fallen angels as apostates, who will be punished by an everlasting fire. Tertullian and Origen referred to fallen angels also as teachers of Astrology.”

Much of these are mistakes in Tafsir or translations because they could not understand context, we have seen already how Allah punished the Angels Harut and Marut for the severity of their mistakes, but no where was it ever called a sin, Allah placed the domain of the occult under them and they made the mistake of teaching it to others, even if Allah forbade them from this beforehand it still would not have been a sin because a sin is an evil that is created by actions we take and sin cannot be created from the hands of Mala’ikah, it is physiologically impossible.

People don’t understand this about sins, they think it is just something abstract, no it is an actual harm created from the forces of the uhvierse.

Some Angels because of the severity of their mistake will be sent to Jahanam but that also is not what you imagine, in fact Mala’ikah have been sent to Jahanam as a result of their mistakes from the beginning of time (something I was taught by the Mala’ikah).

We know from the book of Enoch (Idriss) which the kufar rely on for their ideas of fallen Angels that black holes are Hell, the Angels showed this to Idriss (as) who witnessed them swallowing stars, they explained that these stars are being punished for not following the path of Allah at the beginning of time, literally for the star not being on the right celestial path the underlaying subtext is that this was part of its greater fate which was a consequence to its nature (the nature it “earned”).

The Mala’ikah of each of these stars are also swallowed into Jahanam and become part of the Angels of Hell, there they learn about the mistakes in judgment they made by being asked to punish the things they once supported in life, the realities they lived.

This also occurs to the Angels of this world when they can’t find a way back from the path they took with a taghut (oppressor), Allah makes them one of the Angels of Jahanam and there they learn what they could not in this world, this is also something I have witnessed directly, the Mala’ikah of Jahanam coming to earth to take the Mala’ikah of a Taghut (a Jinn in this case) to Jahanam to continue His life there.

We have to stop looking at the Mala’ikah like magical creatures who snap their figures and things happen from thin air, they are responsible for creating things in the universe and everything you receive comes from their work. If you are blessed enough to enter Jannah, understand everything in it comes to you because one of Allah’s Angels did the work to create it, there are no shortcuts to how you receive things.

Angels will work for hundreds of years on something not just to create it but to also give it its honour and worth with haq so you can enjoy this exalted thing for a few moments. The things they create require that their honour and worth in the universe be real at every level in relation to everything else, that is how absolute Haq (reality/truth) is maintained otherwise Jannah would be full of delusion, so Understand.

Just like the Angels of this lower world can be “cast” into Jahanam to learn Allah can “cast” them out of Jannah to earth so they can likewise learn. Angels exist in this universe like us, created beings subject to the laws of the universe, they learn from life, they are created with some knowledge but it is not encompassing in any manner considering how much knowledge exists.

The idea of Angels following the realities of man to the extremes of evil to support it is in Ahadith. While this following example is singular look at it in the wider perspective of everything Angels do in the universe and you will find what we are saying;

Regarding the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) who will commit the worst evils on earth, the prophet (saws) said; “Two angels resembling two Prophets, one on either side will accompany him. This will be to test mankind. Hence the Dajjal will ask, “Am I not your lord? Do I not give life and death?…” (Narrated by Safeena-Musnad Ahrnad)

This is what they will help him with and it is a clear example of Mala’ikah being put in a role of causing deliberate fitnah on earth by Allah, it is a test from Him to weed out the occultists hiding themselves among mankind, it has a higher wisdom behind it just like the other Mala’ikah doing similar work.

“[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving.” (67:2)

Angels never touch Haram they only open the way for people to choose to walk into something, this is what the Mala’ikah of Babylon Harut and Marut did when they taught man the occult;

“And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, “We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic].” (2:102)

Other Mala’ikah around the world will choose to take up similar roles on earth for higher reasons, those who see them like Jinn will find it hard to understand why because of their relative immaturity.

Angels follow the paths of the universe, “By the heaven full of paths” (51:7), they do not fall from “grace”, blessing, rank, or anything else, when the Angels Harut and Marut taught man the occult ahadith state Allah decided the matter against them and punished them for it, despite in part being responsible for what the world is seeing today and more than likely the existence of the fitnah of the Dajjal, they are still the same Angels.

The fate of Angels who choose to follow the people of evil until the Akhira arrives is that in the Akhira they will be asked to punish the people and jinn they supported in order for the Angels to complete their path of learning and balance what has come from them.
“Nay! Verily, he will be thrown into the crushing Fire (a black hole). What will explain to you what the Crusher (the black hole) is? The fire of Allah (the forces of subatomic space), kindled, Which leaps up over the hearts, It shall be made into a vault over them, in towering columns.” (104:4-9)
Search for jets of a black hole and you will see what these columns look like and what they are, if you want to understand why Allah related this to what is in the hearts of men “then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones (planets),- which is prepared for those who reject Faith” (2:24).

What is in mens hearts will fuel the forces of hell and the Angels who know best what is a persons heart are the Angels that accompanied each person or Jinn in life, these are the Angels of this verse (Which leaps up over the hearts), Allah would not have made the connection if there where no Angels connecting the two, the Angels that know your heart and the Angels that know Jahanam.

Here is some higher wisdom, Allah said in a hadith Qudsi “I am Time”, meaning I am known over the passage of time, this tells us that from the beginning of the universe to its end Allah will create every “kind” of situation, one such situation is testing if people in the world will decide to rule the world through the occult, this age will end with the coming of the one who is the master of sihr, the Dajjal, a being who lost control of his self soon after birth to ghayb and consequently gained mastery over sihr at the expense of his will because of which Allah will end his existence on the day of judgment in the same way animals will be killed, because they have no intelligence or will to the same level as us they are neither deserving of Jannah or Jahanam.

When the Jews explained the matter of the Angels saying “these angels are regarded as being still subordinative to God’s plan and act as evil inclinations” they where right regarding this, they do this to test you in a real way, even the prophet (saws) was tested by the Angels to see if he would choose the wrong path.

Abu Hurairah said: “On the night Allah’s apostle was taken on the journey (Al-Isra Wal-Miraaj), two cups, one containing wine and the other milk, were presented to him at Jerusalem. He looked at it and took the cup of milk. Gabriel said “Praise be to Allah who guided you to Al-Fitrah (the right instinct) if you had taken the cup of wine, your nation would have gone astray.” (Bukhari)

And the story of Dawwud (as) and the two Angels one playing the role of an oppressor to test him (as):

“And have you heard the account of the litigants – how they climbed over the wall of the citadel and came in to Da’wud, frightening him, and they said, ‘Do not be afraid – we are two litigants, one of whom has wronged the other, so judge between us with truth, and do not be unjust, and guide us to the right way:

“‘Surely this brother of mine had ninety-nine ewes, and I had one ewe, and he said, “Let me look after her,” – and his proposal got the better of me.’

“He (Da’wud) said, ‘He has indeed wronged you by asking for your ewe in addition to his ewes, and surely many of those who bargain together certainly wrong each other, except for those who believe and do good – and how few they are!’

“And Da’wud thought that We had surely been testing him, so he asked his Lord for forgiveness and fell down, bowing – and he repented.

“And so We forgave him that – and surely he certainly has a near place in our presence and a good destiny.

“(And Allah said), ‘O Da’wud, surely We have chosen you as a khalif in the earth, so judge between people in with truth, and do not follow any desire that may lead you away from the way of Allah – surely those who go astray from the way of Allah will have an intense punishment because they forgot about the Day of Reckoning.'”

Al-Qur’an 38:17-26

None of this is unfamiliar to the bible except translators are confused about what it all means;

“For if God did not spare the angels when they sinned (made a mistake), but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of nether gloom to be kept until the judgment.” (RSV 2 Peter 2:4)

“And the angels that did not keep their own position but left their proper dwelling (followed the paths until their end not turning back) have been kept by him in eternal chains (a metaphorical reference to the crushing force of Jahanam, a black hole, meaning they can’t leave it once they enter) in the nether gloom until the judgment of the great day.” (RSV Yehuda 1:6, or Jude 1:6)

Jahanam knows the hearts of the creatures Allah created in order to punish them, so when you open your heart to darkness you will find a path to hell from the paths of the universe (51:7), likewise when the Mala’ikah follow your path to hell some can end up going there to complete their journey in life.

The work of the Mala’ikah is not magic it is balancing forces like a chemistry equation, something goes in then it is converted into something else but it never stops existing.

The Angels carry man throughout His life but man can have deluded beliefs which they must support to grant him his freedom, when that person dies the equation that sums up his life is left with them to deal with in their self and so they can’t stop themselves from acting according to the persons sunnah, if the angels can’t turn back Allah will send the them to Jahanam to balance the equations, and learn the consequences of peoples actions, to show them what the end of the path looks like so they can witness it and change with haq.

Very literally for Mala’ikah Jahanam is a place that rehabilitates them from the extremes in the lives of man.

“IS THEN -HE who was dead [in spirit] and whom We thereupon gave (his soul) life (through morality), and for whom We set up a (guiding) light (in his heart) whereby he might see his way among men – [is then he] like one [who is lost] in darkness deep, out of which he cannot emerge?” (Al-Anam: 122)

“Is he whose bosom Allah hath expanded to Al-Islam, so that he followeth a light from his Lord, (as he who disbelieveth in what he is seeing)? Then woe unto those whose hearts are hardened (shut) against remembrance of Allah (the possibility of that light helping them). Such are in plain error.” (39:22)

“Nay they will be thrown into Al Hutamah (the Crushing Fire). And what will make you know what Al Hutamah is? The fire of Allah kindled by men and stones which will rise over the [guilty] hearts. Surely it will vault over them in pillars widely extended (like the jets of a black hole).” (Humazah: 4-9)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


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