The Superiority Of Man

The Superiority Of Man Over Angels

Angels are being of the intellect who are not ruled by emotions but they exist inside the thought, this is their perspective, while Man when He matures rises above each thought to be objective. Hence man can encompass the existence of everything while Angels cannot, their immense power is so they can keep up with man; while we control the world of the intellect they are its builders and the role of a builder is never higher than its architect, the speed of thought is the power of the Angels while we direct each thought and can hold the entire universe in our minds eye.

This is what Abu Yazid (q) saw and what He (q) meant when He (q) said: “If the Throne and what is around it and what is in it were placed in the corner of the heart of a Knower (someone whose eye gained this experience), they would be lost completely inside it.”

The Superiority Of Man Over Jinn

Jinn exist inside emotions and their thoughts, this is their perspective, while Man when He matures rises above each emotion and its thought to be unattached and objective. Hence man can encompass every kind of emotion while Jinn cannot; while we mature above the world of the emotions they are its builders and the role of a builder is never higher than its architect.

The place of man is to be above the intellect and emotions without losing perspective and that is where God is.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.