Female Scholars Who Were Teachers of Male Scholars

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum, the following is taken from elsewhere;

I would like to start the article by the following quote of ad-Dahabi regarding the women narrators of hadith:
ما علمت في النساء من اتهمت ولا من تركوها
I don’t know of any woman who is accused of lying neither I know anyone among them who is rejected
[Meezan ul I’tedaal 4/604]

Below are the female scholars who were teachers of male scholars

1. Ayesha ra
Abu Musa al-Ash’ari says about her:
ما أشكل علينا أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم حديث قط فسألنا عائشة إلا وجدنا عندها منه علما.
.”Whenever we (the Companions) of Prophet peace be upon him had any difficulty on hadeeth, of which we approached Aisha and (always) found that she had the knowledge of the hadith “. [SunanTirmidhi hadith no: 3883]

Um Ad-Dardaa

Ibn Katheer, may Allaah have mercy upon him, reported in his book entitled Al-Bidaayah Wan-Nihaayah that men used to learn from her (Um Ad-Dardaa’) and seek jurisprudence knowledge from her, He said
إبراهيم بن هشام بن يحيى الغساني عن أبيه ، عن جده ، قال : كان عبد الملك يجلس في حلقة أم الدرداء في مؤخر المسجد بدمشق
Ibraheem bin Yahya al Ghisani said that his father (Yahya) said that his father said: The Caliph ‘Abdul-Malik, may Allaah have mercy upon him, used to sit in teaching circles of Um Darda which was in the north wall of Damascus mosque. (during his caliphate). (end quote)

2. Amra bint ‘Abdur Rahmaan عمرۃ بنت عبدالرحمان

ad-Dahabi said:
المَدَنِيَّةُ، الفَقِيْهَةُ، تَرْيِبَةُ عَائِشَةَ وَتِلْمِيْذَتُهَا.
She was Madni, The Faqeeha who was student of Aaisha. [Seyar Ailam an-Nubala 4/507]

Then He said:
وَكَانَتْ عَالِمَةً، فَقِيْهَةً، حُجَّةً، كَثِيْرَةَ العِلْمِ.
She was the Scholar, The Hujjah, She had great knowledge. [Ibid]

Then he said:
عَنِ ابْنِ شِهَابٍ، عَنِ القَاسِمِ بنِ مُحَمَّدٍ:
أَنَّهُ قَالَ لِي: يَا غُلاَمُ، أَرَاكَ تَحْرِصُ عَلَى طَلَبِ العِلْمِ، أَفَلاَ أَدُلُّكَ عَلَى وِعَائِهِ؟
قُلْتُ: بَلَى.
قَالَ: عَلَيْكَ بِعَمْرَةَ، فَإِنَّهَا كَانَتْ فِي حَجْرِ عَائِشَةَ.
قَالَ: فَأَتَيْتُهَا، فَوَجَدْتُهَا بَحْراً لاَ يُنْزَفُ.
Ibn Shahab Zuhri (Tabiyee) said to Qasim bin Muhammad that i can see you are very keen to seek knowledge. Should i tell you about the treasure of knowledge? If you want to seek knowledge then learn from عمرۃ بنت عبدالرحمان. Qasim said when i went to her, i felt that she is the ocean of knowledge which cannot be dried[Seyar Ailam an-Nubala of adDahabi 4/508]

She was so powerful in knowledge that even the likes of Umar bin Abdul Aziz used to ask questions from her.

Ibn Sa`ad said:
أُخْبِرْتُ عَنْ شُعْبَةَ ، عَنْ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ ، قَالَ : قَالَ لِي عُمَرُ بْنُ عَبْدِ الْعَزِيزِ : مَا بَقِيَ أَحَدٌ أَعْلَمُ بِحَدِيثِ عَائِشَةَ مِنْهَا ، يَعْنِي عَمْرَةَ ، قَالَ : وَكَانَ عُمَرُ يَسْأَلُهَا . وَأُخْبِرْتُ عَنْ شُعْبَةَ عَنْ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ الْقَاسِمِ قَالَ : سَمِعْتُ الْقَاسِمَ يَسْأَلُ عَمْرَةَ
Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman said that Umar bin Abdul Aziz said: There is no one who remains who knows the hadith of Aisha better then her i.e. Amrat (bint Abdur Rahman). He said: Umar (bin Abdul Aziz) used to ask questions from her.

Abdul Rahman bin Qasim said that I heard Qasim that He asked question from Amrat. [Tabqaat al Kubra Ibn Sa`ad no. 2502, see also Muarifat Sunan wal Athaar lil Bayhaqi]

Asma bint Asad bin al Faraat

Asma was the daughter of Asad bin al Faraat who was student of Imam Malik and Abu Yusaf, she was one of the virtuous women, she was among the faqeehat of Islam, She was from Qairwaan, She learnned the fiqh of the people of Iraq, which was the fiqh of Imam Abu Hanifa and his students. [Mo`jam A`lam an-Nisa page 21]

Her complete biography can be seen in شهيرات التونسيات page 45-47 by Hasan HUsani bin Saaleh bin Abdul Wahab and in the book the daughters of Islam (Islam ki betiaan) page 465 by Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti the salafi historian from Pakistan.

3. Scholars of third century

The wife of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal with the name of Abbasa

The husband and Wife who never disagreed for 20 years on even one word.

Ibn Abi Yala said:
زوجة إمامنا أحمد وأم ابنه صالح كان أحمد يثني عليها وسمعت منه أشياء وماتت في حياته.
قال زهير بن صالح بن أحمد تزوج جدي أم أبي عباسة بنت الفضل وهي من العرب من الربض ولم يولد له منها غير أبي ثم توفيت وقال أحمد أقامت أم صالح معي عشرين سنة فما اختلفت أنا وهي في كلمة.
She was the wife of our Imam Ahmad and mother of his son Saaleh, Ahmad Praised her.. She died in his life.

Zaheer bin Saaleh bin Ahmad said: my grandfather married The Mother of my Father Abbasa bint Fadal who was from Arab.. she had no other children other than my father (Saaleh) until she died.

Ahmad said: Umm Saleh stood with me for twenty years, and we do not DISAGREE ON EVEN ONE WORD. [Tabqaat al Hanabilah (1/427), See also Tareekh Baghdad 14/438] There were others like Zainab bint Suleman, Umm Umar Thaqafiya, Nafeesa bint Hassan, Khadija umm Muhammad and many others.

A Black Female Slave, who was the scholar of hadith.

Ibn Hiyan al Andulasi (377 h to 469 h) said:
وذكر إسحاق بن سلمة عن أحمد بن عبد الله الحبيبي عن جده قال: لما حج حبيب دحون اجتمع بمكة مع ابن عمه محمد بن يزيد بن سلمة، وكان مطمئناً ببلده بالشام بحال حسنة، فوهب له محمد جارية تسمى عابدة، وكانت سوداء حالكة من رقيق المدينة، وكانت تروى عن مالك بن أنس وغيره من العلماء شيوخها، فتسند عشرة آلاف حديث عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقدم بها دحون إلى الأندلس، وهو قد أعجب بعلمها وفهمها، فاتخذها لفراشه، فولدت له بشراً إبنه.
Abidah who was a Black slave, but she was a shining start as far as hadith is concern. When Muhammad bin Yazeed gave her to Habeeb bin al Waleed al Dahoon al Andalusi, Her knowldge influenced him so much that He freed her and they did nikah and bore a child, She went to Andulas with him where she narrated 10,000 ahadith of Prophet peace be upon him from Malik bin Anas and other Madni teachers. (المقتبس من أنباء الأندلس لابن حیان القرطبی 228/1)

The daughter of Imam Ibraheem al Harbee

Khateb Baghdadi said:
أم عيسى بنت إبراهيم بن إسحاق الحربي ذكر لي انها كانت فاضلة عالمة تفتي في الفقه
Umm Eesa bint Ibraheem al Harbee, She was Fadhil Scholar, she used to give fatawa on fiqhi issues. [Tareekh Baghdad 14/442] The daughter of Imam Sahnoon, Khadeeja bint Sahnoon

She was the daughter of Imam Sahnoon, Qaadi Iyaad said: Regarding her:
وكانت من خيار الناس
She was among the best of the people. Tarteeb al Madark 4/57 with the Tahqiq of Abdul Qadir as-Sahrawi]

He also said:
كانت خديجة عاقلة عالمة ذات صيانة ودِين، وكان نساء زمانها يستفتيْنَها في مسائل الدين

Khadeeja was Intelligent, Scholar of religion, Women of her time used to take benefit from her. [Faqeehaat Aalimaat by Muhammad Khayr Ramdaan Yusaf page 25]

5. Al Wuzra bint Umar, known as Wazeera

Ailam az-Zarkali states
فقيهة محدّثة. دمشقية المولد والوفاة. أخذت صحيح البخاري عن أبي عبد الله الزبيدي، وحدّثت به، وبمسند الشافعيّ، في دمشق، ثم بمصر سنة 705هـ عدة مرات عرّفها المقريزي بالمسندة المعمرة. وقال ابن تغري بردي: صارت رُحْلة زمانها ورحل إليها من الأقطار. وقال ابن العماد: مسندة الوقت، كانت على خير عظيم

The Faqeeha, The Scholar of hadith. Born and died in Damascus. Abu Abdullah az-Zabeedi taught Saheeh al Bukhari to her, she taught Bukhari and Musnad ash-Shafiee in Damascus and then in Egypt in 705h many times… Ibn al Imaad said: She was musnad of her time, she was on great khayr.[Ailam az-Zarkali 3/78]

6. ام احمد زینب بنت المکی
She was 90 years old and she was a teacher of scholars and she used to teach Musnad Imam Ahmad. (شذرات الذہب 607/7)

7. ام ابراہیم فاطمہ الجوزدانیہ
She used to teach Mojam at-Tabrani (تاریخ اسلام ۔ت:تدمری 126/43)

Umm al Khayr Ummtul Khaaliq.

Ibn al Imaad said:
أم الخير أمة الخالق الشيخة الأصلية المعمرة ولدت سنة إحدى عشرة وثمانمائة وحضرت على الجمال الحنبلي وأجاز لها الشرف بن الكويك وغيره وهي آخر من يروي البخاري عن أصحاب الحجاز
Umm al Khayr Ummatul Khaaliq.. Who used to attend the lectures of al Jamal al Hanbali, Sharf bin al Kowayk and others have given her Ijazah, she was the last narrator of Saheeh al Bukhari from the people of al Hijaaz (a Madrassa). [Shazart Al-Zahab 8/13]

8. Grand daughter of Imam Abu Dawood, Umm salma fatimah. She was famous muhadditha of that time. [Tareekh Baghdad 14/442]

Fatimah bint Abdul Rahman was also a muhadditha of that time[(تاریخ بغداد،ط: العلمیۃ 441/14) ]

9.Shahda bint Ahmad, Known by the name of Fakhr un-Nisa (The pride of Women), THE TEACHER OF GREATEST OF THE SCHOLARS.
ad-Dahabi said:
حدث عنها: ابن عساكر والسمعاني وابن الجوزي وعبد الغني وعبد القادر الرهاوي وابن الأخضر والشيخ الموفق والشيخ العماد والشهاب بن راجح والبهاء عبد الرحمن والناصح والفخر الإربلي وتاج الدين عبد الله بن حمويه وأعز بن العليق وإبراهيم بن الخير وبهاء الدين بن الجميزي ومحمد بن المني وأبو القاسم بن قميرة وخلق كثير.

Her students are Ibn Asakir (The author of Tareekh Damishq), as-Sam`ani, Ibn al Jawzi (author of Tilbees Iblees and 100s of books), Abdul Ghani (al Maqdasi the great scholar), Abdul Qadir al Rahawi, Ibn al Akhdar, Mawfiq (Ibn Qudama the author of al Mughni), Shaykh al Imaad, Shihab bin Raajeh, al Baha Abdul Rahman, Naasih, Fakhr al Arbali, Taj ad-din Abdullah al Hamawi, Aa`iz bin Aleeq, Ibraheem bin al Khayr, Baha ud din al Jamezi, Muhammad bin al Mina, Abul Qasim bin Qameerah and Many others. [Seyar A`lam an-Nubala 20/542-543]

10. Scholars used to attend lectures of following muhaddithat

Umm al Waahid bint al Qaadhi Abi Abdullah al Husayn bin Ismaeel al Mahamali (d 377 h)

Imam ad-Dahabi said:

أَمَةُ الواحد بنت القاضي أَبِي عَبْد اللَّه الْحُسَيْن بْن إِسْمَاعِيل المَحامِلي. [المتوفى: 377 هـ] رَوَتْ عن أبيها، وإسماعيل الورّاق، وعبد الغافر بن سلامة، وحفظت القرآن والفقه على مذهب الشافعي والفرائض والدَّور والعربية، وغير ذلك من العلوم الإسلامية. روى عنها الحسن بن محمد الخلال، وغيره.
وهي أُمّ القاضي أبي الحسين محمد بن أحمد بن القاسم المَحَاملي.
قال ابن أخيها أحمد بن عبد الله: اسمها ستيتة، وكانت من أحفظ الناس للفقه
وقال أبو بكرالبرقاني: كانت بنت المَحَاملي تُفْتي مع أبي علي بن أبي هُرَيْرَة.
توفيت في رمضان.
Umm al Waahid bint al Qaadhi Abi Abdullah al Husayn bin Ismaeel al Mahamali (d 377 h)

She narrated from her father, Islameel al Warraq, Abdul Ghafir bin Salamah. She memorised Qur`an, Fiqh of the Madhab of Imam ash-Shafiee, Faraaid, Arabic and other sciences of Islam. Hasan bin Muhammad al Khallal and others narrated from her.

She is the mother of Qaadhi abi al Husayn Muhammad bin Ahmad bin al Qasim al Mahamali. Son of his brother Ahmad bin Abdullah said: Her name is Sutayta She was the best preserver of fiqh among the people. Abu Bakr al Burqani said: Bint al Mahaamali used to give fatwa with Ali bin Abi Huraira (a great Shafiee scholar). She died in Ramadan. [Tareekh al Islam ad-Dahabi 8/437]

Teacher of Qaadi Abu Yala, Umm al Fath Umm Salaam bint al Qaadi Ahmad bin Kaamil Baghdadiya.

It is mentioned in Mo`ajam A`laam an-Nisa
ورثت عن أبيها العلم والفضل، واشتهرت بمعرفتها بالحديث ؛ أخذته عن كبار المحدّثين فى عصرها ببغداد.
She Inherited Knowledge and Fadal from her father, she was famous for her knowledge of hadeeth. She studied under KIBAAR MUHADDITHEEN of her time in Baghdad. [Mo`ajam A`laam an-Nisa page 41, See also Tareekh Baghdad 16/633]

Umm al Husayn, Jum`a bint Ahmad.

She was Scholar of hadeeth from Neysabur, Khateeb Baghdadi said that her student Khallal said:
كَانَ أَبُو حامد الإسفراييني يُعظمها ويُكرمها
Abu Hamid al Asfaraeeni used to respect and venerate her. [Tareekh Baghdad 16/634]

Kareema (Karima) Bint Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Hatim Al-Marwaziya (D. 465 A.H)

She used to teach Sahih Bukhari to the likes of Khateeb Baghdadi who used to reach Makkah from Baghdad to seek knowlede from her, Imam as-Sam`ani said:
سمعتُ الوالد يذكر كريمة ويقول: هَلْ رَأَى إنسانٌ مثل كريمة.
I heard my father said when Kareema was mentioned that I have not seen anyone like Kareema.[Tareekh al Islam ad-Dahabee 10/223] Faatimah bint Hilal bin Ahmad al Karji

Khateeb Baghdadi said:
فاطمة بنت هلال بن أحمد الكرجي وتكنى أم فرج سَمِعَتْ: أَبَا عمرو ابْن السماك، وأبا بَكْر الشافعي، كتبنا عنها، وكانت صادقة
Faatimah bint Hilal bin Ahmad al Karji, her Kuniyah is Umm Farj, She heard from Aba Umar, Ibn Simaak and Abu Bakr ash-Shafiee. I wrote from her, She is truthful. (Then he narrated a hadith through her chain). [Tareekh Baghdad 16/635]

Faatimah bint Muhammad Umm Abeeha.

Khateeb Baghdadi said:
وحدثت عن: أبيها.
لَم يقدر لي السماع منها، لكن حدَّثَنِي أبو طاهر محمد بن أحمد ابن الأشناني عنها، وكانت ثقة.
She narrated from her father, (Sadly) I could not directly hear from her, but she is in my chain through Abu Tahir Muhammad bin Ahmad ibn al Ash-Nani. She was trustworthy. [Tareekh Baghdad 16/635]

Tahirah bint Ahmad at-Tannookhiyah

طاهرة بنت أحمد بن يوسف الأزرق بن يعقوب بن إسحاق بن البهلول التنوخية حدثت عن أبيها، وسَمعنا منها في دار القاضي أبي القاسم التنوخي، وكان سماعها معه في كتابه.
Tahira bint Ahmad bin Yusaf al Arzaq bin Yaqub bin Ishaq bin al Bahlol at-Tanukhiya. She narrated from her Father. [Tareekh Baghdad 16/635]

Khadija bint Musa

Khateeb Baghdadi said:
خديجة بنت موسى بن عبد الله الواعظة المعروفة ببنت البقال وتكنى أم سلمة
سَمعت: أبا حفص بن شاهين.
كتبت عنها وكانت ثقة صالحة، فاضلة
Khadija bint Musa the orator, famously known for Bint al Buqaal, her Kuniyah is Umm Salma. Heard from Aba Hafs bin Shaheen. I wrote from her, She was Trustworthy, Righteous, Faadhilah. [Tareekh Baghdad 16/636]

Jabrah as-Sawda the freed slave.

Khateeb said:
جبرة السوداء مولاة أبي الفتح محمد بن أحمد بن أبي الفوارس
حدثت عن: شيخنا أبي الحسين أحمد بن محمد بن أحمد بن حماد المعروف بابن المتيم.
كتب عنها: غير واحد من أصحابنا، وكان سماعها صحيحا،
Jabrah as-Sawda the freed slave of Abul Fath Muhammad bin Ahmad bin abi al Fawaras. She narrated from my teacher Al Husayn Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Hammad, who is known as Ibn al Mateem.
More than one of my Ashaab wrote from her. Hearing from her is saheeh. [Tareekh Baghdad 16/637]

Sutaytah bint al Qaadhi Abul Qasim

Khateeb said:
سُتَيْتَة بنت القاضي أبي القاسم عبد الواحد بن محمد بن عثمان البجلي المعروف بابن أبي عمرو
سمعت: أبا القاسم عمر بن محمد بن سَبَنْك.
كتبنا عنها، وكانت صادقة فاضلة
Sutaytah bint al Qaadhi Abul Qasim Abdul Wahid bin Muhammad bin Uthman al Bijili, who is known as Ibn abi Amr.

She heard from Abul Qasim Umar bin Muhammad bin Sabnak. I wrote from her, she is truthful and Faadhilah. [Tareekh Baghdad 16/637]

Khadeeja bint Muhammad

Khateeb Baghdadi said
خديجة بنت محمد بن علي بن عبد الله الواعظة المعروفة بالشاهجانية
سَمِعَت: أَبَا الْحُسَيْن بْن سمعون الواعظ، كتبنا عنها، وكانت صالِحة صادقة،
Khadeeja bint Muhammad bin Ali bin Abdullah, she was preacher famously known as Shahjaniyah.

She heard from Abul Husayn bin Sam`oon who was an orator, I wrote from her. She was righteous and Truthful. [Tareekh Baghdad 16/638]

11. Sister of Famous Ibn Hajar asqalani the commentator of Sahih Bukhari, with the name of ست الرکب علی, Niece of Ibn Taymiya with the name of زینب بنت عبداﷲ, The daughter of Ibn Qudama Maqdisi and many others were great muhaddithaat[الدررالکامنۃ فيعیان المائۃ الثا منۃ]

‘Aa’ishah bint Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Haadi ibn ‘Abdul Hameed ibn ‘Abdul Haadi ibn Yoosuf ibn Muhammad ibn Qudaamah was one of the senior scholars of Hadeeth (who narrated ahaadeeth with their chains of narrators).

She was considered among the greatest of the scholar of hadith, the teacher of Ibn Hajar al Asqalani, Ibn al Imaad said:
وروى عنها الحافظ ابن حجر، وقرأ عليها كتبا عديدة
Hafidh Ibn Hajar narrated from her, and studied dozens of the books under her. [Shazaraat al Zuhab 9/178]

Ibn Hajar may Allaah have mercy upon him mentioned her in his book Al-Mu‘jam Al-Mufahras (2/351) and said that he studied many books at her hands, and he then listed some of those books.

12. The author of Tareekh Damishq, Ibn Asakir mentioned 80 of his teachers that they were Muhaddithaat (Female scholars of hadith), Nafeesa bint Ibraheem was teacher of Famous Imam ad-Dahabee, ست العرب بنت محمد البخاری was teacher of Famous Hafidh Haythamee and Iraqi. (الاعلام للزرکلی 77/3)

13. Lubna, the scribe of the Caliph al Hakam bin Abdul Rahman.

Ibn Bashkawaal d (578 h) said in his book
لبنى، كاتبة الخليفة الحكم بن عبد الرحمن.
كانت حاذقة بالكتابة، نحوية شاعرة، بصيرة بالحساب، مشاركة في العلم، لم يكن في قصرهم أنبل منها، وكانت عروضية، خطاطة جدا. وتوفيت سنة أربع وسبعين وثلاث مائة.

“Lubna, the scribe of the Caliph al Hakam bin Abdul Rahman.

She excelled in writing, grammar, and poetry, Had great knowledge of mathematics, she was proficient in knowledge (of other sciences as well), There were no one in the palace as noble as her… She died in 374 h.

[Kitab al Sila Fe Tareekh Aa`ima al Andulas 1/653 shamela]

Student of Ibn Taymiyah Umm Zainab Fatimah bint Abbas.

Ibn Kathir said under the Biography of Umm Zainab Fatimah bint Abbas:

وكانت من العالمات الفاضلات، تأمر بالمعروف وتنهي عن المنكر، وتقوم على الأحمدية في مواخاتهم النساء والمردان، وتنكر أحوالهم وأصول أهل البدع وغيرهم، وتفعل من ذلك ما لا تقدر عليه الرجال.
وقد كانت تحضر مجلس الشيخ تقي الدين بن تيمية فاستفادت منه ذلك وغيره، وقد سمعتُ الشيخ تقي الدين يثني عليها ويصفها بالفضيلة والعلم، ويذكر عنها أنها كانت تستحضر كثيرا من المغني أو أكثره، وأنه كان يستعد لها من كثرة مسائلها وحسن سؤالاتها وسرعة فهمها، وهي التي ختّمت نساءً كثيرا القرآن.
منهن أم زوجتي عائشة بنت صديق، زوجة الشيخ جمال الدين المزي،

She was among the Scholars and Virtuous people, She was indulge in Enjoining good and forbidding evil. She used to monitor and stand against Men and Women of Ahmadiyah (The sufi Tariqah). She used to deny their conditions and Usool of people of innovations and others among them. She did those things which not even men can do. She used to come in the Majlis of Shaykh Taqi ud din Ibn Tamiyah and take knowledge from him. I have heard Shaykh Taqi ud din praising her and talking about her virtue and knowledge. It is mentioned regarding her that she knew most or many of al Mughni. He (Ibn Tamiyah) used to prepare himself because she used to ask many of the Mas`ala and good questions and her quick understanding. She taught Quran to many of the women among them are my Mother in law Aisha bint Siddique the wife of Shaykh Jamal ud din al Mizzi. [Al Bidaya wal Nihaya 14/91]

Lastly, I would like to mention it is a right of a wife to know about deen, Ibn al Haaj al Maaliki said:
فلو طلبت المرأة حقها في أمر دينها من زوجها ورفعته إلى الحاكم وطالبته بالتعليم لأمر دينها ; لأن ذلك لها إما بنفسه , أو بواسطة إذنه لها في الخروج إلى ذلك لوجب على الحاكم جبره على ذلك كما يجبره على حقوقها الدنيوية , إذ أن حقوق الدين آكد وأولى
If a woman ask her right regarding a matter of Deen from her husband, and ask the Haakim regarding her education regarding deen, as it is her right that whether husband educate her or give her permission to go out and seek knowledge. Then It is an obligation on Haakim to force her husband to accept her demand as he do in worldly matters, because the rights of deen are more important. [al Madkhal 1/276]