The World As We Know It

The World As We Know It

Abdullah bin Abbas (r.a.) said that after completing the Last Pilgrimage (in the 10th year of Hijrah), the Holy Prophet (S) stood before the door of the Kaaba, keeping the latch of the door in his hand, and said to his companions: “Should I not tell you of the Signs of the Day of Resurrection? Salman Farsi (r.a.) was nearest of all there and he replied: “Surely, O Messenger-of Allah.” The Holy Prophet said:

“Verily, amongst the Signs of the Hour is that people will neglect the prayer (i.e., will not pray at all, or will pray without fulfilling its conditions, or will not pray in the preferred time), and will follow their own views (and desires will supersede the commands of Allah, they will follow only those rules which will appeal to them, and will leave other rules), and will incline towards their own preferences, and will respect the wealthy people (forgetting the Islamic criterion of honour, i.e., piety), and will sell the religion for worldly benefits (for example, the greed of worldly riches will instigate them to go to such places where, they very well know, it would be difficult to observe their religious commands); at that time the heart and soul of the believer will melt (from grief) as salt melts in water, because he will see the unlawful things (and actions) and will not be able to change them.”

Salman (r.a.) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?”

The Holy Prophet said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul. “O Salman, at that time the rulers will be tyrants, the ministers transgressors and the trustees embezzlers.”

Salman (r.a.) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?”

The Holy Prophet (S) Said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman, verily at that time the evil will become virtue, and the virtue will become evil; the embezzlers will be trusted, and the trustworthy people will be thought untrustworthy; and the liars will be vouchsafed, and the truthful one will be considered liars.”

Salman (r.a.) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?

The Holy Prophet (S) said:’Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman, at that time, women will be rulers and the concubines will be consulted; (It may mean the government of the women and /or the domination of women over their husbands – so much so that the husbands will not, or cannot, ask them to remain within the limits of the Sheriat, leaving them free to go wherever they want in whatever clothes they like) and the children will sit upon ‘Minber’ (Pulpit) (It may mean that children will sit upon pulpit of the Prophet even though they cannot appreciate the sanctity of the ‘Minber’. Or it may mean that such people will ascend the pulpit who will not deserve such honour. The ‘Minber’ was created for delivering the commands of Allah to His servants. Its only purpose was to enjoin to do good and to forbid from evil’, and later on the narration of the tragedy of Karbala was included in it, because the ‘Fadhilat’ (Superiority) and sufferings of Ahlul-Bait (A) are important parts of religion. If someone wants to exhort others to do good, he must sincerely follow the Sheriat himself, and if he wants to forbid others from doing evil, he, first of all, must abstain from the sins himself. Unfortunately, nowadays anyone who can recite a few poems of Iqbal or Rumi, and who is unrestrained enough to invent ‘Fadhail’ and ‘Masaib’ of Ahlul-Bait on the spur of the moment, is given the titles ‘Allamah’, ‘Maulana’ and ‘Zakir’ and is offered heavy fee to demonstrate his oratorical power, even if he shaves his beard, even if he knows nothing about Qur’an and Hadith, even if he expresses his own opinions against the sayings of the Holy Prophet and Imams (peace be on them all), even if he uses the pulpit to mislead the masses); and the lie will be considered as cleverness; and Zakat will be (disliked) as fines; and the booty of war will be like personal property (or in present days’ context, public property will be squandered as personal property); and man will be tyrant to his parents and generous to his friend; and at that time comets will appear.”

Salman (R. A) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?”

The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul”.

“O Salman , at that time the woman will become a partner of her husband in trade (It means, more probably, that she will help her husband in the shop, acting as sales-girl, accountant and what not); and the rain will be very hot; (Its meaning is not clear yet. Does it mean radio-active rain?) and virtuous people will remain sorrowful; and the poor person will be dishonoured; at that time, the markets will come nearer. (It has already happened, thanks to the fantastic developments in means of communications, like teleprinters, radios, satellites. A man sitting in New York buys and sells in Tokyo.) Then this will say. ‘I did not sell anything’ and that will say, ‘I did not get any profit’. Thus, you will see none who is not complaining against Allah.

Salman (R. A.) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?”

The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Yes; by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman, and then it will happen that their rulers will be such people that if they talked, they would kill them, and if they remained silent, they would confiscate their wealth, would put their honour under their feet and would shed their blood – and the people’s hearts will fill with fear; then you will not find anyone but that he would be afraid, fearful, awed and in terror.”

Salman (R. A.) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?” The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman, verily at that time something will be brought from the East, and something from the West, and my Ummat (Muslims) will be dyed in them. (It means that un-Islamic behaviour and character will be imported from East and West and Muslims will imitate those things and will be dyed in un- Islamic colour). Then woe be unto the weaker people of my Ummat from them; and woe be unto those (un-Islamic agents) from Allah. They will not have mercy upon little ones, and will not respect old ones; and will not pardon anyone who committed a mistake. Their bodies will be of human beings, and their hearts will be of Satans.”

Salman (r.a.) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?”

The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman, and at that time males will satisfy their lust with males; and females will satisfy their lust with females; and minor boys will be mounted upon like women; and the males will liken themselves to females (i.e, will look like females); and females will look like males (The clean-shaved faces and long hair on one side, and pants and bell-bottoms on the other side are proof of the fulfilment of this forecast); and females will ride the saddles (i.e, horses, cycles, scooters and motor-cycles). So there will be Curse of Allah upon those women of my Ummat.”

Salman (r.a.) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?”

The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman, verily, at that time mosques will be decorated (by gold etc.) as are synagogues and cathedrals; and the (copies of the) Qur’an will be beautified (with designs and golden colours etc.); and the minarets (of the mosques) will be high, and the lines of the people standing in prayers will increase but their hearts will be hating each other and their talks will be different from each other (i.e., though the external show of religion will be on the increase, the spirit of religion will disappear. Even when they will pray together, the Islamic brotherhood and unity will be absent. They will hate each other; they will not speak with one voice.)

Salman (r.a.) said: “And is this happen, O Messenger of Allah?”

The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman, at that time, males will use golden ornaments (In many marriages, bridegroom wears golden ring. I wonder why it is thought necessary to start the married life by defying the command of Allah. Will such wilful affront to religion bring the blessings of Allah and 14 Masumeen (A) upon the newly-weds?); and they (the males) will wear silk and (people) will use cheetah-skins.”

Salman (R. A.) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?”

The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman, and at that time ‘interest’ will appear (everywhere), and people will deal with (the help of) backbiting and bribe; and the Religion will be suppressed, and the world (worldly affairs) will be raised (in importance).”

Salman (r.a.) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?

The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman, at that time, divorce will increase. And the ‘Huduef (punishments of various crimes and sins prescribed in Islam) of Allah will not be established (i.e., the penal code given by Allah will not be followed, as is the case nowadays.) But it will not do any harm to Allah (It will harm them only; they will suffer.)

Salman (r.a.) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?

The Holy Prophet (S. AW.) said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman, and at that time will appear female singers and musical instruments (‘will appear’ means will be openly used’), and will rule upon them most evil of my Ummat (worst people will rule upon the Muslims).”

Salman (R. A) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?

The Holy Prophet said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman, and at that time the rich of my Ummat will go to pilgrimage for recreation, and the middle class for trade (What about foreign exchange, gold, watches and radios?), and the poor to show off. Thus, at that time, there will be people who will learn the Qur’an for other than Allah (i.e., for earning worldly benefits) and will treat the Qur’an as musical instrument (as is happening today in ‘Islamic’ countries where the Qur’an is recited on the radios, not to make people follow the religious commands, but just to entertain the listeners).

“And there will be people who will study religion for other than Allah (i.e., for earning prestige or wealth, as is happening today when the main purpose of religious studies in many circles is to become a good orator, so that higher and higher fees may be demanded from the audience) and the number of illegitimate children will increase; and people will sing the Qur’an, and will fall upon one another in greed of the worldly (riches).”

Salman (r.a.) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?

The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman, this will happen when honours will be defiled, and sins will be committed, and the evil people will have authority upon good people, and lie will be prevalent, and disputes will appear (talks will be full of obstinacy), and poverty will be wide-spread and people will be proud of their clothes (fine clothes will be the criterion of greatness), and there will be rains at wrong times; and they will like chess and gambling apparatus and musical instruments; and will dislike enjoining the good and forbidding the evil; so much so that the (true) believer will, at that time, have less respect than a slave-girl; and the reciters (of the Qur’an) and those who spend their time in worshipping God, will blame each other (mudslinging amongst apparently religious people is not an uncommon sight nowadays.) Those are the people who will be called unclean and filthy in the kingdom of heavens.”

Salman (r.a.) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?

The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman, at that time the rich will not be afraid (of anything) except the poor so much so that a beggar will continue begging between two Fridays and will not find anyone putting anything in his hands.

Salman (r.a.) said: “And is this to happen, O Messenger of Allah?

The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Yes, by (Allah) in whose hand is my soul.

“O Salman (r.a.), at that time will talk ‘Ruwaibidhah’”

Salman asked: “And what is ‘Ruwaibidhah’? O Messenger of Allah, my father and mother be sacrificed for you!”

The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Such persons will talk about public affairs who had not talked in such matters before. Then in a short time chaos will appear upon earth, and every nation will think that chaos was only in their land (but it will cover the whole world).

“They will remain in that condition so long as Allah would wish them to remain; then the earth will throw out the pieces of its heart – gold, silver and other minerals – (Then the Holy Prophet (S A W.) pointed towards the pillars, and said) like these (in size), but on that day neither gold nor silver will be of any benefit to any one. And this is the meaning of the words of Allah ‘So surely did come its (i.e., Qiyamat’s)’ signs.”

Biharu ‘l-anwar, vol.6. pp. 305-309. The verse at the end is, Qur’an, 47:18 (A Shia Work)

A Description Of Westerners and Easterners By Rasul Allah (saws)


وَحَنَانًا مِّن لَّدُنَّا وَزَكَاةً وَكَانَ تَقِيًّا

In the Akhira many sad stories will come from our life time, in the history of the world they will be the saddest, the Mala’ikah have told me they will be incomparable, such is the level of oppression this world has seen at the hands of non Muslims, this fitnah entered the Muslim Ummah through our rulers.

The Prophet (saws) said: “Severe calamity from the direction of their ruler (Saddam Hussein) will befall my people during the Last Days (this is its start, the beginning of Kufar entering Islamic lands, it will continue for decades after Him). It will be a calamity which, in severity, shall be unprecedented (in earth’s history). It will be so violent that the earth with injustice and corruption (it will entirely be covered by these) will shrivel (become small) for its inhabitants (they will have no place to go because this fitnah will cover the entire world). The believers will not find refuge from oppression. At that time (this is relatively speaking, when it will end decades later) Allah will send a man from my family to fill the earth with justice” (Ibn Hajar)

If there is one thing I know about the Kufar and their ways it is why they choose specific people for their evil, they have made that clear over the years, the most evil people among them are usually the good who have been corrupted by overwhelming forces and the worst evil they know of, they put it with the people who were once the best so it can now come from their hands, Allah is not blind to this, I have heard this from so many of them who do it to people in boast or threat it is beyond doubt.

The best of women, those who would rather have Ihsan/Perfection they become the worst sahireen/occultists through compulsion, that is their rule of law, they are given the most heavy of sihr and told its effect are less than that, so they don’t see the heaviness of their hand in the world as they harm people, and they carry the worst ramifications with them.

I know one such women who Rasul Allah (saws) has been trying to help now for a number of years, the Kufar among the Shuyukh in this community did this to her and boasted of it to me some years later when they saw Allah had given us wilayah, trying to put a knife in our heart, Alhamdulillah we defeated both of them and took haq for their actions, both of them where prominent shuyukh in this community.

When asked to describe her, Rasul Allah (saws) said about her “she is a diamond bent at both ends”, He (saws) said that like you would say someone is a diamond in the rough, but what He (saws) meant by diamond is the elite of Allah, she has been forcibly “bent” from both ends.

It is for this reason I am relating the ahadtih below to show that Rasul Allah (saws) spoke about it all, the worst of it among these kufar, He (saws) saw it all while He (saws) was still alive and warned about it, no matter how horrific you think our world has become that evil was shown to our prophet (saws) so He could prepare the Ummah, prepare people like myself for it.

Don’t expect miracles from Allah to help you, expect Him to open doors for you to walk through, to work, that is reality, fitnah changes people and at some point in their life they reach a time where they can’t return.

Rasul Allah (saws) said:

In those days you will not see the believers except in a condition of fear, terror and awe.

Salman (a.r) beseeched, “O Allah’s Messenger (S)! Would such a time come for the believers?”

He replied, “Yes! By the God in Whose hands is my life! O Salman! At this time, they (the rullers) would get some things from the east and some from west so that they may lead the Muslim community (the west and east are today building Saudi Arabia and every other Arab country). In that period woe be to the helpless condition of my community by the mischiefs of the east and west. And woe be on the condition of the easterners and westerners from divine chastisement (they are a depraved people looking to enslave those they help).

Yes, neither would they be merciful on the young nor have any respect for elders and nor would they condone anyone who commits a mistake. Their news are all indecencies and improper. Their bodies are humans but their hearts like satans.

Salman (a.r) implored, “O Allah’s Messenger (S)! Would such a day really come to pass?”

The Messenger of Allah (S) replied, “Yes! By the God in Whose hands is my life! O Salman! At that time males shall satisfy their lusts with males and females with females. And in the same way the father and people of family will be possessive of their own daughters and sons (that is they would want them for themselves in incest). Men shall resemble women and women shall resemble men and women shall ride mounts (I think this is mistranslated, it should read mount private parts (for a living), meaning the pornography industry, it is said in another hadith like this). May the curse of Allah be on them. (end of Hadith)

The Messenger of Allah said: “The rulers shall be sinners, the administrators, liars, the trustees, misappropriators and friends and helpers shall be oppressors. Reciters of Quran shall be sinners. Oppression would be open and divorces common and sins would be committed openly and false testimonies would be accepted, wine would be imbibed and man shall mount upon man and women shall be needless of men and public funds would be considered spoils of war, alms would be considered a monetary loss. They would be afraid of the tongue of the evil people (so they will commit evil to avoid them).

Allah’s Messenger (saws) said: “You will indeed follow the ways of those before you, hand span by hand span, and an arms length after another. Even if they enter into a lizard’s hole, you will follow them.’ We (the Sahaba) asked, ‘Is it the Jews and the Christians?’ He replied, ‘Who else!’” (Bukhari)

The Tabiin in another hadith said the Messenger of Allah said about all the western fitnah’s this Ummah will adopt:

And you see people of falsehood dominating over people of truth and see mischief becoming common but no one restraining it. Rather the mischief-makers shall be defended (in public) and you will see that transgression is openly committed (because of it).

Men shall satisfy their lust with men and women shall satisfy theirs with women. You will see that the believer assumes silence, as his advice will not be accepted. You will see the transgressor lying and also see that his lies are being accepted (by authority) and no one is refuting and falsifying his words (in public).

You will see the young insulting the elders. You will see that dissociating with relatives has become common. You will see that when a person praises sin he would do it laughingly and the one who says it will not be refuted (these are the hypocrites hiding their kufr in the ummah). You will see boys will be given to those whom they give women (Paedophilia, boys will be given in trade in such a way). You will see women marrying women. You will see that praise and extolling would increase….

You will see men dressing up for men and women shall dress up for women. You will see men earning their living through service and women through their private parts (selling themselves to earn work/trade/contracts).

You will see that one possessing wealth is more respected than a believer. Usury would be openly practiced and none shall be chastised about it.

You will see a woman praised for her adulterous exploits (behind her husband). The wife would help and support her husband in committing sodomy with another man. You will see people helping their ladies in sensual deeds and they shall be considered the best family men (this is the practice of Business people and the Wealthy).

You will see the believer always in sorrow, degradation and humiliation. You will see innovations and adultery common. You will see people competing with each other in testifying falsely (they will try to see who can commit the worst con to forward degeneracy in the world).

You will see relatives of prohibited degree satisfying each other and marrying each other (Incest). You will see people killed merely on allegations and doubts. You will see men dropping their shame in competing for the love of a boy. So much so, that they would sacrifice their life and wealth on this love.

You will see people denouncing men who go to women for satisfying their lusts (Homosexuals persuading society). You will see people living off the adulterous earnings of their wives knowingly (business people making deals by prostituting their wives). You will see wives dominating and suppressing their husbands. They act contrary to their desires and spend money on it.

You will see people hiring out their wife, daughter, and maid for sex and be satisfied to eat and drink things purchased by such money. And you will see that false oaths are common, chess is played openly and wine is sold openly and no one is prohibiting it. And you will see Muslim women giving their kinswomen to disbelievers (selling them to the kufar behind their backs)….

You will see that the heavenly signs (of the hour) shall become apparent (to people) but none would be afraid of them. You will see people clinging to each other like animals (sexually) and none would consider it bad. Even if they consider it bad, they would not say anything against it due to the fear of people. You will see people spending most of their wealth in ways other than Allah’s (swt) and they would be unwilling to spend even a little in the way of Allah (swt).

And you will see that hurting parents, being disowned by them or insulting the parents would be common. Parents would be considered the worst of the people in view of their children. So much so, children will be pleased when allegations are made against their parents. You will see women dominating rulership and they would be having power on everything that fulfils their sensual desires.

You will see that the signs of religion have become outdated, antiquated and old. Then beware of such a day for the sake of Allah (swt) and beseech the Almighty for salvation. Know that in such days people shall be deep in divine chastisement. And if the Almighty Allah (swt) has given them respite it is because you must wait for the time Allah (swt) has appointed for a matter. (End of Hadith)

By Allah I know when that is, By Allah I know when that time is because the Prophet of Allah (saws) told it to me, the only thing Allah is waiting for to take place is for what is in these vile and wretched people’s hearts to come into the open, this is for the sake of the Mala’ikah no one else, they need to see what is in their hearts before they can end them with Haq in theirs.

Allah is waiting for their nature to come out openly, each year these people are developing and changing, and each year these people reveal more of themselves to the world, when they will finally reveal the core of their matter and Rasul Allah (saws) told us this is not long from now, that is when Allah will act upon them turning their world upside down.

“Then the angel said to me, “15 Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages (globalization). 16 The beast (America) and the ten horns (its Allies) you saw will hate the prostitute (the elite on top of them). They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked (stripped of all her wealth); they will eat her flesh (industry) and burn her with fire (leave nothing but Ash). 17 For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast (the American people) their royal authority until God’s words are fulfilled. 18 The woman you saw is the great city (the throne of Authority, the elite) that rules over the kings of the earth.” (Book of Revelations)

We are seeing the beginning of that trade war now between America and the world, so take heed the last piece of advice mentioned in the hadith above:

“You must try to be such that you are opposed to these types of people so that if chastisement descends upon them, you may soon reach the mercy of Allah (safety). If their chastisement is delayed (because they extended the reality of their fitnah by hiding it) and they fall into it (Allah’s wrath), you may be out of their midst (at that time); you must not be the one who has dared to disobey Allah (swt). You should know that the Almighty Allah (swt) does not waste the rewards (work) of the good doers. And the mercy of Allah (swt) is near to the righteous ones.”

[These ahadith are shia in source, there is not a thing in them people are not seeing today.]