Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

Jinn and Man

Bismillahi rahmani aheem, Assalamu alaikum

Most of us know that knowledge gained from a book alone always falls short of knowledge with experience, knowledge with apprenticeship. Or that Picture is worth thousand words but a thousand words will not paint a picture.

This is the difference between Jinn and man, the knowledge of Jinn is like the knowledge written in a book without experience because they are missing a perspective on life, and that what life is like on earth, its physicality, they only have experience with life from its spirituality.

So they are like a “know it all” who has read a thousand things but never experienced a single one, except Jinn can never experience physicality on earth they can only approach it by degrees.

Some educated among you may say Jinn in the time of Sulayman did great works and had much experience, what you should understand is that even though that is still true of them today, they did those works from their perspective and will always be missing the physicality of that work in their experience with it.

They will always be missing something in themselves that humans will always have, the gravity of a situation.

Because they can not feel the full weight of their actions their Mizan, balance in judgment, is always extreme, their judgment is always unbalanced, their words always incomplete. This is why Allah wanted them to live alongside man so man can complete their picture of things as they watch him, it is the reason Allah asked the Angels to prostrate to Adam while Iblis the was with them:

“And surely, We created you (your father Adam) and then gave you shape, then We told the angels, “Prostrate to Adam”, and they prostrated, except Iblis (Satan), he refused to be of those who prostrate.” (7:11)

The reason Allah starts the verse by mentioning the body of Adam then the prostration is because the superiority of His body, his physicality, is the reason way Allah asked Angels and Jinn to prostrate, it is for the reasons we are outlining here.

But because of Iblis, Jinn want to instead dominate man and rule him, this is like a first year apprentice forcing the master craftsman to work under him.

They will never lead man because they can never keep up, new things always arise they need to learn and eventually because Jinn do not have breadth of character, perception and understanding like man they give up and become twisted creatures envious of man.

Without man it would take Jinn years to change a single thing in themselves, this is why it is much better for them to change with man when change occurs, otherwise they will be left behind and today many of them are people seeing hem as alien or less than human.

Consider how hard it is for someone with only book knowledge to get the picture right and keep up with people with “in the field” experience, that is how hard it is for Jinn to keep up with man when they are not following his lead and gaining from his worldly (physical) experience.

They can only imagine the nature and outcome of their knowledge in the world until they see it occurring with man who is living it, so they wonder from person to person making so many mistakes they begin to refuse to acknowledge their is even consequences to their actions because they can not deal with it.

The people who end following them eventually see the world in the same way as having no consequence, while science teaches the exact opposite for every action their is an equal and opposite reaction, this the meaning behind the verse an eye for an eye.

“Whoever, forsaking Allah, takes Satan (Jinn) for a friend, hath of a surety suffered a loss that is manifest (in the world). Satan makes them promises, and creates in them false desires; but Satan’s promises are nothing but deception (delusion, incomplete, manipulation)”. (4:117–20)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

English Will Be Haram In The Akhira

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum

There are some things in this world when you use them they automatically harm you, the English language is one of those things.

I have criticized this language in front of Allah, the Mala’ikah and Jinn for many years now because of this nature, especially when Jinn use it because I see what it is doing spiritually, for this reason many Jinn now speak Arabic around me and they have begun to hate it for the reasons we are explaining here. 

When Rasul Allah (saws) saw what we had to say He (saws) criticized it and the jinn who use it just as much saying ‘it is a language that strangles anything it speaks about’.

Allah created the universe with a single word, Kun (Be), that is the power of words in the universe they command the spiritual world, a sahir uses them in spells to command evil while a Muslim in Dua for good.

But we are not even talking about the good and evil of this, English is a language that makes any person who uses it everyday spiritually poor, Rasul Allah (saws) said “be careful of what you say because every word has its reality”, your rizq, Baraka and the way you shape your world is according to the words you use the English language has degenerated to much from its origins and now every subject you speak about, it is as if you attack it to describe it and expect people to see it from its opposite.

Think back in history proper English when it was still acceptable was called middle English this is how Shakespeare spoke, it is how people spoke, that is proper English and that is fine, but as we moved away from this sentences where reversed and shortened, if you speak Arabic, Arabic still follows this structure, try translating something from Arabic to modern English and you will see you have to reverse the sentence to translate it, this is how English used to be, the end result of reversing and shortening sentences was to stunt its spiritual efficacy and ability to help you in life.

Today they are deliberately manipulating it and designing it to harm you, today you speak the language of advertising and English is nothing more than a series of slogans.

For these reasons Allah will make this language Haram to speak in the akhira and anyone who does will find Jahanam in it, in how it shapes his spirituality, because in the Akhira you will be able to see what is happening around you spiritually as you do things and you will see how this language and your words are shaping your world making it a hell, people will hate to speak it then because it will hurt them as they are doing so.

“You were heedless of this (day of judgment), so now We have removed the veil (from you sight), and your sight today is iron! (You will see spiritually)” (50:22)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Fitnatul Ridha – Satisfaction

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamau Alaikum

Everything the Kufar want to steal from you at the end comes under one word, satisfaction, that is what they want from your life, for theirs.

This word in Arabic is Ridha, but in Arabic this word has a meaning that is more encompassing, such as acceptance of a child from its parents, or a servant from Allah, or a student from its teacher and it is in this larger meaning that the word Ridha in this taweez will cover another major fitnah in the world, that of seeking acceptance of others, for anything big or small.

This is part of the sihr they use to indoctrinate people by setting themselves up as figures of authority in your sight, when in reality they are degenerates teaching only evil and making people fall into it Rasul Allah (saws) called these figures al Ruwaibidah. Today they have idolized such relationships in movies like 50 shades of grey and other movies portraying an evil teacher student relationship or where often the teacher is secretly evil.

This Taweez will protect your heart and give you peace from many nagging fitnah’s, it will destroy the bonds of any evil that has these kinds of relationships with you and it will help people around the world with the same, may Allah accept your work.

The Kufar have shown doubt how any of this will help anyone, Understand, there is a wali at the head of this it will all be accepted by Allah because of it, it is only Him who is teaching this. Just because their works go to nothing do you think that is the same for everyone.

Allah asked David (as) to just throw a small stone at Goliath, He asked Musa (as) to simply throw His staff in front of the magicians and to only hit the ocean with it before Allah parted it, Rasul Allah (saws) likewise throw small pebbles at the kufar and Allah blinded an entire army with them, when your time has come Allah only asks for something small then He will do the rest, this is the nature of ghayb, the nature of Allah’s hand.

“And you did not kill them, but it was Allah who killed them. And you threw not, [O Muhammad], when you threw, but it was Allah who threw.” (8:17)

Insha Allah write the following in a book and draw a rough circle or rectangle around it.

Abd Al Khamir, Abd Al Maal, Abd Al Hashish, Abd al Qafs, Abd al Kufr, Abd al Sihr, Abd Iblis, Abd Al Dajjal, Abd Al Jassasah, Abd Al Waqiha, Abd Al Sharmuta, Abd al Jahash, Abd Al Himar.

(In Arabic if you can, these things are sources of power for fitnah and they are used as accusations against the subject, they will bring things into the open if the accusation holds against them, it will essentially destroy their power).

(Verse 12:35), ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ
(Verse 38:34) وَلَقَدْ فَتَنَّا سُلَيْمَانَ وَأَلْقَيْنَا عَلَىٰ كُرْسِيِّهِ جَسَدًا ثُمَّ أَنَابَ
(Verse 89:27-30) يَا أَيَّتُهَا النَّفْسُ الْمُطْمَئِنَّةُ ارْجِعِي إِلَىٰ رَبِّكِ رَاضِيَةً مَّرْضِيَّةً فَادْخُلِي فِي عِبَادِي وَادْخُلِي جَنَّتِي

  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for yourself and your family)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for the World)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for Ummat Al Islam)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for Ahl Al Bayt)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for Ahl Al Ghayb)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for Ahl Al Jannah)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for Ahl Rasul Allah)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for the Muhsineen)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for the Mu’imineen)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for the Prophets)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for the Awliyah)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for the Scholars)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for the Mujtahid Imams)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for the Shuhada)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for the Mujahideen)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this according to Allah’s intention, before writing just say According to your Intention Ya Allah)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this according to Rasul Allah’s (saws) intention)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for yourself)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for yourself)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for yourself)
  • Fitna Al Ridha (Write this for yourself)
A day or so after writing this work I heard one of the prophets of Allah call the fitnah that is gripping the world Fitnatul Khanzir, this is the Arabic word for pig, Insha Allah, write another Taweez like this one for “Fitna Al Khanzir”, it is always best to stick to the vocabulary of the prophets (as) and their intention in it.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Another Taweez To Help Save The World

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum

In my article “Is Allah Stricter On The Believers Than The Kufar If They Sin” I wrote about the fitnah of strictness, this fitnah was used against people to blind them and railroad them into making decisions they would not normally make, because when you make someone a stickler with sihr you make them blind to wisdom.

Up this point every time I shared a major taweez I received questions from people worried about whether the circle you draw around the taweez should be perfect, if you are someone who feared that then you are suffering from this disease and this is what it looks like.

After sharing our last Taweez to help the world Allah showed us there are Sahireen actively doing sihr to spread this fitnah on people around the world, it is how they mould society to how they want it to be, it is used in their war, this fitnah was perfected in Nazi Germany and was used to create people like the Nazi SS.

Today a form of it is used in schools to deliberately corrupt the self, you can see this just by knowing that the modern schooling system was first developed in Prussia (Old Germany) and was used to hegemonize the population generations later it resulted in the Nazi party, now we use it to feed people to modern industries and generations later it resulted in the abomination we call modern society.

The Ullama often warn about people going into fiqh and not understanding spirituality, they become like Nazi’s screaming rules at everybody with no understanding of the higher aims of those rules (Maqasid Al Shariah), this is the same fitnah we are describing now, about which Imam Malik (as) said:

“He who practices Sufism (tasawwuf, spirituality) without learning Sacred Law (the boundaries of Allah) corrupts his faith (tazandaqa), while he who learns Sacred Law (rules) without practicing Sufism (spirituality) corrupts himself (tafassaqa, he kills his ability to see wisdom). Only he who combines the two proves true (tahaqqaqa).”

So Insha Allah here is something that will help you and the world, this taweez we will be writing is against fitnatul Uqaad which is one of the foundations modern society is built upon.

It is the same word mentioned in surah 113, Allah mentions the sahireen who blow on knots they tie that create up tightness in people and other illnesses, the surah also refers to things being tied up in the self, being blocked in life, unresolved issues because of sihr holding you back, it has a wider meaning and it is the similitude Allah taught us in the Quran to deal with this fitnah of strictness, Aqad (modern Arabic), that helped create the Salafi cult, the group doing this to people in the Ummah.

That is the group the Sahir Allah showed us belonged to and this is another of Allah’s doors He opened for us because these people don’t listen.

Write the following in a book and draw a rough circle or rectangle around it.

Abd Al Khamir, Abd Al Maal, Abd Al Hashish, Abd al Qafs, Abd al Kufr, Abd al Sihr, Abd Iblis, Abd Al Dajjal, Abd Al Jassasah, Abd Al Waqiha, Abd Al Sharmuta, Abd al Jahash, Abd Al Himar.

(In Arabic if you can, these things are sources of power for fitnah and they are used as accusations against the subject, they will bring things into the open if the accusation holds against them, it will essentially destroy their power).

(Verse 12:35), ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ
(Verse 38:34) وَلَقَدْ فَتَنَّا سُلَيْمَانَ وَأَلْقَيْنَا عَلَىٰ كُرْسِيِّهِ جَسَدًا ثُمَّ أَنَابَ
(Verse 113:4) وَمِن شَرِّ النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِي الْعُقَدِ

  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for yourself and your family)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for the World)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for Ummat Al Islam)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for Ahl Al Bayt)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for Ahl Al Ghayb)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for Ahl Al Jannah)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for Ahl Rasul Allah)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for the Muhsineen)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for the Mu’imineen)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for the Prophets)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for the Awliyah)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for the Scholars)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for the Mujtahid Imams)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad(Write this for the Shuhada)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for the Mujahideen)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this according to Allah’s intention, before writing just say According to your Intention Ya Allah)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this according to Rasul Allah’s (saws) intention)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for yourself)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for yourself)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad(Write this for yourself)
  • Fitna Al Uqaad (Write this for yourself)
Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Taweez To Help Save The World

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum
After writing this I saw Jinn would have a hard time trying to replace people in their lives, that is, take control of aspects of their lives until the human is blindly following the whims of the jinn, it will also help people being dominated by them regardless of if they realize it or not, and it will make it more difficult for oculists to do their work around the world.
Insha Allah you share in this baraka which is of this magnitude with Allah.
Write the following in a book and draw a rough circle or rectangle around it.
Abd Al Khamir, Abd Al Maal, Abd Al Hashish, Abd al Qafs, Abd al Kufr, Abd al Sihr, Abd Iblis, Abd Al Dajjal, Abd Al Jassasah, Abd Al Waqiha, Abd Al Sharmuta, Abd al Jahash, Abd Al Himar.
(In Arabic if you can, these things are sources of power for fitnah and they are used as accusations against the subject, they will bring things into the open if the accusation holds against them, it will essentially destroy their power).
(Verse 12:35), ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ (Verse 38:34) وَلَقَدْ فَتَنَّا سُلَيْمَانَ وَأَلْقَيْنَا عَلَىٰ كُرْسِيِّهِ جَسَدًا ثُمَّ أَنَابَ
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for yourself and your family)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for the World)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for Ummat Al Islam)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for Ahl Al Bayt)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for Ahl Al Ghayb)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for Ahl Al Jannah)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for Ahl Rasul Allah)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for the Muhsineen)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for the Mu’imineen)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for the Prophets)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for the Awliyah)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for the Scholars)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for the Mujtahid Imams)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for the Shuhada)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for the Mujahideen)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this according to Allah’s intention, before writing just say According to your Intention Ya Allah)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this according to Rasul Allah’s (saws) intention)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for yourself)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for yourself)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for yourself)
  • Fitna Alqayna Ala Kursiyihi Jasadan (Write this for yourself)
Shaykh Rami Al Rifai

Is Allah Stricter On The Believers Than The Kufar If They Sin

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum

“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves.” (48:29)

Strictness In a person is a fitnah a Muslim must get rid of, we are not Jews or Salafi’s who think they are better because of it, rather a person is a taghut and a Jahil as a result.

This is the reason the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made spreading salaam (peace) a part of faith, peace softens the heart and stops it from becoming hard which is the death of it.

Abd-Allah ibn Umar narrated that a man asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): What is the best thing in Islam? He said, Feeding others and giving the greeting of salaam to those whom you know and those whom you do not know. (Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawood, al-Nisaai, Ibn Hibbaan)

Rasul Allah (saws) also said “You will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not tell you about something which, if you do it, you will love one another? Spread salaam amongst yourselves.” (Tirmidhi)

What results from strictness is killing of the heart, this is the sunnah of Allah and His prophet (saws):

“Due to Allah’s mercy, you (O messenger) are gentle with them. Had you been severe and harsh hearted, they would have fled from around you.” (3:159)

“Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah.” (39:22)

“Whosoever turns away from My Message, verily for him is a life narrowed down (made strict), and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Judgement.” (20:124)

The Awliyah are not Awliyah because they are stricter on religion than everyone else, they are Awliyah because they maintain their hearts in every situation, there are so many ahadith regarding this you should then understand you have religion backwards if you thought otherwise.

The Prophet (saws) said “Abu Bakr does not surpass you because of fasting or praying more, but because of a secret (understanding) that took root in his heart.” (Ahmad)

From Abu Darda (ra): “The Abdal (Substitute saints) have not come to be greater than the rest of the people by performing much fasting or prayers or tasbeeh, but rather by excellent morals, being true in their scrupulousness, their sound intentions, their hearts being at peace with all Muslims, and giving others sincere counsel for the sake of Allah.”…(Hakim at-Tirmidhi in Nawadir al-Usul (Asl #51). A hadith of similar wording was recorded by Daylami (Firdaws, 2:344) and ibn ‘Asakir (1:292) from Anas, and ibn Abi Dunya (K. Awliya, #8) from ‘Ali)

The entire world relies on people who are not the strictest people with prayer, fasting or tasbeeh, from ‘Ubada (ra): “The Abdal in my community are thirty. By them, (events on) the earth (are) established (bihim taqum al-Ard), and by them you are sent rain, and by them you are granted help and victory.” …(Tabarani in Mu’jam Kabir, ibn ‘Asakir (1:277, 298), Bazzar, and others. Sahih according to Suyuti and Munawi, and Haythami (10:63 #16673)).

From Abu Sa’id al Khudri (ra): “The Abdal from my nation did not enter into Paradise with their actions, but rather through the mercy of Allah, through the unparalleled generosity of their souls, the fact that they hold no grudge or hatred against anyone and their hearts being at peace with everyone (they have understanding towards people), and through mercy for the entirety of Muslims.”…(Bayhaqi (Shu’ab al-Iman, 7:439 #10893), and similar versions by ibn Abi Dunya (Kitab al-Awliya’ p. 28 #58), Hakim at-Tirmidhi (Nawadir, Asl #51) and others)

Abu Hurayra (ra) said: “I entered upon the Messenger of Allah (ra) in the masjid, and he said to me, “O Abu Hurayra, in this hour, a man will walk through this door, who is one of the seven people of the world through whom Allah diverts punishment from the Earth’s inhabitants.” Just then a Habashi (Ethiopian) entered in through that door. He was bald and maimed, and was carrying a container of water on his head. So he said, “O Abu Hurayra, that is him,” and then said to the man three times, “Welcome to Yasaar (other versions mention Hilal).” (This man would sweep and clean the masjid, and he was a servant of Mughira ibn Shu’ba.)…(Hakim at-Tirmidhi in Nawadir (Asl #123) and Khatm al-Awliya (p. 443), Abu Nu’aym in his Hilya (2:24, 81) and many others)

This is the path of Wilayah “When my servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close to them: I respond to the prayer of every supplicant when he calleth on Me; (this next part is what the awiyah surpass others in) let them also, with a will, listen to My call (response) and believe in Me (see Me): that they may walk in the right way (that they may walk with Me),” (2:186) who among you knows how to listen and see Allah’s response, the Awliyah know exactly what Allah wants.

This verse is the same as the Hadith Qudsi where Allah says “when I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his sight with which he sees, his hand with which he seizes, and his foot with which he walks”, Allah walks with the Awliyah on earth because of these qualities that have nothing to do with praying a lot, or excessive fasting or tasbeeh.

Understand, it is not excessive prayer or fasting that gets you to this point but a heart able to see Allah by having the same qualities as Him, just like a you know how a friend who has the same qualities as you will behave, you will see Allah when you gain the same exalted qualities as Him among His creation.

Praying from morning to night will not change your heart automatically only gaining understanding for all people and why they do what they do will, because that is the knowledge that is part of Allah and where you will see Him.

By seeing how He treats His creation and looks upon them you will find Him, so do not presume Allah is stricter on the believers, who try for His sake day and night, than the Kufar who are turned away from Him, it is the opposite.

“Do they not travel through the land (meeting people), so that their hearts (and minds) may thus learn wisdom and their ears may thus learn to hear (Allah)? Truly it is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts which are in their breasts (that become strict and constricted)”. (22:46)

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said “The folk (Ahl) of the Qur’an are the folk of Allah (Ahl ul-Laah) and His elect.” (ibn Majah (Muqaddima, #211), Darimi (#3192), Imam Ahmad (#11831, 11844, 13053).

From ibn ‘Umar (ra) who said: “Allah repels calamities from 100 households due to the presence of one righteous Muslim amongst them.” (Tabarani (M. Awsat, #4080 – Haythami’s Majma’ 8:164, Suyuti’s Jami’ Saghir, #1794))

Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: Allah the Almighty said: O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it.” (Tirmidhi, Ahmad)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.



Purity Of The Awliyah

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum.

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (ra) said: “I was met by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and I was junub. He took my hand and I walked with him until he sat down. Then I slipped away and washed myself (ghusl), then I came to where he was sitting. He said, ‘Where were you, O Abu [Hurayrah]?’ I told him, and he said, ‘Subhan-Allah, O Abu [Hurayrah]!, the believer (such as Abu Hurairah) does not become impure.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, al-Ghusl, 276; Muslim, al-Hayd, 556).

Imam Al-Nawawi said in his Commentary on Saheeh Muslim: this hadeeth illustrates a great principle that the Muslim is taahir whether he is alive or dead. If his (spiritual) purity is established, then his sweat, saliva and tears are all pure too, whether he (or she) is without wudoo’, in a state of major impurity (junub), menstruating or bleeding after childbirth.

Shaykh Rami Al Rfiai.

Adrenochrome – The Drug Used To Break People

Bismllahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Sometimes Allah places in front of you something you are not even looking for, this is what He did when I did a search for a word that randomly came up in front of me to understand what it meant.

“Adrenochrome, alternatively called Neuromelanin is a hallucinogenic drug suspected to have been originally used in Project MK-Ultra. Like Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), Secret Cold War experiments tested various drugs during unethical human experimentation in the United States (to see if they can re-program people). These hallucinogenic drugs antagonize psychological phenomena”.

Like many evil things that exist in the west it was inspired by the occult, in this instance ritual sacrifice:

“Adrenochrome? In scientific terms, it is a chemical that is produced in the human body when adrenaline [also known as epinephrine] oxidizes. A potential victim is terrorized, thus increasing the amount of adrenaline that is flowing through their body. They are then killed and the adrenochrome is collected.”

“An example of such an extraction, is shown through a scene in the movie “Maze Runner: The Death Cure”. In which the character ‘Minho’ is implanted with a false reality of being chased by huge spider like monster. In this short scene, his adrenaline is taken out from tubes (at the back of his neck) as the ‘cure’ (needed to save humanity from extinction).”

This drug and its meaning to society is often portrayed in movies like this, for example Hunter S. Thompson references Adrenochrome in the novel/film starring Jonny Depp “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” which is meant to be a semi biographical film. Another example is the television show the Flash, in which one of the main villains uses a mind control drug to control and keep his wife enthralled and in love with him, such are the suggestive and euphoric effects of Adrenochrome that the CIA was chasing in their program.

“Adrenochrome is a product of the oxidation of adrenaline/epinephrine, hence it can be artificially synthesized via the reaction between catechol and chloroacetyl chloride”.

The two ways of acquiring Adrenochrome is to synthetically manufacture it or to extract it from the human body, prior to its manufacture it was acquired by occultists from the human body.

“Adrenochrome was first discovered in 1936 – 1937 by D. E. GREEN, D. RICHTER and J. BROSTEAUX, though it is sometimes erroneously credited to HUMPHRY OSMOND, ABRAM HOFFER and JOHN SMYTHIES in 1952 – 1954, who came up with the hypothesis linking adrenochrome to schizophrenia”, the drug can be used to induce schizophrenia or waswasa in a person.

After Allah placed this subject in front of us we began to study its spiritual reality, it allowed the Jinn to do a number of things and is the door of waswasa they use to open a person to some of the worst things a human can face.

A sahir if he has a person’s blood and does sihr upon it the jinn will have access to their nafs up to whatever things blood is responsible for in a person, but because Adrenochrome is produced by the persons nafs from fear, from what they are thinking and feeling, what is within a person’s heart directly telling them how to behave, the Jinn now has access to the inner most parts of the persons psyche making the waswasa of jinn infinitely more insidious and effective like they are the person thoughts directly.

Because it comes from what is within the self the Jinn can reach the place it comes from in the self. Adrenochrome is the chemical used when they want to break someone down, manipulate them, dominate them or make them insane.

Like LSD which is used for similar purposes usually it is slipped into a person’s drink or food often to people they want to requite and manipulate over long periods of their life so they become more aware of the occult and spiritual things.

An example of its use in the occult, is for the person to be under the influence of a spell that creates paranoia and fear in them so that when the body naturally produces this drug the jinn is instructed to target it in the human body in order to go deeper into their psyche. The drug may be used once in a person’s life to open the right spiritual doors for Jinn then this occult method is followed through over a person’s lifetime to manipulate them in a prolonged manner, in this way the drug is no longer needed just the conditions in the human body when they are drugged so the Jinn knows what to recognize.

Adrenochrome Like LSD has “psychoactive and euphoric properties and can be used as a mind control drug”, it can make a person have a mild adrenaline high (mild excitement) causing them to be “interested”, suggestive or aroused. We have no doubt that it can be used to prompt and corrupt women who would otherwise have the strength against their fitnahs, this is something the kufar have openly admitted to us at one point or another over the years, although what drug they use we never knew.

The chemical compound has the molecular formula C9H9NO3, and its

Purported Effects Are

  • Hallucination
  • Thought Disorder
  • Bizarre Ideation
  • Masturbation
  • Depersonalization
  • Body Image Disturbances / Body Dysmorphia
  • Euphoria
  • Hyper-Mania / inappropriate affect to stimuli.

Derivatives / Alternatives Drugs to Adrenochrome

  • Adrenochrome Semicarbazone – Similar, but with noticeably different effects. (Rinkel & Solomon 1957).
  • Mescalin – Effects similar to adrenaline / adrenochrome. (Smythies 2002)
  • Neuromelanin – May be related to the synthesis of adrenochrome in the brain.

Now that you understand, Alhamdulillah I can tell you how a person can free themself from the insidious waswasa these drugs create and the spiritual harms that come with them which are used much more commonly than people realise.

You need to do this to cleanse your heart of the traces of Adrenochrome or LSD whose influence remains even decades later until the matter is addressed, this is the nature of ghayb, if this is not done the same doors used to corrupt you will remain open to Jinn in your life because the drugs created patterns of behaviour for them to repeatedly follow in your psyche and manipulate against you.

Often when a person is under attack more than one thing is used to reinforce the attack, it is very common that more than 80 Jinn are used in the process, Jinn out number humans on earth about 10 to 1. Regarding insidious waswasa sihr is often also done on house phones because of what it represents to initially bring in the Jinn to your house to attack you, so a change in house phones is necessary (do not purchase it from the same places).

One more thing you can do to help yourself, especially if your life is “monochrome” or depressed, buy a spice rack with at least 12 different spices, everything has its spiritual benefit and reality, its spiritual life and you can see what that is by looking at what people say. For example, with spices people like to say “spice up your life”, or the “spice of life”, there is much wisdom in what women use and the presence of spices will ward of the spiritual things that create the opposite of these sayings, you should purchase them with this intention in mind.

Spices have the ability to bring change, consider that in history for a very long time spices where considered wealth and the sign of a wealthy family, that history and peoples beliefs is spirituality and Haq (reality) today shaping the world, even if spices are readily available.

If you have doubt understand Muslims understood the baraka inside everything and used it, for example tea was known to have much baraka in it, because of this Muslims used to wear it in pouches on their clothes like Taweez to ward of specific spiritual harms as they walked in public or in markets. It works, try sprinkling tea leaves around your house and see how the atmosphere changes to that of peace, salam.

Over the years I have received emails from people suffering from jinn or waswasa, Insha Allah both them and women who “fell” to the wiles of men even in their lives, even if you don’t suspect anything foul in your history you should do the following taweez, you don’t need to have seen foul play, just search for “LSD in food and drink” and you will see posts of people talking about secretly putting in what people consume.

This taweez will close the spiritual doors that were opened and mitigate any Jinn using them even if it was opened over two decades ago. It can free women trapped in marriages to insidious men who enthral them at their whim, such are the euphoric effects of these drugs, people may think a person has mind control powers but understand what goes into creating this in you are things like these drugs, Insha Allah you don’t need to live in fear of leaving.

The spiritual nature of things is that once a door is opened it will stay open until you close it, so do this out of caution if not anything else, it will certainly work and it will stop the dominance of people over you who are using it.

Understand the punishment of these people will mimic their fitnah in life, most of them will remain insane in the akhira for eternity, then when Allah has finished with what has come from their own hand’s hell will become like a mother nurturing her child, with them, “Fa Umuhun Hawiya”, “Khaliduna Fiha Abada”.

These people are absolutely ruthless, their aim is to get rid of religion from earth entirely and they are doing this by marginalising all “good” people including through marriage, there are movies dedicated to this reality, the movie “mother” is an allegory regarding this. People who won’t join them in their societies it is done to them by manufacturing illnesses in people, the fitnah of homeless people foe example in their own countries is entirely manufactured and a result of this effort, they sacrifice the people they love for the love of a greater evil.

وَضَرَبَ اللَّهُ مَثَلًا لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا امْرَأَتَ فِرْعَوْنَ إِذْ قَالَتْ رَبِّ ابْنِ لِي عِندَكَ بَيْتًا فِي الْجَنَّةِ وَنَجِّنِي مِن فِرْعَوْنَ وَعَمَلِهِ وَنَجِّنِي مِنَ الْقَوْمِ الظَّالِمِينَ  

Understanding this is not more difficult than understanding that a parent can scar a child psychologically and that evil people can do this intentionally and systematically to serve an agenda.

The origin of this marginalization began with the first psychiatric hospitals to appear, they used them to fill with people like native Americans who still fought for their rights and anyone else they deemed “trouble”. This is the reason we saw torture and barbaric practices from the people in charge over the past hundred years disguised as medicine…no “sane” person would not register in themselves they hurting people.

Insha Allah, write the following in a book, it should look like this with a circle drawn around it afterwards:

Abd al Qafs, Abd al Kufr, Abd al Sihr, Abd Iblis, Abd Al Dajjal, Abd Al Jassasah, Abd Al Waqiha, Abd Al Sharmuta, Abd al Jahash, Abd Al Himar. (In Arabic if you can, these things are sources of power for fitnah and they are used as accusations against the subject, they will bring things into the open and destroy their power).

(Verse 12:35), ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

  • Adrenochrome, Fitnah of Adrenochrome
  • Neuromelanin, Fitnah of Neuromelanin
  • Fitnah of Adrenochrome Semicarbazone and Mescalin.
  • Fitnah Of LSD, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Marijuana and Drugs.

(Because these Issues are related you should also write)

  • Fitnah of Psychiatry, Psychology and their Institutions.
  • Fitnah Of Homelessness and Homeless People.
  • Fitnah Of Hospitals (This is the place the wider doors to a person physiology are first opened)
  • Finah Of Spiritual and Occult Contracts (it is the thing driving the fitnah’s of the world today).
  • Fitnah Of Home Phones.

Do this once for yourself and once for the entire world and Ummat Islam, it will strengthen the help you receive as you help others, Allah will send Mala’ikah to do this for you.

Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:

Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) said: “There was a man from among a nation before you who killed ninety-nine people and then made an inquiry about the most learned person on the earth. He was directed to a monk. He came to him and told him that he had killed ninety-nine people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted. He replied in the negative and the man killed him also completing one hundred. He then asked about the most learned man in the earth. He was directed to a scholar. He told him that he had killed one hundred people and asked him if there was any chance for his repentance to be accepted. He replied in the affirmative and asked, ‘Who stands between you and repentance? Go to such and such land; there (you will find) people devoted to prayer and worship of Allah, join them in worship, and do not come back to your land because it is an evil place.’ So he went away and hardly had he covered half the distance when death overtook him; and there was a dispute between the angels of mercy and the angels of torment. The angels of mercy pleaded, ‘This man has come with a repenting heart to Allah,’ and the angels of punishment argued, ‘He never did a virtuous deed in his life.’ Then there appeared another angel in the form of a human being and the contending angels agreed to make him arbiter between them. He said, ‘Measure the distance between the two lands. He will be considered belonging to the land to which he is nearer.’ They measured and found him closer to the land (land of piety) where he intended to go, and so the angels of mercy collected his soul”. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

In another version: “He was found to be nearer to the locality of the pious by a cubit and was thus included among them”. Another version says: “Allah commanded (the land which he wanted to leave) to move away and commanded the other land (his destination) to draw nearer and then He said: “Now measure the distance between them.’ It was found that he was nearer to his goal by a hand’s span and was thus forgiven”. It is also narrated that he drew closer by a slight movement on his chest.

Imam Muslim narrated that ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: When Allah put Islam in my heart, I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said: “Give me your right hand so that I may swear allegiance to you.” He held out his hand and I withdrew my hand. He said, “What is the matter, O ‘Amr?” I said, “I want to stipulate a condition.” He said, “What do you want to stipulate?” I said, “That I will be forgiven.” He said, “Do you not know that Islam destroys that which came before it?”

“Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief), their past will be forgiven. But if they return (thereto), then the examples of those (punished) before them have already preceded (as a warning)” [al-Anfaal 8:38]

وَحَنَانًا مِّن لَّدُنَّا وَزَكَاةً وَكَانَ تَقِيًّا

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum,

A number of people have asked for an alternate method to support my work than PayPal, alhamdulilah now you can do so using cryptocurrency.

Here are the currencies and addresses you can use, they can also be found at my website:

Bitcoin: 1EmQroUN3qAKKcjvwz7fgGCFr2tCBFjvt7

Ethereum: 0x4540061f7348783b945da5db51b3cd3a5a5d3366

Litecoin: MLttUvywZNv4Yd7dnQZUkGvjj4xsfq51Er

Zcash: t1WuASAW6u26i5vUoRPfp5iZmf6KHAtewig

Dash: XfQLeqnHpspMn2zn4YH74VYae4AwUaAWgM

Cryptocurrency is a new form of currency being used online, it works the same way as changing money from US to Canadian, then you just send it from your crypto wallet to any of the address’s above belonging to the respective currency.

This question has come up in the past and some fuquha have already ruled cryptocurrency is halal to use, I don’t know about Saudi Arabia but the UAE are some of the biggest investors with plans for their own currency, the country is ruled by Maliki fiqh if you don’t know.

From my perspective I have been working with the Mala’ikah for some time now looking into it and they do not have a problem with it, it is just a form of currency or commodity depending on which crypto you are using, it is not shares but some currencies give shares as a consequence of extended ownership, all wealth and currency began with bartering and what ever value man placed upon it, this is no different.

To preempt something, I have seen from the kufar, the current economic system ruling the world is the system the Dajjal will use to strangle the world, cryptocurrency will be an extension of that, rather, not the currency but the technologies being developed as a result of it that will track everything to minute details allowing him to do that.

Life must go on so that is not a reason to avoid it, even in the time of Yajuj wa Majuj people will still go on hajj.

There are over a thousand currencies some where started by criminal organizations, do some basic research if you can’t figure out anything, Allah will not blame you for it being well hidden. Other currencies where started by some of the richest organizations in the world and have their own agenda, again that is not your concern the American dollar is owned by a country Allah calls the greater Babylon in the bible.

Almost all the major tax havens in the world where either started or developed by the “City of London”, don’t confuse that with London this is a section of the city dedicated to the elite like the Vatican is separate from Italy, with its own laws and government.

The point is these are the systems that we live under if they are inherently halal they are fine to use, but like everything else in the modern world protect yourself spiritually from any fitnah attached to it, Rasul Allah (saws) said regarding the currency everyone is using now, from it the dust of riba will enter every house.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


Taweez For Engineers

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

When i was studying Civil Engineering the occult was used to try and stop me from completing it, here is a taweez that can help with the fitnahs associated with this subject and these people. You don’t need to be an engineer to use this maybe you are married to one and see fitnah, you can write this to help your self, your children or them or all of you, change the intentions mentioned in brackets as you like.

Also you can substitute engineering for any profession or subject you wish.

Write the following in a book, it should look like this with a circle drawn around it:

Abd al Qafs, Abd al Kufr, Abd al Sihr, Abd Iblis, Abd Al Dajjal, Abd Al Jassasah, Abd Al Waqiha, Abd Al Sharmuta, Abd al Jahash, Abd Al Himar, Abd Al Maal, Abd Al Khamir, Abd Al Hashish. (In Arabic if you can, these things are sources of power for fitnah, and they are meant as accusations against any fitnah).

(Verse 12:35), ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ

  • Fitnah of Engineering (Write this for your husband)
  • Fitnah of Engineering (Write this for your self)
  • Fitnah of Engineering (Write this for the world)
  • Fitnah of Engineering (Write this for Ummat al Islam)
  • Fitnah Of House Phones (Write this for you and your family, Sihr can be done on these to bring waswasa into your house)

(keep alternating between these intentions as much as you like down the page, then draw a circle around the entire thing).

Insha Allah that helps.

Effective Subjects For Taweez

Here are some effective subjects for Taweez that will improve your life.

  • Fitnah Of The Prostitute and Beast She Rides (this phrasing is from the bible for the fitnah of America and Europe, when i wrote this the jinn began complaining, then one of Allah’s Angels came and said Allah is specific in His language and knows their fitnah, meaning this phrasing in the Taweez will cover exactly what is wrong and mentioned in the bible as their fitnah.)
  • Fitnah Of American people and Jinn
  • Fitnah Of British people and Jinn
  • Fitnah Of (Your country, or any country you have visited. their) people and Jinn
  • Fitnah Of The following countries, Irish, Scottish, French, German, Egyptian, Suadi.
  • Fitnah of Iblis, Al Dajjal, Al Jassasah
  • Fitnah of Home Phones (Sihr can be done on these to bring waswasa into your life)
  • Fitnah Of Spiritual and Occult Contracts (the thing that compels a sahir to be evil)
  • Fitnah Of Cannibalism (This is the European kind which they see as medicinal, it is used to gain the power of victims, still widely practiced today among occultists, where they eat a small portion of someone, or poison someone good with it to turn them.)
  • Fitnah of Incest (This is how they create Taghuts that don’t listen to anyone or anything).
  • Fitnah of The Top 10 Food manufacturing Companies (search for them and list them by name, When i did this it broke the Jinns ability to come close, I saw much fitnah from these companies disappear some of it relating to the Maskh of people on mass, you control a people by their food supply.)
  • Fitnah of Apple and Microsoft (These two operating systems cover the entire world, this is how they are spreading their global dominance, it is the first door they enter and dominate your life by, everything else is under them because nothing else is so ubiquitous in the world and relied upon and integrated into peoples lives as these two operating systems, and their companies).
  • Fitnah Of “The City Of London” (This part of London is like the Vatican in Italy it is the real center of power in England and the source of their fitnah, you will see something disappear from the Jinns abilities which is at the heart of their evil when you do this, because when iblis gave the British Empire his Authority, this is the place it was being controlled and used from through history).

If you want to help yourself, the world and Ummat al Islam then do this for all of them, then continue to search for places of evil in the world, or things that are evil and do this taweez for them, if you think what can this do, understand when Allah said:

ما وسعني أرضي ولا سمائي، ووسعني قلب عبدي المؤمن…

“Neither My Earth nor My Heavens could contain Me, whilst the heart of My believing servant does contain Me (know me)…”

You are using the same physics that makes this possible for mans heart to affect change, and it is the Mala’ikah who are taking what you do and acting upon it because mans place with Allah is to open doors for them into the world so they can change it, this is that work, what you are doing is creating the spiritual paths for the future generations for the Ummah to walk upon:

“By the heaven full of paths,” (51:7)

Understand Allah gives according to peoples intentions and if you do a good deed Allah will multiply it and if you just intend it He will write it down for you once, here you are actually trying to save the world with a real intension, don’t you think Allah will write it down at least once.

Abu Huraira Narrated that Allah’s Messenger (saws) said: “Allah says: Whenever My slave intends to do a bad deed, (I say to the deeds recording angels): Do not record it against him until he (actually) commits it. If he has done so, write it down exactly as one in his record book. But if he refrains from it for My sake, write down this as a virtue in his favour. And when he intends to do a good deed, but does not actually do it, write it as a virtue for him. And if he puts it into practice, write its reward equal to, from ten to seven hundred times (in his account)”. (Bukhari, Muslim)

If you do these taweez Allah write for you that you are trying to save the entire world in your book of records, which is no small act, Understand, If a person is trying to save the world and you come against them then Allah will write for you that you are trying to stop the world from being saved, which is also no small act.

When you try to stop a wali or people from doing this, that is the deed that will be written for you in your book of records, the people of fitnah have trouble understanding that some actions even if you have been doing them for a long time will have different consequences each time and some things you do are of this magnitude.

The actions of a wali are always on this magnitude and the people who come against them will receive punishment of this caliber.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

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