Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

America In Previous Scriptures


“Then ask those who read the scripture before you” (10:94)

It is surprising that even though the prophet (saws) mentioned everything that would occur towards the end of time, year after year, decade after decade, century after century that when the Great War, Armageddon, finally comes America is not mentioned at all. Prior to this point in time there are direct and indirect references to it in quite a few ahadith.

The Great War will be fought between Imam Mahdi (ra) and Europe, this is stated clearly in many narration’s, some are mentioned later in this work, this alone tells us that regardless of who the dominant power in the world is today by the time the promise of this end arrives a switch in power will occur and Europe will dominate the world by that time, in fact not only Islam indicates this but previous scriptures as well, looking at the world today we can see that process has already started with the creation of the European Union.

The prophet (saws) primarily mentioned the events that would impact the Muslims directly, He (saws) did not mention the rise and fall of all the world empires in history, hence a more complete picture of America is missing. Had we lived 100 years ago we would have instead been searching the Ahadith for what the prophet (saws) said about the British Empire because it was the dominant empire in the world, what we see in Ahadith are the things these Empires were involved in which impacted on us, but not a complete outline of their time on earth.

This is slightly different in previous scriptures, in them are accounts of what was the end of the Christian and Jewish Empires and the Pagan Empires they interacted with such as Babylon, Egypt, Rome and Persia.

The bible speaks about them because these events were more relevant to the Ummah (nation) of Jesus (as) and Moses (as), if we read previous scriptures we will see that many of the prophecies begin with statements like ‘this is what will happen to your people’, or ‘this Empire will replace your Empire followed by this Empire’ and so on until the return of Isa (as) which gives us an opportunity to see what will happen in the world before Isa (as) returns.

The Book of Revelations in the Bible is a book which mentions our time in vivid detail, it was written by the companion of Jesus (as), John (ra), in it He writes that towards the end of his life on earth Allah showed him what would occur to the world after him right to the end of time, these events chronologically revolve around the Islamic empire which ended the Roman Empire that ruled the world in his time, the British Empire that took over from the Islamic Empire, and the American Empire that took over from the British, these are the three super powers that succeeded each other in history.

This book is relevant to muslims not just because it talks about events in our life time and future filling in many gaps, it is a book that addresses muslims directly as the descendants of Ishmael and it is quite literally intended for our benefit seen from the many pieces of advice through out it explicitly addressed to us along with the fact it begins with how Iblis (satan) tried to stop Allah’s promise to Ibrahim (Genesis 17) to give His son Ishmael (ra) many nations that would rule the earth, it is very literally the story of how Iblis (Allah’s curse be upon him) attacked Islam throughout History and what happened to the world after the last Khalifa fell to the British and ends with Imam Mahdi (ra) fighting Europe in the Great War.

The Book of Revelation is divided into 22 chapters, the companion John (ra) was shown events before his time, then into the future ending with the return of Isa (as) and finally the day of resurrection. So just like the prophetic narrations of the prophet Muhammad (saws) the book has a definite and clear timeline which we can identify with ease because of this chronology.

Chapter 12 of the book begins with events relevant to the first of these empires, the Islamic Empire, in this chapter Iblis (Satan, Allah’s curse be upon him) goes to the wife of Ibrahim (as), Hagar (as) when she is pregnant with Ishmael (as) and waits for his birth. As the Bible states his intention was to stop the birth of the Islamic Empire he saw would come from him that Allah promised to Ibrahim (as) earlier (Genesis 17), Ishmael is the father of the Arabs and Islam while Isaac his brother (as) was the father of the Jews.

John (as) is shown symbolic images in a vision representing these events, these images aren’t like watching events on a television, symbolic means that the images He is shown take on the qualities of the event in life and what they mean, symbolic images are like taking a shortcut to understanding the nature of what we are looking at, in movies today music and specific camera angles are used to add drama and emphasis, here Allah uses animals and beasts whose qualities are understood by people living thousands of years ago to pass on that information.

John (as) says “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun (married to a prophet, this is what clothed means while the sun refers to the light of a prophet), with the moon under her feet (the moon reflects the light of the sun, it is a symbol relevant to Islam whose main symbol through history is the crescent moon, it means a people who reflect the light of a prophet, under her feet means will descend from her, they will be her descendants) and a crown of twelve stars on her head (which means the rulers and empires that will come from her). 2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. 3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon (Satan) with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads (as the bible later explains a head means a nation or people, the horn is a king and the crown means the beast they come out from, a Dragon in this case, controls these kingdoms, so the verse is saying the Dragon, satan controlled these Empires most of which were pagan). 4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth (he would attack the empires that existed at the same time as the Islamic empires, these are the remainder of the stars in the sky, flung them to the earth means they will no longer follow religion properly, they are no longer heavenly). The Dragon (in the old world a giant snake was called a dragon) stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child (Ishmael) the moment he was born. 5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron sceptre.” (He was the father of the Islamic Dynasties that ruled the world, the sceptre relates to another prophecy in the bible about Imam Mahdi the last prince, or star, that would come from this lineage) And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne (Allah granted him prophethood). 6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by Allah, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days (3.5 years).”

The stars on Hagar’s (as) crown are a reference to the Islamic rulers and empires she was the mother of, just like the horns and crowns on Iblis’s head. The Dragon sweeping away a third of the stars out of the sky was his attack on the world empires throughout History, he would be successful in destroying a third of them completely. The stars on the crown in the general sense refer to the Islamic Empires but their number, 12 specifically refers to twelve Islamic rulers.

The entire chapter relates the Story of Hagar (as) the wife of Ibrahim (as) the mother of the prophet Ishmael (as), Ibrahim was instructed by Allah to take her and Ishmael into the desert wilderness of Makkah and leave them there to be looked after by Allah, “The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by Allah”, the place was desolate with no water, Hagar had given birth to Ishmael (as) and Allah wanted to protect her and Him. The dragon as the Bible later clarifies was Iblis (Allah’s curse be upon him), Allah made a promise mentioned in the bible to Ibrahim (as) to grant Ishmael (as) a vast kingdom that would rule the earth, “who will rule all the nations with an iron sceptre”, while the Jews had an empire they were not vast enough to rule the earth it was located in modern day Palestine.

In the book of Genesis (17) Allah said to Ibrahim (as) about his descendants “I am Allah the All-Powerful. If you obey me and always do right, 2 I will keep my solemn promise to you and give you more descendants than can be counted”. 3 Abram bowed with his face to the ground, and Allah said: 4-5 I promise that you will be the father of many nations (a reference to the many Islamic Empires, the Jewish Empire was one empire and is included in the promise but it cant fulfill it alone). That is why I now change your name from Abram to Abraham.6 I will give you many descendants, and in the future they will become great nations (meaning more than one and strong, while the Islamic empires spread around the entire earth the Jewish Empire was isolated to a small region that was dominated by the Roman and other Empires). Some of them will be kings (this is in contrast to princes, it refers to a type of rule and it’s quality). 7 I will always keep the promise I have made to you and your descendants, because I am your God and their God.

In the next passages of the book of Genesis Allah promises a Kingdom to Isaac, the father of the Jews and in verse 20 he promises a kingdom to Ishmael, “I have heard what you asked me to do for Ishmael, and so I will also bless him with many descendants. He will be the father of twelve princes (the rulers or stars mentioned earlier), and I will make his family a great nation.”

So each son was promised a kingdom by Allah, it was from Ishmael (as) that the Arabs descended, and in the vision of John the women had twelve stars on her head these are the twelve rulers promised to come from her son Ishmael, the prophet (saws) used similar expressions He (saws) would say “My Companions are like the stars, whichever of them you follow you will be rightly guided” (Baihaqi and others)

The prophet in many ahadith spoke about the twelve rulers that would come, the first four rulers of Islam were from among the twelve and Umar ibn Abdul Aziz (ra) was another such ruler, his life is a testament to this, scholars have named a few more and the last one will be Imam Mahdi (ra) just before Isa (as) returns.

The tribe of Quraysh was the prophets tribe and they were descendant from Ishmael, the Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: “Islam shall neither pass away nor be deviated while there are my 12 Khalifahs (successors in this context) from my nation in it, all of them will be from Quraysh. When the last of them passes away, the Hour will be established and the earth will be destroyed (swallowed) with all its inhabitants” the last of them will be Imam Mahdi (ra), the Bible speaks about him later in revelations as the prince of princes who will rule before Jesus returns with an iron sceptre which is part of the prophecy about Ishmael mentioned above. The Prince of Princes is a term christians in a convoluted explanation confuse for Jesus (as) but the bible is literal and straight forward on this point, all of which is clear from the passage, the prophets are like the sun in their light and kings in their rule they are not referred to as princes because no one is above them, the prince of princes means the prince of these twelve princes so the precedent for the phrase comes from these earlier verses in the same book of revelations while their commentators say it has no precedent.

The Messenger of Allah said “This affair (Islam) shall neither pass nor will come to an end while my twelve Khaliphs (princes) pass in it. All of them will be from Quraysh” (Muslim). Because the prophet (saws) connected this matter to the hour we know the rulers are not chronological but through out Islam’s entire time on earth.

The Messenger of Allah said “This religion shall survive till the Hour is established, and there are twelve Khaliphs (Princes) upon you. All of them will be from Quraysh.” (muslim)

The Messenger of Allah said: “This affair (Islam) shall always remain upright till there are twelve chiefs. All of them will be from Quraysh. (Ahmad)

Iblis (Satan) from the earlier promise of Allah to Ibraheem knew about these religious nations and wanted to stop this from ever coming about so He tried to attack the child, but “her child was snatched up to Allah and to his throne” which means He was made a prophet of Allah who was now protected. When Iblis (Allah’s curse be upon him) saw he could no longer do anything “17 Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.” This is another clear reference to the Muslims because the Jews did not “hold fast their testimony about Jesus”, Hold fast means they will be tested about who He (as) is and they will stay firm, because we are talking about the descendants of Abraham today this is the place of muslims in the world, this verse is also another affirmation of how Allah viewed the Arabs.

There is a reason why the book of revelations begins with the story of Hagar and her descendants the Arabs, it is because the rest of the book is about the Islamic people and what will happen to them over time. This specific phrase “those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus” is used a number of times in the book to show the events being mentioned revolve around the muslims and the decedents of Hagar, this is how Allah refers to muslims as those who “hold fast their testimony about Jesus”.

Before Islam came to the Arabs Iblis (Allah’s curse be upon him) attacked Her descendants by first turning them away from the religion of Ibrahim (as) to paganism hoping that would stop Allah’s promise, but through the prophet Muhammad (saws) Allah turned them back to worshiping Him and it was only after this occurred that Allah granted the Arabs the many Empires He promised Ibrahim (as), Allah fulfilled His promise to Abraham under Islam “because I am your God and their God”.

The next chapter in the book of revelations chapter 13 shows that after Iblis (Allah’s curse be upon him) could not stop the birth of the Islamic Empire, He then went to the Empire that came after it in history, the British Empire.

John (as) says, “The dragon (satan) stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea (the next empire to rise up after the Khalifah). It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name (the empires that the British conquered and ruled around the world where blasphemous, many were pagan or idol worshipers). 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion (they will dominate through speech, and devour). The dragon (Iblis) gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. 4 People worshiped the dragon (satan) because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? (the wonders amazed people) Who can wage war against it?” (who is as strong as it, the world was in awe of the British war machine).

The prophet (saws) said “Iblis places his throne upon water; he then sends detachments (for creating dissension); the nearer to him in rank are those who are most notorious in creating dissension.” (Muslim)

Both the prophet Daniel (as) and John had visions in which they saw empires being represented by beasts with multiple heads, in the book of Daniel verse 7 (the dream is related in it’s entirety at the end of this book) the prophet (saws) describes how Allah sent him a dream in which he saw the rise of the last four empires that would rule this earth before the day of judgment, the Romans, then the Ottomans who ended them, then the British who ended them and then the Americans who took over from them, each empire was represented by a Beast and the character of the Beast represented the character of the Empire and it’s actions in History, the Ottomans were represented by a Bear, the prophet Daniel (saws) said “And there before me was a second beast, which looked like a bear. It was raised up on one of its sides (almost standing), and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth (it ate other beasts). It was told, ‘Get up and eat your fill of flesh!’ (the Ottomans were expansionists they warred against other empires ending them) (Daniel:7)

In both Daniels (as) dream and this vision the British were represented by a leopard, the feet of the British leopard were like a bear because it means they walked in the footsteps of the Ottomans, the British along with the rest of Europe feared and looked up to them emulating their advancements for a few hundred years before their defeat, they mimicked their expansionist nature setting up their own world empires to challenge them, hence the feet of the British empire are like the empire of the bear that came before. The British leopard in that dream also had four wings like the beast of the Roman Empire and this is the other Empire the British emulated, the dream of Daniel is very similar to what the companion John (as) saw.

The Islamic Empire was the dominant empire of the world after the Roman Empire which John lived in, it spread from West Africa all the way to China, they conquered the Romans and Persians the worlds two super powers, it was the British with the help of their allies that ended the Last Islamic Khalifah the Ottomans, this Islamic Dynasty had been the world super power until 1919 for 600 years.

The British island literally built a world empire from the sea through naval expeditions “And I saw a beast coming out of the sea”, at the end of their conquests they boasted that their Empire was so large “the sun did not set upon it”, as the book of revelations would show it was because “Allah did not trust them in the Dark”. They continuously sent forward naval expeditions one after the other around the world sowing dissension and establishing colonies in the aftermath, most of the people they ruled were pagan or idol worshipers in origin, from Africa to India to the Americas, “with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name”.

In the dream of the prophet Daniel (as) the Angels explain to him that the Heads, Horns and Crowns of the beast represent Kings and nations controlled by the beast which itself means a large Empire made of many nations, here in this vision of John (as) they represented the British Empires many colonies around the world, in this vision is the chronology of world empires through history which the dream of the prophet Daniel (saws) agrees with.

“The dragon (Iblis) gave the (British) beast his power and his throne and great authority”, it is now a matter of historical record that British society at the turn of the century was heavily involved in the occult, many of the occult societies we hear about today were created or came to power during this period, at the time it was largely seen as a form of entertainment by the masses like people would play a video game today or watch a movie, but to some and many in places of authority, it was a form of control and a means to wealth and dominance which they used freely.

The verse affirms that Sihr (Dark Magic) and the occult was a part of the way the British built their empire, by using Iblis’s “power and his throne” which he freely gave them, just as he set up his throne upon water and sent out detachments around the world to sow dissension the British built a naval empire by sending out detachments around the world to sow dissension. His throne means what ever He controlled was theirs which means the devils of the world and every evil they controlled. This was how a small island at the of the earth could rule and enslave such a multitude of people around the world, much larger and stronger than them.

“People worshiped the dragon (Iblis) because he had given authority to the beast (British)” people around the world literally turned to the occult because it gave Authority to the British Empire, today we openly see this influence on society in business and the entertainment industry, were people don’t care so much about hiding it. What the verse is referring to by people are other societies worshiping the Dragon (Iblis) because it gave Britain authority, the main empire to challenge the British which gave them a fatal would they would recover from was Nazi Germany.

A sign of occult practice is to take a religious symbol and turn it upside down or backwards, like the upside down cross that represents satanic practice, the main symbol for Nazi society was the swastika, this was originally a Buddhist symbol turned backwards and much has been written and documented about the horrific occult practices of Nazi society, most of which was human sacrifice, all this was nothing more than a continuation in Europe of what occurred in Britain, although with far worse abuses.

Each european society mimicked and competed with the other for power and dominance hence they came to rely on the same methods to achieve results. The Prophet (saws) himself affirmed that occult practice would spread to Arabia and that we would follow the ways of the christians and jews at this time even if they crawled into a lizards hole, turning from a religion of Allah to the occult is the equivalent of going into a lizards hole. Many of Arabia’s tribes, large portions of Arab society, would go back to worshiping devils, evil Jinn and eventually they would set up idols for them. This is in an age of technology hence it isn’t out of ignorance of science like in the days of the prophet (saws) but because dark magic is being practiced and relied on for wealth and power.

John (as) says describing the rise of the British Empire, “5 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months (3.5 years). (Because of their occult practice) 6 It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place (introduction of secularism and evolution) and those who live in heaven (Britain claimed that through it’s technology, it’s “wonders”, it could solve everything and religion was redundant, the entire society became Atheist and secular, the Church and religion were no longer relevant).

7 It was given power to wage war against Allah’s holy people and to conquer them (they ended the last Islamic Khalifah which was also the last Abrahamic Empire, they then warred against all organised religions around the world. The Prime Minister of England Benjamin Disraeli (d.1881) said before this accomplishment; what “they want…is an end to ecclesiastical (religious) establishments”… this is because If Sihr (dark magic) could be used to gain power and control, then religion is what corrects it and destroys it, hence it was a threat to their power. Proper religion isn’t any less effective in the same spiritual sphere that sihr works in…if dark magic twists and destroys, religion straightens and builds up, it creates strong human beings who aren’t easily susceptible to influence…so now they attacked every religion and all people of religion around the world ending any possible redress to the wrongs they created, then they moulded the earth into their image for their benefit). And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation (China, India, Africa, the Americas the list of civilizations they ended is too great to enumerate, it was a unique event that never occurred before in world history).

8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast (the British way of Life).”

Allah says “Have you seen him who chooses, for his god his own lust?” (25:43), the word worship in the verse is used in this sense, people around the world were enslaved by British culture, which used sihr (dark magic) to achieve this, and as the Bible will later state America followed suit in this regard taking what the British did and ‘turning the dial up to ten’, in the words of the bible becoming “the great prostitute” of the world the second and greater Babylon, “Babylon the Great”, who mixed it’s filth (sihr) with it’s trade.

“The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast” Their advances in science, “wonders”, at the turn of the previous century resulted in every region of the world following and worshiping the British way of life.

“People worshiped the dragon (Iblis) because he had given authority to the beast” people began to turn to Iblis (Allah’s curse be upon him) and the occult because they saw the power the British Empire gained, they worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast?”, fascination with British society lasted for many decades until WW2, “Who can wage war against it?” the worlds sense of amazement and hopelessness at the British war machine was ingrained in peoples minds through out this time, from the American indians who earlier saw them as an endless wave to the Muslim’s of Africa who later echoed their words, their last conquest was the largest empire on earth the Islamic Khalifah.

By 1922 the British Empire held sway over 458 million people, one-fifth of the worlds population at the time and covered almost a quarter of the Earth’s total land mass. After the defeat of Napolian-france in 1815, who first showed Europe they could challenge the might of the worlds largest Empire the Ottomans by taking Egypt from them, Britain enjoyed a century of almost unchallenged dominance, the Empire achieved it’s largest territorial extent immediately after WW1 with the conquest of the Ottoman Khalifah. But in WW2 Nazi Germany challenged them, they understood how Britain gained power and thought occultist should rule the world, it was their right to control the masses and sought every way to achieve this, they began this effort with a new schooling system that ensured every one in the society from the their first years of life was “educated” (indoctrinated), they nearly dealt Britain a death blow because of the efficiency they achieved by turning humans into living mindless machines.

It is not a coincidence that the same schooling system first developed by the Prussians then twisted by Nazi Germany, is the same schooling system dominating the world today because of the West that learnt from the power of Nazi Germany, every region on earth has adopted it.

The British Empire began to erode as other world powers began to dominate it’s colonies and America gained control of the worlds economy, by 1997, with the transfer of Hong Kong a former British subject, back to China, this to many marked the end.

Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelations begins to then speak about the Nation which would replace the British Empire in the world, “One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed.” WW2 almost ended England completely, Hitler dealing them a fatal blow save for the involvement of America in the war which changed the balance of power, prior to their involvement America preferred to exercise soft power, particularly its financial clout, to pursue its interests in the world, Germany took the path of Communism while America found the answers to it’s place in the world in Capitalism, the very thing that would come to enslave the entire world as John (ra) would later warn in the book of revelations.

John (as) goes on to say “11 Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth (America). It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon (soft horns on top of the head, it’s rulers appeared soft but acted like devils, wolves in sheep clothing, this was America’s preferred Capitalist method for domination). 12 It exercises all the authority (methods) of the first beast (Britain) in its presence,3 and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound (by Nazi Germany) was healed (by America). 13 It performs great signs (displays of power in the media), even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people (it’s might through it’s air force), 14 and by the signs that it is allowed to work (in the media) in the presence of the (first) beast it deceives those who dwell on earth (watching it), telling them to make an image for the beast (an image means to imitate it, become an image of British society) that was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 And it was allowed to give breath to the image (culture) of the beast (the British Empire), so that the image (culture) of the beast might even speak (convert people to their occult way of life) and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast (would not follow them) to be slain (become isolated in the world and defeated). 16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, 5 to be marked on the right hand or the forehead (marked here means to use a mark in their lives), 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark (the barcodes on their products, a reference to their capitalist system), that is, the name of the beast (Capitalist) or the number of its name (The names is used to identify it and it’s system of trade). 18 This calls for wisdom (advice): let the one who has understanding calculate the number (sum up the system) of the beast, for it is the number of a man (human, man made), and his number is (looks like) six hundred three score and six (six hundred and sixty six).”

The passage is speaking about America rise to power and the capitalist system it would spread around the world to enslave it, as well as how power switched from British society to American society and what occurred as a result. Although the language is of 2000 years ago, Islamic society isn’t to different from it, we have preserved our way of life for the past 1400 years so we are better situated to understand this passage than people who don’t come from this culture or region of the world.

It shouldn’t be difficult to understand it’s meaning because the Angels who spoke to John (as) were not trying to confuse people, it was a message intended for a distant future whose context in the world had not yet existed, once it did it became easy to understand because the world and time it is meant for had arrived, this explains why previous generations of christians and scholars had trouble looking at it and went of on tangents in explaining it, we should also understand the book of revelation is chronological the three empire it spoke about came one after the other, so it isn’t hard to figure out which one is the capitalist empire dominating the big and small both rich and poor with a barcode Capitalist system of trade that everyone must use.

During WW2 Britain received a fatal wound from Nazi Germany, America rescued them from death by entering the war. America was then seen as the dominant force that ended WW2, but it still looked up to the British way of life at that time, being the allies of the British and because the world was not ready to change they made the world worship the British way of life (image) until they where better established in the world, essentially biding their time by spreading their capitalist ideology around the world. Eventually they took over completely with this system, as the book of revelations states, this was the name of the beast they set up to control and enslave the worlds nations, the process essentially began when the sterling pound (British currency) was no longer the world currency and it switched to the U.S Dollar.

Prior to WW1 Britain was the dominant economy in the world, and the pound was the global reserve currency, after WW2 in 1949 Britain was forced to devalue the pound by 30%, and from then the U.S dollar anchored the international economic system, the pound was devalued again in 1967, significantly in 1971 America suspended the convertibility of the dollar into gold, ending the Bretton woods System set up after WW2, taking complete control of world economies as they where no longer tied to material resources but the printing press.

In Sharia and all other religious Law’s including christianity as long as the paper notes we carry can still be exchanged for gold the system was accepted by Allah because this stopped complete monopoly and manipulation of the currency, since you had to back it up with actual wealth that tied it’s value to reality. Our notes were called promissory notes, the promise they fulfilled was that it was worth something tangible, i.e gold, but once this stopped the money we carry is no longer actual wealth it has what ever value man wants it to have, the value we placed on it is defined by the system invented around it and those who control it, hence you could devalue an entire country with any number of methods, especially during war as Saddam hussein and the people of Iraq whose wealth it was that vanished, found out.

So now the system has gone from making wealth according to tangible assets like gold, to making money from money, which is entirely Riba or interest. The prophet (saws) prohibited making a profit by trading money for money. This is the system the prophet (saws) said we won’t be able to get away from towards the end of time, He (saws) said towards the end of time riba (interest from money) would creep into every person’s house like dust, even if you avoid it everything you use is created from it. Everything has a spiritual impact on the world and wealth created from riba spreads corruption to peoples hearts it spiritually impacts, this is what the prophet (saws) meant by dust it is a simile for the spiritually negative effects of objects, the tahreem (making haram) of Riba is entirely for spiritual reasons.

To put this into perspective, if dark magic can corrupt a person in a tangible way the effects of riba on products purchased with it are like smearing filth itself to the product and expecting a healthy outcome in life as we live with it, there is a real reason why Allah didn’t allow it, the capitalist system has spiritually strangled the entire world and stopped it from achieving real growth and it’s main weapon is interest based loans which everything runs on, (we have written about what the spiritual part of this universe is in the research notes at the end of this work).

The messenger of Allah (saws) said the old world will be swept away and controlled by newly invented ideologies and systems; Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “In the end of time there shall come men who will swindle the world (Dunya in Arabic, comprehensively meaning the entire globe) with Deen (a general word which mean’s “a way of life”), deceiving the people in soft skins of sheep, their tongues are sweeter than sugar and their hearts are the hearts of wolves. Allah

[Mighty and Sublime is He] says: ‘Is it me you try to delude or is it against me whom you conspire? By Me, I swear to send upon these people, among them, a Fitnah that leaves them utterly devoid of reason.” (Tirmidhi) meaning they will loose touch with reality. This is reality under capitalism, today they complain about “suburbia” and “white picket fences” in truth they are no longer even attached to the basic building block of every society, the family.

Their view of the world overtime became increasingly wrapped and myopic as successive generations where continuously raised in a convoluted society, they have crawled down a lizards hole they can’t get out of and forced everyone to follow; Allah’s messenger (saws) said “You will indeed follow the ways of those before you, hand span by hand span, and an arms length after another. Even if they enter into a lizards hole, you will follow them.” We asked, “Is it the Jews and Christians?” He (saws) replied, “Who else!” (Bukhari).

“telling them to make an image for the beast”, Allah says He created man in his image, this means a likeness in terms of qualities, hence the image of the beast here means the likeness of British or western society, in other words America made the world imitate western society.

Much of the language employed in religious texts is understood by knowing the vocabulary of the Prophets, Angels and Allah, we will find that the same kind of vocabulary is employed from the oldest revelations to the later ones.

The first beast rose from the sea, its power was gained from naval expeditions, but the second beast rose from the earth, its power was in its Army, the American military and Air force which dominated the entire world, this is a contrast being given to john (as) about both nations.

“It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon”, the second beast looked soft like a lamb but spoke like a satan, in other words it is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, capitalism disguised as profit, the difference being that under capitalism everything is up for sale even the family. While making a profit is a persons effort in business, Capitalism is an ideology and a way of life, everything becomes permitted regardless of any price others have to pay, under Islam business has social and environmental responsibilities if it brakes these the government has the authority to take the companies wealth and redistribute it to the people it hurt or to fix the environmental damage it caused, business is not allowed to work against society or create monopolies.

Capitalism is destructive and can’t be sustained, this is witnessed today by the state the American economy is in and the fact the world is moving away from this “lifestyle” towards sustainability because the secular Capitalist system burnt up the worlds resources in a short period of time, less than 100 years.

It’s fine for secularists to talk about religious wars in Europe as if the history of every culture on earth was like this, but as long as you have a planet to live in. You can cut down the Amazon forest for huge profits by selling wood or you can study it’s rare plants and discover life changing technology, by definition Capitalism is shortsightedness, it is driven by one single thing that decides how people view the world and live in it, Capital gain.

In this verse the beast literally spoke like Iblis (Satan), the British by comparison had a mouth like a Lion, it “was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies”, so the emphasis here is on deception being America’s greatest weapon, the ideology they sell to people, “the American dream” is a deception they use.

“It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence” the second beast had all the Authority of the first beast, which the dragon (Iblis) gave them. America similarly practiced the occult seen in the fact occult societies are in charge, and it dominated the world with it. Just as the torch of world power was passed on from England to America, history has shown that it simply passed on from one occult society to another.

After WW2 they exercised the same cultural and occult dominance England had until they perfected it, then they let go of those old ties more openly during the 70’s when the sterling pound was finally no longer relevant.

“It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people” This is first a reference to American technological advances, just like the British scientific “wonders” but here they are referred to as signs because of the medium they are displayed on, television, radio and the internet. Allah’s signs are seen and understood by man through his heart and mind, in contrast to wonders which referred to machinery at the turn of the last century, this is more closely related to the mediums through which they showed the world their military power and cultural dominance.

The American Air force made “fire come down from heaven (the sky)” and they threatened and dominated the entire world with it over the last century, it’s superiority was paraded (their signs) on television, radio and the internet to convince people of their power, this verse is more than likely a primary reference to the Vietnam war (1962-1975) and that period because that is when America first asserted itself onto the world. The Air force used large amounts of napalm bombs, an incendiary device during this war, it was used by them during WW2 on Japanese cities but England was still in charge then.

“and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling (threatening) them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived.” America paraded it’s military power to threaten the world into accepting the British way of life as an inevitability for other non white cultures around the world. When America first took power from England for many decades they upheld the British way of life everything was done publicly according to British custom, this is “the image”, it refers to the western culture they were forcing onto people.

“allowed to work in the presence of the beast”, because we are talking about Empires this is a subtle reference to technology and the medium through which the work was done, how people were able to see it, they deceived the world about the nature of western society through propaganda in their entertainment industries, while capitalism created wealth because that was it’s focus the greed and corruption it created poisoned society as a consequence and because it wasn’t spiritually or psychologically healthy for mankind and they knew this perfectly coming from a christian society  which they turned away from, this was their deception about their way of life they did it because they could control other nations with it and didn’t care about the consequences which everyone is living today.

The book of revelation’s literally says America fooled people with English culture forcing people to become ‘the image of western society’.

“And it was allowed to give breath (life) to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak (propagate) and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain”, they spread their English society and forced the world to emulate it so the entire world would be one single culture controlled by them.

America single handedly fulfilled almost every minor sign of the Hour, the overwhelming majority of the minor signs revolve around the moral degradation and destruction of society and culture around the world and here the book of revelations is rightfully placing this destruction at the feet of one nation, because that is how it occurred in history one culture destroyed all the others.

“might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain”, Allah here is saying this was their intention from the start, those who didn’t adopt their way of life would be killed of by those who did adopt it, it is easier to defeat people if you can isolate them from the rest of the world first.

The prophet (saws) said towards the end of time we would see “the Civilization of Destruction” emerge a civilisation that would destroy others and there would be campaigns to kill and weed out good people, all people of religion. This in fact is the main theme through out the later chapters of the book of revelations. Allah said He will take revenge on America for killing his people and when the punishment of America is complete, John (as) said, “After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, 2 for true and just are his judgments. He has condemned the great prostitute (America) who corrupted the (entire) earth by her adulteries (cheating and betrayal). He has avenged on her the blood of his servants.

“Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead”. Like many Ahadith of the prophet this is an old manner of speaking, Marked here means to use and the next sentence affirms this because this context makes the most sense to it, so the sentence would read “Also it forces all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be use the mark on their products so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark.”

“marked on the right hand or the forehead” is a reference to products worn or used on the wrist or on the head, it doesn’t literally mean people will have a mark on either, because the mark is directly associated with all people on a personal level regardless of status it is a reference to the products worn by all people, the right hand in old language refers to what is given with the right hand “when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret” the prophet (saws) said this as well as Mathew (as) in the bible. The one thing that all people give with the right hand that has a mark on it are credit cards, it is a direct result of the capitalist system the bible is talking about and today the banks are trying to rid the world of paper currency so that all people will only use cards (the mark) to pay for things.

The prophet (saws) said towards the end of time people will have musical instruments on their heads, and that a person will leave his home and his hip will tell him what is happening with his family. The first reference as scholars stated is to portable music devices and earphones (earbuds) worn on peoples heads and the second reference is to mobile devices, phones, carried in our pockets these are examples of how people used to speak to describe things.

The entire verse is talking about a world system that will be created which will dominate societies around the world, all people both rich and poor, each item or product, tangible or intangible will be in this system and marked with a number, a barcode so it can be tracked and societies will be controlled by it. This is the system America created, no country today can trade without the approval of the WTO, no company can trade internationally without obtaining ISO certification and number, and no student can get a higher education without doing an O level and A level exam, everything receives a tracking number or mark.

This verse is talking about barcodes and other similar recording systems used to track every single item on earth, it is saying America will set up this system and they will force it onto all people in order to control them. Any country that ever resisted America in history and it’s a long list from Africa, Arabia, Asia to south America they dominated them through their economic system by isolating them from the rest of the world first, if that did not work they went to war with them directly or indirectly.

This is the same system that the prophet (saws) said would be set up for the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) to manipulate the world through, he will use it to squeeze the countries of the world even further than America did and place sanctions on anyone who doesn’t accept him.

“so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark (barcode), that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.” This verse is even clearer on this point, the entire reason for the mark is trade and to dominate the different societies on earth through trade, no country can buy or sell unless they join the club. This modern reality is entirely Unique to America throughout history and as the bible clearly says, from the start it was set up to dominate people, they then fooled the world into accepting it through the old image of British society that people already knew.

The bible here is entirely talking about the birth of capitalism in the language of people who lived thousands of years ago, and what capitalism will do to the world, no system in the history of the world was named in literal terms after making money or capitalizing and monetizing every aspect of life, so we can’t expect the bible to use newly invented words that no one would understand, people who have insight should be able to see what is meant from the description the verse is giving.

“that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.” this verse is saying America will be named after this system it just described, or its name will come from the system itself, the name this verse refers to is Capitalism and America is called a capitalist society “the name of the beast” Capitalism is also the “image”of the beast they want followed. The word barcode refers to the capitalist system it is a part of and that is the mark the passage is talking about, so If we simplify it the literal sentence would read “capitalist, that is the name of the beast and barcode is the number of it’s name”.

“This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast” calculate in the old world means sum up it’s parts, to measure a person and see who he is, “for it is the number of a man” the barcodes only comes from humans, it is only a human system created by men, in other words don’t place it on a pedestal, don’t idolize it, see that it is fallible and has faults.

“and his number is six hundred three score and six (in biblical words, which ads up to 666).” This verse removes the hollywood myth of 666 and shows these people never even read this book they built up an entire notion on word of mouth because it is the advice given to John by the Angels speaking to him about the weak nature of the system, its isn’t something satanic or has anything to do with the antichrist, how can wisdom from the Angels be satanic yet they have been force feeding this idea through the media for decades now. Those who have wisdom shouldn’t be afraid of this system, they should sum it up and see that it is man made, invented and has limits.

The number itself is unusual and may be a latter alteration or corruption of the bible because numerology is not practiced or taught by the Angels and varying manuscripts of the bible record different numbers, the oldest manuscript has 616, while others have 328, on the other hand it may be entirely accurate but the specific number is not as relevant just what it is trying to show because the system which it refers to is a barcode system and one barcode looks just like any other.

Because it is a system of numbers for recording things not divining them as christian commentators believed, hence it’s relevance is not to numerology but capitalism and this is something previous commentators of the bible could not have foreseen.

If we translate the advice, the sentence would read, “sum up the capitalist system of America by the normal manner of men today, and you will find it is man made, the barcodes look like this 666”.

In the original language the comparison is between the entire Empire, the beast, and the image of man, in other words judge the economic system of America as you would judge any man, you will find it is just created by men, the phrase ‘the number of a man’ means the image of a man, it is human or something men conjured up, and this system it’s barcodes look like this 666, or 616 or 328.

The numbers are presented to show what the barcode and other similar recording systems will look like in the future to remove the mystery around it which is the purpose of the entire advice, don’t be in awe of it, it’s just a system of numbers like 666 or 616 or 328.

The prophecy in the wisdom given to John (as) is about what barcodes will look like 2000 years into the future, because the bible just took an entire passage to warn against it and capitalism. How would anyone at the end of this passage show people living at the time of John (as) what this system would come to look like ?

The book of revelations is also teaching man how to free himself from the enslavement of the system, because it is inevitable that the system will dominate the world it is giving man another alternative to freeing himself; “This calls for wisdom (advice): let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast (look at it clearly), for it is the number of a man (human).” The advice is that man should not give any respect to the system, corporations, banks utilising it and the countries employing it, because the act of giving respect is the act of submitting you mind to their influence, will and control, for them to abuse which gives them power over your life and society ultimately, this is a spiritual reality that will afflict people if they show respect to morally corrupt people disguising themselves as upstanding business men, they are holding their opinions up higher than themselves psychologically so anything they say has increased influence over you “subconsciously” because you’ve switched of your critical thinking once respect is given. So the advice is to remove even the smallest traces of respect from within ourself by doing the acts that will destroy it, we need to raise ourself by lowering them because it isn’t enough to just decide we no longer respect them, we spent our lives inadvertently giving respect so this has to be spiritually balanced with the opposite before it can disappear and stop affecting us.

In the old days when a society wanted to demonise, remove any place of respect and show contempt to a ruler or criminal they used to march them through the main street allowing the crowds to throw garbage at them, so likewise for each person the expression of removing respect from within our self has to be expressed clearly, this could be as simple as taking a logo and throwing garbage at it, each person is different but the power we gave them unknowingly as children has to removed, this is the advice of Allah in the book of revelations.

Christian commentators essentially understood the exact same things we have mentioned in this chapter about this entire passage, but they could not understand who it was referring to they couldn’t place it in a historical context, this is more than likely because if you belong to any of these societies you can’t view them objectively, and John (as) did not belong to these modern societies He came from an ancient culture very similar to the Islamic one from the exact same region.

Christian commentators essentially understood the exact same things we have mentioned about this entire passage, but they could not understand who it was referring to they couldn’t place it in a historical context, this is more than likely because if you belong to any of these societies you can’t view them objectively, and John (as) did not belong to these modern societies He came from an ancient culture very similar to the Islamic one from the exact same region.

The book of revelations is like a timeline, beginning with the earlier prophets (as) and ends with the return of Jesus (as). It isn’t to difficult to see who set up the modern capitalist system that the entire world was forced to adopt or which empire they took over from and used as a model society the rest of the world had to emulate.

Who these empires of the world are is a matter of historical record, one empire taking over from the other, the Ottomans took over from the Romans, the British took over from the Ottomans and the Americans took over from the British there is no guess work but christians don’t like to acknowledge the presence of Islam in anything let alone the bible, you would struggle to have them even acknowledge Allah made a promise to Ibrahim about them.

America as most people agree is the corrupting force in the world today and the corrupting force of the end times, profiting from every kind of vice, it is dominating other world cultures with it’s entertainment industries and has the biggest gambling and pornographic industries on earth.

Every other civilization clings onto it’s heritage that is ancient while this 232 year old country established in 1783 paid the Jizya tax to the Ottoman Khalifah for the next 15 years after it’s war of independence, seeking protection from British and European reprisals in order to protect it’s commerce and way of life, this amounted to 20% of US revenue in 1800 and it is the one now destroying the entire world with it’s capitalist “anti-culture” that isn’t actual culture at all, it’s simply what ever the corporate machine can think up to make a profit and it is constantly changing having no real value in peoples lives, it is destroying every other cultural “image” on earth.

Once we know who the passage is talking about it is astonishing to see how people living thousands of years ago described modern events, which phrases they chose to picture a modern world history that is this technical, the description is amazing to read and even more impressive in it’s simile’s.

Here is ‘Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary’, a christian commentary, regarding this passage:

13:11-18 Those who understand the first beast to denote a worldly power, take the second to be also a persecuting and assumed power, which acts under the disguise of religion, and of charity to the souls of men. It is a spiritual dominion, professing to be derived from Christ, and exercised at first in a gentle manner, but soon spoke like the dragon. Its speech betrayed it; for it gives forth those false doctrines and cruel decrees, which show it to belong to the dragon, and not to the Lamb. It exercised all the power of the former beast. It pursues the same design, to draw men from worshipping the true God, and to subject the souls of men to the will and control of men. The second beast has carried on its designs, by methods whereby men should be deceived to worship the former beast, in the new shape, or likeness made for it. By lying wonders, pretended miracles. And by severe censures….It is made a qualification for buying and selling, as well as for places of profit and trust, that they oblige themselves to use all their interest, power, and endeavor, to forward the dominion of the beast, which is meant by receiving his mark. To make an image to the beast, whose deadly wound was healed, would be to give form and power to his worship, or to require obedience to his commands. To worship the image of the beast, implies being subject to those things which stamp the character of the picture, and render it the image of the beast. The number of the beast is given, so as to show the infinite wisdom of God, and to exercise the wisdom of men. The number is the number of a man, computed after the usual manner among men, and it is 666. What or who is intended by this (passage), remains a mystery.


ياحنان يامنان حنانا من لدنك وزكوة

Allah the Almighty selected us from His Creation and selected for us our followers who assist us. They are pleased when we are pleased and are sorrowful in our sorrows. They give up their lives and property for our cause. Therefore they are ours and will be with us in Paradise.

Imam Ali (r.a)

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وَضَرَبَ ٱللَّهُ مَثَلاً۬ لِّلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱمۡرَأَتَ فِرۡعَوۡنَ إِذۡ قَالَتۡ رَبِّ ٱبۡنِ لِى عِندَكَ بَيۡتً۬ا فِى ٱلۡجَنَّةِ وَنَجِّنِى مِن فِرۡعَوۡنَ وَعَمَلِهِۦ وَنَجِّنِى مِنَ ٱلۡقَوۡمِ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ (١١) وَمَرۡيَمَ ٱبۡنَتَ عِمۡرَٲنَ ٱلَّتِىٓ أَحۡصَنَتۡ فَرۡجَهَا فَنَفَخۡنَا فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِنَا وَصَدَّقَتۡ بِكَلِمَـٰتِ رَبِّہَا وَكُتُبِهِ وَكَانَتۡ مِنَ ٱلۡقَـٰنِتِينَ



Media Snippets and Final Note


1) How Could The Occult With All It’s Horrors Be Adopted So Widely In Western Society

This is a mater of history, the path a people choose to take is based on their prior practices and what they are capable of as a people which will make any new path acceptable in their eyes. The level to which they have reached in one direction is the environment their children are raised in and what they will come to consider normal, from which they can only advance down similar paths as they seek to move forward in life and surpass their fathers.


They have long been famed for their love of lavish banquets and rich recipes.  But what is less well known is that the British royals also had a taste for human flesh.

A new book on medicinal cannibalism has revealed that possibly as recently as the end of the 18th century British royalty swallowed parts of the human body. The author adds that this was not a practice reserved for monarchs but was widespread among the well-to-do in Europe. Medicinal cannibalism: Both Queen Mary II and her uncle King Charles II both took distilled human skull on their deathbeds in 1698 and 1685 respectively, according to Dr Sugg.

Even as they denounced the barbaric cannibals of the New World, they applied, drank, or wore powdered Egyptian mummy, human fat, flesh, bone, blood, brains and skin. Moss taken from the skulls of dead soldiers was even used as a cure for nosebleeds, according to Dr Richard Sugg at Durham University.

Dr Sugg said: ‘The human body has been widely used as a therapeutic agent with the most popular treatments involving flesh, bone or blood. ‘Cannibalism was found not only in the New World, as often believed, but also in Europe. ‘One thing we are rarely taught at school yet is evidenced in literary and historic texts of the time is this: James I refused corpse medicine; Charles II made his own corpse medicine; and Charles I was made into corpse medicine.

‘Along with Charles II, eminent users or prescribers included Francis I, Elizabeth I’s surgeon John Banister, Elizabeth Grey, Countess of Kent, Robert Boyle, Thomas Willis, William III, and Queen Mary.’ New world: Depiction of cannibalism in the Brazilian Tupinambá tribe as described by Hans Staden in 1557. Whether true or not, the myth ignored the fact that Europeans consumed human flesh. The history of medicinal cannibalism, Dr Sugg argues, raised a number of important social questions. He said: ‘Medicinal cannibalism used the formidable weight of European science, publishing, trade networks and educated theory.

‘Whilst corpse medicine has sometimes been presented as a medieval therapy, it was at its height during the social and scientific revolutions of early-modern Britain. ‘It survived well into the 18th century, and amongst the poor it lingered stubbornly on into the time of Queen Victoria. ‘Quite apart from the question of cannibalism, the sourcing of body parts now looks highly unethical to us.

‘In the heyday of medicinal cannibalism bodies or bones were routinely taken from Egyptian tombs and European graveyards. Not only that, but some way into the eighteenth century one of the biggest imports from Ireland into Britain was human skulls. ‘Whether or not all this was worse than the modern black market in human organs is difficult to say.’

The book gives numerous vivid, often disturbing examples of the practice, ranging from the execution scaffolds of Germany and Scandinavia, through the courts and laboratories of Italy, France and Britain, to the battlefields of Holland and Ireland and on to the tribal man-eating of the Americas. A painting showing the 1649 execution of Charles I showed people mopping up the king’s blood with handkerchiefs. Dr Sugg said: ‘This was used to treat the “king’s evil” – a complaint more usually cured by the touch of living monarchs. ‘Over in continental Europe, where the axe fell routinely on the necks of criminals, blood was the medicine of choice for many epileptics.

‘In Denmark the young Hans Christian Andersen saw parents getting their sick child to drink blood at the scaffold. So popular was this treatment that hangmen routinely had their assistants catch the blood in cups as it spurted from the necks of dying felons. ‘Occasionally a patient might shortcut this system. At one early sixteenth-century execution in Germany, ‘a vagrant grabbed the beheaded body “before it had fallen, and drank the blood from him..”.’ The last recorded instance of this practice in Germany fell in 1865.

Whilst James I had refused to take human skull, his grandson Charles II liked the idea so much that he bought the recipe. Having paid perhaps £6,000 for this, he often distilled human skull himself in his private laboratory. Dr Sugg said: ‘Accordingly known before long as “the King’s Drops”, this fluid remedy was used against epilepsy, convulsions, diseases of the head, and often as an emergency treatment for the dying. ‘It was the very first thing which Charles reached for on February 2 1685, at the start of his last illness, and was administered not only on his deathbed, but on that of Queen Mary in 1698.’

Dr Sugg’s research will be featured in a forthcoming Channel 4 documentary in which they reconstruct versions of older cannibalistic medicines with the help of pigs’ brains, blood and skull. The book, called Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires, will be published by Routledge and charts the largely forgotten history of European corpse medicine from the Renaissance to the Victorians.

[As this period was ending Occult practice began to take hold in the wider society].

2) US, UK Trained ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi along with Mossad

By John lee Varghese
July 15, 2014 19:12 IST

With the White House yet to give a full clarification on reports that the US trained ISIS recruits in 2012, another damning information has been leaked.

It has now emerged that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the terrorist group, was trained by Mossad, with the help of the US and the UK intelligence officials. The revelation was leaked by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden.

As per a report in Gulf Daily News, Snowden revealed that the US, the UK and Israel drew up a plan to protect the Zionist entity, by using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

The strategy was to get all the terrorists together in one place under an Islamic slogan and engage them in a war far from Israel.

In the documents leaked by Snowden, it claims that the ISIS was made for “the protection of the Jewish state”, and thereby keeping the enemies of Israel engaged.

Snowden’s leak also revealed that ISIS leader and cleric al-Baghdadi was given intensive military training for a whole year by Mossad, besides lessons on Islam and public speaking.

3) US Trained ISIS Jihadists?

Multiple reports have stated that the US played a key role in training the recruits, who later become ISIS jihadists, who are currently controlling large swathes of land in Syria and Iraq.

The WND had reported back in February 2012 that the US, along with Turkey and Jordan, was running a training base for Syrian rebels. And these trained rebels reportedly turned against the US later and went on to form ISIS.

Thousands of rebels were trained in 2012 and 2013 in Jordan, German weekly Der Spiegel reported.

The report went on to note that the organizers of the training camps wore US Marine uniforms, and the recruits were trained in anti-tank weaponry.


4) Snowden Confirms That Al Baghdadi was Trained by Israeli Intel Mossad

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organization that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans.

According to documents released by Snowden, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state “is to create an enemy near its borders”.

Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech.


5) The Spyfiles: These are files leaked to Wiki Leaks

6) Youtube Video: Debate: Is Edward Snowden a Hero

Final Note

I would first like to end this work by apologizing for any grammatical or spelling mistakes you may find through out the work, publishing houses usually employ full time proof readers to correct the drafts authors send in, this unfortunately isn’t available to us, and we did not employ American grammar or spelling natively, we are continually checking the work and will be updating it over time.

Bismillah Rahmani Raheem, as a muslim, we have testified in this work against a number of people and as such under Islamic Law our words carry both weight and consequences with Allah, so we would like our final words to be my testimony in front of Allah and his Angels that what I have said was my sincere belief as I witnessed it or learnt about it through research, and I will meet Allah on the day of judgment with these words in front of me Insha Allah against those who harmed Islam and Muslims.

“Thus we have appointed you a balanced nation, that ye may be witnesses against mankind”(2:143)

“Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders for the Muttaqun” (25:74)

Ina lillah wa ina Ilayhi Rajioon


Sayyid Rami al Rifai,

Shaban 1436 A.H.

Methodology: Chronological Order Of Ahadith

8d455a42d0c7e96e19c409aca643f2e3A number of years ago i began research for another book entitled “The Lifespan of this Ummah and It’s History According to Prophetic Narration’s from Beginning to End”, it was a chronological arrangement of the prophetic Narration’s about the signs of the hour which simultaneously focused on the many Ahadith which indicated that the age span of this Ummah (how long Islam would remain on earth) was known to Rasul Allah (saws). All things were shown to the prophet (saws) except for five matters, He (saws) did not know when the hour itself would occur but knew everything else before hand.

The Ahadith are far to many to mention here but it is enough to mention that Imam Bukhari narrates seven ahadith in his Sahih regarding the matter while Imam Ibn Hajar in his famous Tafsir (exegesis) to Sahih Bukhari, ‘Fath al Bari’ commented on this giving a specific lifespan for Islam.

Since we are at the end of time we have the advantage of hindsight scholars from previous era’s did not, most of the events have already occurred with only the major signs remaining.

Yet hardly any new books have been written on the subject, most printed works are those of Imam Ibn Kathir, whose work is extremely accurate after recent investigation’s, but lacked precision and finality in pinpointing specific events that have occurred in our life, since he was talking about a distant future, while to us it is all history. The Imam for instance would arrange three or four narration’s under a specific heading and then arrange all of these headings in a larger timeline, but the narration’s themselves would not be in any specific order only the title’s.

The book is still being researched and is a larger scope than this present work, it cover’s Al Malhama Kubra (the Great Battle) in greater detail, the events surrounding the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) and their interpretation and identifying who Yajuj wa Majuj are along with were they are, and the Lifespan of the Ummah, or how long will Islam be on earth for, scholars like Imam Abu Dawwud and Imam Tirmidhi in their respective collections similarly narrated numerous ahadith regarding this subject.

Hence most of the essential research for this book came from that effort, i have generally avoided discussion’s on methodology throughout the book for the sake of being brief and not because that investigation wasn’t carried out as i know some would like to ponder over it.

So Insha Allah we will give a brief discussion on the chronology and methodology we employed to arrive at the order in this book.

Finding and identifying the exact order of events in a large number of Ahadith was the result of a number of years of study and research into the subject, hence stating that a narration was speaking about a specific event was not done in haste or with ease.

After investigation it became very clear that in order to simplify matters we could divide narration’s into those that spoke of events before the Fall of Islam’s last Khalifah, most of which is History and easy to identify and narration’s that spoke about the last one hundred years, our present time and those of future events.

In terms of narration’s speaking about modern events the Hadith which Imam Ibn Kathir labeled “The Fitnah of the Saddlebag” is key to all modern events, it gives a list of most of the modern trials (fitan’s) the prophet (saws) spoke of and a chronology that ends with the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) himself, spanning decades.

Abdullah ibn ‘Umar said, “While we were seated with the Messenger of Allah, he mentioned the tribulations, and he mentioned much about them until he discussed the trial of the saddlebags.” Someone said, “O Messenger of Allah, what is the trial of the saddlebags?” He said, “It is the usurping of wealth and the fleeing. Then there is the trial of As-Saraa (espionage and spying) — it’s Dakhal or smoke. Underneath my feet is a man from the people of my household who claims that he is my son (or direct descendent) but he is not from me; indeed my Awliya (companions or helpers) are only those who are the Muttaqoon (those who fear Allah). Then people will gather and agree upon a man, (but it will be an agreement that is) like a hip on a rib (temporary).Then there will be the Duhaimaa (black, dark, catastrophic) trial. It will afflict every single person from this Nation. When it will be said that it is over, it will return; during it, a man will be a believer in the morning and a disbeliever in the night. (This will continue) until people will go to two Fustaats (group’s) — the Fustaat of Eemaan (faith), in which there is no hypocrisy, and the Fustaat of hypocrisy, in which there is no Eemaan (faith). And when that will come to you (the sorting is finished), wait for the Dajjaal on that day or on the morrow.” (Abu Dawood)

In the narration it begins with the trial of the Saddlebag, next is the Trial of as-Sarra, then the Duhaima and then people being sifted into two camps an event that will end with the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) emerging on that specific day or the one following it.
People being sifted and split into camps is spoken of in a number of other narration’s;

Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn Aas reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “How will you (act) and the time draws near when people will be sifted; the covenants of people will be corrupted and the people will differ; then they will be like this,” and he intertwined his fingers. They said, “How should we (act), O Messenger of Allah?” He said, ” Take what you know to be good and leave what you repudiate; betake yourselves to your own private affairs and leave off the affairs of the general public.” (Abu Dawood)

In this narration the sifting is mentioned to occur just before people’s lives become intertwined, this event is identifiable and is clear because we have seen it, it is the globalization of the world due to modern technological advancement’s, we know with certainty when this globalization occurred because of the availability of technology and hence we can date it with certainty.

It was after 2001 that the internet was first introduced to the masses, prior to that it was very slow, 56k dial up modems were considered fast and the latest thing, it was limited in who used it and technology was not that advanced or widespread, by 1995 it was said only 24 million people used the internet, but by 2012 that number increased a hundred fold to 2.4 billion, from it’s increased availability a number of large industries emerged that have since shaped our lives in less then a decade.

The number of similar connections that can be made with other Ahadith, identifying specific dates, is numerous but essentially when this is done with more depth and a greater scope, a bigger picture begins to emerge along with a definite chronology.

A simple example is the following narration; Abu Hurairah related that the Prophet (saws) said, “By the One Who has sent me with the Truth, this world will not come to an end until they are afflicted with Al-Khasf (earthquakes), Al-Qadhf (strong winds that cause rocks to fly a simile for Bombardment), and Al-Maskh (emergence of people who transmute (Maskh) themselves and other’s, these are people who use Sihr and follow trends).” The Companions asked, “And when is that, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, “When you see women riding private parts (when pornography becomes widespread), when there will be many female singers (the music industry spreads and uses sexuality to sell music), when there will be much false testimony (globalization, when the contract’s become corrupt and people bear false testimony), when men will suffice themselves with men, and when women will suffice themselves with women.” (homosexuality becomes accepted in society) (Al-Haafiz Abu Bakr Al-Bazzaar related this narration, taken from Ibn Kathir’s al Bidaya wa Nihaya)

We can identify the dates because the prophet (saws) said this will occur when Pornography, music, homosexuality are wide spread and globalization has occurred. Pornography only spread around the world, as we see it today, destroying conservative societies after the advent of the Internet, prior to the internet’s emergence it is was limited to media that was restricted in it’s impact on people, like magazine’s and VHS tapes, and not easily attainable, hence the industry was still relatively small compared to what it is today. Music similarly spread with the internet and technology, along with the acceptance of homosexuality in society.

During the 90’s Homosexual people were still ostracized from mainstream life and hidden away. Hence from this we know the period that al Khasf, Qadhaf and Maskh are to occur in and we can identify them accordingly. The 2004 Tsunami was one of the biggest earthquake’s in world history, Bombardment or Qadfh refers to the wars between Israel, Lebanon, Syria and the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan.

The reach of missile’s by Hizb Allah and Syria was actually the key issue over which the war’s began, Hizb Allah would literally trade missile for missile with Israel. During this time we also saw sub cultures and the influence of occult groups, along with people who use sihr (dark magic), spread around the world, something that is openly practiced in America in both Hollywood and the Music industries, coincidentally they are responsible for creating many of these subcultures that practice sihr (dark magic) more extremely which all relate to Maskh.

The sifting of people into two camps is a key event mentioned in many narrations, it is also mentioned at the beginning of the narration regarding the War in Syria “At the end of time there will be a trial in which people (at large) will be sorted in a similar way to that in which gold is sorted from metal. Therefore (as a result of this sifting that is causing people to differ) do not rebuke the people of Syria rather, rebuke the evil people among them (Asad and his regime), because amongst them are the Abdals (Awliya). Allah will send a flood from Heaven (an event, the Arab spring) that will disperse their groups in a way (the civil) that if foxes were to attack them (ISIS and Al Qaeda) they would be victorious” (meaning the foxes are opportunistic and would not have won otherwise).

“Abu Hurairah related that the Messenger of Allah said, “Iraq will be prevented from its dirham (a currency) and its Qifaz (measurement of Oil, the sanctions of Iraq during the 90’s and early 2000); Sham will be prevented from its Mudd (measurement of wheat) and its Dinar (a currency) and Egypt will be prevented from its Irdab (measurement of grain) and its Dinar (currency). You will recoil to that position from were you started and you will recoil to that position from were you started (the Khalifah will no longer exist and Islamic borders will shrink), the bones and the flesh of Abu Huraira would bear testimony to it” (Muslim, Book 41 Hadith 6923)

Because we know that the Hadith mentioning the sanctions placed on Iraq says Sham will have sanctions placed on it, we know Syria is next to be occupied by a foreign power, this usually occurs following the same recipe, a Muslim government come’s into power the super powers don’t like that so they intervene to secularize the entire country, this is simply modern history in the Islamic world.

Hence this hadith in turn connects the war in Syria to the Fitnah of the Saddlebag in Iraq and the Duhaima, September the 11th in America (discussed in detail in the book), because both narrations talk about the sifting of people.

The hadith of the Saddlebag spans a larger time period, beginning in the 90’s and ending with the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), it also connects the hadith regarding the war in Syria with the Hadith mentioning the Sanction’s on Iraq, Syria and then Egypt because the sanctions on Iraq have already occurred.

These narration’s are all then connected to the Ahadith regarding the different phases of Islamic governance (mentioned in the book) and the era of Dictators ending, because it ended with the Arab spring and the only thing that is next, is a return to Khalifah under the Mahdi (ra).

We know from modern history sanction’s will more than likely be placed on Syria when an Islamic government takes control of Syria, in this way a larger picture emerges from all the narration’s.

This shows us how perfectly and accurately Rasul Allah (saws) described the events of the 90’s up to the time we are living in now. Between the Hadith of the Saddle Bag mentioning the different Fitnahs (trials) and the Hadith mentioning the Sanctions of Iraq, Sham and Egypt we have a timeline with clear events defined on it up to the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), one Hadith filling in the gaps of the other.

Many other Ahadith fit into this timeline, between the sanctions on Iraq and the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) and further elaborate on what has occurred and will occur in the future.

A scholar said regarding the phrase in the Hadith, “Underneath my feet is a man from the people of my household who claims that he is my son (or direct descendent) but he is not from me”, In the summer of 1990, at the time the words ALLAHU AKBAR first appeared on the flag of Iraq, Saddam Hussain declared he was a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad, upon him peace, and produced a family chart to prove it. This chart hangs in one of the heavily frequented Shi`i mosques in Iraq, next to the presumed graves of one of Ahl al-Bayt. Saddam also began to address King Hussayn of Jordan, a real 27 generation descendent, as “cousin.”

Rasul Allah (pbuh) indicates who is responsible for the Fitnah of the Saddle Bag and Fitnatul Sarrah, by pointing out a public action of his we would know him clearly by “Underneath my feet is a man from the people of my household who claims that he is my son (or direct descendent) but he is not from me”, no other individual is connected to all the events mentioned in this single Hadith and is responsible for them except Saddam Hussein.

Becouse we can identify the individual in this Hadith as Saddam Hussein we can identify all the other events similarly since they are all in our History, and Identifying the Duhaima, September the 11th was done in this manner, it’s impact on the world literally split the world into two camps;

Abu Hurairah said, “The Prophet said, Woe to the Arabs from the great evil which is nearly approaching them: it will be like patches of dark night. A man will wake up as a believer, and be a kafir (unbeliever) by nightfall. People will sell their religion for a small amount of worldly goods. The one who clings to his religion on that day will be as one who is grasping an ember or thorns.” (Ahmad)

Abu Hurairah (r.a) reported that Rasul Allah (saws) said, “Perform all good deeds before the era of evil dawns, the darkness of which will increase in waves. The effects of these evils will be so grave that a person will be a Mu’min in the morning and a Kaafir at night, or, a Mu’min at night and a Kaafir in the morning. A person will sell his Deen in lieu of a paltry sum.” (Muslim)

The “Patches of a dark night” mentioned in the first Hadith refers to the Duhaimma, mentioned in the fitnah of the Saddlebag narration which similarly mentions “A man will wake up a believer and go to sleep a disbeliever”, the above two Ahadith are then connected by the statements quoted, which is the characteristic of this Fitnah.

The Duhaima is mentioned in an indirect manner in a number of smaller narration’s, so once we know the key phrases the prophet (saws) used to describe it we can collect them under this single event, identifying other things the prophet (saws) said would occur around this time.

For example the prophet (saws) said “There will be a tribulation in which a man will be a believer in the morning and a disbeliever by evening, except the one to whom Allah grants Knowledge”. (Ibn Maaja, Vol1, Book 36, Hadith 3954) by itself this is unidentifiable but we now know that the description and words “a man will be a believer in the morning and a disbeliever by evening” refers to this fitna, so the prophet (saws) gave advice to acquire knowledge in order to protect oneself from it because the world will be so dark at this time people will leave their religion, we saw this with the rise of Atheism and evolution which challenged religion, while many others chose to make money by publicly leaving Islam to promote a book they wrote against it.

Similarly the prophet (saws) said “Before the Hour comes, there will be a tribulation like patches of dark night. A man will get up a believer and go to sleep a kafir, or will go to sleep a believer and get up a kafir. The one who sits will be better than one who stands, and one who walks will be better than one who runs. Break your bows, cut their strings, and strike your swords against stones. If someone comes to kill any of you, then be like the better of the two sons of Adam.” (Abu Dawud.)

From this narration we now know the words of the prophet (saws) “a tribulation like patches of dark night” refers to the Duhaima because he similarly says in it “A man will get up a believer and go to sleep a kafir”, from here we can now use these phrases along with the advice “The one who sits will be better than one who stands, and one who walks will be better than one who runs. Break your bows, cut their strings, and strike your swords against stones. If someone comes to kill any of you, then be like the better of the two sons of Adam” to further identify other narrations which use this phrasing, connecting them all together and drawing a larger picture.

The phrases “The one who sits will be better than one who stands”, “strike your swords” and ” be like the better of the two sons of Adam” is used in many other narration’s that don’t mention the Duhaima by name, but as we research these narration’s that mention two or three events in this way, we can identify many other events mentioned around the fitna of the Duhaima and date them accurately.

An example of this is the narration in which the Prophet (saws) said, “There will be a tribulation in which the one who is sleeping will be better than the one who is lying down, the one who is lying will be better than the one who is sitting, the one who is sitting will be better than the one who is standing, the one who is standing will be better than the one who is walking, the one who is walking will be better than the one who is riding, and the one who is riding will be better than the one who is running; “all of their dead will be in Hell” (meaning those who went out to fight and died are in Hell)….(it is mentioned in full in the book)

The phrase “all of their dead will be in Hell” is mentioned in another set of different narration’s all said to occur at the end of time without specifying the Duhaima or indicating a date or referring to the one who sits or stands, but they speak about a general trial at the end of time.

Once this work is done a large chain of events, one after the other, along a very obvious timeline begins to emerge connecting even more events, allowing us to realise that the prophet (saws), as many companions said, literally spoke about all the major events, one after the other, year after year, leading all the way up to the Hour.

Umar ibn Al-Khattaab (ra) said, “One day the Prophet (saws) stood up amongst us for a long period and informed us about the beginning of creation (and talked about everything in detail) till he mentioned how the people of Paradise will enter their places and the people of Hell will enter their places. Some remembered what he had said, and some forgot it”. (Bukhari)

We have not lost these narration’s, the scholars collected them all in their works, we need to simply identify the events one after the other to realise how much information we have been given by the prophet (saws) and how they fit into what Umar (ra) said.

The following is probably one of the most distinctive narration’s when connecting all the ahadith together because it mention’s three key things all spoken of separately in many other narration’s but here because they are mentioned together in single hadith we can connect them and identify all the narration’s at the same time, otherwise most people would overlook this hadith as just another sign of the hour.

The event in the hadith was identified from the last two phrases; Abdullah bin ‘Amr narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “There shall be a Fitnah of extermination of the ‘Arabs. Its fighters are in the Fire. During it, the tongue is stronger then the sword.” (Tirmidhi, Vol. 4, Book 7, Hadith 2178)

The extermination of the arabs is mentioned in detail in many other Ahadith, some we have related at the beginning of this book, it’s finality will be during the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

Before the Mahdi emerges 1/3 of the Arabs will have died in wars, 1/3 will have perished from famine, disease etc, and only 1/3 will remain. By the time of al Malhama al Kubra (the Great Battle) Europe will be asking for the genocide of the Arabs openly and by the time of Isa (as) most of the arabs will have died and what remains will mainly all be in Jerusalem, no more than a few hundred thousand if we consider how many can live in that city, all of this is clearly mentioned in narration’s but now we can place this event along a specific timeline.

Since we can identify all these events we now know it’s timing and beginning was during the Duhaima, September the 11th, the clearest event about this matter being the second Invasion and occupation of Iraq, even though Saddam Hussein was cleared of any involvement in the Attack on America and did not have any weapons of Mass destruction America still invaded.

The Prophet (pbuh) said: There will be such troubles and calamities that nobody will have a place to shelter from them. These calamities will travel around Sham (the wars between the 50’s, 70’s and 80’s) and settle over Iraq (in the 90’s, this identified in detail in the book). They will bind the Arabian Peninsula…As they attempt to eliminate these calamities in one (place) they will arise again in another. (Kenzul Ummal, Book of Thoughts on Doomsday, Vol 5, p 38-39)

Troubles and calamities “traveled” around Sham (Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, involving the neighboring countries) after WW2 ended, they settled over Iraq in the 90’s then flared up Again in Syria in the last decade, “As the strife calms down in one place in Sham, it will rise up in another (place). The strife (in sham) will not end until Angels call out from the sky “The Mahdi is your Leader”, “The Mahdi is your caliph””. (Taken from the works of Harun Yahya in which he cites it from – Mustafa Resit Filizi, Treatise on the Coming of the Mahdi, p 63)

Events of the hour will continue one after another like beads falling from a string follow each other, this is what occurred after the 90’s in Iraq, sanctions were lifting from the country and events were settling down when September the 11th occurred beginning the wars all over again, foreign troops were pulled out of Iraq in the 2000’s when Civil War broke out in Syria, and they will continue in Syria (Sham) until the Mahdi (ra) emerges.

If we consider the hadith of the Saddlebag, how long it’s consequence’s have lasted since 1990, all the events it entailed, the man behind it all that lead to the Duhaima (sep the 11th), which split the world into two camps, it becomes clear who the prophet (saws) was referring to in the following narration and what the calamity was;

“Severe calamity from the direction of their ruler will befall my people during the Last Days. It will be a calamity which, in severity, shall be unprecedented. It will be so violent that the earth with injustice and corruption will shrivel for its inhabitants. The believers will not find refuge from oppression (sep the 11th was the begging of oppression, this is why the whole world is mentioned here). At that time (this is relatively speaking, Islam has been on earth for 1400 years) God will send a man from my family to fill the earth with justice” (Ibn Hajar)

The Mahdi (ra) will come towards the end of the fitnah we are now facing, when it’s ramifications are nearing there end on earth, because of what 9/11 did to the world. splitting it into two camps, it’s effects on earth will only end with the Dajjaal emerging that day or the next, the Mahdi will emerge about 9 years before this time and the Great War (Armageddon) will be fought during this time between the Muslims and Europe.

Before the Mahdi (ra) emerges events will revolve around the tyrant al Sufyani (who the prophet spoke about), he will wage wars but there repercussion’s will be local while the Actions of Saddam Hussein impacted the entire Muslim world, because it was a time in society when breaking your word still had consequences and meaning, we only later become desensitized to these things and their is no more room for that shock and impact, it is common place now.

“the earth (the world) with injustice and corruption will shrivel for its inhabitants”, this is what occurred after sanction’s were placed on Iraq, September the 11th gave America it’s excuse to invade Iraq again to depose Saddam Hussein and begin the campaign of exterminating the Arabs.

The first Iraq war was the initial injustice that lead to all later injustices the Ummah faced like September the 11th and the second invasion of Iraq.

Abdullah ibn Amr related that he heard the Messenger of Allah say, “When you see that my nation dreads saying to the oppressor, ‘Indeed you are an oppressor,’ then they have taken their leave (i.e. their existence and non-existence amounts to the same thing).” (Ahmad)

We know this Hadith refers to Saddam Husain because the Prophet (saws) was referring to His “entire Ummah” at a time when their entire existence and nonexistence will amount to the same thing, they will all be worthless and powerless after this time to stand up to anyone.

This can’t have occurred during the time of the Khalifa’s because tyrants in Islam’s history during the Dynasties were followed by leaders better than them, one Khalifah would follow another, and many existed at the same time some better than others, similarly one Dynasty would follow another and muslims were in control of their own affairs.

But only now after there are no more Khalifahs and we are living in the era of Tyrants, during a time after the wars of the past 100 years that crushed the Islamic spirit, did the Muslims reach a point of hopelessness in what was occurring in the muslim world.

They were powerless to say anything, they literally said nothing, and even accepted their Tyrant leaders actions, “they have taken their leave” from morality and Islam itself, Allahs said about the responsibility he placed on Man “We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it; He was indeed unjust and foolish” (33:72).

Hence from all these connections the Hadith mentioning the trial of the Saddle Bag, the Trial of Al Sarrah and the Trial of the Duhaimaa is the most significant of all the Ahadith prior to the advent of the Mahdi (ra) because it describes the Major events which changed the world’ It gave a timeline for events from the time of the 1990 Iraq War, to what we are living right now, then on to the time of the Mahdi (ra) and finally the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

All other Ahadith referring to the signs before the Mahdi (ra) fit into the timeline established by this Hadith, closely followed by the Ahadith speaking about the sanctions on the Arab world. This is because when war reaches Egypt that is the beginning of the Major wars, as the prophet (saws) said.

If we look at methodology we have used in an abstract manner for establishing how these Ahadith connect events which have already occurred, we can see the big picture by understating that Rasul Allah (saws) in a narration may mention an event A followed by events B,C then D, and from this the Ullumah (Scholars) can now know that these events will occur in this exact sequence.

Then in another narration the Prophet (saws) may mention in a specific order the same event A then B, but followed by events E and F, skipping C and D, were by we know that E and F have already occurred.

So from this the Ullumah can conclude that events A,B, C and D must have also occurred but we just need to identify them properly since the wording in the Hadith may be vague.

This is the case regarding the Hadith mentioning the Fitnah of the Saddlebag, in this instance the Prophet (saws) Mentions events A, B,C,D, E, F and G along a definite timeline and in other Ahadith He (saws) mentions a different set of events that we know are occurring now and are the exact same events of E and F mentioned, so we know the earlier events in the Hadith of the Saddle Bag must have therefor occurred.

He (saws) also mentions in another set of Ahadith events that we know will occur between D, E, F and since the last event “G” is the arrival of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) we can arrange all the Ahadith with certainty along an accurate timeline because of this.

Another method that will help in this task is to look at all the Ahadith the Imams have compiled in their works along their Time line, which Imam Ibn Kathir and Imam Suyuti did, we then will know how many events and narrations are left to occur before the time of the Mahdi (ra), allowing us to identify their chronology and relative time period accurately.

My Intention Insha allah in mentioning this is that scholars or others who may research the matter will Insha Allah come up with more accurate results.

Imam Ali (ra) said “Knowledge leads to Wisdom, the educated man is the wise one, riches diminish by expenditure while knowledge is increased by dissemination.”

He (ra) also said “The sum total of (Human) excellence (Ihsan) is Knowledge.”

Nu’aym Ibn Hammad (ra)

66b64a92e35b7c084cd255382c806701We have quoted from Imam Nu’aym’s “Kitab al Fitan wal Malahem”, The Book of Tribulations and War, through out this work so we considered that providing his biography is much needed, since some modern deviant sects have erroneously slandered his character.

His full name was Abu Abdillah Nu’aym ibn Ḥammad ibn Muawiyah al-Khuza’i al-Marwazi, he studied in Iraq and the Ḥijaz and settled in Egypt. He studied the science of hadith under many Ulamah (scholars) from amongst whom are: Abu Hamzah as-Sukkari, Abu Bakr ibn Ayyash, Ḥafṣ ibn Ghiyath, ibn Uyaynah, al-Faḍl ibn Musa, Abu Dawud al-Tiyalisi, Abdullah ibn Mubarak and others.

From amongst his most famous students are: Muḥammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari the author of the famous “Sahih al Bukhari”, Yaḥyah ibn Ma’in, Abu Ḥatim ar-Razi, Abu Zur’ah ad-Dimashqi and there are many others.

Imam Nu’aym is considered to be the first person in Islam to have compiled a Musnad, a type of hadith collection were the narations it contains are arranged according to the name of the companion who narrated it, some famous Musnads are the Musnad of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Musnad Abu Dawwud. This act is one of the most significant things in Islam, because the Prophet (saws) said who ever begins a sunnah, starts or invents something new, he will have the reward of it and the reward of every person after him who adopted and benefited from it, this tells us Imam Nu’aym’s status with Allah because he was one of the first compilers of Hadith collections which the entire Muslim Ummah later benefited from and emulated.

The Imam’s aḥadith are narrated in all the six famous books of Aḥadith besides Nasa’i, Imam Bukhari narrates from him in his celebrated al-Jami’ as-Ṣaḥih and Imam Muslim similarly narrates from him via al-Ḥasan al-Ḥalwani in the introduction of his Saḥiḥ Muslim.

What this means is that his character is established and beyond doubt because both Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim narrated from him in their Sahih collection’s, these are the most rigorously authenticated collection’s in Islam, second in authority to only the Quran.

A hadith can only be found in them when all the men in it’s chain of narrators are beyond doubt, both Imam Bukhari and Muslim had the most stringent criteria of verification among all the scholars of Hadith and when a narration is found in both Bukhari and Muslim it is given a grading higher than Sahih and that is “Agreed upon”, it’s authenticity is therefor on par with the Quran becouse there is no doubt that it the prophets words himself (saws).

An example of this grading can be found in Imam Nawawi’s “Riyad al Saliheen” (Gardens of the Righteous), when the Imam Quotes a narration found in both Bukhari and Muslim it is given this grading.

Imam Nu’aym later in his life was imprisoned, in the year 223 Ah or 224 Ah, because of the fitna regarding the question of wether the Quran was created or not, this fitna was spread by the heretical Mutazilah sect, they forced scholars to declare their position on the matter after which they would either kill or imprison them if they held opposing views, hence he passed away in prison. Some scholars have recorded his passing in the year 228 Ah whilst other’s mentioned 229 Ah.

It is then beyond doubt that the Imam holds a very lofty place in the sight of Allah Ta’ala, as the prophet (saws) said “The best Jihad is proclaiming the truth in front of an oppressive ruler”. (Tirmidhi)

Jewish Origins Of The Pashtun and Surrounding Areas

902dc168b8382e8a6fab67dbce5502deThe Mahdi’s army are the black flags that will come from the east, the bible refers to them as the Kings of the east, the prophet (saws) said about them that they are of Jewish decent and called them Bani Isra’il, this description narrows down the identity of Imam Mahdi’s army considerably and explains much. They will establish Imam Mahdi’s government for him like the people of Madina established the way for Rasul Allah (saws), but Imam Mahdi (as) as Ahadith state takes His (as) name “al Mahdi” from what He (as) will do for the Jews of Israel, He (as) will find the Ark of the Covenant and bring out from it the original Torah, debate with them and all of them will convert to Islam except for a few that is why He (as) is called Al Mahdi (the one who guides) because He will guide the Jews to Allah.

While the Jews of the Pashtun are at the beginning of His (as) time the Jews of Israel are at it’s end and they will be the ones to fight Armageddon with him and then go on to take Constantinople without having to fight.

“And after that We said unto the children of Israel: “Dwell securely in the land – but [remember that] when the promise of the Last Day shall come to pass, We will bring you forth as [parts of] a motley crowd!” (17:104) In this verse Allah says to the Jews to dwell in the land of Israel until the hour but when it comes they will find they are of different backgrounds, Jews of Europe, Jews of Asia, Jews of Russia, Jews of Afghanistan where as before they where all Jews of one land.

The Jewish Exile

[This section is primarily the work of another slightly changed to remove vulgar depictions of Allah, my comments are in brackets]

God’s oversees the construction of the temple at Jerusalem, a place wherein his barka would be found and where all his people, even foreigners, could come to seek it and find him in prayer. David becomes king over all Israel, God’s issues the Davidic covenant, the establishing of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city, and the retrieving of the Ark to remain there—signified the fulfilling of God’s promise to establish the children of Abraham in the land of Canaan and to give them rest from their enemies on every side, it was thus a symbol of his enduring commitment to Israel, to uphold them and bless them as his chosen people (the only people on earth who worshiped him, that is its meaning not some magical definition that can never be known). he future preservation of this temple—and all of its interrelated covenant blessings—is directly dependent upon the nation’s remaining faithful to the law covenant given by God at Sinai by keeping its statutes and walking according to them.

Agonizingly however, the time following Solomon sees several hundred years of spiritual decay for God’s people Israel as they turn toward the worship of false gods. From the least to the greatest, with each generation the nation progressively turns away from faith and forsakes their Lord and his covenant. Graciously, God sends his Prophets to the people and the kings to warn them to repent and turn their hearts back to Him, but they will not listen. Finally, he then declares by Jeremiah that king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon will overtake Jerusalem and the Jews will be carried off into exile for 70 years as punishment for their sin (Jer 25:1-14).

(It is from this event that Jewish tribes are exiled into Afghanistan where they remain so until the coming of the Prophet Muhammad (saws), at which point they accept Islam at the hands of Khalid Ibn Walid (ra) and go on to become the Pashtun of Afghanistan and later Imam Mahdi’s (as) army who will establish His (as) rule for Him (as) in Jerusalem because that land was promised to the descendants of Abraham (as) to which they have a right to by lineage).

The Babylonian king first attacks Jerusalem in 597 BC and cannot overtake it, but he brings back with him a large group of exiles among whom is the prophet Ezekiel. On the banks of the Chebar River in Babylon, God shows Ezekiel Israel’s detestable sins of idolatry by bringing him to Jerusalem in a vision. He then shows him a terrible slaughter that is to come upon all the people except for a faithful remnant who are weeping and lamenting Israel’s sin (Ezek 8:1-9:11). Following this, he is shown a vision of a great mobile throne chariot with massive cherubim-driven wheels. Then, Ezekiel sees the glory of Allah leave the temple and reside over the mobile throne chariot which then departs from the city and comes to rest on a mountain to the east (Ezek 10:1-22; 11:22-23). This imagery of God leaving the city, together with his pronouncement of the wickedness of Israel’s leadership (Ezek 11:1-13), is a clear representation that he is standing in judgment over the nation and now regards her as a condemned enemy, cut off from his sight (cf. 1 Kgs 9:6-9).

Finally, in fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy, Nebuchadnezzar returns in 586 BC and completely annihilates the city, knocking down its walls and destroying the temple (2 Kgs 25:1-21; Jer 39:1-10). The scene is unthinkable. Whereas Jerusalem and its temple were enduring symbols to the watching world of God’s commitment to Israel, their destruction signifies that God has rejected the nation and is showing himself faithful according to his word by bringing to pass the covenantal curses that he had sworn should Israel forsake him (Deut 27:15-26; 28:15 ff.; 1 Kgs 9:4-9).

“How can it still be said God has a people [cf. Ezek 11:20] apart from Jerusalem and its Davidic king and temple, that is, apart from Israel whom he has rejected and relegated to the same status as the Gentiles?” This is an important question for us to ask along with the exiled Jews, but we must await its ultimate answer until the coming forth of Jesus Christ.

Following these words of comfort, God begins to speak great words of hope to the exiled Jews through Ezekiel. He promises them that he is about to act on their behalf to vindicate his holy Name which they have profaned (Ezek 36:22-23). He announces that he will do so by restoring them to the land of Canaan, cleansing the land and the people of their defilement, and by giving them a new heart and putting his Spirit in them that they might no longer depart from him, but live out his statutes in faith and be his people forever (Ezek 11:17-20; 36:24-28). To this end, God will establish with them a new covenant of peace by which they shall be delivered from all their oppressors, the ruined and desolate cities of Israel will be rebuilt, and the land will flourish and thrive with abundant harvests as never before (Ezek 34:25-31; 36:33-35). What is more, this glorious work of restoration will take place before the watching nations such that they will all know the Name of Allah (Ezek 36:36).

(This has not occurred yet and is most likely a prophecy about Imam Mahdi (as) who will do this in Jerusalem while the entire world is watching Him (as) revive Islam, He will rebuild that land as the Capital of His Khalifah.  This prophecy is about Him (as) because His (as) army and people are the Jews and the people of Israel at that time will accept Him (as) after He (as) brings out the Ark of the covenant to show them what the real Torah says, Allah will fulfill what He promised to the Jews just not as they think because He exiled them and dispersed them so that they lost their lineage and connection back to the original covenant. “And after that We said unto the children of Israel: “Dwell securely in the land – but [remember that] when the promise of the Last Day shall come to pass, We will bring you forth as [parts of] a motley crowd! (People belonging to different ethnicities)” (17:104)).

Concerning the fate of the ruined temple at Jerusalem, Ezekiel receives yet another vision, this time of a newly restored Jerusalem and temple that far exceeds the glory of anything prior and to which the nations flood to worship (Ezek 40:1-48:35) (this is a prophecy about a future time). The awesome splendor and elegant beauty of this future city is elaborately described by Ezekiel across nine chapters, but we may comprehend it more simply and succinctly merely by the name by which it will be known: “Allah Is There” (Ezek 48:35). Indeed, the glory of God will come forth and fill this newly created temple and His baraka will be there in the city with his people (Ezek 43:4-7).

With these incredible promises in hand, the exiled Jews are returned to the land after 70 years—just as the Lord had promised—whereupon they proceed with great anticipation to begin to rebuild Jerusalem, construct a new temple, and initiate a time of national teaching, prayer, and repentance. However, it becomes quickly apparent to all that the state of things in Israel following the exile falls impossibly short of the restoration promises given by the Prophets such that there is great mourning amongst the people and a general sense that their repentance had fallen short of what God required. Where they had expected abundance, they had lack; a regained national sovereignty, vassal servitude; a renewed spirituality, continued sin and radio silence from God as new prophets stopped coming forth.

(Allah tried doing exactly this when He sent them Isa Ibn Maryam (as), one of His most spiritual prophets and equipped Him (as) with everything needed to give the Jews a new heart, but because the Jews of that time and region where so engrossed in materialism they did not want to change their way of life and challenged that He (as) was even a prophet, they lost their way so much they forgot what the Ihsan and light of prophets looked like, which was their proof).

Concerning the rebuilt temple, when compared to what existed prior, it is so meager that the elderly in Israel who had seen the first temple cannot help but weep at the sight of it (Ez 3:12-13) (Allah’s promise yet to be fulfilled).

Abu Musa (ra) said, the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said: “The example of Muslims, Jews and Christians is like the example of a man who employed labourers to work for him from morning till night for specific wages. They worked till midday and then said, ‘We do not need your money which you have fixed for us and let whatever we have done be annulled.’ The man said to them, ‘Don’t quit the work, but complete the rest of it and take your full wages.’ But they refused and went away. The man employed another batch after them and said to them, ‘Complete the rest of the day and yours will be the wages I had fixed for the first batch.’ So, they worked till the time of `Asr prayer. Then they said, “Let what we have done be annulled and keep the wages you have promised us for yourself.’ The man said to them, ‘Complete the rest of the work, as only a little of the day remains,’ but they refused. Thereafter he employed another batch to work for the rest of the day and they worked for the rest of the day till the sunset, and they received the wages of the two former batches. So, that was the example of those people (Muslims) and the example of this light (guidance) which they have accepted willingly.” (Bukhari)

The Black Flags

Al Zuhari said ” The black flags will come from the East, led by mighty men, with long hair and beards, their last names are taken from the names of their home towns and their first names are from a Kunya (nick name, usually starts with ‘Abu’, which means ‘father of”).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

We can say with certainty that the Mahdi’s army are the people of Afghanistan, the Pashtun who are of Jewish decent having converted to Islam just after the prophet’s (saws) death. “led by mighty men” when Russia was still the USSR at the height of it’s power they invaded Afghanistan the Pashtun fought them for nine years denying the worlds second most powerful superpower victory, the prophet (saws) also said once they march with the black flags they will keep on coming, they won’t stop their Jihad for Islam generation after generation until the end.

Many Historical sources exist for about their origin in old manuscripts; here is one Quote that is comprehensive in its account.

In his Travels into Bokhara, which he published in 1835, Sir Alexander Burnes wrote: “The Afghans call themselves Bani Israel, or the children of Israel, but consider the term Yahoodi, or Jew, to be one of reproach. They say that Nebuchadnezzar, after the overthrow of Israel, transplanted them into the towns of Ghore near Bamean and that they were called after their Chief Afghan, they say that they lived as Israelites till Khalid (Ibn Walid) summoned them in the first century of the Muhammadans. Having precisely stated the traditions and history of the Afghans I see no good reason for discrediting them… the Afghans look like Jews and the younger brother marries the widow of the elder. The Afghans entertain strong prejudices against the Jewish nation, which would at least show that they have no desire to claim – without just cause – a descent from them. (Sir Alexander Burnes, Travels into Bokhara, Vol. 2:139-141.)

Regarding The Mahdi’s Appearance Being like the Bani Israil and His Wearing a Qutwani Cloak

There is a Hadith in Sahih Muslim which says “Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: You have heard about a city the one side of which is in the land and the other is in the sea (Constantinople). They said: Allall’s Messenger, yes. Thereupon he said: The Last Hour would not come unless seventy thousand (70,000) persons from Bani lsra’il (Jews) would attack it (referring to the army of the Mahdi). (Sahih Muslim: Book 41, Hadith 6979)

Bani Israil is a term referring to the origins or lineage of a people.

The Prophet Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon him) said that ”When you hear the news of Black Flags coming from the East, then, you must join them even if you have to crawl over ice (to reach them).(Trimdhi)

On the authority of Thawban, the Messenger of Allah (upon him be peace and blessings) said: “Before your treasure, three will kill each other (over it), all of them are the sons of a different Khaliph (ruller) but none will be the recipient. Then the black Banners will appear from the East and they will Kill you in a way that has never been done by a nation.” Thawban said: ‘Then he said something that I do not remember by heart’ then continued to say that the prophet (praise and peace be upon him) said: “ If you see him give him your allegiance, even if you have to crawl over ice, because surely he is the Khalif of Allah, the Mahdi.

If you see the black flags coming from Khurasan, join that army, even if you have to crawl over ice, for this is the army of the Caliph, the Mahdi and no one can stop that army until it reaches Jerusalem.” (It’s isnad is Sahih according to Al-Hakim who narrates it in Mustadrak al Hakim).

An Afghan brother wrote regarding this Issue: In the Encyclopaedia Britannica 1997 it says, Qutwani cloaks resemble the Israili “Tallit” of present day. Both Qutwani cloak and Tallit have fringes on their borders (similar to how it is seen in Native American dress) and it’s mostly made of Wool. It generally falls across the head, neck, and shoulders. However the Qutwani cloak is larger and a more conspicuous prayer shawl than the Tallit. The Qutwani cloak is exactly like the cloaks worn by the Pashtoons of Afghanistan and Pakistan and it is also worn in the same way like the Qutwani cloak described in the hadith. The Pashtuns wrap these cloaks around them to protect them from the cold weather. In fact these cloaks are often the necessary part of Pashtun dress.

In Contrast to present day Jews who wear the Tallit as a symbol and are much smaller, so it can’t be wrapped around the body.

If Imam Mahdi’s army is from Khorasan and that region it should not be hard to understand why Rasul Allah (blessing and peace be upon him) said he will resemble the Bani Israil, as he will choose to dress like his followers. Rasul Allah (blessing and peace be upon him) for example used to wear a Yemeni cloak even though he wasn’t from Yemen.

“He (Imam Mahdi) would be wearing two Qutwani Cloaks. He will appear exactly as a person from Bani Israeel. He will rule for 20 years and will conquer the cities of the Mushrikeen (Idolaters)  (Ref: Kanz-ul-Aamal, Page 268,  Hadith No 3868).

The blessed Mahdi’s stature and posture resemble those of the People of Israel. (Reference:Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar Fi alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, pp. 36-29.)

He will resemble one of the Israelites [in his external appearance]. (Reference: Al-Uqayli, An-Najmu’s-saqib fi Bayan Anna’l Mahdi min Awladi Ali b. Abu Talib Ale’t-Tamam ve’l Qamal).

It is as if he is a man from the people of Israel.  (Reference: Nuaym ibn Hammad, vr. 52a; Mar’i ibn Yusuf al-Maqdisi).

Many Ulluma say the 20 years mentioned in the above hadith refer to Different Era’s in the mahdi’s life (prior to his public emergence), the 7 to 9 years mentioned in other hadith will be in the final part of his life, meaning when Allah shows he is the Mahdi. It may also be that the narrators made a mistake in transmitting the Ahadith.

Other Ahadith Regarding The Army Of The Mahdi and The Origins Of The Pashtuns

The Sufyani (A person from the Quraish tribe) will appear in the Arabian Peninsula and will be the enemy of Imam Mahdi, the tribe of Kash (in Arabic spelled Qais) will fight against the Sufyani as told in the following Hadith Narrated by Abu Huraira (R.A)

The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said: That a person called Sufyani will appear from the suburbs of Damascus and his general followers will be the people of the Kulaib Tribe. He will attack (so fiercely) that he will cut the bellies of Women and kill children. To fight against him, the people of the Tribe of Qais will gather. Sufyani will fight them and kill them so much that no valley will be left without their dead bodies. (Reference: Mustadrik P520)

The word Qais or Kash is the name of numerous personalities of the Bani Israil an example is Saul son of Kish; Kash is known as the forefather of the Pashtuns because he is the first one to embrace Islam,when he became Muslim he was then known as Abdur Rashid. Kash or Kish are the same word, the Arabs pronounce it Qais, hence Bani Qais is used in Ahadith.

In Pakistan and Afghanistan we find many places where Pashtuns live by the name of Kish/Kash such as:

– Dasht-e-Kash: a desert in southern Afghanistan.
– The city of Kish Khenjak in Afghanistan in Velayat-e Oruzgan .
– The Sulaiman Mountain range is also know by Pashtuns as the Kash Ghar, The Mountain of Kash or Qais.

An Example of One scholar tracing his Afghan ancestry: Hadhrat Mohammed Maseehullah Khan, hails from the renowned and distinguished Sherwaani family of Pathans. Although the Sherwaani clan is famed as Pathan, it in reality is Sayyid (descendant from the prophet Muhammad) in its origin, for its ancestral progenitor was Sayyid Husain Ghauri R.A. who migrated from Ghaur during the reign of Khalif Abdul Maalik Bin Marwaan (d. 65 A.H.) and settled in the region neighboring ‘Koohe Sulaimaan.’ (The Sulaiman Mountains) Sayyid Husain Ghauri R.A. settled among the Pathans and married the daughter of Batan Bin Qais Abdur Rashid. She bore him two sons, Lodi and Serwaani. The descendants of Serwaani became known as Sherwaani. It is then to this family of Sayyids that Hadhrat Maseehullah Khan Saheb belongs.

The people of this region are the descendants of Ibrahim, Allah promised to his entire family, both Arabs and Jews, the lands of Canaan, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Palestine, he will once again fulfill this promise when these Muslim Jews inherit this land.

The Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: A man called al-Harith ibn Harrath will come forth from Ma Wara an-Nahr (roughly present day Afghanistan). His army will be led by a man called Mansur who will establish or consolidate things for Muhammad’s family as Quraysh consolidated them for the Messenger of Allah (saws). Every believer must help him, or he said: respond to his sermons. (Aid him) (Sunan Abu Dawud Book 38, Hadith 13)

“A people will come out of the East who will pave the way for the Mahdi.” (Ibn Majah.)

What Is the Unseen World and Where Is It: Explaining The Technical Terminology Of The Scholars

Tomb of Bilal (q)

Regarding the term “Unification of Allah” or “Union with Allah” found in the translations of works on Tasawwuf, Sufism:

“Among the disservices done to Islam by some Western scholars is their tireless insistence that the Sufi term wusul (“to arrive, to reach”) be translated as if it meant ittihad (“to unify”) with the result that their translations of Sufi works are filled with talk of “union with God,” a rendering that has come to be traditional and authoritative among them, while it is a fallacious conception that the masters of Tasawwuf (sufism) from every age (in history) have taken pains to dissociate themselves, their method, and their students from. So it is perhaps fitting to mention two of the aphorisms of the great Shadhili master Ibn ‘Ata’ Illah, who said: Your reaching Allah is reaching the knowledge of Him, for other than that, Our Lord is too exalted for anything to be joined with Him or for Him to be joined with anything; and He also said, The affirmation of electhood (being selected) does not necessitate a negation of the fact of being human. Election is merely like the rise of the daylight’s sun: it appears on the horizon without being part of it. Sometimes He takes it from you and returns you to your own bounds. For daylight is not from you to yourself, but rather it comes over you. (al-Hikam al- ‘Ata ‘iyya wa al-munajat al-ilahiyya (9.24), 59, 66, aphorisms 23 and 249)”

The Reason why such expressions, that seem ambiguous and baffling to the laymen and translator, are used by classical scholars in their specialized works is because Allah himself speaks in such a manner in the Quran. Allah uses descriptive imagery to convey ideas that have great depths, so the scholars have done the same, these works are considered technical works requiring a technical vocabulary, in this manner they are imitating what the prophet said about the Quran;

The Prophet (saws) who was given the revelation of the Quran said “I have been sent with ‘Jawami-al-Kalim’ (the shortest expression having the widest meaning) and have been made victorious with awe, and while I was sleeping, I saw that the keys of the treasures of the world were placed in my hand.” Abu Huraira added: Allah’s Apostle has gone, and you people are utilizing those treasures, or digging those treasures out.’(Bukhari)

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said, Jawami’-al-Kalim means that Allah expresses in one or two statements or thereabouts the numerous matters that used to be written in the books revealed before (the coming of) the Prophet.

This means the shortest expression containing the widest amount of knowledge, therefor to convey something using descriptive imagery, to speak of it how it is seen and experienced in peoples lives is Jawami-al-Kalim.

That treasure is the knowledge contained in these expressions we find in the Quran and Sunnah. The reason why expressions which are wrongly translated as “unification with Allah” are used, but rather mean “the Knowledge of Allah” is because the scholars understand how the human conscious perceives the world and gains knowledge, man gains knowledge from all his senses what is wrongly termed unification is rather inner realization of Allah’s “Hand” (or actions) in the moment they are experiencing (“seeing Allah”), so a person gains certainty that what they witnessed is the will of Allah acting in the world (as events are unfolding).

The prophet (saws) himself used a similar expression in the Hadith of Jibril to describe what Ihsan (Human perfection) means.

When Jibril visited the prophet (saws) and the companions (r.a) in the form of a man he sat with them and asked the Prophet (saws) four questions, What is Islam? What is Iman? What is Ihsan? and When is the Hour?

When the prophet (saws) was asked about Ihsan He (saws) said; Ihsan (Human perfection) is “That you worship Allah as if you see Him, for if you don’t see Him then truly He sees you.”

When Jibril (as) went away, the prophet (saws) asked, ‘Umar, do you know who the questioner was?’ Umar said, ‘Allah and His Messenger know best.’ He said, ‘He was Jibril who came to you to teach you your deen.” (Muslim and Bukhari narrated the hadith and it has a grade Higher than Sahih and that is “Agreed Upon”).

All this relates to knowledge man gains from the unseen world (the quantum world), between our human sight of the physical world and our sight of the inner Unseen world is a Barzakh (barrier or veil) over our perception stoping us from seeing that world of Angels and Jinn and everything else Allah created in it completely; “Behind them lies the intervening (Barzakh) barrier (stretching) to the day of their resurrection” (23:99-100) meaning this veil is only temporary in this Universe and man who was created in Jannah (heaven), naturally has the capacity to see the unseen world if that barrier wasn’t present.

The prophet (saws) said this Barzakh (veil or barrier), which stops us from seeing that world, which exists around us, can be removed when we do certain things. The Prophet (saws) said: “If your hearts were always in the state that they are in during dhikr (a time when the heart is receiving light from Allah), the Angels would come to see you to the point that they would greet you in the middle of the road.” (Muslim).

In other words if we where always receiving light from Allah we could see through the Barzakh (veil), and see the Angels to such an extent they would greet us in the middle of the road, meaning this is how much we would become accustomed to them in our life.

Imam Nawawi in his Sharh Sahih Muslim commented on this hadith saying: “This kind of sight is shown to someone who persists in meditation (muraqaba), reflection (fikr), and anticipation (iqbal) of the next world.”

To “worship Allah as if you see Him” isn’t figurative speech, it is literal, and to explain the manner of this in as a succinct a way as possible and with out using Jawami al Kalim like “Reaching Allah” (or ignorantly “Union with Allah”); many of Islam’s greatest Ullumah, such as Imam al Ghazali, Ibn Arabi, Shaykh Abdul Qadir al Gilani (and others to numerous to name), said that the unseen world which the Jinn and Angels exist in is the world our imagination (our minds eye) looks into when we imagine something, the quantum universe, but their is a barzakh (barrier) between us and that world preventing us from seeing that world completely.

This barzakh (barrier or veil) has been removed for the Prophets and Awliya so they can see the Jinn and Angels, the veil itself isn’t just one veil it is made up of layers of veils and each of these veil’s is removed as man gains insight and increases in Human Perfection (Ihsan). This continues until he attains Ihsan completely and can “worship Allah as if he sees him”.

As if he sees him here means sees the signs of Allah in creation and acts upon them like saydinah Khidr did when he taught Musa (as), which Allah mentioned in surah al Kahf (18), with the example of the boy the ship and the wall, each time al Khidr (ra) received knowledge regarding these matters from the Unseen world and Musa (as) who was accustomed to receiving out right revelations could not perceive how al Khidr knew, he was reading the Signs Musa had not yet learned how to read, Allah was rather sending Angels to speak to Musa (as) directly.

The Prophet said: “Ittaqu firasat al-mu’min fa innahu yara bi nurillah”, “Beware the vision of the believer, for he sees with the light of Allah,” then he recited the verse: “Therein lie portents for those who read the signs” (al-mutawassimin) (15:75) (Tirmidhi)

Allah also said;

“Those who strive hard in Us, We shall most surely guide them in our Ways” (29:69)

“In everything He (Allah) has a sign which declares that He is One.”

Allah states this entire matter very clearly in the Quran, Allah will say on the day of judgment to people: “We have stripped from thee the Veil that covered thee and thy (inner) vision, this day is iron” (50:22)

“Behind them lies the intervening (Barzakh) barrier (stretching) to the day of their resurrection” (23:99-100).

It’s interesting that Allah says the barazh stretches to the day of judgment and not across space, this reference to time rather than location has significance in physics, relating to relativity, time (time dilation), the nature of the barrier (Barzakh) or field between the seen and unseen quantum world, and the nature of how Angels exist in that world.

“Some faces that Day shall be Nadirah (shining and radiant), looking at their Lord” (75:22-23)

“And thus We gave Abraham

[his first] insight into [Allah’s] mighty dominion over the heavens and the earth – and [this] to the end that he might become one of those who are inwardly sure”. (6:75)

The Sight of Allah’s dominion is with mans inner perception, Allah removes the Barzakh (veil) over mans perception and he then sees the unseen world that others can not.

“Means of insight have now come unto you from your Sustainer [through this Quran]. Whoever, therefore, chooses to see, does so for his own good; and whoever chooses to remain blind, does so to his own hurt. And [say unto the blind of heart]: “I am not your keeper.”(6:104)

The Quran is a means to guide man to this insight Allah gave the prophets, those who achieve Ihsan (Human perfection) Allah removes the Barzakh for them like he did for the prophets (saws), a persons depth of perception into that world is according to his capacity and the perfection of his inner sight.

Imam al Ghazali said perfection of our inner sight can not be achieved until after death, “this day is iron” means we will have certainty with that vision.

“In matters of faith, He has ordained for you that which He had enjoined upon Noah – and into which We gave thee [O Muhammad] insight through revelation -as well as that which We had enjoined upon Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus: Steadfastly uphold the [true] faith, and do not break up your unity therein. [And even though] that [unity of faith] to which thou callest them appears oppressive to those who are wont to ascribe to other beings or forces (the Jinn and Shayateen) a share in His divinity, Allah draws unto Himself everyone who is willing, and guides unto Himself everyone who turns unto Him”. (42:12-15)

“which We have revealed unto thee”, implying that it was only through revelation that the Prophet Muhammad came to know “that which God had enjoined upon Noah”. The Prophet gained knowledge through his perception of the unseen world and the revelations Allah gave him from that unseen world.

“This [revelation, then] is a means of insight for mankind, and a guidance and grace unto people who are endowed with inner certainty”.(45:20) it is because man sees with his minds eye that Allah is speaking about inner certainty, more accurately it is mans heart that sees the unseen world as Allah mentions in the Quran literally, but sight is naturally located with the eyes.

When Allah punishes people he deprives them of the insight and guidance that they normally receive from their hearts and He leaves them to go astray accumulating more sins for which their punishment in the end will be more severe, this then is the opposite of receiving insight.

“HAST THOU ever considered [the kind of man] who makes his own desires his deity, and whom Allah has [thereupon] let go astray, knowing [that his mind is closed to all guidance], and whose hearing and heart He has sealed (the hearts perceptive faculty is stopped), and upon whose sight He has placed a veil? (his inner senses) Who,then, could guide him after Allah [has abandoned him]? Will you not, then, bethink yourselves?” (45:23-25)

“For he (the prophet Lot) had truly warned them of Our punishing might; but they stubbornly cast doubt on these warnings, and even demanded that he give up his guests [to them]: whereupon We deprived them of their sight [and thus told them, as it were]: “Taste,then,the suffering which I inflict when My warnings are disregarded!” (54:36-37)

Imam al Ghazali said regarding the verse “We have stripped from thee the Veil that covered thee and thy (inner) vision, this day is iron” (50:22); In that hour (it) shall be said unto (man), “We have stripped from thee the Veil that covered thee and thy (inner) vision, this day is iron” (50:22). Now that covering Veil (on the inner eye) is that of the imagination and fantasy (He “who makes his own desires his deity”, the punishment for this is, “upon whose sight He has placed a veil?”); and therefore the man who has been deluded (blinded in his inner sight) by his own fancies, his false beliefs, and his vain imaginations replies (on that day): “Our Lord! We have seen Thee and heard Thee! O send us back and we will do good. Verily now we have certainty in knowledge!”..

If we understand the physical world and the unseen world are the same Universe and that human consciousness or our imagination is a state of matter,  it is created from matter, and made from the small quantum particles (subatomic particles) that exist in the universe like light, It becomes easier to realize that our minds inner sight (imagination) is looking into the quantum unseen world.

If we imagine a brick wall in our mind, we are literally moving and arranging these quantum particles to form that image in our mind, that image of the brick wall is real and made from real substances.

From here we can understand how literal statements like “worshipping Allah as if you see him” are.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: ‘The angels are created from light (the scholars said it is the same light we see in our mind that shapes the images of our imagination), just as the Jinn are created from smokeless fire (a fire that isn’t fueled by wood burning) and mankind is created from what you have been told about.’ (Muslim))

The Angels are created from the same light we see in our mind so it isn’t to difficult to see how they are charged with being inspiration for mans guidance and the bearers of Allah’s revelation, which the prophets received through their inner perceptive faculties. It also shouldn’t be to difficult to see how the Jinn, who are being tested on earth like mankind can similarly be a source of inspiration for Good or Evil and they influence man through his perceptive faculties whispering to him what they want him to do.

Throughout the body is the nervous system, it is literally the bodies electrical wiring and it is connected to the brain, heart and every other organ in the body, it is this quantum aspect of mans physiology that beings made from quantum particles such as Angels and Jinn can interact with man through, this reality everyone on earth is subject to through out his life just like the Laws of physics.

Our inner perceptive faculty that sees the unseen world is the heart, It was reported from Jabir ibn Abdullah that some angels came to the Prophet while he was sleeping. Some of them said, ”He is sleeping.” Others said, ”His eyes are sleeping but his heart is awake.” Then they said, ”There is an example for this companion of yours.” One of them said, ”Then set forth an example for him.” Some of them said, ”He is sleeping.” The others said, ”His eyes are sleeping but his heart is awake.” Then they said, ”His example is that of a man who has built a house and then offered therein a banquet and sent an inviter (messenger) to invite the people. So whoever accepted the invitation of the inviter, entered the house and ate of the banquet, and whoever did not accept the invitation of the inviter, did not enter the house, nor did he eat of the banquet.” Then the angels said, ”Interpret this example to him so that he may understand it.” Some of them said, ”He is sleeping.” The others said, ”His eyes are sleeping but his heart is awake.” And then they said, ”The house stands for Paradise and the call maker is Muhammad; and whoever obeys Muhammad, obeys Allah; and whoever disobeys Muhammad, disobeys Allah. Muhammad separated the people (i.e., through his message, the good is distinguished from the bad, and the believers from the disbelievers).”.”(Bukhari)

“Know that Allah comes between a man and his heart”(8:24)

Revelation was sent down to the heart of the prophet (saws) to perceive, “Which the True Spirit hath brought down, Upon thy heart, that thou mayst be (one) of the warners” (26:193-194)

The heart is our normal perceptive faculty present in all mankind, which Allah guides us through or punishes through, “We have revealed to you as We revealed to Nuh and the Prophets who came after him.” (4:162), we follow the emotions we feel there and they are according to how we sense matters, a study of the hearts nervous system and the neurons present there will show it is a mini brain, built to sense and remember emotions, the hearts role and importance above the brain can be gaged by the fact that in the fetus the heart develops long before the brain does to regulate the body.

Imam Suyuti said “Whomever Allah desires to guide, He expands his breast to Islam, by casting into his heart a light which it [the heart] expands for and accepts, as reported in a hadith; and whomever He, Allah, desires to send astray, He makes his breast narrow”. (6:125, Tafsir al Jalalayn) the heart produces the largest electromagnetic field in the body, in literal terms it produces a field of light that can be measured by scientist, this electromagnetic field is produced my almost all living creatures and it is how they sense the world around them. When two waves touch, as physics states, they can become coherent, or synchronies with each other, and a transfer of information occurs between them without hindrance, non coherent waves, that haven’t synchronized, transfer information less clearly.

“And whosoever believeth in Allah, He guideth his heart. And Allah is knower of all things.” (64:11)

“And obey not him whose heart we have made heedless of Our Remembrance, who followeth his own lust.” (18:28)

The heart is the faculty that receives information through our senses, Lust muddles the senses so the person can not perceive clearly through his faculties.

It was once said: O Sayyid! A gnostic of high degree used to say, ‘Being a dervish (an ascetic) is to correct the imagination.’ In other words, nothing other than the Real (Haq) should remain in the heart (Otherwise the imagination will only see the lies and false beliefs the evil heart contains). In truth, he spoke well. O Sayyid! Since the veil is nothing but imagination, the veil must be lifted through imagination. Night and day you must dwell in imagining Oneness (Tawhid). (Shaykh Baqi’s son, Khwaja Khurd)

Tawhid of the heart here means un-attaching the heart from this world, not having any feelings or emotions towards anything in it and only remembering Allah. This lesson Allah has been teaching mankind from the earliest of revelations He sent to man, Allah said “But those will prosper who purify themselves (their inner selfs). And glorify the name of their Lord in prayer. No, you prefer the life of this world; But the hereafter is better and more enduring (here Allah is encouraging people to renounce the world). And this is in the books of the earliest revelations. The books of Abraham and Moses. (Surah al Alla 87:14-19)

What is meant by “this day is iron, ” (50:22) is that what was veiling our inner sight, the veil (Barzakh) on our imagination, will be lifted on this day (Qiyamah) and our inner eye (Imagination), will from now on be focused and see straight, permanently seeing the unseen world and everything Allah created in it like Heaven, Hell, the Angels and Jinn, “Some faces that Day shall be Nadirah (shining and radiant), looking at their Lord” (75:22-23).

So what man once thought was imagination, illusion and unreal he will see with his inner eye clearly in front of him and it will be tangible and real to his vision like this world is, it will be solid to his eye as Iron (Hadid). The unseen world, like the Angels, is made from subatomic particles, the particles are smaller than atoms all linked together to create something bigger, like invisible light it to is invisible to us, but we will be able to see when Allah lifts the barzakh from our imagination and our lower self won’t be present to muddy the picture in our mind creating delusions in us, we will only see what is actually there.

With this understanding of what the unseen world is, Allah described the entire day of judgment with the simple phrase, “this day is iron”, this is “Jawami al Kalim” of everything we have mentioned so far, but Allah in His perfect speech was able to describe it with 3 simple words in arabic.

Allah in Arabic literally uses the word “Hadid” (iron), and this is the descriptive imagery He employs to describe in short sentences what would take pages to teach, which is why the works of the scholars are considered technical works and not easy to understand, they employ much descriptive imagery that requires study in others fields of knowledge (prerequisite knowledge) to know the proper context of it, there is no such thing as actual “Union with god”, translators added this from their preconceived ideas they learnt from elsewhere, outside of islam and hence it is entirely false, most translators in fact are not qualified to translate these works it is like asking a physicist to translate a chemistry textbook.

“Union” is simply a reference to mans perception being directed to what Allah wants it to see at that moment He is acting in creation, in other words seeing His signs as he mentions in the Quran many times. The person witnesses Allah’s “hand” in creation and is one of those people “who worships Allah as if he sees Him” because he is following what Allah is showing him, this is the meaning behind the story of Khidr in the Quran who was following what Allah was showing him at each moment.

This entire matter is summed up in a famous hadith Qudsi where Allah literally says when He loves a person he takes control of all his perceptive faculties and guides them to perceive Him in life; The Messenger of Allah (saws) said that Allah (mighty and sublime be He) said: “Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory (extra) works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as much as I hesitate about [seizing] the soul of My faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him.” (Bukhari).

After Allah lifts the veil from all of mankind’s sight on the day of Judgment He says about man in the Quran (50:23), “His companion (the Angel which accompanied man through out his life and was right next him) will say: “Here is (your record) ready with me”.

The first thing man will see when the veil from his inner sight is removed is his recording Angel who he was blind to his entire life, yet the prophets (saws) could see them.

The words of the prophet (saws) “That you worship Allah as if you see Him” is a short expression of the reality of Ihsan when it is experienced and achieved, the Prophet (saws) spoke from his own experience with Ihsan to answer Jibril and teach us. When someone begins to practice perfecting his inner self, slowly as he draws closer to Allah, Allah will lift one veil blinding his inner perception after another until his inner sight becomes sharper and he gains more insight and wisdom.

When he reaches Ihsan (Human Perfection) he would be worshiping Allah as if he sees him, the closer he draws nearer to Allah the better he will be able to read and see Allah’s signs in creation.

“We detail Our signs for people who know” (6:97), “On the earth are Signs for those with certainty in Faith”(51:20), “That is, [signs] for the arifun (Awliya, those who have experience with Allah) by which they find evidence for their ma’rifa (gnosis)”(51:20, Tafsir al Tustari). The word “sign” (ayat) appears more than 351 times in the Qur’an instructing people to read the various kinds of signs that Allah has created for us.

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said: “We, the Community of Prophets, are the people most severely tried, then others according to the perfection of their faith.”

The Prophet (saws) said, “Many amongst men attained perfection but amongst women none attained perfection except Maryam (Mary), the daughter of ‘Imran, and Asiya, the wife of Fir’aun (Pharaoh). And the superiority of Aishah (the prophet’s wife) to other women is like the superiority of Tharid (an Arabic dish) to other meals.” (Bukhari).

“Ina lilah wa ina ilayhi rajioon”.

Human Physiology and It’s Relationship To Baraka

Tomb of Salahudeen Ayoubi

Allah in the Quran explains in many verses how the Universe was created, and in many other verses, in vivid detail, explains how the Universe will be destroyed, and how we will be resurrected when He creates another Universe after this one.

Through the Quran and many Ahadith Allah and his prophet (saws) give a complete picture of not only life, but the larger world around us and the forces in it that impact on us, not simply the quantum forces but, unseen forces like the Jinn or the guidance and help of the Angels.

This picture was made very clear to people living 1400 years ago in a language they could understand, in fact the period before Islam came to be labeled as the Jahaliyah, the days of ignorance by comparison. The scientific language we know today we invented our self as we placed our own labels on everything we discovered in this Universe, which is why we no longer speak the language of the prophets (as).

Hence when man recently discovered the subatomic world, the world with in the Atom, it should be no surprise that Allah who spoke about the entirety of creation in detail not only prepared man for this knowledge but spoke about it at length in the Quran, along with his prophet (saws), using the terminology most appropriate for the people of Arabia during the prophets (saws) time, this same language would hold for the next 1300 years, that as until the modern age that relabeled everything.

In fact Allah made a promise in the Quran to show mankind the subatomic world, also called the Quantum Universe, in which the smallest particles in creation exist by the time we near the Hour.

Allah said “In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages

[through what they perceive] in the utmost horizons [of the universe] and within themselves, so that it will become clear unto them that this [revelation] is indeed the truth.” [Qur’an 41:53]

Soon after mankind understood what space was he unraveled the way it exists by studying the smallest particles in it, the subatomic world, hence what Allah promised mankind was fulfilled and in the manner He mentioned, we would learn about space by studying ‘what is within our self’, the small particles we are created from.

Once our knowledge of the Universe became more complete we became capable of putting together the picture Allah left for us in the Quran and Sunnah. Allah created Angels from light this is a subatomic particle called the photon, and he created the Jinn from a pure fire that isn’t fueled by anything burning, a pure smokeless flame, this may have seemed hard to understand prior to our time but we now know the sun burns through fusion and is self sustaining, similarly the Jinn are crated from a similar fire, from these simple examples and many others Allah mentions in the Quran we can see he was giving us a picture of the subatomic world and the beings He created in it, all from the smallest particles in the Universe.

Allah says in the Quran that it is a source of healing and baraka (light) for mankind, so what does he mean by that, is this something imaginary or real?

It was narrated that Abu Sa’eed (r.a) said: “A group of the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) set out on a journey and traveled until they stopped in (the land of) one of the Arab tribes. They asked them for hospitality but they refused to welcome them. The chief of that tribe was stung by a scorpion and they tried everything but nothing helped them. Some of them said, ‘Why don’t you go to those people who are camped (near us), maybe you will find something with them.’ So they went to them and said, ‘O people, our chief has been stung by a scorpion and we have tried everything but nothing helped him. Can any of you do anything?’ One of them said, ‘Yes, by Allaah, I will recite ruqyah (spiritual healing) for him, but by Allaah we asked you for hospitality and you did not welcome us, so I will not recite ruqyah for you until you give us something in return.’ Then they agreed upon a flock of sheep.’ Then he went and spat drily and recited over him Al-hamdu Lillaahi Rabb il-‘Aalameen [Surah al-Fatihah].

(The chief) got up as if he was released from a chain and started walking, and there were no signs of sickness on him. They paid them what they agreed to pay. Some of them (i.e. the companions) then suggested to divide their earnings among themselves, but the one who performed the ruqyah said, ‘Do not divide them until we go to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and tell him what happened, then wait and see what he tells us to do.’ So they went to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and told him what had happened.

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked, ‘How did you know that it (al-Fatiha) is a ruqyah? (Contained spiritual healing) ’ Then he added, ‘You have done the right thing. Share out (the flock of sheep) and give me a share too.’ And the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) smiled.” (Bukhaari, 2156; Muslim, 2201)

The Spiritual world the Quran calls “ghayb” is the subatomic world, the Quantum Universe, our bodies interact with it all the time. The image we see in our mind during dreams or when we imagine things is created from light and other particles, but how does the body manipulate those particles to create the image, this is one example of how the body influences the subatomic world and it’s particles, that image in turn influences how we will react, behave and feel, all of this gives us the order of how things operate in turn, first from the image in our mind, what we imagine, to the chemical reactions produced in our body as a result of what we think, and this is simply one way how the quantum world influences man through his physiology.

Mans nervous system, the human brain and the heart create a very strong electromagnetic field that can be measured 3ft from our body with simple scientific equipment, we use it to sense the world around us and direct our sense perception, because this field is the first thing particles interact with before we notice anything else, a property explained by physics, and it is directly connected to all our perceptive organs, this is another way the human body interacts with the subatomic world and there are many other ways. The very cells in our body rely on light (photon particles) itself to survive and fuel the smallest reactions in our body all driven from the quantum world, that keep us alive, if photons (Light particles) didn’t have enough strength to fuel the reactions in our cells we would eventually deteriorate and die.

In the Hadith mentioned earlier, the chief was bitten by a scorpion and was poisoned, the companion of the prophet (saws) spat on the bite then recited surah al fatiha which removed the poison from him, the prophet (saws) then affirmed the fatiha contains healing in it’s recitation.

We can ask why doesn’t this work for us, why cant we cure anything with a simple recitation, but this is like asking, if we jump why cant we reach space ? a person with knowledge will say this is because of gravity, those who don’t know about gravity will stay silent or make something up.

There is something in Islam known as human perfection, Allah taught about this from the earliest revelations, the Prophets where the most perfect of Human beings, they are followed by whoever reaches near to them in the perfection of their character, we sometimes call these people the Awliya (saints). Perfection of a persons character is needed because it means nothing of bad qualities is hindering the Baraka as it cures the person, our body is the tool we use when we recite the Quran. Similarly the companions had the most perfect character after the prophet (saws) they where all Awliyah (friends of Allah).

Bad qualities produce bad chemicals and other consequences in the body which hinders the recitation, it is like a bad reception so our acts are not effective.

The Angels govern this universe from the subatomic world bringing about Allah’s will, this is the picture Allah draws for us, and as we can see from what we know about the Quantum Universe they are perfectly capable of it since they are created from light (photons), one of the most commonly found particles in the Universe.

Allah commanded the Angels to prostrate to Adam and in turn to the rest of mankind, or rather those who perfected them self like the prophets that came after Adam along with the Awliya. This prostration means that they will follow them and do as they will when they reach similar perfection to the Angels, hence when the prophet (saws) says that in the Quran is a spiritual healing, it means that this healing comes from the subatomic world through it’s recitation and the Angels will bring about it’s effects for those who perfected their character.

This is why the prophets (saws) could display miracles along with the companions, and the Awliyah of later generations after them as they willed, something Allah promises to grant them in a hadith Qudsi once he chooses to love a person.

But Allah was teaching all of us that the Quran contains healing and baraka not just the prophets or the Awliya, this is because how effective it is depends on our moral character, those who are better people will have greater effect in their ruqyah than those who are evil, and this is in degrees until we reach the prophets whose recitation (ruqya) always worked, while ours improves the situation and lifts parts of it’s harmful effects.

In fact Allah in the Quran, in reference to all this, says “We send down in the Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss”. Meaning when the fatiha is recited the healing is sent down to us, and because Allah gives it a direction of coming down, we know it is traveling, this is then a quantum substance he is sending down, something made from matter in this Universe, hence the healing is a subatomic matter like the Angels and light.

The words ‘sent down’ are used to refer to the subatomic universe because the quantum part of the Universe that Angels exist in is the higher one while the physical world, were particles have solidified, is the lowest state of existence and matter. We know that in this Universe there is visible and invisible light, like ultraviolet light, which is another thing that tells us the unseen world (ghayb) is the same world as invisible light.

Hence Allah is telling us that healing is given to us through the Quantum Universe which our bodies interact with all the time in more ways than we can list here.

If we ask ‘did Allah speak more directly in the Quran regarding Quantum Mechanics, the physics of the Subatomic world’, the answer is a clear yes and in many places, most of us would have read the chapters dedicated to it but never understood the significance or the knowledge Allah was mentioning behind what was being said. Similar to many other verses regarding science in the Quran such as embryology which where not understood until science discovered those areas of knowledge.

Surah Al Qariah is one such surah, Ibn Abbas related that Allah called the Hour al Qariah (the Calamity, surah 101) because it shakes peoples hearts. 101:1 “OH, the sudden calamity! (2) How awesome the sudden calamity! (3) And what could make thee conceive what that sudden calamity will be? (4) [It will occur] on the Day when men will be like moths swarming in confusion…Allah then gives one very specific and vivid image of that Day to show it’s Awesomeness… “and the mountains will be like tufts of wool, like carded wool in terms of the lightness with which it floats [in the air] until it comes to settle upon the earth”(5), (Tafsir al Jalalayn).

The Mountains which are solid rock will literally turn into what looks like fluffy wool then they will float in the air like the clouds are floating today. The image is very clear but the science behind how this would occur could not be understood until Allah’s promise to teach mankind regarding the Quantum Universe was fulfilled.

In the Universe there are four fundamental forces that act on all particles, three of these these forces are what make all the small particles come together to create the matter, physical objects, bodies of water and gas’s we see around us in the world, one of these forces is said to be responsible for 99% of all chemical reactions. It isn’t important to know their names to understand this but they are Gravity, the Electromagnetic force, the Strong nuclear force and the Weak nuclear force.

When the Hour sounds these forces will be the first thing that will be affected and come to a stop, the very bonds holding matter together will begin to weaken and eventually cease to exist. Because the rocks that these strong mountains are made from will become like tufts of wool loosely held together, as all the forces holding matter in the Universe are weakened, including gravity, the mountains will come apart and then float in the air like clouds, the reference to tufts of woll is an indication that they will come apart slowly so the particles will remain loosely held together and float.

This exact image is repeated in surah Al Waqiah (The Event) verse 6, “When the earth is shaken with a shaking [severe], (56:5) and the mountains are shattered into [countless] shards, (56:6) so that they become as scattered dust” an eventuality of the process.

Another clear example of Quantum Mechanics, or physics of the subatomic world, is Surah Takwir (Shrouding in Darkness, 81) “WHEN THE SUN is shrouded in darkness, (2) and when the stars lose their light, (3) and when the mountains are made to vanish, (4)”…This is an exact description of what will occur when the fundamental forces in our Universe cease to exist seen in the sun and stars going dark. Allah then gives a very unique picture in verse 6,  “and when the seas are set afire (read sujirat or sujjirat), [when] they are set alight and become [a mass of] fire” (Tafsir al Jalalayn).

How can water burn when it puts out fire, this is very simple if we think about what water is made from, 2 Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom, H2O, if the bonds holding these atoms together become weakened and no longer exist we have Hydrogen gas being released from the sea, which is very flammable and is used today to power many alternative fueled vehicles, that fire caused by the Hydrogen gas burning will be fueled by the Oxygen atom no longer bonded to it, fire will follow the source of oxygen (air), so the oceans will literally be on fire.

The most famous sign of the hour in the Sunnah is that of the Sun rising from the west soon after the death of Isa (as), this is the opposite direction it now rises from, for this to occur the earth would have to follow the opposite path in space it is now on, this is the clearest sign that the fundamental forces in the Universe are being altered because the sun is like green tree frogs, which are dying, detecting the state of the environment, the most sensitive species will feel the effects first.

Although this is still theory among physicist they theorize that just as the Universe is expanding, and this is like an elastic band, gravity will eventually cause the expansion to stop and head in the opposite direction, the Universe will contract, and like the Big Bang it is termed the Big Crunch, except that Allah will end this expansion with an eternal event the blowing of the trumpet, before it reaches the point they calculate based on how much energy is present in the universe, the mechanics of how a sound can unravel matter and affect the expansion of the universe is another area of knowledge physics explains. This will occur soon after Allah takes the lives of all believers from the earth, because the purpose that Allah created the Universe for, to know him, will no longer exist.

The Sun unlike the earth isn’t a solid body it is a giant Mass of quantum particles, about 75% Hydrogen and 25% Helium along with a small amount of heavier elements, and it is entirely driven by the forces of the subatomic universe, hence this giant Mass which dictates the forces of Gravity in our galaxy is closely aligned to the fundamental forces in the Universe and were anything to occur to them the Sun would experience it first before the earth along with the stars.

The four fundamental forces in the Universe are created by the expansion of the Universe, if we swing our arm fast that movement creates a force of wind around it, in a similar way the forces in the Universe exist because the Universe is expanding (moving).

If something occurs to the expansion of the Universe, like contracting after expanding, it will affect these forces first, and if the Sun reversed it’s orbit in space, because it is the largest body affecting gravity in our galaxy, it would cause the planets to all spin around it in the opposite direction, kind of like a water whirlpool that now spins the other way causing everything in the water to spin in that direction as well.

The following tafsir (exegesis) to verse 7:40 mentions a unique phenomena and requires more consideration, [7:40] (Lo! they who deny Our revelations) Muhammad (pbuh) and the Qur’an (and scorn them) scorn believing in them, (for them the gates of Heaven will not be opened) to receive their works or souls (nor will they enter the Garden until the camel goeth through the needle’s eye) they will not enter Paradise just as a camel cannot pass through the eye of a needle; it is also said that this means: they will not enter Paradise until a (large) rope goes through a needle’s eye. (Thus do We requite the guilty) the idolaters. (Tanwir al Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas)

Here Allah mentions a large camel passing through the eye of a small sowing needle a the prerequisite for the people of Hell (jahanam) being able to escape it, often termed a dark black pit. The examples Allah set’s are always related to possible things He created, hence the simile is a balance of things relating to the Laws of Physics in this universe, which means that if the Universe were somehow to allow a camel to pass through the eye of the needle, meaning as it is escaping hell it needs to shrink to this size, then the people of Jahanm (hell) would be able to enter paradise.

Allah mentions this verse in a Quran filled with examples of quantum mechanics like the mountains turning into very fine particles, space turing into molten brass (or tanned leather) when the bonds holding matter will begin to weaken and unravel, space will look like molten metal or tanned leather at the time of the hour, or the sun and stars loosing their light which is a unique connection since at the time of the prophet (saws) no one knew what a star was let alone that it relates to our own sun.

Hence this verse (7:40) shouldn’t be taken in isolation as something imaginary or a wild oath which isn’t in Allah’s speech or befitting His majesty, it is another example of Allah speaking about the subatomic universe, in this case, literally the end for matter to shrink in order to escape hell.

We know from previous revelations when Allah showed the prophet Idris (saws) the Universe, like many prophets, He showed him Jahanam (Hell), when Idris (as) described it in physical detail while looking at it from the outside that description matched exactly what is scientifically known when we look at black holes. What isn’t commonly known about black holes and what the prophet (saws) mentioned, is that many but not all have a disk of debris around them known as a secretion disk and many others have large plumes, jets of light, coming out of them from the matter they swallow up, they are lightyears in diameter even bigger than our galaxy.

Light when it enters a black hole it can not escape along with any other matter and it is shrunk, Humans and all beings need light to survive, enjoy life and function physically so it isn’t hard to understand, as the prophet (saws) mentioned how blackholes are Jahanam (hell), it is a place were no sun can exist while humans need sunlight to thrive, depriving humans of sunlight causes depression and anxiety and many other kinds of suffering.

This verse was revealed regarding the people of Jahanam who scorned the prophet (saws) and the believers (as), blackholes is a place where matter and the laws of Physics are not like everywhere else, this is why Allah employs an unusual simile for people inside Jahanam (hell).

Allah says the doors of Heaven wont open for them until the camel can pass through the eye of the needle, this is a simile for matter being capable of escaping a black hole, the eye of the needle is the crushing force on matter at the entry to the black hole, the camel will shrink if it goes near it, Allah also describes the people of Jahanam as being sealed away for eternity inside it, this is what literally seals them in, the inward crushing force of the black hole which doesn’t allow anything to leave.

All of this is Quantum Mechanics, the physics of the subatomic world and it is mentioned very clearly by Allah in the Quran in many places, the Baraka Allah speaks about is the benefit we receive from that world which our body depends on daily to function normally, this is one reason why Allah instructed man to pray five times a day to continually receive that benefit which keeps our heart healthy and that in turn helps keep the strife and afflictions of the world away from us, something the prophet stated in literal terms.

The Prophet (saws) said: “Trials are presented to the heart (repeatedly) as a mat is woven straw by straw. So, whichever heart absorbs it, a black spot is blotched on it, and whichever heart deflects it, a white dot is spotted on it. (This continues) until hearts become one of two states: a whitened heart that is not harmed by any trial so long as the heavens and the earth remain, or a blackened, deviant heart that knows no good and rejects no evil except what it absorbs of its desires” (Reported by Muslim).

If a person feels something in his heart he lives out (carries out) the actions of that feeling, for example if he falls in love he caries out the actions of a person in love after he starts to feel love, if he is depressed he carries out the actions of a depressed person, the heart that absorbs the trial will live out that trial and be afflicted by it, this is the significance of purifying the heart with prayer, fasting, dhikr and other beneficial things we do in life, they protect a person before the trouble enters into his life.

In this hadith is the understanding that strife and trials created by humans, impact the quantum universe and affect particles their which in turn affect other people around us, many laws in quantum physics can account for this like quantum entanglement which explains how quantum particles are connected together.

All this is why the prophet (saws) used to say that reciting a specific surah will protect someone for a specific number of days, the impact of the recitation only lasts for a length of time protecting the person from a specific type of affliction in the world.

For example if we recite the first three verses of surah al Baqarah, ayat al kursi and the last three verses of this surah and make a habit of reciting them daily, a persons life, property and family will be protected and no evil will come upon them while it is being recited, here we see the prophet (saws) making a distinction between the evil in this world and the trials of life, the trials we face are not always due to effects of evil acts other people carry out.

Reciting the last two verses of Bani Israil is a protection against theft, reciting surah al Ahzab and Saba a person will receive protection from Allah for that entire night, reciting surah al Fath is a protection in times of war and travel, in the Fatiha is a cure for every illness except death, literally man will receive benefit from it against every illness it’s effectiveness is according to how clan our character is, reciting surah al Kahf on Friday will protect a person from the fitnah of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) for that week, there are many more similar examples in the sunnah.

Baraka which in general terms means blessing and refers to what ever benefits us spiritually should be thought of as subatomic particles, it is like a large field made up of quantum particles that depends and only materializes because of our actions. To understand what it looks like, light for example is made of the photon particle, when we turn on a light bulb we don’t see a single photon we see a field of light made up of many photons spread out around the room, in a similar way this is how any kind of Baraka exists like a field of light, or a cloud as Ahadith described.

The fact the prophet (saws) gave a time period to the consequences of us reciting parts of the Quran shows how He viewed the effects of the Quran, it is like a medicine whose effects wear of after some time so we need to apply it again in order to receive and maintain it all the time in our life, the following hadith shows the prophet (saws) fully understood the way the quantum Universe worked and much of his advice was so mankind could derive benefit from it.

Al-Bara’bin Azib narated: A man was reciting Surah Al-Kahf and his horse was tied with two ropes beside him. A cloud came down and spread over that man, and it kept on coming closer and closer to him till his horse started jumping. When it was morning, the man came to the Prophet, and told him of that experience. The Prophet said, “That was As-Sakina (the substance of tranquility) which descended because of the Qur’an.” (Bukhari)

This companion had firasa, his inner vision was made clear, Allah granted him spiritual vision to see the Sakina that descends when any person recites the Quran, many of us simply feel it when we recite. The Prophet (saws) said beware the vision of the believer for he sees with the Light of Allah (Tirmidhi), meaning Allah is giving him literal light to see what He wants him to see at that time.

If we understand this we can understand the literalness in Allah’s words regarding the Ark, Allah said “Verily! The sign of His kingdom is that there shall come to you At Tabut (The Ark), within it is Sakinah (peace and tranquility) from your Lord and a remnant (relics) of that which Moses and Aaron left behind, carried by the angels. Verily, in this is a sign for you if you are indeed believers.” (2:248)

We see in this verse that Sakinah, which mean peace and tranquility, is treated like a substance that Allah placed inside the Ark and this is what gave the Ark it’s benefit to mankind, prayer gives us a similar benefit.

There is literally a whole lot more that can be said on this subject as we delve deeper into it but this is not the scope of this work, this subject matter was included to clarify the chapter regarding the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), the prophet (saws) said what He will have with him is not a kind of sihr (Dark Magic) but a kind of knowledge from Allah, the prophet (saws) was referring to technology which he will use like sihr (Dark Magic). Theses are advancements in science that will exist in his time, the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will literally manipulate the forces of the Universe to create miracles and fool people, to do this you have to control matter from the quantum universe in order to make things appear from thin air.

The Prophet (saws) said “Before (the) appearance of the Dajjaal, a group of people would pave the way (for him), setting up a system to prepare the world for his arrival.” we are now living in that system which he will take advantage of to control people.

Regarding all the science and knowledge that the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will have with him the Prophet (saws) said “I know more about the powers which the Dajjaal will have than he will know himself” (Muslim), the prophet (saws) understood the technology the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) would use to do what he does better than him.

In order to understand how the prophet (saws) could know this, we have to understand that Man is an immense vessel than can hold a lot of knowledge and understanding, we know this from the fact Adam (as) was given the names of literally everything, to see how this is possible we have to understand the role of the heart in mans consciousness.

By similarity we know this is possible for Angels who were created at the beginning of the universe and have not forgotten anything since then, this is the nature of light which Angels are created from and the role of the Human soul is similar in nature. As the scholars said our soul plays a role other than keeping us alive, it is our connection to the unseen world which it is constantly looking at it, and the heart is our connection to the soul itself hence the need to purify the hearts to connect to it more clearly.

The prophet (saws) similarly said about himself “My Lord came to me in the best form” – the narrator said: “I think he said: `in my sleep'” – “and asked me over what did the Highest Assembly (al-mala’u al-a`la) vie (“the angels brought near” according to Ibn al-Athir in al-Nihaya and others); I said I did not know, so He put His hand between my shoulders, and I felt its coolness in my innermost, and knowledge of all things between the East and the West came to me.”(Sahih, Tirmidhi)

All knowledge in the east and west is not all knowledge in the Universe, we must then ask how does Man explain the knowledge we have with us today to desert Arabs living 1400 years ago, this is how we should look at the prophet’s (saws) words, as a person trying to explain to mankind every aspect of this same Universe around us, in a language the Arab tribes could understand.

Allah summed up the entire matter of how the quantum universe or ghayb (the unseen world), is connected to the physical world through our physiology and consciousness in the following hadith Qudsi:

Allah almighty said “I am as my servant thinks I am. I am with him when he makes mention of me. If he makes mention of me to himself, I make mention of him to myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than it. And if he draws near to me an arm’s length, I draw near to him a fathom’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.” (Muslim)

Our imagination colors our world and we experience the world how we imagine it, bad imaginations lead to all the illnesses of the nafs (self) because we pollute them, while those who know Allah that knowing (Maarifa) will color their world until they see the signs of Allah in the Universe because they know were and how to look, Allah will go to them at speed, this is how Allah created the human body to know him and why He created the universe in this way.

The prophets (as) where given the most knowledge among mankind and the prophet (saws) was instructed to speak to people according to their level of understanding.

Regarding the vision the heart perceives, Imam Ali was asked what is creation, the Universe, Imam Ali replied ‘it is like the dust in the air, it only becomes visible when the light of Allah strikes it’.

It’s amazing that he would use dust as an example, dust in the air becomes visible when sun light hit’s it, hence dust is the perfect simile for the particles in the Quantum Universe that everything in the unseen world is made from, our heart sees the image made from these particles when a light that we can perceive shines upon it.

Imam Ali also said “You think that your self is some insignificant thing and yet in you are all of the cosmos” in Arabic: “tahsibu nafsaka anaka jarmun saghirun, mu fikan Allam al Akbar”.

We have to ask our self what prerequisite knowledge did the companions have to be able to come to this conclusion, to say such things, most people throughout history would have looked at such words and said Allahu Allam, only Allah knows, yet the verse regarding this matter is plainly their in the Quran and the companions understood the Quran best, because the prophet (saws) himself taught them, but it took the world nearly 1400 years to perceive it.

They understood what Allah said in these verses, “In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages [through what they perceive] in the utmost horizons [of the universe] and within themselves, (in the heart ‘it is like the dust in the air, it only becomes visible (to man) when the light of Allah strikes it’.) so that it will become clear unto them that this [revelation] is indeed the truth.” [Qur’an 41:53]

Allah in the Quran even explains how, in a single surah, surah al Shams 91, and the prophets companions would have had the best understanding regarding it’s meaning, but that is another topic which we will dedicate another work to Insha Allah.

Allah makes it very clear when all this knowledge would be revealed to mankind, in answer to the non muslims who asked when the Hour will come, Allah replied to their challenge “Man is a creature of haste; [but in time] I shall make obvious to you [the truth of] My messages: do not, then ask me to hasten [it]” (21:37), Allah replied by saying I will not bring the Hour until I first reveal to mankind the meaning of the Quran, that is, everything in the Quran that man could not understand before our time science would eventually uncover, and it is only after this point in time that Allah’s promise of the Hour will come to pass.

In this verse is the affirmation by Allah that everything we have mentioned regarding the Quantum Universe and its relationship to man’s physiology and his consciousness is the crux of the matter, this is the reality behind every single spiritual experience and miracle we have read about in the Quran or Sunnah or even experienced.

Mankind has unravelled the mysteries of space, and since that promise in the Quran is now fulfilled we are seeing the sings the prophet (saws) described as the hour casting it’s shadow over people, and in the very near future, before the Mahdi (ra), we will see another event that will mark it’s nearness being just above mankind’s head as the prophet (saws) stated.

We can use the following simile to understand all we have mentioned, everyday each of us uses a computers operating system, Window’s, Mac or Android, to talk the hardware of the computer, it is the interface between us and the physical parts the computer is made from, in the same way nature is the interface between us and Allah, He uses it and everything in it to talk to us and guid us. The heart sums up the meaning of that picture and translates it into feelings we can interpret with our mind and put words to, as some scholars said the heart is Allah’s riding animal, because it can sum up the entire Universe (picture) just by looking at it, it doesn’t matter how big the picture is, those who purify their hearts receive a clear picture and can interpret it clearly, and those who corrupt their hearts receive a deluded picture that is hard to understand.

In this universe Angels can guide man through the system Allah placed in the human body, Jesus (as) understood this and said the body is a temple, and the prophets received revelation through their hearts, while the Devils can hijack the system (our physiology) like a virus in a computer, when this occurs it then needs to be cleaned to work properly again.

Allah says in the Qur’an:

91:7 Consider the human self, and how it is formed in accordance with what it is meant to be,

91:8 And inspired it (with) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it.

91:9 To a happy state shall indeed attain he who causes this [self] to grow in purity (Zakaha),

91:10 and truly lost is he who buries it [in darkness].

There is a famous saying by the Great Scholars of Islam, who summed up all of this knowledge in a short expression, they said “Qalb al insan Arsh al Rahman”, the human heart is the throne of the Merciful.

In relation to this subject the following work clarifies the matter further from an Islamic point of view and shows that historically our scholars spoke about these matters at length with an Islamic vocabulary.

The Mulk, the physical world, comes from Alam al Malakut, the Angelic world, or the world of light, and light in the Quran is the simile for quantum particles. In modern terms the scholars have always said the physical world is created from the quantum world because this is what our Deen has always said.

The Trial Of The Dajjaal


The trial of the Dajjaal (Alah’s curse be upon him) is extra ordinary the world will see things that are not normal because the world he will try to rule already does extra ordinary things so He will have to outshine that for people take notice of him. He (Allah’s curse be upon him) will take what the world is already doing, utilising sihr (dark Madic) and technology to enslave the world under one government and turn that dial all the way to ten, what America is doing now He will do and take it to extremes because America is the one who set up the system of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him). The book of revelations is almost entirely dedicated to this fact, it describes the system that will enslave the world, the capitalism America invented and the Sihr (Dakr Magic) it adopted from the British empire which Iblis gave them, and about all this the prophet (saws) said towards the end of time a people will come who will set up the system that the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will use against people.

“And they followed (instead) what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, (by) teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, “We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic].” (2:102)

The type of sihr being utilised is primarily done by the Jinn that accompany people their is little effort on the part of these people except to give the Jinn access to who they want to attack, it was the Jinn who taught sihr to people in the time of Sulaiman (ra) and it is the Jinn in our time doing this, they use the people they are attached to, to empower their sihr with that persons evil behaviour and they perform Isharat (signs) for these people telling them how to behave, act and talk so they achieve their goals, exactly as the book of revelations described, the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon ) will likewise have shayateen (devils) with him doing the exact same thing these occult people are doing but to greater effect.

He will say to people “What do you think if I bring your father and mother back to life for you? Will you bear witness that I am your Lord?” The Bedouin will say; “Yes,” so two devils (wiht him) will assume the appearance of his father and mother”

The Messenger of Allaah (saws) said: ‘The Dajjaal will emerge at a time when religious commitment is low and knowledge has decreased… Then ‘Isa ibn Maryam will descend just before dawn and will call people, saying, ‘O people, what is stopping you from coming out against this evil liar?’ They will say, ‘This man is a jinn’ (Ahmad)

The Prophet (saws) said: He who amongst you would survive to see him (the Dajjaal) should recite over him the opening verses of Sura Kahf (18 in the Quran). He would appear (first become apparent to people who he is) on the way between Syria and Iraq and would spread mischief right and left. O servant of Allah! adhere (to the path of Truth). We said: Allah’s Messenger, how long would he stay on the earth? He said.. For forty days, one day like a year and one day like a month and one day like a week and the rest of the days would be like your days. We said: Allah’s Messenger, would one day’s prayer suffice for the prayers of the day equal to one year? Thereupon he said: No, but you must make an estimate of time (calculate your obligations and needs). We said: Allah’s Messenger, how quickly would he walk upon the earth? Thereupon he said: Like a cloud driven by the wind. He would come to the people and invite them and they would affirm their faith in him and respond to him. He would then (use technology and) give command to the sky and there would be rainfall upon the earth and it would grow crops. Then in the evening, their posturing animals would come to them with their humps very high and their udders full of milk and their flanks stretched.

He would then come to another people and invite them. But they would reject him and he would go away from them and there would be drought for them (he will use technology and science against them) and nothing would be left with them in the form of wealth. He would then walk through the waste, land and say to it: Bring forth your treasures, and the treasures would come out and collect (themselves) before him like the swarm of bees (this is a simile for the resources underneath the ground, they will swarm like bees means resources will be discovered one after the other very quickly, this is how the prophet (saws) described the secrets of the earth being discovered in another hadith). He would then call a person brimming with youth and strike him with the sword and cut him into two pieces and (make these pieces lie at a distance which is generally) between the archer and his target. He would then call (that young man) and he will come forward laughing with his face gleaming (he will use science to resurrect a person) and it would be at this very time that Allah would send Christ, son of Mary, and he will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damascus wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he would lower his head, there would fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he would raise it up, beads like pearls would scatter from it. Every non-believer who would smell the odour of his self would die and his breath would reach as far as he would be able to see. He would then search for him (the Dajjaal) until he would catch hold of him at the gate of Ludd (in Palestine) and would kill him.

Then a people whom Allah had protected (more than likely of Jewish origin who converted because of the Mahdi, as other Ahadith mention, it is also a Jewish prophecy in the torah) would come to Jesus, son of Mary, and he would wipe their faces and would inform them of their ranks in Paradise and it would be under such conditions that Allah would reveal to Jesus these words: I have brought forth from amongst My servants such people against whom none would be able to fight; you take these people safely to Tur (in Egypt), and then Allah would send Gog and Magog (who had followed the Dajjaal that now had been killed) and they would swarm down from every slope (seeking vengeance, they are more than likely the Buddhist and Hindus of Asia who share a similar lineage with the original Gog and Magog tribes, Gog and Magog where the Dajjals first supporters when He emerged so whoever joined his ranks became one of them). The first of them would pass the lake of Tiberius and drink out of it. And when the last of them would pass, he would say: There was once water there. Jesus and his companions would then be besieged here (at Tur, and they would be so hard pressed) that the head of the ox would be dearer to them than one hundred dinars, and Allah’s Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would supplicate Allah, Who would send to them insects (a simile for a disease which would attack Gog and Magog’s necks) and in the morning they would perish like one single person (this is because the disease is engineered to only attack one type of Dna marker and most of Gog and Gagog have a similar lineage back to Nuh). Allah’s Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would then come down to the earth and they would not find in the earth (in their region) as much space as a single span which is not filled with their putrefaction and stench.

Allah’s Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would then again beseech Allah, Who would send birds whose necks would be like those of bactrin camels and they would carry them and throw them where Allah would will. Then Allah would send rain which no house of clay or (the tent of) camels’ hairs would keep out and it would wash away the earth until it could appear to be a mirror. (People will then live with Isa (as) and during his life time) Then the earth would be told to bring forth its fruit and restore its blessing and, as a result thereof, there would grow (such big) pomegranate that a group of persons would be able to eat that, and seek shelter under its skin and milk cows would give so much milk that a whole party would be able to drink it. And the milk camels would give such (a large quantity of) milk that the whole tribe would be able to drink out of that and the milk sheep would give so much milk that the whole family would be able to drink out of that (then after Isa (as) dies 40 years later) and at that time Allah would send a pleasant wind which would soothe (people) even under their armpits, and would take the life of every Muslim and only the wicked would survive who would commit adultery like asses and the Last Hour would come to them. (Sahih Muslim, Book 55, Hadith 7559)

The world of VR (virtual reality) is beginning with technology like the oculus rift and vibe recently being released; The Messenger of Allah said, “I know more about what the Dajjaal has with him than he himself knows. With him are two flowing rivers; in the vision of the eye (illusions and sihr, people will be brainwashed using technology while they sit with him), the first one is white water; in the vision of the eye, the second one is burning fire. If he (the Dajjaal) reaches one of you, then let him go to the one he sees as being fire and let him close his eyes. Then let him bend his head and drink, for it is indeed cold water…” (Muslim)

The river is white water in the vision of the eye, so the river is a metaphor, and the command to drink is then also a metaphor. The VR technology of today is just the first step, eventually they will connect these devices to your body so you feel and sense everything, like your almost living a dream, most people experience dreams like they experience real life, they feel, sense and taste everything but none of it is the real world.

This is our body doing it on it’s own, all this is an informed educated guess based on where technology is directly headed, if we wanted to theorise then we would say they will find a way to interface with mans senses using the bodies electromagnetic field, which is just the same field mobile phones use to communicate and they will use holographic technology to drive the VR experience, holographic technology was originally fuelled by movies like star wars but they have began developing it and Japan has simple working prototypes.

Once we imagine a holographic virtual reality which you walk into, that interfaces with mans senses, like the holodeck on star trek, then we can see why it was described like a white flowing river in the minds eye by the prophet (saws), your living a dreamlike scene  that you can sense, taste and almost touch, this is the Dawah tools of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), today we use powerpoint or keynote presentations he will use the latest technology to teach his message.

Once mainstream quantum computers become available the world will change because of what can become possible with them, today we have quad core computers which is just 4 old style cpu’s stuck together on the same chip, with quantum computers that number four will increase by an almost infinite number by comparison, this is the difference in computing power.

With technology they will be able to create the same thing as dreams, the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) is a sahir (occultist) who uses sihr to change peoples beliefs and delude them, he will also use technology to achieve this, so the ways of sihr will increase as technology increases and he will come at a time in the future when man would have solved the problem of mainstream quantum computers, the first super computers based of the principles of quantum mechanics have already been built.

Hence it is more than likely the two rivers are things based on VR technology that he will use on people, and because He is selling the opposite of religion his idea of what Jannah (heaven) is, materialism, lust etc is Hell for anyone who adopts it (experiences it this way) because it is an addiction and it will be instant. While His idea of Hell which is religion and asceticism he will dress both as poverty, hardship and lack of wealth so they look like hell to people looking at them because ascetic’s (Awliya) rid themselves of material distractions to focus the self. But when people go to it and experience it they will see it is salam, inner peace, harmony and calmness in the self, this is the comparison to the fire that is lust and materialism which he will promote.

Imam Ibn Kathir mentions the Dajaals (Allah’s curse be upon him) stay on Earth “He will remain for a period of forty days on earth; one day will be like a year, one day will be like a month, and one day will be like a week; the rest of his days will be like the (normal) days of the people. This averages out to one year, two and a half months.” This is calculated by adding one year (a day like a year) plus one month (a day like a month) plus one week (a day like a week) and the remaining days…equalling to One year, Two months (60 days) and Two weeks (14 days).

The following Hadith of the Prophet (saws) indicates this is what is meant by this length of time: “We said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, for the day which is like a year (so he will be on earth for at least one year), will one days prayers be sufficient? He said, ‘No, you must make an estimate of the time, and then observe the prayers” (aqdarhu lahu qadrahu) (Muslim)

The basic advice means the length of time is a single year in which more than one days prayer will be needed, so then why would the prophet (saws) say one year will be like a day making the companion wonder about the obligations of prayer during this time. The underlaying assumption in the translation (not the words of the companions) is that the day and night cycle will alter, hence the translation shouldn’t be confused with the prophet’s (saws) reply, the sun will not stay shinning for a single year, and a single day will not literally last for a years period of time.

It may seem the companions (ra) have assumed this literalness, but the prophet (saws) did not affirm this assumption in his reply, and he knew what he meant by their words.

It is more reasonable to assume the companions understood his words and asked the question in relation to it’s deeper context, which is lost in translation, they asked will the religious obligation’s of one normal day be enough to support us spiritually for this year you labelled a “Day”, because the prophet said this year will be experienced like a day, so then what will Allah expect of us to help us spiritually. If the prophet called this year, a Day, then does Allah still require the five daily prayers or will he stretch out the obligation over a year, the prophet (saws) said that you must “observe what is decreed” meaning observe what is owed to protect your self, these are his literal words in Arabic “aqdarhu lahu qadrahu”.

Unlike the translation in arabic the word “time” is not used in the prophets reply (aqdarhu lahu qadrahu) the translator added this himself, the translation is missing the depth of the conversation and the literal reply of the prophet (saws), who said “observe what is necessary for it”.

A muslim’s life is regulated by his worship, Allah made five prayers obligatory upon us each day, but they are the minimum that must be done to still be considered a muslim, or a person on the path of Islam. Those who achieved Ihsan (Human perfection) as the prophet (saws) did would pray more than this, as much as they saw they needed in order to protect themselves from human imperfection’s and the harms of this world, which the light of their prayer helped them with.

Because of the prophets response it is more than likely the word salat (prayer) is meant in the wider sense of prayer and not strictly the five obligatory prayers, this hadith would then be translated as “We said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, for the day which is like a year, will one days worship be sufficient? (worship here means more than the obligatory salat, it is the 5 prayers, their Sunnah, Dhikr, Dua, recitation of the Quran, any worship a Muslim would do in a normal day) He replied, observe it’s obligations and calculate your needs” (aqdarhu lahu qadrahu), so the question is rather will our normal deed suffice for the fitnah of the Dajjal or will we need to do anything else besides them, this is because the companions understood their worship is a protection for them from troubles in the world so will that be enough for them.

They understood the complexity of the issue’s otherwise we would have to assume something ridiculous in the literalness of the translation, and that is the sun will be standing still for one year, on one spot on earth while the other is in darkness and you will have to measure time between prayers and then observe them as you would during normal days, which is an interpretation the scholars have historically always avoided giving this hadith and simply said they don’t know it’s meaning.

The Arabic spoken is classical Arabic and often the same words would be used in deeper conversations that would otherwise have a simple meaning but the context of the conversation would dictate the alternate meaning and the subtle changes in the construction of the sentence, hence “One day like a year” does not literally mean a single day “will be like year”.

The prophet next in the hadith, which is much lengthier and hasn’t been quoted in it’s entirety, advised that who ever lives to see the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) should recite the opening verses of Surah al Kahf (chapter 18) against him, the nature of the conversation is spiritual advice and what protects one spiritually.

What is missing from the context is our own understanding of what prayer is for, and what man achieves by it, because when we see that prayer is a tool that a person uses, then we can understand the companions concern over it, they were not being lazy asking could we get away with one days prayer in a single year, they were the best community Allah brought forth all of whom were extremely dedicated to Islam, they were trying to look after their own needs and Iman (faith).

One day like a year means the Baraka (light) that would be present in a single day, man will receive or find it over a single year instead, people will face this attrition during the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

Some took this saying of Rasul Allah (saws) literally but to illustrate He (saws) intended something figurative here is another version of it in which He (saws) explains it another way:

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘His (Dajjal’s) days will number forty years: a year like half a year, a year like a month, a month like a week, and the rest of his days will be like sparks from a fire (quick and fleeting). One of you will enter the gate of Al-Madinah in the morning and not reach its other gate until evening comes (Madinah was smaller in the time of the prophet (saws)).’ It was said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, how should we pray on those short days?’  He said: ‘Estimate (the times of) the prayer, as you do on these long days, then pray (Pray as normal, they did not understand the day will still be 24 hours long).’ (Sunan Ibn Majah 4077)

Ultimately this is describing the reality of life people will experience, like modern life made life seem fast paced until people began to see it only that way, while if you live on a farm it seems slow and they know no other kind of life.

Because this is the main reason why the fitna of the Dajjaal is so grave and the worst event that mankind will face since Allah placed man on earth, it is important to understand it and it’s nature. It basically means there will be little spiritual light present in the world during his first year on earth, to understand the significance of this we have to know what Baraka, light, is and why man needs it.

To know the importance of baraka in a practical manner, and how it relates to our life would take an entire work, and we have addressed this in a book elsewhere, but to sum up, the spiritual world often spoken about is the subatomic part of our universe that particles like light (photons) exist in it is behind the blessings of worship on our life.

This is the significance of worship which the companions were asking about during the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), the human heart through prayer produces an increased amount of light that helps man’s higher functions, it will be important during the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) when a year will be like a day in what man receives and He will need his psychological strength to resist his lies.

But all this is simply the human aspect of the matter, if the Baraka is withheld from the entire earth then it’s ramifications are far wider, affecting most creatures on earth, they rely on the electromagnetic field to sense the world around them, in most cases to avoid danger, navigate or find prey.

This is the test of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) man will face from Allah during this time, the first year he is on earth man will receive in a year what he would normally receive in a day, then in a month he will receive what he receive’s in a day and then he will receive the same over a week.

This may all be referring to a cosmological event that will affect the solar system on a quantum level during this time, or it could be due to the fact earth is hit by an asteroid creating some global change which he will take advantage of and emerge, possibly the shifting of earths orbit. We have to also keep in mind that one of the later signs of the hour is the sun rising from the opposite direction and this could be the first precursor to that, Allah himself changing something in the subatomic universe that will cause this effect during the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

Another obvious matter which could be the cause of this spiritual deprivation are the Jinn, most Jinn nowadays are devils involved in shir (dark magic) because they use it to get what they want, the prophet (saws) said that every person on earth “… There is assigned to him a companion from among the jinn and a companion from among the angels” (Muslim), the Jinn will be the first to know about the emergence of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) who they consider to be like their master they have been waiting for, it is more than likely that when he emerges most Jinn on earth will turn on the human they are assigned to to try and convince them of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), so mankind will be spiritually besieged for the first year of his emergence, but this effort will wane afterwards.

When we consider Quantum Mechanics other mechanisms affecting life, based on the laws of physics, can be enumerated such as the coherence of waves, the ability of particle waves to connect and communicate with each other.

The Human Bodie’s electromagnetic field will interact with other fields around it and other people’s perceptive organs pick this up. Scientist are beginning to realize that human consciousness is a state of matter, like a Liquid, Solid or Gas, and that it is similarly made from matter and particles but only subatomic like light, and it is subject to the same laws of physics that govern the rest of the Universe.

What we know as consciousness is the result of the bodies interaction with the universe around it on all levels right down to the subatomic world. Because the brain and nervous system are a distributed parallel processing system, it can compute multiple things at the same time and act on each simultaneously, so consciousness is born out of the sum of those interactions in the body. How man is inspired is relevant to both scenarios we have outlined above, that of a cosmological change affecting mans physiology or that of the Jinn attacking him through his consciousness because the way through which they harm man is via the same mechanisms in his body.

It is very significant that it was in Surah al Shams (The Sun, 91) that Allah took one of the most significant oaths in the Quran regarding this very nature of Man and its connection to the subatomic universe, the objects in space and their radiance or the quantum fields they generate…Allah said;

91:1   CONSIDER the sun and its radiant brightness,

91:2   and the moon as it reflects the sun!

91:3   Consider the day as it reveals the (sun to the) world,

91:4   and the night as it veils it darkly!

91:5   Consider the sky and its wondrous make,

91:6   and the earth and all its expanse!

91:7   Consider the human self, and how it is formed in accordance with what it is meant to be,

91:8   And inspired it (with conscience of) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it.

91:9   To a happy state shall indeed attain he who causes this [self] to grow in purity (Zakaha),

91:10   and truly lost is he who buries it [in darkness].

91:11   TO [THIS] TRUTH gave the lie, in their overweening arrogance, [the tribe of] Thamud…

Allah (swt) says that regarding the reality of All these things which he swore by, the tribe of Thamud “gave a lie to” (91:11), meaning they not only new what this chapter meant but lied about it, lied that Allah was the cause behind all this, one thing we now about Ancient cultures is their fascination and obsession with the celestial bodies and the inspiration they receive through them, Here Allah is explaining the immediate effects of how this all worked because what occurs with the Sun affects us here on earth starting with our weather and ending with our mood and perception that are subject to it’s subatomic fields.

Allah not only asks us to consider the sun and its brightness (solar activity) but the moon that reflects the sun, which is the other body in space affecting earth on a subatomic level (91:2) and how the suns solar activity reaches us, then He asks us to consider the cycle between increased activity in the fields they generate around the earth and decreased activity by saying, “Consider the day as it reveals the (sun to the) world (91:3), and the night as it veils it darkly!” (91:4), scientist have been measuring these effects, using sun spots, for a few hundred years, their peak effects are during the day and weakest at night.

Allah then asks us to consider this relationship with the sky and how it is made (91:5) and the whole earth, its expanse and how this is spread over it (91:6), then to think about how this is connected to the human self and how it is formed (91:7) to sense all of it and how through the soul this inspires and affects its conciseness of what is right for it and what is wrong for it (91:8), in other words how the body senses the subatomic world around it. He will be happy who causes his soul to grow (91:9) and purifies him self and He will be wretched who buries it in darkness (91:10), the soul is made from subatomic particles and here Allah is saying it is affected by subatomic activity on earth through the celestial bodies in space.

In Arabic the word consider is translated according to the intention of Allah with this oath, but literally the oath in Arabic reads: By the sun and its radiant brightness, By the moon as it reflects the sun! By the day as it reveals the (sun to the) world, By the night as it veils it darkly! By the sky and its wondrous make, By the earth and all its expanse! By the human self, and how it is formed…

The intent is to consider these things been sworn by in greater detail and how they relate to each other and mans soul, Allah then mentions that this relationship the Tribe of Thamud (7:73) which the Prophet Saleh (saws) was sent to guide, lied about it, and ignored the reality between the things Allah swore by and Himself, consequently they were destroyed because of their evil along with most Ancient civilizations that worshiped the celestial bodies rather than the one who created them along with the eco system they exist in.

Their depth of knowledge regarding the celestial bodies and their effect on human consciousness shouldn’t be surprising since nearly all ancient cultures around the world had an advanced understanding of these celestial bodies and their effects on the human self. While we focused on technology, their way of life is reflected in their religion and the elaborate structures they constructed and left behind in perfect alignment with the movement of the celestial bodies in space, meaning they wanted to know what these bodies would be doing in the future so they could tell how mean will be influenced by them. The structures marked their elaborate movements through the sky for the sake of tracking their influence on the human self.

No one has ever claimed Man evolved in the last few thousand years which is why the technological world exists, rather we have had the same capacity for intelligence throughout history but in the ancient world man applied himself in a different direction with the same complexity we witness in our world in the absence of electricity.

Some of these tribes took to worshiping these celestial bodies instead of Allah for a very real reason they witnessed, but they failed to perceive that beyond all of this there is something even greater, they saw the celestial bodies as the source of inspiration, power and influence on human life, which Allah in nearly all scripture condemned because it was short sighted since He was their creator and said that through them He inspired the soul. The soul is the most subatomic “part” of mans body made entirely from subatomic particles that are subject to the laws of physics, Quantum Mechanics.

Man during the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) can not rely on the strength of his character because he will be attacked from within himself either by the Jinn who will swarm over his senses creating a state of spiritual deprivation or because something atmospheric has occurred hindering his senses, he will rather have to rely on Allah to overcome this trial whose aim is to show man the importance of Allah on earth in the same way we view the importance of the atmosphere to keeping us alive, Allah plays an important part in life every day we don’t notice just like man did not notice the atmosphere for thousands of years, in this way what is with in man’s self will come to the fore, in times of adversity mans inner character will show and each person has to decide in that moment if he will stay on the course he is presently on or change. Allah will test the hearts of Mankind with the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) to show what they have been hiding in their hearts.

Another significant event that could be the cause behind a year being like a day, although it is difficult to articulate without mentioning to much physics, is the death of most animals on earth due to the three year of drought before the Dajjaal’s (Allah’s curse be upon him) emergence the absence of animals on earth would make it feel desolate and almost lifeless affecting man spiritually. It is more than likely that this year of hardship will be because of these three things occurring on earth, the Asteroid hitting earth, the Jinn attacking man and the animals dying, the Jinn rely on animals like man and their death will cause them great distress leading great numbers of them to follow the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) when he emerges.

Ibn Maaja narrated that “There will be three hard years before the Dajjaal appears. During them, people will be stricken by a great famine. In the first year, Allah will command the sky to withhold a third of it’s rain, and the earth to withhold a third of it’s produce. In the second year, Allah will command the sky to withhold two thirds of it’s rain, and the earth to withhold two thirds of it’s produce. In the third year, Allah will command the sky to withhold all of it’s rain, and it will not rain a single drop of rain. He will command the earth to withhold all of it’s produce, and no plant will grow. All hoofed animals will perish, except that which Allah wills. He was asked “What will sustain people during this time?” He said, Tahlil, Takbir and Tahmid. (Saying La ilaha illa Llah, Allahu Akbar and al Hamdulilah). This will sustain them as food does.”

To illustrate the relevance of this drought, if we walk into a rainforest we would sense the forest is brimming with life, due to life’s electromagnetic field that creatures produce it is the source behind us sensing other life in the forest long before we ever saw anything, in a similar way earth itself is brimming with life around us that we can sense just by walking outside, now imagine all animal life on earth died in three years, this will also kill many insects and other creatures that rely on them because entire eco systems are connected to each other.

Each one of these species individually produce an electromagnetic field that impacts their larger surroundings collectively, and us ultimately, if mass populations of wildlife all suddenly died out there would be a massive void of life on earth, the earth will be deprived of it’s baraka. It would be like turning the entire earth from a rain forest to a metropolitan concrete jungle that is now void of wildlife and the benefits man derives from it simply by being in it’s presence, the earth would be almost dead after this three year drought.

This may seem foreign because it is new but Allah has spoken about something similar in a different context which we all know, this type of “subatomic” deprivation mankind will similarly suffer on the day of judgment, except on that day Mankind wont receive light from his natural surroundings and self, he will only be granted it in exact measure by Allah, according to each persons deeds in life and being deprived of it will cause great suffering very similar to what man will face during the time of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

“On that Day shall the hypocrites, both men and women, speak [thus] unto those who have attained to faith: “Wait for us! Let us have a [ray of] light from your light!” (they will be deprived of light causing them to suffer so they will chase people to take it from them) [But] they will be told: “Turn back, and seek a light [of your own]!” And thereupon a (large) wall will be raised between them [and the believers], with a gate in it (stoping the Hypocrites from bothering the believers): within it will be grace and mercy (for the believers), and against the outside thereof, suffering” (for the hypocrites who are deprived completely of light).(57:13)

Being deprived of sunlight for extended periods will cause depression and suffering this is just part of mans physiology, he needs light to do many things. The deprivation of light on that day will cause worse suffering, and Allah granting it will cause grace and mercy becouse physiologically both grace and mercy are products of man being in a state of abundance while suffering is caused by the human body being deprived, “for he to whom Allah gives no light, no light whatever has he!” (24:20), if man’s senses are deprived his character begins to depress and suffer, then eventually his will, will crumble causing a major state of depression. This naturally occurs to people who spend a lot of time indoors and they often need to exercise just to stop this from happening.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said on the day of resurrection “Then a bridge will be laid over the Fire.” That will lead to Heaven, all mankind must cross it before entering, Allah’s Apostle added, “I will be the first to cross it. And the invocation of the Apostles on that Day, will be ‘Allahukka Sallim, Sallim, (O Allah, save us, save us!),’ and over that bridge there will be hooks (coming from Hell) Similar to the thorns of As Sa’dan (a thorny tree). Haven’t you seen the thorns of As-Sa’dan?” The companions said, “Yes, O Allah’s Apostle.” He added, “So the hooks over that bridge will be like the thorns of As-Sa’dan except that their greatness in size is only known to Allah. These hooks will snatch the people according to their deeds. Some people will be ruined because of their evil deeds, and some will be cut into pieces and fall down in Hell, but will be saved afterwards, when Allah has finished the judgments among His slaves, (he will) intend to take out of the Fire whoever He wishes to take out from among those who used to testify that none had the right to be worshipped but Allah.” (Bukhari)

Allah linked our deeds in life to what He will grant us in the next life, which is all connected through physics and physiology with the universe, this on the day of judgment is represented by our ability while passing over the bridge Sirat, “Some people will be ruined because of their evil deeds”. Crossing the Bridge depends on everybody’s light that Allah will grant them, the prophet (saws) said “He who has very little light (his body won’t function normally being deprived, he) will creep facedown. His hands and feet will slip, and he will cling to it again. At long last, he will break free from it by creeping and creeping.” (Tabarani)

Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri narrated: We, the companions of the Prophet said, “O Allah’s Apostle! What is the bridge?’ He said, “It is a slippery (bridge) on which there are clamps and (Hooks like) a thorny seed that is wide at one side and narrow at the other and has thorns with bent ends. Such a thorny seed is found in Najd and is called As-Sa’dan. Some of the believers (because of their light) will cross the bridge as quickly as the blink of an eye, some others as quick as lightning, (others like) a strong wind, (others like) fast horses or she-camels (all because of the light they receive). So some will be safe without any harm; some will be safe after receiving some scratches, and some will fall down into Hell. The last person will cross by being dragged over the bridge.” (Bukhari)

Three years before the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) comes out, there will be three years of hardship, during which the people will be afflicted by severe hunger because of the drought. So it was said: “How will the people live at that time?” He said: “By declaring Allah’s oneness [at-tahlil], magnifying Him [at-takbir], glorifying Him [at-tasbih] and praising Him [at-tahmid]. That will fulfill the same function as food for them” it’s light will sustain them through the baraka of their acts, and subdue hunger pains.

The prophet (saws) said “He will have forty days to journey through the earth”; but these days are not normal days, because “one day from that will be like a year”; intense spiritual deprivation will last for a year, then “one day will be like a month”; the intensity of deprivation will diminish, then “one day will be like a Jumu’ah (a week); it will continue to diminish “and the rest of his days will be like these days of yours”.

He will travel the world spreading his false beliefs, then after claiming prophethood he will spread his false religion (way of life), and then after claiming divinity he will spread his Kufr of Allah entirely, all of which will be to test Mankind who where playing with the very things he is now using against them. Mankind turned to the occult so the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will test them with it, they combined this with technology to delude man so he will also test them with it, they invented ideologies to enslave man so he will also test them with it, they used psychology to dissect mans nature and turn it against him and so he will also test them with it.

“There is no Creator (save Him) Who created the heavens and the earth. (He quickeneth) for the Resurrection in the life of the world; (your Lord and Lord of your forefathers) your Creator and the Creator of your forefathers before you.” (Tanwir al Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas, 44:8)

The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (saws) said: “Some people will come on the Day of Judgement and their Imaan (faith) will be outstanding, its light will shine from their chests and from their right hands. So it will be said to them, glad tidings for you today, Assalaamu alaykum and goodness for you, enter into it (Jannah) forever!’ So the angels and the Prophets will be jealous of the love of Allah for them.

So the Sahabah (companions) asked, ‘ who are they O Messenger of Allah?’ He (saws) replied, “They are not from us and they are not from you. You are my companions but they are my beloved. They will come after you and will find the book (the Qur’an) made redundant by the people, and a Sunnah which has been killed by them. So they will grab hold of the book and the Sunnah and revive them.

So they will read them and teach them (the Qur’an and the Sunnah) to the people and they will experience in that path a punishment more severe and more ugly than what you (Sahabah) have experienced. Indeed, the Imaan of one of them is equivalent to the Imaan of forty of you. The Shaheed (martyrs) of one of them is equivalent to forty of your Shuhadaa’. Because you found a helper towards the truth (the Prophet) and they will find no helper towards the truth. So they will be surrounded by tyrant rulers in every place, and they will be in the surroundings of Bayt ul-Maqdis (al-Quds, at that time). The Nussrah (victorious support) of Allah will come to them, and they will have the honor of it on their hands.” Then he (saws) said “O Allah give them the Nussrah and make them my close friends in Jannah.” (Ahmed)

Allah said “I swear by time, Most surely man is in loss, Except those who believe and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience” (103:1-3).

 وَالْعَصْرِ إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ


The Dajjaal His Followers and His Place Of Emergence


“… The day that certain of the signs of thy Lord do come, no good will it do to a soul to believe in them then, if it believed not before nor earned righteousness through its Faith…” (al-Anam 6:158)

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: “The world is like a garment torn from end to end and hanging by a thread that would soon be cut off.” (Sunan Baihaqi)

It was narrated that Faatimah bint Qays (may Allah be pleased with her) said: I heard the voice of the caller, the caller of the Messenger of Allah (saws), saying: Al-salatu jami’ah (prayer is about to begin), so I went out to the mosque and I prayed with the Messenger of Allah (saws). I was in the women’s row that was closest to the people. When the Messenger of Allah (saws) had finished his prayer, he sat on the minbar and he was smiling. He said: “Let each person stay in the place where he just prayed.” Then he said: “Do you know why I called you together?”

They said: Allah and His Messenger know best. He said:

He said: “By Allah, I did not call you together for an exhortation or for a warning. I have called you together because Tameem al-Daari was a Christian and he came and swore allegiance and became Muslim, and told me something which agrees with what I was telling you about the Dajjaal (the false messiah). He told me that he sailed in a ship with thirty men of Lakhm and Judhaam and they were tossed by the waves of the sea for a month. Then they came to an island at sunset. They sat in a small rowing-boat and landed on that island. They were met by a beast with a great deal of hair and they could not distinguish his face from his back because he was so hairy.

They said: ‘Woe to you, what are you?’ It said: ‘I am al-Jassaasah.’ They said: ‘What is al-Jassaasah?’ It said: ‘O people, go to this man in the monastery for he is keen to know about you.’ He (the narrator) said: When it named a man for us (said man/insan like it was another race different from it) we were afraid of it lest it be a devil (Jinn). Then we set off, rushing, until we came to that monastery, where we found the hugest man we had ever seen, bound strongly in chains with his hands tied to his neck and his legs bound from the knees to the ankles with iron shackles. We said: ‘Woe to you, who are you?’ He said: ‘You will soon find out about me; tell me who you are.’ They said: ‘We are people from Arabia who embarked on a ship, but the sea became wild and the waves tossed us about for one month, then they brought us to this island of yours.

We took to the rowing-boats and landed on this island. We were met by a beast with a great deal of hair and we could not tell his front from his back because he was so hairy. We said: Woe to you, what are you? It said: I am al-Jassaasah. We said: What is al-Jassaasah? It said: Go to this man in the monastery for he is keen to know about you. So we came rushing to you and we fled from it because we could not be sure that it was not a devil.’ He (that chained person) said: ‘Tell me about the date-palm trees of Baysaan.’ We said: ‘What do you want to know about them?’ He said: ‘I am asking you whether these trees bear fruit.’ We said: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘Soon they will not bear fruit.’ He said: ‘Tell me about the lake of Tabariyyah’ We said: ‘What do you want to know about it?’ He said: ‘Is there water in it?’ They said: ‘There is a great deal of water in it.’ He said: ‘Soon it will dry up.’ Then he said: ‘Tell me about the spring of Zughar (which is in the south of Syria).’

They said: ‘What do you want to know about it?’ He said: ‘Is there water in the spring and do the people grow crops with the water of the spring?’ We said to him: ‘Yes, there is plenty of water in it and the people grow crops with its water.’ He said: ‘Tell me about the Prophet of the unlettered (people); what has he done?’ We said: ‘He has left Makkah and has settled in Yathrib (Madeenah).’ He said: ‘Do the Arabs fight against him?’ We said: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘How did he deal with them?’ We told him that he had prevailed over the Arabs in his vicinity and they had shown obedience to him. He said to us: ‘Has it really happened?’ We said: ‘Yes.’ He said: ‘If it is so that is better for them that they show obedience to him. Now I will tell you about myself.

I am the Dajjaal and soon I will be given permission to emerge. So I will come out and travel in the land, and will not spare any town (Qaryatan) but I will stay for forty nights (a better translation is “center of population” because accomplishing the literal is impossible. The number of cities on earth is about 50,000, He would need to be on earth for 5000 years just for the cities and the number of towns is astronomical by comparison), except Makkah and Taybah (Madeenah). They are both forbidden to me; every time I try to enter one of them, I will be met by an angel with a sword in his hand, who will bar my way, and on every route there will be angels guarding it.’ She said: Then the Messenger of Allah (saws) struck the minbar with his staff and said: “This is Taybah, this is Taybah, this is Taybah,” meaning Madeenah. “Did I net tell you this before?” The people said: Yes. [The Prophet (saws) said:] “I liked the story of Tameem because it agrees with what I used to tell you about him and about Makkah and Madeenah. But he is in the Syrian Sea (Mediterranean) or the Yemeni Sea (Arabian Sea). No, rather he is in the east, he in the east, he is in the east,” and he pointed towards the east with his hand. She said: I memorized this from the Messenger of Allah (saws). (Muslim in his Saheeh (2942))

The Arabian sea does not have many islands, and only two or three are close to the shore, in the prophets time boats where not that developed and used to hug the shore as much as possible, the most significant Island in terms of it’s location and history is Astola island, it is an isolated island that has been cut off from the mainland for a long time and is directly east of Madina, if one draws a line towards the east it lies just above it.

He may have been imprisoned on this Island of the coast of Iran and Pakistan where He is said to emerge called, the Island had a Hindu monastery dedicated to the goddess Kali which is the destroyer of Evil,so it may have been Indians which is one of the oldest developed civilization on earth that imprisoned Him in this monastery dedicated to the destruction of Evil.

The earliest mention of Astola is in Arrian’s account of Admiral Nearchos, who was dispatched by Alexander the Great to explore the coast of the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf in 325 BCE. The sailors in Nearchos’s fleet were “frightened at the weird tales told about an uninhabited island, which Arrian calls Nosala”.

It is certain the Dajjal’s imprisonment and the event of His emergence at the end of time are two separate things,”I am the Dajjaal and soon I will be given permission to emerge”, this tells us his time of emergence at the end of time answers to Allah who is giving the permission because He is a fitnah Allah will send on people and He will give Him the support of the Angels to achieve it, this is what the Dajjal is waiting for Allah’s support who will send Him to bring an end to the world of the occultists presently controlling everything. People just assumed his emergence related to his imprisonment on the Island, the Dajjal is given long life but not super human strength, had this been the case chains would not hold him but He is held by chains in a monastery on an isolated Island in the narration.

He was waiting for the Monastery to crumble so His chains could be loosened and He could emerge and work for the establishment of His fitnah. He can’t emerge into public as He wishes until Allah supports Him, the prophet (saws) said If He (saws) emerged in His (saws) time the children of Madniah would have been enough to contend with him, hence He isn’t anything superhuman, Al Khidr (as) was given long life as well.

The prophets (saws) statement about the children of Madinah marked the possibility of His public emergence in the prophets time, and He mphrased i as such because He (saws) knew when the Dajjal would free himself from the island and walk this earth. His power will come from technology which is another reason, besides weakness, He can’t emerge into public life as he wants until technology can do what He needs it to do.

Another thing you should consider is that the prophet (saws) asked Muslims to seek protection from the fitnah of the Dajjal every week and we have been doing so for 1400 years, what fitnah in society are we seeking protection from if he presently imprisoned on an invisible Island people made up in the last 100 years, the world has been explored, photographed and recorded.

Abu Hurairah said, “The Prophet (saws) said, ‘There are three things which, when they appear, no good will it do a soul to believe in them then (believe in what they are), if it believed not before nor earned righteousness through its Faith. They are: The Dajjaal, the Beast, and the rising of the sun from the west.”

Every prophet from the first days of man on Earth warned his people about the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) because his fitnah would be the worst the world will see, if we contemplate the severity of what is happening to people of religion all around the world today what He will do to mankind will be far worse, he will take all the tools being employed and use them against mankind to completely corrupt them, those who follow him will have a short term victory not lasting more than one year two months and fifteen days, afterwards they would have lost everything in life, and he will be successful in misleading most of mankind, and for that Allah will kill them just like he killed the people of the earth for Nuh (as).

Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: May I not inform you about the Dajjaal what no Apostle of Allah narrated to his people? He would be blind (in one eye) and he would bring along with him an Image of Paradise and Hell-Fire and what he would call Paradise that would be Hell-Fire and I warn you as Noah warned his people (who were about to drown). (Muslim Book 54, Hadith 7558)

Hudhaifah related that the Messenger of Allah said, “I know more about what the Dajjaal has with him than he himself knows. With him are two flowing rivers; in the vision of the eye (illusions and sihr, people will be brainwashed using technology while they sit with him and think these are miracles), the first one is white water; in the vision of the eye, the second one is burning fire. If he (the Dajjaal) reaches one of you, then let him go to the one he sees as being fire and let him close his eyes. Then let him bend his head and drink, for it is indeed cold water. And the Dajjaal has an eye (the right eye) that is obliterated; over it is coarse skin (that covers the eye). Written between his eyes is ‘Kaafir,’ which every believer will read, regardless of whether he is literate or illiterate.” (Muslim)

Imran ibn Husayn narrated that the Prophet (saws) said: Let him who hears of the Dajjaal (Antichrist) go far from him for I swear by Allah that a man will come to him thinking he is a believer and follow him because of confused ideas roused in him by him. (Abu Dawud, Book 38, Hadith 4305)

Sulaimaan ibn Shihaab Al-Qeesee said, “‘Abdullah ibn Mughnim, who was one of the Prophet’s Companions, came down and related to me that the Prophet said, ‘Ad-Dajjaal: there is nothing hidden about him. He will come from the East (from Iran). He will call to the truth (at first), and he will be followed. He will go on behalf of the people and fight (others for) them, and he will be victorious over them (he will take advantage of peoples weakness during war). He will continue upon that state until he reaches Kufa (near central Iraq). There he will manifest Allah’s religion and apply it, and for that he will be followed and loved. But then after that he will say, ‘Indeed I am a Prophet.’ Every person of sound mind will be alarmed by that, and as a result will part from him. Later on he will say, ‘I am Allah.’ Allah will cover his eyes; his ears will be cut and “Kaafir (disbeliever) will be written between his eyes, and that will not be hidden to any Muslim (he may not be blind in one eye at first but then will be injured in some way). Anyone who has a mustard-seed amount of Eemaan (faith) in his heart will then part from him. His companions will be from the Jews, the Magian (in Iran), the Christians, and these foreigners from the polytheists (idol worshipers). Then, according to what they see (how they will interpret it), he will call a man, order for him to be brought, and then he will kill him. Next, he will cut the body into (two) pieces, (displaying) each piece separately. He will separate between the two, so that the people can see them. After that, he will gather them back together, strike (the body) with a rod, and suddenly the man will be standing. The Dajjaal will say, ‘I am Allah, I bring to life and cause death.”‘ (At-Tabaraanee – Ibn Kathir in al Bidaya wa Nihaya)

Al-Mughirah ibn Shubah said The Prophet (pbuh) said: People will follow the Dajjaal like swarms of bees, and he will kill a young man and bring him back to life. This is not a kind of magic; it will be something real (technology and science used to fake miracles) with which Allah will test His servants at the end of time. Many will be led astray (by it), and many will be guided by it (knowing he is tricking people). Those who doubt (that he is fooling them) will disbelieve, but those who believe (he is fooling people) will be strengthened in their faith. He will approach a Bedouin whose parents have passed away and will say to him, “Will you believe that I am your Lord if I bring your parents back to life?” The Bedouin will reply, “Yes.” The demons, that are accompanying the Dajjaal, will assume the appearance of his parents and say to the Bedouin, “Oh son believe in him and follow him, he is your Lord.’ The Bedouin will be deceived into believing the Dajjaal. (Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaymah, and Al-Hakim).

The Dajjaal will make a stop at a place called Markanat (near Taif in Saudi Arabia). On hearing about his arrival, the women will rush towards him, the men will be forced to tie their mothers, daughters, and sisters fearing they will believe in him and get caught up in (his) Fitna (strife and tribulation).  (Musnad Ahmad)

Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said, Blessed is the land of AI-Madina; when the Dajjaal comes out, there will be an angel at each of its mountain-passes. He will not enter it When that will occur, Al-Madina will shake its inhabitants with three quakes, and then every single male and female hypocrite will go out to him — most of them will be women. That is the Day of Deliverance, the day that Al-Madina gets rid of filth just as bellows get rid of the filth of metal. (Ahmad)

Maihjin ibn Al-Adra’ reported that, one day, the Messenger of Allah addressed the people, saying, “The Day of Deliverance — and what is the Day of Deliverance?” He repeated this three times, and it was said, “And what is the Day of Deliverance?” He, said, “The Dajjaal will come, climb (Mount) Uhud, and look at Al-Madina. Then he will say to his companions, ‘Do you know this white castle? This is the Masjid of Ahmad (in the time of the prophet the masjid was small).’ Then he will come to Al-Madina, but will find at each of its mountain-passes an angel with an unsheathed sword. He will go to the side of a salty, barren land, and he will strike his tent (in the ground). Next, Al-Madina will quake three times: every single male and female hypocrite and every single male and female wicked-doer will leave it, going out to him. That is the Day of Deliverance. (The people of madina who joined the camp of the hypocrites with no religion will go to him)” (Ahmad)

The Prophet Mohammad  (saws) said: “I warn you regarding the (false) Messiah. He will remain on Earth for 40 mornings. His dominion will reach every were (on earth). He will not come to 4 mosques (he will not be able to enter them): the Ka’ba, the Messenger’s Mosque (in Madina), Al-Aqsa Mosque (in Jerusalem), and the (Mosque at mount) Tur (in Egypt).” (Ahmad) Mount Tur is where Isa (as) will go to escape from Yajuj wa Majuj.

Abu Huraira narrated that Allah’s Messenger (saws) said: “The Dajjaal will come from the direction of the East with the intention of attacking Madina until he camps behind (mount) Uhud (near Madina). Then, the angels (protecting Madina) will turn his face towards AsSham (Greater Syria) and there, He will (eventually) perish. (Isa will attack him in Syira and kill him in Palestine)” (Sahih Muslim)

The Prophet (saws) said: “The Muslims will soon be besieged up to Madina, such that their most distant frontier outpost will be Salah (around Khaibar, close to Medina).” (Abu Dawud)

Abdullah bin Busr reports that the Prophet (saws) said: “Between the Malhama (the beginning of the wars with Europe) and the conquest of the City (Constantinople), there will be six years (mostly spanning the time of the peace treaty), and the Dajjaal (Anti-Christ) shall appear in the seventh year (seven months after Istanbul is taken)” (Sahih Muslim, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah)

The Prophet (saws) said: “Al-Malhama Al-Kubra (The Great Battle, Armageddon), the conquest of Constantinople, and the coming of Dajjaal (Anti-Christ) will be within (a period of) seven months.” (Abu Dawud and Ibn Maja)

About 7 years after the peace treaty is signed, it is broken then the Great war Occurs, when the muslims defeat the Europeans they will go onto conquer Constantinople (Istanbul in Turkey), between the time Constantinople is taken and the appearance of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) is Seven months.

Jaber bin Samra reported from Nafi bin Otba that the Prophet (saws) said: ” …You will marsh against the Arabian Peninsula and Allah will open it, then Persia (Iran) and Allah will open it. Then, you will marsh against the Roman land’s and Allah will open it. Then, you will marsh against the Dajjaal (Anti-Christ, or his lands), and Allah will open it (victory, through Isa).” Then, Nafi said (to Jaber): “O’ Jaber, we will not see the Dajjaal emerge until the Roman land’s (Europe) has been conquered (by the Muslims).” (Muslim)

Rome in the above narrations could mean Either Rome in Italy or the Main city of the Europeans, it’s power base and capital. Between the conquest of Istanbul and the coming out of the Dajjaal is about seven months, he will emerge from Khurasan (present day Iran, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan) and will be followed by 70,000 of the Jews of Isfahan, a city in central Iran, the Bedouins of Arabia, and the evil people among the Muslims and non-Muslim in this region.

The Dajjaal will be given permission to come out at the end of time, after the Muslims conquer Constantinople. At first, he will appear in Asbahaan in Iran, in an area called Al-Yahoodiyyah (the jewish area). 70,000 Jews from its inhabitants will help him; they will have on them weapons and Teejaan, which are long green robes. Also, 70,000 Tartars (Turks and people from Southern Russia) as well as some people from Khurasaan (Afghanistan and that area) will support him. He will first appear as a leader fighting for people; then he will claim prophethood, and then he will claim divinity.

The Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will take countries one after the other, and regions one after another. There will remain no city that he will not have landed in, except for Makkah and Madina. He will remain for a period of forty days on earth; one day will be like a year, one day will be like a month, and one day will be like a week; the rest of his days will be like the (normal) days of the people, this averages out to one year, two and a half months.

He will march with his Army from Iran to Iraq and then across Arabia to Syria conquering all the lands he passes until the Muslims along with the Mahdi (ra) will finally be besieged in Sham on mount Megiddo in Palestine. Through this victory against the Muslims he will gain influence and a following in the non-Muslim world because he would have weakened the Muslims after defeating the European Union, He will use this victory to spread his false message to a world that is already bent on the genocide of the Arabs.

Jabir ibn Abdullah said, “The Prophet said, ‘The Dajjaal will appear at the end of time, when religion is taken lightly. He will have 40 days in which to travel throughout the earth. One of these days will be like a year, another will be like a month, and another will be like a week, and the rest will be like normal days. He will be riding a white donkey; the width between its ears will be 40 cubits (60 feet, 18.3m)…”

Here the Prophet (saws) is describing his mode of transport, in another narration “We said: Allah’s Messenger, how quickly would he walk upon the earth? Thereupon he said: Like cloud driven by the wind”.

A donkey is a carrying beast, this is a simile for a business Jet, given the size, which are mostly white in color, having a wingspan of about 60 feet depending on the model, the LearJet40 has a wingspan of 14.56m and a length of 16.93 m.  The span between the donkeys ears refers to its wings and it travels in the air like a cloud driven by the wind.

The speed in which the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) travels is why it is impossible to take the 40 days he will stay on earth as 40 normal days, and scholars like Imam Ibn Kathir and Imam Suyuti in fact said his period is much longer. Imam Suyuti said his stay will be for 3 years, this is taken from the hadith were the narrator wasn’t certain if the prophet (saws) in this instant said 40 months or 40 days, 40 months/12 = 3.33 years or 3 years, 3 months and 3 days while Imam Ibn Kathir said he will be on earth for about 1 year 2 months and 2 weeks, 1 day like a year, 1 day like a month, 1 day like a week and the rest are normal days.

It would be near impossible for him to carry out his wars, and travel the entire earth setting foot in every major city in this short span of time all the while converting people to his message. Simply moving an entire army on land across Arabia and waging a number of wars would take more than this length of time and the prophet (saws) indicated all this by saying his days won’t be normal.

[The Hadith of Jabir continues] “He will say to the people: “I am your lord.” He (the Dajjaal) is one eyed, and your Lord is not one eyed. On his forehead will be written the word Kaffir (disbeliever), and every believer, literate or illiterate, will be able to read it (the significance of literate and illiterate is that it is written in light by Allah and all believers will have the ability to see it with the light of Allah). He will go every were except Makkah and Madinah, which Allah has forbidden to him; angels stand at their gates. He will have a mountain of bread, and the people will face hardship, except for those who follow him (placing sanctions on those who don’t). He will have 2 rivers (a simile), and I know what is in them. He will call one Paradise and one Hell. Whoever enters the one he calls Paradise will find that it is Hell, and whoever enters the one he calls Hell will find that it is Paradise. Allah will send with him devils that will speak to the people (he will use the occult, Sihr and devils to delude mankind).

He will bring a great tribulation; he will issue a command to the sky (with technology) and it will begin raining. Then he will kill someone and bring him back to life. After that he will no longer have this power. The people will say, “Can anybody do something like this except the Lord?” The Muslims will flee to Jabal al-Dukhan (a mountain) in Syria, and the Dajjaal will come and besiege them. The siege will intensify and they will suffer great hardship. Then ‘Eyssa son of Maryam will descend, and will call (out to) the people at dawn: “O people, what prevented you from coming out to fight this evil liar?” They will answer, “He is a jinn” (his occult practice will make him look inhuman). Then they will go out (of their fortress), and find ‘Eyssa son of Maryam (outside), the time for prayer will come, and the Muslims will call on ‘Eyssa to lead the prayer, but he will say, “Let your Imam lead the prayer.” Their Imam will lead them in praying (the morning prayer), and then they will go out to fight the Dajjaal. When the liar sees ‘Eyssa, he will dissolve like salt in water (a simile, when salt dissolves in water the grains disappear so only the water is visible and in the presence of Isa (as) he will have no presence next to him, his persona and power with the occult will entirely dissolve in front of the light of a prophet). ‘Eyssa will go to him and kill him, and he will not let anyone who followed him live.’” (Ahmad.)

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (r.a.) narrated that The Prophet said: “The Dajjaal emerges from a land in the East called Khurasan  (a region that includes the North eastern part of Iran, Afghanistan,Turkmenistan, south east of the caspian sea). He will be followed by people whose faces are like flattened shields (the Tartars, i.e. Turks, Mongols, Southern Russia and parts of Iran)” (Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Ibn Maja, and Al-Haakim)

The Bulk of his Army will be from this region of Khurasan, because the wars he will fight will be in the muslim lands next to it, his army will comprise the many different communities and religions that exist there, Muslim, Christian, Jew, etc, he will also convert large portions of mankind around the world but they won’t be asked to fight.

Abu Huraira said that The Prophet said: “The Dajjaal will go down to Khuz (a province in eastern Iran) and Kerman (another region in Iran) with seventy thousand (soldiers) whose faces look like flattened shields (the Tartars).” (Musnad Ahmad)

Abu Saeed Al-Khudri said that the Prophet said: “The Dajjaal will be followed by seventy thousand from my Umma (nation of Muslims) wearing Al-Sijan (a type of hood or turbans, associated with Sijistan, known today as Sistan, in Iran).” (Al-Baghawi and Abd-Al-Razzaq)

This could be the Shia, Sunni or both since Rasul Allah (saws) mentioned they are part of this Ummah (pbuh).

Anas bin Malik said that the Prophet said “Seventy thousands of the Jews of Isfahan (a city in Iran) will follow the Dajjaal, wearing Tayalisa (a type of hood worn by the Jews, it resembles the Saudi hood).” (Sahih Muslim)

Mohammad bin Musab said that the Prophet (saws) said: “Seventy thousand from the Jews of Isfahan (a city in Iran) wearing Al-Tijan (turbans) will come out with the Dajjaal.” (Musnad Ahmad and Tabarani)

When we are faced with the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) our hearts will be put to test in that moment by Allah to see its quality. What argument will we put forth at this time when he will conjure miracles like a magician using science and the occult claiming to be a prophet right before our eyes to prove himself, some people will see it for what it is others won’t have the capacity.

We don’t notice the weaknesses in our character until we are challenged by an event like the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), because not many things in life come to point them out, we live comfortable lives, so they stay hidden in us growing.

At the end of this test Allah will send Isa Ibn Maryam (as) to kill the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) and stop the corruption he has spread, when the people see Isa ibn Marayam (a.s) they will see the difference between a real Messenger from Allah and a false prophet, the distinction is that clear, He will have the light of prophethood with him which is the oldest light in the universe because it was the first light Allah created and the most powerful, when the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) sees the prophet Isa (as) he will disolve like salt in water in the presence of that light, right now people don’t know the difference between one form of guidance and another, one light and another but Allah will make this very clear, they think they can build a lasting world of deception but anything built with the light of deception is only temporary because the natural state of matter in the universe is purity since the prophet (saws) said “all good is from Allah and all evil is from us”, Allah created the universe but we bring evil into it, the light of deception is a deformity of matter created through evil acts and the universe always maintains it’s natural equilibrium, the blank slate or tabula rasa it was created on and so deformities like America can’t last.

The Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will appear when the rest of the World has turned away from religion and followed their desires and it was America after September the 11 that put the world on this path splitting the world into two camps a division that will not end until he emerges. The prophet (saws) said “The Dajjaal will appear at a time when religion is treated lightly and knowledge is turned away from” people will prefer to satisfy their desires than follow knowledge and the wisdom behind it, he will come and perform what will seem like miracles but will be technology mixed with the occult, the occult will be used to stunt peoples intelligence (maskh) while they are witnessing the technological “miracle” hindering their critical thoughts, he will trick people ordering the sky to rain claiming it is a miracle that only Allah can create, he will cause crops to grow in places stricken by drought all to convince people to follow him, and this is after 3 years of almost no rain on earth, he will even raise the dead and bring them back to life imitating Isa (as) in his works and much more claiming he is the messiah, he will be relentless in his dawah (proselytizing) traveling to every major city on earth to make certain everyone hears his false message.

When ‘Uthmaan ibn Abee Al-‘Aas came, we stood, but then he sat, and so we sat also.” ‘Uthmaan said to them, “I heard the Messenger of Allah say, ‘The Muslims will have three countries: a country at the meeting of two seas (Azerbaijan which is between the Caspian Sea and the black Sea), a country in Al-Jazeerah (Arabia or North Iraq), and a country in Ash-Sham (greater Syria). People will become alarmed three times, and the Dajjaal will come out in the ‘Aaraadh of the people (this possibly means from among the smallest groups in society). He will defeat those in the East (the people of the Black Flags). The first country he will go to is the one that is at the meeting of two seas (Azerbaijan). Its people will become divided into three groups: a group that will settle down in Ash-Sham (syria) and see what he is, a group that will catch up to the Bedouins (Join the Arabs of Saudi Arabia and the Emirates), and a group that will go to the country next to them (Armenia, which borders Turkey). With the Dajjaal there will be 70,000, and upon them there will be crowns (the Jewish turban in Arabic). Most of those who are with him will be Jews and women (this refers to his army not the totality of his followers around the world). Then he will go to the country (either Turkey, Georgia or Armenia) beside it (Azerbaijan, beside doesn’t necessarily mean next to), and they will become divided into three groups: a group that will settle down in Ash-Sham (Syria) and see what he is, a group that will go to the Bedouins (Arabs), and a group that will go to the country that is beside theirs, and it is in Western Sham (Lebanon). And the Muslims will betake themselves to ‘Aqabah Afeeq (In Syria were he will face Isa eventually); they will send their livestock forth, and their livestock will become afflicted.

That will be hard upon them, for they will be afflicted with severe hunger and harsh difficulties, to the extent that one of them will burn the string of his bow and eat it. While they are upon that state, a caller will call out in the late night, just before Al-Fajr, ‘O people, rescue has come to you.’ He will repeat that three times. People will say to one another, ‘Indeed that is the voice of a man who is full. “Eeysa ibn Maryam (Jesus) will descend at the time of the Fajr Prayer, and the leader of the people will say, ‘O Roohullah (Spirit of Allah), go forward and lead the prayer.’ He will say, ‘In this Nation, some of its members are leaders for the rest.’ So their leader will step forward and lead the prayer. When he will complete his prayer, ‘Eeysa will take his spear and go toward the Dajjaal. When the Dajjaal will see him, he will melt like lead does. ‘Eeysa will place (stab) his spear underneath the chest of the Dajjaal, and he will kill him. The Dajjaal’s companions will be defeated, and at that time, they will not have anything to hide behind. Even the tree will say, ‘O believer, this is a disbeliever.’ And the rock will say, ‘O believer, this is a disbeliever.'” (Ahmad)

Ibn Mas’ood said, “When the Dajjaal comes out, people will be divided into three groups: one group will follow him; one group will go to a land that has Manaabit Ash-Sheeh; and the last group will go to the shores of Iraq; he will fight them and they will fight him until the believers gather in the villages of Ash-Sham. They will send an advance party, among whom there will be a rider whose horse is white with redness or it is black and white. They will be killed, with not a single one of them returning.” (Related by Ath-Thauree, Ibn Kathir in Al Bidaya wa Nihaya)

Jaabir ibn ‘Abdullah related that the Messenger of Allah, said, “The Dajjaal will come out at a time when the religion (of the people) will be weak and when knowledge (wisdom) will be turned away from. He will have forty days to journey through the earth; one day from that will be like a year; one day will be like a month; one day will be like a Jumu’ah (a week); and the rest of his days will be like these days of yours. He will have a donkey to ride; its breadth between its two ears is forty arm-spans (a business jet). He will say to the people, ‘I am your Lord.’ He is one-eyed and your Lord is not one-eyed. Between his eyes is written Kafara (K.F.R, short for disbeliever), with letters, which every believer will read, regardless of whether he is literate or illiterate. He will go to every (place of) water and every spring except for Al-Madeenah and Makkah, both of which Allah made forbidden upon him. And the angels are standing at the gates of both (cities). He will have with him a mountain of bread, and people will be in difficulty (in terms of food) except for those who follow him. He will have with him two rivers, and I am more knowledgeable regarding them than he is. One of those rivers he will say is Paradise, and the other he will say is Fire. As for whoever is made to enter the one he calls Paradise, it is in fact Fire.

And as for whoever is made to enter the one he calls Fire, it is in fact Paradise. Sent with him are devils that talk to the people, and with him is a great Fitnah (deception). He orders the sky to give rain, and it rains, according to what the people see (meaning it is a delusion that He did it by simply command it, technology will be used to fool people). He kills a soul and then brings it back to life, according to what the people see (thinking he is god but he is using technology). He will say to the people, ‘Does anyone other than the Lord do this?’ The Muslims will betake themselves to the Mountain of Dukhaan in Sham (Syria and surrounding areas). He will go to them and besiege them. He will be severe in his besiegement and will make matters very difficult for them. Then ‘Eeysa ibn Maryam will descend in the last part of the night just before Fajr (morning prayer). He will say, ‘O people, what has prevented you from going out to the wicked liar?’ They will say, ‘This man is from the jinn (a devil doing sihr).’ They will go and find ‘Eeysa ibn Maryam before them. The prayer will be gathered, and it will be said to him, ‘O Roohullah (Spirit of Allah), step forth (and lead the people in prayer).’ He will say, ‘Let your Imam go forth and lead you in prayer. After they pray the morning prayer, they will go out to him, and when the Liar sees him, he will melt and dissolve just as salt dissolves in water. He (Eeysa ibn Maryam) will walk to him and kill him. Even the tree and rock will call out, ‘O Roohullah,’ (Spirit of Allah) this is a Jew. And he will kill all those who followed the Dajjaal, leaving no one from them to remain.” (Ahmad – Ibn kathir in al Bidaya Wa Nihaya)

The Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) when he besieges the Muslims will have with him 70,000 Jews from Iran, it will be a miracle of the prophet Jesus (saws) that when the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) is killed these Jews won’t have a place to hide, so much so that even the trees and rocks will give away their location. Some previously thought this miracle narrated in shorter Ahadith meant muslims will be massacring the Jews at the end of time all around the world when Jesus returns but this event, as the full account is a recent fabrication, this is a local event and a miracle of Jesus (as) who himself is jewish.

By the time Jesus (as) returns many people with him will be Muslims with Jewish origin as the prophet (saws) mentioned many times, so it will be the Jewish followers of Jesus who are the remnants of the Mahdi’s (as) army killing the Jewish followers of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

Around the time of Isa’s arrival (a.s) a hadith states that the Muslims of Yemen would conquer India, “A group of people from my Ummah will invade India, and Allah will cause them to conquer it, until they come to the kings of India and bind them in chains. Allah will forgive all of their sins. Then, they will turn toward Sham, and they will find ‘Isa ibn Maryam in Sham”, Muslims during this time will still fight the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) around the world but they will loose many wars and win some.

To the rest of the world the beginning of these events may seem at the start like a war NATO is involved in, similar to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and not what previous depictions of Armageddon had envisioned it to be, a Global war and Massacre instead of the local one confined to Arabia and Europe the significance is what it will lead to and the time period of mankind it is marking. By this point in time the world would have seen many disasters, an astroid that will annihilate America, three years of global drought and almost every animal on earth dying, Europe and the Muslim world will be engaged in a massive war and the people of Asia and India will eventually follow the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) joining the ranks of Yajuj wa Majuj who are their cousins by lineage back to Nuh (as).

We should understand that Sham (greater Syria), Egypt and Arabia are the lands of the Prophets (may Allah bless them) from the beginning of time until our prophet (pbuh) 1400 years ago, Allah has chosen these lands as the places He sent down his revelations and holy books to. All revelations revolve around and speak of these Land’s he chose to bless above others, and it is the context of all the prophetic information we have regarding the events just before the Hour.

The European’s will have their beliefs and excuses about why they will involve themselves in this Syrian war and will again be involved in such a war over Egypt, and why they will break the seven year truce between them and the Muslims, all seen in their words “Do not stand between us and those who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them.” and their words “We will not cease fighting you until you bring out to us every one among you whose origin is not from you (those who converted from amongst them).” But both reasons are light in consequence to the Great War that follows.

These excuses are very similar to how World War One began, a war costing over 65 million lives over the assassination of two human beings.

This attitude is in line with present day hostilities and attempts to rid Europe of Islam, once a people adopt a behaviour it is hard to rid them of it and it will only increase. It is rather that these events will Lead to the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) who will do more damage to the world and man’s psychology than al Malhama al Kubra (the Great War) ever did, nothing will justify their actions and what they want to achieve.

An-Nawwas b. Sam’an reported that Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said “at this very time that Allah would send Christ, son of Mary, and he will descend at the white minaret in the eastern side of Damascus wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he would lower his head, there would fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he would raise it up, beads like pearls would scatter from it. Every non-believer who would smell the odour of his self would die and his breath would reach as far as he would be able to see…”

Isa (Jesus) will descend with the Judgment of Allah, being himself as pure as the Angels, Allah said in the Quran “And they (the Pagans 0f Makkah) say: “Why has not an angel been sent down to him? (in person)” (Allah replied) Had We sent down an angel, the matter would have been judged at once, and no respite would be granted to them”(6:8), Had Allah sent down an Angel physically, Allah’s judgment through his presence would have been passed on the action’s of the people present, Jesus is similarly that Judgment being sent down by Allah.

The prophet (saws) continued…“He would then search for him (the Dajjaal) until he would catch hold of him at the gate of Ludd and would kill him. Then a people whom Allah had protected would come to Jesus, son of Mary, and he would wipe their faces and would inform them of their ranks in Paradise and it would be under such conditions that Allah would reveal to Jesus these words: I have brought forth from amongst My servants such people against whom none would be able to fight; you take these people safely to (mount) Tur (in Egypt), and then Allah would send Gog and Magog and they would swarm down from every slope. (The wall of Yajuj wa Majuj came down after the prophet (saws) died, historically it was located in the caucus mountain range the only place that fits its description in location and legend. The descendants of the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj in the world will follow the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) and the people of Asia and India who neighbour them will join their ranks to likewise follow him becoming part of these tribes, as the prophet (saws) said “who ever imitates a people becomes one of them” and “who ever speaks arabic is an arab”, these people will believe in the religion of the Dajjaal and immitate their cousins).

The first of them would pass the lake of Tiberius and drink out of it. And when the last of them would pass, he would say: There was once water there. Jesus and his companions would then be besieged here (at Tur, and they would be so hard pressed) that the head of the ox would be dearer to them than one hundred dinars, Allah’s Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would supplicate to Allah, Who would send to them (extremely small) insects (a simile for a disease or virus, mentioned in other ahadith which would attack their necks) and in the morning they would perish like one single person. Allah’s Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would then come down to the earth (from the mountain) and they would not find in the earth (around them) as much space as a single span which is not filled with their putrefaction and stench. Allah’s Apostle, Jesus, and his companions would then again beseech Allah, Who would send birds whose necks would be like those of bactrian camels (having long necks) and they would carry them and throw them were Allah would will.

Then Allah would send rain which no house of clay or (the tent of) camels’ hairs would keep out and it would wash away the earth until it would appear to be a mirror. Then the earth would be told to bring forth its fruit and restore its blessing and as a result thereof, (during this time) there would grow (such a) pomegranate that a group of persons would be able to eat that, and seek shelter under its skin and the milking cow would give so much milk that a whole party would be able to drink it. And the milking camel would give such (a large quantity of) milk that the whole tribe would be able to drink out of that and the milking sheep would give so much milk that the whole family would be able to drink out of that (this is what life will be like when Isa returns, but after he passes away 40 years later…) and at that time Allah would send a pleasant wind which would soothe (people) under their armpits, and would take the life of every Muslim and only the wicked would survive (on earth from this time on) who would commit adultery like asses and the Last Hour would (only) come to them”. (Muslim)

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