Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

Taweez Against “His Angels Were Cast Out With Him”

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu alaikum.

It is the job of a wali to find out where chaos in the world is coming from, it is part of his tariqah to understand what is affecting him and how it is influencing him and then to deal with it, the following Taweez I have permission from Allah to write, it is something that has the power to fix the balance of the universe because Angels are the hand of good and evil in it working as agents for both sources which you will see from the Quran.

After doing so He blessed it and showed me we have given peace to the world so He increased us in the same, insha Allah you are given the same when you write it.

Allah appoints Angels to all his creatures who support them in life, because of this the people of fitnah their evil is supported by Angels whose hands are removed from it but need to live with it, the obvious case of this is the Dajjal people will only worship the Dajjal after Allah appoints two Angels to his side whose angelic light will fool people who are evil into thinking that light is divine and proof for his claims.

Iblis is the same: “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”

But you don’t have to bear the burden of these creatures for their choices in life and because of this reality much of the chaos on earth is from their hand, so you have permission from Allah to protect yourself.

The other major proof of this are the words of Harut wa Marut (2:102) who said to people do not follow us we are a Fitnah, showing Angels can be a Fitnah to people. These types of Angels are a test for people and this taweez will help with that, it is a taweez against Angels with the Kufar and Fustaat al Munafiqeen, who Rasul Allah (saws) speaks about.

Insha Allah write the following in a book and draw a rough circle or rectangle around it.

Abd Al Khamir, Abd Al Maal, Abd Al Hashish, Abd al Qafs, Abd al Kufr, Abd al Sihr, Abd Iblis, Abd Al Dajjal, Abd Al Jassasah, Abd Al Waqiha, Abd Al Sharmuta, Abd al Jahash, Abd Al Himar.

(Here they are in In Arabic)

عبد الخمر . عبد المال . عبد الحشيش . عبد القفص . عبد الكفر . عبد السحر . عبد الجحش . عبد الحمار . عبد إبليس . عبد الدجال . عبد الجساسة . عبد الوقحة . عبد الشرموطة .

(In Arabic if you can, these things are sources of power for fitnah and they are used as accusations against the subject, they will bring things into the open if the accusation holds against them, it will essentially destroy their power).

(Verse 12:35), ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ (Verse 38:34) وَلَقَدْ فَتَنَّا سُلَيْمَانَ وَأَلْقَيْنَا عَلَىٰ كُرْسِيِّهِ جَسَدًا ثُمَّ أَنَابَ (Verse 2:102) وَمَا أُنزِلَ عَلَى الْمَلَكَيْنِ بِبَابِلَ هَارُوتَ وَمَارُوتَ وَمَا يُعَلِّمَانِ مِنْ أَحَدٍ حَتَّىٰ يَقُولَا إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ فِتْنَةٌ فَلَا تَكْفُرْ

(These Angels have no right to come to you, they can only harm you if you go to them, this is what Allah is establishing with this verse and because the lessor ones among them make this mistake this taweez is permissible).

  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for yourself and your family)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for the World)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for Ummat Al Islam)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for Ahl Al Bayt, Ahl Al Ghayb and Ahl Al Jannah)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for Ahl Rasul Allah)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for the Muhsineen and Mu’imineen)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for the Prophets)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for the Awliyah)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for the Mujtahid Imams and Scholars)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for the Shuhada and Mujahideen)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this according to Allah’s intention, before writing just say According to your Intention Ya Allah)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this according to Rasul Allah’s (saws) intention, when you do these two Allah and Rasul Allah (saws) will complete what is missing from your work for you)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for yourself)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for yourself)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for yourself)
  • Fitna Of Their ملاءكة (Write this for yourself)

(This means Angels: ملاءكة)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.


What You Can Do For Your Children

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

I received news that I’m going to be an uncle for the second time, my brother is having another daughter Alhamdulillah, please make dua for her if you benefit from my work.

When I was told the news after initially being happy, naturally I became worried about what it would be like to be a woman in this world, so I made dua for her, I said: “Ya Mala’ika, Ihsibu Kil al Ilm lah Tihtaj Did Hal Fitnah Tabaa Iyamnah, Wa Kilshi Tihsibu Iqru Alaiha”. Ya Mala’ika, calculate all the knowledge she will need against the fitnha of our time and everything you calculate recite over her.

After I did that the Mala’ika said to me this is what the early Muslims used to do for the children, then they showed me two of the tabiin reciting something for their children and explained, they spoke to us all the time like this and asked so their children could get a head start in life.

What ever the early Muslims thought their children needed they would ask from the Angels, who they saw every day, so their children would have a stepping stone in life, the first generations of Muslims lead the entire world in knowledge, Ihsan, and almost every area of life.

The words recited over her by the Angels will shape her future and what she has access to in life, what she is going to see what she is going to experience and what is going to occur to her heart as she matures. I also asked for her against the fitnah of men and the occult in our time, so insha Allah you should do the same, and don’t hesitate to ask what ever you can think of.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

Mala’ikah, Jinn and Maskh

Bismillahi rahmani raheem.

The world we live in, as the Prophet (saws) said, is under the Maskh of the people deciding everything. That means whatever issue reaches your life, by the time it is given its reality in the spiritual world, every part of it that could have helped you grow from the experience is deliberately taken out so you don’t benefit from anything you live in life, so the world seems hollow because it is made hollow.

Allah said in a hadith Qudsi “I am as my servant thinks I am”, meaning as he believes in Allah His belief shapes his reality, and because Allah is Haq what you are in fact doing is allowing Allah to show you what He created spiritually. This is the only time when you gain from belief otherwise as the prophet (saws) said this world and everything in is cursed and if it meant anything to Allah he would not have given a drop of water to the Kufar, their kufr would have made the purity He wanted for you foul.

But imagine the same systems in the universe that create your reality under an evil empire like Pharaoh’s, those who create society create the reality you live by both in the physical and spiritual world, the hadith is saying when you design society like they have the spiritual world adopts their beliefes and intentions.

Because it is the nature of this world that a person is trapped by his own evil as he persists in in it, Allah and the prophet (saws) spoke about this, and we have been suffering this in life for many generations now by those who created modern society, it means the children of the people who perpetrated this on the world are born into this same world and its evil and only experience the warped reality their forefathers created, the matter has become a cycle that no one is in charge of and many have commented about the “Machine” we are all put through.

Allah himself swore to do this to these people who tried to fool the world, with communism, capitalism, socialism, Marxism and other Maskh ideologies that force you to focus on their core beliefs, their names alone tell you the truth of what I am saying.

So, insha Allah I hope you now see what Allah and his prophet (saws) were talking about when they warned about this, they called it the worst oppression this world will face because it will cover the world and destroy the natural spiritual reality it had through history.

So, when you use Mala’ikat Jahanam, or Mala’ikat al Mawt, because their light carries with it the finality of matters since that is their Maqam with Allah, I’m using spiritual language here that scholars will understand what is underpinning it, it is like a cure for the people and Jinn of this world that destroys the light of their Maskh and everything I am describing.

Being touched by the light of these Angels forces the minds of people and Jinn to experience matters from their finality, full perspective, full measure, so they can feel were the path will end.

You need to take care of the spiritual world before you see solutions in life, and using the Angels of Jahanam and Mawt over time is a cure to the spiritual Maskh you see in the world today, not just for humans but Jinn who are also suffering from this and behaving the way many see them because shortsightedness is forced on them.

You will find even Jinn that once attacked you will come and thank you, so understand.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

نٓ‌ۚ وَٱلۡقَلَمِ وَمَا يَسۡطُرُونَ

Abu Ahmad as-Sughuri

The ‘Sword of Religion’ is he who enters combat for religion’s sake and whose efforts are totally for God. He discerns correct from incorrect and truth from falsehood.
But, he first struggles with himself and rectifies his own character traits. As the Prophet said, ‘Begin with your own self!

Rumi, Fihi ma fihi

He was the Inheritor of the Knowledge of Prophets in his time, the Imam of Qutbs, and the Advisor of the Kingdom of Guidance. He quenched his spiritual thirst by drinking from the fountain of Heavenly Knowledge and he reached a stage of Annihilation at the age of thirty. He was the summit of Ascetic Saints. He was addressed by the Heavenly Kingdom as the Khalif of this Kingdom on Earth. In his person were combined the both knowledges, and he acquired and grasped all the benefit of the Taraqat and  aqaqat. He became the center of all Heavenly Inspirations and Revelations. He was a Secret from Allah’s Secrets and a Miracle from Allah’s Miracles. He was the Unique Banner of the Knowledge of Spirituality and the Knowledge of the Pen. He was like the Pole Star giving direction and illuminating the way for the people of his time. He revived dead hearts and he wore the cloak of the great saints. He didn’t leave an atom in this world unsupported by his spiritual power.

He was born in Sughur, a village in Daghestan on the 3rd of Rajab, Wednesday, in 1207 H/1789 AD.

He stood on the throne of the Qutb for forty years. His fame spread everywhere. He trained his followers and lifted them by means of his spiritual power. If anyone appeared in his presence, even for one hour, he was raised to the State of Hearing and the State of Vision. He said, “I do not depend on the effort of the murid, but I depend on the light that Allah has given to me for that murid. I raise him by means of that light, because I know that it is not possible for a person to reach the State of Unveiling by his own effort alone. That is the meaning of the invocation of the Prophet salla, ‘O Allah, do not leave me to my ego for the blink of an eye.’”

The following are among his sayings:

“Allah has provided every servant with his provision. Whoever does not acquire knowledge of the daily provision that Allah has granted him, will be considered ignorant in Our Tariqat.”

“Those who achieve the Reality of this Taraqat are very few. With the power of that Reality one can reach all the saints in this world, and with the Divine Power conferred when you attain the Reality of this Tariqat, you can reach all angels, one by one.”

“The spiritual light that Allah gives to you on your way in this Order is the Beacon that lights the Way to His Divine Presence without fear.”

“In this taraqat, to distinguish other than Allah is unbelief.”

“The Sufi is the one who has left the world behind, the Hereafter behind, the Divine Presence behind and who subsists in Him Alone.”

Abu Ahmad as-Sughuri spent most of his life in seclusion. He liked seclusion, he liked to be away from people. For that reason he was quite happy when he was put under house arrest by the Russians, which happened to him many times.

“One day I was in my seclusion and the room was filled with a beautiful scent. I didn’t raise my eyes, but kept meditating in my seclusion. Then a spiritual sword, shining with more light than that of the sun, descended toward my head. I was wondering what it was that I felt descending on me. A vision appeared to me in which the Prophet salla enveloped me with his spirit, and I entered in him and I saw myself in him.”

“One time I entered the presence of my Shaykh, Sayyidina Jamaluddin al-Ghumuqi al-Husayni. He said, ‘My son, you have attained the highest state of the Muhammadan Perfection.’ I said, ‘O my Shaykh, I would like to reach the lineage of your state.’ As soon as I said that, I saw him disappearing from his place and appearing in me, and I saw myself disappearing and appearing in his place and with his form.”

From His Miraculous Power

He was granted miraculous powers unprecedented among the saints. Of the Unveiling of the hidden in this Universe, and of his grant from the Divine Spiritual Knowledge of the states of people after their death, the extent was so boundless and vast that no book can encompass its description.

It is said that when he was young, he used to see the name of Allah written in light between heaven and earth. That generated in him great modesty and humbleness. No one was able to take a photograph of him. When anyone tried, the camera would break apart. Whenever they tried to draw his likeness on paper the pen would not write, or the next day the picture would disappear. He said, “I don’t want to be known in this world after I die, because I don’t wish for myself any form of existence.”

He often prayed Fajr (Dawn) prayer with the same ablution of `Isha (Night) prayer, indicating that he hadn’t slept.

One time as he was traveling with his family, they found themselves without water in the desert on the way to Hijaz. His family was very thirsty. He told his servant, ‘Go and get some water.’ He said, “O my Shaykh, how will I find water in this desert?” He asked the people in their caravan if anyone had water, but no one did and all their waterskins were dry. The Shaykh then took an empty waterskin and went off into the desert for ten minutes. When he returned the skin was full and with it he quenched his family’s thirst and that of the people of the caravan. Then he filled all the water bags of the caravan from that one bag, and returned to his family with it still full as if it had never been used.

From His Sayings

He said,

“I achieved the three levels of sainthood: Annihilation (Fana‘), Subsistence (Baqa‘), and Spiritual Knowledge (Ma`rifa). I received these from the presence of the Light of the Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad salla, and I received the Three States of Perfection and the Seven Realities from my teacher, Sayyidina Jamaluddin al-Ghumuqi al-Husayni.

“Pride never entered the heart of a person but that his mind decreased to the degree that the pride had increased in his heart.”

“Difficulties might touch a believer, but they would not affect the one who makes Dhikr.”

His Jihad

He was the reviver of the Shari`a and  Tariqa in his time and he attracted thousands and thousands of people back to Islam and to the Naqshbandi Tariqat.

His Jihad

In Daghestan he was considered both a spiritual Shaykh, carrying the teachings of the Naqshbandi Order, and, at the same time, a great warrior, like Imam Shamil, because he fought the Russians. He was the main religious authority after Sayyid Jamaluddin’s departure. The Russian Army took him prisoner many times. One such time when they took him prisoner, they put him in a carriage to take him away. All the people of his village came to bid him farewell. They were crying as if they were losing their hearts. He sat in the carriage quietly searching the crowd for someone. The man who was driving the carriage, whipped the horses to get them to me but they wouldn’t move. Sayyidina Abu Ahmad as-Sughuri said, “Why are you beating the horses?” He said, “I am beating the horses to make them move.” He said, “They are not going to move, until I give the order for them to move. They are under my command. And I am waiting for someone.”

They sat like that for several hours, until a man came running through the crowd. He was a Russian officer. Sayyidina Abu Ahmad asked him, “Are you not the son of my friend Ahmad? Why are you in the Russian Army? You are Daghestani. You must not be with their army while they are killing Muslims.” Then he told him, “You have to leave them and to listen to us.” He said, “Yes, my Shaykh, I will listen to you.” He said, “Of course you will listen to us, because even the wild animals in the forest listen to us when we go there to make dhikr. Even these horses listen to us and will not move except by our orders. Your father is a great Shaykh and I say you must leave them. You are going to be saint. O my son, don’t leave the people of exoteric knowledge and don’t leave the people of esoteric knowledge. Look at that cemetery and don’t forget the one day you and I are going to be buried there.” Immediately that young officer took off his uniform and took initiation from the Shaykh. The army soldiers took him prisoner as well. Then Sayyidina Abu Ahmad as-Sughuri said, “Now you have permission to move,” and the horses began to move.

Allah and The Prophet salla loved him for his sincerity and loyalty. His Shaykh was very happy with him, and his village cherished him. Each time he was released from imprisonment, his house filled with provision and guests.

They asked him, “You are not working, the Russians are against you and you are fighting, how is it that your house is always full with provision? He said, “Anyone who is struggling in the way of God, Allah will provide for him. And that is what Allah said in Qur’an, “Every time that Zakariyya entered her chamber, he found her supplied with sustenance” [3:37].

His Passing

He died in Sughur on the 17th of Rabi’ul-Awwal in the year 1299/1882 CE. at the age of 93.

Many years after he had passed away his daughter saw him in a dream. He told her, “O my daughter, the stone of my grave has fallen down and is laying on my chest, pressing on me and hurting me.” The next day his daughter went to the Shaykhs of the city and told them that dream. She told the dream to everyone she met. The people believed the dream and went quickly to open up the grave. They found that the stone which covered his body had fallen down, and the walls of the grave had tumbled in around him. They found his body clean and unchanged. His shroud was still white, as if he had just been buried that same day.

They removed his body, redug the grave and replaced his body. Everyone was surprised and astonished at how he had come to her in the dream and told her about the situation in the grave. More surprising though, was the perfect condition of his body. After seeing this, they all took baycah with his successor, Sayyidina Abu Muhammad al-Madani.

Sayyidina Abu Ahmad as-Sughuri had two khalifs: Abu Muhammad al-Madani and Shaykh Sharafuddin ad-Daghestani. The secret of the Golden Chain was passed to the first, and upon his death, to the second.

Tayfur Abu Yazid al-Bistami

I have planted love in my heart
and shall not be distracted until Judgment Day.
You have wounded my heart when You came near me.
My desire grows, my love is bursting.
He has poured me a sip to drink.
He has quickened my heart with the cup of love
Which he has filled at the ocean of friendship.


His Life

Bayazid’s grandfather was a Zoroastrian from Persia. Bayazid made a detailed study of the statutes of Islamic law (shari`a) and practiced a strict regimen of self-denial (zuhd). All his life he was assiduous in the practice of his religious obligations and in observing voluntary worship.

He urged his students (murids) to put their affairs in the hands of Allah and he encouraged them to accept sincerely the pure doctrine of tawhid (the Oneness of God). This doctrine consisted of five essentials: to keep the obligations according to the Qur’an and Sunnah, to always speak the truth, to keep the heart free from hatred, to avoid forbidden food and to shun innovations (bid`a).

His Sayings

One of his sayings was, “I have come to know Allah through Allah, and I have come to know what is other than Allah with the light of Allah.” He said, “Allah has granted his servants favors for the purpose of bringing them closer to Him. Instead they are fascinated with the favors and are drifting farther from Him.” And he said, praying to Allah, “O Allah, You have created this creation without their knowledge and You have placed on them a trust without their will. If You don’t help them who will help them?”

Bayazid said the ultimate goal of the Sufi is to experience the vision of Allah in the Hereafter. To that effect he said, “There are special servants of Allah who, if Allah veiled Himself from their sight in Paradise, would implore Him to take them out of Paradise just as the inhabitants of the Fire implore Him to release them from Hell.”

He said about Allah’s love for His servant, “If Allah loves His servant He will grant three attributes that are the proofs of His Love: generosity like the generosity of the ocean, and favor like the favor of the Sun in its giving of light, and modesty like the modesty of the Earth. The true lover never considers any affliction too great and never decreases his worship because of his pure faith.”

A man asked Bayazid, “Show me a deed by which I will approach my Lord.” He said, “Love the friends of Allah in order that they will love you. Love his saints until they love you. Because Allah looks at the hearts of His saints and He will see your name engraved in the heart of His saints and He will forgive you.” For this reason, the Naqshbandi followers have been elevated by their love for their shaikhs. This love lifts them to a station of continuous pleasure and continuous presence in the heart of their beloved.

Many Muslim scholars in his time, and many after his time, said that Bayazid al-Bistami was the first one to spread the Reality of Annihilation (fana’). Even that strictest of scholars, Ibn Taymiyya, who came in the 7th Century A.H., admired Bayazid for this and considered him to be one of his masters. Ibn Taymiyya said about him, “There are two categories of fana‘: one is for the perfect Prophets and saints, and one is for seekers from among the saints and pious people(saliheen). Bayazid al-Bistami is from the first category of those who experience fana’, which means the complete renunciation of anything other than God. He accepts none except God. He worships none except Him, and he asks from none except Him.” He continues, quoting Bayazid saying, “I want not to want except what He wants.”

It was reported about Bayazid that he said, “I divorced the lower world thrice in order that I could not return to it and I moved to my Lord alone, without anyone, and I called on Him alone for help by saying, ‘O Allah, O Allah, no one remains for me except You.’ At that time I came to know the sincerity of my supplication in my heart and the reality of the helplessness of my ego. Immediately the acceptance of that supplication was perceived by my heart. This opened to me a vision that I was no longer in existence and I vanished completely from myself into His self. And He brought up all that I had divorced before in front of me, and dressed me with light and with His attributes.”

Bayazid said, “Praise to Me, for My greatest Glory!” And he continued saying, “I set forth on an ocean when the

[earlier] prophets were still by the shore.” And he said, “O My Lord, Your obedience to me is greater than my obedience to You.” This means, “O God, You are granting my request and I have yet to obey You.”

He said, “I made four mistakes in my preliminary steps in this way: I thought that I remember Him and I know Him and I love Him and I seek Him, but when I reached Him I saw that His remembering of me preceded my remembrance of Him, and His knowledge about me preceded my knowledge of Him and His love towards me was more ancient than my love towards Him, and He sought me in order that I would begin to seek Him.”

Adh-Dhahabi quoted him in many great matters, among which were “Praise to Me, for My greatest Glory!” and “There is nothing in this robe I am wearing except Allah.” Adh-Dhahabi’s teacher Ibn Taymiyya explained, “He didn’t see himself as existing any longer, but only saw the existence of Allah, due to his self-denial.”

Adh-Dhahabi further relates, “He said, O Allah, what is your Fire? It is nothing. Let me be the one person to go into your Fire and everyone else will be saved. And what is your Paradise? It is a toy for children. And who are those unbelievers who you want to torture? They are your servants. Forgive them.”

Ibn Hajar said, in reference to Bayazid’s famous utterances, “Allah knows the secret and Allah knows the heart. Whatever Aba Yazid spoke from the Knowledge of Realities the people of his time did not understand. They condemned him and exiled him seven times from his city. Every time he was exiled, terrible afflictions would strike the city until the people would call him back, pledge allegiance to him, and accept him as a real saint.”

Attar and Arusi relate that Bayazid said, when he was exiled from his city, “O Blessed city, whose refuse is Bayazid!”

One time Bayazid said, “Allah the Most Just called me into His Presence and said to me, ‘O Bayazid how did you arrive in My Presence?’ I replied, ‘Through zuhd, by renouncing the world.’ He said, ‘The value of the lower world is like the wing of a mosquito. What kind of renunciation have you come with?’ I said, ‘O Allah, forgive me.’ Then I said, ‘O Allah, I came to you through tawakkul, by dependence on You.’ Then He said, ‘Did I ever betray the trust which I promised you?’ I said, ‘O Allah forgive me.’ Then I said, ‘O Allah, I came to you through You.’ At that time Allah said, ‘Now We accept you.’”

He said, “I stood with the pious and I didn’t find any progress with them. I stood with the warriors in the cause and I didn’t find a single step of progress with them. I stood with those who pray excessively and those who fast excessively and I didn’t make a footstep of progress. Then I said, ‘O Allah, what is the way to You?’ and Allah said, ‘Leave yourself and come.’”

Ibrahim Khawwas said, “The way that Allah showed to him, with the most delicate word and the simplest explanation, was to ‘leave your self-interest in the two worlds, the dunya and the Hereafter, leave everything other than Me behind.’ That is the best and easiest way to come to Allah Almighty and Exalted, the most perfect and highest state of affirming Oneness, not to accept anything or anyone except Allah the Most High.”

One of the followers of Dhul Nun al-Misri was following Bayazid. Bayazid asked him, “Who do you want?” He replied, “I want Bayazid.” He said, “O my son, Bayazid is wanting Bayazid for forty years and is still not finding him.” That disciple of Dhul Nun then went to him and narrated this incident to him. On hearing it Dhul Nun fainted. He explained later saying, “My master Bayazid has lost himself in Allah’s love. That causes him to try to find himself again.”

They asked him, “Teach us about how you reached true Reality.” He said, “By training myself, by seclusion.” They said, “How?” He said, “I called my self to accept Allah Almighty and Exalted, and it resisted. I took an oath that I would not drink water and I would not taste sleep until I brought my self under my control.”

He also said, “O Allah! it is not strange that I love You because I am a weak servant, but it is strange that You love me when You are the King of Kings.”

He said, “For thirty years, when I wanted to remember Allah and do dhikr I used to wash my tongue and my mouth for His glorification.”

He said, “As long as the servant thinks that there is among the Muslims someone lower than himself, that servant still has pride.”

They asked him, “Describe your day and describe your night.” He said, “I don’t have a day and I don’t have a night, because day and night are for those who have characteristics of creation. I have shed my self the way the snake sheds its skin.”

Of Sufism Bayazid said: “It it to give up rest and to accept suffering.”

Of the obligation to follow a guide, he said: “Who does not have a sheikh, his sheikh is Satan.”

Of seeking God he said, “Hunger is a rain cloud. If a servant becomes hungry, Allah will shower his heart with wisdom.”

Of his intercession he said, “If Allah will give me permission to intercede for all the people of my time I will not be proud, because I am only interceding for a piece of clay,” and “If Allah gave me permission for intercession, first I would intercede for those who harmed me and those who denied me.”

To a young man who wanted a piece of his old cloak for baraka (blessing), Bayazid said: “Should you take all Bayazid’s skin and wear it as yours, it would avail you nothing unless you followed his example.”

They said to him, “The key for Paradise is ‘La ilaha ill-Allah‘ (witnessing that there is no god except Allah).” He said, “It is true, but a key is for opening a lock; and the key of such witnessing can only operate under the following conditions:

1) a tongue which doesn’t lie nor backbite;
2) a heart without betrayal;
3) a stomach without h aram or doubtful provision;
4) deeds without desire or innovation.”

He said, “The ego or self always looks at the world and the ruh  (spirit) always looks at the next life and ma`rifat (spiritual knowledge) always looks at Allah Almighty and Exalted. He whose self defeats him is from those who are destroyed, and he whose spirit is victorious over his self, he is of the pious, and he whose spiritual knowledge overcomes his self, he is of the God-conscious.”

Ad-Dailami said, “One time I asked `Abdur Rahman bin Yahya about the state of trust in Allah (tawakkul). He said, “If you put your hand in the mouth of a lion, don’t be afraid of other than Allah.” I went in my heart to visit and ask Bayazid about this matter. I knocked and I heard from inside, “Wasn’t what `Abdur Rahman said to you enough? You came only to ask, and not with the intention of visiting me.” I understood and I came again another time one year later, knocking at his door. This time he answered, “Welcome my son, this time you came to me as a visitor and not as a questioner.”

They asked him “When does a man become a man?” He said, “When he knows the mistakes of his self and he busies himself in correcting them.”

He said, “I was twelve years the blacksmith of my self, and five years the polisher of the mirror of my heart, and for one year I was looking in that mirror and I saw on my belly the girdle of unbelief. I tried hard to cut it and I spent twelve years in that effort. Then I looked in that mirror and I saw inside my body that girdle. I spent five years cutting it. Then I spent one year looking at what I had done. And Allah opened for me the vision of all creations. And I saw all of them dead. And I prayed four takbiras of janaza (funeral prayer) over them.”

He said one time: “If the Throne and what is around it and what is in it were placed in the corner of the heart of a Knower, they would be lost completely inside it.”

Of Bayazid’s state, al-`Abbas ibn Hamza related the following: “I prayed behind Bayazid the Dhuhr prayer, and when he raised his hands to say ‘Allahu Akbar’ he was unable to pronounce the words, in fear of Allah’s Holy Name, and his entire body was trembling and the sound of bones breaking came from him; I was seized by fear.”

Munawi relates that one day, Bayazid attended the class of a faqih (jurisprudent) who was explaining the laws of inheritance: “When a man dies and leaves such-and-such, his son will have such-and-such, etc.” Bayazid exclaimed: “O faqih, O faqih! What would you say of a man who died leaving nothing but God?” People began to cry, and Bayazid continued: “The slave possesses nothing; when he dies, he leaves nothing but his own master. He is such as Allah created him in the beginning.” And he recited: “You shall return to us alone, as we created you the first time” [6:94].

Sahl at-Tustari sent a letter to Bayazid which read: “Here is a man who drank a drink which leaves him forever refreshed.” Bayazid replied: “Here is a man who has drunk all existences, but whose mouth is dry and burn with thirst.”

His Death

When Bayazid died, he was over seventy years old. Before he died, someone asked him his age. He said: “I am four years old. For seventy years I was veiled. I got rid of my veils only four years ago.” The 39th Sheikh of the Golden Chain, Sultan al-Awliya Sheikh `Abdullah Daghestani, referred to this saying in his encounter with Khidr  , who told him, as he was pointing to the graves of some great scholars in a Muslim cemetery: “This one is three years old; that one, seven; that one, twelve.”


Seeing Mala’ikat Al Mawt

Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

I know people don’t read everything I write so they end up missing some of the contexts in my writing, but much of what is in my emails (and Facebook posts) hinges on what was previously said, so I will write this trying to give as much information as needed and not repeat myself to much.

​I previously wrote the first group of Mala’ikah Allah introduced me to where Mala’ikat al Mawt, they were not the first Angels I had seen but the first as a group I got to witness their work. This was around the time of the 2004 tsunami, that took with it some 300,000 lives in an hour. Whilst I haven’t seen the Angel of death these are the Angels that help him which I witnessed.

Sometime before that, I’m not going to get the details of this account exact because this was over a decade ago, whilst at work and whilst I was carrying out my duties alone, I felt the presence of a group of Angels standing over me, discussing if I would be prepared, for what I didn’t know at the time, but they were tall like trees and black, not evil like Jinn but like the blackness of space with that calmness in them like you would feel when looking into the night sky, and if I didn’t hear them discussing this matter I wouldn’t have noticed.

All of this was after I received my silsila of tasawwuf from the prophet (saws), hence at some point when Allah felt I was ready He was going to introduce me to the spiritual world, this is how that began with these Mala’ika and these events. This was the second time I heard Mala’ika discussing if I was ready for something before it occurred, the first was that night I saw the prophet Muhammad (saws).

From what I have seen and experienced over the years from Mala’ika, before Allah would show me an important dream or event, the Malai’ika would come and prepare my heart for it so I would receive it properly, the night I saw the Arsh of Allah they visited me on that night every year for a number of years before hand until my heart was ready. Many people who see the prophet (saws) don’t realise this but the Mala’ika prepare every person for such things beforehand.

The day they were referring to, I arrived at work, which was a place located at the shore of Sydney Harbour, one of the people I worked with warned me not to go to close to the water front a person had gotten drunk while partying and fell of the boat and drowned, they were just now taking his body out from the water when I arrived so he didn’t want me to see and experience death like this by seeing the body, so I took his advice and didn’t get to close.

But whilst I was working that day I sensed something like two groups where arguing over a matter, the Mala’ika were arguing over the fate of the drowned person and wanted my opinion. I didn’t know much about Him or what happened, but at this time in my life Allah placed me in a state of mercy (Rahma) and that is how I saw the world, today we are in a state of Jihad because we have a responsibility to deal with the fitnah gripping the world and its people, but back then things were not as bad yet.

I think the Mala’ika knew all of that about me and wanted to weigh the matter within my nafs after I heard that a person who got drunk consequently died in this haram state, they wanted to test that if hearing about the evil of this person, its force, will be enough to stop me from showing rahma as was my nature, they weren’t looking for a faqih to help them judge fiqh.

If you would like perspective on this, the Mala’ika had trouble deciding His fate like they had trouble deciding the fate of the person who killed 100 people and then decided to repent to Allah but died before hand, Allah asked them to measure which land he was closest to the land of fitnah he came from or the land of rahma he was going to and that decided the matter.

The Mala’ika of Rahma won his soul from the Mala’ika of punishment, and he was forgiven, hearing about this person his fate and the circumstances he died in, along with how that day presented itself to me, it wasn’t enough to change my heart and condemn him from little to no information, so I read the fatiha upon him feeling it was my responsibility because no one else was here to do anything for this Muslim at the time of death.

Fate, Allah, had brought me there at that moment, they could have taken his body out of the water before I arrived or any number of things could have occurred so our paths never crossed, this was how I saw the matter later on, because I was being asked to judge based on my fitrah (disposition) and state and not on shariah.

Later in life I would understand all of this was something from Allah for the Mala’ika and that person, but Allah also wanted me to experience the reality of death first hand.

That was the last I heard of the matter until a few years later when Allah wanted me to learn more about this. At the time He sent me to the second evil Imam I would be sent to, to try and help guide him back (I’ve written about this before so I won’t repeat that here) I was in one of his small gatherings when two women spoke up and I realised the drowned man’s sisters were here.

Mention of their dead brother came up and how he died, along with the place and date it occurred, details where left out about what caused his death, but I already knew and recognised them from all that.

Not many people die in that exact spot through drowning it is right on the shore in one of the most crowded places in the city, you can easily swim to safety, had he not been drunk he wouldn’t have drowned and realised how close he was to the shore when he fell in the water, so it was the only death in all the time I worked there.

Because I read the fatiha I had an idea of his fate even if his family didn’t, but I didn’t know why he would deserve Rahma from Allah if he died in a state of Ghaflah, heedlessness.

Seeing his family in a place like this with this evil Imam, who practiced sihr along with basically everyone in his group (this is something that revealed itself over time), they seemed close to him so that gave me a few of the answers. Some people are driven to do what they do by their own family, you either accept what we do or your out on the street, so this is forced on them even though their heart is somewhere else, I am assuming the person kept some kind of light in his heart for Allah through all of this which Allah accepted, or did something to return to Allah like the man who killed 100 people, because he was the door I would go through to reach what Allah had prepared for me at the end of that day.

Allah says in the Quran “La Ikraha Fi Deen”, “there is no compulsion in religion”, Allah won’t accept compulsion and acts done under compulsion, and that is enough for a Muslims akhira.

I was under this reality of this event the entire time I was at work that day, so just before I finished work, that is when the 2004 Tsunami hit, just before it occurred something grabbed my perception physically turned my head towards its direction and a voice said to me “Look”.

On the Horizon in the far distance of the coast, I was seeing and hearing all of this spiritually so when I say of the coast I mean Allah gave me light so my sight reached as far as the location of these events, I could see a great multitude of dark figures, like those before, in the sky, it was a huge gathering.

Then I heard something like a huge crack sound occur which was the land slide under the sea that caused the Tsunami to occur, it was the first of the three major landslides at the end of time the prophet (saws) warned about, and Allah was allowing us to witness it.

“And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you.” (2:143) Allah made us a witness over His judgment of these people.

I then saw that large Multitude of Angels, dive towards the ocean like birds diving into the sea to catch fish, and rising back up into the sky. The Mala’ika were taking the souls of the 300,000 people who died in the Tsunami that day.

That was the first time I saw Mala’ikat al Mawt and we would not see them again for a long time, the last time was when it came to me to ask them for help like we asked the Mala’ika of Jahanam (which I wrote about previously) to see if they would deal with matters differently from their perspective on life.

By this time in our life Allah had already removed the barzakh from our vision so we saw ghayb with much more clarity. We made the request and when they appeared, they were very close to us responding immediately. They felt very familiar like they had been there with us in life all along from that day in 2004, watching over us. It was as if they protected us and averted the worst fitnah from entering our life and over the years many things could have become much more serious and life threatening in our life, but never did.

There was a reason why Allah introduced us to them, back then, first among the Angels and wanted us to be comfortable with their presence and work, reaching that depth spiritually allowed us to handle everything in life lesser than their reality in seriousness, so that was the standard we walked with from that day even if we didn’t understand its causes until much later in life.

When Allah introduces you to a group of Mala’ika it means their standard/light is upon you, so it was an atmosphere of death at the place I worked that was the doorway to see Mala’ika al Mawt back then, so when we eventually saw the Arsh later in life it meant we first had to be capable of handling the light of the Angels around it which was the highest assembly of Angels with Allah, this time for us in life we went through the greatest hardships before we were ready.

Mala’ikat al Arsh have with them detailed technical knowledge about everything in life and the universe, when they work on a matter they work on its minute finite details, that is their perspective on life because they have the most knowledge of all the Angels. These details are to small and too subtle for humans to notice or work with, even smaller than a jinn’s perception of the spiritual world so they are matters beyond the jinn’s ability to touch, they are the finite details that bring life together.

As you go into the seven levels of Jannah the more subtle issues become that put life together, and Mala’ikat al Arsh are at the deepest depths of Jannah.

“Who hath created seven heavens (sub atomic depths) in harmony. Thou (Muhammad) canst see no fault in the Beneficent One’s creation; then look again: Canst thou see any rifts? (in how the universe comes together), this verse refers to the work Mala’ikat al Arsh are responsible for.

Because of this they are the most knowledgeable of Allah’s Angels, they are the Angels “who extol Him night and day, and never tire” (21:20).

Allah asked the prophet (saws) ‘O Muhammad! Over what did the Highest Assembly of Angels dispute? I said: I do not know, O Lord. Then He put His hand between my shoulders and I felt its coolness in my chest, and knowledge of all things came to me and I then knew it (what they were discussing).”

[Al-Tirmidhi, no.3235] In another report, it says: ‘… and knowledge of whatever is between the heavens and earth came to me.’ [Al-Tirmidhi, no.3233] In another: ‘ … knowledge of all things between East and West came to me.’ [Al-Tirmidhi, no.3234]

So, being in the presence of different Angels means you have to achieve different standards and qualities in yourself before you are ready.

Seeing the Mala’ika of Jahanam required a different kind of strength than that of Mala’ikat al Mawt, that of perseverance and having the capacity, sagacity to see/witness the path to its absolute end in the most spiritually trying circumstances, all the while you must act and respond with Ihsan.

This is because they are at the end of the path, there is nothing beyond them if you end up in Jahanam, their light is the last light you will see, so you have to handle their perspective on life and its light.

People often ask why doesn’t Allah respond, why doesn’t He help, Allah first waits for you to act, then for the Mala’ika and Jinn to respond to you, then for your enemies to respond and for the Mala’ika and Jinn to respond to them, all the while He is running the universe measuring actions and reactions to things and what they should get, enabling life itself to occur, but that isn’t His response to your situation. He allows the matter to play out to its entirety, back and forth between everyone and thing that has a hand in it, then He waits to see how the world is affected by it, because that is the free will he gave you to act and choose how you want to live, so consequences need to first be established, then when the matter is simmered down His response, Hikmah, is sent down to this earth, this is His judgment on people in response to how they all behaved.

You don’t need to repeat yourself with Allah except when He requires action from you.

The prophets have such patience and perseverance with people, creatures, this world, they can read Allah in all of this and see Him with clarity, this is the inner strength required to reach Mala’ikah Allah placed at the end of this path, at the final judgment of people’s souls.

What Mala’ikah al Mawt had done for us throughout our life became clear from what they taught us when they appeared, all of this occurred in an instant, the air, space, next us suddenly took form moved and became black, but not black like space this time, we had clarity of sight, this was something much more clear and blacker like “the nothing” you see when you look at a black hole. All of space has stars in it except in its location, you know it’s there from that black emptiness, they deliberately reminded me of a black hole and I understood they were teaching me something from all of this.

The first thing they were teaching me from how they appeared and moved, was who in history had seen them before and took from them by imitating them. I previously spoke about the Jinn I met who was a samurai, I live in a town that has a Japanese presence and is a sister town to town in Japan, so this had relevance to my life because that and issues I had faced from this community.

From that suddenness of appearing from nothing then moving to act over what I requested from them, they wanted me to learn that the Ninja of Japan had seen them at the time of death and learnt from them their form and the way they moved. Because the way they appeared near me from nothing to suddenly act, looked exactly like the way Ninja hide in plain sight in front of you and you won’t see them until they reveal themselves, many movies about them have shown this.

So, I am not surprised the Jinn of these Japanese people would see these Mala’ika when they come to take the souls of people killed in battle and eventually imitate what they saw through their martial art, after all martial arts itself is the imitation of the spiritual world, consider all the styles of kung Fu and their names this was how they derived their techniques.

The Malai’ka also wanted to protect me from Jinn who practice Ninjitsu, which is basically a form of sihr martial arts, by making certain I was in a spiritual place above where they can reach in these matters by tying me to them, to the origin of where these Jinn got their inspiration from, I now had a spiritual lineage (silsila) like them in this matter.

It was necessary because I once received a serious threat by someone using these kinds of Jinn. If you’re on the path of Allah you shouldn’t worry you can defeat them with your Ihsan, I’m speaking from experience, don’t lose to something because of its reputation.

The other thing they wanted to teach me was about their creation, in my work I wrote how different Angels are created from different sub atomic particles, and the more powerful Angels are created from the first particles to exist which are at the deepest depths of sub atomic space, while later Angels from later particles that came into existence.

In seeing their likeness is that to a black hole, they showed me they are something akin to what physicist’s guess is dark matter and energy in the universe, and I felt that answer coming from them, possibly, as I felt it they are created from particles even deeper than that sub atomically, they deal with the human soul and that is created from a place beyond sidrat al muntaha, inside the Arsh.

They were deliberate in what they showed me and how they made me feel, you can see that from what they wanted to talk about and where almost smiling at me like friends looking at someone, seeing them appear from nothing was one of the “coolest” things I had seen from an Angel beyond being impressed by the Mala’ika of Jahanam and Mala’ikat al Arsh and some other Angels, most Angels were more reserved in how they acted with me.

The beauty of space is comparable to their beauty and seeing the Mala’ika of Jahanam is like seeing a huge strong mountain who after first sight you then notice is a strong volcano, they are a step removed from the feeling you get from an active volcano because looking at them isn’t like looking at lava, its like looking at the strength found in a volcano which comes from the mountain underneath it and its ability to hold down the volatile lava.

Allah said, “O Prophet! Lo! We have sent thee as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner. And as a summoner unto Allah by His permission, and as a lamp that giveth light (to people so they can see spiritually).” (33:46)

The prophet (saws) was a light giving lamp for the companions, by his light they saw ghayb, the unseen, similarly by the light of the Mala’ika and Allah people today also see the spiritual world and what is in it.

“Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth…Allah guides to His light whom He wills.” (24:35)

Hanzalah Al-Usayyidi (May Allah be pleased with him) who was one of the scribes of Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), reported:

I met Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) he said: “How are you O Hanzalah?” I said, “Hanzalah has become a hypocrite”. He said, “Far removed is Allah from every imperfection, what are you saying?” I said, “When we are in the company of Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and he reminds us of Hell-fire and Jannah, we feel like we are seeing them with our very eyes, and when we are away from the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), we attend to our wives, our children, our business, most of these things slip out of our minds.” Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) said, “By Allah, I also experience the same thing”. So Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) and I went to Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and I said to him, “O Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), Hanzalah has turned hypocrite.” Thereupon Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “What has happened to you?” I said, “O Messenger of Allah, when we are in your company, and are reminded of Hell-fire and Jannah, we feel like we are seeing them with our own eyes, but when we go away from you and attend to our wives, children and business, much of these things go out of our minds (sight).” Thereupon the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “By Him in Whose Hand is my life if your state of mind remains the same as it is in my presence (under his light) and you are always busy in remembrance, (you will see) the angels will shake hands with you in your beds and on your roads (every moment in you day); but Hanzalah, time should be devoted (to the worldly affairs) and time should be devoted (to prayer)”. He (the Prophet (ﷺ)) said this thrice. (Muslim)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

لَّقَدْ صَدَقَ اللَّهُ رَسُولَهُ الرُّؤْيَا بِالْحَقِّ

Imam Ibn Kathir and Sufism

6d915e5d9b143a11fb5bc6b7e8428c91This a series of excerpts from the writings of Hafiz Abu ‘l-Fida ‘Imad al-Din Isma‘il ibn Kathir al-Dimashqi al-Shafi‘i that demonstrate the positive manner by which the shaykh regarded Sufism and Sufis. All of the excerpts in this section are from Imam Ibn Kathir’s work Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah.

1. Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentions in Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah

[1] (part 11, p. 180) regarding those eminent individuals who died in 322 ah:

Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn al-Qasim Abu ‘Ali al-Rudhbari — it is said his name was Ahmad ibn Muhammad and also said [that his name was] al-Husayn ibn al-Humam; the first is correct. He was originally from Baghdad and lived in Egypt. He was from the offspring of leaders, viziers and learned men.

He remained in the company of Junayd,[2] heard hadith [from him] and memorised much from him; he learned fiqh from Ibrahim al-Harbi and Nahw from Tha‘lab. He would give plenty of sadaqah and charity to the poor. When he would give something to the poor, he would place his palm below the person’s hand and the person would take. He wished that the hand of the poor did not come below his hand.

Abu Nu‘aym said: “Abu ‘Ali al-Rudhbari was asked regarding the person who listens to musical instruments and says that he has reached a station in which the changing of situations does not have an effect. Al-Rudhbari responded, ‘Yes, he has reached. However, that is to hell…’ He also said: ‘Surely, those who are desirous of Allah find the sweetness of [their] desire — at the time when the essence of connecting to His proximity (qurb) is revealed to them — sweeter than honey…’ He also said: ‘In earning the world lies the disgracing of souls, and in earning the hereafter is its honour. How strange is that person who opts for disgrace in seeking that which shall perish over honour in seeking that which shall remain?”

Among his poems there are:

There is no wonder if all of that (wealth) which I have was to go,

Wonder is only in that small amount — how did it remain behind?

Take hold of the remainder of your soul which has become ruined,

Before separation comes, for this is the last breath.

Among those eminent individuals who died in 332 ah there was:

Muhammad ibn Isma‘il — who was popularly known as Khayr al-Nassaj (Khayr the Weaver) Abu al-Husayn al-Sufi; he was from among the major shaykhs who were of excellent spiritual states (hal) and known for famous miracles (karamah). He met Sarri al-Saqti and others from the shaykhs of the community. He lived a hundred and twenty years.

When the time of his demise came, he looked at the corner of the house and said: “Stop, may Allah have mercy on you, for you’re a slave who has been given an order and I am also a slave who has been given an order. That which you have been ordered to do shall not pass whereas that which I have been ordered to do will pass.” He then stood up, performed ablution, offered prayer, lay down and passed away — may Allah have mercy on him. Some people later saw him in a dream and asked him: “What did Allah do with you?” he replied: “We gained respite from your wicked world.”

2. Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentions in Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah (part 11, p. 334) regarding events that occurred in 394 ah. After mentioning some amazing stories regarding the qaris (reciters of the Quran), he writes:

When those two qaris returned, the ruler assigned them to Abu Bakr ibn al-Bahlul, who was also an excellent qari, so they may lead the people in the Tarawih prayers in Ramadan. The crowd behind them was large on account of their beautiful recitation. They would also lengthen the prayer a lot and would take turns in leading. They would recite thirty verses in each rak‘ah. People would not leave the Tarawih save when a third of the night had passed or close to the middle of the night. Ibn al-Bahlul had one day, in the al-Mansur Jami‘ Masjid, recited the verse: “Has the time not yet come for those who believe that their hearts should be humble for the remembrance of Allah and for the truth that has descended (through revelation)?” (57:16), when a Sufi stood up. He was swaying and said: “What did you say?” Ibn al-Bahlul repeated the verse and the Sufi said: “Why not? I swear by Allah.” He then fell dead, may Allah have mercy on him.

Ibn al-Jawzi said: “A similar incident occurred to Abu al-Hasan ibn al-Khashshab Shaykh Ibn al-Raffa, who was a student of Abu Ibn al-Adami who has been mentioned earlier. He was also excellent in reciting the Quran and had a beautiful voice. This Ibn al-Khashshab recited, in the Jami‘ Masjid of the al-Rusafah districts, this verse: ‘Has the time not yet come for those who believe …’ (57:16), when a Sufi went into ecstasy (wajd) and said: ‘Why not? The time has come.’ He sat and cried for a long time, and then became silent; he had died, may Allah have mercy on him.”

3. Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentions in Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah (part 11, p. 84) regarding events that occurred in 287 ah:

Among those who died this year was Abu Bakr ibn Abu ‘Asim, the man of sunnah and [author] of many books. He was Ahmad ibn Abu ‘Asim al-Dahhak ibn Mukhlad al-Nabil. He has many books in hadith, including the book Al-Sunnah in relation to the hadiths containing the attributes of Allah according to the way of the predecessors. He was a hafiz of hadith and in charge of the judiciary in Isfahan after Salih ibn Ahmad. He visited many lands before that in search of hadith and stayed in the company of Abu Turab al-Nakhshabi and other Sufis shaykhs.

An astonishing miracle (karamah) once occurred to him. He, along with two major pious men, was in a journey when they descended on some white sand. Abu Bakr began kissing the sand with his hand and said: “Oh Allah grant us some khabis[3] that can be our lunch and let it be the colour of this sand.” It had hardly been uttered when a Bedouin came with a dish within which was khabis the colour of that white sand. They then ate it.

He used to say: “I do not want an innovator, or one who makes false allegations, or a slanderer, or one who curses, or one who uses obscene language, or one who is abusive, or one who has digressed from al-Shafi‘i and the people of hadith to attend my gatherings.”

He died this year in Isfahan. Some of them saw him after his death and he was offering salah. When he finished they asked: “What did Allah do with you?” He said, “My Cherisher Most High was friendly to me.”

4. Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentions in Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah (part 11, p. 97) regarding events that occurred in 290 ah:

[Among those notables who died this year there was] Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah Abu Bakr al-Daqqaq.[4] He was one of the Sufi imams and heavy worshippers from among them. He narrates regarding Junayd that he said: “I saw Satan in a dream and it was as if he was naked. So I said: ‘Don’t you have any shame from the people?’ He replied: ‘These people? I play with them as a child plays with a ball. The real people are a group apart from them.’ So I asked: ‘Who are they?’ He said: ‘They’re a people in the Masjid al-Shuniziyyah. They have weakened my heart and exhausted my body. Each time I target them, they signal unto Allah and it is close that I might be burned.’” Junayd said: “When I woke up, I dressed and went to the mosque that he mentioned. In it were three men who were sitting and their heads were [lowered] in their tattered clothes. One of them raised his head towards me and said: ‘Oh Abu ‘l-Qasim, do not be deceived by the words of the wicked.’ They were Abu Bakr al-Daqqaq, Abu ‘l-Husayn al-Nuri and Abu Hamza.

5. Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentions in Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah (part 11, p. 113) regarding events that occurred in 298 AH:

[Among those notables who died in this year, there was] al-Junayd ibn Muhammad ibn al-Junayd, Abu ‘l-Qasim al-Khazzar. He was also called al-Qawarir. His origins were in Nahavand; he was born in Baghdad where he was also raised. He heard hadith from Hussayn ibn ‘Arafah. He studied fiqh from Abu Thawr Ibrahim ibn Khalid al-Kalbi and would issue fatwas in his presence when he was twenty years old. We have mentioned him in Tabaqat al-Shafi‘iyyah. He became famous for remaining in the company of al-Harith al-Muhasibi and his maternal uncle Sarri al-Saqati. He would remain firmly in worship and so Allah opened up for him, on account of that, much knowledge. He would speak of the way (tariqah) of the Sufis. Offering three hundred rak‘ah of prayer and thirty thousand tasbih was part of his daily wird. For forty years he did not retire to bed and thus, such beneficial knowledge and pious acts opened to him which was not attained by others from his era.

He used to know all types of knowledge. When he would take a subject, then there would be no opportunity for him to stop or stumble until he would say regarding one issue many different points which had not occurred to the ‘ulama. This was also the case with Tasawwuf etc. When death came close, he began to offer prayer and recite the Quran. It was said to him: “Why don’t you be gentle with yourself at a time like this?” He replied: “There is none more in need of this than me at this moment. This is the time of the folding of my book [of deeds].”

Ibn Khallikan said: “He took fiqh from Abu Thawr. It was said that he learned fiqh according to the madhhab of Sufyan al-Thawri. Ibn Surayj would remain in his company and study by him. At times he benefitted from him in issues of fiqh that had not occurred to him. It was said that he once asked him regarding an issue and he gave numerous answers. So Ibn Surayj said: ‘Oh Abu ‘l-Qasim, I only knew, in this matter, three answers from those that you mentioned. Repeat them to me.’ So he mentioned some more answers apart from them. So Ibn Surayj said: ‘I have never heard of the like of this. Dictate them to me so I can write them down.’ So Junayd said: ‘If it was coming from me then I would dictate it. Meaning that it is surely Allah who allows it to flow on my heart and my tongue speaks it. This is not gained from books or from learning. This is only through the grace of Allah Most High. He inspires me with it and allows it to flow from my tongue.’ So Ibn Surayj said: ‘From where did you learn this knowledge?’ He replied: ‘Through my sitting in front of Allah for forty years.’ What is correct is that he was on the madhhab of Sufyan al-Thawri and his way, and Allah knows best.

Ibn Khallikan said: “Junayd was asked regarding the ‘arif, he said: ‘Who speaks regarding your secret while you remain quiet.’ He also said: ‘This way of ours is bound by the Book and the Sunnah. He who does not read the Quran and writes hadith should, according to our madhhab and way, not be followed.’ Some of them saw him with prayer beads (misbahah), so it was said to him: ‘You, in spite of your nobility, carry prayer beads?’ He replied: ‘I shall not leave the way by which I reached Allah.’

“His maternal uncle Sarri al-Saqati once said to him: ‘Preach to the people.’ He would, however, not see himself in the position [to do so]. In a dream he saw the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) who told him: ‘Preach to the people.’ In the morning he went to his uncle who said to him: ‘Why didn’t you listen to me and now it is that the Messenger of Allah has had to tell you.’ He then preached to the people.”

Ibn Khallikan said: “One day a Christian youth, in the appearance of a Muslim, came to him and said: ‘Oh Abu ‘l-Qasim, what is the meaning of the saying of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace): Fear the insight (firasah) of a believer for he sees with the light of Allah?’ Junayd lowered his head and then raised it and said: ‘Become a Muslim, it is time you became one.’” Ibn Khallikan said that the youth accepted Islam.

Junayd said: “I have never benefitted from anything in the way I have benefitted from these couplets which I heard from a slave girl who sang them in a room. She said:

When I say: Abandoning [of others for your love] has given me threadbare clothes,

You will say: If there was no abandoning [of others] then love would not be pleasant,

And if I were to say: This heart, passion has burned it,

You will say: Surely passion is the honour of the heart,

And if I were to say: What sin have I committed? She would say,

Your life is such a sin that no other sin can compare with it.

Junayd said: “I became stunned and screamed. So the owner of the house came out and said: ‘Oh master, what has befallen you?’ I said: ‘It happened on account of what I heard.’ He said: ‘She is a gift from me to you.’ So I said: ‘I accept and she is free for the sake of Allah.’ I then married her to a man, and she gave birth to a pious son who performed the Hajj thirty times on foot.”

6. Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentions in Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah (part 11, p. 192) regarding events that occurred in 328 ah:

From among those notables who died this year was Abu Muhammad Ja‘far al-Murta‘ish, he was one of the shaykhs of the Sufis, as mentioned by al-Khatib. Abu ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami said: “His name was ‘Abdullah ibn Muhammad Abu Muhammad al-Nisaburi. He was a man of wealth, which he relinquished, and adopted the company of Junayd, Abu Hafs and Abu ‘Uthman. He remained in Baghdad until he became a shaykh of the Sufis. It used to be said: The wonders of Baghdad are three — the allusions (isharah) of al-Shibli, the expressions of al-Murta‘ish and the stories of Ja‘far al-Khawwas.”

I heard Abu Ja‘far al-Sa‘igh say that al-Murta‘ish said: “Whoever thinks his actions shall save him from the fire or take him to Allah’s pleasure (ridwan), then he has placed his self and actions in danger. And he who places trust in the bounty of Allah, then Allah will take him to the utmost stations of His pleasure.”

It was said to al-Murta‘ish: “Such a person treads on water.” He replied: “Surely, disobeying the desires is greater than walking on water and flying in the air.” When his death came nigh at the Masjid al-Shuniziyyah,[5] they calculated his debts which were seventeen dirhams. He said: “Sell these tattered clothes of mine and pay it off with that. I have hope in Allah that He will grant me a shroud. I have surely asked Allah for three: that He grants me death as a poor person, grants me death in this mosque for I have remained in the company of the people within it, and places me with those who I am friendly with and whom I love.” He then closed his eyes and died.

7. Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentions in Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah (part 11, p. 193) regarding events that occurred in 328 ah:

[From among those notables who died there was also] ‘Ali ibn Muhammad, Abu ‘l-Hasan al-Muzayyin al-Saghir. He was one of the shaykhs of the Sufis. He was originally from Baghdad and remained in the company of Junayd and Sahl al-Tustari. He resided in Makkah until his death this year. He would say regarding himself: “I came to a well in the land of Tabuk. When I drew close to it, I slipped and fell into it and there was none who saw me. When I reached the bottom, there was a stone bench [on the side] which I clung to. I said: ‘If I die then I shall end up ruining the water for people.’ My soul then became restful and it started to yearn for death. I was in this condition when a serpent descended upon me and wound itself around me. It then raised me to land and slithered away. I knew not where it went and from where it came.

Among the other shaykhs of the Sufis there is one who is called Abu Ja‘far al-Muzayyin al-Kabir who resided in Makkah and also died there. He was among those known for their worship.

Al-Khatib has narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abu ‘Ali Ibrahim ibn Muhammad al-Tabari from Ja‘far al-Khuldiyy who said: “I bade farewell to Muzayyin al-Kabir when leaving for some pilgrimages and said to him: ‘Provide me with some provisions.’ He told me: ‘When you lose something then say: O He Who will assemble all people on the day in which there is no doubt. Surely, Allah does not back out of His promise. Join me with whatever it is [that you have lost]. Surely Allah will join you with that thing.’ He also said: ‘I went to al-Kattani and bade him farewell and asked him to provide me with some provisions. He gave me a ring on whose stone was an inscription. He then said: “When you are in distress then look at this stone, your distress will be removed.” I would supplicate with this prayer and it would surely be accepted and I would surely look at this stone and that feeling would go. Once, when I was in a ship, there was a severe wind so I took out the ring to look at it. However, I had no idea where it went. So I began supplicating using that supplication for the entire day. When I returned home, I searched my belongings at home and found the ring in some clothes which had been in the house.’”

8. Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentions in Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah (part 13, p. 93) regarding events that occurred in 617 ah:

[From among those notables who died this year was] Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Yunini who was given the title The Lion of the Levant (Asad al-Sham), may Allah have mercy on him and be pleased with him. He was from a village in Baalbek called Younine. He had a zawiyah which people would travel to and visit. He was from among the major pious individuals, and famous for worship, spiritual exercises (riyadah), and commanding good and forbidding vice. He was very high minded in terms of his asceticism and piety in that he would not keep anything for himself; he did not have wealth or clothes, but would borrow what he wore. He would not wear more than one tunic (qamis) during the summer and would wear a fur overcoat over it during the winter. He would wear a cap made from goatskin, the hair of which would be on the outside.

He would never remain behind from participating in battles. He would shoot a bow that weighed eighty ratl.[6] He would sometimes live in the mountains of Lebanon. He would, in the winter, come to the springs of al-‘Asriya at the foot of the mountain overlooking the village of Douma situated to the east of Damascus on account of the warmth of the water. People would, hence, head for him there to meet him. He would at times come to Damascus and stay at the foot of Mount Qasyun close to al-Qadsiyyah. He was of [high] spiritual states (hal) and of righteous kashf. He was called the Lion of the Levant.

Abu ‘l-Muzaffar, the maternal grandson of Ibn al-Jawzi has narrated from Qadi Jamal al-Din Ya‘qub, the governor of Al-Karak al-Biqa, that he once saw Shaykh ‘Abdullah performing ablution in the River Tora close to the Jisr al-Abyad (the White Bridge) when a Christian passed by him and with him was a mule carrying wine. “The animal stumbled on the bridge and the load fell. He then saw the shaykh who had finished his wudu who did not know him. He asked him for help to raise the load on to the animal so the shaykh called me and said: ‘Come here oh faqih, help us place this load on the animal.’ The Christian then left. I became astonished by this and followed the animal as I was heading to the city. The Christian took it to the ‘Uqayba [neighbourhood] and went to a seller of wine there where it became clear that it had suddenly become vinegar. The wine seller then said to the Christian: ‘Woe unto you. This is vinegar.’ So the Christian said: ‘I know where this has come from.’ He tied his animal in a rest house and returned to a group of pious people. He asked regarding the shaykh and came to know of him. He then came to him and accepted Islam at his hands.”

He was a man of many spiritual states and miracles. He would stand for no one who entered on him and would say: “People only stand for the Cherisher of the Worlds.” When al-Amjad[7] would enter on him, he would sit in front of him. The shaykh would then say to him: “Oh al-Amjad, you did this and you did that.” He would then command that which he needed to command him to do and forbid him from that which he ought to forbid him from. Al-Amjad would obey all that he would say to him and that was only on account of the shaykh’s sincerity in asceticism, piety and way.

He would accept the spoils of war and would not keep any of it for the next day. When his hunger became severe he would take the leaves from an almond tree, which he would rub and press and then eat till his fill. He would then drink cold water on top of this. May Allah Most High have mercy on him and make pleasant his resting place.

They mention that he completed the Hajj some years in the air [by flying]. This has happened to a large group of ascetics and pious worshippers. This has not reached us regarding any of the major scholars. The first regarding whom this is mentioned is Habib al-‘Ajami, who was from among the companions of Hasan al-Basri, and then some pious individuals after him — may the mercy of Allah Most High be on all of them.

On Friday, 10 Dhu ‘l-Hijjah of this year, ‘Abdullah al-Yunini offered the morning prayer and the Friday prayer at the Jami‘ Masjid of Baalbek. It is correct that he had visited the lavatory that day before the prayer. After completing the prayer he said to Shaykh Dawud al-Muadhdhin who would wash the dead: “See how you will be tomorrow.” The shaykh then began to ascent towards his zawiyah and spent that night awake in the dhikr of Allah Most High. He remembered his friends and those who were good to him, even if that goodness was a little. He would supplicate for them. When the time for the Morning Prayer came, he offered the prayer with his companions. He then sat leaning while doing the dhikr of Allah and in his hand was his prayer beads (subhah). He then died in this condition while sitting and did not fall. The prayer beads also did not fall from his hand. The news reached al-Amjad, the ruler of Baalbek. He came and saw him thus. He then said: “What if we were to build a structure around him and he was to be kept like this so people could see a sign.” So it was said to him that this is not from the sunnah. The shaykh was moved, washed, shrouded and prayed upon. He was buried beneath the almond tree under which he would sit offering the dhikr of Allah Most High – may Allah have mercy on him and may He fill his grave with light.

He died on Saturday and he was over eighty years of age. May Allah Most High have mercy on him and make pleasant his resting place. Shaykh Muhammad al-Faqih al-Yunini was from among his students and from among those who served him. He was the grandfather of all of those shaykhs in the town of Baalbek.

9. Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentions in Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah (part 13, p. 137) regarding events that occurred in 630 ah.

[Among those who died this year was] Shaykh Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi,[8] the author of Awarif al-Ma‘arif, ‘Umar ibn Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ummuwayh. His name is ‘Abdullah al-Bakri al-Baghdadi, Shihab al-Din Abu Hafs al-Suhrawardi, the shaykh of the Sufis in Baghdad. He was from among the major pious individuals and leaders of the Muslims. He would leisurely come and go between the caliphs and kings, and he gathered great wealth which he distributed among the poor and needy. He once offered the Hajj and in his company was a group of ascetics the condition of whom only Allah Most High knew. In him were the qualities of generosity, aiding those who are in trouble, supporting the needy, and commanding good and forbidding vice. He would deliver lectures wearing threadbare clothes. He once recited this poem [a loose translation of which is as follows]:

There is not among the companions a man of divine ecstasy (wajd) with whom we may speak regarding the lofty way. Nor is there a man afflicted with divine love with whom we may vie.

He began repeating this and went into ecstasy (wajd). From among those who were present was a youth who — dressed in a tunic and wearing a small turban — stood and said: “Oh shaykh, how many ecstatic statements will you utter (shatahat) and reproach the people. I swear by Allah there is surely in them those who are not pleased to vie with you, nor will you understand that which they say. If only you recited [the following poem]:

There is none among the riders — and it is that their animals have carried on — save lovers of him; and among them is the beloved,

It is as if Yusuf is on each camel and there is Ya‘qub in each home within the neighbourhood.

The shaykh screamed and descended from the pulpit. He then headed towards the youth to apologise but could not find him. In his place he found a hole in which there was much blood and which the youth had hollowed out with his feet while the shaykh recited the poem.

Ibn Khallikan has mentioned much of his poetry and greatly praised him. He died this year at the age of ninety three — may Allah Most High have mercy on him.

10. Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentions in Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah (part 13, p. 141) regarding events that occurred in 631 ah:

[Among those who died this year was] Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Armani. He was one of the worshippers and ascetics who would traverse lands. He would live in deserts, mountains and lowlands. He would gather with the qutubs, abdals and awtads,[9] and those of spiritual states (hal), kashf, spiritual exercises and travel in all regions and directions. He had studied the Quran at the beginning [of his studies] and memorized [Mukhtasar] al-Quduri according to the madhhab of Abu Hanifah. He then preoccupied himself with rectifying conduct and spiritual exercises. He then took up residence in Damascus at the end of his life where he died. He was buried at the foot of Mount Qasyun.

Many beautiful things have been narrated about him. Among that is that he said: “I once cut close to a town while travelling and my soul sought that I enter it. I promised myself I would not eat food therein. I entered it and passed by a laundry man who looked at me with aversion and so I became fearful of him and fled the town. This man caught up to me and with him was some food. He then said: ‘Eat, for you have exited the town.’ So I said to him: ‘You have such a [spiritual] station and you wash clothes in the markets?’ He replied: ‘Don’t raise your head and don’t look at any of your deeds. Remain a slave unto Allah. If he uses you in good, then be pleased with that.’ He then said:

If it were said to me to die, then I would say hear and obey,

And I would say to the caller of death: welcome, welcome (ahlan wa marhaba).

Hafiz Ibn Kathir further narrates many other stories regarding this shaykh.

11. Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentions in Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah (part 13, p. 227) regarding events that occurred in 658 ah:

[Among those who died this year there was] Shaykh Muhammad al-Faqih al-Yunini al-Hanbali al-Baalbekki al-Hafiz. He is Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Isa ibn Abu ‘l-Rijal Ahmad ibn ‘Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Husayn ibn Ishaq ibn Ja‘far al-Sadiq.

Shaykh Qutb al-Din al-Yunini has narrated his lineage thus from the writing of his elder brother Abu ‘l-Husayn ‘Ali who informed him that his father told him: “We are from the progeny of Ja‘far al-Sadiq.” He also said: “He only narrated that to him at the time of death so he abstains from accepting sadaqah.

Abu ‘Abdullah ibn Abu ‘l-Husayn al-Yunini al-Hanbali Taqi al-Din, the faqih, the Hanbali, the hafiz of hadith, he who benefitted others, the erudite, the worshipper and the ascetic. He was born in the year 572 AH. He heard [hadith] from al-Khushu‘i, Hanbal, al-Kindi and Hafiz ‘Abd al-Ghani al-Maqdisi who would praise him. He learned fiqh from Shaykh al-Muwaffaq and remained in the company of Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Yunini and benefitted from him. Shaykh ‘Abdullah would praise him, give him preference and follow him in the fatwas of Shari‘ah.

He donned the mantle (khirqah) from Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Bata’ihi and excelled in the knowledge of hadith. He memorised Al-Jam‘ bayn al-Sahihayn in its entirety and a good portion of Musnad al-Imam Ahmad. He knew Arabic and learned that from al-Taj al-Kindi. He would write beautifully. People would benefit from his expertise in many types of knowledge and would take from him good ways. He acquired great prestige among the rulers and others. He once performed the wudu in the presence of Sultan al-Ashraf while he was by him at the castle listening to al-Bukhari in the presence of [Shaykh] al-Zabidi. When he had finished his wudu, the sultan shook his towel and spread it on the ground for him to walk on. The sultan swore that it was clean and that he should step on it. The shaykh did so.

Hafiz Ibn Kathir (may Allah have mercy on him) then expands on his virtues and lofty status. He then writes:

All of the kings venerated him and exalted him. The children of al-‘Adil[10] and others would come to his town. This was also the case with the fuqaha like Ibn al-Salah, Ibn ‘Abd al-Salam, Ibn al-Hajib, al-Hasiri, Shams al-Din ibn Sani al-Dawlah, Ibn al-Jawzi, and others who would venerate him and return to his word on account of his knowledge, actions, honesty and trustworthiness.

Many spiritual states (hal), incidents of kashf and miracles have been narrated about him — may Allah have mercy on him. Some of them have said he was a qutb for twelve years. Allah is most knowledgeable… His son, Qutb al-Din mentioned that he died on 19 Ramadan of this year at the age of eighty eight years — may Allah Most High have mercy on him.

12. Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentions in Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah (part 13, p. 342) regarding events that occurred in 694 ah:

[Among those who died this year there was] Al-Faruthi — the shaykh, the imam, the worshipper, the ascetic, the orator ‘Izz al-Din Abu ‘l-‘Abbas Ahmad ibn Shaykh Muhiy al-Din Ibrahim ibn ‘Umar ibn al-Faraj ibn Sabur ibn ‘Ali ibn al-Ghunaymah al-Faruthi al-Wasati. He was born in the year 614 ah, heard hadith and travelled in search for this. He had an excellent hand in this, and also in tafsir, fiqh, delivering advice and eloquence. He was religious, pious and ascetic. He came to Damascus during the rule of al-Zahir[11] and was given the responsibility of teaching at the [Madrasah] al-Jarudiyyah and leading prayers at the Ibn Hisham Masjid. For that he was assigned a salary according to the need, this he would distribute to others. He was a man of pious conditions (hal) and many kashf…

Hafiz Ibn Kathir (may Allah have mercy on him) narrates many stories and makes mention of the lofty stations of this shaykh. He then continues:

The day of his death was a day to be seen in Wasit. His funeral prayer was also offered in Damascus and other places — may Allah Most High have mercy on him. He donned the mantle of Tasawwuf according to the Suhrawardi way. He would recite the ten ways of reading the Quran. He left behind two thousand two hundred books. He narrated a lot. Al-Birzali heard many hadiths from him: Sahih al-Bukhari, Jami‘ al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, Musnad al-Shafi‘i, Musnad ‘Abd ibn Humayd, Mu‘jam al-Tabarani al-Saghir, Musnad al-Darami, Fadail al-Quran of Abu ‘Ubayd, and another eighty other books apart from this.

13. Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentions in Al-Bidayah wa ‘l-Nihayah (part 14, p. 227) regarding events that occurred in 749 ah:

On Saturday, 3 Rajab, the funeral of Shaykh ‘Ali al-Maghribi, one of the students of Shaykh Taqi al-Din ibn Taymiyyah, was offered at Jami‘ al-Aframi at the foot of Mount Qasyun where he was buried — may Allah have mercy on him. He was a person of worship, asceticism, simplicity in dress and piety. He did not take up any post at all in this world. He also had no wealth. Rather, he would be given some spoils from war which he would spend little by little. He would be preoccupied with Tasawwuf and left behind a wife and three children. May Allah have mercy on him.


  • Published by Maktabah al-Riyad al-Hadithiyya, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia — Shaykh ‘Abd al-Hafiz
  • He is the great shaykh of the Sufis who known by them and others as sayyid al-ta’ifah (master of the Sufis) — Shaykh ‘Abd al-Hafiz.
  • Khabis is a type of sweet dish made using flour. Several versions of this dish are mentioned in Ibn Sayyar al-Warraq’s 10th century cookery book Al-Kitab al-Tabikh. It seems that Khabis al-Jazr (khabis made from carrots) is the classic Indo-Pak carrot halwa — translator.
  • In some versions it is al-Zaqqaq — translator.
  • According to the Mu‘jam al-Buldan (The Dictionary of Countries), al-Shuniziyyah is a cemetery in the east of Baghdad and the resting ground of a group of pious people — translator.
  • The ratl is a unit of weight used in many Muslim lands. The ratl varies in weight. According to J. G. Hava’s Classical Arabic-English Dictionary, one ratl is the weight of 5 lbs in Syria and 15 ¾ oz in Egypt. South Asians often use the word to denote the imperial pound — translator.
  • Al-Amjad was the grand nephew of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi (may Allah have mercy on him) and governor of Baalbek between 1182 and 1230 — translator.
  • He is the one to whom returns all of the chains of the Suhrawardi tariqah – Shaykh ‘Abd al-Hafiz.
  • Explanation of these terms will follow in greater detail in the section regarding Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, insha Allah — translator.
  • Al-‘Adil (1145-1218) was an Ayyubid general and ruler. His full name was al-Malik al-Adil Sayf al-Din Abu-Bakr ibn Ayyub. He was the son of Najm al-Din Ayyub and a younger brother of Salah al-Din Ayyubi. He provided crucial military and civilian support to his brother in their wars against the Crusaders — translator.
  • Al-Zahir was the Mamluk Sultan Baibars whose complete name was al-Malik al-Zahir Rukn al-Din Baibars al-Bunduqdari (1223 –1277). He was one of the commanders of the forces which inflicted a devastating defeat on the Seventh Crusade of King Louis IX of France — translator.

Imam Mahdi and The Great War Armageddon

8a7f194515abe06a19dbb4391ff82b1cUmm Salamah, the wife of the Prophet  related that the Prophet  said, “There will be discord when a Khaleefa (ruler) dies. A man from the inhabitants of Madeenah will flee to Makkah, and people will come to him from the dwellers of Makkah. They will bring him out (to the people), yet he will be averse to what they want of him (to be their leader). Then they will pledge allegiance to him between the Rukn (i.e. the Black Stone) and the Maqaam (the Station of Ibraaheem in Makkah). An army will be sent to (attack) him from Sham (Syria and surrounding areas) and they will be swallowed up (by a Khasf) in Al-Baidaa — a place between Makkah and Al-Madinah. When people see that, the Abdaal from Sham will come to him and the best people from Iraq will come and pledge allegiance to him. Then a man from the Quraish (the ruling tribe of Makkah) will appear; his uncles are from the children of Kalb (ruling tribe of Syria today). He will send an army to them but they (the Mahdi’s army) will be victorious over them… Wealth will be distributed and people will apply the Sunnah of their Prophet. Islam will achieve stability and firmness in the earth. That will last for seven years, after which (after this period ends) the Mahdi will die and the Muslims will pray over him.” (Abu Daawood, Ibn Kathir in al Bidaya wa Nihaya)

Ali (ra) said: “The Mahdi will not come until one third die, one third are killed, and one third remain.” (Nu’aym ibn Hammad)

That is, One third die because of things like hunger or disease, we witnessed similar events under the sanctions placed on Iraq, One third will be killed because of the wars in Arabia and the Civil wars in Saudi, and One third will survive. Most likely this Hadith, and other similar Ahadith are referring to the Arabs alone because Islam had not yet spread to others parts of the world during the time of the Prophet (saws), and He was informing his people what would happen to them after his time.

The Great War between the Muslim’s and Europe is mentioned not only by John (as) in the book of revelation it was mentioned by the prophet Daniel (as) who had a dream regarding the rise of Europe. In the book of Daniel (10), as the prophet is standing on the bank of the river tigris He (as) is overtaken by sleep, after which Allah sends him a vision, He is informed about what will happen to the Greek Empire after him and the end of the Persian Empire which it fought with, then in the book of Daniel 11:21 while speaking about the wars between the King of the North (Europe today) and King of the South (Arabia and Persia today) mention is made of a future ruler of the north just before the return of Isa (as) who is a contemptible person, He will invade the South when it feels secure in the world and seize it through intrigue, not unlike the British Empire and America after it that controlled many parts of the world through proxy leaders (a figure that can be used to represent the value of something in a calculation).

Mention is made of him in chapter 8, “for at the appointed time of the end…When the transgressors have reached their fullness, A king shall rise, having fierce features who will understand sinister schemes. His power shall be mighty, but not by His own power (Under him will be the power of the nations, through the EU), He shall destroy fearfully and shall prosper and thrive; He shall destroy the mighty and also the Holy people. “Through his cunning He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule; And he shall exalt himself in his heart. He shall destroy many in their prosperity. He shall even rise against the Prince of Princes (the Mahdi); But he shall be broken without human means (his fate will be separate from his peoples). And the vision of the evenings and mornings Which was told is true; therefore seal up the vision because it refers to many days in the Future.” (Daniel 8:19,23-26)

Christians believe every title refers to Jesus it was because of this they no longer saw the chronology of events as their interpretations became convoluted and increasingly esoteric to maintain this underlaying premise. The Prince of Princes is someone less than the King of Kings, because it is a title that is given to a saintly ruler that is less than a prophet (saws) who ruled, it is a title beneath the status of Jesus (as).

Even the Jews before them had a prophecy about a religious figure coming before the time of Jesus (as), Elijah, whose name means the first part of the muslim Shahada, “the one who affirms Allah” or La Ilaha ila llah, there is no deity except Allah, this is the role of the Mahdi during this time of occult rule, to Affirm Allah to people who turn to Devils, this what it means in Ahadith when they say He (ra) will spread Justice, just like oppression was spread around the world, and it is part of the meaning of his name.

Once these events begin to unfold in front of our eyes it won’t be long until we know when the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will actually appear because many Ahadith give specific years between events. The Great War (Armageddon) will be fought against the Romans, they were the Global force of Europe in their time, the term Romans is a designation for the direction and location of the Enemy Muslims would be facing.

Since the Roman Empire no longer exists afnd the prophet (saws) was given the news ahead of time that muslims would defeat the current Empire in the Quran, in the opening verse of Surah 30, ‘The Romans’, “The Romans have been defeated” (30:1), the “Roman’s” spoken of at the end of time are a simile for Europe in our time.

In the world today that power is the European Union which is fast becoming the dominant power in the world. The European Union currently consists of 27 of the 50 or so countries of Europe, some of the countries which are a part of the European Union are, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Ukrain and the United Kingdom.

Europe’s first altercation with the Muslim world during this time, as Ahadith mention, will be when they place sanctions upon Syria, afterwards they will again place sanctions on Egypt, which will be the initial steps towards the Great War.

The Prophet (saws) said “There will be devastation all around the World. Ultimately, Egypt will also be ruined, but until Basra (Baghdad) is destroyed, Egypt will remain secure. The destruction of Basra will be due to Iraq’s destruction (the city will be destroyed because the country will be invaded)…” (Qurtubi, Mukhtasar Tazkirah, p. 530)

This account mentions that Egypt won’t be destroyed until the city of Baghdad is destroyed along with Iraq, this occurred after 2003 with Iraq’s complete loss of Independence and ended in 2011 with the pull out of western troops. The war cost Iraqi’s their country and resulted in yet another minority group being put in charge of the majority in a Muslim country.

Eventually after this event Europe who will be seeking to impose it’s dominance on the region as the Americans did, will place sanctions on Syria and then again on Egypt, around this time the Euphrates will uncover a mountain of Gold over which there will be another Great battle between the Arabs, very similar to the Iraq-Iran War.

al-Hakim narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) that he mentioned the story of the Mahdi, and said: “And the earth will cast forth its precious valuables.” It was said: “What are its precious valuables?” He said: “Cylinders of gold and silver.”

What is clear from all these narrations is that the Mahdi will appear after the following events, they will occur within a few short years of each other;

  • The Throne of Saudi Arabia is fought over by three sons from amongst it’s rulers.
  • The Euphrates river will uncovers a mountain of Gold and Muslims in the region will fight over it, most of whom will die.
  • Sanctions are placed on Egypt, after they are placed on Syria.
  • The People of the East; Afghanistan and the surrounding Area, will march across Arabia with black flags conquering all the Arab lands stabilizing the region, until they reach Jerusalem and conquer it.
  • The people of the Maghrib; Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, will rise up to stop Europe’s oppression of Egypt, beginning the first of the wars between the Muslims and Europe.

Ahadith say there will be more than one warlord during this time, when one is defeated he is replaced by another all in less than a decade. It will be during the second civil war of Saudi Arabia that Imam Mahdi (ra) will emerge.

When the Sufyani warlord sees the Mahdi he will send an army against him from Sham, the Army may contain European solders in it, but Allah will cause it to be swallowed up by the Earth before reaching him, and this is the third Major Khasf (earthquake) mentioned in Ahadith.

When the people see this they will know that person is the Mahdi (ra), because this is the most famous sign that the prophet (saws) mentioned would establish his identity.

The first to go to him will be the Awliya (saints) of Sham and Iraq, the best people in Islam in terms of Ihsan (Human perfection) during the time of the prophet (saws) were those who recognized the truth first and accepted it, their good nature allowed them to discern Haq (Justice) from falsehood, in a similar way the best people of Islam today will recognize Him first and go to him.

They will pledge allegiance to him, then a man from the tribe of Quraish will rise up whose maternal uncles are from Kalb (the ruling tribe of Syria), this is another minor warlord, he will send an army against him, but the Mahdi will defeat it, the Imam will then head towards Syria and kill the Sufyani in Palestine near the sea of Galilee (lake of Tiberias), these are the initial day’s of the Mahdi’s rule.

Artat bin Al-Munzir said: “The Mahdi will send the the first battalion he formed to (fight) the Turks (who are part of Europe and invade Arab lands, it may also mean Russia). He defeats them and takes what they have from spoils and money. Then, he marshes to Syria and conquers it. Then, he emancipates (frees) all the slaves (possibly war prisoners) he has and gives their owners their value (pays ransom for them).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti’s  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)

Although the translation says the Turks, this can refer to either Russia or Turkey in Ahadith because of the word Tartar, their present day decadents are the Turks, Mongols, Manchus and southern Russians.

It may also be, that one hadith is referring to Turkey, like the turkish invasion of Egypt which is across the Mediterranean from them, and these set of Ahadith refer to Russia which is just north of Azerbaijan and the Arabian peninsula, the following hadith makes it clear this is the case, Russia will invade Arab lands, while the Turkey invades Egypt as part of the European Union.

Yunus bin Saif Al-Khulani said: ” You will reconcile with the Romans (after all these initial wars) through a security treaty. Then, together, you will invade the (lands of the) Turks (Russians) and Kerman (a region currently in Iran) and Allah will conquer them for you…”  (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan)

We know from many Sahih Ahadith with certainty, that the country of Turkey won’t be invaded and conquered by the Mahdi until Armageddon occurs, which is after all these events so the Turks in this narration must be the Russians, Turkey is also trying to join the European Union, so the treaty would apply to them.

Ka’b said: “…You will enter into a reconciliation treaty with them for 10 years… You and the Romans will invade an enemy (located) behind Constantinople (in Turkey, this is the location of Russia). When you return for that invasion, you will see Constantinople (meaning the Armies will pass through Turkey on their way to Russia and on their way back)… Then, you and they will invade Al-Kufa (a city in Iraq) and cause devastation to it (It’s possible Russia has conquered it at this point)… Then, you and the Romans together will invade some of the people of the East (Iran as other narrations state)…”  (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan)

Artat bin Al-Munzir said: ” The Sufyani will fight the Turks (Russians). Their eradication (uprooting) will be at the hands of the Mahdi. The first battalion formed by the Mahdi will be sent to (fight) the Turks.” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan, Jalal-uddine AsSuyuti’s  Al-Urf Al-Wardi fi Akhbar Al-Mahdi, a part of Al-Hawi li Al-Fatawa)

Makhul said that the Messenger of Allah said: ” The Turks (Russians) will make two invasions: one of them will be in which they will devastate Azerbaijan, and in the second one, they will reach to the shore of the Euphrates (this is possibly when they Conquer Iraq).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

After the conflicts over Egypt begin we would make three different truces (according to Ahadith) with Europe all short lived, eventually the Mahdi (ra) will make a fourth truce with Europe, after defeating all the warlords in Arabia, this truce will last for about seven years, taking up the majority of his time on Earth.

During that time the Mahdi will establish and strengthen the presence of Islam on Earth. We will then help Europe attack an enemy beyond them that is attacking them, more than likely Russia, during the truce the Mahdi will conquer the entire Arabian peninsula and Iran, but eventually this truce will be broken.

The Prophet (saws) said, “You will make a firm truce with the Romans (al-Rum) until you and they wage a campaign against an enemy that is attacking them. You will be granted victory and great spoils. Then you will alight in a plain surrounded by hills. There, someone among the Romans shall say: ‘The Cross has overcome!’ were upon someone among the Muslims shall say: ‘Nay, Allah has overcome!’ and shall go and break the cross. The Romans shall kill him, then the Muslims shall take up their arms and the two sides shall fall upon each other. Allah shall grant martyrdom to that group of Muslims. After that the Romans shall say to their leader: ‘We shall relieve you of the Arabs (intending Genocide), and they shall gather up for the great battle (Armageddon). They shall come to you under eighty flags (nations or groups), each flag gathering 12,000 troops (960,000 soldiers in total)” (Abu Dawud, Kitab al-Jihad – Vol. 3/7 – No. 2479, Ahmad, Ibn Majah)

Once Europe has broken the seven year truce with the Muslims this will result in the Great War, al Malhama al Kubra (Armageddon).

The Prophet said: “You will make a truce of peace with Rome; you and they will conquer an enemy from behind them (Russia). You will be safe and you will achieve spoils. Then you will descend in a fertile soil that has many mounds in it. A man from the Romans will stand, raise the cross, and say, ‘victory is for the cross.’ A man from the Muslims will rise and kill him (the Romans Kill the Muslim after he Kills the Christian). At that point, the Romans will betray their agreement and there will be massacres (the agreement is between nations, these two men from each nation are not their representatives and acted on their own behalf, only those in charge can resolve the truce and it was resolved after Europe decided on Genocide rather than justice). They will gather for you, advancing toward you with 80 banners, and with each banner there will be 10,000 (800,000, the difference is more than likely because a later narrator of the hadith was not certain of the words).” (Ahmad)

A look at Europe today would show that it comprises of less than 80 countries, these Ahadith indicate that other countries from around the World would be invited to aid them, Possibly through NATO (which is a political and Military alliance) or the UN, this force will consist of 800,000 to 960,000 troops under 80 different flags. If this is the case, then it becomes clear that the eradication of the Arabs, the prophet (saws) spoke of was agreed to by the nations of the world who are now joining in.

It is also possible that each European country will rather offer more than one battalion under separate flags, possibly a flag for each of unit in the Air force, Army and Navy. Europe will be gathering their forces for nine months, and the Muslims will be gathering their armed forces in Iraq, Syria (Sham) and Yemen, the Mahdi will then send the mujahideen (Muslim fighters) to engage them when they invade.

Yusair ibn Jabir narrated: Once there blew a red storm in Kufah and there came a person who had nothing to say but (these words): “Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, the Last Hour has come.” He (Abdullah ibn Mas’ud) was sitting reclining against something, and he said: “The Last Hour will not come until the people do not divide inheritance and rejoice over booty.” Then He said pointing towards Syria, with a gesture of his hand like this: “The enemy will muster strength against the Muslims and the Muslims will muster strength against them.” I said: “You mean Rome?” He said: “Yes, and there will be a terrible fight. The Muslims will prepare a detachment, which will not return unless victorious. They will fight until darkness intervenes. (what remains of) Both sides will return without being victorious and both will (have been) wiped out. The Muslims will again prepare a detachment for fighting unto death so that they may not return unless victorious. When it is the fourth day, a new detachment from the remnant of the Muslims will be prepared and Allah will decree that the enemy will be routed( the Bible similarly says they will be captured).

They would fight such a fight the like of which has not been seen, so fierce that even if a bird were to pass their flanks, it would fall down dead before reaching the other end (The fighting will be so fierce between these Huge Armies, in contrast to other wars, that most will be killed in four days, nearly 2 million soldiers). (There will be such a large scale massacre) that when counting will be done, (only) one out of a hundred men related to one another would be found alive. So what can be the joy at the spoils of such war and what inheritance can be divided? They will be in this very state (of loss for some time afterwards) when they will hear of a calamity more horrible than this. A cry will reach them: ‘The Dajjaal has taken your place among your offspring.’ They will therefore throw away what is in their hands and go forward, sending ten horsemen as a scouting party. Allah’s Apostle (peace be upon him) said: ‘I know their names, the names of their forefathers and the color of their horses. They will be the best horsemen on the surface of the Earth on that day or among the best horsemen on the surface of the Earth on that day.'”(Sahih Muslim, Book 41, No. 6927)

Before the Great War begins, Europe will come to the Muslims and will say, “Do not stand between us and those who took prisoners from amongst us. Let us fight with them.” hoping to avoid the greater battle by only taking the European muslims who converted, an indication of their racist and bigoted mindset at the time that the only people that would matter are those who left their religion as if an insult.

The Muslims will refuse, saying: “By Allah, We will never hand over our Muslim brothers”. The Romans will then attack Syria causing heavy casualties among all the Arabs in that region, a hadith says, The Romans will then say during the war: “We will not cease fighting you until you bring out to us every one among you whose origin is not from you”, they will try to take back and imprison the Non Arab Muslims, many of whom are from Europe having converted to Islam.

So the European Muslim who converted will come out and say: “Allah forbid that we should go back to unbelief after Islam!”, the oppression of Europe during the end of times is prophesied in the Bible, it will be a cause for many in Europe to search for the truth, for a religion that has been preserved from it’s first days and isn’t oppressive, they will accept Islam leaving Europe and the path it has chosen for itself.

The Europeans will then begin the Great War, and that is when Allah (azza wa-jall) will send down His punishment on them, three times during the Great War they will come at the Muslims then finally Allah will grant the Muslims victory. A third of the Muslim army will first flee, and Allah will never accept from them repentance (Towba). A third will be killed during the war, and they will be the noblest martyrs in the sight of Allah. The surviving third will be victorious, never to suffer defeat thereafter, after the Great War they will then go on to conquer Constantinople (Istanbul), without having to fight.

The battle will last four days Each day the Muslim troops will take an oath that they will not return except as victors. For three days, they will fail to defeat the enemy, with many men becoming martyrs. On the fourth day, Allah will cause Europe to falter, be routed and succumb to a tremendous onslaught from the remaining Muslim troops. A Hadith says Allah will command Jibril (as) along with 70,000 Angels, Micha’il (Michael) with another 70,000 Angels and Israfil with Another 70,000 Angels to help the Muslims against Europe, just as they helped the Prophet (saws) at the Battle of Badr, Islam’s first victory.

The Prophet (saws) said “You’ll join hands with a Roman group and war with another (Europe won’t entirely be united). You’ll gain victory. At that time, you will be present in a plain of great mountains with plenty of trees. In the meantime, the Romans will raise the crucifix and refer the victory to it. At this, a Muslim will become angry, and will pull the crucifix down, at which, the Romans will unite (again) breaking all treaties with the Muslims. The Romans will demand their wanted people (the converts from their people), to which the Muslims will answer: “By Allah! They are our brothers. We will never hand them over.” This will start the war. One-third of the Muslims will run away. Their ‘Tawbah’ (Repentance) will never be accepted. One-third will be killed (during the War). They will be the best martyrs near Allah. The remaining one-third will gain victory, until under the leadership of the Mahdi, they will fight against the non-believers. This group will belong to Khurasan (ancient name for Afghanistan and the surrounding Areas). They will be wearing black turbans. People will rise up from the East who will keep on coming forward, trampling the ground under their feet, to the aid of the Mahdi to help establish his government.” (Ibn Majah)

Abu Huraira (ra) narrated “When the Great War Occurs, Allah will raise an Army from the Non Arabs who will be greater riders and will have better weapons than the Arabs. Allah will support the Deen (Islam) by them.”

The above Hadith describes them as Mawali or Non-Arab Muslims, this could be the Group Europe demands to be handed over to them when they break the truce and Attack Arabia. The Hadith mentions they will have better weapons than the Arabs which is the state of the Arab world today, the Americans and Europeans lead the World in Arms development.

The Messenger of Allah said: “You will fight the unbelievers until the remnant of you (what remains) fight on the River Jordan, you on the East of it and they on the West of it.”  (Ahmad)

The State of Israel has as its Eastern border, the dividing line of the River Jordan, that is the line between the Muslim armies and the Non-Muslim armies, some considered this to be the war in which the Mahdi will establish his Khalifah in Jerusalem ending Israel but the words “remnant” is used in the hadith which means remainder or what is left of the Muslims at the time, which is a later event.

Narrations clearly state that Israel will be taken by the people of the East, it is hard to imagine that the Armies marching from the East carrying the black flags can plant them in Jerusalem, the state of Israel today, with out having conquered it first, and indeed the prophet (saws) said nothing will stop them until they plant it there. Later wars will be fought in that land, and all Ahadith mention Palestine as the land of the people of the East, which they will hand over to the Mahdi (ra).

The Muslims will eventually win the Great War and go on to conquer the Lands of Europe “they (the Muslims) will not pass any city without conquering it by declaring Allah’s greatness (they will conquer these lands using, Dhikr, with out fighting), until they come to the City of the “Romans” referring to their capital at the time.

The Mahdi will arrive at Istanbul and set up arrangements for the Khalifah, appoint people to govern there making preparations for the implementation of Islamic law after Turkey had left the muslim community to Join Europe.

Abu Hurayrah related from The Prophet (saws) said, “The Romans will surround a leader from my pure musked children. His name will be the same as mine (i.e. the Mahdi). They will fight each other at a place called Al-A’maq (the place of the Great War, Al-A’maq is a toponym, it is near Dabiq, between Aleppo in northern Syria and Antioch in southern Turkey) and one third, or thereabouts, of the Muslims (Army) will be killed. They will fight again on another day and again one third or thereabouts of the Muslims will be killed. On the third day they will fight again and the Romans will be defeated. And they will remain there until they open Constantinople. It is whilst they are distributing the spoils of war that a messenger will come informing them that the false messiah is in their home town with their children.” (Ibn Hibban, Tirmidhi, Abuya’li, At-Tabarani, Al Bazaar, Abu Nuaym and Al Hakim.)

“The Hour will not come until seventy thousand men of Banu Ishaq (Men of Jewish origin who the Mahdi will send) invade it (Constantinople). When they come to it they will settle around it, and they will not fight with a single weapon or shoot a single arrow. They will say: “La ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar (There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest),” and the side that is on the sea will collapse (referring to its walls). Then they will say: “La ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar (There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest),” and its other side will collapse. Then they will say: “La ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar (There is no god but Allah and Allah is the Greatest),” and it will be opened up for them and they will enter it and take the spoils. (Muslim)

And Nu’aym ibn Hammad narrated from Ibn Mas’ud (ra), from the Prophet (saws) that he said: “Allah will cause Constantinople to be conquered at the hands of a people who are the allies (awliya’) of Allah (ta’ala). Allah will preserve them from death, illness and disease until Isa ibn Maryam (as) descends, and they will fight alongside him against the Dajjaal.”

It is more than likely that these Jews will come from what is left of the orthodox Jewish community in Israel, the Pashtuns of Afghanistan are descendants from the original Jewish tribes and many Ahadith refer to the Mahdi wearing Jewish cloths and looking like a Jewish man, these Ahadith refer to the Pashtuns, but by the time of the Great War much of there forces would have been spent fighting the war lords of Arabia, one of the Sufyani’s will fill every valley with their bodies then invade their lands killing every male until only women and the elderly remain.

The Ahadith mention they will be present during the great war, “This group will belong to Khurasan”, but what is more significant than this is that the Jews have a prophecy about the return of Isa (as) which mentions their condition by the time of his arrival and it is identical in wording to what the prophet (saws) said about them “at the hands of a people who are the allies (awliya’) of Allah (ta’ala). Allah will preserve them from death, illness and disease until Isa ibn Maryam (as) descends, and they will fight alongside him against the Dajjaal.”

It may be that both groups having the same origin from the original tribes of Judaism, and as Allah himself in the Quran promises to bring all the Jewish tribes back to Jerusalem by the end, which includes the Pashtuns who are subject to any promise Allah made to Abraham in the torah and bible, they are referred to as one people.

We have to keep in mind that between the time the People of the East take Jerusalem and the Mahdi arrives that is six years, and between the Mahdi and the Great War that is about seven years, which is more than a decade since Jews would have ruled Israel by then, this is a long time for change and people to forget the present situation, there are more Ahadith regarding orthodox jews including the fact the Mahdi will bring out the Ark of the Covenant, showing them the Original Torah debating with them regarding the truth, through which many will accept Islam at his hands.

It will be after this point in time, when the Muslim’s have conquered Istanbul, that news of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will begin to spread, but it will be false.

As the Mahdi (a.s) and his men are busy in Istanbul a rumor will spread that “the Dajjaal has broken loose in Syria and is wreaking havoc among your families.” This news will be very disturbing to the Imam, and so consequently, he will hurriedly leave for Syria. In the meantime, ten men will be sent ahead to ascertain the truth. The Holy Prophet (saws) said referring to these men: “ I know their names and the names of their fathers they will be among the best warriors in that era.” One of them will report that the story is false and the Dajjaal has not yet emerged, it was a lie fabricated by Shaytan to try and disrupt the progress of the Muslims.

Meanwhile those who conquered Istanbul, the Jews, will march on and invade the enemy territories of western and southern Europe (comprising of countries like, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Austria, Italy, etc.) in the same manner they conquered Istanbul with Tasbih and Takbeer, without the use of weapons.

The Prophet (saws) said: “If there only remains but one day left in the world, Allah will prolong it until a man from my house governs. He will open Constantinople (Istanbul) and the Mountain of Al-Daylam (in Iran).” (Ibn Hibban, At-Tirmizi, Abu ya’li, At-Tabarani, Al Bazaar, Abu Nuaym and Al Hakim.)

Nafi’ ibn ‘Utbah said, “The Prophet said, ‘You will attack Arabia (The Mahdi when he first Appears), and Allah will enable you to conquer it. Then you will attack Persia (The Muslims and Europeans), and Allah will enable you to conquer it. Then you will attack Rome (Europe’s main city), and Allah will enable you to conquer it. Then you will attack the Dajjaal (with Jesus), and Allah will enable you to conquer him.” (Sahih Muslim)

A Time Frame Between The War In Syria and The Mahdi


The following Ahadith mention what is occurring now in Syria they give us a specific outline and time frame for events between us the emergence of Mahdi (ra);

The Prophet (saws) said, “At the end of time there will be a trial in which people will be sorted (fitnatul Duhaima) in a similar way to that in which gold is sorted from metal. Therefore do not rebuke the people of Syria rather, rebuke the evil people among them, because amongst them are the Abdals (Awliya). Allah will send a flood from Heaven (an event) that will disperse their groups in a way that if foxes were to attack them they would be victorious. Then Allah will send a man (to the people of syria) from the perfumed musked children of the Messenger, praise and peace be upon him, amongst approximately 12-15,000 under three banners and their password is ‘Die, die!’ And they will be fought by the people of 7 banners under each is a man seeking the kingdom (Syria). They will be killed, defeated, then the Hashimite (leader of the black flags) will appear, so Allah will restore unity and favors to the people and this will be the case until the Dajjaal (the lying, false messiah) comes.”

At-Tabarani in al-Awsat, Nu’aym and Ibn ‘Asakir narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib [radhiyallahu ‘anhu] that the Messenger of Allah [sallallahu ‘alayhi wa-sallam] said:“There will be at the end of time a trial that will sort out men as gold is sorted out from metal. So do not revile the people of ash-Sham, but revile their evil ones, for among them are al-Abdal. A flood is about to be released upon the people of ash-Sham that will split their unity, so that even if foxes attacked them they would defeat them. At that time, a man from my household will come out with three banners. The one who estimates highly will say: They are fifteen thousand. And the one who estimates lower will say: They are twelve thousand. Their sign will be: “ Amit, amit [kill,kill].” They will meet in battle seven banners, and under each of those banners shall be a man seeking the kingdom. Allah will kill all of them, and restore to the Muslims their unity and bounty, and their far ones and near ones.”

Other Similar Narration’s State:

The Prophet (pbuh) Said: “So do not rebuke the people of Syria but rebuke the evil people among them because amongst them are the Abdals (Awliya). A flood is about to be sent down upon the people of Syria (the Arab spring), which will disperse their groups (cause a civil war) in such a way, that if foxes (deceptive and cunning groups) attacked they would be beaten. At that time a man from the Family of my House will come (to the people of Syria) under 3 banners; between 12-15,000 and their password is – ‘Die, die.’ Then, there will come 7 banners and under each will be one man seeking the kingdom (Syria). Allah will kill all of them and restore unity and favors upon the hearts of Muslims, and those who were far (the Syrians who emigrated) come close.”

Al-Hakim narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “There will be at the end of time a trial that will sort out men as gold is sorted out from metal (fitnatul Duhaima). So do not revile the people of Sham, but revile their evil ones (the dictators and their group), for among them are the Abdal [Awliya/Saints]. A flood is about to be released upon the people of Sham (the Arab spring) that will split their unity, so that even if foxes (ISIS and Al Qaeda) attack them they would defeat them. At that time, a man from my household will come out with three banners (to the people of Syria). The one who estimates highly will say that they are fifteen thousand. And the one who estimates lower will say that they are twelve thousand. Their sign will be: “Amit, amit [kill, kill].” They will meet in battle seven banners, and under each of those banners will be a man seeking the kingdom (Syria). Allah will kill all of them, and restore to the Muslims their unity and bounty and their far ones and near ones (the Syrians who emigrated will come back).” (These Ahadith are found in the references of Abu Dawud, Ahmad, Ibn Majah and At-Tabarani and al Hakim reported them).

And Nu’aym ibn Hammad and al-Hakim narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib [radhiyallahu‘anhu] that he said:“There will be a trial in which men will be sorted out as gold is sorted out from metal. So do not revile the people of ash-Sham, but revile their oppressors, for among them are al-Abdal. Allah shall send upon them a flood from the sky that will drown them, so that even if foxes attacked them they would defeat them. Then, at that time, Allah will send a man from the descendent’s of the Messenger [sallallahu ‘alayhi wa-sallam] among at least twelve thousand, and at most fifteen thousand, their sign or their mark being: “ Amit, amit [kill, kill]”, under three banners. They will fight a people under seven banners, and there will be no leader of any of those banners except that he desires the kingdom. So they will fight and be defeated, and then the Hashimi will be victorious, and Allah will restore to the people their unity and their bounty, and they will remain like that until the emergence of the Dajjal.”

The Events mentioned in these Ahadith make things very clear, at the end of these Ahadith and this war in Syria the prophet (saws) said that Allah will…“restore unity and favors upon the hearts of Muslims” and… “the Hashimite will appear, so Allah will restore unity and favors to the (muslim) people and this will be the case until the Dajjaal comes.”

This tells us when this hadith is to occur, at the end of the war mentioned in the hadith will be the time that Allah will begin to restore unity to the hearts of the Muslim Ummah, meaning prior to it they will have been in disunity. We can narrow the time because this can only be the case after the last Khalifah, 100 years ago and before the Mahdi’s (ra) era begins, hence it is referring to when the era of dictators will end and Asad is the last dictator.

This era is what divided  the ummah for nearly 100 years and it is now ending, this unity Allah will grant is the initial step that will pave the way for the return of Islamic lands to be ruled by the Mahdi (ra), Unity can’t be zapped into people hearts so Allah will prepare them psychologically and spiritually for it with what they will experience in life.

Because the hadith says this unity will be the state of the Muslims until the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) appears, it means this is the beginning of the unity under the mahdi (ra) who will end the oppression we are all living through, the black flags are the Mahdi’s army and they will pave the way for him by establishing His government before He emerges, this process will begin after the war in Syria ends as the ahadith indicate.

The prophet (saws) begins the Ahadith by mentioning the sifting of people, “At the end of time there will be a trial in which people will be sorted in a similar way to that in which gold is sorted from metal” the precious metal is removed from the scrap ore around it, the gold is crushed and agglomerated before it is distilled with mineral acids, in a similar way those precious to Allah will go through trials that will purify them, make them stand out from the scrap around them so they are known to each other, then refined even further so they become entirely pure, this is the sifting of people mentioned in a number of ahadith connecting them with events in Syria.

The prophet (saws) in a number of Ahadith mentioned the fitna’s (Trials and tribulations) that would befall this Ummah towards the end of time, and gave each one a specific name that characterized it so we could know it by it’s qualities, these fitna’s have been the subject of many works written by the scholars through out Islam’s History, among these fitna’s are fitna al Ahlaas, al Sarra and ad Duhaima.

The event that will sort people out has been mentioned in a number of Ahadith, the prophet (saws) called it fitnatul Duhaima.

The scholars described the Duhaima as the “Fitna that Will Sweep the Arabs Away,” we are seeing this today with the destruction of historical mosques and sites in Islamic lands some thousands of years old, sites that are crucial to muslim identity are bing destroyed by ISIS and the Salafi’s on behalf of a super power that as the prophet Daniel (as) said in the bible “crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left” of their society and heritage.

Abdullah b. Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “There will be a fitna that will “tastanzifu” (meaning it will destroy) the Arabs, its dead will be in Hell. During which the tongue will be more severe (ashadd) than a blow of the sword”. (Ahamd, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah).

“its dead will be in Hell” tells us who this is talking about because the only type of death that takes a person directly to hell is suicide, the hadith is clearly talking about the Salafi’s and their brainwashed suicide bombers.

“During which the tongue will be more severe (ashadd) than a blow of the sword “ – With the spread of the Internet and mobile technology this indicates to us when this event would occur because not more than 30 years ago mass media was still uncommon around the world it was all localised. This description “more sever than the blow of the sword” is also mentioned in a number of other narration’s (discussed later) identifying the event that will destroy the Arabs as the Duhaima, considering all the ahadith about this matter it is more precise to say the Duhaima will lead to their complete destruction and eventual death.

Regarding the Prophet’s (saws) statement “tastanzifu” Ibn al-Athir and Ibn al-Manzur [Ibn al-Athir is the scholar who wrote an-Nihaya fi Gharib al-Hadith, a dictionary on uncommon words found in hadith texts; Ibn al-Manzur is the author of the famous Lisan al-Arab.] said: It means it will encompass them in destruction. It is said [in Arabic]: istanzafat ash-shay’, if you take it all (it is encompassing). Destruction doesn’t just mean destroying buildings it means destroying their society and way of life, the Duhaima will bring this about and it will eventually lead to their deaths before the time of Isa (as) as ahadith clearly state.

Imam Ali al-Qari said in al-Mirqat [al-Mirqat is a commentary of Mishkat al-Masabih]: “It has been said that it means it will purify them from filth (al-ardhal)” this is because Allah purifies complacent people through struggle, the Duhaima will sift people out like gold is extracted and it will divide the world into two camps one filled with hypocrites and one filled with iman (religion).

What is similar to Imam al-Qari’s statement are the narrations about fitnatul ad-Duhaima’ (ad-duhaima’ means black and dark), the Prophet (saws) said: “It will not leave any single individual of this Umma (nation) but slap him on the cheek” (test his faith). In the Ahadith on the Duhaima, the Prophet (saws) said it will test the entire Ummah “Until people become two camps: one of faith (religion) with no hypocrisy and one of hypocrisy with no faith (religion).”

This shows that the fitnah of the Duhaima will separate the believers from the people of fitan, doubt and hypocrisy, making each stand out from the other as both are forced to take one of two sides that will be known to all, and the Duhaima is the greatest fitna that will occur prior to the appearance of the Antichrist (Allah’s curse be upon him), in the words of the people of hypocrisy “they are making their actions easy to see nowadays”.

The Prophet’s statement, “tastanzifu” means that it will consume most of them in destruction, this means it will lay the foundation’s for the death of the Arabs, an event mentioned in numerous Ahadith, this destruction will not end until the time of Isa (as) when most Arabs will have perished and they will be few in number.

The prophet (saws) said before the time of the Mahdi only 1/3 will have survived, and that the Arabs will mainly be residing in Jerusalem by the time Isa (as) descends.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said regarding the Great wars we will soon see: “The Romans (Europeans) will attack those Arabs who reside in their land (Europe), until not a single Arab man or woman or child remains in their land but that they shall be killed by the Romans.” (Kitab Al Fitan, Bab Al Aamaq wa fath al Constantiniya, page 260)

At the time of the Great war “the Romans (Europeans) shall say to their leader: ‘We shall relieve you of the Arabs,’ (intending Genocide) and they shall gather up for the great battle” (Ibn Maja)

By the time the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) who emerges seven months after the Great War, Umm Sharik said: “I heard Allah’s Apostle (saws) say: “The people would run away from the Dajjaal seeking shelter in the mountains.” She said: “Were would be the Arabs then on that day?” He said: “They would be small in number.” (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, No. 7035)

Umm Sharik bint Abi’l-‘Akr said , “O Messenger of Allah, were will the Arabs be at that time?” (of the Dajjaal) He said, “At that time they will be few; most of them will be in Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), and their Imam will be a righteous man. Whilst their Imam is going forward to lead the people in praying Salat al-Subh (the morning prayer), ‘Eyssa son of Maryam will descend.” (Ibn Majja)

Some of these ahadith mention that this fitna will occur due to competing claims of jahiliya, i.e. nationalism which only existed in the muslim world after the fall of the last Khalifah at the end of WW1, a point in time when the Muslims lost their sense of unity because its lands once had a single ruler, today the effects of nationalism dominate the Muslim mindset they forget that the prophet (saws) came to eliminate nationalism itself.

He (saws) said “The Muslim Ummah is like one body. If the eye is in pain then the whole body is in pain and if the head is in pain then the whole body is in pain”, this is a spiritual reality warning people that they cant turn a blind eye to what is occurring in the Muslim world it will affect the rest of the Ummah, and this reality will occur from the spiritual world down to our physical one, meaning it will be a cause for the troubles that afflict people in their personal lives and souls even though they are distant from it.

Imam Ibn Kathir similarly identified the major fintna’s that would befall the Ummah just before the emergence of the Mahdi (ra), in his work al Bidaya wa Nihaya, he arranges the Ahadith regarding the signs of the Hour into a chronological order placing the Hadith regarding the Duhaima before the emergence of the Mahdi (r.a).

He relates the following hadith regarding them and the Duhaima, it is essentially the most significant hadith we can quote about what is occurring in the world, all other narrations tie back to it and revolve around what it says;

Abdullah ibn Umar said: While we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah he mentioned the Fitan (strifes, trials & tribulations), mentioning many of them until he mentioned Fitnatul Ahlaas (The trial of the Saddlebag). Someone asked him: ‘ O Messenger of Allah, what is fitnatul Ahlaas? He said “It is the usurping of wealth and the fleeing”. Then (after it), will come Fitnatul Sarra (the fitna of secrets): its smoke is under the feet of a man (descendant) from my household (family), who claims he is of me, but he is not because my Awlyia (saintly men) are those who fear Allah. Then people will gather and agree upon a man, (but it will be an agreement that is) like a hip on a rib (meaning this will be a temporary arrangement, as a hip bone does not belong on the rib, if man bends his body to such a position he can not stay there for long before needing to do other things in life, so this position is temporary). Then there will be the Duhaima (Blind black, dark, catastrophic) trial. It will afflict every single person from this Nation. When it will be said that it is over, it will return; during it, a man will be a believer in the morning and a disbeliever (by) the night. (This will continue) until people will go to two Fustaats (groups) — the Fustaat of Eemaan (Group of faith or religion), in which there is no hypocrisy, and the Fustaat of hypocrisy, in which there is no Eemaan (faith or religion). And when that will come to you (when the sorting of people will finally end), wait for the Dajjaal on that day or on the morrow.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 37, Hadith 3. Ahmad related it as well in his Musnad).

Other Ahadith say “Then, the Duhaima Fitna (Dark Black & Cunning trial that catches people off guard will occur) that will not leave anyone without slapping him a slap (testing his faith); if people say it is finished, it stays longer; a man who is in the morning a Mu’min (Believer) by the evening becomes a Kafir (Disbeliever), until people will be divided into two factions: a faction of Iman (belief and religion) without hypocrisy and a faction of hypocrisy without Iman (belief and religion). When this happens (the sorting is finished), expect the Dajjaal that day or the next day’.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, Al-Haakim, and Al-Zahabi)

The Hadith ends with the emergence of the Dajjaal and begins with fitnatul Ahlaas, then fitnatul Sarra which will lead to fitnatul Duhaima and that will lead the world to the emergence of the Antichrist (Allah’s curse be upon him), one fitna following the other like beads on a string neckless falling from it when it is cut.

The Duhaima is the Fitnah that will sort people out until the time of the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him), which indicates that the first two fitna’s mentioned in the hadith are in our past, relating the evidence to how these fitna’s were identified in a comprehensive manner would require a larger work than this current book, effectively here we are presenting the conclusion to that research with some of the evidence which consisted in the careful analysis of ahadith to identify it’s timing, it was identified by comparing well over two dozen ahadith mentioning events around it until a proper timeline was achieved, the methodology for this process we outlined at the end of this book.

To sum up the matter and it is clear from the history of Muslims over the past 100 years, the scholars said that the man referred to in this hadith “its smoke is under the feet of a man (descendant) from my household (family), who claims he is of me (my descendant), but he is not because my Awlyia (saintly people) are those who fear Allah” was Saddam Hussein, who in 1990 when the words Allahu Akbar first appeared on the Iraqi flag produced a genealogical chart of his ancestry claiming he is one of Ahl al Bayt to establish his legitimacy as the ruler of Iraq, Ahl al Bayt means the person is a descendant of the prophet (saws, Saddam’s surname to muslims indicates this ancestry, as the Hadith mentions he was responsible for fitnatul Sarra the strife of secrecy or spying and espionage that entered the muslim world during his life time.

The prophet (saws) also said “my Awlyia (saintly people) are those who fear Allah” meaning he will be a descendant of the prophet (saws) but the prophet disowned him because he was corrupt and did not fear Allah.

Fitnatul Ahlaas (The fitna of the Saddlebag) is the war in Iraq that occurred over Oil and control of wealth in the region before the first gulf war, in it’s name “the saddle bag” (used for carrying items while riding a horse) is an indication of the type of war that it would be, this is similarly clear from the description the prophet (saws) gave it, “It is fleeing and plunder”, like riders charging into a town to plunder the wealth of that place then fleeing afterwards from the law with all they can carry in their saddle bags.

This fitna is referring to the Iraq and Kuwait war which lead to the First Gulf war that brought the Americans (Law) into the Arabian Peninsula and began it’s dominance over the muslim world. Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990 to control it’s oil occupying it for seven months, the invasion caused roughly half of the Kuwaiti population to flee along with 150,000 foreigners (mostly Indians) working in the country.

During the 7-month occupation the forces of Saddam Hussein looted the countries vast wealth, in mid-January 1991 America launched a military assault on Iraq and Iraqi forces stationed in Kuwait. Hostilities continued until late February the same year, Saddam Husain loosing to them in less than a month, essentially fleeing with all he could carry.

All of this fits the description Rasul Allah (saws) gave, from Saddam’s intentions behind the war, to his looting of the country and his loss to America in less than a month, He (saws) called it the fitna of the saddle bag because it was the plunder of Kuwait’s wealth and fleeing from America less than a month after their invasion.

This event led to the non Muslims dominating Muslim lands for the next two decades and well into our time because they went unchallenged. As the prophet (saws) mentioned this period marked the lowest point in Islamic History,  the Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “When you see that my nation dreads saying to the oppressor (Saddam), ‘Indeed you are an oppressor,’ then they have taken their leave (i.e. their existence and non-existence amounts to the same thing)” (Ahmad) and what would occur after this point in time as history has shown would directly lead to the destruction of their society and way of life because they wouldn’t fight for their freedom or Islam, ultimately this would all lead to the genocide of the Arab race as aggression against them will inevitably increase.

“Then, will come Fitnatul Sarra’: its smoke is under the feet of a man (descendant) from my household”, As Sarra means the fitna of secrets and as the scholars defined the meaning of the word this is referring to a fitna of spying and espionage. The prophet (saws) was very clear and specific in how he mentioned this fitna, he said it will be introduced into this Ummah by a man who was his descendant, but not of Him (saws), as his character is immoral, “it’s smoke” refers to the man fanning it’s tribulation causing it to spread among muslim’s, the smoke is underneath the feet of Saddam but the fire itself, it’s original cause in the world wasn’t his.

In the 80’s Russia (former U.S.S.R) and America (along with their allies) were in a war known as the “cold war” because there was no large-scale fighting directly between the two sides, it was mostly a war of espionage and spying, it began in 1947 after WW2 and ended in 1991, it nearly brought down both nations in the process and eventually led to end of the U.S.S.R (old Russia).

When Saddam Hussein took control of Iraq in 1979 as the head of the Baath Party he adopted these super powers methods and ruled Iraq with espionage, fear and propaganda. He began a campaign of spying on his entire populace to weed out and eliminate any people that would instigate anything against him.

When Iraq was then invaded in the first Gulf war Muslim independence in their own homeland was shattered as the permanent state of the occupation set in, this state of spying during the occupation became so severe because he wanted to protect himself from foreign powers people could not say anything against his oppression in their own home out of fear their neighbour or friend or family member may report them to one of his agents to gain some benefit from the regime during a time of sanctions.

Saddam Husain created the atmosphere that normalised this mindset in the wider Iraqi population and the Muslim world.

Because Saddam was at the same time defiant to the West and their allies he was viewed as a hero who was standing up against a tyrannical people that were dominating them, the Muslim world eventual adopted this same mindset and chose to ignore the fact he was oppressing his own people for the sake of nationalism and his own pride, they forgot that forbidding evil and upholding truth are two pillars of Islam which have to maintained and in fact the prophet (saws) said when the muslim community no longer stops oppression Allah would place dictators over them.

Allah in the Quran says that He doesn’t punish a city until all it’s inhabitants practiced evil, “And never did we destroy the townships unless the folk thereof were evil-doers” (2859). The prophet (saws) also said “If people see someone (practicing) injustice and do not set him right, Allah will almost certainly visit them all with sever punishment.”, Other narration’s state “If they see evil practiced and do not attempt to change it.”(Abu Dawuud)

Because people feared saying to Saddam you are an oppressor and they didn’t remove his oppression the prophet (saws) said “then they have taken their leave” they are no longer upholding anything from the Deen and the Ummah may as well not even exist, hence Allah will fate most of the Arabs to die by the time of the Mahdi (ra) and for them to be driven out of their lands by Europe when it invades then by the Dajjal (Allah;s curse be upon him) when He emerges.

He (saws) said the people of Sham will leave sham and the people of Egypt will flee Egypt (it’s destruction is also mentioned in the Bible), the Romans (Europe) will bombard there coastal areas heavily and devastate them entirely.

The prophet (saws) said “There are no people in whose midst acts of disobedience are habitual (they become a consistent habit) and who can change these habits but do not change them, except that Allah visits them with sweeping punishment.” (Abu Dawuud)

The hadith about these three fitnah’s indicates their time is in the ear of Dictators and all these events occurred underneath the dictators of the Baath Party, the Muslim’s refused to vilify their oppression and instead looked towards their methods for solutions, essentially they took their leave from being muslims’s during this time which lead to the Ummah’s lowest point in Islam’s history.

Saddam’s methods were adopted by other dictators around the Muslim world to maintain complete control over their populations, he made these methods seem acceptable and justifiable in the eyes of others who wanted power.

The fitna of secrets has continued into our time with the popularization of espionage and the agencies that carry them out by the media, their actions are no longer seen as shocking and moral despicable and the matter has only gotten worse in a technological age were the gadgets they once dreamed up are all now reality. It’s spread was at the hands of Saddam but now it has affected the entire Muslim world as anyone wishing to keep control over Muslim populations uses it, manipulating portions of the population to keep watch over others, raising some in status and lowering another.

This is the exact behaviour of Pharaoh, Allah said, “Pharaoh behaved arrogantly in the land, and divided the people into groups, seeking to weaken one section (while raising another), slaying their sons and sparing their daughters he was one of those who spread corruption” (28:4).

إِنَّ فِرْعَوْنَ عَلَا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَجَعَلَ أَهْلَهَا شِيَعًا يَسْتَضْعِفُ طَائِفَةً مِّنْهُمْ يُذَبِّحُ أَبْنَاءَهُمْ وَيَسْتَحْيِي نِسَاءَهُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ مِنَ الْمُفْسِدِينَ

This state of affairs led to the emergence of the worst kind of people being placed in charge to maintain this system, those willing to do anything for this dunya (world), the prophet (saws) called them al Ruwaibidah (the corruptors of society) and mentioned their rule in Ahadith;

The prophet (saws) said, “There shall come upon people years of deceit in which the liar will be believed, the truthful one disbelieved (a reversal in society were the degenerates take the fore becoming the role models for people), the treacherous will be trusted and the trustworthy one considered treacherous (moral people are considered treacherous because they stop people from gaining wealth by deception, morality and  ethics in business is seen as exactly this and religious people are not trusted in corporations whistle blowers are shunned and degraded because society now looks to evil people to gain from them, shunning and mistrusting those who go against the status quo); and the Ruwaybidah will speak out.’ It was said: Who are the Ruwaybidah? The Prophet, peace be upon him, replied: The lowly, contemptible one who will speak out about public affairs (governing peoples personal lives)(al-rajul al tafihu yatakallam fi amri’l-ammah).] (Ibn Majah, Sunan, no.4036; Ahmad, Musnad, no.7899; al-Hakim, Mustadrak, 4:465, saying: ‘Its chain is sahih).

Anas ibn Malik said, The Prophet (saws) said, (before) The time of the Dajjaal (their) will be years of confusion. People will believe a liar, and disbelieve one who tells the truth. People will distrust one who is trustworthy, and trust one who is treacherous (the fitna of espionage led to this state of affairs because it opened the door for people’s personal lives scrutinised and judged publicly, the catch phrase of the day “privacy is a thing of the past” now these degenerates speak out about what people do in their homes influencing their personal beliefs); and the Ruwaybidah will have a say.’ Someone asked, ‘Who are the Ruwaybidah?’ He said, ‘Those who rebel against Allah and will have a say in general affairs.'” (Ahmad.)

“Those who rebel against Allah” means they challenge him directly, they are the degenerate and depraved occultists now in charge of people who perform fowl acts to gain power and influence in the occult, if we are unfamiliar with this subject but believe it exists because the Quran says it exists, we need to only ask what a person needs to do to become proficient in dark magic, what depraved acts does he need to do to gain control of devils and command them against others, this state of affairs is mentioned in many prophecies we will cover later.

Other translations of the hadith have “vile men who control the general affairs” of the common people, the Ruwaybidah have remained after the dictators have left, they are the lowest of people who practice the occult being put in charge of the public in order to manipulate and manoeuvre the population away from their heritage to a way of life that is hedonistic and heathen in the guise of secularism, they forget that the Khalifah was largely secular in nature so this is nothing new to muslims, legislation was mostly in the hands of it’s scholars (the Madhhabs) not it’s rulers who had political authority they did not.

The prophet (saws) said: “No, no, the intellects of the general masses at that time will be deceived! They will be following fools that have no intellects themselves. They will be assuming they have a (legitimate) cause, but they will not have a (legitimate) cause.” (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban).

The muslim nations followed the ways of the Kufar blindly “you will follow the Jews and Christians in their ways even if they crawl down a lizard hole.” This occurred even though Secular countries all but lost their former identities as people in front of their eyes, they replaced culture with corporate advertising that has no real value in peoples lives except to exploit anything and everything for profit.

Many Ahadith indicate the timing of these events in relation to the Fitna’s that the prophet (saws) gave specific labels to like the Duhaima, of which we are only relating a few.

Imam Nu’aym ibn Hammad, who was one of Imam Bukhari’s teachers, in his work al Fitan narrated from Abu Hurayrah (ra) that he said: “The fourth fitna is blind and dark, rolling like the ocean. It will not leave a single house of the Arabs or the ‘Ajam without filling it with humiliation and fear. It will go around Sham, cover ‘Iraq, and batter the Jazirah with its hand and foot. During it, the Ummah will be torn by wars, and the tribulations will become so severe that right will be considered as wrong, and wrong will be considered as right. No one will be able to voice the least objection. Every time they resolve it in one place, it will afflict them with division in another place (the splitting up of entire societies). During it, a man will be a mu’min in the morning and become a kafir by the evening, and no one will be saved from it except one who supplicates like a person drowning in the ocean would supplicate. It will last for twelve years, then it will end when it ends, and the Euphrates will have uncovered a mountain of gold. They will fight over it until seven out of every nine are killed.”

Sham refers to greater Syria, present-day Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Sinai. Iraq refers to the southern area of the present-day state of Iraq. As for the Jazirah, this does not refer to the Arabian Peninsula, but rather to the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the northern area of present-day Iraq and Syria.

The description given of the fourth fitna is fitnatul Duhaima which came after fitnatul Sarra, the first fitna is more than likely the Iran-Iraq War that began in 1980 and lasted for nearly a decade, shaping the Middle East at the beginning of the technological age we now live in. It is mentioned in other Ahadith by the prophet (saws), that war led to the the later three fitna’s directly.

These Ahadith indicate that the fourth fitna will be the last one to shape the world immediately before the coming of the Mahdi (ra) and the emergence of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), “(This will continue) until people will go to two Fustaats (groups) — the Fustaat of Eemaan (religion), in which there is no hypocrisy, and the Fustaat of hypocrisy, in which there is no Eemaan (religion). And when that will come to you (when the sorting of people into the camp with religion and the camp with no religion finally ends), wait for the Dajjaal on that day or on the morrow”.

The Prophet (saws) said “Then people will gather and agree upon a man, (but it will be an agreement that is) like a hip on a rib, (meaning this arrangement won’t last). Then there will be the Duhaima (the major corrupting event in the world that will lead to the Dajjal)”.

After the first Gulf War in the 90’s when sanctions were placed on Iraq people gathered around the Banner of Osama Bin Laden who was fighting against the oppression Muslims were facing in Iraq and elsewhere, this was before he was labeled a terrorist by the west, this arrangement soon ended when the Fitna of the Duhaima began on September the 11, 2001, with the destruction of the world trade towers that ended his support around the world.

In fact all the events mentioned are related to each other and were a cause for the fitna that came after it just like the prophet (saws) described the events of the hour will follow each other like beads falling from a string. The Iran Iraq war led to Fitnatul Ahlaas (Kuwait war) and that led to fitnatul Sarra (secrecy and espionage) which in turn led to fitnatul Duhaima, September the 11th.

When America wanted revenge they invaded Iraq to completely remove Saddam from power who they considered should have been removed in the first Gulf War, and Osama Bin Laden who had temporary Muslim support was blamed for the attack which is why the prophet (saws) mentioned all the events together in one Hadith along with the end result of splitting the Muslim world into two camps, as the west dominated muslim countries the world was forced to choose sides just as Islam and Christianity foretold.

The Duhaima, led to the invasion of Afghanistan, the second Invasion of Iraq and the humiliation of every Muslim on earth over the past decade as an entire religion and it’s people were demonized in the world media, a pretext for political gain considering Islam hasn’t had any representative government for almost a hundred years, it’s effects where greater than the sword testing the faith of every Muslim (“giving him a slap”).

As it’s description states it was a Dark Black & Cunning trial that caught people off guard, it’s effects were “blind and dark, rolling like the ocean (meaning continuously spreading around the world). It will not leave a single house of the Arabs or the ‘Ajam (non Arab Muslims) without filling it with humiliation and fear (which every Muslim lived through). It will go around Sham (local wars in Palestine, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon), cover ‘Iraq (the second Iraq war which led to it’s complete occupation and loss of independence), and batter the Jazirah with its hand and foot (an area that is heavily contested by many sides today). During it, the Ummah will be torn by wars…”It will last for twelve years, then it will end when it ends”.

“When it will be said that it is over, it will return” – When America invaded Iraq for many years people called for this war to end only to have it extend for nearly a decade while they looked on hopeless about stoping it, people did not know when it would end and it kept being prolonged by the west until people nearly gave up protesting it.

The major impact of this fitna are not the wars that resulted from it but the lasting impact it had on the world,  ‘(This will continue) until people will go to two Fustaats (groups) — the Fustaat of Eemaan (religion), in which there is no hypocrisy, and the Fustaat of hypocrisy, in which there is no Eemaan (religion). And when that will come to you (when this sorting finally ends), wait for the Dajjaal on that day or on the morrow.’

The Duhaima began the division of the world into two camps one filled with Hypocrisy and no religion and the other filled with Iman, religion and no hypocrisy, this isn’t a reference to the devision of Muslim’s versus non Muslims this is a reference to the entire world, to people who hold on to good qualities versus those who choose evil in life (such as the ruwaybidah). It is a general characterization of the state of the world as we know it today after these events have shaped it, because the last fitna to occur in the Hadith, the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), will come to test the entire world after the sorting ends and not just muslims.

The Duhaima, september the 11th, it’s ramifications are global and not just In Islam it is literally the event that will lead the world to the coming of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) because it decided the world into two camps this with religion and those without religion.

The Ahadith about events at the end of time take on a global nature because Allah will test the entire world with what is going to occur, initially they refer to Muslims but as we get closer to the Mahdi (ra) and the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) they begin to refer to all people on earth.

One only need think back to the 80’s, 70’s and earlier to see a contrast between how people thought back then and now, the west was still considered Christian in those time’s and the east Buddhist, now those characterizing distinctions are deliberately being removed by the West and the Ruwaybidah, a foreign system being used in Muslim lands, hence the fitna of the Duhaima and what will result after it are the camps of those who have left morality and those who still hold on to it.

Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn Aas reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “How will you (act) when the time draws near when people will be sifted (2001); the covenants (business) of people will be corrupted and the people will differ (sorted into two camps); then they will be like this,” and he intertwined his fingers (social media with the advent of the internet, and telecommunications technology). They said, “How should we (act), O Messenger of Allah?” He said, ” Take what you know to be good and leave what you repudiate; betake yourselves to your own private affairs and leave off the affairs of the general public.” (The responsibility forFard Kifaya, communal obligations, after 2001 is lifted from us) (Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah and Ahmad related the same Hadeeth through different chains).

Here the prophet (saws) described the modern era, “the covenants of people will be corrupted (business will be corrupt) and the people will differ (the sorting of people into two camps); then they will be like this, and he intertwined his fingers” indicating the Globalization of the world and people’s lives becoming connected to each other around the world through the internet, social media and all telecommunications technology and because of all this the prophet (saws) lifted the responsibility of Fard Kifaya, communal obligations, from muslims they won’t be asked about it on the day of judgment any longer.

There is a chronology to the prophet’s words the hadith begins with the sifting of people in 2001 with the September the 11 attacks, if we think back to how the World media was viewed before 2001, it was the ethical voice of the public that kept politician’s, corporations and corruption in society in check by reporting on it. We can then understand the significance of the prophets (saws) next words, “the covenants of people (their word and contract) will be corrupted” the reporter’s word was his career but this was destroyed after 2001 and reporters were no longer seen as trustworthy, a black spot was placed upon them that has never lifted.

Hence once the perceived moral voice of society was no longer moral or had any capacity to keep anyone in check, corporations, politicians and everyone else began to see that they could get away with what ever they liked, now you could manipulate anyone and everything.

“and the people will differ” this refers to the dividing effect of September the 11th, America during this time was accused of orchestrating the entire event because they could not provide clear evidence to justify their wars, or establish the guilt of people they accused in a court of Law. Saddam Hussein for instance had nothing to do with the attack, something they admitted later as if they had just realised it, yet Iraq was invaded for irrelevant political gain, hence the world media was used as a weapon of war and propaganda that would not critically investigate events or the corrupt governments behind everything.

“then they will be like this, and he intertwined his fingers”, peoples lives would become intertwined, it was around 2004 that the internet and mass telecommunication devices like mobile phones gained mass penetration, technology also made travel around the world easy and the world was explored and discovered like never before.

Globalization has never occurred before in history, technology and the Internet have allowed strangers living on the other side of the world to enter into peoples lives and homes on mass, where before the home protected the privacy of those living in them now every mobile phone and computer had a camera attached to it.

The Invasion of Afghanistan began in 2001 and Iraq followed soon after, the Arab countries (Sham) were all torn by a number of wars during this time, wars in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and eventually the Syrian civil war in 2012. The fitna of the Duhaima lasted for 12 years, the pull out of troops from Afghanistan eventually began in 2013 and ended in 2014.

This is the sorting of People into two camps mentioned in the Ahadith, people first began to take sides on the events surrounding September the 11th, then this continued to spread to other areas of life until it became clear who was corrupt and had no religion and who wasn’t as pressure was put on people to take sides in their work and lives.

The prophet (saws) mentioned the sorting of people at the beginning of a number of Ahadith because he was telling us how we could know which war in Syria he was referring to, and in three narration’s he (saws) indicated it to be a civil war after the spetember the 11 attack, described as the sorting or sifting of people.

The Duhaima’s occurrence was before the war in Sham and led to it in 2012, it changed the world in a unique way, the Dictators after it were no longer seen as absolute Authorities in their countries it also lead to the next event on the string of beads, the complete removal of the era of dictators with the Arab spring, or the flood as the prophet (saws) called it.

The Prophet (saws) said during the time of the Duhaima “do not rebuke the people of Syria rather, rebuke the evil people among them, because amongst them are the Abdals (Awliya or Saints)”. The Evil people among them are the Baath Party of Bashar al Asad, meaning during these 12 years you would see them do reprehensible things that you would want to curse the people of Syria over, this was the case regarding a number of issues in the region like Lebanon, but the prophet (saws) advised that we should only curse those who are evil and not the entire population itself.

The Baath Party of Syria is the same Baath party Saddam Husain belonged to, who similarly used spying and espionage to subvert and oppress the population, Bashar al Asad belonged to a minority sect of people who ruled Syria, they made up less than 23% of the countries population and were placed in power after WW1 by the French, having an even smaller population at the time.

The prophet (saws) goes on to say “Allah will send a flood from Heaven (an event) that will disperse their groups in a way that if foxes were to attack them they would be victorious”.

The flood that would be sent was the “Arab spring” that swept across the entire Muslim world removing every dictator from power effectively ending the Era of Dictators in Muslim lands, it came to Syria last and began the Civil War…“Then there will be tyrannical (forceful) kingship (the era of dictators) and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain.Then He will raise it when He wills to raise it.”

Bashar al Asad is the last of the old dictators in the muslim world, once his rule ends this will be the end of the Baath party that spread Fitnatul Sarra (the corruption of espionage secrecy) into the muslim world, this isn’t to say the muslim Ummah wont see any more dictators, Ahadith clearly mention them but they will all be short lived not lasting more than a few years, they are more accurately war lords, waging short lived wars before being defeated as the prophet (saws) stated.

Rather the era of dictators ending means that this form of governing in the Muslim world wont appear every where again as it once did after WW1, the hadith is a characterization of the Ummah through out it’s history.

The prophet (saws) said “that will disperse their groups”, the civil war dispersed Syria’s groups into factions, some fighting for the people of Syria, some fighting for Asad and some joining the terrorist factions fighting for themselves. This dispersion the prophet (saws) said about it “that if foxes were to attack them they would be victorious”.

This characterization is an indication of the type of event the flood would be and is unique in it’s description among all the wars mentioned by the prophet (saws), “Allah will send a flood from Heaven (an event) that will disperse their groups” the flood would disperse their groups into factions indicating this event would cause in fighting, a civil war, and it wont be an invading Army, otherwise the prophet (saws) would have clearly mentioned it is an Army invading Syria, the flood is a metaphor for a movement (an intellectual event) that would be a catalyst for the splitting of the people into factions.

When the people of Syria saw how all the other dictators around the world had fallen this gave them motivation to likewise do the same and take back their country.

To understand who the foxes are we have to look at the factions fighting in Syria, Bashar al Asad is one faction, Hizb Allah is another, Al Qaeda and ISIS are two factions with two distinct leaders and groups, and the people of Syria make up the remaining factions.

Edward Snowden was a former system administrator for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a counterintelligence trainer at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), he later worked for the private intelligence contractor Dell inside an NSA outpost in Japan, in March 2013, he joined a consulting firm inside the NSA centre in Hawaii.

In June 2013, he came to international attention after disclosing to several media outlets thousands of classified documents that he acquired while working as an NSA contractor. Snowden’s leaked documents revealed numerous global surveillance programs, many of them run by the NSA and the “Five Eyes”, an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, with the cooperation of telecommunication companies around the world and European governments.

This leak came on the heels of the earlier leak by Wiki Leaks of the files now known as the Spy Files which initially brought attention to the existence of these surveillance programs that intercepted the complete communications of entire populations, it was a secret new industry spanning 25 countries that began in September 2001.

Wiki Leaks, a journalistic organization used by whistle blowers to publish secret information, news leaks, and classified media from anonymous sources to bring to light corruption around the world, began releasing a database of hundreds of documents containing information about various operations from as many as 160 intelligence contractors in the mass surveillance industry.

The documents leaked by Edward Snowden, now reported by various media outlets around the world, revealed who the foxes are that the prophet (saws) mentioned in the Ahadith.

The NSA documents revealed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the terrorist group ISIS was trained by Mossad, with the help of US and UK intelligence officials. The US, UK and Israel drew up a plan to protect the Zionist entity, by using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

NSA documents refer to the implementation of the hornet’s nest as a strategy by which all terrorists could be gathered together in one place by creating religious and Islamic slogans that would attract them such as the re-establishment of the long lost Islamic Khalifa, in other terms a false cause that would rally extremists in one place in order to engage them in a war away from Israel by turning their attention elsewhere.

In the documents leaked by Snowden, it was revealed that ISIS was made for “the protection of the Jewish state” in order to keep the enemies of Israel engaged, in other words so they would waste their resources elsewhere and effectively spend what ever strength they have.

Snowden’s leak also revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was given intensive military training for a whole year by Mossad, besides lessons on Islamic Law, theology and public speaking.

Media outlets similarly reported that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appointed an Australian Muslim with extensive links to the Australian Secret Service to the post of military commander.

The Australian began his mission by beheading four Muslim detainees from other armed factions who refused to swear allegiance to al-Baghdadi as the Khalifa, they were said to be from the other Al Qaeda faction who began fighting with ISIS soon after they declared them self the new “Khalifah of the Islamic World”, ISIS has since become famous for it’s beheadings.

Voila_Capture 2015-09-10_10-14-27_amEdward Snowden stated that Baghdadi who was Born to (Arab) Jewish parents was a Mossad agent whose real name is Elliot Shamon, he is pictured with American senator John McCain having high profile meetings on how to proceed in Syria.

Many scholars from within the salafi moment itself have long since warned about their movement being infiltrated and manipulated to create factions within factions as far back as 1998 like Naasir al Deen Albani one of their main scholars when the movement existed in “simpler” times and was more “clear” in its aims. But it’s more accurate to say these scholars were handpicked from obscurity as the leaders of their groups because they were successfully miseducated in order to spread their less than scholarly ideas, this is very evident from Albani’s own work because he quotes al Manar magazine often and claims it was one of the greatest influences on his life, the magazine was written by Jamal al Deen Afghani (d.1897) who was responsible for the foreign backed separatists groups in Egypt that brought down the government and handed it over to the British for colonisation at the turn of the last century, and Muhammad Abduh (d.1905) who forcibly placed himself as the head of al Azhar university, until his death, with the backing of the British in order to pass the Shariah ruling that riba (interest on loans) was permissible so British Banks could dominate Egypt into the next century and buy out the suez canal which helped the British Empire dominate the entire world.

The prophet (saws) said  “that if foxes were to attack them (the dispersed groups of Syria) they would be victorious”, in 2014 the foxes (ISIS) attacked and were victorious against the people of Syria claiming a small territory after which they declared they had re-established the Islamic Khalifah with this small patch of land alone, only to be later found out they are MOSSAD agents, their idiotic claims should be self evident because people don’t go to war because they think a small patch of land in Syria is the re-establishment of the Khalifah for the entire muslim world.

Many scholars from within the salafi moment itself have long since warned about their movement being infiltrated and manipulated to create factions within factions as far back as 1998 like Naasir al Deen Albani one of their main scholars when the movement existed in “simpler” times and was more “clear” in its aims. But it’s more accurate to say these scholars were handpicked from obscurity as the leaders of their groups because they were successfully miseducated in order to spread their less than scholarly ideas, this is very evident from Albani’s own work because he quotes al Manar magazine often and claims it was one of the greatest influences on his life, the magazine was written by Jamal al Deen Afghani (d.1897) who was responsible for the separatists groups in Egypt that brought down the government and handed it over to the British for colonisation at the turn of the last century, and Muhammad Abduh (d.1905) who forcibly placed himself as the head of al Azhar university until his death with the backing of the British in order to pass the Shariah ruling that riba (interest on loans) was permissible so British Banks could dominate Egypt into the next century and buy out the suez canal which helped the British Empire dominate the entire world.

The prophet (saws) said  “that if foxes were to attack them (the dispersed groups of Syria) they would be victorious”, in 2014 the foxes (ISIS) attacked and were victorious against the people of Syria claiming a small territory after which they declared that they had re-established the Islamic Khalifah, only to be later found out they are MOSSAD agents.

It is absurd that this is a serious and rational claim or that they even took it in such a manner themselves, rather their ulterior lessor motives are clear in it’s absurdity, these are men who know how to effectively lead men during war, so their capacity to organize, plan and deceive is established, the Prophet (saws) himself said ‘War is Deception’, this same statement was later repeated by Tsun Tzu in his famous book ‘The Art of War’.

This is the current state of the war in Syria, attention is focused on the foxes (ISIS), The messenger of Allah (saws) goes on to say “Then Allah will send a man from the perfumed musked children of the Messenger”, this is not the Mahdi (r.a) but a person from Ahl al Bayt (the prophets descendants) who will lead the people of Syria.

“They will be killed, defeated, then the Hashimite will appear, so Allah will restore unity and favors to the people and this will be the case until the Dajjaal (the lying, false messiah) comes” The Hashimi (which is his lineage from Bani Hashim) as it is mentioned later in other narration’s is called “al Mansur”. He is General of the Army that will come from the East carrying black flags in order to establish the dominion of the Mahdi (ra), before he emerges, the Hadith is saying shortly after the civil war in Syria ends the river Euphrates will dry up and the Black flags will come from the east conquering Arabia and Israel, when muslims see this unity will again return to the hearts of muslims and it will remain like this until the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) appears.

The prophet (saws) call’s al Mansur the Hashimi in a number of narration’s, this is one of the most significant events in not only Islam but Christianity as well (discussed later), because according to them Allah will send the six Angel of the Apocalypse to dry up the river euphrates to prepare the way for them to march across Arabia conquering it and Jerusalem.

Europe will come to dominate the world this is evident in Ahadith because they will be the ones to place sanctions on Syria and not America and the Great war Armageddon will be between the Muslim’s and Europe, America by this point in time is not mentioned at all by the prophet (saws) because Europe would have taken it place from it as the dominant power.

Many narration’s once chronological arranged show how specific the prophet (saws) was, mentioning the major events of each decade in order, the following narration begins in the 70’s and spans nearly 50 years into our time. Imam ibn Hammad narrated from Ka’b: “There will be, after the fitnah in ash-Sham (Lebanese Civil war 76-90 and Ikhwan uprising in Syria 79-82), the eastern one which will be the destruction of the Kings and the Humiliation of the Arabs (the Duhaima, sep 11th, when the destruction of the Arabs began with their loss of independence and vilification, this state will continue), until the people of the Maghrib (Morocco, Tunisia, etc) come out”. (Which will occur after the Black flags come form the east, as many Ahadith state). (Nu’aym ibn Hammad, Kitab al-Fitan, No. 53)

The current civil war in Syria was allowed to occur by Allah, it was sent to lift the era of dictators from the muslim world, this is regardless of which foreign groups are involved in it, as the famous hadith of Rasul Allah (saws) states ‘Allah may help this Deen with an Evil person’. Hence the fitna mentioned in the above hadith has to refer to when the prophet (saws) said fitna would be going around Sham before settling on Iraq, the fitna began with the Arab Israeli conflict in 1967 which was followed by the Lebanese Civil War between 1976 and 1990, and during that time the Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) attempted to take control of Syria between 1979 and 1982.

It began to move to Iraq with the Iran and Iraq war but settled there in 1990 with the Kuwait war which was followed by the Sanctions being placed on Iraq for the next decade, once events settled over Iraq we saw the Fitnatul Ahlasss and Fitnatul Sarra occur which affected the Ummah at large, during this time the prophet (saws) said the muslim Ummah, “they have taken their leave”, their existence and non existence amounts to the same thing.

Allah will rally the people of Sham around one of the descendants of the prophet (saws) at the end of this Civil War, He Will engage the people of 7 Banner’s having seven different leaders in a Battle amongst approximately 12-15,000 soldiers under three different banners (battalions) and their password or saying is ‘Die, die!’, meaning to the Death.

It is clear from these Ahadith the only people who are going to win are the people of Syria. While the people of Sham will have one leader and under him are three different banners, those who oppose them are clearly 7 different Banners with 7 different and distinct leaders, all of whom are seeking control of Syria.

The 7 Banners and their leaders are Bashar al Asad (1), Hizb Allah (2), al Qaeda are two distinct groups (ISIS and al Qaeda) with two different leaders (3,4), and 2 groups from the people of Syria have joined al Qaeda and their groups (5,6), making that 6 Banners so far, it was reported that 3 groups from Syria joined al Qaeda but this isn’t confirmed yet as the war hasn’t reached it’s conclusion the seventh group may be a super power or Iran or Turkey, what is clear is that each of these groups has it’s own leader with his own aspirations and plans, while the people of Syria are united in a single war against all of them, exactly as the hadith states.

When ISIS claimed to have won and established the Khalifah they were about 10,000 fighters in that war, “They will be killed, defeated, then the Hashimite will appear, so Allah will restore unity and favors to the people and this will be the case until the Dajjaal (the lying, false messiah) comes.”

Allah will kill all these different factions and restore unity to the hearts of the Muslims so the next phase of Islamic Governance can begin, a Khalifah underneath the Mahdi (ra).

The Mahdi (ra) as other Ahadith indicate will appear after sanctions are placed on Egypt like they were placed on Iraq, these Ahadith mention that other specific events must occur first, like the black banners coming from the east (Afghanistan and it’s surrounding areas) who will march across Arab lands conquering them until they finally take Jerusalem and give control of it after six years to the Mahdi (ra), He will emerge while there is a civil war raging in Saudi Arabia.

The Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: Black Flags will appear from Khorasan (Afghanistan and the surrounding areas), Nothing will will stop them until they will be placed at Elya (the Holy Land of Jerusalem) (Mustadrak Hakim Hadith 8531. 2 Masnad Ahmad Volume 4,Hadith 1599).

Abd Allah said, Whilst we were with the Prophet, some young men from Banu Hashim approached us. When the Prophet saw them, his eyes filled with tears and the colour of his face changed. I said, We can see something has changed in your face, and it upsets us. The Prophet said, We are the people of a Household for whom Allah has chosen the Hereafter rather than this world. The people of my Household (Banu Hashim) will suffer a great deal after my death, and will be persecuted until a people carrying black banners will come out of the east. They will instruct the people to do good, but the people will refuse; they will fight until they are victorious, and the people do as they asked, but they will not accept it from them until they hand over power to a man from my household. Then the earth will be filled with fairness, just as it had been filled with injustice. If any of you live to see this, you should go to him (the Mahdi) even if you have to crawl across ice.” (Sunan Ibn Majah (Kitab-al-fitan) Hadith 4082).

In this hadith is the reason why Allah will destroy the Arabs, the black flags will come from the east conquering Arab lands, they will instruct them to act according to Islam but the Arabs will refuse to Accept Islam so they will defeat them, afterwards Allah will only leave 1/3 of them alive before the Mahdi (ra) emerges driving many from their home lands due to prolonged war. The phrasing in the earlier hadith. “the destruction of the Kings” is the prophet (saws) announcing when the end of the Saudi Kingdom would begin and what it’s will be, it is the Kingdom in charge of the Holy Lands and in many Ahadith referring to Saudi Arabia shortly after a civil war among three of their present rulers son’s, the Saudi Kingship would come to an end.

September the 11, Fitnatul Duhaima, is the worst fitna to befall the world before the emergence of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), the prophet (saws) said it is “…a trial that will take place in my nation – it is the greatest of them” (Ahmad), it’s effects will continue to increase in waves dividing mankind into two camps, the prophet (saws) called it the era of evil and advised that all good deeds should be performed before it’s arrival, “Perform all good deeds before the era of evil dawns” because after the world is split into two camps the camp of hypocrites with no religion will stop all people from trying to do any good in the world so they con dominate the world, this is the camp of secularism, Atheism and the occult.

The intensity of the evil that will emerge during this time will stop mankind as a whole from being able to perform any good, corruption will spread intensely during it and man will be forced to choose safety over charity and open kindness, because he wont know the person who he is dealing with and would fear him, its effects will corrupt the entire world as all forms of harmful acts spread, destroying the meaning and fabric of society, and in fact we have seen this with the unprecedented rate of consumption of alcohol, drugs and pornography and everything else that man can do to his body.

The prophet (saws) described it’s severity in corrupting mankind in this way “tribulations will become so severe that right will be considered as wrong, and wrong will be considered as right. No one will be able to voice the least objection. Every time they resolve it in one place, it will afflict them with division in another place. During it, a man will be a mu’min in the morning and become a kafir in the evening, and no one will be saved from it except one who supplicates like a person drowning in the ocean would supplicate”, and He (saws) advised people regarding it in the following way ” They said, “How should we (act), O Messenger of Allah?” He said, ” Take what you know to be good and leave what you repudiate; betake yourselves to your own private affairs and leave off the affairs of the general public”, Fard Kifaya, community obligations are no longer mandatory on people, don’t involve your selves with the ruwaybidah, their people and any public or community affairs they will be dominated by muslims who are kufar, they have joined the camp of the Hypocrites, the West and their Allies, and have apostated from the Deen because of it, ‘their camp will be filled with Hypocrites and no Iman’ (religion) meaning they are no longer Muslims.

The devision of this fitna will continue to increase in severity until the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) emerges, the effects of these evils will be so grave and cause such doubt in man that a person would wake up as a Mu’min (Muslim) and become a Kaafir by night, or be a Mu’min (Muslim) at night and become a Kaafir by the morning, in this statement from the prophet (saws) is the affirmation that the camp of the Hypocrites is using the occult because the last time the world saw such quick transformations in people was when Christian Germany adopted the occult Nazi Party, many prophecies which we will quote later also state this literally.

The second half of the statement is also an indication of the kind of lives people will live at night, this was not common in mankind before our era, people used to stay at home at night and not venture out, we see that in every subtle phrase of the prophet (saws) is a prophecy regarding what will occur.

A person will sell his Deen (way of life) in lieu of a paltry sum, and indeed we have seen this with people joining the camp of the hypocrites or coming under the control of the Ruwaybidah and more recently with people openly denouncing Islam in order to promote a book they have written, this would not have been conceivable 30 years ago, but the atmosphere September the 11th caused around the world changed people’s perception of the world and placed mankind on a path ending with only one event, the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him).


Syria The Land Of Mercy

7a4e9dab3f5a76e5f904f63193e4d3caAllah most High blessed the land of Sham (greater Syria) in the Quran when He said “Glory to Him who made His servant travel by night from the sacred place of worship to the furthest place of worship, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him some of Our signs: He alone is the All Hearing, the All Seeing”. (17:1)

Abd Allaah bin ‘Amr said “I heard the Apostle of Allah (saws) say: “There will be emigration after emigration and the people who are best will be those who cleave most closely to places which Abraham (as) migrated (Syria).

The Prophet (pbuh) said: Blessing to al Sham!, Blessing to al Sham!, Blessing to al Sham! (Ya Tuba Li al Sham). They asked why and he replied: Because the wings of the angels of the Merciful are lowered over it.” (Bukhari)

Salama ibn Nufayl al-Hadrami came to the Prophet and said: “I have fattened the horses and laid down arms, for war has rested its burdens and there is no more fighting.” The Prophet said: “Now has fighting come! There shall not cease to be a group in my Community that shall remain victorious over all people. Allah shall cause the hearts of some to go astray and those shall fight them and receive from them His sustenance, until His command comes to pass as they are in that state. Lo! Verily, the heartland of the Believers is al-Sham (uqr dar al-mu’minin al-sham), and immense good remains tied to the forelocks of horses until the Day of Resurrection.” (al-Bukhari in his Tarikh al-Kabir (4:70))

Syria has been mentioned in ahadith in many places in relation to the blessings Allah gave it and the blessings of it’s people, along with Ahadith about events that will occur there marking the nearness of the hour.

One Hadith recorded by Imam Suyuti, in which the Prophet (pbuh) tells us exactly How close the hour will be when it is fulfilled, and has recently occurred, not only marks the nearness of the Hour but the significance of the war in Syria as one of the events that will lead to the Major Signs.

[In Arabic] The prophet (saws) said: “itha ra’aitun makka bu’ijat katha’ima, wa ya-tasawa bunya-nuha ru’usa jibaliha, faqad athalatal sa’atu.”

The prophet (saws) said: “If you see Makkah with holes in its mountains, and its buildings reach (or surpass) it’s mountain tops, then the hour has cast its shadow”.

“If you see mecca with holes in its mountains” – Holes in its mountains refer to tunnels, the ones newly built and used by pedestrians and vehicles during and after hajj leading to and from the Mosque of Makkah. If we watch Live video of Makkah on the Internet eventually we will see these Holes (tunnels) in the mountains right near the Masjid.

These signs are significant because the date of their construction allows us to know the significance of events occurring around that time as the prophet (saws) didn’t simply say the hour would be near, he said at this point in time it is casting it’s shadow over people.

“And its buildings reach (or surpass) its mountain tops” – The Giant Clock tower near the Kaaba was constructed in 2012, it is the world’s second tallest building and the world’s tallest hotel at 1972 ft, it was the first building to surpass the mountains of Makkah, which is a mountainous region, the year of its completion then marks the point in time when the Hour has cast it’s shadow over people.

After a series of protests in Syria that led to government crackdowns in 2011, these events eventually turned into an outright civil war in 2012, the year when it could be said the War in Sham (Syria) properly began.

The shadow of the hour means that this is the time when significant events directly relating to the hour and leading to it’s major Signs will be occurring, the Clock Tower isn’t the event it is the thing that will mark the significance of what is occurring in the World, the Civil war’s significance itself is related in a number of other Ahadith mentioned by the prophet (saws), and is an important point in Islamic history the point when Allah will remove the Era of dictators and return Islam to Khalifah.

“Then the hour has cast it’s shadow” – meaning it’s shadow has reached us, the significance of the hour’s nearness in this description is the difference between looking at an object from a far distance approach us, which was the past 1400 years of Islam, and looking at an object whose shadow is now touching us and is coming even closer, this is the time we are alive in.

The construction of tall building’s has been mentioned in a number of Ahadith, one of the most famous narration’s in Islam is the Hadith of Jibril (Gabriel), 86 days before the prophets (saws) passing Jibril (Gabriel) came to teach the Muslim’s regarding Islam, He sat with the prophet and asked him four question’s that summed up what all of Islam is about, He asked what is Islam (the religion, it’s Fiqh, Laws), what is Iman (Aqeedah, it’s creed), what is Ihsan (Human Perfection, it’s aim) and when will the Hour occur.

Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “While we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless with him and grant him peace, one day a man came up to us whose clothes were extremely white, whose hair was extremely black, upon whom traces of traveling could not be seen, and whom none of us knew, until he sat down close to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, so that he rested his knees upon his knees and placed his two hands upon his thighs and said,

‘Muhammad, tell me about Islam.’

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, ‘Islam is that you witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and you establish the prayer, and you give the Zakat, and you fast Ramadan, and you perform the hajj of the House if you are able to take a way to it.’

He said, ‘You have told the truth,’

and we were amazed at him asking him and [then] telling him that he told the truth.

He said, ‘Tell me about Iman.’

He said, ‘That you affirm Allah, His Angels, His Books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and that you affirm the Decree, the good of it and the bad of it.’

He said, ‘You have told the truth.’

He said, ‘Tell me about Ihsan.’

He said, ‘That you worship Allah as if you see Him, for if you don’t see Him then truly He sees you.’

He said, ‘Tell me about the Hour.’

He said, ‘The one asked about it knows no more than the one asking.’

He said, ‘Then tell me about its tokens.’

He said, ‘That the female slave should give birth to her mistress, and you see poor, naked, barefoot shepherds of sheep and goats competing in making tall buildings.’

He went away, and I remained some time. Then he asked, ‘Umar, do you know who the questioner was?’ I said, ‘Allah and His Messenger know best.’ He said, ‘He was Jibril who came to you to teach you your Deen (Religion)’.” (Muslim and Bukhari narrated it and has a grade Higher than Sahih and that is “Agreed upon”).

Of All the signs of the hour the prophet (saws) could have mentioned he mentioned this one, this is because it would be a turning point in the history of Muslims that would clearly indicate the nearness of the hour.

The competition for constructing tall buildings began in the west, the prophet (saws) said when you see the bedouin Arabs join in this competition then this would be a clear sign of the hour, and he indicated who these people would be by the description he gave of them.

The “poor, naked, barefoot shepherds of sheep and goats” is a reference to the Origin of the bedouin Arabs of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia who after the discovery of oil in their lands became very rich.

These two people have now constructed two of the tallest building in the world, first the Burj Khalifah in Dubai was constructed then in a similar fashion the Clock tower in Makkah was constructed which is the second tallest building in the world.

This competition Saudi Arabia will continue as they plan to surpass the burj Khalifah when they construct the worlds tallest building, the Kingdom Tower, construction began in 2013 and is due for completion in 2019, it will reach 1 mile high.

The competition is an indication of the state of that society, it’s desire for outward displays of grandeur over maintaining an environment of inward spirituality in Islam’s Holy Land, this sign of the hour is clear because materialism and spirituality can not exist in the same location, people can not connect inwardly to both at the same time one dominates the other and because materialism is in front of our eyes it corrupts more easily, while spirituality (Deen) requires effort and work, just as the prophet (saws) said, the path to heaven is paved with hardships while the path to hell is paved with ease, this is what He (saws) was referring to.

In the 19th century Makkah did not have tall buildings, then in a short period of time all this changed.

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The Clock Tower in Makkah is the worlds second tallest building it looms over the Kaaba and it’s Mountains.

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Dubai in the 1950’s was a village.

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Dubai now has the worlds tallest building the Burj Khalifah, this competition will not end here.Voila_Capture 2015-09-10_09-43-41_am

The prophet (saws) spoke about the hour itself in these kind of descriptive terms in more than one hadith. The Messenger of Allah (saws) in referring to places the Imamat (religious leadership) of Islam would be found throughout Islam’s History (this is slightly different than the Islamic Khalifah or political rule) said: “This matter (Islam) will be in al-Madinah, then in Sham, then in the Jazirah, then in ‘Iraq, then in al-Madinah, then in Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem). And when it comes to Bayt al-Maqdis, then it will be in its homeland. And it will never go away from a people and afterwards return to them.”

Imamat (Islamic Leadership) and Khalifah are in the same place when Islamic rule is Just. Abdullah ibn Hawalah al-Azdi (ra) said, “The Messenger of Allah (saws) placed his hand over my head and said:”O Ibn Hawalah! When you see that the Khilafa (Caliphate) has settled (has its seat or capital) in the Holy Land (Palestine), then the earthquakes, tribulations and great events will have drawn near. The Hour, on that day, will be closer to the people than my hand is to your head.” (Abu Dawwud)

It will settle in the holy Land just before the Mahdi (ra) appears, so between our time, when the hour has first cast it’s shadow over us, and the time the Khalifah (rule of Islam) settles in the holy Land, the hour would have continued to draw closer until it will be closer than the hand of the prophet (saws) just over the head of Abdullah ibn Hawlah (ra).

This rapid increase in the speed of it’s approach from when it first cast it’s shadow to when it reaches a distance just above mans’s head, in contrast to the past 1400 years were it was simply described as being near and approaching, is because the prophet (saws) said “The signs are like beads strung on a string. If the string breaks, they [quickly] follow one after the other” (falling from the string), the string was recently cut with the fitna’s (trials and tribulations) we are seeing in the world, and events are now following each other in rapid succession.

It’s shadow being cast over us is a point in time different from previous centuries, it indicates that now is the time for the beginning of events that will be the direct cause for the first major signs of the Hour, Imam Mahdi (ra), as Imam Ibn Kathir said, he is the first of the Major signs.

The events leading to him as mentioned in ahadith, and arranged by the scholars are, the fitna’s (trial’s, wars, tribulations) that will occur right before his time, which include the sanctions placed on Iraq and to be placed on Syria and then Egypt, the fitna of the Duhaima (the Blind and Dark strife), the people of earth being sorted into two groups, a group of Hypocrites with no faith and a group of people with Iman (faith) and no hypocrisy, the social destruction of society, the corrupt state of People, Globalization as people lives become intertwined, and finally the change of Islamic governance and Rulers around the world from Dictators to a Khalifah as the era of tyrants comes to an end with the war in Syria and the era of the Khalifa (Mahdi) begins.

Rasul Allah (saws) said, “Perform all good deeds before the era of evil dawns (the Duhaima, which is the biggest Fitna we will face before the time of the Mahdi), the darkness of which will increase in waves. The effects of these evils will be so grave that a person will be a Mu’min (believer) in the morning and a Kaafir (non believer) at night, or a Mu’min at night and a Kaafir in the morning. A person will sell his Deen (religion) in lieu of a paltry sum.” (Muslim).

Corruption will be so great and intense that man will sell his morality in the span of a day and become the opposite of what he once was.

Some of the ahadith which relate to our time mention events over the length of Islam’s time on earth, while some mention events that span a hundred years and others mention events that span a decade or a few years.

Of the Ahadith that span the entire length of Islam’s history on earth are the Ahadith regarding the phases and types of governance this Ummah (nation) will be ruled by, these ahadith give a good indication of how much time we have before Allah sends the Mahdi and Isa (ra) after which Allah will remove Islam and religion from earth when Isa (as) eventually passes away.

The war in Syria is significant to these Ahadith because it marks a major point in their time line, the end of Muslim lands being ruled by dictators, since the ‘Arab spring’ has removed all other dictators and the Syrian regime is last one in Islamic Lands.

The Prophet (saws) said: The Prophet hood will remain amongst you for as long as Allah wills it to be. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it (meaning the Prophet will die). Then there will be the Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology. And it will last for as long as Allah wills it to last. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be biting kingship, and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be tyrannical (forceful) kingship (an era of dictators) and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then He will raise it when He wills to raise it. Then there will be a Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology. Then he (the Prophet) was silent. (Musnad Imam Ahmad (v/273)

From this Hadith it becomes clear from our history were we are in relation to Islam’s remaining time on earth, because the era of dictators is lifting.

The Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology are the four Khalifah Rashideen, Abu Bakr (ra), Umar (ra), Uthman (ra) and Ali (ra) and some include Hassan (ra) as indicated by other Ahadith that the period of the rightly guided Khalifah would last for 30 years and its time of 30 years ended exactly with al Hassan (ra), “it will last for as long as Allah wills it to last. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it”.

The biting Kingships are the Islamic Dynasties that competed with each other for dominance, starting with the Ummayid Khalifah who began this tradition of Dynasties and governance by kingship, meaning the Khalif (King effectively) was succeeded by his son and the matter of government was not left to shurah, consultation of the people as to who should rule, which was the custom of the first four Khalifa’s of Islam, about this state of affairs the prophet (saws) similarly said “it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then Allah will raise it when He wills to raise it”.

Allah chose to raise it with the last of these Dynasties, at the end of WW1 (1918) when the Ottoman Khalifah lost to the British Empire, French Republic and the Russian Empire, who then subdivided its lands and created all the small Muslim countries we now see in the world today.

This situation of an Ummah with out an Islamic government ruling all it’s lands led to the next phase in the hadith, “Then there will be tyrannical (forceful) kingship (an era of dictators) and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain”. This was the beginning of the era of Dictators, the system of dictators was installed by the colonial powers at the time so they could rule the local populations, those powers eventually collapsed but the system remained and was afterwards controlled and manipulated by the current dominant power in the world.

Our current situation in the world and the hadith of the prophet (saws) both bring us to the war in Syria, “Then He will raise it when He wills to raise it” the Arab spring that swept across the Muslim world removed the remaining dictators and this Old system entirely, the last dictator being Bashar al Asad in Syria. Once the war in Syria ends and that dictatorship is removed it’s era will be over…”Then there will be a Khalifah upon the Prophetic methodology, then he (the Prophet) was silent”, at this point in time Allah will begin the process of returning the Ummah to government underneath a Khalifah, the Mahdi (r.a).

The Prophet of Allah (saws) said: After me will come caliphs, and after the caliphs will come princes, and after princes there will be kings and after the kings, there will be tyrants. And after the tyrants a man from My House will fill the earth with justice and after him is al-Qahtani (a man in the time of Isa (as)), By the One who sent me with the Truth! Not a word less. (Tabarani, Ibn Mandah, Ibn Asakir and Na‘īm bin Hammād (who was the teacher of Imam Bukhari) in his work “al Fitan wa Malahim” from ‘Abd ar-Rahman bin Qays bin Jabir al-Sadafi. Kanz al-Ummal, hadith #38704.)

A scholar said regarding the different dynasties found in these narration’s: “We see that the caliphs spoken of in this hadith are “the Rightly- Guided Ones”: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, may Allah the Exalted be pleased with them all. The princes are the Umayyad Caliphs of Damascus and the Abbasid Caliphs of Baghdad. As for the kings, they are the Ottoman Sultans of Istanbul. Following the kings, according to the hadith, are tyrants and that is what is commonly seen today. Finally, what for us is a prediction: the appearance of a man from the family of the Prophet who will rule with justice” (the Mahdi).

The distinction between Princes and Kings isn’t in the type of government, both are monarchies but rather in the Quality of the Government, princes are said to be young and less burdened with the world while Kings are said to be competitive and arrogant in keeping their power, which is a perfect description of the Ottoman Khalifa that dominated the Muslim world, hoarding power by waring and ending the other Muslim Khalifah’s that existed around it, both the Mamluks and the Abbasids.

The Prophet (saws) said “when you see Sham is a bounty for a man and his oligarchy family members then at this time Constantine will be opened”. The Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II opened Constantinople in 1452 soon after The Ottomans had conquered Sham, the prophet (saws) mentioned that it will be no more than a Jewel in his eye taken for worldly reasons, the Ottomans conquered it from another Islamic Khalifah which was not Jihad for Allah’s sake. The prophet (saws) then calls his family an Oligarchy which means that power is controlled by a small group of people and they are fiercely keeping with themselves.

There is no other time frame for events to occur in, major events are occurring in our own life time and hardly anyone recognizes them, when Mehmet the second was conquering Constantinople do you think he saw that he was the subject of such a hadith, judging his own character and actions, or he viewed life as we do wondering who the prophet (saws) was talking about, the Hour has cast it’s shadow and major events are unfolding clearly, we should know what these signs mean because Allah instructs it in the Quran;

“Verily, in all this there are messages indeed for those who can read the signs” (15:75)

“AND [remember:] We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them without [an inner] truth; but, behold, the Hour is indeed yet to come. Hence, forgive [men’s failings] with fair forbearance” (15:85)

“But they [who reject My messages are wont to] ask, “When is that promise [(I shall show you My portents) I shall show you the signs of My divine Oneness in the horizons] to be fulfilled? [Answer this, O you who believe in it,] if you are men of truth!” (21:37) (additions from Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn Abbas)

“Nay, but [the Last Hour] will come upon them of a sudden, and will stupefy them: and they will be unable to avert it, and neither wilt they be allowed any respite.”(21:40)

There are no dictators left in the Muslim world and the era wont be ending at any other time than ours, Allah is removing it and history has literally occurred as the prophet (saws) mentioned.

From what the Prophet (saws) said we have only mentioned some of these Ahadith for the sake of being brief, but there are other narration’s mentioning the change in governance indicating this time frame the Ummah is on. The matter is widely reported although we cant say if the narration’s have reached the level of Mutawatir (mass transmitted hadith).

Just as Allah prepared the Arabs of Quraish, over a period of time, both spiritually and psychologically for Islam’s advent Allah will prepare the Ummah (muslim nation) for the coming of the Mahdi (ra), the prophet (saws) informed us why we are in the state we are in;

The Prophet (saws) said: “The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and (place) enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation) Apostle of Allah: He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death”. (the dislike of struggle against oppression, to fix what is wrong in the world) (Muslim).

Islam was the dominant Power in the world throughout it’s history, so this can only be talking about the decline of Muslim dominance around the world over the past hundred years and most certainly our own life time, since we are in Islam’s lowest point of strength. The Ottoman Khalifah, the last Khalifah of Islam, was one of the most feared Empires in the world, after it’s demise Muslims have hardly had the capacity to stand up for their own religion and the oppression that is occurring in their lands.

What we see happening in Syria, Iraq and Yemen are a part of this preparation.

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:”Matters will run their course until you become three armies: an army in Sham (Syria), an army in Yemen, and an army in Iraq”. Ibn Hawalah said: “Choose for me, O Messenger of Allah! in case I live to see that day”.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “You should go to Sham, for it is the best of Allah’s lands, and the best of His slaves will be drawn there! And if you refuse, then you should go to Yemen and drink from its wells. For Allah has guaranteed me that He will look after Sham and its people!” (Imam Ahmad 4/110, Abu Dawud 2483).

If we can’t help the people of Sham we should then help the people of Yemen because Allah has promised to look after Sham and it’s people.

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