Qadiri Naqshbandi, Qutb Allah, Rami Al Boustani Al Rifai | ‏بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ ‏يُؤْتِى ٱلْحِكْمَةَ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُؤْتَ ٱلْحِكْمَةَ فَقَدْ أُوتِىَ خَيْرًۭا كَثِيرًۭا ۗ وَمَا يَذَّكَّرُ إِلَّآ أُو۟لُوا۟ ٱلْأَلْبَبِ|

Yajuj wa Majuj Are By Assimilation

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum.

Rasul Allah (saws) said whoever imitates a people hardly fails to become one of them and who ever speaks Arabic is an Arab.

If you look at the hadith on Yajuj wa Majuj they will show you that these people are not just the tribes that have this lineage but the people they assimilated as well.

Modern scholars made the mistake of saying no it is by lineage and that is how we identify them, primarily because they want to get rid of this stain from their own history, but they are deliberately falsifying matters for the sake of politics and humiliation.

Yajuj wa Majuj have one primary quality that defines them and it was seen most in two of their leaders, that is world domination, those leaders are Atilla the Hun and Genghis Kahn, that trait of these tribes followed from them into the modern world and fulfilled this prophecy in the Quran;

“(Dhoo’l-Qarnayn) said: ‘This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the Promise of my Lord comes, He shall level it down to the ground. And the Promise of my Lord is ever true.’ And on that Day, we shall leave them to surge like waves on one another, and the Trumpet will be blown, and We shall collect them all together.” [Surah al-Kahf 18:92-99]

Rasul Allah (saws) said woe to the Arabs for a great fitnah that is near a hole has been placed in the wall of Yajuj wa Majuj, then He (saws) explained that His Ummah would be destroyed by them if fitnah increased. We live in a time when fitnah has entirely taken over not a time when we fear it will increase. In the future when Yajuj wa Majuj come after Isa (as) at the end of time the Khalifah would have ceased to exist by about 150 years, so this is not the time Rasul Allah (saws) is warning about.

He (saws) was saying when evil begins to increase from His (saws) time onwards…it is only people who don’t know what occurred in history that can’t fill in the blanks and just agree with what modern scholars said about Yajuj wa Majuj, their opinion is like watching a Disney movie with magical veils hiding people underground whose number would cover America and Canada entirely if each of them Just took up 1m squared in space.

If you realise how deluded modern scholars are you will see that they could not even explain to you their numbers on the day of Judgment are because that is their numbers through history, and not when they surge against the world like all their tafsir say, scholars today can’t even explain basic reality.

Imam Al- Bukhari and Imam Muslim on the authority of Mother of the Believers, Zainab Bint Jahsh (May Allah be pleased with her) said that the Prophet (saws) once came to her in a state of fear and said: “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah. Woe unto the Arabs from a danger that has come near (why are the Arabs singled out, at the end of time these tribes will come at the entire world not just them, it’s because the Arabs are the one who will let them loose and began their fitnah anew after the Hun empire was defeated). An opening has been made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this,” making a circle with his thumb and index finger. Zainab Bint Jahsh said: “O Allah’s Messenger! Shall we be destroyed even though there are pious persons among us?” He said: “Yes, when the evil persons will increase.” And in another narration the Prophet (S.A.W.S) said: “Allah has made an opening in the wall of the Gog and Magog (people) like this, and he made with his hand (with the help of his fingers)” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

The companions found this wall in the prophets (saws) lifetime and came back and reported it to Him (saws), Rasul Allah (saws) affirmed it and said yes you have found it. It was just north of the Arabian peninsula in a valley in the Caucus mountain range, the only valley in the entire mountains, it blocked the people of Southern Russia in the North from invading south into Georgia, the people Dhul Qarniyan (as) helped.

Imam Al-Bukhari transmitted in his Sahih the following Hadith: A man told the Prophet (saws) that he had seen the dam of Gog and Magog. The Prophet (saws) asked: “How did you find it?” The man said: “I found it like Al-Burd Al-Muhabbar (striped garments).” The Prophet (saws) said: “You have seen it.” This hadith tells us it is within traveling distance of Madina.

In Ibn Jarir’s exegesis of the Qur’an, it was reported by Qatadah that when the man told the Prophet (S.A.W.S) that he had seen the dam of Gog and Magog and was asked to describe it, he said: ‘It looked like striped garments, with red and black stripes (rusted Iron).’ The Prophet (saws) said: “You have seen it.”

Seriously what magical wall can stop people from just going around it for thousands of years, the reason the wall of Dhul Qarnian (as) was effective was because it was in the only valley of the caucus mountains and to get around it you either had to go around the Black sea or the Caspian sea, look on a map to see how gigantic these seas are why consider why the wall would be ineffective anywhere else in the world, back then the water level was much higher and no path existed like it does today around the mountains near the seas.

The point is by the 7th and 8th  century when the Arabs conquered up to these lands they eventually began a series of wars that lasted for a few hundred years with the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj, why did Rasul Allah (saws) say woe to the Arabs? because when the Arabs wanted these lands they gave the tribes of Majuj the idea for the first time to use Catapults on the wall and they bright it down, before then they approached wit with hand tools and no real reason existed to renew their efforts because the original people the wall was built against died long ago and subsequent Majuj Empires ruled these lands, by the time of the wars with the Arabs the wall served as legend among them.

Before this point in time they were in complete awe of it, why?, for one simple reason explained in a legend that existed among these people to this day, Dhul Qarnian (as) built the wall from Iron He (as) heated up and placed in a North South direction aligned with the earth’s magnetic field, He then let it cool, anyone who works with metal will know what He (as) did, He (as) magnetised the entire Iron wall creating the world’s largest magnet. The Hun people living there reported that every time they would approach it with their tools they would fly out from their hands such was the force repelling metal, this is why the wall was special and lasted for so long.

The Hun tribes lived in that region before Islam, then the Khazar empire followed them which are the ones who fought the Muslims, “they are a semi-nomadic Turkic people with a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes that in the late 6th century CE established a major commercial empire covering the south-eastern section of modern European Russia. The Khazar’s created what for its duration was the most powerful polity to emerge from the break-up of the Western Turkic Khaganate.”

Here is the most important part of that verse which refers to what happened next; “we shall leave them to surge like waves on one another,” this is saying when they come out after the wall collapses the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj will come out against each other, empire against empire, and then the rest of the world, here is that lineage through history and you may be surprised:

After the Khazar empire came Genghis Kahn and He was the one Rasul Allah (saws) said woe to the Arabs regarding, because he destroyed all the Khalifah’s and ended Islam’s golden age, after him many of the Tribes of Majuj converted to Islam or accepted the religions of China under Kublai Kahn who ruled it, now China is assimilated into these people and today half of modern China re the traditional lands of Majuj.

From here the Turks and Russians came from these people and established the Ottoman and Russian empires, like the other tribes of Majuj the Ottomans where expansionists wanting to conquer everything ending every Islamic Khalifah in the world they could, Rasul Allah (saws) criticised them for it calling them materialistic and the worst of this Ummah in ahadith, “when evil increases rule will be given to the worst of you” those who chase the world, He (saws) called the an oligarchy chasing after wealth and hording power.

Turks will rightly point out they are not descendant of Majuj they are their cousins, that may be but they came from those people directly, from under their former empires and continued their ways under Islam.

After them came the Western Majuj Empires, the rule of Scottish rite Masonry that fuelled the British empire then the American empire, this lineage is recorded in the Bible and is known clearly among Christian scholars, that unlike the Turks who are not descendant of Majuj the Scottish people are, before the establishment of England one of the tribes of Majuj settled there founding Scotland.

If you look carefully at the stout features of the Scots many of them resemble Turks but with either blond or red hair.

One Yajuj wa Majuj empire replacing another like the Quran said would occur, Masons ended the Islamic Khalifah and converted whatever remained of turkey into the Masonic religion, today they say they want control of everything like the tribes of Majuj and Yajuj before them, like Atilla the Hun and Genghis Kahn and we see them on television from places of authority speaking about the inevitability of a one world government.

Today we have the American empire which is run by descendants of either the Scottish, English or Irish people, it is not a clear Majuj empire but the Quran only mentions waves coming at each other, so groups is the least of this definition. America rose from the back of Majuj empires and it is here in the details of history where assimilation and the question of who really is behind American needs to be asked to see the reality of the verse in the Quran.

When the question of Assimilation is raised one has to ask how much of the world has Masonry converted, because in the future after America comes the European empire and their ruling class, then Yajuj wa Majuj proper, the rule of Russia and China in the time of Isa (as).



Author: Tim Osterholm

The history of the races of mankind is a fascinating subject.  Biologically, a race is generally thought of as a variety, or subspecies, within a given species.  All the races are a part of the human race.  We have made the term race to apply to skin color, but the dictionary defines race as “a class or kind of individuals with common characteristics, interests, appearances, or habits as if derived from a common ancestor.”

Where did we come from?  The answers have always been with us, as presented in the original Table of Nations.  What you are about to read can best be described as anExegesis (from the Greek exégesis, verb:  exégetikos, meaning interpretation, guide, translation or critical exposition).  Once you have read what is presented here, you may not view any race of people the same way again.  Note that there is nothing like the Table of Nations (as presented here) in any other national tradition.  Here we are given the origin of nations.

We can also factually claim that wherever its statements can be sufficiently tested, Genesis 10 of the Bible has been found completely accurate; resulting partly from linguistic studies, partly from archaeology, and, more recently still, from the findings of physical anthropologists, who are, to this day, recovering important clues to lines of migration in ancient historic times.  As implied in verse 32 of Genesis 10, this Table includes everybody; meaning that so-called fossil man, primitive peoples (ancient and modern) and modern man are all derived from Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.  Acts 17:26 states, “From one man (or one blood) He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live,” a corroboration of Genesis 10.  In light of this, findings from anthropology, archaeology, ethnography, ethnohistory, genetics, geology, and sociology substantiate an alternate interpretation of the history of humanity.  As archaeologist William Albright noted, “it

[the Bible] remains an astonishingly accurate document…and shows such remarkably ‘modern’ understanding of the ethnic and linguistic situation in the modern world, in spite of all its complexity, that scholars never fail to be impressed with it’s knowledge of the subject.”  We can further infer from political histories—kingdoms, empires, and their rulers; also from artists, poets, philosophers, architects and mathematicians who enriched their individual cultures.  Additionally, references from historical records, ancient literature, mythology, burial customs and other sources all provide strong evidences.

This may seem a gross over-simplification, and even appear to oppose well-established secular scientific opinion; however, science has proven itself over and over to be a double-edged sword.  For example, it is often found that what is obviously true, is actually false.  The obvious idea that the sun moved around the earth was erroneous, but until that view was corrected, little progress was made in the science of astronomy.  On the other hand, on occasion, what is obviously false turns out to be actually true, as in the scientific belief that dinosaurs and humans never coexisted.  That changed when fossilized footprints of dinosaurs and humans were found together, with the most recent fossil discovery showing a human footprint slightly overlapped by a dinosaur footprint.  Newly discovered artwork and various ancient artifacts depicting live dinosaurs by themselves, or interacting with humans, gave further proof.  These include burial stones, burial cloths, clay figurines and cave drawings.  While scientific knowledge is characterized by a progressive approach to reality, it has often proved detrimental to the progress of understanding in the things which it has denied.  Such is the case here.  So before you begin to judge, please continue reading.

As stated earlier, race does not apply to skin color alone.  Skin color is essentially the only biological difference in race, and science has been unable to determine what causes skin pigmentation.  They have not been able to define the difference in cell pigment or structure.  This superficial distinction is the basis for the division of mankind, but the fact is, we are all the same color, and some people have a little more “color” than others.  Skin shade is due to the amount of a substance called melanin in the skin; the more melanin, the darker the skin.  We are not born with a genetically fixed amount of melanin, but rather with a genetically fixed potential to produce a certain amount, increasing in response to sunlight (why Caucasians “tan” when exposed to the sun for long periods).  Racially mixed individuals can have children with skin color that is very dark, very light, or anywhere in between.  The predominant shade for freely interbreeding individuals would be brown.

Modern genetics shows that when a large, freely interbreeding group is suddenly broken into many smaller groups which from then on breed only among themselves (as the Biblical description of the language dispersion at Babel would imply), different racial characteristics will arise very rapidly.  It can be shown that one pair of middle-brown parents could produce all known shades of color, from very white to very black, in one generation.  The racial characteristics which exist today have not evolved, and generally speaking, are simply different combinations of pre-existing (created) genetic (hereditary) information.  Remee and Kian Hodgson born April 2005, and Layton and Kaydon Richardson born July 2006 (pictured below) are fraternal “black and white” twins.  More incredible was the birth of two sets of mixed-race twins by Alison and Dean Durrant.  Their first twins were born in 2001, and their second twins arrived November 2008 (all pictured below).  Other fraternal twin births include Alicia and Jasmin Singerl born May 2006, and Ryan and Leo Gerth born July 2008 (not pictured), all providing proof of such genetic detail.  The environment plays a secondary role in favoring certain combinations over others.

Hodgson Twins
Richardson Twins
Durrant Twins (times two)


As family groups became isolated by language barriers, environmental factors allowed particular traits already present to be expressed more frequently.  Noah’s family suggests a “racially mixed” population with biological potential for variation.  The Biblical viewpoint is that there is not a black race, white race, yellow race, etc.  Instead, there are three distinct families or characteristics of man that make up the oldest Table of Nations in existence, which is a completely authentic statement of how the present world population originated and spread after the flood, as recorded in Genesis 10 of the Bible (a historical document itself).  Here we learn the true divisions of mankind, indicating how the present population of the world came to be.  The listing of Noah’s descendants is more theological than hereditary, so we must understand that Noah’s descendants existed because of his righteousness.

Genesis chapter 10 describes how the present world population was derived from Noah’s three sons:  Shem, Ham and Japheth, and their wives (three family groups).  Verse 32 states, “From these the nations spread out over the earth after the flood.”  Additional references are given in 1 Chronicles chapter 1.  Genesis 10 exactly names 16 grandsons of Noah, and then we are provided further details of the Babel dispersion (Genesis 11) where their descendants fanned out over the earth and established the various nations of the ancient world.  The number of descendants of Noah (grandsons, great-grandsons, etc.) mentioned are 26 from Shem, 30 from Ham, and 14 from Japheth, totaling 70 “sons” or “nations.”  These 70 nations are the descendants (generations, genealogies or family histories) of the sons of Noah, known from Hebrew antiquity (Talmudic tradition of seventy nations in the world), and other ancient sources. Most, if not all, tribes and nations can be traced to these men through their descendants.  Chapter 10 describes the differentiation of nations, and asserts that we were all descended from Noah.  It is important to understand that people and nations are referred to in a genealogical form (common in Hebrew and other Semitic languages).  We find genealogical references in Genesis 10 are firstly to persons or families (ethnological), and secondly to nations or tribes (ethnographical); thus, the chapter ends with an emphasis on nations or tribes, which helps us understand in following chapters where they settled or “spread out over the earth” (geographical).  We must acknowledge the early reality of inter-family marrying as individual family groups were established.  This would later define skin color and other unique features within various subgroups and their subsequent populations.  They began as hunter-gatherers and/or pastoral nomads (living off the land as they migrated).

Evidence shows that Noah’s sons kept together at first, then broke up into small groups and eventually arrived from the east in the southern Mesopotamian Plain (Gen. 11:2).  The descendants of Elam, the first born son of Shem, were the first people to enter Mesopotamia.  Susa, the capital city of the Elamites (Shemitic Elamites), gave rise to other early cities, such as Al-Ubaid (which later gave rise to Hamitic settlements—including the Sumerian civilization) and Jemdet Nasr.  Recent excavations have provided very strong evidence of direct cultural links between some of the earliest cities in Babylonia and the lowest layers uncovered at Susa.  These peoples established themselves first in the south and gradually spread toward the north, but without losing the cultural links.  There are no known modern descendants of the Elamites.  Other excavations have shown that one of the first Hamitic groups, the Sumerians, gave rise to considerable cultural advance and power in that region.  Other people groups known very early included the Japhethites, noted especially for their fairness of skin, in the hill country east of the Tigris. [Soon the great tower of Babel arose.]

Further evidence indicates that the rulers of the City of Babel attempted to avert dispersal of the people by proposing the building of a monument as a visible rallying point on the flat plain of Mesopotamia.  Scripture and historical texts note that the tower of Babel, the building of which Nimrod (a Sumerian) supervised, was to have two great significances.  The city of Babel would become the metropolis of the world and unite its inhabitants under the dictatorial rule of Nimrod.  The tower was to be a monument to man to stand as a symbol of Babel.  Given the present knowledge of Babel history, Genesis 11 has a solid historical foundation in early Mesopotamia.  Nimrod hoped to prevent the people from scattering abroad into colonies as God intended, thus bringing upon themselves a judgment which led to confusion of the languages and rapid scattering throughout the earth.  Babel means confusion.  Urbanization, as attested by archaeological records, did not occur until after the dispersal of languages.  The history of linguistic development and settlement patterns in Mesopotamia support this.  There are dozens of unclassified and isolate languages throughout the world, such as Basque, Ainu and Ticuna, which testify to the widespread language distribution at Babel.  The name Babel would be preserved as Babylon, a future world empire.  We can safely conclude that all people in the world are descended from the inhabitants of Babel, the first civilization after Noah’s flood.  From there the great empires of the past arose, including Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia and Greece, and all have strong historical links to the sons of Noah.

We can find validation from research scientists who study human genetics.  They claim that lineages derived from known people groups did in fact appear to have migrated from the “Near East”, “Middle East” or “Mesopotamia” (also called the “Cradle of Civilization” or the “Cradle of Mankind”) sometime during prehistory.  This information is derived from DNA haplogroups.  Haplogroups are used in DNA tests for markers that give a broad or regional picture; haplotypes are one person’s results on various DNA tests.  Data comes from either Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) passed down from a father, or mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) passed down from a mother.  Both can be used to define genetic populations from one generation to the next intact.  Here we attest there was a first pair, Adam and Eve.  Scientists have traced the mitochondrial DNA in all living humans back to a single female, and similarly, genetic markers in all males in the world today can be traced back to a single male.  Y-chromosome Adam and mitochondrial Eve are connected to everyone now living by an unbroken father-to-son or mother-to-daughter line (including everyone else in their generations who’s ancestors are connected through one or more father-to-daughter or mother-to-son links).  Haplogroup classifications are based on identification of genetic markers which a population of individuals share, passed down from an ancient but common ancestor.  These genetic markers are evolving as new markers are found, sometimes resulting from occasional mutations to DNA.  Different populations carry distinct markers.  Examples of these markers can be seen in the charts below:


Notice in the images below (public domain) that the genetic lineages originate from “somewhere in the Middle East” or Mesopotamia as the Bible claims:

The migration map below represents migration patterns for Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) passed down from a father.  The letters represent markers for individual mutations. The migration map below represents patterns for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) passed down from a mother.  The letters represent markers for individual mutations.

A majority of scholars and Bible historians agree that most of the descendants of Shem stayed in the Middle East, and that Shem’s descendants are well documented.  These include the Hebrews, Persians and Assyrians.  Modern day Arabs and Jews trace their lineage to Shem.  Many Arabic nomad tribes still claim they descended from Shem.  The descendants of Shem (Shemites) are often called Semites, a term first used in the late 18th century for peoples listed in the Bible as descended from Shem.  Today the term Semite refers to peoples who speak any of the Semitic languages, including the ancient peoples who inhabited Babylonia (Mesopotamia).  Modern peoples speaking Semitic languages include the Arabs and Jews.  Several centuries before the Christian Era, many ancient Semitic populations were migrating in large numbers from Arabia to Mesopotamia, the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, and the Nile River delta.  Jews and other Semites settled in villages in Judea (southern Palestine).  Today, Semitic-speaking peoples are concentrated in the Middle East and northern Africa.

The descendants of Ham include the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Canaanites, Phoenicians and Hittites.  His descendants appear to be the first to fill the earth, as they were the early settlers of Africa, Asia, Australia, the South Pacific and the Americas.  The descendants of Japheth migrated into Europe and parts of Central Asia.  The Greeks, Romans, Spanish, Celts, Scythians and Medes were Japheth’s descendants.  Some people groups merged to form one nation, as did the Persians (Shem) and the Medes (Japheth), which later became the Medo-Persian empire.  We also find that many nations or peoples were named after an ancestor.  Romans, and their capital city, were named after Romulus.  Israelis and their country are named after their forefather, Israel.  The observable fact of attaching the name of a leader to his people and his empire appears often in Ancient Near Eastern history.  The Table of Nations in Genesis 10 illustrates this principle, whereby every land was named after its first successful settler:  Canaanites were named after Ham’s son, Canaan, and so on.

Note that the many names of family groups and nations listed here naturally follow well-established rules in the development of language, and the transfer of words between languages of a different family or nation.  Letters may be transposed, endings added, prefixes taken away or added, but the basic root persists to help trace the spread of the peoples of the earth.  For example, the ancient city of Unuk (in the Bible is the first city ever built, equated with Enoch), later appears as Uruk and Erech, then as Wark or Warka by the Sumerians, and finally appears in Greek as Purgos or Pergos.  The conversion of “wark” into “purg-” shows the transfer of words between languages of a different family (more on language groups at the end of this article).

Interestingly enough, purg- becomes burgh in modern Indo-European languages, which is the root of the English word, borough.  Several examples of this are below, specifically in the lines of Japheth.  The three sons of Noah and their descendants listed below are not in any particular order.  From Babel the three families of man would populate the earth, and here we have the beginnings of all people groups through Shem, Ham and Japheth:

Shem.  Also Sem.  Literal meanings are named or renown (father of the Semitic people groups – Shemites).  The sons of Shem were:

(1) Elam “eternity”(sons were Shushan, Machul and Harmon) – (Elamites, Persians);

(2) Asshur “a step” or “strong” (sons were Mirus and Mokil) – (Assyrians/Northern Iraqis);

(3) Arphaxad “I shall fail” (sons were Shelach, Anar and Ashcol) – (Chaldeans/Southern Iraqis, Hebrews/Israelites/Jews1, Arabians/Bedouins, Moabites/Jordanians/Palestinians, and related groups);

(4) Lud “strife” (sons were Pethor and Bizayon) – (Ludim, Lubim, Ludians, Ludu, Lydians, Chubs, other related groups in Asia Minor and North Africa);

(5) Aram “exalted” (sons were Uz, Chul, Gather and Mash) – (Aramaeans/Syrians, Lebanese, other related groups), and remnant groups throughout Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa.

1Hebrews descended from Eber (Heber), a great-grandson of Shem.  Six generations after Heber, Abram (Abraham) was born, so Abraham was both a Hebrew and a Semite, born of the line of Heber and Shem.  Ishmael and Isaac were born of Abraham.  However, Ishmael was born of an unlawful union between Abraham and his Egyptian maid Hagar (Genesis 16, Galatians 4), making Ishmael half Semitic and half Hamitic.  Sunnite Arabs (specifically Arabian Muslims) consider themselves to be descendants of Ishmael, often calling themselves Ishmaelites, and thus are both Semitic Hebrews and Hamites.  To this day the descendents of Ishmael (Arabs) and his half-brother brother Isaac (Israelites) have fought over which family group is Abraham’s true spiritual heir, specifically relating to ownership of land in the Middle East.  Thus, there has been an unsolvable problem, and the nation of Israel is progressively being forced to give up land for peace.

Isaac was born to Abraham and his lawful wife Sarah (Gen. 17, 18 & 21).  Isaac had twin sons named Esau and Jacob.  Esau was firstborn, and so had the right to inheritance (as was custom), but instead sold his birthright to Jacob during a time of hunger.  Esau’s name was changed to Edom, and Jacob’s name was changed to Israel.  The descendants of Esau (Edom) became known as Edomites, and the descendants of Jacob (Israel) became known as Israelites.  Jacob fathered 12 sons which became the twelve tribes of Israel.  Those who interchange the words “Jew” and Israelite, call Abraham a Jew, though Abraham was neither an Israelite or a Jew.  The word “Jew” was not used in the Bible until nearly 1,000 years after Abraham.  One of Jacob’s (Israel’s) children was Judah (Hebrew “Yehudah”).  His descendants were called Yehudim (“Judahites”).  In Greek the name is Ioudaioi (“Judeans”).  Most all Bible translations use the word “Jew,” which is a modern, shortened form of the word “Judahite.”  A “Jew” in the Old Testament would be a “Judahite;” and a “Jew” in the New Testament would be a “Judean.”

A bitter rivalry between the descendants of Esau and Jacob continued throughout history, and as they lived in close proximity for hundreds of years, their hatred worsened.  The Romans referred to the Edomites as Idumeans, separate from Israelites, when they lived in the region of Palestine together.  The Romans later divided Palestine into districts, with Idumea (land of Edomites) being one of the districts.  As the Roman Empire faded, Idumea was divided again into Northern Idumea, and the region fell to an Ishmaelite (Arabian) Muslim army led by Caliph Umar in 638 A.D.  Historians suggest the remaining Edomites embraced Islam at that time and remained in the land, blending with the Arabs, and uniting against the Israelites.

Jerusalem soon became a focal point for the Muslims (Moslems), being the third most holy city of Islam, after the cities of Mecca and Medina (though Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran, it is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible).  By 691 A.D., the Mosque of Omar (also called the “Dome of the Rock”) was completed on the Temple Mount, where Muslims believe Mohammed ascended to heaven from.  The Arabic term for the holy place is “al-Haram as-Sharif” meaning “The Noble Sanctuary.”  To Israelites and Jews, Jerusalem was the city of the great prophets and the capital of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah under King David and his son King Solomon.  The first and second temples were the center of worship until the destruction of the city by the Romans in 70 A.D.  Christians revere the city as the place where Jesus Christ taught in the temple, and was later crucified.  Christians believe that Jesus will return to establish His Kingdom at the Temple Mount with Jerusalem as world capital.

Still confused?  Here’s a simple patriarchal chart, beginning with Noah, showing how these family groups came to be:

  |        |        |
Abram    Nahor    Haran
  |                 |
  |----------|     Lot
Isaac    Ishmael    |-------------------
  |          |                |        |
  |------|   |--->Arabs<-----Moab    Ammon
Jacob  Esau                            |
  |      |------->Arabs<----------------
Israelites & Jews

Ham.  Also Cham or Kham.  Literal meanings are passionate, hot, burnt or dark (father of the Australoid, Negroid and Mongoloid people groups – Hamites).  He was the progenitor of:

(1) Cush “black” (sons were Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, Sabteca and Nimrod) – also Chus, Kush, Kosh, Kish, Cushaean (Cushites, Nubians, Ethiopians, Ghanaians, Africans, Bushmen, Pygmies, Australian Aborignies, New Guineans, other related groups);

(2) Mizraim “double straits” (sons were Lud, Anom, Pathros, Chasloth and Chaphtor) – also Masr, Misr, Misraim, Mitzraim, Mizraite, Mitsrayim (Egyptians1, Khemets, Copts, other related groups);

(3) Phut “a bow” (sons were Gebul, Hadan, Benah and Adan) – also Punt, Puta, Put, Puni, Phoud, Pul, Fula, Putaya, Putiya, Libia, Libya (Libyans, Cyrenacians, Tunisians, Berbers, Somalians, Sudanese, North Africans, other related groups);

(4) Canaan “down low” (sons were Sidon [Zidon]2, Heth, Amor, Gergash, Hiv, Ark, Sin, Arod, Zemar and Hamat) – also Canaanites, Cana, Chna, Chanani, Chanana, Canaana, Kana, Kenaanah, Kena’ani, Kena’an, Kn’nw, Kyn’nw, Kinnahu, Kinahhi, Kinahni, Kinahna, Kinahne (Mongols, Asians, Orientals, Chinese, Tibetans, Taiwanese, Thais, Vietnamese, Laotians, Cambodians, Japanese, Eskimos, American Indians3, Malayasians, Indonesians, Filipinos, Hawaiians, Maoris, Polynesians, Tahitians, Guamanians, Samoans, Fijians, Tongans, Tokelauans, Tuvaluans, Pacific Islanders4 and related groups5).

Tribes in other parts of Africa, Arabia and Asia, aboriginal groups in Australia, native Pacific Islanders, American Indians and Eskimos were birthed from descendants of Canaan, Cush, Mizraim and Phut.

Looking at history, whichever region is considered, Africa, Europe, Australia, or America, the major migrations have always been from Asia.  In every area of the world where Japhethites have subsequently settled, they have always been preceded by Hamites.  This pattern applies in every continent.  In early historic times the circumstance seems always to be true, the earliest fossil remains of man being Mongoloid or Negroid in character and in head shape, whereas those that came last belong to the family of Japheth (Caucasoid).  When we study ancient history and technological achievements, which were in many ways the equal of, or superior of, much that we have today, we find Hamitic people showed an amazing adaptability to the world in which they founded, and carried to a high technological proficiency their societies.  Their achievements were exploited by Japhetic and Semitic peoples, who became great scientific discoverers.  The Hamitic migrations indicate they sought a way of life, not an understanding or a control of nature beyond what was immediately useful.  A majority of Ham’s descendants were not negroid.  Genesis 10:15-20 records that of the 32 descendants of Ham, four settled in unknown places, 23 settled in the Middle East and five settled in Africa.  Archeologists tell us that no groups inhabiting the Middle East in Biblical times were negroid.  Many had brown, red and white racial characteristics.  Ham’s descendants appear to be the most varied of Noah’s lineage.

Ham’s fourth born son was Canaan.  Genesis 10:15-19 identifies a distinctive characteristic of the sons of Canaan:  They liked to spread out.  The Canaanites are specifically mentioned as migrating far and wide, “…and afterward the families of the Canaanites were spread abroad.  The territory of the Canaanites extended from Sidon as you go toward Gerar, as far as Gaza; as you go toward Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah and Zeboiim, as far as Lasha.”  History indicates they did have a propensity for sprawl.  The descendants of Canaan would later make up the vast populations of Asia, Africa and the Western Hemisphere.  Much smaller populations migrated to the Southern Hemisphere.  To this day, only about 10% of the world’s population lives in the Southern Hemisphere.

1Epypt is one of the most frequently mentioned names in the Bible.  Egypt is also synonymous with Mizraim.  For example, Misr (Mizraim) is the Arabic name for Epypt.  The name Egypt is thought to be derived from the name Hout ka-Ptah or Hi-ku-Ptah, both meaning the “Place of the Spirit of the god Ptah.”  The name was Hellenized by the Greeks, rendering Hi-ku-ptah as Ai-gu-ptos (Aiguptos), becoming the Latin Aegyptus, and later Egypt in modern English.  The term Copt is also believed to be etymologically derived from this name.  Hi-ku-Ptah was believed to be located in the capital city of Memphis.  In the Bible, Memphis is called Moph or Noph.

2Sidon (or Zidon) and his descendants settled on the Mediterranean coast of present-day Lebanon, then known as the land of Canaan.  The Sidonians called themselves Kena’ani, or Canaanites (adopted from the name of their father Canaan, and the land named after him).  Interestingly, these “new” Canaanites came to speak a Semitic language, probably adopted from a large migration of Semites who came from land and sea, and introduced their language and a sophisticated maritime technology about 1800 B.C.  Historians suggest these Canaanites succumbed to racial and linguistic intermixture with the invading Semites, which led to the loss of their own ethnic predominance, as evidenced by modern excavations.  They eventually moved westward and occupied a very narrow coastal strip of the east Mediterranean, building new cities, and establishing significant trade with neighboring nations.  In fact, the Israelite name for “Canaan” came to mean “traders,” though some suggest the name Canaan is from the Hebrew nameHurrian, meaning “land of red purple.”

These Sidonian Canaanites were known for their red and purple cloth (a purple dye was extracted from murex snails found near the shores of Palestine, a method now lost).  The Greeks called the land of Canaan “Phoenicia,” which meant “purple.”  Thus, Sidonians became known as Phoenicians, and became a nation of great trade, language, and culture.  Phoenician, Hebrew and Moabite were a group of west Semitic languages, all dialects from Canaan, as referred to in Isaiah 19:18.  The writing system of the Phoenicians is the source of the writing systems of nearly all of Europe, including Greek, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic and the Roman alphabet.  The Phoenician empire fell under Hellenistic rule after being conquered by Alexander the Great about 332 B.C.  In 64 B.C. the name of Phoenicia disappeared entirely, becoming a part of the Roman providence of Syria.  At the beginning of the Christian era, remaining Phoenicians were the first to accept the Christian faith after the Jews.  Sidon’s name is still perpetuated in the modern-day city of Sidon (Saidoon is the Phoenician name, Saida in Arabic) in southern Lebanon.

3Evidence for diverse migrations into the Americas comes from research on living American Indian populations, which includes data from Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that is passed down from a mother to her children from one generation to the next intact.  These studies have consistently shown similarities (deep ancestry) between American Indians and recent populations in Asia, Siberia and northern Scandinavia.  These groups include the Lapps in northern Europe/Scandinavia, the Chukchi and Yukaghir in Siberia, plus Indians and Eskimos/Aleuts throughout Canada and North America.  There is a wealth of information on the genetic relationship between early Taiwanese populations and southeast Asian, Oceanic (South Pacific) and Native American descendants.  Ancient American Indian skeletal remains show a range of physical attributes (round-headed) suggesting separate migrations of different populations from Asia and the South Pacific, representing 97 percent of all modern American Indian populations.  What of the other 3 percent?

There are exceptions.  A 1998 DNA study conducted by the Center for Molecular Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA discovered a mtDNA strain in roughly 3% of American Indians (Amerindians) called “Haplogroup X” which suggests a prehistoric migration of peoples to the Americas from the European theater.  This genetic inheritance likely reflects transatlantic links since Haplogroup X is not found in Asians, demonstrating the DNA did not originate from those Asians who arrived in the Americas via the Bering Strait.  Other researchers conclude that these transatlantic migrations took place before the Asian migrations into Canada and North America.  Some experts believe that Haplogroup X provides concrete evidence of European ancestry for certain Native Americans (noted below).  For example, the Algonquian Indians (Mahicans/Ojibwe) have as high as 40 percent of Haplogroup X, and their distant relatives, the Siouan family of tribes (Sioux), have as high as 15 percent of the DNA.  Experts suggest a large amount of gene flow occurred between Algonquian-speaking and Siouan-speaking groups, consistent with archaeological and linguistic evidence.  These tribes, initially arriving along the eastern shores of North America, migrated deep inland, also north into Canada.  They are the popular red-skinned tribes having a long-head shape similar to that of early Italic peoples in Europe.  They are thought to be descendants of Canaanites (Phoenicians) who intermarried with Indo-Europeans while migrating across Europe, and subsequently sailing to North America.

Having been the largest group of Native Americans in the United States, their DNA stretched across America, though very sparse further west.  According to tradition, they populated the Carolinas then migrated to the regions of Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and eventually Minnesota and the Dakotas.  Many of these tribes had fortified villages similar to ancient Canaanites (who lived along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, including parts of Egypt and the Jordan Valley).  Archaeological evidence shows they constructed towns and cities with small pyramids and vast road systems throughout the Mississippi Valley.  With them came a tradition that is thought to be a reference to the wives of Noah and his three sons.  Four women are identified as “mothers of origin” whose names (possibly Canaanite) have been preserved down through the generations (see name chart below).  Additionally, there are striking similarities between the languages of ancient Egypt and those of the Native Americans that inhabited the areas around Louisiana about the time of Christ.  Epigraphy experts have stated that the languages of the Attakapa, Tunica and Chitimacha tribes have affinities with Nile Valley (Egyptian) languages involving certain words associated with Egyptian trading communities of 2,000 years ago.  Scholars note the Algonquian and Siouan peoples used pictographs and ideographic writing symbols that also have similarities with ancient Canaanites.

Many groups migrated southwest into Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and eventually Mexico, establishing the powerful Aztec tribes with their beautiful fortified cities, integrating with the Mayas (who had been there hundreds of years before, and thought of the Aztecs as barbarians).  Likely there was a mixing of cultures as they migrated, as there was no conquest of the Maya world by the Aztecs; that title would be given to the Spaniards in the late 17th century.  The Aztec’s traditions and legends are largely ignored by modern scholars as myths and fables.  The Aztecs, according to their own legends, departed from a region in the north called Chicomoztoc, a region that is today the areas of Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico.  Later establishing a city known as Aztlan, somewhere in north or northwest Mexico (now lost), their tribal name Aztec was born.  Being nomadic, they eventually reached the valley of Mexico in the 12th century A.D.  They were known as fearless warriors and pragmatic builders who raised an enormous city called Tenochtitlan, their capital city (now Mexico City).

The Aztecs would later call themselves “Mexica” (where Mexico is derived), and their language, Nahuatl, was linguistically related to other native language groups throughout the U.S. southwest and northern Mexico.  Linguists note, for instance, the Shoshoni language in the Utah-Nevada region was understood by all the tribes from Mexico, without difficulty.  Other related tribes included the Paiute, Hopi, Pima, Yaqui/Apache, Tepehuan, Kiowas and Mayos.  Catholic missionaries in the 1850’s established the fact that all of those peoples were of one language family.  While there are other examples of language similarities, studies of the native languages of the Americas have shown them to be extremely diverse, representing nearly two hundred distinct families, some consisting of a single isolated language.

4Pacific Islanders have a diverse and unique history.  These oceanic peoples of the South Pacific, whom we know as Polynesians, Maoris, Tahitians, Samoans, Fijians, Tongans and others, have their roots in southern China.  Prior to the Mongoloid peoples establishing themselves in southern China, there were migrations of negroid peoples from east Africa and the Sahara.  A number of African cultures kept documents and ancient texts, as well as strong oral history and legends, of migrations to ancient China from Africa.  Mongoloid groups later migrated into southern China, resulting in a mixing of cultures.  Southern China is thought to have first come into being out of the mixture of Mongoloid and Negroid peoples.  These peoples were likely driven out by other aggressive Mongoloids.  Being master seafarers, they sailed into Polynesia and the surrounding region, populating the islands of the South Pacific.

5The vast aggregate of peoples who are generally classified as Mongoloid, who settled the Far East, have been a question as to where they fall into the Table of Nations.  Evidence shows they are Hamitic, even though some have incorrectly reasoned that the Chinese were of Japhetic stock, and the Japanese were either Japhetic or Semitic.  There are two names which provide clues.  Two of Canaan’s sons, Heth (Hittites) and Sin (Sinites), are the likely progenitors of Chinese and Mongoloid stock.  The Hittites are described in the Bible as a people ruled by kings living north of Assyria.  Historians note they populated western Asia and the Far East, but conquered regions into Asia Minor and as far south as Palestine.  The Hittite Empire was short-lived in history, but left a mark on the ancient world.

Assyrians called them Khatta or Khate, and they were known as the Kheta or Khata to the Egyptians.  These names were variations of Hatti or Chatti, described on monuments of Assyria and Egypt.  Archaeologists have noted many similarities between the Hittites and the Mongoloids.  Egyptian monuments depicted the Hittites with prominent noses, full lips, high cheekbones, hairless faces, varying skin color from brown to yellowish and reddish, straight black hair in a pigtail or ponytail, and dark brown eyes.  The Hittites depicted themselves in their bas-reliefs and hieroglyphs with short and thick limbs, pushed forward faces and large nostrils, confirming their identity when compared with Egyptian representations.  Craniologists observe that these were characteristics of Mongoloid peoples.

The term Hittite in Cuneiform (the earliest form of writing invented by the Sumerians) appears as Khittae* representing a once powerful nation from the Asia and the Far East known as theKhitai, also in Hebrew as Khitti, Kheth and Khettai.  Khitai and Khettai have been preserved through the centuries in the more familiar term, Cathay.  They battled the Egyptian armies of Ramses II in the 13 century B.C., then disappeared forever from history.  Their remnant, the Cathay, are considered the Mongoloid people who are part of early Chinese stock.  This evidence comes from links between the Cathay and Hittites, for example, their modes of dress, their shoes with turned-up toes, their manner of doing their hair in a pigtail, and so forth.

*Khittae has, at times, been incorrectly associated with Kittim or Chittim (Greek Kition, Roman Citium, Jewish Cethimus), son of Javan, son of Japheth.  Kittim is also the Biblical name for modern-day Cyprus.  Javan is the Hebrew word for Greece, appearing five times in the Old Testament.  Interestingly enough, Javan has been incorrectly interpreted to mean Japan.  History distinctly shows Javan to be the ancestor of the Greeks and other related Mediterranean people groups.

Sin (or Seni), a brother of Heth, has many occurrences in variant forms in the Far East.  There is one significant feature concerning the likely mode of origin of Chinese civilization.  The place most closely associated by the Chinese themselves with the origin of their civilization is the capital of Shensi, namely, Siang-fu (Father Sin).  Siang-fu appears in Assyrian records as Sianu.  Today, Siang-fu can be loosely translated, “Peace to the Western Capital of China.”  The Chinese have a tradition that their first king, Fu-hi or Fohi (Chinese Noah), made his appearance on the Mountains of Chin, was surrounded by a rainbow after the world had been covered with water, and sacrificed animals to God (corresponding to the Genesis record).  Sin himself was the third generation from Noah, a circumstance which would provide the right time interval for the formation of early Chinese culture.  In addition, the Miao tribe of southwest China had a tradition similar to the Genesis account, even before they met Christian missionaries.  According to their tradition, God destroyed the whole world by a flood because of the wickedness of man, and Nuah (Noah) the righteous man and his wife, their three sons, Lo Han (Ham), Lo Shen (Shem), and Jah-hu (Japheth) survived by building a very broad ship and taking on it pairs of animals.

There is strong evidence that suggests early Chinese knew of the God of the Bible.  There are accounts described in the “Shu Jing” (Book of History), compiled by Confucius, where it is recorded that Emperor Shun (ruled from about 2256 B.C. to 2205 B.C. when the first recorded dynasty began) that he worshiped and sacrificed a bull to “ShangDi.”  ShangDi literally means “Heavenly Ruler.”  Linguists point out that ShangDi, Creator-God of the Chinese, is the phonetic equivalent to El Shaddai, Creator-God of the Hebrews.  About 700 B.C., the early Zhou pronunciation of ShangDi was “djanh-tigh” (Zhan-dai).  The bull was sacrificed at an annual ceremony called a “Border Sacrifice,” a rite that did not end until 1911 when the last emperor was deposed.  Additionally, recitations from the ancient rite parallel several Bible passages, including the creation account in Genesis.  Scholars who have analyzed the most ancient forms of these pictographic Chinese writings (graphic symbols called ideograms), which date from before the time of Moses, have the entire story of creation, the temptation, the fall of man into sin, and God’s remedy for sin in the animal sacrifices, which pointed to the coming Savior, Jesus Christ.  All the elements of the Genesis narrative are found recorded, and still in use, in Chinese character-writing.  This confirms the idea that the ancient Chinese incorporated their early knowledge of Genesis into their written language.

History has much to say about the descendants of Sin who came from the Far East to trade.  They were called Sinæ (Sin) by the Scythians.  Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer, referred to China as the land of Sinim or Sinæ.  Reference to the Sinim in Isaiah 49:12 notes they came “from afar,” specifically not from the north and not from the west.  Arabs called China Sin, Chin, Mahachin, Machin.  The Sinæ were spoken of as a people in the remotest parts of Asia.  For the Sinæ, the most important town was Thinæ, a great trading emporium in western China.  The city Thinæ is now known as Thsin or simply Tin, and it lies in the province of Shensi.  Much of China was ruled by the Sino-KhitanEmpire (960-1126 A.D.), which Beijing became the southern capital.  The Sinæ became independent in western China, their princes reigning there for some 650 years before they finally gained dominion over the whole land.

In the third century B.C., the dynasty of Tsin became supreme.  The word Tsin itself came to have the meaning of purebred.  This word was assumed as a title by the Manchu Emperors and is believed to have been changed into the form Tchina.  From there the term was brought into Europe as China, probably from the Ch’in or Qin dynasty (255-206 B.C.).  The Greek word for China is Kina (Latin is Sina).  As well, Chinese and surrounding languages are part of the Sino-Tibetan language family.  Years ago, American newspapers regularly carried headlines with reference to the conflict between the Chinese and Japanese in which the ancient name reappeared in its original form, the Sino-Japanese war.  Sinology refers to the study of Chinese history.

With respect to the Cathay people of historical reference, evidence suggests that a remnant of the Hittites fled eastward after the destruction of their empire and apparent disappearance from history.  As they traveled towards the east, their clans settled among the Sinites who were relatives, contributing to their civilization, and thus becoming the ancestors of Asian people groups.  They are found together in major historical events that formed the Chinese nation and its people.  Still others migrated throughout the region and beyond, making up present-day Mongoloid races in Asia and the Americas.  The evidence strongly suggests that Ham’s grandsons, Heth (Hittites/Cathay) and Sin (Sinites/China), are the ancestors of Mongoloid peoples.

There are many native African tribes which trace themselves back traditionally to Ham.  The Yoruba, who are black skinned, for example, claim to be descendants of Cush, and the Beja people have specific genealogical traditions of descent from Cush.  Ethiopians still trace their ancestry back to Cush.  To this day Cush has many tribal and ethnic designations in Africa and Arabia.  Jewish historian Josephus in his Antiquities of the Jews gives an account of the nation of Cush as the son of Ham and grandson of Noah:  “For of the four sons of Ham, time has not at all hurt the name of Cush; for the Ethiopians, over whom he reigned, are even at this day, both by themselves and by all men in Asia, called Cushites.”  Libyans, who are much lighter skinned, are traced back to Phut (Phut is the Hebrew name for Libya).  Egyptians are direct descendants of Mizraim (Mizraim is the Hebrew name for Egypt).  Today, “Misr” is the name Egyptians use to refer to their country.  Ancient Egyptians have been considered the greatest technicians in all human history.

Other African groups trace their roots back to Ham or one of his descendants.  It is therefore suggested that all of Africa, despite the different shades of color of its native populations, was initially settled by various members of this one Hamitic family.  In the course of time, some of these people groups had migrations to Australia, Melanesia, New Guinea and the surrounding region.  For example, there is evidence of similarities in the form of horticulture found in the Sahara and in Papua New Guinea.  Recent studies from archaeology have discovered there was once extensive trade between east Africa and New Guinea.  The evidence appears to point consistently in the same direction, supporting that not only Africa with its black races, but the Far East, the Americas, Australia and the Oceanic nations with their colored races were all descendants of Ham.  The Hamitic people were the first to reach the far and distant lands of the world, preparing the way for the future.  Their inventions and discoveries made a significant impact on the world, and provided inspiration for those to follow.
Japheth.  Also Diphath.  Literal meanings are opened, enlarged, fair or light (father of the Caucasoid/Indo-Europoid, Indo-European, Indo-Germanic, or Indo-Aryan people groups -Japhethites).  Japheth is the progenitor of seven sons:

(1) Gomer “complete” (sons were Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah) – also Gamir, Gommer, Gomeri, Gomeria, Gomery, Goth, Guth, Gutar, Götar, Gadelas, Galic, Gallic, Galicia, Galica, Galatia, Gaulacia, Gael, Galatae, Galatoi, Gaul, Galls, Goar, Georgian, Celt, Celtae, Celticae, Kelt, Keltoi, Gimmer, Gimmerai, Gimirra, Gimirrai, Gimirraya, Kimmer, Kimmeroi, Kimirraa, Kumri, Umbri, Cimmer, Cimmeria, Cimbri, Cimbris, Crimea, Chomari, Cymric, Cymry, Cymru, Cymbry, Cumber (Cimmerians, Caledonians, Armenians, Phrygians, Turks, Picts, Milesians, Umbrians, Helvetians, Celts1, Galatians, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Goths, Vandals, Scandinavians, Jutes, Teutons, Franks, Burgundians, Alemanni, Germans2, Belgians, Dutch, Luxembourgers, Liechensteiners, Austrians, Swiss, Angles, Saxons, Britons, English, Cornish, Irish, Welsh, Scots, French, and other related groups);

(2) Magog “land of Gog” (sons were Elichanaf, Lubal, Baath, Jobhath and Fathochta) – also Gog3, Cog, Gogh, Gogue, Gogarene, Jagog, Yajuj, Majuj, Juz, Majuz, Agag, Magug, Magogae, Magogue, Ma-Gogue, Mugogh, Mat Gugi, Gugu, Gyges, Bedwig, Moghef, Magogian, Massagetae, Getae, Dacae, Sacae, Saka, Scyth, Skythe, Scythi, Scythii, Scythini, Scythia, Scythae, Sythia, Scythes, Skuthai, Skythai, Cathaia, Scythia, Skythia, Scynthia, Scynthius, Sythian, Skudra Sclaveni, Samartian, Sogdian, Slovon, Skodiai, Scotti, Skolot, Skoloti, Scoloti, Skolo-t, Skoth-ai, Skoth, Skyth, Skuthes, Skuth-a, Slavs, Ishkuzai, Askuza, Askuasa, Alani, Alans, Alanic, Ulan, Uhlan (Scythians, Scots); also Rasapu, Rashu, Rukhs, Rukhs-As, Rhos, Ros, Rosh, Rox, Roxolani, Rhoxolani, Ruskolan, Rosichi, Rhossi, Rusichi, Rus, Ruska, Rossiya, Rusian (Russians4, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Chechens, Dagestanis); also Mas-ar, Mas-gar, Masgar, Mazar, Madj, Madjar, Makr-on, Makar, Makaroi, Merkar, Magor, Magar, Magyar (Hungarians – also Huns, Hungar, Hunugur, Hurri, Gurri, Onogur, Ugor, Ungar, Uhor, Venger); Yugoslavians, Finns, Lapps, Estonians, Siberians, Voguls, Poles, Czechs, Croatians, Bosnians, Montenegrins, Mordvins, Serbians, Slovenians, Slovakians, Karelians, Komi-Zyrians, Udmurts, Izhorians, Livonians, Bulgarians, Avars, Tartars, Turks, Colchi, Armenians, Georgians and other related groups).

(3) Madai “middle land” (sons were Achon, Zeelo, Chazoni and Lotalso) – also Mada, Amada, Madae, Madea, Manda, Maday, Media, Madaean, Mata, Matiene, Mitani, Mitanni, Minni, Megala(Medes5, Aryans, Persians, Parsa, Parsees, Achaemenians, Manneans, Caspians, Kassites, Iranians, Achaemenians, Kurds, East Indians, Romani, Pathans, Hazaras), including the peoples of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Khazachstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikstan and Kyrgyzstan, and other related groups;

(4) Javan “miry” (sons were Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim and Dodanim) – also Jevanim, Iewanim, Iawan, Iawon, Iamanu, Iones, Ionians, Ellas, Ellines, El-li-ness, Hellas, Hellenes, Yavan, Yavanas, Yawan, Yuban, Yauna, Uinivu, Xuthus (Grecians, Greeks, Elysians, Spartans, Dorians, Tartessians, Britons6, Aeolians, Achaeans, Myceneans, Macedonians, Albanians, Carthaginians, Cyprians, Cypriots, Cretans, Latins, Venetians, Sicanians, Italics, Romans7, Valentians, Sicilians, Cilicians, Italians, Spaniards, Portugese, other related groups);

(5) Tubal “brought” (sons were Ariphi, Kesed and Taari) – also Tabal, Tabali, Tubalu, Thobal, Thobel (Thobelites, Iberoi, Ibers, Iberians, Ivernians, Irish8, Spanish, other related groups),Tbilisi, Tibarenoi, Tibareni, Tibar, Tibor, Sabir, Sapir, Sabarda, Subar, Subartu, Tobol, Tobolsk (Cossacks, Samoyeds, Siberians, other related groups);

(6) Meshech “drawing out” (sons were Dedon, Zaron and Shebashnialso) – Me’shech, Mes’ek, Meshekh, Meshwesh, Meskhi, Meschera, Mushch, Muschki, Mushki, Mishi, Muski, Mushku, Musku, Muskeva, Muska, Muskaa, Muskai, Maskali, Machar, Maskouci, Mazakha, Mazaca, Mtskhetos, Modar-es, Moskhi, Moshkhi, Mosah, Mosher, Moshch, Moschis, Mosoch, Moschi, Moschian, Moshakian, Mo’skhoi, Moschoi, Mosochenu, Mosochean, Mossynes, Mosynoeci, Moskva, Moscovy, Moscow (Muscovites, Latvians, Lithuanians, Romanians, other related groups);

(7) Tiras “desire” (sons were Benib, Gera, Lupirion and Gilak) – also Tiracian, Thracian, Thirasian, Thiras, Thuras, Tyritae, Thrasus, Thrace, Trausi, Tereus, Trecae, Troas, Tros, Troia, Troiae, Troyes, Troi, Troy, Troya, Trajan, Trojan, Taunrus, Tyras, Tyrsen, Tyrrhena, Illyrian, Ilion, Ilium, Rasenna, Tursha, Tusci, Tuscany, Etruria, Etruschi, Etruscan, Eturscan, Euskadi, Euskara (Basque9), Erul, Herul, Heruli, Erilar, Vanir, Danir, Daner, Aesar, Aesir, Asir, Svear, Svea, Svie, Svioner, Svenonian, Urmane, Norge (Leleges, Carians, Pelasgians, Scandinavians10, Varangians, Vikings, Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Icelandics, Baltics, other related groups).

The Japhetic people are, in general, the peoples of India and Europe (Indo-European stock), with which any demographer is familiar11.

1The whole Celtic race has been regarded as descended from Gomer, though history suggests modern Celts are descended from both Gomer and Magog.  Archaeologists and ethnologists agree that the first Indo-European group to spread across Europe were Celts.  The Irish Celts claim to be to the descendants of Magog, while the Welsh Celts claim to be to the descendants of Gomer.  Irish chronicles, genealogies, plus an extensive number of manuscripts which have survived from ancient times, reveal their roots.  The Irish were descendants of Scythians, also known as Magogians, which is strongly supported by etymological evidence.  Archaeological evidence shows that both the Celts (from Gomer) and Scythians (from Magog) freely shared and mingled cultures at their earliest stages.  Russian and eastern European excavations plainly reveal the blending of these two groups.  Their geographical locations (what is now eastern Europe, southern Russia and Asia Minor) were referred to by the Greeks under the name of Celto-Scythae, which was populated by the Celts to the south and west, and the Scythians to the north.  The ancient Greeks first called the northern peoples by the general name of Scythae; but when they became acquainted with the nations in the west, they began to call them by the different names of Celts, including the Celto-Scythae.  Celts and Scythians were considered essentially the same peoples, based on geography, though many independent tribes of Celts and Scythians existed.  The Latins called them “Galli,” and the Romans referred to them as “Gauls,” and considered them fiercely independent barbarians.  Later names used by Greeks were the Galatai or Galatae, Getae, Celtae and Keltoi.  In the third century before Christ (about 280 B.C.), the Gauls invaded Rome and were ultimately repelled into Greece, where they migrated into the north-central part of Asia Minor (Anatolia).  They conquered the indigenous peoples of that region and established their own independent kingdom.  The land became known as Galatia (Gaulatia).  The Apostle Paul wrote his famous epistle to their descendants, the Galatians.  Jewish historian Flavius Josephus wrote that the Galatians of his day (93 A.D.) were previously called Gomerites.Early Celtic tribes (from Gomer) settled much of the European theater, including present-day Spain, France, England and Germany, prior to contact with Scythians.  For many centuries France was called Gaul, after the Celtic descendants of Gomer, whom ceded the territory to Romans and Germanic/Teutonic Franks (whence France) in the 4th century A.D.  Northwest Spain is called Galicia to this day.  Some of the Gomerites migrated further to what is now called Wales.  The Welsh claim their ancestors “first landed on the Isle of Britain from France, about three hundred years after the flood.”  The Celtic language survives intact today mainly in the two variants of Welsh and Irish/Scottish Gaelic.  The Welsh call their language Gomeraeg (after Gomer).  The Celts of today are descendants of Gomer, and of the blended tribes of Magog and Gomer.

2Present-day Germanic people groups are descendants of both Japheth and Shem, and there are several references from recent and ancient history.  Recent history records the descendants of Gomer migrated and settled in the region that is now northern Europe (Germany and Scandinavia).  These tribes became the Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Teutons and Burgundians, descendants of some of the first peoples to migrate to northern Europe from ancient times—the Askaeni.  The Askaeni were descendants of Ashkenaz, son of Gomer, son of Japheth.  When the Askaeni arrived in northern Europe, they named the land Ascania after themselves, which later translated Scandia, then Scandinavia.  Later in history, we find the Askaeni being referred to as Sakasenoi, which became Sachsen, and finally Saxon.  The Saxons played an large part in European and English history.  Ashkenaz has been one of the most well preserved names throughout European history.

Semitic peoples also migrated to central Europe (southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland).  These people were the descendants of Asshur, son of Shem, where early Germans originated.  Asshur is well known in history as the father of the Assyrians.  In the Aramaic language, “Aturaye” means Assyrian, and the land of the Assyrians is called “Atur,” which became “Tyr” or “Teiw” by early Germanic peoples.  Later, the name linguistically changes to “Ziu.”  Germans likely derived their identity and language from these ancestral names.  The earliest known name of the German language was called “Diutisc,” which later becomes Dietsch, Deutsch or Deutsche (what Germans call themselves today).  Deutschland (land of the Deutsch) could be called “Asshurland.”  The Romans referred to the Deutschen as Teutons or Teutones.  The Teutons were a tribe of Germans nearly wiped out by Romans in the second century B.C.

The term “German” comes from Latin (Roman) sources.  The Assyrians occupied a Mesopotamian city on the lower Tigris River called “Kir” and placed captive slaves there (also referenced in 2 Kings 16:9, Isaiah 22:5-6, Amos 1:5, 9:7).  The city was populated by the Assyrians for many years, and the inhabitants became known as “Kir-man.”  The Assyrians (Kerman) were driven from their land shortly after their fall about 610 B.C.  They migrated into central Europe where they were called “German” or “Germanni,” a general name used by the Romans to represent all Assyrian tribes.  The known Assyrian tribes were the Khatti (also, Chatti, Hatti and Hessian)—Chatti is still the Hebrew term for German, and Khatti was also used by the Romans to represent various Germanic tribes; the Akkadians (Latins called them Quadians); the Kassites (or Cossaei); and the Almani (or Halmani, Allemani was the Latin name).  Almani or Almain were historical terms for Germans living in southern Germany.  Without question, these Assyrian Germans assimilated with the previously established tribes of Askaeni (descendants of Gomer) and adopted their Indo-European language, becoming one people.

3One of the earliest references to Gog is thought to come from Assyrian inscriptions in the 9th century B.C. referencing “Mat Gugi,” meaning “country of the Gugu.”  Hesiod, considered the father of Greek didactic poetry and literature, identified Magog with the Scythians and southern Russia in the 7th century B.C., written prior the book of Ezekiel.  Hesiod likely derived this from the Colchi people (a Thracian tribe) where, in their ancient Chaldaic language, described the region of southern Russia as “Gog-chasan” or “Gog-hasan” (Arabic “Gog-i-hisn”) meaning “fortress of Gog” or “Gog’s fort.”  There are scholars who also suggest that Gog and Magog, as a region, is where the name “Caucasus” originated.  Certain scholars speculate the name “Caucasus” was derived from “Gog-chasan” which the Greeks translated as Gogasus or Caucasus.  The Caucasus is generally considered the land between the Black and Caspian seas.

Greek historian Herodotus, whom historians call “the father of history,” mentions in the 5th century B.C. a people living around the Caucasus mountains called “Gargarians.”  Greek myth depicted the Gargarians as “Gorgons,” which eventually became Gorgene or Gorgaene.  He also wrote extensively about the descendants of Magog by their Greek name, the Scythians, about 150 years after Ezekiel.  He wrote of “Royal Scythians” who ruled over all other Scythians of Scythia.  Herodotus describes them as living in the territory north of the Black Sea, and that they terrorized the southern steppes of Russia beginning in the 10th century B.C.  Numerous archaeological discoveries have confirmed Herodotus’ reports in general, and his Scythian accounts in particular.  Flavius Josephus, Jewish and Roman historian, continued with that reference in the 1st century A.D. when he records that Magogians were called “Scythians” by the Greeks.  Philo, Greek and Jewish philosopher in the 1st century A.D., also identified Magog with southern Russia.

The Gargarians show up again in Greek history.  Strabo, early 1st century Greek historian, geographer and philosopher, famous for his 17-volume work Geographica which presented a descriptive history of people and places from different regions of the world known to his era, mentions “Gogarene” as a region in Iberia (present-day Armenia and Georgia).  Scholars agree Gogarene is one of the best preserved names from Gog, which belonged to the Caucasian Iberian kingdom (present-day Armenia and Georgia) up to the 2nd century B.C. Aelius Herodianus, Greek and Roman scholar of antiquity, called the region “Goerene” in the 2nd century A.D.  In the 5th century A.D., a viceroy in the region of old Armenia called himself Achoucha Gougarqtzi (Arshusha of Gogarene).  In the 6th century A.D., geographer Stephanus of Byzantium referred to the region as Gogarene, and in the 7th century the region was known as Gougarq.  Today it still exists as Gugark, a historical region in Armenia.  As noted earlier, commentators suggest Georgia also derived its name from Gogarene, and today the Turkish name for Georgia is Gurgistan.  In recent history, certain Georgians referred to themselves as “Gogi.”  Interestingly, a peculiar Skythian people, who appear at the end of the 4th century A.D., called the Geougen (also Jou-jan, Jeu-jen, Juan-juan or Jwen-jwen), emerging as a powerful empire in the region of Tartary (Mongolia).  Scholars suggest they were a mixture of eastern Huns (Skythian) and Tungus (Manchu) peoples, who for a short time became a Central Asian group of historical importance.  The empire of the Geougen lasted from the end of the 4th century A.D. to the middle of the 6th century.

Magog’s name is also preserved.  Albius Tibullus, Latin poet in the 1st century B.C., mentions a people living on the River Tanais (present-day River Don) called “Magini” or “Magotis”, whom scholars say were from the colonies of Magog.  The Greeks called the area where the Magini lived along the Tanais, the “Maeotian marshes” where the river emptied into the Maeotian Lake (present day Sea of Azov).  The marshes served as a checkpoint to the westward migration of nomad peoples from the steppe of Central Asia.  The area was named after the Maitois or Maeotae people (as the Greeks and Latins called them) who lived around the Maeotian Lake or Sea.  Jerome (who translated the Latin Vulgate), an Illyrian Christian apologist of the late 4th and early 5th centuries, affirms “the Jews of this age understood by Magog the vast and innumerable nations of Scythia, about Mount Caucasus, and the Palus Maeotis (Latin for Maeotis Sea), and stretching along the Caspian Sea to India.”  Scholars suggest that at the early stages Magogites assimilated with Skythians, thus making up a part of the early Scythian hordes.  In fact, wherever or whenever we see references to Gog and Magog in name or place, we also see the Skythians. Many of the mountains peaks in the Caucasian mountains and land areas there retained the place name “Gog” in medieval European and Armenian maps.  Scholars also regard Gog and Magog as the wild tribes of Central Asia, including the Scythians, Alans, Parthians, Turks, Tartars, Mongols, and Huns, who had been making incursions on various kingdoms and empires from very ancient times.  Russian traveller Jacob Reineggs, who visited the Caucasus five times in the 18th century, left many records of people groups he enountered.  He discovered in the central Caucasus a people called Thiulet, who lived amidst mountains called Ghef or Gogh.  The very highest of these mountains, lying to the north of their country, they knew by the name of Moghef or Mugogh.  These place names are Gog and Magog derivatives.

Some have mistakenly confused the term Mongol with Magog.  While the terms sound similar, Mongol was derived from a different source.  For hundreds of years the descendants of Magog arrived from the west and north from Siberia, settling in parts of northern China.  By by the 8th century A.D., we find the Chinese referring to these invading peoples as “Huangdou Shiwei” meaning “yellow (blonde) heads.”  These Shiwei tribes were also called “Mengwu” or “Maoshou” which meant “hairy head or hairy face (bearded)” people.  The Mengwu/Maoshou tribes were the first to be called “Mongols”, though they were not Mongoloid peoples of China.  The term would later apply to Mongolic peoples who migrated to the region and named it Mongolia.

4The Scythians are descended from Ashkenaz, son of Gomer, son of Japheth, and first appear in Assyrian records as “Askuza” or “Ishkuzai.”  The Assyrians tell of the Askuza as being involved in a revolt and pouring in from the north some time around the beginning of the 7th century B.C., which is also mentioned in the Old Testament (Jeremiah 51:27).  The Askuza later became the Skythai (Scythians) of Herodotus.  According to scholars, ancient peoples known as the Sarmatians (not to be confused with the Samaritans) and Alans lived in the area around the Caspian Sea from about 900 B.C.  Sarmatian and Alani tribes were later called Scythians (Slavic peoples of today), who were also known as the Rukhs-As, Rashu, Rasapu, Rhossi, Rosh, Ros, and Rus.  There is no debate that they were the inhabitants of southern Russia, and the existence of the names of rivers, such as the “Ros,” refer to Rus populations.  Much later, about 739 A.D., the word Rus appears again in eastern Europe, interestingly, from a different source.  Finnish peoples referred to Swedes as “Ruotsi,” “Rotsi” or “Rus” in contrast with Slavic peoples, which was derived from the name of the Swedish maritime district in Uppland, “Roslagen,” and its inhabitants, called “Rodskarlar.”  Rodskarlar or Rothskarlar meant “rowers” or “seamen.”  Those Swedish conquerors (called Varangians [Vikings] by the Slavs), settled in eastern Europe, adopted the names of local tribes, integrated with the Slavs, and eventually the word “Rusi,” “Rhos” or “Rus” came to refer to the inhabitants.  Russia means “land of the Rus.”  Scholars continue to debate the origin of the word Rus, which has derived from two sources:  the Ruotsi or Rhos, the Finnish names for the Swedes, and earlier from the Scythians known as Rashu or Rosh in southern Russia.

5The Aryans first come into historical view about a thousand years before Christ, invading India and threatening Babylonia.  Historians of old reference an Aryan chief called Cyaxeres, king of the Medes and Persians.  The Medes and Persians seem to have been tribes of one nation, more or less united under the rule of Cyaxeres.  Elam (son of Shem) is the ancient name for Persia.  Elamites are synonymous with Persians.  The Persians are thus descended from both Elam, the son of Shem, and from Madai, the son of Japheth.  The Medes and Persians had settled in what is now modern Persia, the Medes in the north, the Persians in the south.  The most notable Persians of today are the Iranians.  Interestingly, the word Iran is a derivative of Aryan.  The Medo-Persian people groups are divided into hundreds of clans, some sedentary and others nomadic.  All speak Indo-European languages, and some groups have pronounced Mongoloid physical characteristics and cultural traits, derived from Mongolian invasions and subsequent cultural integration.  An example today would be the Uzbeks of Uzbekistan, and remnant groups living in Afghanistan and parts of Central Asia.

6The history of Britain can be traced back to the sons of Japheth.  Historical evidence strongly suggests the first inhabitants of the British isles were the descendants of Javan (from his sons Elishah and Tarshish), and of Gomer and Magog.  Gomerites are today’s modern Welsh.  Traditional Welsh belief is that the descendants of Gomer arrived about three hundred years after the flood, and the Welsh language was once called Gomeraeg.  The Welsh (Celts) are thought to have created Stonehenge.  Additionally, the descendants of Tarshish (Elishah’s brother) appear to have settled on the British Isles in various migrations about the same time.  Genesis 10:4 refers to Tarshish as those of “the isles of the Gentiles.”  The Phoenicians traded silver, iron, tin and lead with them (Ezekiel 27:7,12), and even mention the incredible stone monuments at Stonehenge.  Around 450 B.C., ancient historian Herodotus wrote about shipments of tin coming from the “Tin Isles” far to the north and west.  There is no question that the British isles, including the northern coast of Spain, were the seat of the tin trade.  King Solomon acquired precious metals from Tarshish (1 Kings 10:22).  English historians assert that British mines mainly supplied the glorious adornment of Solomon’s Temple, and in those days the mines of southwestern Britain were the source of the world’s supply of tin.

The name Briton originated from Brutus (a descendant of Elishah), the first king on Britain’s mainland, arriving about 1100 B.C.  Two sons of Brutus, Kamber and Albanactus, are referenced in English prehistory.  From Kamber came Cambaria and the Cambrians (who integrated with the Gomerites [mostly Celts] and became the present-day Welsh).  The descendants of Albanactus were known as the Albans (or the Albanach whom the Irish commonly called them).  Geographers would later call the land Albion.  The Britons (also Brythons), Cambrians and Albans populated the British Isles, which later endured multiple invasions, beginning with successive waves of Celts about 700 B.C.  The Celts (or Gaels) called the land Prydain, their name for Briton.  Those Celts (descendants of Gomer) integrated with the descendants of Elishah and Tarshish (sons of Javan), creating what some scholars called “a Celticized aboriginal population” in the British Isles.  Some of the invading people groups were Scythians, descended from Magog, who became known as the Skoths or Scots.  The name for the Celts or Cymru was “Weahlas,” from Anglo-Saxon origins, meaning “land of foreigners”—Wales.  The Welsh still call themselves Cymru, pronounced “Coomry.”  Later the Romans referred to the land as Britannia, invading there about 50 years before the birth of Christ.  By the third century A.D., Jutes, Franks, Picts, Moors, Angles, Saxons and other groups were invading from surrounding Europe.  In the sixth century A.D., Saxons called the land Kemr (Cymru), and the language Brithenig (Breton).  The Angles eventually conquered Britannia, renaming the territory Angleland, which became England.  Vikings invaded in the 9th century, and the Normans (or Northmen—former Danish Vikings) conquered England in 1066.  Today, the British isles are settled by the ancestors of those people groups, which included Gomer and Javan (first inhabitants), plus Magog (later invasions by various people groups).

7What of Romans and pre-Roman peoples?  Migrating nomadic peoples came from across the Alps and across the Adriatic Sea to the east of the Italian peninsula.  They were primarily herdsmen, and were technologically advanced.  They worked bronze, used horses, and had wheeled carts.  They were a war-like people and began to settle the mountainous areas of the Italian peninsula.  Historians called these people Italic, and they include several ethnic groups:  the Sabines, the Umbrians and the Latins, amongst others.  Rome was, in part, founded by these agrarian Italic peoples living south of the Tiber river.  They were a tribal people, and thus tribal organization dominated Roman society in both its early and late histories.The date of the founding of Rome is uncertain, but archaeologists estimate its founding to around 753 B.C., although it existed as a village or group of villages long before then.  As the Romans steadily developed their city, government and culture, they imitated the neighboring civilization to the north, the Etruscans (former Trojans).  Romans are sometimes referred to as “Etruscanized Latins.”  Roman legend states that Aeneas, founder of the Roman race, was a prince of Troy who was forced to flee that city at the close of the Trojan war against Greece.  Rome’s founder, Romulus, had a Latinized Etruscan name.  The Etruscans dominated central Italy, and had already founded many cities, having arrived some 500 years earlier after leaving the city of Troy around 1260 B.C.  The Etruscans were greatly influenced by the Greeks, and the Etruscans brought that influence to the city of Rome.  The Romans called Etruscans the Tusci, and Tuscany still bears the name.  The Etruscan language, once thought lost, is still spoken by the Basques, called Euskara.  The first two centuries of Rome’s growth was dominated by the Etruscans.  The Romans were first a subject people of the Etruscans, but the Romans would later be their conquerors.  After many battles with the Etruscans, the city of Rome identified itself as Latin, eventually integrating the Estruscans and remaining peoples in the region.  Rome became a kingdom, then an empire.

8The Irish were likely some of the first settlers of Great Britain.  The Irish derive their name from Tubal, son of Japheth.  Tubal’s descendant’s were called by various names, including Tabali (Tibarenoi in Greek), Tiberani (from the annals of the Assyrian Kings from which Iberian is derived), and Thobel from which the Thobelites came who were also called Iberes according to Jewish historian Flavius Josephus in the 1st century AD.  Scholars note the Iberian and Ivernian peoples were a Mediterranean race from the east, possibly originating from the area of present-day Georgia.  Tabal, Tubal, Jabal and Jubal were ancient Georgian tribal designations.  The Iberians settled in what is now present-day Spain or Hispania, the name given by the Romans to the whole of the Iberian Peninsula.  The Ivernians settled in the British Isles, arriving by sea as early as the 5th century B.C.  Later invading Celts (called Goidels, later Gaels) encountered the tribes of Iverni (also Euerni), noting they were a small, dark-haired race, harsh-featured and long-headed.  Strabo’s early 1st century work Geographia lists the Greek name of the isle as Iernh.  Ptolemy’s 2nd century works describe the pre-Celtic tribes of Iverni as Eraind orErainn who spoke a Proto-Celtic language known as Ivernic (Primitive Irish).  The Iverni were called Iouernoi by Greeks, also the Hiberni or Hibernians by Romans.  As their names transliterated through time, Iverni descendants would call themselves Everiu, and later Eire, from which the term Irish comes, and the land of Eire, or Ireland was derived.

9The Etruscans are controversial in history.  Their language, culture, and apparent departure from history are debated amongst scholars.  Descendants of Tiras, the Etruscans did not disappear entirely from history.  Their language and people, though a remnant, are the Basques of today.  Though the Basques mixed with local populations over the past few millennia, their language didn’t die.  A number of scholars consider Euskara (Basque language) the closest living relative to ancient Etruscan.  Euskara is an isolate language, meaning it did not descend from an ancestor common to any other language family known today.  The original Etruscan language (from ancient Etruscans in northwestern Italy) is thought to be an extinct isolate language, and there is agreement that the current Euskara language was already present in Western Europe before the arrival of other Indo-European languages.  Another interesting connection is to Georgian (language of Georgians in southern Russia), each of which have linguistic commonalities, prompting scholars to hypothesize Euskara has a relationship to a lost Eurasian superfamily of languages.  This further supports the suggestion that Etruscans were originally Trojans.  After a succession of wars with the Greeks, around 1260 B.C. thousands of Trojans (speaking an ancient Thracian language) resettled abroad, which included Trojan warriors and families who sailed across the Black Sea to the Caucasus region in southern Russia, and also those who sailed to present-day northwest Italy.  Their descendants, the Basques, would eventually migrate into what is present-day southeast France and northeast Spain.

DNA (R1b Y-DNA haplogroup) findings also support a connection between Basques and peoples of Georgia.  As noted earlier, haplogroups (i.e., R1b) are used in DNA tests for markers that give a broad or regional picture; haplotypes are one person’s results on various DNA tests.  Y-DNA is the theoretical most recent common male-lineage.  The greatest concentration of the R1b haplogroup maps found a heightened incidence in the Basque region of Spain and in the region east of the Black Sea in southern Russia (present-day Georgia).  Both DNA research and language commonalities provide a link to the history of the Basques, and thus the Etruscans.

10Scandinavian predecessors have a unique history.  Scholars agree that Scandinavians (Danes, Norwegians, Swedes) came from early Germanic people groups, including the Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Teutons and Burgundians (descendants of Gomer).  Ashkenaz, son of Gomer, is ancestor of those Germanic peoples.  The descendants of Ashkenaz have many historical references.  Known as the Askaeni, they were some of the first peoples to migrate to northern Europe, naming the region Ascania (after themselves).  Latin writers and Greeks called the land Scandza or Scandia (now Scandinavia).  Roman records describe a large city on the southern shore of the Caspian Sea (about 350 A.D.) where a chain of mountains begins, and runs eastward along the shore and beyond it, forming a natural boundary.  Those mountains were called the Ascanimians, the region was called Sakasene (a form of Ashkenaz), and the dwellers of the city were the Saki.  The Saki tribes had been migrating north to Europe for some time.  The Saki called themselves the Sakasenoi, which we know as the Sachsens or Saxons.  Around 280 A.D. the Romans tell of the employment of Saxons to guard the eastern British coasts against barbarians.  About 565 A.D., the Saxons battled over territory in the Baltic region with another powerful people, the Svear.  Historical records indicate that descendants of Tiras also settled in Scandinavia, a people called the Svear.  The Svear are descendants of the first inhabitants of the ancient city of Troy, a people then known as the Tiracians (also Thracians, Trajans or Trojans).  They were described as a “ruddy and blue-eyed people.”  The city of Troy was destroyed around 1260 B.C. after a succession of wars with the Greeks.  Thousands of Trojans resettled abroad, which included Trojan warriors who sailed across the Black Sea to the Caucasus region in southern Russia.  One of the most documented of Trojan settlements is along the mouth of the River Don on the Black Sea.  The locals (Scythians) named those Trojan settlers the “Aes,” meaning “Iron” for their superior weaponry.  Later, the inner part of the Black Sea was named after them, called the “Iron Sea” or “Sea of Aesov” in the local tongue.  Today, the name continues as the “Sea of Azov.”

The Aes or Aesir, traveled from the Caucasus region to the Baltic Sea in Scandinavia around 90 B.C., which is supported by scholars, modern archaeological evidence, and DNA.  A tribe that migrated with them were the Vanir.  The Aesir clans traded with local Germanic tribes, including the Gutar.  Romans called the Gutar “Goths,” the Aesir “Svear”—Swedes, and the Vanir “Danir/Daner”—Danes.  The Svear and Daner populations were described specifically as taller and fairer (blonde) than other people groups in the Baltic region.  The Svear population flourished, and with the Goths they formed a powerful military alliance of well-known seafarers.  The Romans noted that Svear people together with the Goths were, from the 3rd century A.D., ravaging the Black Sea, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean, using the same type of weapons as their Trojan ancestors.  The Svear and Goths dominated the Russian waterways, and by 739 A.D. together they were called Varyagans or Varangians (from the Swedish Vaeringar), according to written records of the Slavs near the Sea of Azov.  Like their ancestors, Scandinavians lived in large communities where their chieftains would send out maritime warriors to trade and plunder.  Those fierce warriors were called the Vaeringar, which literally meant “men who offer their service to another master.”  We later know them by their popularized name, theVikings.  Further evidence of Aesir (Asir) settlements in the Baltic region came from their Thracian language, which not only influenced, but is very close to the Baltic and Slavic (Balto-Slavic) languages of today.  By the 9th century A.D., the Svear state had emerged as the major power in Scandinavia.  The Svear, Daner and Goths, along with other Germanic tribes, settled in what is now present-day Sweden, Norway, Denmark and other parts of the Baltic region.  They were forefathers of the Scandinavians—the descendants of both Gomer and Tiras.  Y-DNA (the most recent common male-lineage) in Scandinavians was found to be grouped with the Basques mentioned above.

11Early history shows the Japhethites split into two groups.  One group settled in the region of present-day India and Central Asia, and the other group in the European theater.  Indo-European languages originate from those people groups who migrated throughout western Eurasia (Europe, the Near East, Anatolia, and the Caucasus).  Together they form what is known as the “Indo-European” family of nations.  Both of these divisions trace their ancestry back to Japheth.  For example, early Aryans knew him as Djapatischta (chief of the race), Greeks referred to Japheth as Iapetos or Japetos, East Indians called him Jyapeti or Pra-Japati, Romans used Ju-Pater or Jupiter, the Saxons perpetuated his name as Iafeth, subsequently transliterated as Sceaf (pronounced “sheef” or “shaif”—and recorded his name in their early genealogies as the son of Noah, the forebear of their various peoples), and the variant Seskefwas used by early Scandinavians.  All of these peoples, we must remember, were pagans whose knowledge or even awareness of the book of Genesis had been lost, or was non-existent.


The information presented here is only an interpretation of historical research and Biblical data.  Certain assumptions may not be accurate, and new discoveries can change group references.  While many of the peoples and nations listed are easily identifiable, many remain obscure.  Numerous scholars have attempted to identify lost or unknown nations with varying degrees of success.  Much of the material is archaic, and there remains considerable ambiguity.  There are some who suggest problems within the Table of Nations when attempting to correlate specific people groups with modern comparative linguistics.  For example, we know Elamites descended from Shem, yet their language was not Semitic.  Canaanites descended from Ham, yet their language was Semitic.  These apparent conflicts are not conflicts at all.  Cultures from ancient times were constantly subject to foreign migrations and invasions.  Conquering powers often imposed their language and culture upon the defeated; this is what came to pass in Elamite and Canaanite civilizations.  There are many other examples in history.  The Israelites, who primarily spoke ancient Hebrew up until the Babylonian and Persian captivities, would eventually adopt Aramaic, the official language of the Persian Empire.  That resulted in the Jewish Talmud being written in Aramaic.  Aramaic was a language spoken by Jesus.  The famous Grecian conqueror, Alexander the Great, subdued Persia, and soon the Jews adopted Greek as a second language.  The result was the New Testament being written in Greek.

We are all directly related to either Shem and his wife, Ham and his wife, or Japheth and his wife.  History has long since confirmed abundantly this distribution of mankind, exactly as the Bible describes.  Every human being on earth today is your cousin, whether first, second or thousandth!  Nothing in the legendary or archaeological history of the ancient world denies the biblical account of the creation of the world, the entrance of sin and death, the judgment of Noah’s flood, and the rise of the peoples from his descendants after their dispersal from Babel.  Furthermore, the historical dates used to determine the formation of people groups, nations or kingdoms does not in any way conflict with the Genesis account, but are well within the approximate dates for the creation of the world and mankind about 4000 B.C., the flood of Noah about 2350 B.C., and the dispersal from Babel around 2100 B.C.  Click here for a genealogical chart from Genesis 10.

This information is not intended to promote or reflect a particular theology, religious sect or genealogical group.  Don’t dismiss the fact that with some of the Shemites, Hamites and Japhethites there would have been intermarriage and subsequent people groups.  For example, scholars note evidence that suggests the descendants of Lud (Shemites) migrated north and intermarried with the Greeks (descendants of Japheth), and were eventually absorbed in that culture.

The interaction of all three family contributions is the theme of history.  The remarkable thing is that they all can be substantiated to a degree, often unsuspected by students of history, up to the present time.  The descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth are evidenced, not only by Biblical history, but archeological, anthropological, biological, ethnographical, ethnological, etymological, geological and secular history.  The question is not one of levels of worth but of uniqueness of contribution, and though differences exist, not any one group is superior or inferior.


Listed below are 19 of the 94 recognized language families of the world, representing just over 6,900 distinct languages.  Approximately 45 percent of the world’s population fall into the Indo-European language family, with 22 percent falling into the Sino-Tibetan language family.  Linguists claim that many of the languages of the world are related by their “proto-language.”  Subsequently, all languages can be traced back, in their various linguistic groups, to a “father tongue,” which then evolved multiple times.  However, current knowledge refutes such explanations entirely.  For example, the two largest language families, Indo-European and Sino-Tibetan, come from their own Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Sino-Tibetan families exclusively.  Many linguists now understand these two proto-languages were so radically different, they could not have come from a single original language.  The same holds true for the other 92 language families.  Such evidence supports the Bible’s claim that the languages given at Babel were unique and distinct from each other:

  • Indo-European (Northern India/Europe)
  • Sino-Tibetan (Northern & Eastern Asia)
  • Afro-Asiatic (Northern Africa/Middle East/Southwestern Asia)
  • Kartvelian (Caucasus Mountains/Southern Russia)
  • Uralic (Northern Europe/Central Siberia/Eurasia)
  • Altaic (Eastern Europe/Central Asia)
  • Dravidian (Central & Southern India)
  • Malayo-Polynesian (Southeastern Asia/Pacific Islands)
  • Austro-Asiatic (Eastern India/Southwestern Asia)
  • Niger-Congo (Western & Central Africa)
  • Nilo-Saharan (Northeastern Africa)
  • Khoisan (Southern Africa)
  • Eskimo-Aleut (Northeastern Siberia/Alaska/Aleutians)
  • Algonkian, Athapascan, Iroquoian, & Mosan (North America)
  • Uto-Aztecan-Tanoan, Oto-Manguean, Mayan, & Macro-Chibchan (Central America)
  • Carib, Andean-Equatorial (South America)
  • Torricelli, West Papuan & Sepik-Ramu (New Guinea)
  • Bunaban, Ngaran & Yiwaidjan (Northern Australia)
  • Pama-Nyungan (Central & Southern Australia)

Here are some of the most common spoken & written languages worldwide:Achinese, Afrikaans, Akan, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Aymara, Azerbaijani, Balinese, Baluchi, Bambara, Bashkir, Basque, Batak Toba, Baule, Beja, Belorussian, Bemba, Bengali, Beti, Bhili, Bikol, Brahui, Bugis, Bulgarian, Burmese, Buyi, Cantonese, Catalan, Cebuana, Chagga, Chig, Chinese, Chuvash, Croatian, Czech, Dairi, Danish, Dardic, Dimli, Dogri, Dong, Dongola, Dutch, Dyerma, Dyula, Edo, Efik, Ethiopic, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Ewe, Finnish, Fon, French, Frisian, Fula, Fulakunda, Futa, Jalon, Gaelic, Galician, Ganda, Georgian, German, Gilaki, Gogo, Gondi, Greek, Guarani, Gujarati, Gusii, Hadiyya, Hakka, Hani, Hausa, Haya, Hebrew, Hiligaynon, Hindi, Ho, Hungarian, Iban, Icelandic, Igbo, Ijaw, Ilocano, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kabyle, Karo, Kamba, Kannada, Kanuri, Kashmiri, Kazakh, Kenuzi, Khmer, Kikuyu, Kongo, Konkani, Korean, Kurdish, Kyrgyz, Lampung, Lao, Latvian, Leyte, Lingala, Lithuanian, Luba, Luhya, Lulua, Luo, Luri, Luxembourgish, Lwena, Macedonian, Madurese, Makassar, Makua, Malagasy, Malayalam, Malaysian, Malinke, Mandarin, Manx, Marathi, Mazandarani, Mbundu, Meithei, Mende, Meru, Miao, Mien, Migindanaon, Min, Minangkabau, Mongolian, Mordvin, Moré, Nepali, Ngulu, Nknole, Norwegian, Nung, Nupe, Nyamwezi, Nyanja, Occitan, Oriya, Oromo, Panay, Pampangan, Pangasinan, Pashtu, Pattani Malay, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Provençal, Punjabi, Quechua, Rajang, Rifian, Romanian, Romany, Ruanda, Rundi, Russian, Samar, Sango, Santali, Sasak, Serbian, Sgaw, Shaba, Shan, Shilha, Shona, Sidamo, Sindhi, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Soga, Somali, Songye, Soninke, Sotho, Spanish, Sudanese, Sukuma, Swahili, Swedish, Sylhetti, Tagalog, Tajiki, Tamazight, Tamil, Tatar, Tausug, Telugu, Temne, Thai, Tho, Thonga, Tibetan, Tigrinya, Tiv, Tonga, Tswana, Tudza, Tulu, Tumbuka, Turkish, Turkmen, Uighur, Ukranian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Welsh, Wolaytta, Wolof, Wu, Xhosa, Yao, Yi, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zande, Zhuang, Zulu.

Interesting fact:  Worldwide, one language disappears every two weeks.


Curious about the names of the wives of Noah, Shem, Japheth and Ham?  The Bible gives us no information on the names of the wives of Noah and his three sons, although the phrase “Noah’s wife” appears five times.  The Book of Jasher (or Book of the Upright), referred to in the Bible in Joshua and 2 Samuel, is considered a reliable ancient Hebrew source for Biblical patriarchs.  The Book of Jasher cites Noah married Naamah, daughter of Enoch.  They brought forth Japheth and Shem.  Later, Noah married Namah, daughter of Lamech, and they brought forth Ham.  There are several extra-Biblical sources of the names of their wives in the chart below:



Ancient Hebrew Sources (including the Book of Jasher) Book of Jubilees (from 2nd century B.C.) Syriac Targum (Aramaic
translation of the Hebrew Bible, 3rd century A.D.)
Theologian John Gill (1697-1771) from his
“Exposition of the Bible” of an Arabic tradition
Siouan Indian Tribes (Monacan Indian Nation “Mothers of
Folklore, literature and other traditions
Noah Naamah, Namah, Na’amah, Nahamah, Amurah, Artzia,Tutzia Emzara Askarin Set, Haical, Coba, Dalila, Dalida, Phiapphara, Puarphara, Percoba, Nuraita, Nhuraitha, Anhuraita, Tytea
Shem Mahalatoren,
Sedukatelbab, Sedeqetelebab Nahalath Mahnuk Nahlat, Nahalath Maraskarin Cateslinna, Jaitarecta, Salit, Parsia, Nora, Noela, Olla, Ollia
Ham Demihtazri,
Neelata-Mek, Na’eltama’uk,
Zedkat Nabu Zalbeth, Zalith Sepoy Catafluvia, Cataphua, Laterecta, Sare, Sabba, Sambethe, Sibyl, Noegla, Ollina, Olina, Oliva, Egyptus
Japheth Natinir,
Adalenses, Adataneses Arathka Arisisah, Aresisia Pash Aurca, Fura, Serac, Eneh, Pandora, Ollibana, Olybana, Olivana

Gog And Magog – Their Names In History – Their Places In Prophecy


“The sons of Japheth:  Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech and Tiras.” Genesis 10:2

And the word of the LORD came to me saying, “Son of man, set your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him and say, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I am against you,  O Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.” Ezekiel 38:1-3

“And you, son of man, prophesy against Gog and say, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal; and I will turn you around, drive you on, take you up from the remotest parts of the north and bring you against the mountains of Israel.” Ezekiel 39:1-2


Author: Tim Osterholm

The study of Gog and Magog has long been a challenge to Bible scholars and historians alike.  Magog is described in Genesis 10:2 and 1 Chronicles 1:5 as a grandson of Noah.  The prophet Ezekiel claims Magog’s descendants are from the far north, and will some day attack Israel.  Throughout history we find Gog and Magog identified with many place names, as well as numerous tribes and people groups; some firmly leaving their mark on history, including many present-day cultures.  The people who descended from Magog, son of Japheth, son of Noah, are not obscure as some have suggested.

Perhaps the most known of Magog’s descendants (sometimes referred to as Magogians) are the Scythians.  Well, sort of.  The Scythians (or Skythians) are associated with Magog, but not by genealogy.  Scythians are descended from Ashkenaz (or Ashkuz), son of Gomer, son of Japheth as listed in Genesis chapter 10.  Ashkenaz is sometimes mistakenly thought of as a son of Magog, though he was Magog’s nephew.  The term Scyth or Skyth is derived from Ashkenaz, appearing in Assyrian records as “Ishkuzai,” reported as a people pouring in from the north some time around the beginning of the 7th century BC.

One of the earliest references to Magog is thought to come from Assyrian inscriptions in the 9th century BC referencing the “Mat Gugi,” meaning “country of the Gugu.”  There can be no doubt that at their earliest stages, tribes of Magogians and Scythians assimilated into one people.  Together they made up a part of the early Scythian hordes.  In fact, wherever or whenever we find references to Gog and Magog in name or place, we usually find the Scythians.  A commonality with the descendants of both Magog and Ashkenaz was their domestication and widespread use of horses, and their reputation as master archers.  The Scythians were known specifically as horse-riding nomads.  Ancient peoples known as Alans and Sarmatians (not to be confused with the Samaritans) lived in the area around the Caspian Sea from about 900 BC, and their tribes were called Scythian.  A people known as the Hippe-Molgoi or Hippo-Molgoi (hippo is Greek for horse, and Molgoi presumably a transliteration of Magog), are mentioned in Homer’s Iliad around the beginning of the 9th century BC as “Scythian drinkers of mare milk.”  Not only known for drinking the milk of horses, they are mentioned as equestrian nomads of the northern Russian steppes.  Strabo, 1st century Greek historian, also makes mention of Homer’s Hippemolgi.

There are numerous examples from geography, archeology and historical records.  Scythian culture extended more than 2,000 miles east from the Ukraine to Mongolia.  This was demonstrated by the discovery of tombs in the Chilikta Valley of East Kazakhstan, evidence that Scythian culture had spread to the Mongolian border as early as the 6th century BC.  Historians suggest the Great Wall of China began construction around the 5th century BC to keep out hordes of invading Magog-Skythian warriors.  Thousands of Scythian burials, ranging from the 6th to 2nd centuries BC, have been uncovered in areas to the north and east of the Black Sea.

Albius Tibullus, Latin poet in the 1st century BC, mentions that a people living on the River Tanais (present-day River Don) were called “Magini,” “Magogitis” or “Magotis,” which in Greek became “Maiotis,” whom scholars say were from the colonies of Magog, sometimes referred to as Magogites.  The Greeks called the area where the Magini lived along the Tanais “the Maeotian marshes” where the river emptied into the Maeotian Lake (present day Sea of Azov).  The marshes served as a checkpoint to the westward migration of nomad peoples from the steppe of Central Asia.  The region was named after the Maeotae people (as the Greeks and Latins would call them) who lived around the Maeotian Lake or Sea.  Jerome (translator of the Latin Vulgate), an Illyrian Christian apologist of the late 4th and early 5th centuries, affirms “the Jews of this age understood by Magog the vast and innumerable nations of Scythia, about Mount Caucasus, and the Palus Maeotis (Latin for Maeotis Sea), stretching along the Caspian Sea to India.”

Going back in history, prior to the writing of the book of Ezekiel, we find Hesiod, father of Greek didactic poetry and literature, identifying Magog with the Scythians and with southern Russia in the 7th century BC.  Hesiod likely derived this identity from Colchians or Colchi people (a Thracian tribe) where, in their ancient Chaldaic language, described the region of southern Russia as “Gog-chasan” or “Gog-hasan” (Arabic “Gog-i-hisn”) meaning “fortress of Gog” or “Gog’s fort.”  There are scholars who suggest that Gog and Magog, as a region, is where the name “Caucasus” originated.   Scholars speculate the name “Caucasus” was derived from “Gog-chasan” which the Greeks translated as Gogasus or Caucasus.  The Caucasus is generally considered the mountainous land between the Black and Caspian seas.

Greek historian Herodotus, whom historians call “the father of history,” mentions in the 5th century BC a people living around the Caucasus mountains called “Gargarians.”  He later refers to agricultural Scythians in the region at “Georgi.”  Greek myth depicted the Gargarians as “Gorgons,” which eventually became Gorgene or Gorgaene, likely the origin of the name Georgia.  He also wrote about an enormous city, Gelonus, in the northern part of Scythia, surrounded by a lofty wall, where inhabitants had deep blue eyes and bright red hair.Herodotus wrote extensively about the descendants of Magog by their Greek name, the Scythians, about 150 years after Ezekiel.  He wrote of three tribes of Scythians, one being “Royal Scythians” who ruled over all other Scythians of Scythia, and two other tribes having different lifestyles:  one a tribe of farmers and settled agriculturalists, and another a tribe of migrant stockbreeders who immigrated with their horses, cows and sheep.  Herodotus describes them as living in the territory north of the Black Sea, and that they terrorized the southern steppes of Russia beginning in the 10th century BC.  He supposed the word Scythian meant “father.”  Perhaps he was correct, as the name Scythian is a derivative of Ashkenaz, who was the father of the Scythians.  Numerous archaeological discoveries have confirmed Herodotus’ reports in general, and his Scythian accounts in particular.

Gorgon from 
Greek mythology

He also wrote that “the wandering Scythians once dwelt in Asia, and there warred with the Massagetae (Magogites), but with ill success; they therefore quitted their homes, crossed the Araxes (Volga) river, and entered the land of Cimmeria.”  Historical records indicate that in the 7th century BC tribes of Scythians swept across the Caucasus mountains displacing the Cimmerians (Gomerites).  Flavius Josephus, Jewish and Roman historian, continued with that reference in the 1st century AD, when he records that Magogites (Magogians) were called “Scythians” by the Greeks.  He also recorded that “Magogia” was the Greek name for the ancient city of Scythia.  Philo Judaeus (Philo of Alexandria), famous Greek and Jewish philosopher in the 1st century AD, also identified Magog with southern Russia.

The Gargarians show up again in Greek history.  Strabo, early 1st century Greek historian, geographer and philosopher, is distinguished for his 17-volume work Geographica which presented a descriptive history of people and places from different regions of the world known to his era.  He mentions “Gogarene” as a region in Iberia (present-day Armenia and Georgia).  Interestingly, his ethic background was Georgian.  Scholars agree Gogarene is one of the best preserved names from Magog, which belonged to the Caucasian Iberian kingdom up to the 2nd century BC.  Aelius Herodianus, Greek and Roman scholar of antiquity, called the region “Goerene” in the 2nd century AD.  In the 5th century AD, a viceroy in the region of old Armenia called himself Achoucha Gougarqtzi (Arshusha of Gogarene).  In the 6th century AD, geographer Stephanus of Byzantium called the region Gogarene, and in the 7th century the region was known as Gougarq.  Today it still exists as Gugark, a historical district in Armenia.  As noted earlier, commentators suggest Georgia also derived its name from Gogarene, and today the Turks call Georgia, Gurgistan.  In recent history, certain Georgians referred to themselves as “Gogi.”

Russian traveler Jacob Reineggs, who visited the Caucasus five times in the 18th century, left many records of people groups and geographical locations he encountered.  He discovered in the central Caucasus a people called Thiulet who lived amidst mountains called Ghef or Gogh.  The very highest of these mountains, lying to the north of their country, they knew by the name of “Ghogh,” “Moghef” or “Mugogh” still in use today.  The high plains were called the “Maghal-Mindori,” and a village on the plains was called “Zaghra-Mugha or Zahra-Mughal.”  These names are Gog and Magog derivatives, which remained in tact after hundreds of years of tribal migrations and territory wars.

Today’s Armenian and Georgian peoples are not only descended from Magog, but also Magog’s nephew, Togarmah.  Magog’s brother, Gomer, had three sons, Ashkenaz (mentioned previously as father of the Scythians), Riphath and Togarmah.  Togarmah’s descendants show up in history as Armenians, Georgians and some Turkic peoples.  We first find them mentioned by the Hittites in the 14th century BC as the Anatolian kingdom of Tegarama, then later by the Assyrians as a people called Til-Garimmu.  After spreading south to Anatolia (Asia Minor/present-day Turkey), their better-known tribe, the Phrygians (from Armenia), dominated the region, and would become the ancestors of peoples in modern-day Turkey.  Though many Turks claim to be descendants of Togarmah, they are also descended from Magog, as explained below.

Flavius Josephus considered Togarmah as the father of the Phrygians, and other Jewish sources reference Togarmah as the father of the Turkish peoples.  Jerome, 4th century AD Roman Catholic priest, theologian and historian, along with 5th Century AD Archbishop Isidore of Seville (Spanish scholar and historian) each regarded Togarmah as the father of the Phrygians.  Armenian and Georgian historians claim Togarmah was the founder of their nations along with other Caucasian peoples.  Strabo mentions the Armenians as horse breeders, indicating a close relationship with Magog’s descendants.  Interestingly, these same peoples are listed in Ezekiel 38 as unified with Magog.  Again, Magog’s descendants appear to have mixed culturally with the descendants of Togarmah, just as they did with Ashkenaz’s descendants (Scythians).

The name Scythian has been used to refer to various peoples seen as similar to the Scythians, or who lived anywhere in a vast area covering present-day Ukraine, Russia and Central Asia, known until medieval times as Scythia.  The name was also used among early scholars studying the Proto Indo-Europeans.  The tribes of Magogians and Scythians would become many of the great confederations of steppe warriors, often mingling with others not of the same race, developing ethnic mixtures of Eurasian clans.  These peoples would later form tribes and ethnic groups we would come to know as familiar names in history:  Huns, Turks, Tartars, Mongols and others.  Evidence shows that clans of Scythians were forced to move to more favorable conditions, mostly east and south due to a changing climate in the steppe.  Wherever they went, they often attacked, intermingled with, or simply forced out indigenous peoples.

Huns.  Ancient tribes of of Scythians and Magogians, mixed with other indigenous peoples of the Asian steppe, would become the Huns.  Hunnic tribes are obscure in origin, though compelling evidence indicates they were descendants of Magog, a “Scytho-Siberian” people known by their Altaic lineage and language.  These tribes are thought to have arrived in the region around 600 BC.  First described in the 3rd century BC by Chinese sources as a controlling empire of the Hsiung-nu, Hiong-nu or Xiongnu (Hunnu-“Asian Hun Empire”) to the north (Mongolia), they were considered barbarians to be feared, as their horseback lifestyle proved very efficient for rapid invasion and raiding villages and townships.  As noted earlier, scholars postulate the Great Wall of China, begun in the 5th century BC, may have been built to keep these Hunnic hordes at bay.  The Arabic name for the wall was “The Wall of Al Magog,” meant to keep out the invading armies of Magog.  After intermingling with native Asian people groups, they would eventually form a nomadic coalition of warrior tribes who spoke a Hunnish language.The Huns went on the move, eventually attacking western Scythians about 170 BC, slowly dominating Scythian lands.  They also warred with the Han Dynasty beginning in the middle of the 2nd century BC, taking territory deep into China, reported as formidable enemies, a “wild people of the mountains” by the Chinese.  Eventually the Xiongnu would split into the north and south, and the south formed a weak alliance with the Chinese Han (who later would be known simply as the Chinese).  The north Xiongnu (Hunnu) would become the Huns we know in history, giving us Attila.  They traveled west, attempting to maintain themselves on the Caspian steppes (the areas north of the Caspian Sea).  By 200 AD, the Romans first became aware of the Huns as written by Pliny, a Roman author, philosopher and geographer, who described them arriving in the region as mounted horse archers.

Dionysius Periegetes (the guide), a Greek geographer who lived in the 4th century AD, wrote a geographical description of the known world.  He notes among the northern tribes of Europe there were Huns (Unni), Caspii, Massagets (living opposite from the Huns), Sacii, Alani and Scyths.  At this time only a remnant of the north Xiongnu (Huns) remained in the Altaic mountain steppes.  Attila, King of the Huns, reigned in the 5th century (from 434-453 AD), and embarked upon a series of wars extending Hunnish rule from the Rhine (Germany) across the north of the Black Sea as far as the Caspian Sea (Russia).Though Attila’s origins are in question, there is empirical evidence that he belonged to a group of Hunnic and Asian nomadic tribes in what is now Mongolia and northeastern China.  The Huns that attacked Europe were known as an Asiatic tribe.

The Greek writer Priscus gives us vital information about King Attila, having visited the Huns and spoken with Attila.  Priscus was sent by the Roman government with messages to Attila in 448 AD.  Priscus first tells of his long journey from Constantinople to Scythia, the territory then occupied by the Huns north of the lower Danube.  He described Attila as “short of stature, with a broad chest and a large head; his eyes were small, his beard thin and sprinkled with gray; and he had a flat nose and a swarthy complexion, showing the evidences of his origin.”  Indeed, he probably exhibited the characteristic eastern Asian facial features, which Europeans were not used to seeing, and so he was described in harsh terms.  No doubt Attila was descended from a mixture of western Scythian, Altaic (Siberian) and Asian tribes from the region near China.

Artist rendition of
Attila the Hun

After the Huns displaced the Scythians throughout Eurasia, these various Scythian clans went east, joining forces with Hunnic and Tungusian tribes, establishing a powerful alliance in Mongolia.  This alliance was lead by a Tungusian people called the Ruruans.  Tungusian or Tungu (Tugilan) derives its name from the Chinese “Toung-ho” or “Tung Hu” which referred to a people from the west or far borders.  The Tungu were descendants of the Donghu, a bow wielding, horse archer civilization, mentioned in Chinese histories as existing as early as the 4th century BC.  Later we find some Tungu tribes intermingling with local Asian tribes, forming historical groups like the Jurchens, who would become the Manchus.  Scholars would later call this a mixing of the Tungus-Altaic and Sinid ethnicities.  The Tungusic people were an ancient northern Siberian people, which we can be confident were descendants of Magog.  The Huns considered them a filthy, unclean nomadic people.

Future tribes of the Tungu included the Wuhuan, Xianbei, Toba, Ruruan and Gaoche who were known by the 2nd century AD to be attacking Chinese farms south of the Great Wall.  The Toba were a chief tribe over the Ruruan, while the Goache were reported to have expanded west by the 3rd century AD.  The Ruruans eventually fled to the Altai mountains, where they established a power base by absorbing Hun and Gaoche clans.  The Goache became the Geougen, and today scholars regularly interchange Geougen and Ruruan as the same peoples.  We find them mentioned as Gaogyuys, Juan-Juan, Ju-Juan, Jou-jan, Jouan-jouan Jeu-jen, Jwen-jwen, Ruanruan, Rouruan or Ro-ran by Chinese writers and other historians.  They were a Tungusian (Siberian) peoples, and interestingly, suddenly appear at the end of the 4th century AD as a powerful alliance with their assimilated clans.

The titles of their rulers were called Khan, and scholars believe they were proto-Mongols.  The Geougen/Ruruan tribes were the first to use the term Khan, from Kehan used by Xianbei clans in the 3rd century AD.  The title of Khan (meaning King or Chief) became widespread among the many ethnic tribes in the region.  The empire of the Geougen/Ruruan lasted from the end of the 4th century AD to the middle of the 6th century, embracing a wide section north of China from present-day Manchuria to Turkistan.  As well, this is generally considered the time of the fall of the Hun Empire, and the rise of the Avars.  The Avars were a loose confederation of Hunnic tribes under the Ruruans in the 3rd century.  Establishing their own Khans, they became a powerful nation that swept from Asia to Europe by the 6th century.  As feared nomadic horsemen, they maintained power in much of Europe and Russia until the end of the 8th century.  Essentially, the Avars took over where the Huns left off, leaving the Asian steppes for other tribes to fight over.

The Avars had left the Altai region by the end of the 4th century to escape the rule of the Ruruan.  The Ruruan would soon fill that void.  Old alliances between the south Xiongnu (now eastern Huns) and the earlier Han Dynasty had long since broken apart.  Chinese chroniclers record that during the Wei Dynasty (386-534 AD), the Xiongnu were driven out of China, back to the Altai mountains where they took refuge under the Ruruan/Geougen.  The Xiongnu lived at the base of the Altai mountains, and they wore a cloth covering on their heads, said to be of the same shape as the Altai mountains, like a helmut, which the Chinese called Tu-kui or Thu-kui (also Tuchueh, T’u-kuie, Turuk or Tujue).  Eventually the Xiongnu (Huns), under the Geougen/Ruruan Khanate, became known by the name Tu-kui, from which the term Turk is derived.  Even today, according to Turkish official history, the Hun Empire was the first state that Turks founded.  The Tungus, Ruruans and Turks are considered a Siberian Hunnic peoples who spoke similar Altaic languages.

Turks.  According to a legend recorded by the Chinese, the Tu-kui were specifically recognized from Chinese transcription, and were a subject tribe ruled by Geougen/Ruruan Khans.  During the middle of the 6th century AD, the Tu-kui (Turks) overthrew their Geougen masters with help from the forces of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and soon were in control of all Mongolia, centering their power in the northern part of the country.  As the struggle for regional power between the Khans continued, the Wei reconstructed the Great Wall during this period (5th and 6th centuries).  The Tu-kui (Turks) became known as the Gokturks (Gok Turks, Kok Turks or K’ou-kiue), meaning “Blue Turks.”  The color blue was a symbol representing the eastern direction, thus “Blue Turks” in the primary sense of “East Turks” had connotations of “first,” “rising,” “dawning;” meaning they were the “First Turks.”  That makes sense in light of the fact that Gokturks are considered the first Turkic tribe known to use “Turk” as a political name, and they were the first Turkic nomads to leave written records in a runic-like script deciphered by scholars in 1896.  Known as Old Turkic script, they are called “Turkic runes.”  The Huns also wrote in runic form, called “Hunnic runes.”  There are a number of early runic inscriptions found in Europe from the Scythians, indicating a common origin.  Herodotus records the earliest form of runecasting was with sticks by Scythian tribesmen.The Gok Turks gained control of a vast territory by the end of the 6th century AD, with their empire stretching into eastern Europe.  The empire became so large it split into east and west, and subsequently went into full decline by the middle part of the 7th century.  The east Gok Turks settled in the steppe territory of southern Siberia and the Orkhon river basin (Mongolia), and became known as Orkhon Turks.  The name Gok Turk disappeared from history by the early 10th century AD.

The tribes of Orkhon (Orhon) Turks flourished as the Tang Dynasty in China (618-907 AD) rose to power, gaining control of Mongolia and much of the surrounding region.  This is when significant intermingling of Sino-Chinese and Turkic-Huns occurred, becoming the base stock of the Mongols.  These early Turkic tribes were quite diverse, and some historians claim that reddish hair was predominant among them.  However, numerous tribal groups in the region became sinicized to the point that the vast region of deserts, mountains and grazing land was soon inhabited by people resembling each other in racial, cultural, and linguistic characteristics.  The similarities among those who inhabited the region has caused considerable ethnic and historical confusion.  Thus, the Turks would take on radically different blends of ethnicities, depending on the location of their various tribes.  These early Turkic tribes were quite diverse, and scholars claim they quickly spread out and developed different languages and cultures.  Many of these tribes would come to be known as Turko-Mongols, including the historic Orkhon Turkic clans of Khazars, Uyghurs, Khitans and Kirghiz.  The Khazars migrated from the Asian steppe between the 7th and 11th centuries, settling in the northern region of the Caucuses Mountains between the Black and Caspian Seas (modern-day Russia).  This left the Turkic Uyghurs (Uighurs) and Khitans to prosper throughout eastern Asia, dominating the region by early 10th century.

In the 6th century AD, living to the north were another notable Turkic people, the Tartars, first called Ta-ta the by the Chinese.  They are mentioned by Orkhon Turks on inscriptions from the 8th century.  The Tartars, Khitans, Krighiz and Uyghurs were known for attacking each other, and during the 9th century the Tartars went into subjugation by the Khitans (Kitans), and the Uyghurs were overthrown by the Kirghiz. By the 10th century, the Chinese were reporting that Khans from these various Turkic tribes were regularly battling for regional supremacy.  Migrating Khazars appeared again in the late 10th century as a large Turkish tribe called the Kinik.  Kinik was the son of Oghuz (both were tribal Khans and Khazar Turks).  The Kinik Turks would give rise to the Ghuzz Turks.  Ghuzz fathered Tukak who was the father of Seljuk.  Under the leadeship of Seljuk, the Kinik/Ghuzz Turks became the powerful Seljuk Turk empire. 

At the end of the 11th century, Seljuk Turks dominated Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey).  They produced the most famous Turk in history, Sultan Osman Ghazi (Osman I) who formed the Osmanli (Ottoman) Empire.  Their descendants make up a majority of today’s Turkish population, having integrated with the descendants of Togarmah and others previously established in the region.  About the same time (12th century), the Tartars became a major force in the Asian steppe, where their Khans expanded throughout a vast geographical region, including Europe and Asia, particularly after the 13th century.  They also exercised power over the Mongol tribes, descendants of the Geougen/Ruruan, from the 6th through 13th centuries.

Though the Geougen/Ruruan Khans were overthrown in the middle of the 6th century, their tribal groups remained in tact.  They were a large nation of many tribes, with two prominent “royal” tribes, the Mu-gu-li and the Mengwu-Shiwei (Mengwushiwei), names that were possibly derivatives of their ancestor Magog.  Living in the surrounding region under the Tartars, the Mengwu-Shiwei (also Meng-wu, Meng-ku and Shi-wei) were first mentioned in the writings of the Tang Dynasty in China between 618 and 907 AD.  In the 10th century the Mengwu-Shiweiappear as Mongol-Shiwei in the Chinese book “Jiu Tang Shu” (The Ancient History of the Tang Dynasty).  This has led scholars to speculate the term Mongol (or Mongul) originated between the 7th and 10th centuries AD.  In the late 13th century, Venetian trader and explorer Marco Polo, when traveling to Mongolia, understood the word “Mungul” to be a broken-down form of the word “Magog”, since he came across an association of names “Ung” and “Mungul”, which he considered the counterparts of Gog and Magog.  According to him, the Gog lived in Ung, and the Tartars lived in Mungul.  While some scholars contest any link, it is conceivable that the word “Mongol” was originally attached to these early Siberian Indo-European peoples descended from Magog.

Mongols.  The tribal names Mengwu and Shiwei are used interchangeably by historians, with Shiwei being the primary.  The Megnwu are mentioned only as Mongols by the 12th century.  The term “Mongol” became the common name for the many tribes of Shiwei, as recorded during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).  The Chinese called Shiwei tribes by different names, including the “Huangdou Shiwei” meaning “yellow (blonde) head Shiwei,” and “Maodou” or “Maoshou” meaning “hairy head (bearded)” people. The physical attributes of the Shiwei tribes were that of their Geougen/Ruruan ancestors, from Siberian stock.  This is futher evidenced from the name of a prominent Shiwei tribe, the Borjigin (also Borjigid or Bourchikoun).  The Borjigin were known to have gray eyes and reddish hair.  This clan also had a Khan named Yesugei, the father of Temujin or Genghis Khan (1162-1227 AD).  Chinese descriptions of Genghis Khan indicated he was tall and heavy bearded.  After his death, few portraits show him as described in history, while many artistic interpretations show him with distinctive Asiatic features, contrary to evidence by major authorities.  

Mongolian Mural
of Genghis Khan

European Portrait
of Kublai Khan

Statue of
Tamerlane in


Persian historian Abu al-Ghazi Bahadur (1606-1663 AD), considered the most prominent historian of Turkic oral traditions, observed that the family of Yesugei, the father of Genghis Khan (also Chingis Khan, Chinggis Khaan, Jenghis Khan, Jenghiz Khan), were known for their children of fair complexions and blue or gray eyes.  Genghis Khan’s wife, Bourtai or Borte Ujin, bore a name meaning “gray-eyed.”  His son and successor Ogedei (1186-1241 AD) had gray eyes and red hair; his grandson Mangu (1208-1259 AD) had reddish eyebrows and a red-brown beard; his grandson Batu (1205-1255 AD), the first Khan of the Golden Horde, was freckled.  Genghis Khan’s famous grandson, Kublai Khan (1215-1294 AD) had dark hair, which likely came from his mother Sorghaghtani Beki, a princess from the allied Turkic tribe of Keraits.  Rashid al-Din Tabib (1247-1318 AD), Persian physician and historian of Jewish heritage, recorded in his chronicles that Genghis was shocked to find his grandson Kublai had not inherited his red hair.  Another of Genghis Khan’s descendants, conqueror Tamerlane (1336-1405 AD), also inherited the family’s characteristics.  An Arab who was taken captive by Tamerlane, Ahmed ibn Arabshah (1392-1450 AD), wrote that Tamerlane was “tall and strong, with broad shoulders, a large head and high forehead, he had a heavy beard, was white-skinned and had a ruddy complexion.”  This description was confirmed in 1941 when the tomb of Tamerlane was opened, clearly showing he was a man of strong build and imposing stature, with hair of a reddish-brown moustache still adhering to his skull.  Tamerlane was known as a Turkmen-Mongol conqueror who established an empire extending from India to the Mediterranean Sea.  Tamerlane’s name came from a European corruption of Timur-i Lang (“Timur the Lame”) which was given to him because his left side was partially paralyzed.

The story of Temujin (Genghis Khan) is remarkable.  From the oldest surviving Mongolian literary work, “The Secret History of the Mongols,” we have a written record of the royal Mongol family and the origin of their nation, and of Genghis Khan.  Written about 20 years after his death in the Uyghur script, the surviving manuscripts all derive from a Chinese transliteration of the 14th century, currently regarded as the single significant Mongolian account of Genghis Khan.  We are told that when he was a child, his father Yesugei (Yesukai) Khan, was murdered (poisoned) by rival Tartars.  Temujin (or Timuchin) lived his teen years with extended family, and by the age of 20 he would become leader of a sub clan.  Before he was 40, Temujin established strong alliances with surrounding clans, then succeeded in defeating all rival Mongol and Tatar tribes, from the Altai Mountains to Manchuria.  In 1206 his leadership of all Mongols was formally recognized in a Kuriltai (council) which chose him as their Khan.  He then took the title of Genghis Khan, meaning “supreme king” or “universal king,” to signify the scope of his power.

Genghis also popularized the Khanate.  Historians note that becoming a Khan required a number if prerequisites.  First, the Khan had to be the senior member of the clan.  Second, sovereignty rested not in an individual or an individual’s line, but in a clan, a whole clan.  The clan therefore had a right to control the territory over which it reigned, and male members of the clan who had reached their maturity were entitled to a share of the territory.  Political maneuvering often took priority, as Temujin was still a junior member of his clan when he was given the title of Khan.  He used similar tactics to build his empire.  Prior to Genghis Khan’s rule, the Mongols were many disunited clans, and they continued to be after the fall of their ancestors, the Geougen/Ruruan, in the 6th century.  Only the Turkic tribes had risen to power, such as the Tartars, which they fought with regularly.  To accomplish stability, Genghis created a system that would stress the unity of the empire, and would wipe out tendencies towards local tribal authorities.  This enabled him to incorporate many tribes from a vast region, and eventually create the largest contiguous land empire ever.

After Genghis Khan’s death, he was give the title “Khagan” or “Great Khan” (translated as Khan of Khans, equivalent to King of Kings), which is given to a Khan who rules an empire, also known as a Khaganate.  His empire would be split into four sectors by 1260.  One was composed of present-day China, Mongolia, Korea and Tibet (considered the Mongols in China and Mongolia); the second was Central Asia; and the third was West Asia (including present-day Iraq).  These first three sectors would lose their influence by 1368, but the fourth sector, known as the “Golden Horde” in Russia, would be a major influence until 1502.  After the fall of the Mongol Empire, the subsequent people groups established in Asia and Eurasia continue to this day.  In fact, some scholars consider the Mongol Empire to be the beginning of current world history.

For example, many people groups living in Mongolia, Tibet and northern China today are the result of the empire’s split.  The migration west of Khan’s descendants are evidence of that.  The Asian peoples living in present-day Mongolia arrived later, and are not the Hunnic Mongolians of Genghis Khan’s lineage.  Evidence for this can be found in the Ural-Altaic languages spoken in the region, and spoken by Ghengis Khan himself.  These ancient Siberian languages would later become the root for Turkic, Mongolian and Tungusic languages.As early as the 5th century AD, Turks and Asians had formed new ethnicities, depending on the location of their various tribes.  By the 14th century, Genghis Khan’s empire helped spread these new ethnic peoples west, and many of today’s southern Russian republics (including Central Asia) are where these peoples settled, sometimes referred to as Eastern Turks.  There are a number of Turkic languages, including Kazakh, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Uyghur, Turkish, Azeri, Turkmen, and many others spoken in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Siberia, and parts of China.  The Kazakhs (Turkic people of the northern parts of Central Asia) have an internal group called the Tore who consider themselves to be direct descendants of Ghengis Khan and his family.   

10th century 
Turk from

Turk from


Historians have suggested that Ghengis fathered dozens of children, thus his Y-chromosome lineage today features prominently in the population genetics of numerous people groups in Asia and Eurasia.  This is well attested in the historical record as late as the early 20th century, where the aristocracy of Mongolia, which was 6 percent of the population, consisted of his patrilineal descendants.

There are many evidences that link Turks, Huns and Mongols from their earliest formations as tribes of Magogians and Scythians:  (1) their Ural-Altaic languages; (2) their use of Runic inscriptions; (3) their coming from the north; and (4) their extensive use of horses and archery.  Ezekiel describes them in similar terms:  Ezekiel 38:4, “I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army – your horses, your horsemen fully armed, and a great horde with large and small shields, all of them brandishing their swords.”  Ezekiel 39:2-3, “I will turn you around and drag you along.  I will bring you from the far north and send you against the mountains of Israel.  Then I will strike your bow from your left hand andmake your arrows drop from your right hand.”

Similarities remain in the languages of Mongolian, Tungusic and Turkic to this day, having many words in common.  These Ural-Altaic languages have been historically considered “Scythian” or “Tatar” languages which make up some 40 languages spoken by about 100 million people.  Examples inlcude Turkish, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Bashkir, Azerbaijani, Uzbek, Samoyed, Oirat, Kalmyk, and Mogol, plus similar languages spoken by peoples living between the Black and Caspian seas.  Other language families, including Finno-Ugric (Finnish, Hungarian) and Balto-Slavic (Russian, Ukrainian, Czech) have affinities to the Ural-Altaic language family.

We know the early Huns and Mongols were a nomadic Siberian horse-riding peoples who would eventually travel west to conquer, subsequently leaving Asian tribes to populate the region known today as Mongolia.  We also know that the Huns became today’s Turks (Turkic peoples), and the Scythians are today’s Russians.  As noted earlier, these people groups would eventually populate present-day Eurasia, including Russia, Siberia, the numerous republics north of Israel as precisely described in Ezekiel 38 and 39.  Gog’s and Magog’s descendants are today the peoples of those regions.  Recent genetic research shows that many of the great confederations of early Asian steppe war tribes were not entirely of the same race, but rather tended to be ethnic mixtures of the Turkic, Tungus, Mongolian, and in many cases Scythian and Iranian (note that today more than 90% of these people groups are Muslim).  The following genealogical chart shows these ethnic relationships:

  |------------------------Noah------------------------|  -----------------------------| -----------|
  |                                                    |                               |            |
Japheth                                               Ham          Genesis 10          |            |
  |-----------|                                        |                               |            |
Gomer       Magog----------|--------------|           Canaan --------------------------|            |
  |           |            |              |            |                                            |
Ashkenaz    Gog-hasan    Donghu         Hiongnu       Seni (Sinites) ------------------|            |
  |           |            |              |            |                               |            |
Scythians<----------------------------->Huns<-------->Sianu (Sino-Asians)              |            |
  |           |            |              |            |                               |  Ezekiel   |
Saka<------>Gogarene     Tungus         Tu-kui         |           Historical          |  38 & 39   |
  |           |            |              |            |           Tribes,             |            |
  |           |          Ruruan         Turks<-------->|           Peoples,            |            |
  |           |            |              |            |           Nations             |            |
  |           |          Mengwu-Shiwei    |            |                               |            |
  |           |            |              |            |                               |            |
  |           |          Mongols<--------------------->|  -----------------------------|            |
  |           |            |              |                                                         |
  |           |            |              |                                                         |
  |---- Peoples of present-day Russia, Siberia, Eurasia, Asia Minor --------------------------------|


Source: Gog and Magog in History by Tim Osterholm

The Nations Of Gog (Yajuj)

5بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

This work serves as part of our research into who Yajuj wa Majuj Are, it identifies them through scripture, the other means of doing so is by tracing their lineage. It is a continuation of our last work “Where Is The Wall Of Yajuj wa Majuj ” hence one would gain better context having read that first.

Allah instructs in the Quran “And if thou (Muhammad) art in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto thee, then question those who read the Scripture (that was) before thee. Verily the Truth from thy Lord hath come unto thee. So be not thou of the waverers. And be not thou of those who deny the revelations of Allah, for then wert thou of the losers.” (10:94-95)

Hence we have done this very thing regarding the subject of Yajuj Wa Majuj, you will find by the end that the Quran and the Bible complement and mimic each other on this subject, and establish much of what we have already said about who Yajuj wa Majuj are in our previous work, they are normal people living in parts of the world that the scholars already knew of and wrote about in their books, which we used to locate the wall in that work…unfortunately for current myths about them no magical underground hidden people exist on earth.


The Nations Of Gog – Yajuj

[The descendants of the three sons of Nuh, and the lands they migrated to.]


Looking on this map carefully you will find the location of every nation mentioned in the verses of the bible addressed by the same titles, through which Allah addresses Gog directly.

The following verses in the bible identify who these nations are, the names it gives are of the descendants of Nuh who migrated to these lands, hence Allah in the verse is calling out these nations by their lineage back to Nuh.

Allah said, “Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him and say, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. And I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed in full armor, a great host, all of them with buckler and shield, wielding swords. Persia, Cush, and Put are with them, all of them with shield and helmet; Gomer and all his hordes; Beth-togarmah from the uttermost parts of the north with all his hordes—many peoples are with you.'” Ezekiel 38:2-6 (ESV)

These Are The Nations Of Gog and Their Allies When They Attack;

Gog (Rosh in some translations of the Bible, meaning Russia): This is the land north of the Black Sea. This is a reference to modern Russia and central Russia.

Magog: Magog was the ancient land of the Schythians (Majuj). This land is Central Asia (the “Stans”), but through history they extended it from the Caspean sea to the North of China, Mongolia and western China. It was from here that Genghis Kahn and the Golden Horde decimated China conquering it and decimated the Islamic Khalifah taking all Islamic lands up to Syria, had the Mamluk Khalifah in Syria not stopped them they would have continued on to Europe like the Huns before them, who they came from, Atilla the hun was their most famous leader who held Rome Hostage.

Meshek (also Meshech) : Located North east of Turkey above Georgia and the Caucus Mountains, it is the land in southern Russia between the black sea and caspian sea, this is the land of Yajuj Wa Majuj mentioned in the Quran, where Dhul Qarnain traveled to, and Built the Wall. The Hun empire was located Here which challenged the Roman Empire taking much of ancient Europe all the way to France, and almost taking the Rome itself with them.

Tubal: Located within modern Turkey near the black Sea which covers it’s Northern Border.

Persia: The ancient land of Persia is located in modern Iran. Iran was called Persia until 1935, less than 100 years ago. The verse in the Bible says Gog will attack with their allies, meaning with Iran today.

Ethiopia (also Cush) : In our time this is North Ethiopia, Eritrea, and eastern Sudan, basically all three countries.

Put (or Phut): This is Modern Libya.

Gomer: This is central Turkey south of the Black Sea and the Ukraine North Of The Black sea along with and Many Countries of Europe who are the descendants of Javan and Gomer, so today this is Belarus, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, basically the descendants of Gomer among these nations and more than likely all of them if we consider most would have mixed lineage today, we should also take these names as general locations of the countries that will go to war because parts of countries dont declare war, it is the government on behalf of everyone regardless of their citizens beliefs or lineage.

Beth Togarmah: Located within modern Turkey on the Northern border of Syria, meaning from this southern border of turkey to the utmost part of the north (of this land) which reaches the black sea, so all of Turkey today.

These are the nations of Gog and their Allies that will attack Isa (as) when He returns, the Nations of Magog we will discuss in another work.

Their situation on the day of judgment is as the prophet (saws) mentioned; Ibn ‘Umar said, “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever imitates a people is one of them.’” (Abu Dawood) this is reiterated by Allah in the Quran when he said; “… And if any amongst you takes them as Awliyaa’ [friends, helpers, guides]), then surely, he is one of them…”(al-Maa’idah 5:51) which is the understanding of the companions, ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Amr said: “Whoever settles in the land of the mushrikeen and celebrates their Nawroz (new year) and Mahrajaan (festival) and imitates them until he dies will be gathered with them on the Day of Resurrection”, going to war with them is no less than this hence Allah will gather the nations of Yajuj wa Majuj along with their allies together as one group on the day of judgment.

It should be kept in mind that this is only for the generations of their Allies who went to war with them, Allah doesn’t punish any person for the crimes of their children or parents.

It Will Be The Arabian Peninsula (Islam) and Spain Who Stand Up To Them

The Bible Continues;

7 “Be ready and keep ready, you and all your hosts that are assembled about you, and be a guard for them. 8 After many days you will be mustered. In the latter years (at the end of time) you will go against the land (Jerusalem) that is restored from war (By this point in time the Mahdi would have emerged and fought Armageddon, which is the war between Europe and Islam, the Dajjal would then emerge in the aftermath but eventually would have been killed by Isa (as) who now lives in Jerusalem, the country restored from War) the land whose people were gathered from many peoples upon the mountains of Israel, which had been a continual waste (up to the advent of Islam when it stopped being a waste under the Roman Empire). Its people were brought out from the peoples and now dwell securely, all of them. 9 You will advance, coming on like a storm. You will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your hordes, and many peoples with you. (meaning their Allies, this is North and Central Asia including China and who ever traditionally allies with them. The last two verses mimic descriptions given in the Quran)

10 “Thus says the Lord God: On that day, thoughts will come into your mind (this is because these are the countries who fell to the Dajjal and converted to His religion but never converted back when Isa (as) appeared, so upon the Dajjal’s death by Isa (as) they would want revenge), and you will devise an evil scheme 11 and say, ‘I will go up against the land of unwalled villages (this isn’t Israel today which is entirely walled, and probably why Allah made the distinction to begin with, since most cities today are unwalled and it is almost the only one on earth that has functional walls to protect it. The verse is talking about the time of Isa (as) when He goes to live there after Imam Mahdi passes away). I will fall upon the quiet people who dwell securely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having no bars or gates,’ 12 to seize spoil and carry off plunder, to turn your hand against the waste places that are now inhabited, and the people who were gathered from the nations, (this is the same wording as the Quran) who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell at the center of the earth. 13 Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and all its leaders will say to you (standing up to them), ‘Have you come to seize spoil? Have you assembled your hosts to carry off plunder, to carry away silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods, to seize great spoil?’

Islam and Spain Stand Up To Gog and Magog (Yajuj wa Majuj)

Ezekiel 38 mentions several nations that will one day form an alliance to attack Jerusalem. Verse 13 then mentions two groups that will oppose this alliance, Sheba and Dedan these are the nations of the Arabian Peninsula if we look at the Map, basically Islam. These countries are Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, The United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain which are representative of Islam in the Bible.

The term “The merchants of Tarshish” has been used in a variety of ways in the bible. It occurs 24 times, originally as a land of people descended from one of the early decadents of Nuh (as) named Tarshish in Genesis 10:4 (also 1 Chronicles 1:7) and elsewhere as the land the prophet Jonah (as) fled to (“fled to Tarshish”) to escape Allah’s call to preach to the people of Nineveh (modern Iraq).

Tarshish is southern Spain, and in this context “The merchants of Tarshish and all her villages” is all of Spain, it is a spot that would have been understood by the prophet Jonah (as) as the farthest point opposite Nineveh (Iraq) and it is where He (as) was swallowed by a Giant fish as punishment.

Why Spain

Why is it of all of Europe that it will be Spain who stands up with Islam against Gog and Magog, why not Italy or France Or Switzerland, Spain had the inquisition and the country is still shaped by that event, they are not friendly towards muslims or Islam today.

The reason is mentioned in Ahadith which we will summarise here, it is an event that will shape Spain in the future; When Europe begins it’s wars with Islam long before Armageddon, which will occur after Imam Mahdi appears, they will send an Army from Spain to conquer the North African muslim countries, Morocco, Libya, Tunis, Egypt, etc. The Army led by Spain will take these lands including Egypt, but when they reach Egypt the Leader of the Spanish Army will read a document which He has with Him from the beginning of the wars, but won’t read until this point in time, which mentions Him and all these events, it will urge Him to accept Islam. He along with the entire Army will accept Islam at this time and will end this war.

Hence now we have a situation where the entire Army of a christian country, Spain, has converted to Islam, this may not lead to Spain becoming muslim but it may certainly lead to them not falling into the deception of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon Him) later and accepting Isa (as) when He arrives to kill Him, hence they will be standing up for the true Messiah when they defy the Armies of Gog and Magog who want to Kill Him.

Similarities With The Quran The Tribes Of Yajuj wa Majuj Up To Our Time and The Jews

This is the description given in the Bible; “After many days you will be mustered. In the latter years (at the end of time) you will go against the land (Jerusalem) that is restored (rehabilitated) from war the land whose people were gathered from many peoples upon the mountains of Israel, which had been a continual waste (up to the advent of Islam when it stopped being a waste, up that point the temple of Solomon was used as a rubbish dump). Its people were brought out from the peoples and now dwell securely, all of them (this statement is important because today not all of them dwell in Israel). 9 You will advance, coming on like a storm. You will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your hordes, and many peoples with you (Their Allies).

Here are the two verses in the Quran in which Allah says the exact same thing, with very similar wording;

“And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land (earth); but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.” (other translations have “bring you forth as [parts of] a motley (mixed) crowd!” meaning the Jews of the 12 original tribes will now come back from their exile having mixed origins from different nations of the world) (17:4)

Allah Says “But there is a ban on a town which We have destroyed (Jerusalem): that they (the people of the town) shall not return (to reclaim that town as their own); until, when Gog and Magog are let loose (upon the world), and they hasten from every mound (to Jerusalem).” (Qur’an, 21:95-96)

The first thing we should notice about the second verse is that the wall of Dhul Qarnain is not mentioned anywhere, rather Allah says they will be let loose, usually this was understood as from behind the wall because back then the earth was not explored but this can also mean let loose from something else that is holding them back since no wall built between any two mountains on earth can hold back a multitude of nations.

As the ahadith indicate it was a part of the Miracle Allah granted Dhul Qarnain that these tribes could not find a solution to the wall, they would break through it making a small hole each day but during the night Allah would restore it and they would continue the next day digging as if nothing happened the day before and they learnt nothing from the experience or remembered it. Clearly Allah placed something over their minds which is holding them back, and this is the very thing Allah is mentioning in this verse…while the wall between the two mountains came down in the first few hundred years of Islam when the Khalifah first went up against these people, this part of Allah’s miracle is still present upon their minds to this day.

After the Colonial powers took China, Asia, India, and many of these lands the world later marvelled at their numbers and asked why they didn’t simply swarm at them with these superior numbers taking control of Europe and the british isles, but we will find in every prophecy about the lands of Yajuj wa Majuj and their allies that Allah says He was the one who allowed them to be conquered, because He was holding them back.

If we recall the hadith in which the prophet (saws) had a dream about a hole being created in the wall He (saws) clearly says the fitnah of yajuj wa majuj is very near and the arabs will face it soon, the Arabs did face it soon after his (saws) death when they reached the Caucus Mountains, after taking Persia. The Fitah mentioned in the Quran is one which Isa (a) will face, hence this is an earlier one the Arabs would struggle with;

Transmitted by Imam Al- Bukhari and Imam Muslim on the authority of the Mother of the Believers, Zainab Bint Jahsh (May Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (saws) once (woke and) came to her in a state of fear and said: “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah. Woe unto the Arabs from a danger that has come near. An opening has been made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this,” making a circle with his thumb and index finger. Zainab Bint Jahsh said: “O Allah’s Messenger! Shall we be destroyed even though there are pious persons among us?” He said: “Yes, when the evil people increase.”

This hadith tells us that the hole was created in the prophet’s lifetime, if we see the History of the Yajuj wa Majuj tribes in this region we will find that exactly in the prophet’s life time a new Majuj Empire had risen in the region of the wall, the Khazar empire this is the “danger that has come near” which the muslims would face. When they came to power they renewed efforts to take down the wall and where the first to punch a hole through to the other side, the previous empire in this region where the powerful Huns who tried to conquer Rome but they couldn’t succeed in this task more than likely because of technological limitations back then.

If we see Maps of their territories it is very surprising that this Empire which crossed the Alps to March on Rome could not march through the Caucus mountains to take the Iberian (Georgian) empire there, they never extended their territory at their own door step but they took Most of Europe.

Here is a Map Of their land from 400 AD, it stops at the Caucus Mountains, during this time the small Iberian empire from which georgians are descended from occupied the region on the other side of the wall;


And Here is a map of the Khazar Empire After the prophets (saws) life time when they where fighting the Islamic Khaifah, during the back and forth conflict in which land was taken and lost, the Khazar achieved what the Huns couldn’t and took the lands of Georgia destroying the wall. Eventually the Khalifa forced them into an alliance with their northern neighbours after which they famously concluded they needed to adopt one of the three Abrahamic religions to survive, subsequently they chose Judaism, later upon the complete collapse of their empire many of these convert Jews migrated to Europe and today large portions of the Jewish population in Europe are descended from them.


It should be kept in mind that, if we still hold to the mythology that has arisen around Yajuj wa Mauj, if they are people capable of threatening the entire world they would need to develop advanced technology to overcome modern empires, hence certainly an ancient wall built from Iron, Brass and possibly Stone should be no issue by our time, Allah only repaired the damage they did during that day by fixing it while they slept and weren’t watching. Allah made no assertions that if they could bring it down in one day, as their technology advanced and they became capable of damaging a Solid Iron wall, He would stop them while they watched. This miracle was first given in the prophets (saws) lifetime because of Him, which was the first time they where able to put a hole in it, the huns before them could not, it was something Allah granted Him (saws) so Muslims wouldn’t have to face them along with Persia and Rome in His lifetime or in the time of Rashideen Kalifah, but the prophet (saws) said the Arabs would soon face them and they did when evil increased and the first Monarchy Khalifah’s formed.

The hadith also tells us that the arabs will be destroyed by them, referring to either loss of Arab sovereignty or outright annihilation, when evil people increase in the Ummah and it occurred, we are all today suffering from the result of this today. Hence this hadith cant be talking about our future because right now evil people rule the entire earth, this isnt the time when evil would first spread as the hadith states.

Because we know who these Yajuj wa Majuj tribes are we can see what occurred in history because of them that affected the Arabs and ultimately the Ummah. The two most devastating events in Islamic History are the invasion of the Majuj Mongol Horde into Islamic lands destroying the Khalifah in Iraq and taking all lands up to Syria, this stopped Islam’s Golden Age whose center was Baghdad at the time, along with technological and social advancement by later muslim generations. The other event was the creation of the Ottoman Empire by the Majuj turks who where extremely materialistic which shaped Islam’s spiritual and religious future as we existed under them.

Because they where also expansionists they warred with other khalifah’s around them ending the Abasid Khaifah descendant from the prophets uncle Abbas, they where the last Arab Khalifah to exist, and the Mamluk Kalifah which was largely comprised of Georgian muslims integrated into that society, ironically it was the ancestors of the Georgians who Dhul Qarnain Helped by building the wall, so the Ottomans would continue what their Majuj Ancestors began.

While the Ottoman empire was not evil and achieved many things, materialism itself destroys spirituality hence they destroyed what was left of Islam’s heart and essence by their end. It was materialism that drove them to hoard power (Islamic Rule) for themselves, they literally wanted to be the only Islamic Khalifah left on earth. Hence this along with their materialism where the two things the prophet (swas) clearly criticised them over in Ahadith; Abu Thalaba al Khashny the companion of Rasul Allah (saws) said: I heard in the era of Mu’awiyah when he was trying to open Constantine (that the prophet had said), “I hope my community will not fail to maintain their position in the sight of their Lord if He delays them half a day, when you see Sham is a bounty for a man and his oligarchy family members then at this time Constantine will be opened.” (Majmu’ al Zawa’id, 6/222, Abu Dawud similarly reported a version in his Sunan) It was the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II who opened Constantinople in 1452, Oligarchy means a small group of people or one family having control of a country for a long time and in this case almost the entire Muslim Ummah, the Ottomans had one of the world’s longest lasting single family dynasties.

They achieved the kind of empire that every majuj empire before them had wanted, but under Islam, this led to a unique situation where after their destruction during WW1 no other Islamic Khalifah existed to take their place or represent muslims, and so this world was given to the most evil of people among the Kufar. This is the fitnah of Yajuj wa Majuj that befell the Arab and Islamic world after the wall came down and we are all suffering because of it.

Looking at the two verses in the Quran, first and foremost they are about future events and both are a promise to the Jewish tribes that existed thousands of years ago, because of this we know it can’t be talking about people who are not descendant from Jews that converted much later, they could be, Allah could be all inclusive here but the fact is the promise itself can’t be fulfilled until all Jews from the 12 original tribes migrate from the countries of the world they now live in back to Jerusalem, the promise can’t be fulfilled by converts and their descendants.

Hence today it can’t be claimed that this has already occurred simply because Israel is once again a Jewish state. Most orthodox Jews, traditional Jews descendant from the tribes tend to stay away from Israel which is a zionist secular state and not an orthodox one, meaning Allah won’t accept it until it becomes orthodox, and because one of the major tribes which the promise was made to, would never be accepted back by the present government.

These are the muslim Pashtuns of Afghanistan who are descendant from the original 12 tribes and exiled to Afghanistan by the king Nebuchadnezzar, they accepted Islam soon after the time of the prophet (saws) at the hands of Khalid Ibn Walid the famous Islamic General who the prophet (saws) called the sword of Allah, the promise of Allah also refers to them hence it is clearly about a future time under Isa (as).

“In his Travels into Bokhara, which he published in 1835, Sir Alexander Burnes wrote: “The Afghans call themselves Bani Israel, or the children of Israel, but consider the term Yahoodi, or Jew, to be one of reproach. They say that Nebuchadnezzar, after the overthrow of Israel, transplanted them into the towns of Ghore near Bamean and that they were called after their Chief Afghan, they say that they lived as Israelites till Khalid (Ibn Walid) summoned them in the first century of the Muhammadans. Having precisely stated the traditions and history of the Afghans I see no good reason for discrediting them… the Afghans look like Jews and the younger brother marries the widow of the elder. The Afghans entertain strong prejudices against the Jewish nation, which would at least show that they have no desire to claim – without just cause – a descent from them. (Sir Alexander Burnes, Travels into Bokhara, Vol. 2:139-141.)”

What is significant about these Jews is that the prophet (saws) in many ahadith, far to many to quote here said they are Imam Mahdi’s Army, Islam’s strength at the end of time, they will conquer Arabia when it is completely lost because of corruption and re-establish Islamic rule for Imam Mahdi (ra) before He emerges, they will then conquer Israel and make it their capital.

The Messenger of Allah (upon him be peace and blessings) said: “Before your treasure (the Kaabah), three (Saudi Princes) will kill each other (trying to take control of Saudi Arabia, in a civil war), all of them are the sons of a different Khaliph (ruler) but none will be the recipient (of power). Then the black Banners will appear from the East (Afghanistan) and they will Kill you (Arabs) in a way that has never been done by a nation.” (This will take place 6 years before Imam Mahdi Appears according to ahadith) Thawban said: ‘Then he said something that I do not remember by heart’ then continued to say that the prophet (praise and peace be upon him) said: “ If you see him (Imam Mahdi) give him your allegiance, even if you have to crawl over ice, because surely he is the Khalif of Allah, the Mahdi.

If you see the black flags coming from Khurasan (Afghanistan), join that army, even if you have to crawl over ice, for this is the army of the Khaliph, the Mahdi and no one can stop that army until it reaches Jerusalem (Israel).” (It’s isnad is Sahih according to Al-Hakim who narrates it in Mustadrak al Hakim).

Al Zuhari said ” The black flags will come from the East, led by mighty men, with long hair and beards, their last names are taken from the names of their home towns and their first names are from a Kunya (nick name, usually starts with ‘Abu’, which means ‘father of”).” (Nuaim bin Hammad’s Kitab Al-Fitan)

Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: You have heard about a city the one side of which is in the land and the other is in the sea (Constantinople in Turkey). They said: Allah’s Messenger, yes. Thereupon he said: The Last Hour would not come unless 70,000 persons from Bani Isra’il (Jews) would attack it (referring to the army of the Mahdi who will conquer it with Him). (Sahih Muslim: Book 41, Hadith 6979)

When the Arabian peninsula becomes Chaotic the Army from the east, Afghanistan will march on it in order to stabilise it, and when Imam Mahdi (ra) emerges about 6 years later He (ra) will live with His army and resemble them, this is why in many Ahadith the Prophet (saws) said;

“He (Imam Mahdi) would be wearing two Qutwani (Jewish) Cloaks. He will appear exactly as a person from Bani Israeel…(Ref: Kanz-ul-Aamal, Page 268, Hadith No 3868).

“The blessed Mahdi’s stature and posture resemble those of the People of Israel.” (Reference:Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtasar Fi alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, pp. 36-29.)

“He will resemble one of the Israelites”. (Reference: Al-Uqayli, An-Najmu’s-saqib fi Bayan Anna’l Mahdi min Awladi Ali b. Abu Talib Ale’t-Tamam ve’l Qamal).

Allah has decreed it in the Bible and the Quran that the Jews can’t settle permanently in Jerusalem until all the original tribes of Jews return to Israel, this includes the Pashtun of Afghanistan, these ahadith are a description of their return.

It is also very significant that their return is prophesied in the Bible, in one of Christianity’s major prophecies about the end of time;

The prophet (saws) in many ahadith said the world will be split into two camps at the end of time, the camp of religion in which there are no hypocrites (Kufar who pretend they are muslim, christian, jew etc to fool people and manipulate them for nefarious reasons through their own institutions) and the camp of hypocrites in which their is no religion (they are all Kufar). When Allah begins the punishment of the Camp of Hypocrites that has taken over the world He will send 7 Angels to punish them and their societies on earth in various ways.

John (as) in the book of revelations says (the verses are simile’s), “16 Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth.”(these verses are explained in detail in our book on Syria and Signs Of The Hour @ our website).

2 “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people (bani Adam, meaning all mankind) who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.”

This means their foulness was made apparent and open to people because they where hiding their real nature from the world, hence the camp of religion began to see the camp of hypocrites for who they truly are, occultists. It isnt coincidence that in folk lore witches loose their natural appearance and develope ugly sores and shriveled skin, these are meant to be the manifestations of their evil, this verse is a deliberate punishment from Allah that brings the camp of hypocrites out into the open so the camp of religion, which has good natured people that are more innocent, can see them for what they are, today they don’t care as much about hiding their occult nature, their occult reality is mentioned in an earlier verse in the bible very clearly.

“who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image”, to be brief, the mark is a reference to the system that has taken over the world today, it uses barcode and tracking systems not just to keep track of everything but to control the world’s economies and strangle the countries that adopt this system, this verse is just the old way of describing capitalism 2000 years ago, the beast is the empire which invented the system, it is a very old and common term used in the bible in many places for empires that rule over many nations, it’s image means it’s culture ‘becoming the image or poster child of something’, hence the verse is saying these are “the people who adopted capitalism and worshiped the capitalist way of life”, in other words through this Angel the love affair with capitalism around the world is being ended by Allah.

3 “The Second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the sea died. (We have to remember these are visions or dreams representing events in life, not literal accounts)”.

The Jewish bible translated from Hebrew, which is closer to the original language, reads ‘the ocean became like a diseased person and every living thing died’, the significance of this is that a disease takes time to finish, while death is immediate, so more accurately the picture should be ‘the sea became sick and over time every living thing in it died’, it is a reference to the oceans becoming polluted, something man can only achieve today.

4 “The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood. (After the oceans are the rivers, which is a natural progression of pollution that we also see in the world today, hence the rivers similarly stopped producing food their are no fish in the river’s)”…

8 “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire. (Solar activity became more intense and drought became more common, sea temperatures are rising killing entire aquatic species and the world is heating up, this is where we are today in the list of Allah’s punishments, soon Allah will send the fifth Angel)”…

10 “The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast (America), and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in agony 11 and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done…(the Jewish bible which is a more literal translation reads, ‘the kingdom of the Beast became

Darkened, and in agony they were gnawing their tongues’, regretting their words which they used to scare the world into submission, “You Are Either With Us Or Against Us”)”.

Plunged into Darkness or became Darkened in a modern context means the system itself will be plunged into Darkness, the Bible clearly (and islam indirectly) state that there will be a power struggle between Europe and America in the near future which America will loose, so the verse means economically America will collapse, we have seen the beginning of this process in the last economic crisis, as most analyst’s around the world agree America won’t survive another economic collapse because they are to much in debt.

The Prophet (saws) in many Ahadith showed that Islam at the end will fight Armageddon against Europe (which the bible also states clearly) and America by this time can’t be seen anywhere in either the Bible or Ahadith.

12 “The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.”

The Prophet Mohammad (saws) said: “The time is approaching when the Euphrates (River) will recede (become dry) revealing a treasure of gold. Whoever is present there should not take away anything from it.”(this will lead to the instability of the Arabian peninsula, eventually causing the Army of the Mahdi to march upon it) (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)

The euphrates river will dry up then we will see the black flags marching on Arabia and Jerusalem. The sixth Angel is the one most significant to Islam because He is the one who dries up the river Euphrates in Iraq which borders Afghanistan, to prepare the way for the Kings (rulers of the) East (the black flags, the Mahdi’s Army) to march across Arabia and conquer Jerusalem (Israel).

They will do this just before the appearance of the Mahdi (ra) by about 6 years, but they can’t call Jerusalem properly their’s because they will be challenged over it very soon after they take it, and later in about a decade and a half when Yajuj wa Majuj will force them out of it because they want to Kill Isa (as). The Jews of the 12 tribes will be able to call it their land when they live there with Isa (as), who will make it His (as) home, marry and have children.

The bible clearly says the land will be rehabilitated from war then all the Jews from around the world will return to it, again this can’t occur until all wars and enemies have come and gone including the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him).

If we read the description of the Bible having understood all this we will perceive the greater context of these events;

8 After many days you will be mustered. In the latter years (at the end of time) you (the nations of Gog) will go against the land (Jerusalem) that is restored from war, the land whose people were gathered from many peoples (today the Pashtun are yet to settle here) upon the mountains of Israel, which had been a continual waste (up to the advent of Islam). Its people were brought out from the peoples and now dwell securely, ALL of them…

10 “Thus says the Lord God: On that day, thoughts will come into your mind, and you will devise an evil scheme 11 and say, ‘I will go up against the land of unwalled villages (this isn’t Israel today which is entirely walled, the rehabilitation of the people of that land will occur when the walls come down). I will fall upon the quiet people who dwell securely (and not threatened by the nations of the world, like they are today), all of them dwelling without walls, and having no bars or gates,’ 12 to seize spoil and carry off plunder, to turn your hand against the waste places that are now inhabited, and the people who were gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods (are now openly trading with other nations), who dwell at the center of the earth.”

This verse may seem like it is focusing on materialism as the defining factor of peace and religion but in fact Allah is making a contrast between the Israel of the future under Isa (as) and the Israel of today which is entirely walled of, dysfunctional, constantly living under threat, war and embargoes because of their atrocities.

What we have seen from both the Quran and Bible, which complement each other in these verses, is that Yajuj wa Majuj are normal nations of the same world we live in today, they experience the same test of Allah as the rest of us but in the future they will decide to Attack Isa (as) when He returns, which more than likely means that the nations of Gog and Magog are the lands that accepted the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) when he emerged but never accepted Isa (as) when He returned and killed him, they never turned back after their mistake hence they then decided to take revenge for the death of their false Messiah (leader).


الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

Sayyid Rami Al Rifai.

وَحَنَانًا مِّن لَّدُنَّا وَزَكَاةً


How Dhul Qarnain Built The Wall

By Kalimate via Etsy: Fusion of Arabic and Chinese Calligraphy styles: The word Peace.: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

How The Wall Was Constructed: “I will set between you and them a bank (barrier). Give me pieces of iron – till, when he had levelled up (the gap) between the cliffs (The valley walls), he said (to them) Blow! – till, when he had made it a fire, he said: Bring me molten copper to pour thereon. And (Gog and Magog) were not able to surmount, nor could they pierce (it).”

A unique legend that existed among the Tartars who where one of the major Majuj tribes that the Muslims faced and lived in this exact region as the wall, was that the wall of Dhul Qarnain was “magnetic, causing all iron equipment and weapons to fly off toward the mountains on approach”.

This may sound fantastic but it is actually very possible, a quality of this giant Dam which the Quran alludes to strongly is that it was built entirely from Iron and Brass, hence it is entirely possible the Quran meant it was a Giant Iron Dam, they may have used stone in places but the description in the Quran gives a clear impression that it was primarily Iron;

“Give me pieces of iron – till, when he had levelled up (the gap) between the cliffs (The valley walls), he said (to them) Blow! till, when he had made it a fire.” Meaning He kept using Iron until it was built then Heated up the wall until it was red Hot like fire, hence the wall is made of Solid Iron with molten Brass used later, and possibly stone throughout in places.

Dhul Qarnain built the giant solid Dam of blocks of Iron until He filled the Valley, depending on the location of the Wall this means the wall was Possibly 1800m in Height, some translations have, “made it level with the mountains” others have “filled up the gap”, it is better if it reads “until he filled the Gap between the two mountains (valley floor)”, it would be logical that he built the Dam to some substantial height between the towering valley walls, and not histories tallest Dam at 1800m as some translations force us to conclude, the tallest Dam in the world today is only 305m (1001ft).

The fact that the wall was magnetic is actually very easy to achieve, especially because he was using iron, since Iron is a natural ferromagnetic material. “The earliest magnets were lodestone Ferric Ferrite, (Fe3O4), a sort of natural magnet, related to today’s ceramic magnets. This material was a useful ore for iron, and was mined for that purpose in ancient times. The lodestone (which means “travel-stone”) was magnetized from the Earth’s magnetic field, as it was deposited.”

By 1200 AD, compass needles were being made of steel, which were magnetized by being repeatedly rubbed or “touched” with lodestones, and by 1600 AD three ways to magnetize a metal needle where discovered:

  1. By touch with a lodestone.
  2. By cold drawing or sticking the metal repeatedly in a North-South direction
  3. By exposure for a very long time to the Earth’s field while in a North-South orientation.

A Metal when brought to red heat is no longer magnetic, but it would become magnetic if allowed to cool while pointing North-South, the wall of Dhul Qarnain was naturally orientated in a North south direction, it was the Northern path he took off His west-east travels across the earth.

Dhul Qarnain after building the initial wall with Iron blocks and secured it’s construction, heated up the entire wall of iron section by section, until it was all red hot like fire, all the iron blocks would have fused together into almost one giant brick of iron, at the same time this would have made the iron lose all magnetic properties.

While it was still hot He poured Molten Brass over sections of it until the wall looked like a red and black stripped shirt, the description given in ahadith, the black strip being the Iron wall underneath and the red stripe is the Brass on top. This was possibly done to protect it from rust kind of like magnesium plates are stuck to the hull of a ship, called the sacrificial anode (metal), because it is sacrificed to keep the integrity of the larger structure. Anode materials are usually made of aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, magnesium, titanium, zinc. Brass was often used historically in ships as a natural antifoulant, preventing rot and materials going foul.

The heated Iron would have allowed it to fuse with the molten Brass, the metal would have been worked by striking it until the wall became two layers of Metal fused together, He then allowed it to cool entirely in a North South direction helping magnatize.

To permanently magnetize metal in modern times you need to heat the metal past its Curie Point and then allow it to cool within a strong magnetic field, you can also magnetize metal simply by subjecting it to high shock, for example, by striking it with a hammer, the metal needs to be hit repeatedly. It will first gradually become a weak magnet, and get slightly stronger each time your strike it.

After it was cooled completely the wall would have been subjected to repeated blows to permanently magnetise it, and due to it’s size, the magnetic effect would have been substantial.

What is happening to the Iron wall by striking it is that “the added energy from striking the metal allows the atomic-level magnetic domains to rearrange themselves in a magnetic field. Since the planet’s iron core produces its own magnetic field, these miniature magnets (in the metal) rearrange themselves to point north (it helped that the wall itself was built in a north-south direction). Once enough jostling has occurred, all these miniature magnets pointed in the same direction creates a (larger) magnetic effect strong enough for us to notice” making the wall a giant magnet the repelled metal weapons and tools.

Sayyid Rami Al Rifai.

وَحَنَانًا مِّن لَّدُنَّا وَزَكَاةً



Where Is The Wall Of Yajuj Wa Majuj (Gog & Magog)

6297e7a678737b9246263151cc7ab59cبسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Assalamu Alaikum; This work serves as one half of our research into this subject and the questions we are trying to answer about Yajuj Wa Majuj, who are they in history, and consequently today? and where is the wall of Yajuj Wa Majuj that Dhul Qarnain built? hence it’s length.

But before we begin we should address a topic relevant to our world today witch we have written about in our book on Syria and Signs of the hour, in the chapter entitled “The World Will Be Split Into two Camps“, a reference to the famous Hadith of the prophet (saws) about the worst oppression this world will ever face regarding which He (saws) said “the world will cry for it’s inhabitants”.

There are people today who claim they are muslims but don’t believe in Yajuj wa Majuj or deliberately distort and lie about them, because this matter is spoken of in the Quran, these people have left Islam by denying or lying about it, they are part of the camp of Hypocrites, one of the two camps the prophet (saws) said the world will split into in our time mentioned in Ahadith. Allah doesn’t accept them or their “version” of Islam, He has made this very clear in the Quran and Sunnah. What else should be clear is that Allah has prepared the lowest and deepest part of Hell specifically for the camp of Hypocrites that is today forcing people to adopt their ways, literally killers, mass murderers and all people of Hell will be in a lighter place of Jahanam (Hell) in comparison to them.

This is because Allah and His prophet (saws) repeatedly declared that the camp of hypocrites in our time are the worst and lowest people under the sky, they took up every high position in every society on earth through degenerate means until they left no place for the people (camp) of religion, or allowed any place to accept them, put simply the lowest people to walk this earth are the lowest people on the day of judgement and in Hell, such are their crimes in Allah’s scales and what they did to their own selves and the rest of mankind.

They think they along with their devils (2:14) have won the world but they are ignorant of the spiritual realities that exist in this universe from the first moments it was created, if you believe in your devils then also believe in the God that put them here on earth long before man ever set foot on it. Allah created the system the world exists in, and man is in a continual state of loss in this environment unless he achieves a just society that creates an atmosphere which can protect him from it, otherwise the system will take this world they have built, from any society that cant pay this perpetual debt, Allah swore by this;

“By (the passing of) time (through the Ages), (1) Verily Mankind is in (a state of) loss, (2) Except those who have Faith, and perform righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth (in society), and exhort each other to observe patience”. (3)

This debt is built into man’s body itself; the prophet (saws) said “A debt is due for every joint in each person on every day the sun comes up: to act justly between two people is a charity (pays this debt); to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting up his belongings onto it, is a charity (pays this debt); a good word is a charity (pays this debt); and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity (pays this debt).” (Bukhari, Muslim) the debt the body is owed is the baraka (spiritual nourishment) it requires to function properly and these acts pay that debt by generating it.

Nothing else can take man out from this state of loss, and the disappearance of all good from the universe as the prophet (saws) declared will begin it’s eventual destruction, there is no permanent or lasting victory for evil, there never has been. Iblis (Satan) who gave these people access to his Jinn around the world  knows this very well, their master plan for society is only a pyramid scheme (pun intended) for people to buy into it, something to live for and die for that can never be fulfilled the nature of the universe is continual change and no belief system remains new, the Pharaoh’s of Egypt who built the first empire based on the occult found this out first hand. Iblis who witnessed all this knows very well he can achieve nothing more in this world than to fulfil the oath he swore against mankind’s father Adam, in front of Allah.

A simple search for the names and levels of Hell will show that every scholar agrees, the lowest level of Hell has always been reserved for this camp of hypocrites, it was the bible which described them best, “I saw that the (western empire) was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people (the camp of religion), the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus”(rev;17:6), the personal lives of Muslims who bare testimony to his prophet hood. The camp of hypocrites uses the lives of people just like Pharaoh used the lives of Jews, it wasn’t their physical labour he used to fuel the occult in his society but his control over their personnel lives. Likewise it is why this camp is pushing for more control over people, allowing them to get spiritually drunk of the light of the purest people on earth, all of this is spelt out crystal clear in Allah’s revelations, the occult is just an evil form of spirituality. The end of Pharaoh’s society was that Allah sent them Moses with what is real and undeniable to try and snap them back into reality and out of the lizards hole they crawled into and came to depend on, the same lizards hole the west has gone down in imitation thinking there is no other way.

Lying about religion is lying about your identity and this is the hypocrisy, “HAST THOU ever considered

[the kind of man] who gives the lie to all moral law?”…”Hadst thou considered one who denies this way of life?”…Have you seen him who denies the Deen?”(107:1), the choice with Allah for them is simple, “this life or the next”, if you choose the next then endure this life as a Muslim, there is no in between that will be accepted from anyone, that is why the prophet (saws) in strict terms declared the world will be split into two camps, the camp of hypocrites which has no religion and the camp of religion which has no hypocrites, you cant have any of their “hypocrisy” in you and be in the camp of religion.

When the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) takes control of the camp of hypocrites when he emerges, and the system they invented to control the world, the people of religion at that time will be unable to fight him, then Eysa ibn Maryam will descend, and will call (out to) the people at dawn saying: “O people, what prevented you from coming out to fight this evil liar?” They will answer, “He is a jinn”…he isn’t human, this is what the camp of hypocrites are doing to themselves today and Allah mentions it in the Quran, “And of mankind are some who say: We believe in Allah and the Last Day, when they believe not…And when they fall in with those who believe, they say: We believe; but when they go apart to their devils (Jinn) they declare: Lo! we are with you; verily we did but mock.”(2:8,14)

People should realise of all the creatures Allah gave intelligence to the Jinn are the dumbest, they only surpass man in the strength of their will and ability to force people to adopt it, they are almost incapable of wisdom, Iblis is a prime example of this. When Allah showed Adam (as) to the Angels for the first time and asked them to prostrate to him because he could know things they couldn’t know like him, Iblis rebelled because of his strength not intelligence a subject not even related to what Allah was exhibiting in front of the Angels. A rock has more strength than this imbecile but it’s level of intelligence is useless to Allah, the Angels who all had more strength than him understood this and prostrated. The devils that the camp of hypocrites use and follow, are physiologically almost incapable of foresight, so they can only live from day to day and moment to moment, this is why of all of Allah’s creatures they fall into their own folly and hubris the most, such is the story of Iblis who lived in the most perfect and pure place Allah created but it never touched his heart.

Everything the Jinn have falls short of it’s full measure because of their nature, the reality of Baraka in something which man needs, is that it is the full measure and beauty that all things are capable of achieving, it isn’t Mamsukh, deformed by Maskh like the Jinn are who practice it on each other and mankind, it is their way of life, this is why Maskh is used today as a weapon against man, it brings him down to the size of the jinn intellectually so ultimately Iblis can achieve his oath against us, his pyramid scheme is nothing more than an intricate dance to no where.

Man achieving wisdom is the only thing that can break the hold of the Jinn on him, that is the aspect of man that is beyond them it requires depth of spirituality and we surpass even the Angles in this regard, which was the essence of the example Allah was setting for the Angels when He displayed Adam to them and the meaning behind verse 53:9.

Maskh is how the Jinn long ago convinced man his god was an idol made of stone and wood, today it is used behind the scenes against people to sell belief in their system and products, and what they are doing. The prophet (saws) swore by Allah himself that this would occur to His community, the Prophet (saws) said, “By the One Who has sent me with the Truth, this world will not come to an end until they are afflicted with Al-Khasf (earth- quakes), Al-Qadhf (Bombardment), and Al-Maskh (emergence of people who perform maskh on other’s i.e stunt people’s intellects, the deliberate dumbing down of society through Maskh using the Jinn).”

Where Is The Wall Of Yajuj Wa Majuj ?

Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

Gog and Magog are normal human tribes descendant from Noah’s son Japheth (as) through his son Majuj (Magog) from whom arose Turkic-Slavonic-Mongol races. The Prophet (saws) described them as being well-built and having red hair, small eyes and wide, flat, shield-like faces. There is no mystery about the people themselves Islamic scholars have known who they are for a long time, the mystery is only on how to interpret the Ahadith regarding them in a logical and sane manner, which is what the scholars demanded of all Tafsir.

Imam Ibn Kathir writes; “Gog and Magog are two groups of Turks, descended from Yafith (Japheth), the father of the Turks, one of the sons of Noah. At the time of Abraham (Musa (as) dates to roughly 1350BC or earlier), peace be on him, there was a king called Dhu’l-Qarnayn. He performed Tawaf around the Ka’bah with Abraham, peace be on him, when he first built it (the kaaba); he believed and followed him. Dhu’l-Qarnayn was a good man and a great king; Allah gave him great power and he ruled the east and west. He held sway over all kings and countries, and travelled far and wide in both east and west.”

The prophet Muhammad’s enemies challenged him to tell them about “the mighty traveler who reached the confines of both East and West.” literally, “the easts of the Earth and the wests of it”… the prophet answered “Roads were stretched out before him until he traversed the whole earth, east and west. He was given power over every land he trod on until he reached the farthest confines of creation”. (Ibn Ishaq)

Allah says in the Quran, “They ask thee concerning Dhul-Qarnain. Say, “I will rehearse to you something of his story. Verily We established his power on earth, and We gave him the ways and the means to all ends. One (such) way he followed. Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water, and found a people thereabout. We said: O Dhu’l-Qarnayn! Either punish or show them kindness. He said: As for him who doeth wrong, we shall punish him, and then he will be brought back unto his Lord, Who will punish him with awful punishment! But as for him who believeth and doeth right, good will be his reward, and We shall speak unto him a mild command.”

“Then he followed a road Till, when he reached the rising-place of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had appointed no shelter therefrom. So (it was). And We knew all concerning him.”

“Then he followed a road Till, when he came between the two mountains, he found upon their hither side a folk that scarce could understand a saying. They said: O Dhu’l-Qarneyn! Lo! Gog and Magog are spoiling the land. So may we pay thee tribute on condition that thou set a barrier between us and them?”

“He said: That wherein my Lord hath established me is better (than your tribute). Do but help me with strength (of men), I will set between you and them a bank (barrier). Give me pieces of iron – till, when he had levelled up (the gap) between the cliffs (The valley walls), he said: Blow! – till, when he had made it a fire, he said: Bring me molten copper to pour thereon. And (Gog and Magog) were not able to surmount, nor could they pierce (it). He said: This is a mercy from my Lord; but when the promise of my Lord cometh to pass, He will lay it low, for the promise of my Lord is true.” (18:83-98)

Dhu’l Qarnayn traveled the earth until he reached “maghriba al shamsi” (86) the setting place of the sun, then he traveled until he reached “matli’aa al-shams” (90), the rising place of the sun. Maghrib used in the Qur’an and Ahadith is a common Arabic idiom for the west. Imam al Qurtubi and other commentators understood the rising and setting to mean the extreme places of the west and east, which is Africa and China, beyond which is nothing but the ocean.

The sun rises towards the east (China) and sets towards the west (Africa) which mean the far east and west.

He thus traveled west toward Al-Ayoun and Al-Khalidat or the Canary Islands by the Atlantic Ocean in west Africa. From Dhul Qarnayn’s perspective, it seemed as if the Sun set in ‘Haamiya’ or murky boiling water in fetid commotion. Some thought that Muslims believed the Sun Actually sets in water, but the Quran states that the Sun has an orbit in space. The Canary Islands are a chain of volcanic ocean islands, the islands are the example of oceanic hot spot volcanoes above a slow-moving, thick oceanic plate. The islands would have been volcanically active at the time forming Lanzarote’s caves by steam in the lava face.

Hence the Quran saying He reached the setting of the sun is talking about His intent to travel, it was to find the place the sun set, because at that time this was a common thought and reason people traveled the world, to find where the sun set or rose which was done by traveling to the far east or far west, he did both unlike others, such journeys are often mentioned in mythologies like that of the vikings. Thousands of years ago only the prophets understood what the sun was, hence the verse “he found it set in a spring of murky water” is a statement about the water it seemed to set in of the coast of Africa, and his state of mind and belief about the sun, to most people who believed the earth was flat back then this was the end of the world itself.

He then traveled to the easterly part of the world and “he found it rising on a people for whom We had appointed no shelter therefrom,” which means China’s deserts. China has some of the largest deserts in the world spanning from one end of it almost to the other along it’s northern borders, which would equate relatively with the line from west to east Dhul Qarnain traveled. So his journey passed through the deserts of China reaching the Gobi desert and further possibly to the coast, it is possible thousands of years ago the desert reached closer to the coast than it does today. The people where described as those who found no shelter from the sun, but that doesn’t mean every region of their land was like this, it is a characterisation of the people found in Northern China which was multiple countries and people in those times. The capital City of China Beijing is relatively near the Gobi desert, and the Yellow Sea on China’s coast is near it.

In terms of land mass the furthest land mass in the east of the world is to the north in Russia, the earth curves that way, but that land is in the North of the Earth and mainly cold and desolate with little inhabitants. Dhul Qarnain would have to have deviated from his east west travels to head far North then east to get there, if we follow the coast and curvature of the world, and having no map of the world telling him technically there is more land in an easterly direction to the far North, this doesn’t seem likely because the Quran states he traveled the east and west of the earth only, and in a relatively straight line.

Having said all that the verse “he found it rising on a people for whom We had appointed no shelter therefrom” could mean if he did travel north to North Eastern Russia that it is referring to the people of the North who experience sunlight for months on end, and have no shelter from this extended day.

But then again that goes against the idea of finding the setting place and rising place of the sun if you are in a location where it doesn’t set or rise, which is the hallmark of the verses in the Quran, in either case this has no bearing on location of the wall of Yajuj wa Majuj which is back in the opposite direction.

Imam Qurtubi said “It is not meant by reaching the rising or setting of the sun that he reached its body and touched it because it runs in the sky around the earth without touching it and it is too great to enter any spring on earth. It is so much larger than earth. But it is meant that he reached the end of populated land east and west, so he found it (the sun)– according to his vision – setting in a spring of a murky water like we watch it in smooth land as if it enters inside the land. That is why He said, ‘he found it rising on a people for whom we had provided no covering protection against the sun.’ (Holy Qur’an 18:90) and did not mean that it touches or adheres to them; but they are the first to rise on. Probably this spring is a part of the sea and the sun sets behind, with or at it, so the proposition takes the place of an adjective and God knows best.”(al-Qurtubi (died 671 AH/1273 CE) Al-Game’ Le Ahlam-El-Qur’an)


The Gobi Desert (9) in China at the most easterly tip reaches above Beijing which is mid way between it and the coast, we Have to remember this is all prior to China being populated like it is today, the Map above is also accurate to the curvature of the earth showing an accurate east and west, the tropic of cancer line is fairly close to the path Dhul Qarnain would have taken, but because of the natural land features and himalayan mountains in the east (between 7,8 & 9, running above india to the tip of 8) it would have taken him more north towards the Gobi Desert (9) as He traveled towards China, so in the east His journey would end closer to where Beijing is today.

Dhul Qarnain first travels west to Africa, then He traveles East to China, which would have ended His Journey covering the expanse of the earth, after visiting China He travels back towards Arabia which is as it’s name suggests, the middle east, is in the middle, “Then he followed a road, Till, when he came between the two mountains, he found upon their hither side a folk that scarce could understand a saying.” therefore we know the wall can’t be in the furthest east or west of the earth but somewhere on his travels back, the evidence for the location of the wall are many.

Ahadith themselves gives us a key clue to where it is because some of the companions traveled in the prophets (saws) lifetime saw the wall, and returned in the prophets (saws) lifetime and the prophet (saws) affirmed they had in fact seen it; Imam Al-Bukhari transmitted in his Sahih the following Hadith: A man told the Prophet (saws) that he had seen the dam of Gog and Magog. The Prophet (saws) asked: “How did you find it?” The man said: “I found it like Al-Burd Al-Muhabbar (striped garments).” The Prophet (saws) said: “You have seen it.”

In Ibn Jarir’s exegesis of the Qur’an, it was reported by Qatadah that when the man told the Prophet (saws) that he had seen the dam of Gog and Magog and was asked to describe it, he said: ‘It looked like striped garments, with red and black stripes.’ The Prophet (saws) said: “You have seen it.” these may not have necessarily been it’s only colours.


The wall could have been made of all metal, like a giant wall of iron (black) with Brass (red) poured on it and throughout, giving the entire wall a stripped look, or it could have been a giant wall of stone with Iron and Brass used in the construction to hold the Giant stone blocks together and in some way used on the surface giving it a stripped look. This depends on how much Iron and Brass the local people where able to provide Dhul Qarnain.

Allah says in the Quran, “He said: That in which my Lord has established me is better, therefore you only help me with workers, I will make a fortified barrier between you and them; Bring me blocks of iron; until when he had filled up the space between the two mountain sides, he said: Blow, until when he had made it (as) fire, he said: Bring me molten brass which I may pour over it. So they were not able to scale it nor could they make a hole in it. He said: This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the promise of my Lord comes to pass He will make it level with the ground, and the promise of my Lord is ever true.” (18:95-98)

The Quran suggests it was a Giant solid Iron wall with brass poured on top, but the translation could read that He continuously used iron until He filled the Gap (with Stone), then used Molten Brass on the Surface giving it the stripped look, we can only assume the black is from the iron metal.

A unique legend that existed among the Tartars (one of the major Majuj tribes) is that the wall of Dhul Qarnain was ‘magnetic, causing all iron equipment and weapons to fly off toward the mountains on approach’, a quality that is possible for a giant Dam built from Iron and Brass, hence it is entirely possible the Quran meant it was a Giant Iron Dam, which we will assume in this work.

What is significant about the location of the wall is that one of the companions traveled North out of Arabia found the wall and came back in the prophets lifetime to tell him about it, hence the wall has to be located within reasonable traveling distance of Arabia and not at the extreme ends of the earth.

A more significant piece of evidence than this is the fact that Yajuj wa Majuj are descendant from Nuh’s (as) son Japheth who had a son named Magog, and we know where the sons of Nuh (as) and their descendants migrated to around the world, and which nations of the earth come from which Son, it is fairly common knowledge among scholars.

Here is a Map showing how the sons of Nuh and their children migrated around the world, you will see clearly where Magog and His children settled after the flood in the top right of the map.


Notice that North of the Caspian Sea and to the East are the lands of Magog and to the west where it says Gomer, Allah in the Bible says these are the Lands of Gog (Eizikiel 38), basically large parts of Eastern Europe, Russia, Southern Russia and Asia.

This is a Map of the most relevant part of the world in trying to locate where the wall is;


We know the wall is not in the north or the south, or the extreme easts (China) or extreme west (Africa) and it has to be within reasonable travel distance from Arabia, because we know right after He built it He continued to Arabia and performed Hajj with Abraham confirming it’s relatively close location, his travels more than likely ended after performing Hajj which is a customary act at the end of a persons life or achievements, and because we know he believed and followed Abraham therefor he spent time with him. Another Quality of it’s location is that it must be in a place where the people it is blocking on one side of it can’t simply go around the mountain with ease, because it’s meant to have stopped them from attacking their neighbours for well over a thousand years.

All of this tells us the wall must be located somewhere in the centre regions of the map above, between Bulgaria in the west just past Turkey, and Northern Afghanistan in the east, just past Iran, it borders the himalayan mountains, on the other side of which is China. Heading towards China, Dhul Qarnain would have passed well north of here to avoid the himalayan mountain range which starts here and spans southwards on the Map covering the northern border of India, creating a natural barrier between it and China.

The verse in the Quran gives us the best clue, “Then he followed a road, Till, when he came between the two mountains”, the last road he follows must be in a different direction than east or west because the third road is mentioned seperate from his first two roads already mentioned in previous verses, looking on the Map this must be in a North direction and can’t be south.

On His route back past the himalayan mountains and between the caspian sea that is further west, if we look south toward the ocean there are no significant mountains ranges (Sadafain/barriers) and the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj are to the North, looking at the world map above, the wall can’t be in Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan because building a wall there would make it obsolete when tribes find a way around it.

It can’t also be in Bulgaria in Europe because that is to far west out of the lands of Majuj (but not Yajuj) and isn’t a path anywhere near Dhul Qarnain’s Journey back, he would have to have taken multiple paths to get to Bulgaria but the Quran says the third path was off of the first two. The Quran in it’s description is entirely perfect and accurate, because it leaves us with one location we can be certain of which is perfect in every sense including the fact it is directly off of his west-east travels.

The last thing we have to understand is that this wall is a normal wall made from normal materials but Allah granted a miracle to Dhul Qarnain, in that He repaired it after Yajuj Wa Majuj did damage to it, it was a large metal Dam and every day they would make a whole from their side of it to the other, about the size of a small notebook but Allah would repair it during the night as if nothing happened.

Hence it was Allah alone who stopped the wall from being destroyed and not the material it was made from, and it was Allah alone who stopped the people of Majuj from climbing over it or going around it, Allah placed a veil (barrier) over their minds stopping them from finding a real solution to it, because as the ahadith state each day they go back and repeat what they did the day before as if they learnt nothing from the experience, this is also the opinion of many scholars, this fact is important in understanding what Allah meant in the Quran when He said He will release them against the world at the end of time, because in this verse the wall is not mentioned, instead a general statement is made about the people being released, which can mean other things than the wall is holding them back from trying to take over the world.

Something the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj are historically known for and attempted multiple times through various empire they established, this becomes clear when we identify who these tribes are in history. The two most known are the Hun’s who’s most famous ruler was Attila the hun who challenged the Roman Empire and marched his armies almost to Rome and all the way to Paris, and the Mongol Horde whose most famous ruler was Ghengis Kahn, He almost destroyed the Islamic khalifate’s and wold have conquered Europe had the Mamluk Khalifa in Syria not stopped them, they also succeeded in conquering China and establishing a Majuj empire there.

Yajuj and Majuj are not magical underground people who live in an invisible land that scientific equipment and satellites can’t find, their numbers on the day of judgment would mean what ever cave people wrongfully assume they are in, would have to be larger than Canada if they are cramped in it together, while the Quran clearly says the wall was built between two mountain barriers, a valley in the middle of a large mountain range, and not a cave entrance, “Till, when he came between the two mountain barriers, he found upon their hither side a folk that scarce could understand a saying” (telling us Majuj lived under the sky opposite these people they are attacking).

We also know the Wall was made from blocks of Iron with Molten Brass poured on top of the Iron blocks, so that the molten brass and iron blocks looked like a stripped garment, meaning the wall has a distinct look unique to it, Most ancient walls are made of stone therefor this narrows down the identity and possible location of the wall even further.

If we ask our selves one simple question, we can best determine where the wall is on earth; “Where can we place a wall on the earth which will stop people from going around it easily”

Dhul Qarnain was the first in history to build a wall to block the people of that land above the caspian see, this was a sunnah he began, these turkic-hun-mongol-tartar-russian0 European people caused so much trouble through out history that the actions of Dhul Qarnain inspired other civilisations to use the same solution against the same tribes of that land and a few famous walls where built, here are four of the most famous walls that classical Islamic scholars and historians believed where the wall:

  1. The Great Wall of China 7th-2nd century BC. If you look at the map of china the wall starts on the east coast in Korea and passes over Beijing towards the south-west from there.
  2. The wall in central Asia in southern Uzbekistan (just north of Afghanistan) in a place called Derbent (a number of places share this name).
  3. The wall in Dagistan Russia also known as Derbent on the coast of the Caspian sea, it is a border fortress between two walls stretching from the mountains to the sea.
  4. The wall of Darial Pass which is between Gorgia and southern Russia in the Caucasus mountain range.

We can see from this list what scholars believed about the wall, that it was located in a part of the world that is known and near the lands of Majuj on it’s borders stopping them from harassing a neighbouring people, it isn’t magically hidden from people, and the tribes of Majuj are a people like any other people they easily identified.

We know from the path Dhul Qarnain took the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj where located north of the wall and attacked the people south of it, because Dhul Qarnain traveled east and west then back towards Arabia and followed a road North into a valley, in a direction other than his previous travels, the distinction the Quran makes.

If we focus Just North of the Arabian peninsula, the wall can not have been to the far west which would have located it in Turkey. North of Turkey is covered by the Black Sea, not a tribe attacking people to the south of them. Looking east we will find Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, looking closely on the map none of these places are ideal for placing a wall that would permanently block people from the north heading south, there are to many open spaces, most mountain ranges have multiple routes through or around them making the wall obsolete fairly soon after it was built, but this wall lasted for a few thousand years.

Any further east and we hit the Himalayan mountain range, on one side is China on the other Hind (Pakistan and India).

The Derbent wall in Uzbekistan is marked on this map, and the Himalayan mountains are North of India and run into Pakistan, it is the dark raised Area on the map.

The Himalayan Mountains, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan are to far from the Arabian peninsula, had a wall been built in these lands Dhul Qarnain would have had to block a number of valleys to stop all travel south or build a wall almost larger than the great wall of China. Another important point is that the wall of Derbent in Uzbekistan, was besieged by Alexander the Great at one point who severely damaged it, later it was strengthened over the years but no longer stands today. A Sogdian warlord (formerly part of the Persian Empire) by the name of Sisimithres rallied his armed followers against Alexander and entrenched them beyond a cramped fortified pass at the Iron Gates. “This site was apparently reinforced by a wall like the one built later, still visible today. The natives sheltered in a rocky fortress protected by a narrow defile and a raging river. Well stocked with supplies, Sismithres had been joined by other warlords in what seemed to be an impregnable hideout.”

Sogdiana, a small land, became independent of Persia until it was conquered by Alexander the Great. What is important about this location is that, the now independent and warlike Sogdiana formed a border region insulating the Achaemenid Persians to the south from the nomadic Scythians (the tribes of Yajuj Wa Majuj) to the north and east, meaning this wall, fortress and it’s people is utilised in the wrong direction and against the wrong people, the Persians. Eventually Alexander won the siege, but from the description of the event and the wall which was not made from Iron and molten Brass, this can’t be the wall of Dhul Qarnain.

The Quran also gives the clearest picture for the type of mountains the wall was built in, “Until when he reached (a place) between the two mountain Barriers, he found on that side of them a people who could hardly understand a word.”(18:93) the sentence in arabic literally reads “between the two barriers” (Sadayn), the translations mention two mountains only because the word in arabic (Sadafain) means the mountains form a natural barrier and has a valley in the middle of it separating it’s two halves, on both sides of the valley passage through the mountains are immense mountainous barriers (Sadayn) or ranges stretching a vast distance.

In fact many translations read, “Until he reached the area between the two barriers”, “Until, when he reached (a place) between two mountain-barriers”, “When he reached [the place] between the two barriers”, hence the Quran is telling us the wall is located in a giant mountain range with a natural valley passage in the centre of it, this clear description limits the possible locations considerably.

An example of huge mountains forming a natural barrier is the Himalayan mountain range which stretches from about Afghanistan, south to Pakistan then North India, they cover the entire northern border of Pakistan and India forming a natural barrier between Pakistan and India on one side of the mountain and China on the other side.

All of these reasons are why none of the first three walls in the list above can be the wall of Dhul Qarnain. The second and third walls are ordinary walls attached to forts whose history can be traced to local civilisations and not located in the middle of a mountain range that forms a natural barrier between two peoples on either side. We have the history of these walls today because of modern historians who did the research, this is knowledge that wasn’t available to islamic scholars who would have concluded as we have.

The Wall Of Dhul Qarnain

Only one of these wall’s matches the criteria of everything we have said including the most important points mentioned in the Quran, the mountains are a mountain range forming a large natural barrier between two lands and the wall was built in a valley, reached by a road off of Dhul Qarnain’s path that deeply cuts into the mountain ranges and is near the Arabian peninsula.

This wall is located in the Caucus mountain ranges which forms a natural barrier between Southern Russia, the historical lands of Yajuj wa Majuj, and Georgia stretching for 1200km (750mi), what is unique about these mountains is that they are like a large solid wall well over five thousand ft high, stretching consistently between the Black Sea on one side of it and the Caspian Sea on the other, without stop until we reach the coasts of both inland oceans, it was from these lands for example, that later the Huns would threaten the Roman Empire and eventually march across Europe and into France, the wall would have been standing in their lifetime stopping them from going south which is probably why they focused on Rome and Europe.

Another feature of this mountain range is that Historically for thousands of years there has only been one natural passage through the mountains which goes through a narrow valley with very high walls on both sides, exactly as the Quran describes (Sadafain), this was the only way through the mountains. It connects the area north of the mountains to the southern area, it is the main pass which runs for 220km from Vadikavkaz in Russia to Tbilisi in Georgia.

Even today there are only three roads from southern Russia to Georgia on the other side of the mountain range, two recently built roads that hug the coast lines around the mountains and one through it using this pass. Because the mountains stretch right to the water, they had to cut through them using heavy machinery in places.

One of military Histories greatest natural barriers are the Alps in northern Italy, they protected the North of Rome from invasion throughout it’s history, until the Carthaginian general Hannibal built artificial passages over and through it, and marched his army on Rome sacking it. The Caucus mountain range runs the exact same length as the Alps 1200Km (750mi) and forms the same natural barrier, one of the few places on earth that would form a natural barrier stopping an army from going around it with ease.

[The Alpes start right on the coast in Monaco, going north through Switzerland, then into Austria and the coast of Slovinia]

To go around the Wall of Dhul Qarnain, the tribes of Majuj would have to travel all the way to the coast on the caspian sea hugging it then heading south into Azerbaijan, passage towards the black sea would have been impossible at the time because the mountain stretch’s to the water with no natural roads. All of this is assuming the coastal region near the caspian sea wasn’t covered by dense forest a few thousand years ago, historical evidence says this was not a possible passage at the time. This would have forced them to travel around the gigantic caspian or black seas on either side, then through either Turkey or Iran heading north into Georgia.

A huge journey and a great effort to simply harass a people, which is the quality of the troubles Majuj and Yajuj where causing, they where not at war with the Georgians but Mufsideen (corruptors) of the land and their society.

Other Qualities that tell us this is the correct location besides the fact the Caucus Mountain range runs the length of Georgia’s and Azerbaijan’s borders and into both seas, is that they are just North of the Arabian peninsula within reasonable travel distance for the companions, and are about the half way point of Dhul Qarnain’s Journey from the west to the east just off his path, close enough for him to go on hajj soon after the completion of his journey, which as it is described by Allah in the Quran building the wall was the last part of it.

Any other place on earth would have taken years of travel to arrive in Makkah, more importantly it is the only mountain range in the region perfectly fitting the Quran’s description and every point we have raised.

The road Dhul Qarnain followed between the mountains is called the Darial pass, located in Darial Gorge where the wall was built. It is at the east base of Mount Kazbek, between vertical walls of rock 1800 m/5900 ft in height, the pass today traverses this mountain range at altitudes of up to 3,000 metres (9,800 ft), it is marked below.

Generally Islamic historians like Mas’iidi, Istakhri, Hamawi and others – identify the Wall located in Darial gorge, or the one at Darbend by the Caspian Sea as the Wall of Dhul-Qarnain. But a famous Islamic scholar Yaqut al-Hamawi (d.1229) known for his encyclopaedic books wrote in his work the Dictionary of Countries that the wall of Darial Pass was “constructed with molten copper.” (Da’iratul-Yaqut al-Hamawi in Mujimul-Buldan, v. 8, p. 9)

The Darial Pass was historically important as one of only two traditional crossings of the Caucasus mountain range, the other being the Derbent Pass near the caspian sea, which was fortified by around 150 BC, it’s worth noting that the level of the Caspian was formerly higher and that the lowering of the water level opened an invasion route around the mountain that had to be fortified. Very literally soon after it opened the tribes of Majuj to the North (the Huns) began looking for ways around but they faced the might of the Persian empire who controlled this region and constructed the barrier and fort found there today which deterred them.

This tells us in Dhul Qarnain’s time passage through here was not possible because of the water level and the tribes would have had to go around the caspian sea to head south, running into large empires before completing their Journey.

The first intensive settlement in the Derbent (Darbend) area dates from the 8th century BC, which predates Ibrahim (as) and Dhul Qarnain; the site was intermittently controlled by the Persian monarchs, starting from the 6th century BC up until their conquest by Islam in the 6th century AD. Until the 4th century AD, Derbent was already into the Sasanian sphere of influence as a result of the victory over the Parthians, both are Persian Empires, they are reported to have built the fortifications, hence the coastal area was under the rule of one Persian empire after another, who repelled them with this wall, possibly inspired by the original wall of Dhul Qarnain.

We know where the lands of Yajuj wa Majuj Historically are, and the Darial pass wall is located exactly on the border of their historical lands, if we look at the map of the descendants of Nuh (as), Majuj are North east above the Caspian sea and Yajuj are North west above the black sea, they used to travel south through this pass between the huge mountains into present day Georgia to harass the local people, eventually as one of their empires fell another replaced it.

From the first century AD one the first Major Empires to control this region where the Huns, after them the Khazar empire arose (618AD-1048), the wall would have been standing in their time and it was to this last empire that the prophet (saws) made Dawah on the night of Isra wal Miraj, spoken of in Ahadith, they didn’t accept Islam at the time but unlike previous majuj empires who where pagan, they eventually began to consider adopting one of the three religions of the book, accepting Judaism in the end, the prophet (saws) setting them on a path other than their historical one.

The following Map of the world in 400AD shows the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj during that period which includes the Rouran Khaganate in northern China, the Huns where located above the Black and Caspian seas, but as their empire collapsed multiple tribes fought for dominance, the Khazar empire finally taking control of the region in southern Russia.

“The Gorge is alternatively known as the Iberian Gates or the Caucasian Gates, it is mentioned in the Georgian annals under the names of Ralani, Dargani, Darialani. In other words, the name Darial has preserved the historical fact of a barrier constructed from metal that once existed in that Gorge. Finally the mountain sides on both sides of the Darial Gorge are shaped like two sides of an open sea-shell exactly as described by the Qur’anic word Sadafain.”

Here is an image of the Valley from 1872, it is very narrow perfect for building a wall, essentially today this wall would look very similar to a modern Dam except it is made of blocks of Iron with Molten Brass used on it;

Dhul Qarnain traveled west and east and had no trouble with any of the languages of the world, which where not as diverse as today, until He reached this location, hence we have to find a language spoken south of the Caucasus Mountains, which is different from all the other languages spoken in and around that region of the then known world. Dhul Qarnain when he arrived at that location found people who could not understand his language: “(And he marched on) till, when he reached (a pass) between the two mountain-barriers (sadafain), he found before them a people who could scarcely understand anything spoken (i.e. any utterance in his language).”(18:93)

The Georgian language which is spoken south of the Caucasus Mountains is precisely such a language. It is an insular pre -Indo-European language with no relatives and evolving locally over the past 5000 years. Had the wall been in any of the other locations mentioned we could trace the language of that people to others in the region, but Georgian language has been historically isolated, the Ancestors of the local people settling their pre antiquity from about 6 – 5000BC.

Another fact to consider is that historically the people here have always been relatively weaker than those to the north and south of them, most other locations for the wall, the people where part of an empire or larger group of people not so easily harassed, the Gate in Uzbekistan for example was guarded by a number of warlords historically attached to the Persian empire, it was used to tax merchants, the great wall of China by a Chinese empire and the Derbent gate on the caspian sea by the Persian empire, so the wall in Darial pass was built to protect a people who could not protect themselves and historical where surrounded by large empires that could defend themselves.

This location answers all the questions we have raised including the clear descriptions given in the Quran, including the fact it was historically famous as being the location of the wall of Dhul Qarnain.
Beyond the work of muslim historians and scholars there are other sources pointing to this location.
The accounts of local people lasted well past the 7th century Ad and the advent of Islam when many of the legends where claimed to be the achievements of Alexander the Great, which many considered to be Dhul Qarnain the famous traveler. Alexander, which no doubt these same accounts existed in his time, himself consciously mimicked Dhul Qarnain, likewise traveling from the east to the west on a famous Journey, but he never reached the west coast of Africa and didn’t go past India to the east.

Alexander the great was confused with Dhul Qarnain because historians took most of the older accounts of the Monotheistic ruler and adopted them to Alexanders figure, even before the advent of Islam. But they predated Alexander by over a thousand years, local Historians adopted them to Him more closely after Islam’s advent in order to raise his profile and many where sincerely certain it was him, including muslim scholars.

But Alexander was not monotheistic, built pagan temples, never met Abraham who lived long before him or went on Hajj, what is important is the accounts they connected with Him, because in them is the traditional location of the wall of Dhul Qarnain.

Historians who confused the two figures wrote that Alexander the Great built iron gates at an unspecified pass which some Latin and Greek authors (closer to Alexander in origin) identified with Darial pass and came to be known as the Gates Of Alexander.

Alexander also Conquered Persia making it part of his empire until it freed itself from under his successors in 247BC, but the Derbent gate on the Caspian sea dates back to about 150BC at the earliest, while he reigned from 332-323BC, so they can’t be attributed to him or his empire, historically they are known as Persian in origin.

“The Gates of Alexander where a legendary barrier supposedly built by Alexander the Great in the Caucasus to keep the uncivilized barbarians of the north (typically associated with Gog and Magog) from invading the land to the south.” The gates were a popular subject in medieval travel literature, starting with the Alexander Romance in a version from perhaps the 6th century. The wall has been frequently identified with the Pass of Darial and confused with the Caspian Gates of Derbent because it was the prominent wall through History, being very visible on the coast and under the care of the Persian empire, while the Darial Pass wall has been well hidden in the mountains seldom seen or sought after because it was a blocked path that lead to barbaric lands in the north.

Insha Allah we have established the location of the wall of Dhul Qarnain conclusively, no other place in the world fits all the descriptions perfectly and forms a large natural barrier like the Caucus mountains, located exactly south of the lands of Yajuj wa Majuj and north of Arabia.

Where Is The Wall Today

Having answered the Question of where the wall is this raises an obvious question, why isn’t the wall still standing today when Ahadith say it will come down in the time of Isa (as).

This question is the subject of the second half of my research in which i will trace the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj more closely through History and the evidence for when the wall is supposed to come down, found in the Quran and Sunnah.

In the mean time to give a brief answer; we should keep in mind that these ahadith have resulted in the weirdest interpretations of history known to man regarding these people, from people living underground in the billions (their number on the day of judgment) to invisible barriers hiding invisible lands and people, to inhuman tribes the size of midgets with four eyes and arms with magical abilities, all because of the timing of when the wall is meant to come down, which supposedly explains why we can’t find them on earth today. All of this clearly contradicts every normal and logical fact we know about these tribes from the Quran and Sunnah.

So does one point in a hadith, regardless of how sound it is or isnt, overrule everything else the Quran and Sunnah says about them?

One of the most famous rules of Tafsir, and one of the 5 major Qawaid al fiqh (5 principles of law) in Islam, that all scholars agree with, is that “Certainty Isn’t Removed By Doubt”, meaning what you know as fact can’t be removed by uncertainty, it always remains fact especially when deciding between evidence.

For example, you are praying the Isha prayer, you know you have prayed the first two rakaat, but can’t remember if you have completed the third, you think you have but are uncertain, because of this Qawaid that “Certainty Isn’t Removed By Doubt”, you are certain of the first two rakaat hence muslims scholars ruled that you perform another two rakaat to end the prayer.

We know the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj are Human like us, descendant from Nuh (as), hence we have to always treat them as humans experiencing life and the test of Allah for mankind on earth like the rest of us, this rules out hidden underground caves with billions of people in them, we can’t survive with out the sun neither can our food, or magical invisible walls that can’t be found because of special fogs or clouds hiding them, which aren’t mentioned in ahadith or the Quran anywhere.

To answer the matter quickly, the Quran doesn’t say the wall will come down after Isa (as) returns, this is only in ahadith, and in ahadith many things could factor in for unusual wording, like a narrator combining multiple short accounts into a longer narrative according to his chronology of events, ahadith about the signs of the hour frequently suffer from such things.

It is because the scholars understood everything we have explained so far that they never ruled out the possibility of the wall coming down before Isa (as) returns, and historically many scholars ruled that specific people or empires who invaded Islamic lands are from Yajuj wa Majuj, it was a very common occurrence, looking at the tribes they spoke of they where all in fact descendants of Majuj and from their lands.

Here is what Imam Qurtubi said, note that he doesn’t rule out the matter at all;

In his Tafsir, Imam al-Qurtubi has reported from as-Suddiyy that twenty-one of the twenty-two tribes of Ya’juj Ma’juj were shut off by the Wall of Dhul-Qarnain. One of their tribes was left out on the inner side of the Wall of Dhul-Qarnain (living in ancient times when the world wasn’t known and maps incomplete, the Imam wrongfully assumes the wall spans continents). They are Turks. After that, al-Qurtubi says that the sayings of the Holy Prophet about the Turks resemble the Ya’juj Ma’juj and that the incidence of a war between them and Muslims during the later times appears in a hadith of the Sahih of Muslim. At present, he continues: A large number of Turk (Majuj) people are arrayed against Muslims. Only Allah knows their exact number and only He can save Muslims from their evil. It appears as if they are the Ya’juj Ma’juj – or, at least, are their forerunners (meaning a group of them before the rest come against mankind at the end, the imam is absolutely correct about this understanding of the Quran regarding them). (Al-Qurtubi, p. 58, v11)

This is important because Allah says when the wall comes down they (meaning their many tribes spanning continents, from eastern Europe to Russia and then into Asia) will come at mankind and each other in waves, which Historically is precisely accurate, one huge Yajuj Majuj empire after another, the Huns, Rouran, Gokturk, Khazar, Mongols, Tartars (etc), all fighting each other and the rest of mankind; “This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the Promise of my Lord comes, He will level it to dust. And the Promise of my Lord is always true. And on that day, We will leave them to surge like waves on top of each other.”(18:99)

This Map depicts the Khazar Empire (618Ad-1048AD) after the collapse of the Wall, unlike the previous Majuj empire in this region, the Huns, they where able to expand south into Georgia when the wall collapsed, we have to remember the Huns almost took Rome itself crossing the historically impassable Alps Mountain range, they also marched all the way to Paris in France, so a small land to their southern home land protecting a weak people should have been no trouble for them, but Allah protected the wall and stopped them from overcoming it. We can see all this looking at the previous map of Hun territory from 400 Ad.

The Khazar empire after taking Georgia couldn’t expand further because they now faced the Islamic empire who they began to war against. During the 7th and 8th centuries, the Khazars fought a series of wars against the Umayyad Khalifah and the Abbasid Khalifah. The First Arab-Khazar War began during the first phase of Muslim expansion. By 640, Islamic forces had reached Armenia; in 642 they launched their first raid across the Caucasus (through Derbent on the coast) under Abd ar-Rahman ibn Rabiah. In 652 Arab forces advanced on the Khazar capital (Just North of Derbent), Balanjar, but were defeated, suffering heavy losses.

“Due to the outbreak of the First Muslim Civil War and other priorities, the Arabs refrained from repeating an attack on the Khazars until the early 8th century. The Khazars launched a few raids into Transcaucasian principalities (Georgia and Azerbaijan) under Muslim dominion, including a large-scale raid in 683–685 during the Second Muslim Civil War that rendered much booty and many prisoners. There is evidence from the account of Imam al-Tabari that the Khazars formed a united front with the remnants of the Gokturks in Transoxiana.”(A neighbouring Majuj Empire).

“The Second Arab-Khazar War began with a series of raids across the Caucasus in the early 8th century. The Umayyads tightened their grip on Armenia in 705 after suppressing a large-scale rebellion. In 713 or 714, Umayyad general Maslamah conquered Derbent and drove deeper into Khazar territory. The Khazars launched raids in response into Albania and Iranian Azerbaijan but were driven back by the Muslims under Hasan ibn al-Nu’man. The conflict escalated in 722 with an invasion by 30,000 Khazars into Armenia inflicting a crushing defeat. Caliph Yazid II responded, sending 25,000 Muslim troops north, swiftly driving the Khazars back across the Caucasus, recovering Derbent, and advancing on Balanjar (their Capital). The Arabs broke through the Khazar defense and stormed the city; most of its inhabitants were killed or enslaved, but a few managed to flee north.”

“Despite their success, the Arabs had not yet defeated the Khazar army, and they retreated south of the Caucasus. In 724, Arab general al-Jarrah ibn Abdallah al-Hakami inflicted a crushing defeat on the Khazars in a long battle between the rivers Cyrus and Araxes, then moved on to capture Tiflis, bringing Caucasian Iberia (Georgia) under Muslim suzerainty. The Khazars struck back in 726, led by a prince named Barjik, launching a major invasion of Albania and Azerbaijan; by 729, the Arabs had lost control of northeastern Transcaucasia and were thrust again into the defensive. In 730, Barjik invaded Iranian Azerbaijan and defeated Arab forces at Ardabil, killing the general al-Djarrah al-Hakami and briefly occupying the town. Barjik was defeated and killed the next year at Mosul, where he directed Khazar forces from a throne mounted with al-Djarrah’s severed head. Muslim armies led first by the prince Maslamah ibn Abd al-Malik and then by Marwan ibn Muhammad (later Caliph Marwan II) poured across the Caucasus and in 737 defeated a Khazar army led by Hazer Tarkhan, briefly occupying Atil itself.”

“The Qağan was forced to accept terms involving conversion to Islam from his pagan religion, and to subject himself to the Caliphate, but the accommodation was short-lived as a combination of internal instability among the Umayyads and Byzantine support undid the agreement within three years, and the Khazars re-asserted their independence. The instead chose to adopt Judaism around 740.”

A third Muslim civil war soon broke out, leading to the Abbasid Revolution and the fall of the Umayyad dynasty in 750. In 758, the Abbasid Caliph al-Mansur attempted to strengthen diplomatic ties with the Khazars, ordering Yazid ibn Usayd al-Sulami, one of his nobles and the military governor of Armenia, to take a royal Khazar bride. Yazid married a daughter of Khazar Khagan Baghatur, but she died inexplicably, possibly in childbirth. Her attendants returned home, convinced that some Arab faction had poisoned her, and her father was enraged. Khazar general Ras Tarkhan invaded south of the Caucasus in 762–764, devastating Albania, Armenia, and Iberia (Georgia), and capturing Tiflis.

Thereafter relations became increasingly cordial between the Khazars and the Abbasid Khalifah, whose foreign policies were generally less expansionist than the Umayyads.

All of this explains the mystery of why the wall has never been located, because it did not survive to any where near our time, the wall would certainly have collapsed before 1048 AD which is when the Khazar empire itself collapsed, more than likely during their wars with the Arab Khalifa during the 7th and 8th century in which they made a push into Georgia and Azerbaijan. It is more than likely they found a solution to the wall by this point in time, which isn’t unprecedented for them since Allah allowed them to be the ones who managed to punch a permanent hole in the wall for the first time in it’s history, during the prophets (saws) lifetime.

If we recall the hadith in which the prophet (saws) had a dream about the wall; transmitted by Imam Al- Bukhari and Imam Muslim on the authority of Mother of the Believers, Zainab Bint Jahsh (May Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (saws) once came to her in a state of fear and said: “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah. Woe unto the Arabs from a danger that has come near. An opening has been made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this,” making a circle with his thumb and index finger. Zainab Bint Jahsh said: “O Allah’s Messenger! Shall we be destroyed even though there are pious persons among us?” He said: “Yes, when the evil persons will increase.”

The prophet (saws) woke in a state of fear because he knew how truly close this event was, then He (saws) said “Woe unto the Arabs from a danger that has come near”. The Khazar Majuj Empire had just punched a hole in the wall indicating Allah’s intention to let them loose very soon. His wife (ra) then asked if the Muslims will be destroyed by them (Majuj), to which he answered YES, when the number of evil people in the muslim Umma increases.

This may seem like a general statement but it is very specific, we assume this hadith means the Muslims will be destroyed after the wall comes down in the time of Isa (as) but no hadith says this will occur at that time while Isa (as) is with us, and in fact the prophet (saws) in many other ahadith tells us the exact moments in history when evil people will rule the Khalifah. The increase of evil people isn’t in our time or the future, because their is almost no islam today and there hasn’t been a khalifa on earth for 100 years, we are at the end of time when the evil people not only have increased in number but have won against all nations on earth, they are in fact presently controlling the world moulding it into their image (society), so this hadith clearly says the wall came down in our history before they took control in Islamic lands.

We can trace the exact moment of this event because the prophet (saws) said ‘when evil increases in the Umma rule will be handed over to the most evil people among them’, hence when He (saws) says it will be given to the worst people in the Umma he is talking about one Khalifah being replaced by another, each worse than the one before and the worst of them was the last Khalifah of Islam. The Ottoman turks are descendant from Majuj, while they achieved much in terms of science and advancement, all material achievements Islam is a religion focused on spirituality and Ihsan, the perfection of it’s citizens, something they never really excelled in choosing to chase this dunya and all of it’s wealth, this may hurt our turkish muslim brothers in hearing this, especially when many great scholars and awliya (saintly men) came from among these people, but in terms of the Khalifah itself the prophet (saws) spoke negatively of this empire in Ahadith mentioning everything we have said.

Abu Thalaba al Khashny the companion of Rasul Allah (saws) said: I heard in the era of Mu’awiyah when he was trying to open Constantine (that the prophet said), “I hope my community will not fail to maintain their position in the sight of their Lord if He delays them half a day, when you see Sham is a bounty for a man and his oligarchy family members then at this time Constantine will be opened.” (Majmu’ al Zawa’id, 6/222, Abu Dawud similarly reported a version in his Sunan)

It was the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II who opened Constantinople in 1452 “when you see Sham is a bounty” means when Syria is conquered just for the sake of having a jewel, the prophet (saws) was criticising the reasons behind Ottoman expansion, they viewed the muslim world like a prize they should possess. The Ottomans first established themselves in 1299 in North Western Anatolia by Othman Bey, they defeated the Mamluk Sultanate in 1517 AD and ended the Abbasid khalifah in 1519AD, they ended both Khalifahs just before the 1000th year hijra. The Ottomans wanted control of all muslim lands so they could become the dominant Dynasty in the world, the word Oligarchy means they are holding power for themselves, this monopoly not only ended the possibility of Arab rule but the Khailfah itself eventually.

It was asked will “the Muslims will be destroyed by them (Majuj), to which he answered YES”, through their corruption the Ottomans would war with and end every Islamic Khalifah around them, and finally through them the Islamic khalifa itself would come to an end.

In the time of Isa (as) the muslims won’t be destroyed, Allah will kill all Yajuj Wa Majuj in a single day, the destruction by them mentioned in the hadith is something that occurred after they first appeared in our history, we will discuss this matter at length in another work Insha Allah.

So now we have a hadith recoded by Imam Bukhari and Muslim receiving the highest possible grading a hadith can achieve, and when it is understood as it was meant to be, clearly contradicts the weaker ahadith about when the wall is meant to come down in the time of Isa (as), this narrative is also supported by prophecy in the bible which states Gog are the people of eastern Europe, southern Russia and beyond into Asia, the traditional lands of Majuj, which no single wall can hold back today, all these countries and their allies will all swarm from every mound against Jerusalem at the end of time. The verses in Ezekiel 38 lists their lands by name and almost mimics Quranic language, this is another affirmation that today it isn’t a small wall holding back all these modern countries of Yajuj wa Majuj from attacking the whole world, but something Allah placed over their minds long ago in the time of Dhul Qarnain, mentioned in Ahadith.

Ibn Khaldun is a famous muslim Historian and scholar, like Imam Qurtubi and the other scholars he understood this subject realistically, more precisely He affirms everything we have said so far, from the location of Majuj tribes north of the Caucus mountains, to the location of the wall being in Darial pass, to it being Attributed to Alexander the Great;

In His history, as part of his description of the sixth kingdom, he mentions the geographical location of Yajuj wa Majuj and the Wall of Dhul-Qarnain (the kingdoms may be hard to follow): “Inhabiting towards the west, in the ninth part of the seventh kingdom, there are tribes of Turks called “qinfaq” [Qipcaq or Qypchaq] and “Cherkess” [Circassians, the Caucasian people], The eastern side (Southern Russia) is populated by Ya’juj Ma’juj, In between the two (lands), Mount Caucasus draws the line of demarcation. It has been mentioned earlier that it begins from al-bahr al-muhit (this lengthy description is of the Caspian Sea) located in the east of the fourth kingdom and goes up to the northern end of the kingdom. Then, receding away from al-bahr al-muhit, it continues in a north-western direction and enters the ninth part of the fifth kingdom. From here, it reverts to its first direction until it enters the ninth part of the seventh kingdom (A giant lake in other words, bordering multiple kingdoms). Once it reaches there, it goes from the south in a north-western direction. Located in between this mountain range (the Caucus’s in the Valley) is the ‘Wall of Alexander.’ It is situated in the middle of the ninth part of the seventh kingdom as we have identified earlier and the Qur’an too informs us about it (referring to the description of Sadafain). (Ibn Khaldun)

The many accounts we have mentioned in this work from the scholars, tells us overall that they treated this subject realistically, the wall was a normal wall blocking a huge number of tribes on the other side of it located in a normal part of the earth, one day this wall will come down and the tribes will be free to roam as they please, the general assumption among them.

But as we reached the modern age and the entire world was explored, and this wall wasn’t clearly identified or the people of Yajuj wa Majuj, we added fantasy to their tafsir to preserve what we always assumed would happen at the end of time, and in the process the human tribes and the ordinary wall the prophet (saws) spoke of and the companions (ra) located easily, became inhuman and magical.

When the wall will come down is only one small point mentioned in a very limited number of ahadith who are abnormally long, meaning its possible some narrators assumed the wall would collapse at this future point in time and arranged the event here in the narrations, what is clear is that further study by the scholars in light of reason and facts that can’t be removed by doubt, as all classical scholars assumed about this subject, is required to further explain these ahadith.

Time doesn’t stop working simply because a hadith said the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will travel to every city on earth in 40 days, during this time he is meant to conduct major wars around the world, place sanctions on people who don’t accept him, proselytise and convert the whole world, all at the same time in 40 days, the ahadith need to be examined not the flow of time.

Insha Allah we will discuss these subjects in detail at a later time with all the evidence to make it clearer.

Sayyid Rami Al Rifai,

وَحَنَانًا مِّن لَّدُنَّا وَزَكَاةً



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