Who Was Al Khidr

When Musa (saws) stood to deliver a Khutbah (lecture) to the children of Isra’il, He was asked: “Who is the most knowledgeable among the people?” He said: “I am the most knowledgeable.” So Allah admonished him, since he did not refer the matter back to Him. Allah revealed to him: “A slave, among My slaves at the junction of the two seas, is more knowledgeable than you.” So Musa asked: “O Lord! How can I meet him?”

“Then found they one of Our slaves, unto whom We had given mercy from Us, and had taught him knowledge from Our presence”. (18:65)

This servant to which Allah had sent one of his greatest prophets to learn from was Al Khidr.This work looks into who al Khidr was in history and the person Allah sent to guide Musa (as).

To understand who Al Khidr is and the nature of the knowledge Allah had given him we have to first understand the prophets (saws) words “Allah created Adam in His image.” And to understand how “Allah created Adam in His Image” we have to understand human physiology, and the manner by which it acquires knowledge.

In this regard the work looks into human physiology and how it acquires knowledge and then examines what human consciousness is and its connection to the quantum universe.

Scientist are beginning to discover and understand that human conciseness and what we perceive in our mind is a state of matter, akin to how a solid or gas is made from matter, and that it to, is governed by the same laws of physics that govern this universe, and in fact is born out of these quantum interactions.

Allah said about al Khidr (r.a) “And We taught him knowledge from Us”(18:65).

The Prophet (saws) said, “Beware the vision of the believer, for he sees with the light of Allah,” then he recited the verse: “Therein lie portents for those who read the signs” (al-mutawassimin) (15:75) (Tirmidhi)

“AND [remember:] We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them without [an inner] truth” (15:85)

“On the earth are Signs for those with certainty in Faith”(51:20)

Therefor to understand the importance of the role Human Physiology plays in reading the signs of Allah, which al Khidr taught Moses (saws) about, we have to understand Human consciousness and the significance of mans ability, through his physiology, to gain knowledge from his surroundings.

Who Was Al Khidr

  1. Al Khidr.
  2. Al Khidr In History.
  3. Al Khidr In Islam.
  4. Ahadith On The Water Of Life.
  5. Is Al Khidr Alive.
  6. Objections To Him Being Alive.
  7. His Knowledge.
  8. Imam Ibn Arabi and Human Consciousness.
  9. The Quran Explains The Quran.
  10. Al Khidr His Knowledge And The Quantum Universe.

Notes and Related Material:

  1. Research Papers Used To Write This Book.
  2. Allah Is The Light Of The Heavens and The Earth.
  3. Time Is Born Out Of Quantum Entanglement
  4. Ali Bin Abi Talib's Advice To Kamil Bin Ziyad
  5. The Prophet (saws) On The External Meaning and Internal Meaning Of The Quran.
  6. The Electromagnetic Field and The Hadith Of Ali.
  7. Man Was Created With Allah’s Two Hands.
  8. The Human Body and Science.
  9. What Is Wrong With Metaphysics: “Philosophy Is Dead” - Stephen Hawking.
  10. The Sources Of Modern Science.
  11. Islamic Intellectual History: Atomistic Conception Of The Universe.
  12. The Indivisible Particle; (Islam On The Smallest Particle In The Universe).
  13. Is The Jawhar (Smallest Particle) Perpetual?
  14. Time in Islamic Theology (Aqeedah).
  15. The Significance Of Ash’ari Aqeedah and Theology According To The Qur’an and Sunnah.
  16. Imam Maturidi and The Accident (Aradh) Of Substance (Jawhar); Maturidi Aqeedah on Physics.

The Islamic Quantum Structure Of The Universe

This section isn't part of the original intended work or essential to it, it is rather an extension of the knowledge already mentioned, it is included to resolve the question, to what extent did muslim scholars discuss the quantum nature of the universe, and to further remove the misinformation surrounding the origins of Islamic Intellectual thought.

I’m in the process of updating this work, when it is complete i will remove this comment.