The Veils Of Allah

The prophet of Allah (saws) said, “God has seventy veils of light and darkness; were he to lift them, the august glories of his face would burn up everyone whose eyesight perceived him”

7 on earth, these are the microscopic depths, 7 in space, the subatomic depths, 7 in heaven, the darkness of space, 7 in hell, the deths of blackholes, 7 in the Throne/Arsh of Allah, which is at the edge of the universe, 7 depths outside the universe, the infinities between the universe and him that created the universe; these are the 42 known to me (q), they need not exist on top of each other, each is a reality that is a part of His image which must be known by Man before He can complete the image of Allah in himself, and I am the first person to complete to complete that image and know them, hence we are outlining them here to you.

We suspect a further 7 exist in the Kursi, which is the quantum entanglement of the universe, a further 7 in the sun, which is like the heart of Allah, and that is a total of 56 of the 70, leaving 2 more regions to discover with 7 veils/fields each.

7 realities exist in blackholes, which is the reality of the space distorted inwardly and 7 exist in the sun, which is  the reality of space manifested outwardly from the subatomic, in the opposite direction from the subatomic, this is the direction of each’s reactions.

There is another region in the universe I know of called the water, the water of life mentioned in the Quran, that is the origin of all life in the universe, the souls of all things, if we consider all souls are unique and the human soul is the zenith of all souls, on the image of Allah, that is another 7 veils of Allah, leaving only one region left to discover.

The Prophet Of Allah (saws) taught Me, that outside the universe above the seven infinities that exist, such as timelessness, there is a region between them and Allah, before you reach His true reality (Qala Rasul Allah), but I have not looked into its nature in depth, our educated guess would be that is the place of the last seven veils between man and God.

16 “and he has on his robe (inner reality) and on his thigh (chastity) a name written: King of kings, Lord of lords”.

Someone whose reality has left this universe, Advanced forward into the Akhira/Next Life, has written on his inner reality King of Kings, Lord of lords, that is the biblical definition of these terms.

When Allah takes hold of the mind it becomes inner sight but only after the imagination is killed/stilled, angels have inner sight but no imagination, this is the path to Allah.

“Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination” (53:3), His Inner reality does not move because of tastes that come to mind, it is still against all things/it has perfect taqwa.

People see Allah with their reality, not their eyes, only a person who has seen Allah can describe him and only a person who has completed the image of Allah can describe all of his veils to you.

Only a person whose reality has left this universe can tell you how Allah exists outside the universe, because only reality can experience reality and we have said what no other person has said before us.

Imagination is nothing but spiritual creatures controlling your inner sight, when you take control of it from them it becomes sight and stops being illusion, to take control of it you have to mature past all of them one by one until you surpass them all, to mature past all of them you need to take responsibility for everything that comes into your life because each type of spiritual creature is vested in an area of life around you and in the universe, and for this Allah placed man on earth, the home of all responsibility and delusion at the same time, earth is the antithesis to what a heaven is, earth is awaj/bent while heaven is straight, but earth forces you to be straight so you can survive, it perfects your taqwa, while heaven forces you to be bent so you can live.

“We did offer the trust (reality of responsibility) to the heavens (the reality of angels) and the earth (the reality of jinn) and the mountains (pillars of this world), but they refused to bear its burden and were afraid of it (wanting to live carefree), while man picked it up. Indeed he is unjust (to himself, unprepared), unaware (of the end of things, unexperienced and naive)” (33:72).

The pillars of this world are all the creatures Allah placed on this earth before man came here, the dinosaurs and their angels, the predators and their angels, the animals and their angels, the insects and their angels, you have seen them all, none were able to be responsible/straight enough to walk the reality of Allah so it can manifest. They all can reach into heaven with their reality to varying degrees and depths to speak with their lord, but man was perfected and he reached the other side of the universe to walk into the throne of His Lord to take from His reality;

53:1 By the Star when it setteth (By the night at its most darkest, with no stars in the sky to guide man)
53:2 Your comrade erreth not, nor is deceived (not even in this darkness is he misguided, his heart is still able to perceive)
53:3 Nor doth he speak of (his own) desire (nothing moves him inwardly except true reality)
53:4 It is naught save an inspiration that is inspired (it is nothing but what we place in him)
53:5 Which one of mighty powers hath taught him (inspiration given from great power/depth in the universe)
53:6 One vigorous; and he grew clear to view (his inner sight only grew more clear in the darkness, in seeing reality, with nothing to interfere)
53:7 When he was on the uppermost horizon (the end of the universe)
53:8 and then drew near, and came close (even closer to Allah)
53:9 Till he was (distant) two bows’ length or even nearer (from us)
53:10 And He revealed unto His slave that which He revealed
53:11 The heart lied not (in seeing) what it saw (his inner sight did not move towards any desire, and did not falsify with imagination)
53:12 Will ye then dispute with him concerning what he seeth
53:13 And verily he saw him yet another time
53:14 By the lote-tree of the utmost boundary (of the universe)
53:15 Nigh unto which is the Garden of Abode (the highest part of the universe)
53:16 When that which shroudeth did enshroud the lote-tree (of wonders, his heart even overcame those and did not swerve to delusion)
53:17 The eye turned not aside nor yet was overbold (but remained steady in responsibility)
53:18 Verily he saw one of the greater revelations of his Lord (because of this)