
Allah’s messenger (saws) said “You will indeed follow the ways of those before you, hand span by hand span, and an arms length after another. Even if they enter into a lizards hole, you will follow them.” We asked, “Is it the Jews and Christians?” He (saws) replied, “Who else!” (Bukhari).

Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established till the buttocks of the women of the tribe of Daus move while going round Dhi-al-Khalasa.” (A pagan idol, meaning they will worship the devils behind them) (Bukhari)

The lizards hole is a simile for tunnel vision, or the myopic view of the world the west adopted through it’s occult societies that came to rule it, the companion of Jesus (as) John mentioned this would occur in the book of revelations, they followed the Dragon (Iblis) as he gave them his power and along with it control over the shayateen (devils) of the world, they where never able to turn back drunk on the power of Sihr (dark magic) they gained through them.

The prophet (saws) referring to the end of the Khalifah said “My community will be destroyed because of evil scholars and ignorant servants” (Darimi)

It was through the figures and groups mentioned in this section that the Islamic Khalifah would end, all Islamic institutions would be besieged until every one of their members is replaced by nefarious people bent on deceiving the Ummah. This was the beginning of Maskh (the deliberate stunting people’s intellects) in the ummah of the prophet (saws), and it was through these institutions they came to control that Maskh of the entire muslim population would occur as the prophet (saws) said, eventually the deception of peoples intellects would also be done through other methods as the schooling system was corrupted.

The prophet (saws) swore by Allah himself that this would occur to His community, the Prophet (saws) said, “By the One Who has sent me with the Truth, this world will not come to an end until they are afflicted with Al-Khasf (earth- quakes), Al-Qadhf (Bombardment), and Al-Maskh (emergence of people who perform maskh on other’s).”

The prophet (saws) clearly stated that peoples intellects would be deliberately deceived on mass, this is a reference to every institution and especially schools that are now responsible for raising children and developing their capacity and intellects. The prophets (saws) is referring to the time period He (saws) was talking about, and the places responsible for the intellect of society, which are the schools and intuitions of higher learning.

The schooling system today is developed by those in charge of society, how the intentional dumbing down of society and the world occurred is well documented and written about, it occurred with the deliberate invention of adolescence and the lifestyles that went with it which purposefully kept people immature longer without experiencing responsibility for an extended number of years. In life, business and the world it is much easier to take candy from a child than a responsible adult. Prior to the modern age kids went straight from childhood to adulthood through rights of passage that made them understand adulthood, adolescence historically did not exist before 1900. Adulthood usually coincided with puberty, in Islam once a child went through puberty he was responsible for his own actions as an adult and the law and society treated him as such, in Europe if you committed a crime you received the same sentence as any other adult.

The companions said in reference to the madness in the world today shocked people would act so blindly or immaturely…“And while the book of Allah will be still with us?!” He said: “While the book of Allah will be still with you.” We said: “Subhan’Allaah!! And while our intellects will be conscious?!” He said: “No, no, the intellects of the general masses at that time will be deceived! They will be following fools that have no intellects themselves. They will be assuming they have a (legitimate) cause, but they will not have a (legitimate) cause.” (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban)

The people mentioned in this article began this corruption in the Muslim Ummah before WW1, today their sect is the largest force of corruption on earth, it is the reason why mainly corrupt scholars exist in our Masjids who practice the Maskh (deception and dumbing down) of peoples intellects and islamic education is as brain dead as learning the ABC’s over and over, again and again. If you don’t expose people to real wisdom they won’t ever recognise wisdom, if you don’t expose them to real intellectual discourse they won’t ever recognise real intelligence, what we know as the adolescent years are in reality the crucial years of human development when a person is developing life long habits and their ultimate view of the world. But today kids are deliberately encouraged to waste their time fooled into thinking they can take responsibility later in life, physiologically their bodies are not built that way once you develop your character during the adolescent years it shapes the rest of your life, kids are trained to behave as idiots to ultimately create people not capable of critical thinking so they can be easily manipulated in life by those properly educated.

The Prophet (saws) said “such a time will come when the scholars will be an element of Mischief” (Abu Nuaim)

The prophet (saws) said “The hour will not come until renunciation of this world (the heart of spiritual life) no longer remains in peoples vocabulary (religious institutions and their scholars no longer teach it), and until fear of Allah also becomes artificial” (it is fake, your supposed to have it but no one actually does) (Jamiu al Sahgir, Imam Suyuti)

The prophet (saws) said “Such a time will come to people that only the name of Islam and the image of the Quran will remain (people won’t know actual Islamic knowledge that shapes peoples live and everything will be superficial, this situation was manufactured in society by those in charge of educating it). Mosques will be prosperous on the outside (they have the appearance that everything is fine), but will have no salvation in them. Their scholars will be the most evil under the sky. Corruption (at the end of time) emerged from them and will return to them.” (Al Bayhaqi)

Ignorance will be so widespread because they have succeeded in deliberately making religion irrelevant, the prophet (saws) said “A time will come when a man will not care about how he gets things, whether lawful of unlawful.” (Bukhari) because society won’t care about it any longer and he won’t know why he should care for it any longer.

The prophet (saws) said “Near the establishment of the hour there will days during which ignorance will spread, knowledge will be taken away and there will be much Harj, and al Harj means killing.”(Bukhari)

Allah’s messenger (saws) mentioned something and said “It will happen when knowledge will be no more. (Ziyad) said: “Allah’s messenger, how will knowledge vanish despite the fact that we will be reciting the Quran and teaching its recitation to our children and our children will teach it’s recitation to their children up to the day of Resurrection?” thereupon he (saws) said: “Ziyad, do these jews and christians not recite the Torah and the bible but not act according to what is contained in them?” (Ahmad, Ibn Maaja, Tirmidhi). Because everything will deliberately be made superficial they will no longer act on anything.

The prophet (saws) referring to scholars said “Wolves (scholars who use people up) will give readings in the end of time. Let those who come to those times seek shelter from their evil in Allah. They will be very corrupt people. Hypocrisy will prevail, and nobody will be ashamed of it and it’s manifestations (appearance in society).”(Tirmidhi)

People did not stop acting according to the Quran all by themselves, the belief and love for it was strong even after WW1 so they had to be deliberately manoeuvred away, because people of wealth now gained power only through the occult, the myopic world view the prophet (saws) said they would adopt, they shaped society into their own image where the privileged used the rest of society for their occult purposes, we will later outline what an occultist needs from other people to increase their influence and power, it should suffice for now to know that Allah would not send the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) who is a Sahir (occultist) to punish the whole world with the occult unless the entire world isn’t already lost in it, Allah would have sent another form of punishment upon mankind.

Just as the prophet (saws) called Him the great deceiver because of his sir (dark magic) he uses to enthral people, the world is being deceived through it in turn, capitalism is big business and it is big money to enthral people to your products.

It began just before WW1 and this article Insha Allah will outline who did this and what is occurring in the world today because of them.

Ultimately because of this the muslim world would then suffer the consequence of following the Kufar into this lizards hole and the women of the tribe of Daus will worship the pagan idol Dhi-al-Khalasa, hence entire Arab tribes will go back to following devils.

He (saws) said about the people spreading this fitnah in the Ummah, they “shall continue to appear until the last of them appears with the Anti-Christ”, if we consider how many scholars are in the muslim world today the prophet (saws) said “Seventy thousand scholars wearing turbans from my community will follow the Antichrist” (Ahmad ibn Hanbal), they will believe what he believes and practice the occult (dark magic) he practices.

Allah in clear terms condemns these people in the Quran, saying they are his prophets enemies who He (saws) will speak against on the day of judgment, “The Day that the wrong-doer will bite at his hands, he will say, “Oh! would that I had taken a (straight) path with the Messenger!“”Ah! woe is me! Would that I had never taken such a one for a friend!“”He did lead me astray from the Message (of Allah) after it had come to me! Ah! the Evil One is but a traitor to man!” Then the Messenger (of Allah) will say (on the day of judgment): “O my Lord! Truly my people took this Qur’an for just foolish nonsense.” Thus have We made for every prophet an enemy among the sinners: but enough is thy Lord to guide and to help. (25:27-31)

The Atheist Jamal al din al Afghani

“Woe to you! Forge not ye a lie against Allah, lest He destroy you utterly by chastisement: the forger must suffer frustration!” (20:61)

“These two are certainly (expert) magicians: their object is to drive you out from your land with their magic, and to do away with your most cherished institutions.” (20:63)

An afghani by ancestry he was born in 1838 in Asadbad Iran, near Hamadan which was an Ismaili settlement, and died in Istanbul, Turkey in 1897. Like the Shia Ismaili’s before him Afghani believed in the “need of religion for the masses”, while reserving the subtle truth of Atheism for the elite. He was one of the founders of the so called “Islamic Modernism” movement of the 19th century which was entirely aimed at ridding the muslim world of it’s heritage by making it adopt the western lifestyle he practiced, along with all of it’s vices, in the guise of religious reform. His call for muslim “solidarity”, in spite of the fact muslims lived under a single khalifa, influenced Egypt’s nationalist movement, Turkey’s Tanzimat reforms, as well as Iran’s constitutional and islamic revolutions.

“Much as Ismaili doctrines had in earlier centuries provided different levels of interpretation for the same texts, binding the masses and elite in a common program, so Jamal ud Din’s practice of different levels of teachings could weld the rationalist elite and the more religious masses into a common and controllable political movement”. Because this way of looking at the world placed no value on anything in life, while everything has value, in essence this desensitization of the world meant ‘believe what you want as long as you do what we say’.

These so called “thinkers” had no real scientific knowledge or training, they couldn’t comprehend that religion was there to help man navigate the harmful effects of the spiritual world, the quantum universe, created through mans actions, everything in life had value because “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”, they instead wanted to control man through the spiritual world with sihr, the occult, something Allah warned us about.

His ideas were the precursor to other movements that would come later, many would achieve his aims like the Young Turks in Turkey, as well as the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi movements in Egypt, that he and his students founded.

He was first educated at home and then taken by his father to further his education at Qazvin, Tehran and finally to the shia shrine cities in Iraq, it was thought that followers of the shia “revivalist” Shaykh Ahmad Ahsai had an influence on him, he was accused by many to be Shia but claimed to be Sunni, ultimately he did not practice any religion or observe any of Islam’s pillars.

At the age of 17 he traveled to British India and studied there, in 1859 early in his life, a British spy reported that Al Afghani was a possible Russian Agent. In 1866 he spent time in Kandahar, Ghazni and Kabul in Afghanistan, He became the counselor to king Dost Muhammad kahn and later Muhammad Azam. In 1868 the throne of Kabul was occupied by Sher Ali Kahn and al Afghani was forced to leave the country, he traveled to Constantinople in Turkey and Cario in Egypt, were he met one of his most devoted students Muhammad Abduh, the teacher of Rashid Rida who would spread the salafi movement they founded in Lebanon.

While in Egypt he joined the Star of the East Masonic temple, on the 7 July 1868 during his stay, his membership number was 1355, he also later founded the Masonic Lodge of Cairo and became it’s first Grand Master, and he joined the French Grand Orient similarly becoming Grand Master of it, all indications of his competency with the occult, (his history in Egypt and with the Masons has been outlined in the next section entitled, ‘Nationalism Is Created In Egypt’, based on research into Afghani’s life, carried out by the University of Wisconsin).

Ali Pasha (d.1871) brought him to Istanbul and assigned him duties, Hasan Tahsin, the rector of the university of Istanbul, a Mason educated in Paris by the grand vizer of the Ottomans, Reshid Pasha, similarly a Mason and known best as the chief architect behind the Tanzimat reforms of the Ottoman government and was declared a disbeliever by Shaykh al Islam Hasan Fahmi Effendi, allowed al Afghani to give lectures that year.

But when his beliefs became apparent and spoke recklessly, the great scholar Shaykh Fehmi, who was the 110th Shaykh al Islam of the Ottoman Empire, gave the fatwa that Jamal al Din al Afghani was a disbeliever (Kafir).

His Masonic fealty allowed him to travel the world placing him in position’s of influence were ever he went to achieve their political aims. In 1871, al Afghani moved to Egypt and began preaching his ideas of “political reform”, there he was also declared a radical and exiled in 1879, He then traveled to different cities in Europe and Russia (shortly before the Tzar was overthrown), Paris, London, Moscow and Munich among others. In 1884 he began publishing an Arabic newspaper in Paris with Muhammad Abduh entitled “The Indissoluble Link” and began a society by that name, they wrote many harmful articles on reform in religion, and in 1886 he went to Iran and tried to stir up rebellion there but was exiled from the country fastened with chains he was left inside Ottoman borders by five hundred Iranian cavalrymen. He then went to Baghdad and London and wrote articles against Iran, later he would come back to Istanbul were he cooperated with the British Bahai’s, a religion invented by the British Empire in Iran to divide and colonize it’s people, and so he made religion a means for his political gain and personal profit.

Not knowing who he worked for and because of the reputation as a reformer he acquired internationally, while under much pressure to make western reforms Sultan Abdul Hammid the 2nd in 1892 invited him to live in Constantinople, the Sultan hoped to use him for Pan-islamism propaganda, it was not long after this that opposition to the Ottomans began to take root with the later formation of the Young Turks who would eventually overthrow the Ottoman Khalifah, they formed from the previously banned Young Ottomans movement and were mostly muslims of Jewish decent, by 1902 they held the first Congress of Ottoman Opposition.

In 1896 Al Afghani’s chin became cancerous and he died of throat cancer in 1897, as Islam indicates the manner of death tells us Allah’s decree and punishment on a person.

Afghani and The Creation Of The Nazi Party

“Say ye about the truth when it hath reached you? Is sorcery (like) this? But sorcerers will not prosper.” (10:77)

Afghani was also a representative of a semi Masonic society which represented the teachings of the Ismaili’s more closely, this became known as the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor in the west, and first became public in 1884. It was the Ismailis through the Hashashin (Assassins), a cult that was formed by exiled shia Fatimid rulers after 1094 AD, who perfected the methods of corrupting an opponent internally and indoctrinating them through the use of drugs and other chemical cocktails, these methods would be used by later occultist’s like Afghani and the Masons.

Afghani was one of the teachers of Helena Blavatsky a 19th century medium, psychic and occultist, through Afghani she acquired her central doctrines derived from Ismaili teachings which she would then teach to western occult communities. Her teachings established a prominent occult society known as the Golden Dawn, which emerged out of Afghani’s contacts with leaders of Egyptian Masonry. In 1872 when Egyptian Masonry came to be known as the Primitive Rite, the Grand Mastership of the order was assumed by John Yarker who knew Blavatsky having met her in England in 1878. It was John Yarker who provided a charter for the founding of the O.T.O (Order Templi Orients), or Order of Eastern Templars, it’s inner circle was organized in parallel to the highest degrees of Egyptian Rite Masonry and the esoteric doctrines of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, in this way Afghani and his occult teachings would influence both groups.

Leadership of the O.T.O was succeeded by the notorious Aleister Crowley a student of the Golden Dawn and Helena Blavatsky. The Nazi party created by Masonry, at the core represented an occult society that grew out of associations and meetings around Jamal ud Din Afghani’s teachings and His Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor. The Nazi party was the result of merging the O.T.O of Crowley and the Thule Gesselschaft of Germany, one look at the despicable and horrendous life of Crowley, which can be googled, will show why the Nazi party was likewise brutal and horrific, to this day eye witness accounts of hitler testify to his use of the occult people would go to his speeches convinced he is a madman only to come out ready to die for him.

The chief architect of the Thule group was Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff, who had contact with Dervish orders and knew much about Islamic Mysticism and Sufism. In 1919 the members of the Thule Society formed a political party named the Germany Workers Party. This was in turn later renamed the “National Socialist German Workers Party” more popularly known as the Nazi’s, by Adolf Hitler in 1920. The two factions, that developed out of Afghani’s influence, the Nazi’s and Salafi movement, would eventually work together to revive the ancient mind control methods of the Ismailis, made famous by the Ismaili group the Hashashins, literally in arabic those who use drugs. (Source: David Livingstone)

The Heretic Sectarian Muhammad Abduh

“What ye have brought is sorcery: Allah will surely make it of no effect: for Allah prospereth not the work of those who make mischief.” (10:81)

Muhammad Abduh was the main student of Afghani, Half Turkish and Half Arab he was born in 1849 and died in 1905, he was labeled a Mutazili by scholars after the heretical Mutazili sect which persecuted Imam Nu’aym ibn Hammad, and like Afghani he was also a Mason and had a close relationship to the Bahai religion due to Afghani and his Masonic affiliations. Under al Afghani, Abduh combined journalism, politics with his own fascination with Islamic Mysticism and the Occult (Sihr).

At the age of 28 Abduh joined the Masonic Lodge, the Kawakab al Sharq, Planet of the East, it’s members included Prince Tawfiq, the Khedive’s (ruler of Egypt) son and heir, leading personalities such as Muhammad Pasha who had been a minister, Sulayman Abaza Pasha and Saad Zaghlul. A.M. Broadbent declared that Abduh was a zealous Master of a masonic lodge, in line with Masonic principles, and stated that Afghani “looked forward to seeing Muslims read the torah and bible”.

Abduh was asked why he and his teacher Afghani had become Masons, he replied it was for political and social purposes, hoping to further these through the occult, something the bible related many would turn to because of the power given to them by the Dragon, Iblis (Allah’s curse be upon him).

In 1887 he was granted the degree of Alim (teacher) and began to teach logic, theology and ethics at al Azhar University, both his father and mother where from the ruling elite of Egypt. In 1887 he was appointed professor of history at Cairo’s teachers training college, later it became part of Cairo University, and was also appointed to teach Arabic at the Khedivial school of languages, all key positions aimed at influencing and molding the next generation of teachers in Egypt.

Abduh was then appointed editor and chief of al Waqai al Misriyya the official state newspaper. In 1870 when al Afghani was exiled Abduh was exiled to his home village, but the following year he was granted control of the national gazette and used this as a means to spread his sectarian beliefs. He was then exiled from Egypt for his role in the Egyptian national revolt in 1879. He spent several years in Ottoman Lebanon were he corrupted the local Islamic education system. In 1884 he moved to Paris were he joined al Afghani, he also visited Britain and discussed the state of Egypt and Sudan with high ranking British Officials. He then returned to Ottoman Lebanon were he furthered his corrupt aims by spreading his twisted version of Islam to those who didn’t know his background.

He then returned to Egypt in 1888 and was appointed as a Judge and in 1891 he became a consultative member for the court of appeal. In 1899 he was appointed Gran Mufti of all Egypt and held the position until he died.

This back and forth, up and down career may seem confusing but is actually the clearest indication of corruption and political struggle between orthodox Islam and western forces, at the time they were trying to dismantle traditional Islamic institutions by injecting their own followers and educators into key positions, it was part of their long term goal to corrupt the Egyptians understanding of Islam by making them learn it from heretical figures whose background and history was unknown to them.

Abduh was one of the founders of the Salafi movement, claiming his teachings were from the ‘Salaf’ directly, a slogan he would throw in peoples faces to deflect from the truth. He was one of the first to use the famous Salafi formula and slogan that Islam “must be taken from the salaf”, the earliest generations of muslims, but it was largely a mask hiding the rest of his teachings, he considered himself a “liberal” salafi, in stark contrast to the actual Salaf, but some of his students went a different way like Rashid Rida.

His methods for converting people were to loudly proclaimed he was a Salafi only teaching the purest islam which was his slogan, anyone that would be attracted by it, it would take them a long time to figure out that anything was wrong but by that time they had already filled their minds with a twisted version of religion and didn’t know the first place to begin in riding themselves of it. Combine this with his practice of the occult in indoctrinating to his beliefs we can see his methods were very effective in converting any and all people.

In his position as the “highest” Islamic Authority in the land Abduh gave many anti islamic rulings like permitting riba loans, this “endeared” him to the British who some falsely claimed he disliked, he died in Alexandria in 1905.

The Separatist Kafir Rashid Rida

“He said: ‘Hast thou come to drive us out of our land with thy magic’” (20:57)

One of Abduh’s most important students Muhammad Rashid Rida was an early radical islamist, his works would inspire Hassan al Banna the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as his successor Syyid Qutb. After Abduh died Rashid Rida was Abduh’s leading Successor who continued his work, he was born in Ottoman Syria in 1865 and died in 1935, his heretical ideas would influence later 20th century Islamist extremists in developing their twisted and myopic idea of what an Islamic state is.

He was said to be one of his generations most controversial thinkers who was deeply influenced by the early Salafi movement founded by Afghani and Abduh. In 1884-5 he was first exposed to al Urwa al Wathqa, the journal of al Afghani and Abduh and in 1897 he left Syria for Cairo to collaborate with Abduh in his work, the following Year they Launched ‘al Manar’, a weekly and then monthly journal which Rida worked on until his death in 1935.

Al Mannar was one of Hasan al Banna’s main source of inspiration before founding the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Asad the Quran translator was a new convert to Islam at the time fell in with the Muslim Brotherhood and took much from the works of Rashid Rida, he quotes al Manar often in his translation of the Quran it is his second or third most referenced source.

Rashid Rida was a leading exponent of Salafism, and was especially critical of what he termed “blind following” of traditional Islam, a slogan designed to twist the perspective of young minds, making them automatically defensive about subjects they hadn’t even learnt yet. He encouraged both the laymen and educated to interpret Islam’s main sources, the Quran and Sunnah, for themselves inventing their own legal rulings as they liked, the result of this in the wider society served nothing but his greater aims of anarchy.

He believed in Darwin’s original theory on evolution, which is now outdated, and to justify this Rida considered it permissible to “interpret” Quranic accounts in an entirely allegorical manner, like the story of Adam. He believed the origin of the human race was a history derived from the Jews and that muslims are not obliged to believe it, hence after nullifying entire passages in the Quran he could then discard them outright paving the way for his own teachings.

Along with his support for the British against the Ottomans, he held a number of delusional beliefs such as his view that microbes are possibly a species of Jinn, he permitted riba, interest on loans, and the construction of statues despite later salafi’s having a fanatical stance regarding them.

Rida deliberately engineered his attacks and blamed Islam’s downfall, first on Sufi excesses in worship as if prayer could lead to a persons downfall, the blind imitation of the past despite the fact that the Ottoman Empire he was attacking had the most sophisticated Legal and Bureachratic system in the world and was not the cause for its downfall. The failure to achieve progress in science and technology was placed squarely at the feet of Islam’s religious scholars despite the fact this was not their role or profession in life, and again in spite of the fact the Ottoman Khalifah was still amongst the most advanced Empires on earth.

They had to maintain one of the worlds largest empires, hence undeveloped areas within it’s vast borders were compared to the most dense cultural centers in Europe for the sake of ridicule.

In contrast to the Ottomans the British Empire was simply siphoning of the wealth of it’s colonies to maintain it’s small island, this was the same with the rest of Europe who also had colonies around the world. They did this to the America’s, Africa and India just to surpass the Ottomans who’s expansionist nature terrified them prior to the 18th century and Napoleon’s conquer of Egypt, the event that first changed their perception of an undefeatable Islamic Khalifah.

He made these claims all the while knowing that the scholars he was criticizing were being replaced by heretics like himself in all the key educational positions to deliberately stunt growth and stop advancement, essentially he was stirring up mobs around the Muslim world to target what ever was left of traditional Muslim society and it’s institutions by that time.

To achieve this he helped engineer and popularized some of the salafi movements most famous slogans, like a return to pure islam, which he said was achieved by every person inventing their own religious rulings.

Despite these seemingly obscure views Rida was a Mason like his teachers, his works spread around the Muslim world influencing many individuals including the popular Salafi writer Nasir al din al Albani who quotes it and said it was one of the most influential works on his life.

Rida’s ideas were foundational to how modern sects viewed the “Modern” Islamic state, everything he wrote was to subvertly and subtly make muslims conclude against Islam’s Schools of Law (Madhabs), he understood that if muslims believed that they came to this conclusion by themselves, then that idea would have a longer lasting effect in the larger Islamic community.

The Heretics Plans

“But we can surely produce magic to match thine! So make a tryst between us and thee, which we shall not fail to keep – neither we nor thou – in a place where both shall have even chances.” (20:58)

Before we continue we should state most of this information is public knowledge, in fact each of these individuals background was largely sourced from their respective Wikipedia pages (among other sources) along with Afghani’s Masonic lodge number. We should also add, because there is a lot of confusion, that the Salafi movement and the Wahhabi movement are two different groups, the Wahhabi’s are the people of Saudi Arabia the movement began 250 years ago in that country, the Salafi movement was started in Egypt by these people before WW1, the Saudi Government doesn’t control the Salafi movement which is a separate group.

Documented reports which showed that Al Afghani and Adbuh visited and may have also belonged to the Oxford Masonic Lodge, illustrated the relationship between these early Salafi leaders and the British government, who used these lodges as a world wide network. This group of radical islamic missionaries was appointed by a combined effort of Oxford University, the Anglican Church, and Kings College University under Scottish Rite Masonry, as part of their plan “to foster the creation of an occult brotherhood in the Muslim world” to further the British Empire’s goals in the region (Source: David Livingstone).

They were tasked with creating the Salafi movement along with it’s many offshoots just as the British created the Bahai religion In Iran and the Ahmadi religion of Pakistan, along with other groups around the world all designed to sow dissension in their communities so they could be more easily be colonized by the British Empire at a later time.

The Prime Minister of England at the time, Benjamin Disraeli (d.1881), and a Mason involved in these affairs said “the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes”, in a parliamentary debate he elaborated on the wider matter: “It is useless to deny…a great part of Europe, the whole of Italy and France, and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries are covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered by railroads. And what are their objectives? They do not attempt to conceal them. They do not want constitutional government. They do not want ameliorated (improved) institutions; they do not want provincial councils nor the recording of votes; they want…an end to ecclesiastical (religious) establishments.” (Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates)

Their war on these institutions is something the Prophet (saws) mentioned, similarly the companion of Jesus, John (as) states this as being the aim of the British Empire at the turn of the last Century and the aim of America later on, and this will be the main reason Allah destroys America. They are against these institutions because real religion is the only thing that can challenge their occult practices destroying it’s effects entirely, which they use to manipulate people and affairs.

Secularism by contrast to religion places you deeper under occult influence so it shouldn’t be amazing to hear all this considering that most modern societies became secular despite the fact their populations were still largely religious this isn’t representative government this is deliberate planning, the book of revelations goes so far as to even mention the capitalist system that will be used to control nations by these occultists.

The prophet (saws) instructed Muslims to stay with the main body of the Ummah and avoid these sects invented by occult figures. “their object is to drive you out from your land with their magic, and to do away with your most cherished institutions.” (20:63)

“In 1854 and 1856, Ferdinand de Lesseps obtained concessions from Said Pasha, the viceroy of Egypt, who authorized the creation of a company for the purpose of constructing a maritime canal in Egypt open to ships of all nations for a fee. The canal had a dramatic impact on world trade as they no longer needed to travel around Africa to get to Asia, it played an important role in increasing European penetration around the world and the colonization of Africa.

In 1875 the mounting debts of Said Pasha’s successor, forced him to sell Egypt’s share in the canal to the British. Under Benjamin Disraeli they now owned nearly half the total shares in the Suez Canal Company, the controlling interest. A commission of inquiry into the failing finances of the Egyptian Ismail in 1878 by the British Earl of Cromer and others, had compelled the viceroy into further ceding his estates to the nation to remain under British and French Supervision. This angered Egyptians whose leaders now did not even own their own property, they united around Ahmed Urbi which lead to a revolt against Egyptian leaders that ultimately provided the pretext for the British to move in and “protect” the Suez Canal followed by a formal invasion and occupation that now made Egypt a colony.”

“The Agent provocateur revolt against Ismail was an organized movement by Jamal ul din al Afghani, the founder of the Salafi Movement. Afghani was the person through which the British mission acted to, not only to subvert Egyptian rule, but to spread it’s occult influence throughout the middle east” (ref, David Livingston)

“After Afghani’s departure from Egypt, his pupil Muhammed Abduh, was inexplicably named the chief editor of the official British-controlled publication of the Egyptian government, the Journal Officiel. Working under him was fellow-Freemason, Saad Zaghul, later to be founder of the Wafd nationalist party. In 1883, Abduh joined Afghani in Paris, among the members of Afghani’s circle in Paris were Egyptians, Indians, Turks, Syrians, North Africans, as well as many Christians and Jews, and Persian Bahais expelled from the Middle East.”

He then went to London, where he lectured at Oxford and Cambridge, and consulted with British officials about the crisis in Egypt and Sudan both countries eventually becoming British colonies. In Sudan a rebellion against the Turco-Egyptian government arose there led by an occultist named Muhammad Ahmad, claiming to be Imam Mahdi himself, he forced his followers to either accept him or die and was heavily influenced by the salafi movement that Afghani started.

This seems to have been a very common practice for the Colonial Empires at the time, starting other similar groups within Islamic lands to entangle a countries strength and resources, such as the Ahmadiyya of Pakistan whose leader claimed to be Jesus and the Bahai of Iran all having various degrees of success.

“When the French suppressed their paper Al-Murwah al-Wuthkah, Abduh traveled for several years throughout the Arab world particularly to Tunis, Beirut, and Syria. In each city he would recruit members into the secret fundamentalist society of Afghani. Abduh was known for his reformist views about Islam and like the Shia Ismailis before him who founded the Hashashin (Assassins) that employed drugs (and the occult) to indoctrinate their followers, he would advance his students progressively into deeper levels of heresy. From 1888 until his death in 1905 Abduh regularly visited the home and office of Lord Cromer in Egypt” the person behind the “investigation” into Ismail which created the opportunity in Egypt for Britain.

“In 1899, Lord Cromer made Abduh the Grand Mufti of Egypt He was now the chief legal authority in Islam as well as the Masonic Grand Master of the United Lodge of Egypt. Lord Cromer was an important member of England’s Baring banking family, that had grown rich off of the opium trade in India and China through the East India Trading Company, which other public Islamic figures in the Indian sub continent worked for. His motive in making Abduh the most powerful figure in all of Islam was to change the law forbidding interest banking. Abduh then offered a contrived interpretation of the Koran to create the requisite loophole, giving British banks free reign in Egypt.”

Regarding Abduh, Lord Cromer related, “I suspect my friend Abduh was in reality an agnostic,” and he said of Abduh’s Salafi reform movement that, “They are the natural allies of the European reformer.” (The Muslim Brotherhood: The Globalist Secret Weapon).

“The Salafi movement then became allied with the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia through another Freemason, Mohammed Rashid Rida, who after the death of Afghani in 1897, and Abduh in 1905, assumed the leadership of the Salafi’s. Rida had become a member of the “Indissoluble Bond” (or Link), Afghani’s group at a young age. He was promoted through Afghani’s Masonic society through his reading of Al-Urwah al Wuthkah which he later confessed was the greatest influence in his life. Rida had never met Afghani, but in 1897 he had gone to Egypt to study with Mohammed Abduh.”

Once Rashid Rida himself died the Salafi movement was now left in the hands of their students. Hasan al Banna and Sayyed Qutb followed the same tracks as Rashid Rida, both have been connected to Masonry, Al Banna founding the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928. Rashid Rida’s Magazine Al Manar was one of the main influences in al Banna’s life, and it would seem more than fate that the arabic word for Mason is al Banna or “Builder”.

Hasan the Mason’s father was a student of Abduh and himself greatly influenced by Rashid Rida at the age of 21 Banna was introduced to the leadership of al Manar and beginning in the early 1920’s would often meet and discuss it with Rida, through Rida Hasan al Banna developed his version of “pure Islam” that Salafi’s are today famously known for.

When Hitler came to power in the 1930’s he made contact with al Banna to see if they could work together. Al Banna was supportive of Hitler, his letters to Hitler were so supportive that He and other members of the Muslim brotherhood were recruited by Nazi Military intelligence, Banna himself said that he had “considerable admiration for the Nazi brownshirts” and organized his own forces along Nazi fascist lines, to this day their leaders shout down from the mimbar (pulpit) at the congregation in the same vein as Hitler.

He also collaborated with the fascist “Young Egypt” movement, named after the Young Turks movement that replaced the Ottoman Khalifah and was inspired by Afghani, they were founded in 1933 and modeled directly on the Nazi Party who were also influenced by Afghani’s teachings. Among it’s members it counted two later presidents, Gamal Nasser and Anwar Sadat, they would later have a very open and public falling out.

“The two methodological strains, that of al Banna, uniting everyone into a single mass irrespective of creed, and Sayyid Qutb’s destructive revolutions against authorities in the name of social justice, are taken from ideas and methods implemented by Freemasons in the 19th century to topple the monarchies and governments of Christian Europe.”

Al Banna’s “golden principle” is in reality just a rendition of a Masonic slogan, ‘Of brotherhood, Oneness and Unity’ irrespective of creed. The Muslim brotherhoods books along with their offshoots are filled with Machiavellian, Masonic methods and slogans islamically rebranded and used against muslims, many Salafi’s around the world today blindly repeating them in a new context.

Their mainstream figures will even promote the idea that Islam is peace, Islam is not peace Islam means justice because it was sent to right the wrongs in the world, Allahu Haq, Allah literally is justice, this is what Isalm asks of every muslims and what they will be held accountable for not upholding. Islam comes from the word salam which means peace, this is because practicing the Islamic type of worship creates inner peace in an individual until it radiates from his face, so much so that famous medieval european realist paintings depicted this very fact until people complained that it was drawing christians to islamic lands.

When they say Islam is peace they are deliberately teaching pacifism, and everything they say in their definitions and explanations of Islam will only lead a person to pacifism, this is fattening an animal for slaughter, because people are trapped in a psychology that makes it difficult to stand up for yourself or recognize when you are being attacked, these are the paths they put people on to take advantage of them.

The prophet (saws) literally said people won’t be able to recognize them, and they will have a hard time seeing them for what they are; Ali (ra) said, “O people! Indeed, I heard Allah’s Messenger say, ‘There shall be a folk that comes from my Umma and they will recite the Quran—your recitation will not be comparable to theirs, or your prayers or your fasting to theirs. They will recite the Quran and believe it supports them but

[in reality] it is against them. Their prayers will not go past their throats, and they shall exit from the religion just as an arrow exits from a hunted game. If only the army who encounters them knew what has been decreed for them upon the tongue of their Prophet, they would rely on it [if they knew it was referring to them]…they have shed inviolable blood and raided the people’s belongings. So go forth [against them] in the name of Allah”.’

The muslim brotherhood employed masonic tactics to great effect, in this regard they where responsible for the 1948 assassination of the prime minister of Egypt Mahmoud Pasha for which al Banna was killed, both the assassination and the group behind it the prophet (saws) mentioned in Ahadith as a sign of the hour. The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “The Hour will not begin until you kill your ruler and fight one another with swords (weapons), and your world is inherited by the worst of you.” (Ibn Maaja) the last part of the hadith gives it’s timing, the muslim world after the Khalifa was inherited by the worst of people, the salafi muslim brotherhood who He (saws) named the worst people under the sky multiple times, after their assassination of Mahmoud Pasha they spread around the entire world establishing the networks and groups we see dominating everything Islamic today, now they are fighting wars against muslims on multiple fronts to further the dominance of their fake sihr fuelled Islam that gives them spiritual dominance over the lives of a weakened Islamic population, continuously isolating them and forcing their kufr upon people one person at a time.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “Whoever defects from obedience (to the Amir) and separates from the main body of the Muslim – and dies in that state – dies the death of one belonging to the days of jahiliyya (ignorance before islam). And he who is killed under the banner of a man who is blind (has a false cause and ideology), who gets flared up with family pride and fights for his tribe (fights for nationalism a false ideology) is not from my Ummah, and whosoever from my followers (these people) attacks my followers killing (indiscriminately) the righteous and the wicked of them, sparing not (even) those staunch in faith and fulfilling not his obligation towards them who have been given a pledge (of security), is not from me” (even if he professes Islam). (Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “A banner will be set up for every traitor on the Day of Resurrection, and it will be said: ‘This is the treachery of so-and- so.’”(Ibn Maaja)

These Kufar who practice sihr, which is an evil form of spirituality, deliberately and hypocritically blind people to the existence of a spiritual life in their teachings, books and sermons so they can maintain their dominance over people and communities, it ensures they can’t be challenged by people who don’t understand spirituality and that people remain blind to their influence and control. The most effective sihr is the one in which the person doesn’t know it is occurring, they accept what they are experiencing as just another part of life, not all sihr is destructive and violent much of it is subtle and aimed at stealing things from people, things other than possessions. People who fall into their groups become helpless not knowing the first thing about sihr or how it is done, which they perform on each person in large groups to ensure they can’t break their control. Most of their books on the subject of sihr are written to give them the upper hand over people who read them and don’t teach anything, they are as accurate as a hollywood movie trying to portray life and just as misleading.

So what is it they are actually stealing from people, the majority of sihr (dark magic) is done with Jinn, a creature Allah created from a smokeless fire, smokeless because the fire isn’t fueled by something burning, it is a subatomic reaction like the fire of the sun, so the Jinn are created from the energy found in Atoms. The sahir (occultist) takes from people to empower himself or someone else in various ways, He can increase the happiness he feels, the thoughts he has temporarily making himself smarter (often practiced at universities) or the wealth he is able to create (often practiced by business people).

Ghayb, the unseen world that sihr (dark magic) works from is just the subatomic part of our universe, these are the old world labels for it. The human body produces chemical reactions for every type of emotion and action we perform, for example love has a chemical behind it called serotonin which the body produces, scientists think that three main neurotransmitters (chemicals) are involved in love; adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin, but every chemical reaction needs energy to occur and fuel it, this is just physics and chemistry. If a person could shove a needle into a person to steal the chemical serotonin as the body is producing it they could then give that needle to someone else who will feel it’s benefit as soon as he is injected with it, but that isn’t possible. Because we are physical creatures we can pick up physical objects, hence because Jinn are creatures made from energy they can touch and pick up energy. The sahir (occultist) uses Jinn to steal the energy behind the chemical reactions in the body, and because the reaction no longer has energy behind it, it becomes difficult for the body to sustain the reaction, this can be used to harm people by putting them into depression, anxiety or paranoia, once people are in vulnerable states they can be taken advantage of in life by those doing the Sihr (dark magic).

The sihr (dark magic) opens the person up so the Jinn can take from Him, otherwise they are mostly to weak because the body has it’s own energy protecting it called the electromagnetic field, it’s a field produced by the heart, brain, organs and nervous system and surrounds the entire body, beoucse it exists doctors can take MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) images of the body. We can imagine the sahir being able to make any part of a persons life difficult including marriage, imagine something blocking you from feeling love for you wife, “And (they) follow that which the devils falsely related (accused) against the kingdom of Solomon. Solomon disbelieved not; but the devils disbelieved, teaching mankind magic and that which was revealed to the two angels in Babel, Harut and Marut. Nor did they (the two angels) teach it (Dark Magic) to anyone till they had said: We are only a temptation, therefore disbelieve not (in the guidance of Allah). And from these two (angles) people learnt that by which they cause division between man and wife;”. (2:102) Angels are another creature made from energy, Light or photons, they use the subatomic world to help people hence they know about Sihr which is the abuse of the subatomic world and the laws of physics governing it.

Love is just one type of emotion and chemical reaction, the Sahir through Jinn can affect every type of reaction the body has to benefit his own life or someone else’s, he is only limited by his knowledge of how the body works, to put it in simple terms so we don’t get to scientific, I’m referring to quantum entanglement, imagine being given the energy associated with love, it makes it much easier to feel love and reach higher levels of it, or the energy associated with intelligence or the energy associated with fear it makes it easier to intimidate people, what ever your receiving the other person is suffering and being deprived of.

This is why the prophet (saws) used to recite the Quran on the body the energy created by the recitation is protective and blocks the Jinn, the is the underlaying basis behind every kind of ruqya (spiritual healing), just as energy can be stolen or used to harm, you can create it to protect as well.

But the Salafi Kufar perform it in groups on a person so it becomes very hard to defend your self, you literally can not keep up unless you know how to defend your self against groups of people often entire families, most people begin to think their ruqya isn’t working and eventually leave the religion disillusioned or just give in to them, but these kufar renew their sihr almost daily and you are effective they turn to drugs to supplement their efforts, often you cant tell the difference or what is affecting you and so you become confused about how to defend your self and from what.

It is a sustained attack until they get what they want, a person needs to protect the premises he lives in before himself almost, because of the scale things like taweeze almost become ineffective, but because of the nature of the Jinn when using taweeze multiple taweeze need to be stacked or glued on top of each other when used or placed somewhere, the Jinn will have to deal with all of them and it becomes increasingly difficult after three are used together, even weak tweeze become strong in this manner, especially when stacked in significant numbers.

Using different kinds together also makes it very effective, it’s also worthwhile mentioning that because of the nature of the Jinn and the subatomic world they exist in taking a place of hight is like taking a moral high ground against them, so taweeze placed on a wall, ceiling, roof or in places of hight are also more effective. Because nowadays people essentially live under the influence of sihr (the occult) it effectively created their psychology, and as such as you remove it from your life it will also unravel the psychology they instilled in you with it, as it unravels you see the different sources that are influencing you one by one because this is how it is applied by them, one type of sihr is used to open the way for another kind and often three or four types are used to get the desired behavior they want in people.

Besides protecting your property the single major thing after this should be the television set, the ideas and information you gain through it, consciously or subconsciously, sihr (dark magic) can be done to use it and influence you through anything you take in, even if you subtly agree with an opinion or laugh at something it can still affect you and be used against you in life, this is because the unseen world (ghayb) is called the subtle world and it was created to be influenced by the most subtle things in life.

This is affirmed in ahadith, the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: “If the oppression or evil becomes widespread on Earth, the one who witnesses it and rejects it will be as if he were absent and whoever is absent at the time of the oppression but consents to it or is silent about it, it will be as if he witnessed it (i.e. participated in it)” (Abu Dawwud, Baihaqi). You can be absent from the oppression happening in Syria for example but your television brings you news about it, here the prophet (saws) is saying your opinion on the matter will still affect you. The manner in which Allah created this universe is to represent Him, so it doesn’t matter where a person is on earth, we can avoid the spiritual (unseen) effects of wrong if we reject it in our self, but if we accept it it will be as if we are there our self.

It is narrated upon the authority of Ibn Abbas that the Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: ‘Allah said “By my dignity and holiness I will punish the oppressor sooner or later and I will punish with him whosoever saw the oppressed and did nothing.’”

Television can give others strength over your mind and many people know this, computers and their monitors are a close second to this because of how we rely on them today, the basic principle is any place you place your heart and perception can be used to control you.

Allah warned many times about what the media and television will be used for at the end of time, it isn’t a matter of choice but who you can influence; “The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast”…”All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast”…”It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast”…”It performs great signs (displays of power), even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people, and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the (first) beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast”….”And it was allowed to give breath to the image (culture) of the beast (the British Empire), so that the image (culture) of the beast might even speak (Dawah, convert people) and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast (live like them) to be slain”.

The effects of swaying the public are so conclusive on peoples psychology that the world dumbfounded asked  “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”.

The strongest sihr is done through the persons Qareen Jinn, the prophet (saws) said “There is no one among you but a comrade from among the jinn is assigned to him.”, Allah said “His companion (qareen) will say: ‘Our Lord! I did not push him to transgression, (evil deeds), but he was himself in error far astray.’” (50:27-29), because they are always with a person they know the most about him so they are used to harm him in the most personal and intimate ways, but there are ways to suppress them and block their influence, writing Quran or taweez against them in a book is one such way, the prophet (saws) also said “When the Ghilan (the sorcerers among the devils) appear (in the form of visual objects, scenes or memories they create in the mind), then say the call for prayer Adhan (to protect you against their harm).”

But because nowadays we are dealing with deliberate attacks from entire groups that are sustained over a long period of time these methods for isolated attacks are not as effective, we can’t constantly say the adhan if twenty Ghilan are sent against a person, one needs to find the kind of protection that you can place somewhere in your house, or wear, or write down that will protect you, it is because these are the most effective forms of protection that you will see the salafi kufar vehemently denouncing the use of taweez even making takfir on those who use it because they know it will ruin their work.

Every position they hold contrary to mainstream Islam is to bolster their position over people, even if people don’t understand why they prefer this position on matters. People will find they publish many books on how to break Sihr and they will offer countless verses that protect you from it but in reality they only advise you with one or two ways to use them because they know these ways will tire you and wear you out which is their goal, they vehemently encourage people to repeatedly recite the verses over and over and over because in realty no one can keep this up, the Jinn are made from energy and their is plenty of it for them, so you need to block them from coming near you outright.

Their most famous stance in fiqh that is entirely for the benefit of their Sihr (dark magic) is their stance on tabaruk, or deriving baraka from spiritual objects, tabaruk is to literally derive light from things Allah blessed with light, a person whose baraka (light) is weak can not fight the Jinn.

The prophet (saws) used to practice tabaruk in every prayer, He would always try to strengthen His (saws) light by saying: “O Allah, place light in my heart, and on my tongue light, and in my ears light and in my sight light, and above me light, and below me light, and to my right light, and to my left light, and before me light and behind me light. Place in my soul light. Magnify for me light, and amplify for me light. Make for me light, and make me light. O Allaah, grant me light, and place light in my nerves, and in my body light and in my blood light and in my hair light and in my skin light.” (Bukhari, Muslim)

“O Allaah, make for me a light in my grave… and a light in my bones.” (Tirmidhi)

“Increase me in light, increase me in light, increase me in light.” (Muslim)

“Grant me light upon light” (Bukhari)

Think about this in terms of science, the Jinn are made from energy (a smokeless fire) hence you need to strengthen your own energy (light) in the body to block them and the salafi’s are most famous for their anti tabaruk fiqh, this is the reason why they destroy holy places because they provide light for entire areas and communities, the Kaaba provides light for the entire world by comparison.

Through all of these efforts those at the top have many people under them who they take from through sihr (dark magic), and through these means they sustain the success in their lives and those near them.

After the 1952 Egyptian coup supported by the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood, who were trained by prominent leaders of the Nazi party now exiled to Egypt after WW2, in 1961 the Egyptian president Gamel Abdul Nasser violently abolished Masonry in Egypt, and in 1964 it’s last Temple was shut down by the Ministry of Social Affairs, the reason given was that “Associations with undeclared agendas were incompatible with rules covering non profit organizations.”

By this time world dominance was switching from the British Empire to the U.S which rescued it after WW2 along with all of it’s old allies who were by now switching allegiances. In 1966 Sayyid Qutb, now the Muslim brotherhoods main figure was accused of an assassination plot against the Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser and consequently was executed by Hanging.

Since then by 2015 the Salafi’s and Muslim Brotherhood have spawned every extremist and fringe group found in Islamic lands to date, from Hizb al Tahrir to Al Qaeda and ISIS, like their predecessors all have been widely charged in the Islamic world with working for western governments, all of these groups are heavily influenced by the teachings and methods of these heretical figures of the 19th century.

Much of their tactics and methods of indoctrinating people are documented to have been later used by the U.S military on military personnel, now popularized by hollywood movies.

Many people who have direct and lasting contact with the Salafi sect and Muslim Brotherhood will attest to their occult practices, Sihr, as well as their reliance on drugs, pharmaceuticals and other cocktails they discreetly give their followers without their knowledge, they are used to induce euphoric emotions or other physiological reactions, either negative or positive, during and after meetings, ultimately to control them through a mixture of indoctrination and Sihr (dark magic), not unlike what was later seen in the U.S military who attempted to recreate the mind control methods of the Hashashin, which the Muslim brotherhood by now have perfected.

After the Muslim brotherhood was banned in Egypt, they fled around the world and were taken in by western societies who largely use them for separatist activities, to further their aims in Islamic countries.

These extremists were allowed to establish in western societies the major Islamic institutions and Mosques which now dominate the Muslim landscape. Two such clear and obvious groups created by the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood are ISNA, the Islamic Society of North America, now the largest Islamic group in the U.S and the MSA, Muslim Students Association found in nearly every western University on earth, all of which are dominated by Salafi’s, a heretical group that is less than 1% of the world Muslim population yet dominates those who represent 99% of Sunni Islam in these lands.

With a free reign to control the muslim intellectual landscape in these countries they use these institutions to recruit the next generations of extremists and occultists. We shouldn’t be shocked regarding their position over Orthodox Muslims living abroad since it is all very deliberate, what is required of us is simply understanding of who we are dealing with and why they are receiving support.

Offshoots of the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood appeared around the world under different names through out history, in 1941 Abul Ala Maududi founded one offshoot called the Jamaati Islami in India and has since spread to Pakistan. In 1927 Muhammad Illyass al Kandhlawi created the Tablighi Jamat present in India and Bangladesh, it to was a Salafi offshoot from the salafi influenced, Hanafi Deobandi movement created in 1867. Another group dominant in the region was Nadwatul Ulama which was intended to be a modified version of the Deobandi school, the foundation stone was laid by John Briscott Hewitt, Governor of India in 1906.

In Algeria in the early 1990s, the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood formed the Movement for the Society of Peace [MSP], previously known as Hamas. In Bahrain the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood is represented by Al Eslah [Islah] Society and its political wing, the Al-Menbar Islamic Society, in 2002 Al Menbar became the joint largest party.

The Iraqi Islamic Party was formed in 1960 as the Iraqi branch of the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood. The Kurdistan Islamic Union [KIU] holds seats in the Kurdish parliament. In Jordan Hammam Saeed is head of the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood.

In Syria the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood was crushed by Hafez al Assad in 1982, they have now returned in the form of Al Qaeda and ISIS.

In Saudi Arabia the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood has been tolerated by the Saudi government, and maintains a presence in the country. Though Saudi officials have denounced the Muslim Brotherhood, saying it is guilty of “betrayal of pledges and ingratitude” and is “the source of all problems in the Islamic world”.

“In Somalia the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood is known as Harakat Al-Islah or “the Reform Movement”. The leaders of Harakat Al-Islah played a key role in the educational network establishing Mogadishu University. Through their network, they’ve educated more than 120,000 students in the city of Mogadishu.”

In Sudan, since the salafi inspired Mahdi sect was created, “it was the one country were the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood was most successful in gaining power, its members making up a large part of the government officialdom following the 1989 coup d’état by General Omar Hassan al-Bashir.”

“In Palestine, following the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007, it was the first time since the above mentioned Sudanese coup of 1989, that a “Muslim Brotherhood group” ruled a significant geographic region and territory.”

“Libya was one of the first countries outside Egypt to have a Muslim Brotherhood group. In the late 1940s when the Egyptian members were being prosecuted, King Idris I of Libya offered the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood refuge and the freedom to spread their ideology. In 1955, the University of Libya was established in Benghazi, near the Egyptian border, and it drew many Egyptian teachers and lecturers including Muslim Brotherhood members. Not long after coming to power, Col. Gaddafi regarded the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood as a potential source of opposition. He arrested many Egyptian members and expelled them back to Egypt.” Before the Arab spring began America publicly pledged $1 billion in aid to the Salafi’s to topple Gaddafi, much of that aid is now being used by Al Qaeda and ISIS to fight muslims in their homelands around the world including Syria.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said about the Salafi Brotherhood trying to establish it’s rule throughout the muslim world, “O Ka’ab ibn Ujrah, may Allah give us refuge from the rulings of al Sufaha (literally those who brainwash). The prophet was asked “O messenger of Allah what is the rulings of al Sufaha? He (saws) said “Rulers (those placed in charge) who will be after me. They do not follow my guidance, and they do not implement my sunnah. The one who follows their lies, and helps them in their oppression, he is not from me, and I am not from him, and he will not enter my Hawd (paradise). And the one who did not believe their lies, and did not help them in their oppression, he is from me, and I am from him, and he will enter my Hawd. (Sahih Ibn Hibban, al Mustadrak and al Hakim)

The Salafi Muslim Brotherhood are the Khawarij, they are ‘al Sufaha’ and their leaders are part of the Ruwaybidah, there is no doubt about this in the minds of Islam’s scholars, there is no other group responsible for all the modern sects in the muslim world, while at the same time they duplicity call for an end to all other sects, a tactic Rashid Rida and Muhammad Abduh taught them and used.

They are mentioned in over 50 Ahadith by the prophet (saws), from the Hadith about the assassination of the Egyptian President, to the Fox’s now in Syria, ISIS, to the Ahadith about the false callers to Jihad, to the Ahadith about the Ruwaybidah, to the Ahadith about ridding your self of weapons to avoid their fitna, to the countless Ahadith describing the Khawarij at the end of time. The Prophet (saws) said they will look like us and talk like us and ‘if you go to them they will throw you into Hell’.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) said, ‘At the end of time there shall appear a folk (so recognize them), young in age and brainwashed (Sufaha al Ahlam). They will speak the words of the best of people (just to mislead others), but their faith will not pass their throats (their faith is fake, just for show). They shall pass through Islam just as an arrow passes through a hunted game (they are brainwashed into entering the movement and brainwash others when they become evil). Kill them wherever you find them, for the one who kills them will be rewarded on the Day of Resurrection’. (Bukhari and Muslim)

The prophet (saws) said “Shaytan is a wolf like the wolf that preys on sheep, taking the isolated and the stray among them; therefore, avoid factionalism and keep to the congregation and the collective and the masjid.”, “Allah’s hand is over the group, and whoever dissents from them departs to hell.”, “Allah’s hand is over the group, follow the largest group, for verily whoever dissents from them (and joins their sects) departs to hell”.

Amr ibn Waabisah related from his father from Ibn Mas’ood who said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah say (and he mentioned part of Abu Bakrah’s Hadeeth, “let him betake himself to his sword, crush its blade with a rock”) “All of those killed in it (the fitna) are in the Hellfire.” Waabisah asked, “And when is that, O Ibn Mas’ood?” He said, “Those are the days of much killing, when a man will not be safe from the companion he sits with.” (The Salafi’s who pretend they are your muslim Brothers and Sisters) Waabisah said, “And what do you order me to do if I reach that time?” He said, “Restrain your tongue and your hand (don’t get involved in their fake discussions), and be a fixture from the fixtures of your house.”(Abu Dawwud)

The prophet (saws) preferred that a person choose death itself rather than get involved with them, he (saws) said, “Break your bows, cut their strings, and strike your swords against stones. If someone comes to kill any of you, then be like the better of the two sons of Adam” (who was killed at the hands of his brother). (Abu Dawud)

Allah’s Messenger (saws) said, “The Hour will not be established (1) till two big groups fight each other whereupon there will be a great number of casualties on both sides and they will be following one and the same religious doctrine (in another translation – “each having the same claim”), (2) till about thirty Dajjaal’s (liars) appear, and each one of them will claim that he is Allah’s Messenger (saws), (3) till religious knowledge is taken away” (Bukhari).

The Timing of this Hadith is after WW1, while al Afghani and Abduh were certainly one of the Nayifan, liars in society and this was entirely how they lived their lives, traveling from one Islamic country to another creating sects and occult groups, it was their students after WW1, a time when there was no Khalifah who were the ones to succeed in bringing in a new way of life to the Muslim Ummah. It is then certain that Rashid Rida, Hasan al Banna and Sayyid Qutb were each one of these Dajjaal’s (Allah’s curse be upon them) in the muslim Ummah. Sayyid Qutb for example in many of his writings tried to liken Islam to the Nazi communism his sect aligned itself with, they each re-interpated Islam how they liked and spread their false tafsir’s of the deen to corrupt people, and just as the prophet (saws) said religious knowledge was taken away because of them and the other Dajjal’s that appeared in the muslim world during this time.

The prophet (saws) said after Allah takes knowledge from the Ummah “All that remains will be an ignorant body of people. The people will ask them (the scholars of this time) about religious needs, and they will issue fatwas (legal rulings) in light of their own ideas and desires and will both deviate themselves and lead others into deviation.” (Bukhari)

The prophet (saws) told us when we would see the evils of the salafi Muslim brotherhood in detail, He (saws) said “Such a time will befall my community that rulers will be oppressive (the era of dictators that is now lifting from the muslim world began after WW1) and scholars will be avaricious (having an extreme greed for wealth) and without fear of Allah (this state resulted because of the Slalfi muslim brotherhood that spread around the world corrupting scholars and replacing the Imam of every masjid with their own liars), those who worship will be hypocritical, traders will seek to earn interest (this began when western banks moved in and they attempted to legalise riba in the muslim world) and they will only hide their disgraces in business (this is something unique to our modern world because it is the only thing that can end a company today, publicizing it’s fraudulent practices, otherwise everything else in society is accepted). Their women will be caught up in baubles of this world (love for trinkets and show). Evils will plague them at that time (the evil of this world did not spread like a plague before our time, it’s a plague when it is widely practiced and you can’t find a place free from it). The good will pray and they will not be heeded” (no one will listen to sound advice) (Bihar al Anwar, which is a shia work).

The prophet (saws) directly referring to the Salafi’s (saws) said, “there will appear in the latter times a people who will gain this world with the help of religion (meaning by using and selling their religion)” (Tirmidhi) this elaborates on who these people are in this hadith and shows that it is the salafi muslim brotherhood, “The Hour will not begin until you kill your ruler and fight one another with swords (weapons), and your world is inherited by the worst of you.” (Ibn Maaja)

The prophet (saws) said about these people who will gain the earth, meaning make society the way they want it to be “the day of judgment will not come until the very lowest people are the happiest” (Tirmidhi), these people can’t be openly happy in society to the fullest unless society is like them.

Allah’s messenger (saws) said. “In the end times men will come forth who will fraudulently use religion for worldly ends and wear sheepskins (cloths made from wool etc.) in public to display meekness. Their tongues will be sweeter than sugar, but their hearts will be the hearts of wolves (vicious animals).”(Tirmidhi)

The prophet (saws) said referring to what these Kufar have done to the muslim society, oppressing anyone who is real so only they have a say in the affairs of people (al Ruwaybidah), “A time will come when the hypocrites will live secretly among you, and the faithful will try to live their religion in secret among others.” (they won’t be able to practice religion openly among the Arabs) (Bukhari and Muslim)

The prophet (saws) said about our time “there will be years of deceit, in which a truthful person will be disbelieved and a liar will be believed”, in another hadith he added, “people will distrust one who is trustworthy, and trust one who is treacherous.” (They trust him to gain something from him, and distrust the honest person because he will only advise them to gain things honestly, so they will see him as a loss in their lives.) (Ibn Kathir).

They will use lies and deceit to force and control people, the prophet (saws) said “Verily in the presence of the last hour, there would be…false testimony and concealing evidence”(Ahmad) and “there will be an abundance of critics, tale carriers, backbiters and taunters in society”, “There will be false accusation of unchastity and slander” (Tirmidhi), they will corrupt women by threatening them with these things, “and at that time people will sell their religion for a small amount of worldly goods.” (Ahmad).

The Salafi Muslim brotherhood enters a country and creates groups they will later use to divide people, this is outlined in Ahadith very clearly along with what occurs afterwards. Just before Imam Mahdi (ra) appears and after Civil War occurs between three of Saudi Arabia’s rulers, the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood will opportunistically attempt to destabilize Saudi Arabia even further by massacring people in Islam’s holiest cities creating chaos.

Al-Hakim narrated from Abu Hurayrah (ra), from the Prophet (saws) that he said: “There will be a blast [haddah] in Ramadhan (the Asteroid) that will awaken one who is asleep, and terrify one who is awake (America no longer exists and Saudi Arabia is destabilized). Then there will appear a group [isabah, a party] in Shawwal [the following month], then bloodshed in Dhul-Hijjah [two months later], then the prohibitions will be violated in al-Muharram [the following month], then there will be death in Safar [the following month], then the tribes will conflict with each other in Rabi [the following month, the initial conflict didn’t begin because of the tribes of Saudi Arabia, only after the prohibitions were violated and the group appeared], then the most amazing thing will happen between Jumada and Rajab [two months later and will itself span two months]. Then, a well-fed she-camel will be better than a castle sheltering a thousand” (the country is destabilized and resources will be scarce affecting even the saudi royal house in their castles).

They will begin massacring people in the country (violating the prohibitions of killing in the holy cities) trying to cause civil war among the tribes of Arabia eventually succeeding, at this time famine and a lack of food will affect the world, most likely due to the Asteroid or possibly because of the civil war in the country.

This is exactly what the salafi’s did in Iraq by bombing Shia civilian mosques and markets to start a war between sunni and shia factions, ultimately all this made it easier for the Americans to win against both sides, it is irrelevant that the salafi’s claim the Shia are not muslim and use it as an excuse to kill them because under Islamic Law the Prophet (saws) said “Whoever hurts a non-Muslim citizen, I shall be his opponent. And when I am someone’s adversary, I shall overcome him on the Day of Resurrection“. (This is Islamic Law for non muslim citizens in Islamic Lands) (Narrated by al-Khatib al-Baghdadi in Tarikh Baghdad with an excellent chain of transmission, 8:370)

This is the history of the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood throughout all islamic countries, nearly every sectarian group was started by them, and nearly every extremists has come from them, they will do the same to Saudi Arabia violating the prohibition of killing in Makkah and Madina massacring people to cause hatred and confusion.

Imam Mahdi will appear after the Salafi Khawarij have created this civil war in Saudi Arabia, Amr bin Shuaib reported from his grandfather that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “In Zul-Qa’da (an Islamic month), there will be a fight among the tribes, Muslim pilgrims will be looted and there will be a battle in Mina in which many people will be slain and blood will flow until it runs over the Jamarat Al-Aqba (one of the three stone pillars at Mina). The man they seek (Imam Mahdi) will flee and will be found between the Rukn (a corner of the Ka’ba containing the Black Stone) and the Maqam of Prophet Abraham (near the Ka’ba). He will be forced to accept people’s Bay’a (oath of allegiance). The number of those offering Bay’a will be the same as the number of the people of Badr (around 310). Then, the dwellers of Heaven and the dwellers of the Earth will be pleased with him. ‘ (Nuaim bin Hammad’s book Kitab Al-Fitan)

Hudhayfah said, I said: “O Messenger of Allah, will there be evil after this good?” (after the Khalifah has ended, after WW1) He said: “Yes, callers to the gates of Hell. (This is when the Salafi Muslim brotherhood appeared) Whoever answers their call, they will throw him into it.” “I said: “O Messenger of Allah! Describe them to us.” So he said: “They are from our people, and they will speak our language.” “I said: “So what do you order me to do if that reaches me?” He said: “Hold fast to the Jama’ah (largest body) of the Muslims and their imam.” “I said: “And if there is no jama’ah, and no imam?” He said: “Then avoid all of those groups, even if you have to bite on the root of a tree, and death reaches you in that state.” (Bukhari)

The following narration chronologically places the rise of the Salafi Muslim Brotherhood to power, Hudhayfah said: “I said: “O Messenger of Allah, will there be evil after this good?” He said: “A trial and evil.” (The first Islamic Dynasties, the princes) I said: “O Messenger of Allah, will there be good after this evil?” He said: “O Hudhayfah, learn the Book of Allah and follow what it contains,” three times. I said: “O Messenger of Allah! Will there be good after this evil?” He said: “A truce upon differing desires, and a tainted unity.” (A truce between all the different Islamic dynasties that existed around the world from Africa to China) I said: “O Messenger of Allah! The peace-treaty upon differing desires, what is that?” He said: “People’s hearts will not return to the condition they were upon before.” (i.e. pure Islam, the end of this is when the waring Dynasties become like the Kings of the earth, the Ottomans, more concerned with ruling than religion) I said: “O Messenger of Allah, will there be evil after this good?” (the era of Dictators begins and during it) He said: “A trial, blind and deaf  (people will follow the strife of the Salafi’s blindly and refuse to listen and turn back), with callers standing at the gates of the Fire (this is the Salafi Muslim brotherhood). If you were to die, O Hudhayfah, biting on a tree-root, that would be better for you than to follow any of them (the Salafi’s).” (Abu Dawuud)

Regarding the civil war they would start in Saudi Arabia, Abu Dharr said, The Prophet was riding a donkey and sat me behind him. He said, “O Abu Dharr, if the people were suffering from such severe hunger that you could not even get up from your bed to go to the mosque, what would you do?” I said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said, “Be decent and restrain yourself.” Then he said, “O Abu Dharr, if the people were suffering from severe death, what would you do? If the people were killing one another, until Hajarat al-Zayt were submerged in blood, what would you do?” I said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said, “Stay in your house and lock the door.” I asked, “What if I am not left alone?” He said, “Then be one of them.” (this is a rebuttal), I said, “Should I take up my sword?” He said, “If you did that, you would be joining them in their activities. No – if you fear that the brightness of the shining sword will disturb you, then cover your face with part of your clothing, and let him carry his own sin and your sin (when he kills you)” (Ahmad)

Hajarat al Zayt, “The stone of Oil”, is an area of Madinah to the south of Thaniyat al Wada Mosque, were the people of Madina welcomed the Prophet (saws) and Abu Bakr when they first arrived in Madina, Ahadith speak of war there around the time of the Madhi (ra).

Ibn ‘Umar related that he heard the Messenger of Allah say, “In my nation, there are indeed Nayifan (liars, a number anywhere between 3, 9 and 70); each one of them is a caller to the Hellfire. If I wish, I can inform you of their names and tribes.” (Related by Al-Haafiz Abu Yatlaa –  Ibn Kathir in the Book of The End)

The prophet (saws) said many repeatedly that many muslim’s in the ummah will blindly follow the salafi’s into Hell, this is the consequence of following them and refusing to listen, “A trial, blind and deaf”, both Imam Muslim and Imam Bukhari related from Imam Ali (ra) that ‘The Messenger of Allah (saws) dispatched a military force and appointed one of the Ansar as its leader. He ordered them [the soldiers] to heed and obey him. The leader became annoyed with the troops on account of something and said, ‘Gather firewood for me’, and they gathered it. Then he said, ‘Kindle the fire’, and they kindled the fire. Then he said, “Has the Messenger of Allah not enjoined you to obey me?” They replied, “Of course”. The leader said, “Then plunge yourselves into it”. The troops started looking at each other [when they intended to enter it]. They said, “We have fled to the Messenger of Allah for the sake of saving ourselves from the Fire”. They continued to procrastinate until the fire went out and the leader’s anger subsided. When they returned and submitted the episode to the Prophet, he said, “If they had entered it, they would have remained in it until the Day of Resurrection”. Then he said to the others, “There is no obedience in that which is disobedience. Obedience is only in that which is right” (the prophets reply is from the narration of Imam Muslim).

The prophet (saws) said “Islam will become worn out just like clothes are” worn out, this Kafir group wants to turn islam into something strange by redefining it among the young people, in this way people won’t notice what is occurring and after a generation or two everyone will think like them.

Abdullah ibn Masud said, the Prophet (saws) said “Islam began as something strange (to the Arabs) and it will revert to being strange as it was in the beginning (with the Arabs), so glad tidings for the strangers. Someone asked, “Who are the strangers? He said, ‘The ones who break away from their people for the sake of Islam.” (Ibn Majah) this is the extent to which the Salafi’s and Ruwaybidah will dominate the religious world, the real muslim “will try to live their religion in secret among” people.

As a consequence to what the Salafi’s and Ruwaybidah have been doing to the muslim world the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, ‘O Muhajirun, (emigrants) you may be afflicted by five things (referring to our time); Allah forbid that you should live to see them. If fornication should become widespread (this occurred because of pornography), you should realise that this has never happened without new diseases befalling the people which their forebears never suffered (HIV aids). If people should begin to cheat in weighing out goods (corruption in business), you should realise that this has never happened without drought and famine befalling the people (the Nile river in Egypt and the Euphrates river in Iraq and Syria, are both drying up because of drought), and their rulers oppressing them (dictators of the muslim world). If people should withhold zakat, you should realise that this has never happened without the rain being stopped from falling; and were it not for the animals’ sake, it would never rain again. If people should break their covenant with Allah and His Messenger (no longer following religion), you should realise that this has never happened without Allah sending an enemy against them to take some of their possessions by force (wars in muslim countries). If the leaders do not govern according to the Book of Allah (the Ruwaybidah), you should realise that this has never happened without Allah making them into groups and making them fight one another (in Syria now Alqaeda and ISIS are fighting muslim groups for control not just Asads regime).’ ” [Ibn Majah]

‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) said, “The Prophet (saw) (referring to our time) said : ‘If my Ummah bears fifteen traits, tribulation will befall it.’ Someone asked, ‘What are they, O Messenger of Allah?’ He said, ‘When any gain is shared out only among the rich (capitalism), with no benefit to the poor (greed); when a trust becomes a means of making a profit (corruption in business); when paying Zakat becomes a burden (companies only give to charity for tax benefits otherwise it’s a burden); when a man obeys his wife and disobeys his mother; and treats his friend kindly whilst shunning his father (the salafi’s turning the youth against the sunni beliefs of their parents); when voices are raised in the mosques (as they cause fitna in them); when the leader of a people is the worst of them (the Ruwaybidah); when people treat a man with respect because they fear some evil he may do (the Ruwaybidah are obeyed out of fear); when much wine is drunk; when men wear silk (make themselves feminine to attract women); when female singers and musical instruments become popular (iPods and iTunes); when the last ones of this Ummah curse the first ones (the modern Shia) – then let them expect a red wind (possibly dust storms increase), or the earth to swallow them (earthquakes), or to be transformed into animals (Maskh in the literal sense, a direct punishment from Allah).’” [At-Tirmidhi]

‘Ali ibn Abi Talib said, “The Prophet led us in praying Salat al-Fajr (the morning prayer). When he had finished, a man called to him: ‘When will the Hour be? The Prophet reprimanded him and said ‘Be quiet!’ After a while he raised his eyes to the sky and said, ‘Glorified be the One Who raised it and is taking care of it.’ Then he lowered his gaze to the earth and said, ‘Glory be to the One Who has outspread it and has created it.’ Then the Prophet said, ‘Where is the one who asked me about the Hour?’ The man knelt down and said, ‘I asked you.’ The Prophet said (referring to the destruction of the Arabs and when it will occur), ‘The Hour will come (be over peoples heads in this sense, rather than meaning the exact day because the hour will come after all this has ended) when leaders are oppressors (era of dictators), when people believe in the stars and reject al-qadar (destiny, follow fortunes tellers and sihr) when a trust becomes a way of making a profit (globalisation has corrupted business), when people give to charity (sadaqah) reluctantly (only for tax reasons), when adultery becomes widespread (with pornography, in the last hadith we date this to the spread of the internet) – when this happens, then your people will perish. (This will be the destruction of the Arabs, most won’t survive to see Isa (as))’ ”

This is the culmination to what the salafi muslim brotherhood are aiming at they want to destroy the presence of religion so their occult influence can be more effective on people, and in this way the Kufar’s dominance will be unchallenged and complete in the muslim world, but “Allah will perfect his light” (61:8) and how it spreads in the world until the day of judgment, hence in the bigger picture “the sorcerer never prospers wherever he goes” (20:69).

To this aim they are destroying Islamic heritage sites, tombs and digging up the bodies of the companions, saints and holy people, when this is accomplished around the world by the salafi’s for their western masters muslims won’t have any place that is theirs. These sites are a source of spiritual strength and influence for people and muslim Jinn, if the West wants to complete it’s occult assimilation so that there is no turning back for anyone then they have to be destroyed because they can’t allow any symbol to challenge their corporate symbols, it will weaken the wests occult influence over a region and it’s people, this is how their Jinn dominate the Jinn of other people.

The prophet (saws) affirmed the Salafi’s involvement in the occult a number of times when He (saws) said the last of them will fight on the side of the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him), the biggest Sahir (occultist) this world will face, He will come to test people with what they themselves have been doing and his followers are those who practice what He practices, this is the nature of fate to be ‘roped in’ and punished by the same evil you are doing, which is the reason why the Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will test an entire world embroiled in sihr (dark magic) with sihr (dark magic).

The apostle of Allah (saws) said, “At the end of time there will appear a folk, They shall recite the Quran but (Emaan in) it will not pass their throats. They shall pass through the religion just as an arrow passes through a hunted game. Their notable feature is shaven heads. They shall continue to appear until the last of them appears with the Anti-Christ (al-Dajjaal); so you should kill them when you encounter them (before that time). They are the most evil of the creation”’ (Ahmad, Nasai, al Bazzar, al Tayalisi).

Allah revealed the following verses about them in surah al Baqarah; (7) And of mankind are some who say: We believe in Allah and the Last Day, when they believe not. (8) They think to beguile Allah and those who believe, and they beguile none save themselves; but they perceive not. (9) In their hearts is a disease, and Allah increaseth their disease. A painful doom is theirs because they lie. (10) And when it is said unto them: Make not mischief in the earth, they say: We are peacemakers only. (11) Are not they indeed the mischief-makers ? But they perceive not. (12) And when it is said unto them: believe as the people believe, they say: Shall we believe as the foolish believe? Beware! They indeed are the foolish? But they know not. (13) And when they fall in with those who believe, they say: We believe; but when they go apart to their devils they declare: Lo! we are with you; verily we did but mock. (14) Allah (Himself) doth mock them, leaving them to wander blindly on in their contumacy. (15) These are they who purchase error at the price of guidance, so their commerce doth not prosper, neither are they guided. (16)

(17) Their parable is like the parable of one who kindled a fire, but when it had illumined all around him (when they relied on the light of that fire), Allah took away their (inner) light, and left them in utter darkness– they do not see (in other words these fake muslims relied on a light other than Allah’s, the occult light of the Kufar, so Allah took their inner light, Iman, and they didn’t even notice because they felt secure they had light). (18) Deaf, dumb (and) blind, so they will not turn back. (19) Or like abundant rain from the (heavy) cloud in which is utter darkness and thunder and lightning; they put their fingers into their ears because of the thunder peal, for fear of death (that they get struck), and (all the while) Allah encompasses the unbelievers (with what they fear). (20) The lightning almost takes away their sight (their fear makes them blind); whenever it shines on them they walk in it (thinking it is the light of guidance), and when it becomes dark (actually safe) to them they stand still (instead); and if Allah had pleased He would certainly have taken away their (inner) hearing and their sight (completely not just during these times); surely Allah has power over all things (they go head long into danger and can’t recognise safety because of their self delusions, their world is backwards they see wrong as right and right as wrong).

The prophet (saws) said “Seventy thousand scholars wearing turbans from my community will follow the Dajjaal” (Ahmad ibn Hanbal), because of such a large number that isn’t just the Salafi scholars but the scholars of their offshoots around the world as well.

“And Pharaoh commanded: ‘Bring before me every learned sorcerer.’” (10:79)