Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

People ask me questions all the time about many things, but sometimes I get a question that isn’t a question. If you don’t work to help Islam in any way you won’t ever see these people, but understand there are many people out there, ordinary people, whose aim is to destroy the presence of Islam in the world by attacking it any place they find it.

This morning I witnessed one of these people earn his place in the worst part Jahanam because of a “question” he asked me. The Question was veiled and meant to attack the foundation of Islam in my mind and behind it was a deliberate spiritual attack and sihr, I wont go into the scientific details of why this was bad, but if you understand how things are spiritually connected with each other then understand this can be used as a weapon if the person knows how.

A Question from the most evil or filthy of people to its recipient is like connecting to his rolodex of associates, you start to be affected by these circles and occultist know how to use this well, it’s why only degenerates are allowed to get anywhere in the world today and why the light of religion is fading from public life.

The prophet (saws) warned about being careful with who you associate with because of spiritual influence, so between this, the spiritual attack, its sihr and intention I watched this person earn His place in the worst part of hell, the lightest part of Jahanam the fire will only reach up to a person’s ankles, I watched the Mala’ikah increase the fire touching his body until it covered him entirely which was the point when the scales became balanced and what was owed was paid.

We live in a time when words have a worse affect with people than a blow with the sword, the prophet (saws) warned of this because words today in our time have worse consequences associated with them equivalent to murder.

After all, the lowest part of Jahanam is reserved for the hypocrites, not people who failed to believe in Allah or followed another religion or killed someone.

So don’t think all that you are doing is asking a question, everything behind it is being weighed and on the scales, you may be blind or dumb minimizing the issue in your mind but Allah the Mala’ikah certainly aren’t blind and I’m certainly aware.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.