Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Many of us have seen movies of native Americans being guided by their spirit animals, their entire society and culture revolved around communicating with the spirit world around them, remarkably the truth is very similar to what is portrayed in movies.

Many of these creature’s and their Jinn have wisdom about life they share with people. Many years ago, I had a strange dream, I woke up in the wilderness in the far north of my country, in the forests of central Queensland. I wondered through the forest for a bit then in the distance I saw aborigines dressed in their war paint with shields and spears coming towards me, then all of a sudden, they rushed at me to attack, but stopped just in front of me when they saw I didn’t move, hesitate or was afraid of them.

Then an air of peace came around them and they explained they were testing my heart, this had nothing to with bravery, they were testing to see if it contained any evil because if it did evil breeds doubt and suspicion in a person and that is what would have made me flinch and run. They then said to me you have permission to come into our land and if you do we will protect you, I then woke up.

I had no idea what they were talking about I had no intension of visiting their land which is far north of where I lived, but they travelled a long way from there to find and say this to me so Allah must have shown them something.

This test, is to test the character of your heart and I had seen this thing three times before. The first time was as a child by my great Uncle, he was a farmer, one day he asked me if I would like to play in his lettuce field, so I did and he left me there, after some time from nowhere a black figure rushed at me as if to grab me, but stopped just in front of me I then saw it was my great Uncle, I didn’t budge or flinch at what he was doing and he got his answers. Others in my family failed this test and He along with my great grandmother (may Allah have mercy on them) treated them differently ever since.

Everything is according to its intension and if you have the right intension you can test a person’s heart which is what he was doing, seeing what came out of it through my actions.

The second time was after reading the Gospel of Thomas (if i remember correctly), in it was the account of a vision Thomas had of a giant multistory beast rushing at him but he didn’t fear it, soon after I had the same dream and saw the same beast he described rushing at me with the same result. The third time was when I began spending time in a community dominated by Africans newly arrived in the country, one of their leaders wanted to test my character to see if i was a spiritual danger to his people, so he walked towards me calmly entirely focused on me and as he did so it felt like a silver back guerilla was charging at me, then his Jinn took on the form and I could see his shape clearly, it was like looking at this wise and old spirit whose character showed the beauty of his wisdom in its image coming at me with intent.

I wish I could have given him advice, the white people of that community are entirely evil and it wasn’t a good place for his people to be. It didn’t surprise me Africans would show me something so open, when I was younger, as I explained it to my self, a group of African Jinn must of heard I was a person of Ihsan but not spiritually aware, so they visited me in a dream riding strange beasts, they said these are the Jinn/animals inside cheetah’s which they ride, as a way of opening the spiritual door to ghayb, other than that I couldn’t explain why they took an interest in me.

Some years after the Aboriginal spirits/Jinn visited me I decided with someone I grew up with to go on a trip to Queensland, he wasn’t a Muslim but someone I went to school with, while we had no plans of visiting central Queensland we did go into its wilderness and forests along the coast.

Unknown to me this trip for him had a different meaning, at the time I had not yet realized he was an occultist, and not compromising on my Deen growing up, after surviving a number of their fitnah’s they decided to see my fate if they put me directly in harm’s way.

I’m not going to go into the details of the trip, we spent some time in a boat on the water fishing in shark and crocodile infested water, which I didn’t realize until the last day of the trip, I thought we would only see that in the far north which is basically a wild jungle. I wrote earlier about the Mala’ikat al Mawt that Allah had placed with me to protect from the fitnah covering this world, I’m certain they arranged everything, and all of this was the work of the Mala’ika guiding the spiritual creatures of this world to help me, if Allah has not written death for you the Mala’ika in charge of it won’t allow you to die before your time.

While on the water we decided to follow the river up to its source, a series of lakes, after some time traveling in the wilderness we reached a lake and spent some time there fishing.

We were in the middle of the lake, in the far distance the entire shore was dense forests and tall trees, after some time I noticed something at the top of the trees, it was giant eagle, I didn’t realize it at the time but I shouldn’t have been able to see him clearly from this distance, I watched him for some time then he took of flying.

After a bit all of a sudden, he dove right in front of us and plucked a large fish out of the water, that is when I got a good look at him and his size, He was enormous and had a massive wing span. I asked the person with me if he saw that and how big he was and he gave me a funny look saying he wasn’t as large as I described.

When we took the boat back to the lake house we mentioned to the person working there what we saw, he was a local and knew the area better, he said that was the leader of the eagles and it’s not often he reveals himself. What I was looking at was not just the eagle but His jinn which was revealing himself to me, which is why I saw him from a distance and much larger than he actually was, he was showing me his stature among the other eagles.

It was to say to me that I was under his protection now and nothing would happen while I was there, danger presented itself a number of times on the trip but alhamdulillah nothing happened, I didn’t do anything stupid like jump into the water to swim and none of the man eating creatures showed any interest in me.

If you have ever seen the type of Jinn that exists in man eating creatures, I can tell you they are not anything to mess with, they are the qualities of that creature and those which hunt other creatures that ferocity and intent radiates from them. The silver back guerrilla was not the first I have seen, that would have to be a great shark I saw at the beach, after I left the water I sensed this great darkness in the water then I realized what it was.

This next creature I saw is a story of its own, I wrote previously how, eventually in the city its people and spirits opened up and they began introducing me to their society, to be brief, while I was walking in the city a man with a medical briefcase walked towards me and while looking at me from a distance opened it, something black and dark came out of it and at me, it grabbed me and held me in place in the middle of the day so I couldn’t move, it didn’t harm me I was being shown something. It let me go and after I got home I began to dissect everything I noticed about it until I finally solved what it was, from what I had seen before in wild animals, it was the Jinn of a lion taken out of its animal and used for something else, I recognized it from the way it lunged at me and held me in place completely motionless, it was like seeing a lion grabbing its prey and holding on to it.

I was being shown the basis of many spiritual attacks that occur to people, much of it is not a matter of power but how to use what’s in nature, many of the Jinn in animals who take on the quality of that animal are used to attack people by occultists to produce different effects. The African chief for example His jinn was from a silver back guerrilla, native Americans are known for taking on the shape of their spirit guides, the wolf, bear, eagle, etc., that is just another way of describing what I saw with the African chief, this was something common in the old world, the people in the city learned to expand on what they had seen in their travels and re-purpose these Jinn for other things, but I won’t get into that here.

Probably one of the most remarkable things i have seen is the Chinese dragon dance, not the one seen in martial arts movies, but its spiritual basis performed by Jinn of that society. In the same town i met the African chief in i walked into a small Chinese restaurant, it was run by a Chinese man and his wife and they where helped by their son. The man seemed to recognise something about me, after i placed my order and sat down, i saw him preparing the food in the back kitchen, i had a clear view of it. As i was sitting the atmosphere changed as he began working and the Jinn of the place began to softly teach me about their culture, eventually as he began to work i began to see rhythm in his movements, then i began to hear the beat he was working to, then his wife started preparing somethings and saw they were working in perfect harmony. As he continued i began to see deeper into his work and saw as if the matter was a festival they were celebrating, their movements in spirit mimicked the Chinese dragon dance in movies, it had a beginning middle and end which i followed and could hear the drum beat perfectly from their work as they prepared the food.

The Jinn informed me he wanted to pass that on to someone who would appreciate it, they lost their son to this society, the same evil town and its people, and he looked down upon their ways, in fact he didn’t even like me being there and treated me like any white person would treat a Muslim that isn’t working for them against other Muslims. He was naive and couldn’t see the situation he was in, he was only ever going to be turned into a tool they could use and never saw that, all he saw was the benefits of leaving his people and not what was going to happen to him in the long term.

Your tribe, culture, people, is the only safe place for any of you these days, unless you have a way of isolating your self from society and surviving in such a state, the only thing your almost always going to find in the world is worse evil before you find the right path.

The eagle I met in the forests of Queensland ensured no harm would come to me while I was on that trip, some years later I woke up in a dream and I was flying with a group of eagles very high in the sky like I was one of them, after taking all of that in I saw that same eagle was at the head of this group leading them and he began talking to me, he explained some things about his kind so I could understand their perspective on life and then why he was here.

It’s not often that it happens, he said, but sometimes some of their youth are attracted by what they see in the city and want to explore the world, he wanted to make certain this youth didn’t lose himself, his heart, while he was here so he asked if I could look after him. He wanted to anchor him to me so he didn’t get lost, I’ve walked in the city many times and knew its streets well enough, so I agreed, he then introduced me to the youth who as flying at the back of the group.

He was young and adolescent but alhamdulilah after seeing what he wanted to see he decided to eventually go back home to his people.

The Muslim Ummah in the past are not different from everything I have described, except for the fact they understood who created these creatures and where their wisdom came from. Connecting yourself with the spiritual world around you is the first step to seeing Allah in your life, every prophet and wali achieved it before you and this is what that world looks like today.

Insha Allah don’t let the kufr behind technology distract you from thinking these things no longer exist, the reality is, from what I have been shown by the same people who run society, is that society is being deliberately blinded to the existence of the spiritual world so you can be taken advantage of. It’s easy to take candy from a person if he is still a spiritual baby and doesn’t know how the world actually works.

“Have they, then, never journeyed about the earth, letting their hearts gain wisdom, and causing their ears to hear? Yet, verily, it is not their eyes that have become blind – but blind have become the hearts that are in their breasts!” (22:46)

This is what existed in the old world and this is the wisdom Allah is referring to in this verse.

Before I finish I am going to explain to you the nature of that town I visited so you can insha Allah gain wisdom from my travels. I wasn’t simply there visiting, I was there for other reasons and had to visit the town repeatedly over an extended period of time. This was something the Australian local’s didn’t like and began causing serious trouble for me, I wasn’t doing anything to bother them it was simply my presence as a Muslim, and at the end they cost me something important in my life because of their ignorance which Allah showed me before I left.

On one of my last trips there one of the local Jinn, a white female, explained to me the nature of the town and why I wasn’t welcome, I don’t know how much you can trust her words, but she spoke like she owed me something and was going out of her way to let me know, what she said I have seen elsewhere in another form so it isn’t as fantastic as you may think, which made me believe what she said.

The longer I stayed in the town the more insight I gained into its people, culture and demographics and soon I realised that there were people there from almost every corner of the earth, in exact proportions as if someone calculated the matter, which surprised me considering the town was semi isolated, I mean that in the context of suburbia, the place seemed backwards (a dark place) more than anything else so it was a surprise something technical would be going on, but I suppose Isolation is a quality you would want.

This is what the Jinn who represented the leaders of the community wanted me to understand, the towns population had similar population proportions to the continents of earth, because they wanted to measure how people would interact in a specific environment they controlled under their conditions, and from that see the spiritual outcome and then correlate and infer the results on a global scale.

As a Muslim I was interfering with that and ruining their results and the balance they wanted, so I had to go. This is the moment where the “white people” see they are the biggest morons in their own story, the part where Allah’s lesson dawns on them, because no sooner had the Jinn explained everything then it dawned on her that you can not conduct such a global experiment waiting to observe spiritual outcomes and have no one real representing the Islamic community, at that moment she realised the entire experiment was an expensive failure and the only real Muslim Allah sent to the town that would have validated their results and allowed them to see actual real world outcomes, they drove out of town and ensured he wouldn’t need to come back.

They were trying to learn about the spiritual nature of the world and Allah in His wisdom rather than throw it back in their face wanted them to see something real, so He helped them by correcting their mistakes and sent sent them someone representative of the community they forgot. Can you ignore the spirituality reality of this community and expect to understand the spiritual balance of this earth, no, they rather designed the matter according to how they wished the world was rather than how it actually was.

Allah wanted to show them the actual place of Muslims in all of this because they tried to look in earnest, but they instead relied on corrupt outcomes from a fudged experiment and created policies from them, all of this means you are burying your self away from reality.

Allah’s Messenger (saws) even spoke about this, He (saws) said: ‘You will indeed follow the ways of those before you, hand span by hand span, and an arms length after another. Even if they enter into a lizard’s hole (their new reality), you will follow them.’ We asked, ‘Is it the Jews and the Christians?’ He replied, ‘Who else!’” (Bukhari)

It was the Italians in our travels who first showed me a comparison between Islamic light and the light of other communities, again that is a story in itself, in their explanation they were openly astounded by it and dis-heartened they couldn’t emulate it. They were showing me because it is dying in this world and they understood its significance, the real light of Islam is the only light that fosters growth and prosperity in a society, the closest thing to it, for the sake of comparison, is the pursuit of Cold fusion and the promise it holds, the light of Islam from Muslims is like free energy from very little work.

Allah mentions this in surah al Asr, man is for ever in a state of loss under the systems of the universe unless he exists under the light of Islam, the Italians even showed me a comparison to light from Italian spirituality so I could gain proper perspective on their words, they openly said they cant compete with what they witnessed in the days of the Islamic Khalifah and lamented its history. The subtext to this conversation was business and the products people purchase from different communities, when I understood what I was looking at I explained it to them, we produce light in abundance from our constant prayers and place it in our work and lives which others benefit from.

Human physiology produces light, Baraka, Blessings (a general term referring to every spiritual benefit) through our actions in life and that is placed in our work and what we produce with our hands, this is why things created by machines have less blessings/benefit in them.

So Imagine an entire community involved in consistent prayer there is an over abundance of light and purity in the atmosphere and lives of these people.

This is why traditionally (in history) Muslims where always generous in their dealings because they had an abundance of light to work with while other societies calculated and tightened everything.

Most people don’t work with the light of Baraka but that is the thing which runs the economy of Jinn in the world and the less there is the less spiritual benefit people derive from what they own. Occultists know this and so they often steal it from people, this is the most common type of evil in the world today.

The worst kind of light is the light from western people, it results from what they are hiding about themselves and nothing even comes close to it, the gap is so large you cant even claim this issue is subjective, they are entirely tightfisted and calculative, right down to the last particle in their dealings.

I think many people already sense that when buying things from them in comparison to other communities, when you have an abundance of spiritual light there is no need for any of that.

If you have trouble understanding what light means here you can substitute the word out and replace it with the idea of how the sunnah of a society shapes their lives, everything but Islam breeds stinginess until their culture eventually chokes on its own results/mindset down the line and cant free itself from its own psychology, ”Even if they enter into a lizard’s hole (a tight narrow reality) you will follow them”.

This is the shortsightedness of modern society that is deliberately trying to get rid of religion because they deluded themselves into thinking they can shape the word in their own image, if nothing is interfering, like a single Muslim walking into their town. The reality is they are all part of someone else’s plan who swore to ruin mankind when Allah cast Him out, and so in their mindset these people who think they are in charge, despite their short life spans, never really considered the place of Muslims in the world.

The Jinn of that town felt they owed me an explanation because of all they did to me and that is when they realised the bigger picture on earth included real Islam, otherwise your not truly studying reality but your own delusions about it.

I know this account may seem fantastic but they do a similar thing at university, especially to those at the Phd level. I know this because my father has a Phd, when I surpassed him spiritually and intellectually I began to think about acquiring one. In one of my trips to this countries oldest university, I was shown the reality of what they go through and was advised not to seek it out, its a fitnah and most of its people are a fitnah today.

What they do, and what was happening in this town, its a form of miniaturising the problem, shrinking it down to see it from a larger perspective, a form of Maskh, not just of the problem but your mindset to get answers about things on a larger scale.

In the end your given a set of tools as you study your Phd that open your mind to your chosen field, but you deliberately become closed to many other areas of knowledge, most Phd’s don’t realise that’s what’s being done to them. In the old world most scholars were Polymaths, they were experts at many subjects, think Leonardo Da Vinci or Imam al Ghazali, today they don’t allow that to exist because educated people with breadth of knowledge would be the first to try and fix society, so qualities like pettiness and selfishness are deliberately “bread” into them at this level, this is what I was shown by this countries most established institution.

Its unfortunate that most of them become evil, that never used to be the case, but it happened when a specific group of people in society wanted to dominate it and began injecting their people into every position of authority, the prophet (saws) spoke about the most degenerate kind of people coming to rule this world and so this was part of that process.

People with a Phd, their kind of occult evil is the most subtle you will come across so you wont ever notice it, and its covered with false etiquette designed to make you have faith in their words to disarm you, but as a shaykh of tasawwuf, someone who senses subtle changes I saw them and eventually had to deal with them and their over confidence in their own abilities.

It got so bad with how many I saw are corrupt and how arrogant and above everything they deliberately placed themselves, at the end of that period in my life, one of Allah’s Mala’ika who witnessed it all informed me that Allah wont allow any one with a Phd to ever enter the highest parts of Jannah, almost entirely because of how they viewed themselves above everyone, unjustifiably, spiritual height is entirely reserved for the people of Ihsan (Perfection), not knowledge, so Allah made positions of height and authority in the next life Haram for them and those who enter Jahanam their punishment will revolve around where they placed themselves above everything in this world.

Insha Allah you now have insight into the depths and lengths “the people in charge” go to, to find out about how the world behaves so they can make decisions about peoples lives from comfortable arm chairs, and how ignorant of the world people who spend their lives in buildings can actually be.

The last thing the Jinn of that town explained to me was that the leaders of these communities, present in this town, around the world are all involved in these kind of experiments so they can shape their societies effectively.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.