Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

When you’re being bothered by Jinn the scholars tell you to use salt against them, because it harms them and they don’t like it. You sprinkle it around the entry points to your house, the doors and windows and if you see of sense them you throw it at them.

This is all like a chemistry reaction, Allah created them from a smokeless fire, the electron which is what electricity is made of, and the salt reacts with the particles their bodies are made of and harms them.

Being someone who looks at things and tries to understand how they work, I thought why I don’t I try some other things, at this point with my interactions with the Jinn to them it was a war between me and them.

So the next time they bothered me I went into the pantry and got some Arabic spices, I took a pinch and threw it at them, it worked they ran away but it had a different reaction on them than salt. After some time they came back humiliated at being defeated by Arabic 7 spice mix and whispered to me, “what are you going to try next “curry”….so I thought why not.

At this point I was laughing hard inside, so the next time they came back I took some curry and threw it at them and again it defeated them, but because this is a different spice it had a different chemical reaction on them.

At this the female jinn began laughing at all this because spices are their domain in cooking and they began making fun of their men telling them you acting like women.

They couldn’t do anything about it it is all chemistry, anything I tried worked, but everything had a different reaction.

When i tried Sugar for example, I saw that any Jinn trying to kill the atmosphere, stop laughter or happiness, or anything similar like that, it stopped this completely. They were turning the atmosphere bitter and i just covered it with something sweet so that broke their sihr.

One of the best thing I tried was tea, you may not know this but there is immense Baraka in tea so much so that not even 100 years ago, Muslims back than were more spiritually aware of the qualities of things, people across the Muslim world used to place tea leaves in pouches and were them on their clothes like taweez.

They to saw all of this like a chemistry reaction, and the baraka in tea kept away many kinds of evil from touching them. Because evil acts create evil in the atmosphere and that spreads around like the wind (the particles go from place to place), touching them means from that wind touching them and affecting their lives.

So I decided to sprinkle tea leaves like salt around the house, immediately that created an atmosphere of peace/salam in the house, and guess what happened the jinn started to get mellow and relax.

People often derive peace from drinking tea so you know the kind of Baraka Allah placed in it, but like every chemistry reaction it doesn’t last forever.

Insha Allah you are beginning to understand you can control your own atmosphere and by doing so control what the Jinn feel and experience, over time in a good atmosphere even the worst Jinn becomes less like an animal.

Candles and lighting have similar results especially scented candles, as well as crystals, stones, minerals all those “Hippy” things, work on Jinn, try buying for example a Himalayan Salt Lamp and see what that does after a week.

The funniest thing I noticed in all of this happened recently, I was killing some cockroaches with some spray and noticed some jinn leave the house as i did so, so the next day I sprayed the bottom of the front and back doors, as well as entry ways into rooms.

Not moments after I finished 3 Jinn ran from the house, before leaving one of the turned to me and shouted at me almost with a smirk, “YOU ARE GOING TO FIND PEACE.”

That made me laugh for the next few days, the Jinn themselves laughed at what worked against them and what effects it had, and now I was getting rid of them like cockroaches with cockroach spray, so they cracked up at the situation and said I was going to find the peace I was after.

When they are not being Evil Jinn are the funniest creatures Allah created, you will see this in the next life, Allah placed them with us on earth so man can know every kind of laughter, they are better at being silly than man who thrives with responsibility, and for them Allah wanted them to be Happy with us in our lives when we are happy, not against us with the misfortunes we suffer.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.