Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

If you saw the Angels you would see every time you said Bismillah one of them moved to do the work of Allah bringing its benefit into your life.

If saw the Angels you would see that every time you said Authubillah one of them moved to bring about its protection into your life.

If you saw the Angels you would see that every time you said Alhamdulillah one of them moved to increase your pleasure in life.

If you saw the Angels you would see that every time you recited the fatiha over something one of them moved to open everything in the universe relating to your intention for you, Al fatiha is the opener to everything in the universe you use it for.

If you saw the Angels you would see that every time you said Subhanallah one of them moved to open understanding for you and protect you from what is Ajeeb in this dunya.

If you saw the Angels you would see that every time you said  Allahu Akbar one of them moved to make nothing in this world greater in your heart than Allah and you would be protected of being in awe of fitnah no matter its magnitude.

If you saw the Angels you would see that every time you said La hawla wala quawata illah billah one of them moved to make certain your heart relied only on Allah, protecting you from hidden shirk and anything that falsely ascribes power to itself.

If you saw the Angels you would see that every time you said la ilaha illah llah one of them moved to focus your heart on Allah ridding it of anything else you placed in there, perfecting this is the highest state a person can achieve.

These are the tools of our Deen we use to reach Allah, Tariqah means you have a system in place to achieve this goal.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.