Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

Ever since I began writing people from different groups have requested things from me in various ways, some ask by writing to me but some send their Jinn to talk to me through a dream.

In a dream last night I was offered a Job, an Imam sent his student to tell me I was in line to inherent from Him and take his position when he left, but this place was being decided between myself and another student of his and who ever received the position they would stand up like a solid silver statue shinning in front of people, a metaphor.

His student in the dream spoke like this was a silsila I would be inheriting if I was chosen, exactly like a sufi tariqa except there was one key difference; the Imam was an occultist and I was being offered a Job into this fitna.

This could mean one of two things, the Fake Imam assumed I was fake like him and already an occultist so I was being offered this position on that basis, or something far worse, He knew I didn’t practice sihr and they would forcibly prepare me for this position.

If you don’t know what a fake Imam Is see the ahadith in this article I wrote;

Most Masjids in the west and I am speaking from what I have seen, are run by minority sects and headed by fake Imams who all practice the occult. For example in my area growing up every Friday I went to my local Masjid, it was run by south Africans and Pakistani’s, at first they are your brothers in Islam and they say they are Hanafi, you don’t ask more and they don’t tell you more than that, but when you get older you find out that in fact they are Deobandi, then you find out they all practice sihr because you now have to defend yourself from them.

Almost every Masjid I have seen in my country is run by a minority sect, why is that when the majority of Muslims don’t follow these 1% groups, its because when you look at their history they made deals with the Kufar governments to sell out the Ummah and now they are being allowed to dominate the religious landscape so they can indoctrinate the next generation of Muslims. This is the exact history of the Salafi sect that somehow operates every single Musallah in every western university on earth through the MSA, how else do you recruit educated people into fake jihads (see the ahadith in the article earlier), the CIA also recruits from university this way, so this is just their counter parts infrastructure.

The largest masjid in my entire country which was entirely funded by government loans, I also used to visit on Friday, growing up it was shafii, then when your old enough to ask questions you are horrified to find out it is Ikhwan and Salafi and they all practice sihr because you also now have to defend yourself from them.

They don’t mind children but when you’re an adult it is entirely different and they try to steal from you through their sihr practice.

So this fake Imam must have read my works and thought I would be good for his position, I already sent him my answer which I doubt Him or his group will recover from.

Allah gave me my own tariqah at the age of twenty because I survived the fitnah of these fake Imam’s and the people they send after you, He elevated me to the Maqam of Mala’ikat al Kursi and gave me its authority, on the tongue of Mala’ikat al Arsh I was called one of the Arifeen.

If this Imam assumes I am a liar, you can see my Naqshbandi silsila at my website, then things will go his way, but If I am speaking the truth then he should know I am someone to avoid, he gambled and lost.

I Know actual Imam’s from around the world read what I write, the Mala’ikah informed me of some of them, so Insha Allah I would like to teach you how I dealt with this fitnah, this is my intention behind this email, I saw others would benefit from it otherwise I wouldn’t have written anything, I know the proper adab for all of this in Islam but Allah has placed us in a state of jihad to deal with these fitnah’s and in war we behave differently than when we are with our families.

Khalid Ibn Walid (ra) when He saw Muslims were being complacent with the Romans went up to the Roman leader and in front of both Armies said to him “Ya Kalb al Nasara” to rattle the Romans and wake up the Muslims.

Khalid (ra) had a responsibility to take care of and it was this act that won the Muslims the war because it changed everyone’s attitude and perspective. The Mala’ikah of Jahanam don’t allow mercy in their character because they are responsible for punishing the people of hell and to accomplish with Ihsan what Allah tasked them with they choose not to.

Malik (as) the Angel in charge of Jahanam would not even allow Himself to smile at the prophet (saws) when He (saws) visited, when you laugh you let in your heart that kind of light and it affects how perceive things, the Mala’ikah of Jahanam are so careful to maintain their kind of light they avoid everything that affects it.

After I had the dream I asked the Mala’ikah to place the Maqam Allah gave me with Him over this Imam and his group until Qiyamah. It’s a small request and If I am who I say I am My standard with Allah (My reality) will be over them affecting their lives, if they exceed it, if their Ihsan is better, then nothing will happen, if they don’t they will begin to fall short in most things in their lives and their place will diminish in the world.

I am generalizing in regard to what will happen but that is the gist of it, I wouldn’t be sharing this openly if I wasn’t given permission, so Insha Allah take advantage of it and the Maqam Allah gave you to fix this world.

Jazak Allah Khairan, wa alaikum assalam.

[I have since figured out who sent the offer, they admitted it to me and claimed they wont bother me again but I don’t trust them, I know these people will go out of their way to change someones life to trap them. After checking they also admitted they wont be getting the position they are working for in the world among Muslims. I mentioned them in the email above but wont specify who they are.]


Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.