Bismillahi rahmani raheem.

The world we live in, as the Prophet (saws) said, is under the Maskh of the people deciding everything. That means whatever issue reaches your life, by the time it is given its reality in the spiritual world, every part of it that could have helped you grow from the experience is deliberately taken out so you don’t benefit from anything you live in life, so the world seems hollow because it is made hollow.

Allah said in a hadith Qudsi “I am as my servant thinks I am”, meaning as he believes in Allah His belief shapes his reality, and because Allah is Haq what you are in fact doing is allowing Allah to show you what He created spiritually. This is the only time when you gain from belief otherwise as the prophet (saws) said this world and everything in is cursed and if it meant anything to Allah he would not have given a drop of water to the Kufar, their kufr would have made the purity He wanted for you foul.

But imagine the same systems in the universe that create your reality under an evil empire like Pharaoh’s, those who create society create the reality you live by both in the physical and spiritual world, the hadith is saying when you design society like they have the spiritual world adopts their beliefes and intentions.

Because it is the nature of this world that a person is trapped by his own evil as he persists in in it, Allah and the prophet (saws) spoke about this, and we have been suffering this in life for many generations now by those who created modern society, it means the children of the people who perpetrated this on the world are born into this same world and its evil and only experience the warped reality their forefathers created, the matter has become a cycle that no one is in charge of and many have commented about the “Machine” we are all put through.

Allah himself swore to do this to these people who tried to fool the world, with communism, capitalism, socialism, Marxism and other Maskh ideologies that force you to focus on their core beliefs, their names alone tell you the truth of what I am saying.

So, insha Allah I hope you now see what Allah and his prophet (saws) were talking about when they warned about this, they called it the worst oppression this world will face because it will cover the world and destroy the natural spiritual reality it had through history.

So, when you use Mala’ikat Jahanam, or Mala’ikat al Mawt, because their light carries with it the finality of matters since that is their Maqam with Allah, I’m using spiritual language here that scholars will understand what is underpinning it, it is like a cure for the people and Jinn of this world that destroys the light of their Maskh and everything I am describing.

Being touched by the light of these Angels forces the minds of people and Jinn to experience matters from their finality, full perspective, full measure, so they can feel were the path will end.

You need to take care of the spiritual world before you see solutions in life, and using the Angels of Jahanam and Mawt over time is a cure to the spiritual Maskh you see in the world today, not just for humans but Jinn who are also suffering from this and behaving the way many see them because shortsightedness is forced on them.

You will find even Jinn that once attacked you will come and thank you, so understand.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

نٓ‌ۚ وَٱلۡقَلَمِ وَمَا يَسۡطُرُونَ