Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

If you have ever come up against people who use sihr you know they speak with a forked tongue, a double tongue, a subtle tongue, they are duplicitous people who do this so they can deny their actions and make you seem guilty. What these spiritual midgets, who lack understanding of consequences (Karma), don’t know is that when you rope people in, in such a way, your opening the door for Jahannam to turn your entire being, character, heart, soul into charcoal. Because you’re using your self as a weapon, your self will become fuel for the fire.

Not even a murderer will have this kind of punishment because his crime is an outward crime, and so the Prophet (saws) said the lowest depths of hell are reserved for the hypocrites, meaning the kind of hypocrites that exist in our time because that is the only kind worse than murder, it disguises more serious crimes of sihr and destroying peoples lives underneath.

Because the matter is so subtle and people can often make mistakes in who is guilty and who isn’t, permission to attack people outright isn’t given to most, except for the prophets, companions, Awliyah and scholars who Allah taught how to judge and gave them authority in this world, the people He made His khalifah on earth who are responsible for acting on His shariah.

Because of this, I haven’t taught anyone the words required to punish anyone, but the mala’ika have an almost infinite rahama and they taught us words to teach others, that lift responsibility from mankind and place it with them, so if you are wrong in your judgment nothing will happen and you won’t be accountable.

When you suspect someone of sihr or anything against you or your family ask the Angels;

“Ya Mala’ika Ihsibu Niyet (Say the person’s name) Alayi, Wa Hasubuhun, Mitil Nitun Alayi”

“Ya Mala’ika Calculate the intentions of (Say the person’s name) towards me, and punish them with that same intention”.

Allah says in the Quran “And We ordained for them therein a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds is legal retribution…And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are the wrongdoers.”(5:45)

Because of this, the Malai’ka have permission to mirror these peoples intentions towards you or your family and make it a punishment for them. You don’t need to prove what they are doing or read their minds and make them believe it, you can just ask this and if they are guilty Allah will burn what they are actually doing with this in ghayb, and Insha Allah them, you can expect this kind of result because that is what I have seen it do to these degenerates.

If you read my book on taweez, you can also create a taweez folder with that label and place the Quran inside it.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.