Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

I received a question from a woman who does sihr and is having trouble coming to terms with her reality.

The question came in the form of an analogy, paraphrasing, she said, I did this thing to a women, scared her severely and made her think things were real and they were going to happen to her, but at the end all I used was a leaf on her (it wasn’t ever going to become true).

So how is my punishment bad if what I was using was not more harmful than a leaf, that is the gist of her question/assertion to me.

It isn’t what you used against the women it’s the damage you did to her.

If doesn’t matter if you tickled her with a feather, if you killed her from laughter you are still going to be punished for murder by Allah.

​The prophet (saws) already said to us we live in a time where words have a more severe effect on people than a blow with the sword, that means Allah will punish some people today for what they do with words than he will some murderers.

What most sahir’s don’t understand is that if you do sihr to change the state of someone, you are breaking their minds in order to get them into that state. If you do this kind of sihr on someone strong, for example, you have to break everything strong about them in their mind to get them to be scared, you are not just zapping a feeling into them, you are shattering their world.

If you don’t understand that then you don’t understand the things you are playing with.

Once you break a person they will never be the same again, people who train horses and animals know this well, if you break an animal they never recover properly.

It isn’t just some quick feelings you’re making the person have, you are destroying everything they built in their life, up to this point in time, that is years or decades of work.

Using this analogy, say you want someone you care about to trust you and you work for years building that trust until it becomes solid, then you do something bad to break it and the person is hurt very badly. When you go to build that trust again will it every be the same, will it ever be as pure?

Everything has a spiritual reality to it, trust, love, hope, when you destroy it you deprive those people of it for the rest of their lives, whatever they recover of it afterwards won’t ever be the same, it won’t be as clean they now have trauma to deal with, so why shouldn’t the punishment for ruining the remainder of someone’s life be severe with Allah.

If a woman is raped will she ever view sex the same way or will she suffer it for the rest of her life, the rapist now deprived her of something important in life.

You are not just scaring people you are destroying them…So understand.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.