Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Why is it important for a shaykh to speak openly about ghayb/the unseen and his experiences with it?

Because it raises people’s perceptions up to his and helps them connect with the Malakut, angelic realm, so they can take from it.

Allah created the universe in such a way that simply knowing something is a protection from various types of fitnah.

17 years ago when Rasul Allah (saws) granted us knowledge and the Maqam of Mala’ikat al Kursi, which is the gift of knowledge from Allah directly, after that night I had an immense thirst for knowledge and began to read anything and everything I could find, a small library by the end.

One of the things I read was the sahih sita, the main collection of Islamic ahadith, the words and actions of the companions stayed with me for many years and over that time I saw the level of Ihsan in the companions, I began to see their standards and judge the world by them. The words of the prophet (saws) also had a similar effect on me and they stayed with me until I could see who He (saws) was and His (saws) reality.

The only time in my life I have seen the same baraka that was present in the time of the prophet (saws) enter this world was when I spoke about my experiences of ghayb openly, this is because like Him (saws) I was bringing that world into this one for people to see and along with my words its reality.

In the time of the prophet (saws) this was the baraka people spoke of and what put the Ummah on a path that made them outpace the rest of the world, matters occur in the spiritual world first then they manifest in this world and a community whose heart is aware and connected to ghayb will be ahead of every other nation on earth.

That is the secret the west stole from us many years ago and why occult practice, which is still a connection with ghayb, is outstripping everything else on earth today. As soon as the Muslims defeated the Romans spiritually Allah revealed the verse that marked this fact “Ghulibat al Rum” (30:1) years before it occurred and Abu sufyan ridiculed the prophet (saws) over it, eventually He would be with the Armies that marched on them in which He made his famous speech of regret.

If you are a real shaykh ask the Mala’ikah about why they descend to earth to ensure that the Ihsan of such words remain intact while people are reading or listening to them. When people saw the light of the prophet (saws) they were also looking at the Mala’ikah doing their work, that is part of the reality the companions lived under, they saw ghayb through the prophet (saws) long before they saw it with their own eyes, no shaykh should deny the Ummah that today.

The reason why the prophet (saws) was so effective in spreading the light of Allah was because He (saws) openly spoke about His (saws) experiences of ghayb, and every time He (saws) did His (saws) companions increased in Iman and Ihsan while the pagans ridiculed His (saws) every word, then Isra wal Miraj occurred and Abu Bakr (ra) earned his (ra) title as-siddiq because he (ra) swore by the testimony of the prophet (saws).

What if the prophet (saws) hid the account of Isra wal Miraj from the Ummah like the sufi’s and their shuyukh are hiding today?

Are you scared for yourself? that is your nafs telling you to ignore the sunnah because the shayateen know what will happen if people are more aware of ghayb, they would lose much of their power over people and so will the foreign empires dominating this Ummah from ghayb.

This is the power of knowing something, it will be enough to stop the occultist from shaping the spiritual reality of this world freely because there is zero resistance to them. Allah will destroy the illusions they have cast upon earth after he destroys them;

“And I saw a great white throne (the Arsh) and the One sitting on it (Allah), from whose face (reality) the (reality of) earth and heaven (ghayb) fled, and no place was found for them.” (Rev 20:11)

It is part of Islam to speak openly about ghayb, the matter is such with Allah that the people of ghayb, the Sufi’s who hide it from the Ummah to the extent that hardly anyone has any “natural” experience with it, they will be questioned about what Allah gave them and what they did with it.

What will you say when Allah says to you that you harmed the Ummah because you didn’t share what He gave you so they can be uplifted.

This is a big mistake of the shuyukh of tassawwuf today, leaving the ummah helpless like this, did the prophet (saws) hide Isra wal Miraj, protecting people is doing more damage to the Ummah because their enemies who have no such fears are taking advantage of them from ghayb while you are pandering to ideals that don’t come from Islam and are against the explicit words of Allah;

وَمَا هُوَ عَلَى الْغَيْبِ بِضَنِينٍ

“And he (the Prophet) is not stingy about (the news of) the unseen.”(81:24)

Your silence is what killed us and for that you will be questioned by Allah.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.