Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

There is one law in physics that explains how spirituality works, how sihr is real and affects people, and what Baraka actually is, it’s called Quantum Entanglement.

Quantum entanglement is the name science gives to a special connection between pairs or groups of subatomic particles. What is special about this connection is that the two particles can be separated by large distances and the connection will still work, what happens to the particle near you affects the other particle that could be on the other side of the earth, so think dua (prayer) or a voodoo doll’s.

Consider the evil eye for a second, which is a form of sihr;

Allah commanded His Prophet Muhammad (saws), to seek refuge with Him from the envier, the one who uses the evil eye, when He said “And from the evil of the envier when he envies.” [113:5]

The Prophet (saws) said: “The evil eye is real and if anything were to overtake the divine decree (what Allah has commanded to occur), it would be the evil eye. When you are asked to take a bath (to cure yourself) from the influence of the evil eye, you should take a bath.” (Tirmidhi)

The Evil Eye is strong enough to Kill;

Imam Ahmad, Malik, al-Nasai and Ibn Hibban narrated from Sahl ibn Haneef that the Prophet (saws) came out and traveled with him towards Makkah, until they were in the mountain pass of al-Kharar in al-Jahfah. There Sahl ibn Haneef did ghusl (bathed), and he was a handsome white-skinned man with beautiful skin. ‘Amir ibn Rabee’ah, one of Banu ‘Adiyy ibn K’ab looked at him whilst he was doing ghusl and said: “I have never seen such beautiful skin as this, not even the skin of a virgin,” and Sahl fell to the ground. They went to the Messenger of Allah (saws) and said, “O Messenger of Allah, can you do anything for Sahl, because by Allah he cannot raise his head.” He said, “Do you accuse anyone with regard to him?” They said, “‘Amir ibn Rabee’ah looked at him.” So the Messenger of Allah (saws) called ‘Amir and rebuked him strongly. He said, “Why would one of you kill his brother? If you see something that you like, then pray for blessing for him.” Then he said to him, “Wash yourself for him.” So he washed his face, hands, forearms, knees and the sides of his feet, and inside his izaar (lower garment) in the vessel. Then that water was poured over him, and a man poured it over his head and back from behind. He did that to him, then Sahl got up and joined the people and there was nothing wrong with him.

al-Bazzar narrated with a hasan isnad from Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (saws) said: “Most of those who die among my ummah (followers) die because of the will and decree of Allah, and then because of the evil eye.”

So, how can a simple look at something move anything in the universe, how can it cause change, how can it create “cause and effect”, how can it result in a reaction?

The simple answer is quantum entanglement.

You see when you look at something, in our world, your doing nothing more than seeing, and this is how people understood all of this for thousands of years, so, they were amazed that the evil eye could be real.

But, when you look at the human body at the subatomic level, your body isn’t doing nothing, your body is one giant machine whose primary role is to entangle the particles around it so it can “feed” itself from the energy in the particles, just like food is broken down in your stomach and turned into energy to keep you going, your body uses the subatomic particles around it to fuel almost every chemical reaction in your body from the cellular level up.

So, let’s look at what you are doing when you look at something.

The first thing you do when you look at anything is focus upon it, all of this is split second, focusing is more than paying attention you are getting your entire body, and every system in it, most importantly your heart, to direct itself at the object.

Then your body reaches out with its senses to see what it can perceive this is the important part, then you react to that input, in the case of the evil eye you react with envy.

When you try to sense anything your body is directing the particles around it using quantum entanglement, to go and interact with that object, it’s exactly like sonar which sends out sound waves in every direction and if there is something there the sound waves bounce of that object and come back to you, so the sonar knows what is happening around it.

You send out particles to interact with what you’re looking at then your body reads the reaction that comes back.

But this isn’t limited to people or animals or any living thing, machines can entangle particles as well, anything and everything does this all the time because like the human body they are a source of influence on the subatomic part of space, physics is studying all of this now and coming to grips with it.

This fact that machines or rocks or anything not living can influence subatomic space, was the subject of physics most famous experiment called the double slit experiment.

They couldn’t understand how a machine could influence the subatomic world…including into the future and the past. How can the machine react at the subatomic level ahead of time to it being used to do something before humans knew they were going to make the machine do it.

But the universe is like a giant recording machine that records and reacts to every action by every object, at every level of space, the Quran in Surah Luqman (see the section on space and the Quran at our website for the exact quote) explains this occurs to the very depths of space and the more complex the influence the more complex the reaction.

If you can read the reactions in the universe perfectly you can see where things are going in the future, humans do this in clumsy ways, try to predict the future from general information we learn in life, but Allah created one thing that can read the reactions of the universe perfectly and know everything that is going to happen from them, that is the Pen;

“Nun. By the pen and what they inscribe” (68:1, see our tafsir to this verse).

Ubadah ibn As-Samit reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saws) say, “Verily, the first to be created by Allah was the pen. Allah told it to write, so it wrote what will exist until forever.” (Tirmidhi)

The Prophet (saws) was shown this part of our world on the night of Isra wal Miraj when He (saws) was going to Jerusalem and Jibril (as) showed Him (saws) the people punishing themselves as a result of what they were presently doing in life, scholars came to call this part of the universe that manifests our actions in life in complex spiritual ways as the allegorical realm, the realm of the Angels, today we call it the subatomic part of the universe.

Getting back to the evil eye; with the evil eye, you are looking at something with a specific intention so the particles are now entangled with “envy” by your body and that object or person you’re looking at has to deal with your envy as a result. Depending on how bad the envy the worse the reaction and the more force (energy) behind it.

If you’re wondering how particles can carry envy its more accurate to say your body entangles them to become the “chemical” envy, just like your body creates the emotion of envy through its systems and you feel it in your heart, the answer is the same for particles but at the subatomic level, the systems of the body entangle them in such a complex way like they entangle them to create complex dreams.

Your feelings and intentions drive all of this and decide what the particles are going to do.

Some of you may have guessed already because this is science, but envy is just one feeling and the same occurs for every emotion we have as well as every kind of thought.

Your brain uses particles to create the images you see in your mind no matter how complex and the dreams you have in your sleep, no matter how complex. So, just like your body uses particles to create complex worlds in your dreams, the universe reacts to what is occurring in it and creates complex reactions subatomically, this is why it is called the allegorical realm by the scholars, because what is created is like an allegory (in the form of an allegory) of your actions in life and this is what Jibril (as) showed to the Prophet (saws) on His (saws) night journey.

This is the basis for all spirituality and sihr in the world, religion shows you how to use the systems of the universe to turn particles, which are just packets of energy, into Baraka (blessing in your life), things that enhance your life, benefit it and those around you, while sihr shows you how to use particles to destroy what others are building, corrupt it and steal from them.

They are both as effective as each other, just as a person turns to sihr to get what they want you can do the same through spirituality but without harming anyone, Allah just puts one stipulation on this;

“By time (change in the universe, the reactions of the universe), Indeed, mankind is in a state of loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds (work positively) and (in a community) advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience. (103:1-3)

Man’s efforts must be in a community otherwise he will remain in a state of loss spiritually, this is why the Prophet (saws) often talked about what happens to a society when it becomes evil in specific ways, the underlying law in physics for all of this is quantum entanglement (and you will see from our next major work the Kursi of Allah (2:255) is responsible for all of this).

So let’s look at entanglement in science today and see how they are using this law of physics.

In 1935 Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen wrote a research paper saying quantum entanglement was impossible, Einstein famously called it as “spooky action at a distance”. Later, however, the predictions of quantum entanglement were verified experimentally and Einstein came to say this was the biggest mistake of his life.

Skipping ahead to today, reading news headlines will give you an idea of what is happening even without reading the articles;

1) Quantum Entanglement Links 2 Diamonds. December 1, 2011…/room-temperature-enta…/

2) Google Plans to Demonstrate the Supremacy of Quantum Computing. 24, May, 2017…/google-plans-to-demonstrate-the-…

3) China Shatters “Spooky Action at a Distance” Record, Preps for Quantum Internet. June 15, 2017…/china-shatters-ldquo-…/

4) Scientists Just Teleported a Photon from Earth to Orbit for the First Time . July 10, 2017…/

The attached images are that of the Maqam and cap of Sayidunah Uwais al Qarni (ra), he was born in the time of the Prophet (saws) but never met him, the Prophet (saws) knew of him (ra) and said He (ra) is the best of the tabiin. Allah, through the systems of the universe like quantum entanglement, would allow him (ra) to hear the khutbahs of the Prophet (saws) and see him (saws) whilest he (ra) lived in Yemen, just before the Prophets (saws) death He instructed Ali (ra) and Umar (ra) to go to him (ra) and gift him (ra) the Prophets (saws) cloak, and instructed both of them (rah) to seek his (ra) dua for them (rah), which they (rah) did.

Dua helps shape the greater picture in your life, the more blessed the source the better it is for you.

Quantum Teleportation and The Uwaisi Transmission Of Spiritual Knowledge:…/Quantum-Teleportation-and-The-Uwaisi-Tra…

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.