Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

I received news that I’m going to be an uncle for the second time, my brother is having another daughter Alhamdulillah, please make dua for her if you benefit from my work.

When I was told the news after initially being happy, naturally I became worried about what it would be like to be a woman in this world, so I made dua for her, I said: “Ya Mala’ika, Ihsibu Kil al Ilm lah Tihtaj Did Hal Fitnah Tabaa Iyamnah, Wa Kilshi Tihsibu Iqru Alaiha”. Ya Mala’ika, calculate all the knowledge she will need against the fitnha of our time and everything you calculate recite over her.

After I did that the Mala’ika said to me this is what the early Muslims used to do for the children, then they showed me two of the tabiin reciting something for their children and explained, they spoke to us all the time like this and asked so their children could get a head start in life.

What ever the early Muslims thought their children needed they would ask from the Angels, who they saw every day, so their children would have a stepping stone in life, the first generations of Muslims lead the entire world in knowledge, Ihsan, and almost every area of life.

The words recited over her by the Angels will shape her future and what she has access to in life, what she is going to see what she is going to experience and what is going to occur to her heart as she matures. I also asked for her against the fitnah of men and the occult in our time, so insha Allah you should do the same, and don’t hesitate to ask what ever you can think of.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.