Bismillahi rahmani raheem, wa alaikum alsalam.

Sometimes we have experiences in life so unique we don’t know who they will benefit in our life or if we will ever share them.

I was recently asked to comment on what is happening in the Philippine between Muslims and Christians and so I will post my response here. I don’t know what is happening in the Philippines beyond their is a struggle between Muslims and Christians but I will share with you a spiritual experience I had regarding another people of that region which I feel will give you insight into your situation especially since it now looks like Allah will be repeating the same judgement.

Many years ago people from Indonesia and Malasia started increasing in my community, and eventually, we would interact with them often. So, like any group of people now with a significant presence in your life, their spirituality and world integrate into yours.

Eventually, we would hear about the struggles occurring in their lands and the plight of their people. For me, personally, I would eventually find out this was a test from Allah and lesson in how to judge matters Islamically. You see once you hear about an event you have a spiritual responsibility in front of Allah to take the right stance, you must be either for it or against it otherwise as the Prophet (saws) explained in a hadith, it is as if you are there participating in it and its consequences will impact your life regardless of whether you are on the other side of the earth.

We would eventually hear about the plight of the Banda Aceh people and their struggle against the Indonesian government. So we were forced to judge the matter for our self, who was right and wrong, we concluded against the People of Banda Aceh despite the fact they were truly being oppressed and the government was in the wrong. This was because the time we lived in the Prophet (saws) commanded we do nothing to correct the situation of society, there are many ahadith on this I have quoted in my book on Syria, and more importantly because in Islamic Aqeedah, the thing that teaches you the correct Islamic creed and decides if you are a Muslim. It clearly teaches you do not oppose governments, destabilise them or rebel against your rulers because there will be severe consequences, and again there are many ahadith.

This is all in normal situations, but in the political climate of the world today, doing this is increasingly punishable because you are now putting every person in that country in danger as their enemies pick them apart because of the instability and weakness you have caused and it will result in Islam being removed from the country completely.

So that is how I judged the people of Banda Aceh, I thought they should be punished by Allah despite their situation.

This was the test Allah set for us and this is how we concluded, some time later maybe a year and unknown to me Allah wanted to show me His judgment. We were working at a place on the coast of my city, Sydney, in the early Morning, when something spiritually grabbed my perception and sight, most likely an Angel, and turned it towards Indonesia, you have to consider the huge distance between the two places, but that place was brought close to me in my sight and I could see it’s landmass like someone in the ocean just seeing land from a distant ship. I then heard a large crack sound almost like an explosion, like something huge just gave way, then in the sky, we could see huge multitudes of Angels diving down to earth like birds diving into the ocean to grab fish.

Except these were the Angels of death and they were grabbing the souls of people as the 2004 Tsunami was taking their lives, then my sight was returned to me, but I didn’t know exactly what I was seeing until I got home and heard what had happened on the news.

The 2004 Tsunami had struck, later scholars would say this was the first of the three Major earthquakes at the end of time, it wiped out Banda Aceh and its people entirely.

In the end, I felt Allah gave them what was best for them to save them and the country at large, He gave the Shahadah in the way they died and Jannah in the Akhira.

Abu Hurayra (Allah be well-pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (saws) said: “Who do you reckon to be a martyr (shaheed) amongst you?” They replied: “The one who is killed in the way of Allah.” He said: “In that case the martyrs among my people would be few!” They asked: “Messenger of Allah! Then who are the martyrs?” He said: “He who is killed in the way of Allah is a martyr; he who dies naturally in the Cause of Allah is a martyr; he who dies of plague is a martyr; he who dies of a stomach disease is a martyr; and he who is drowned is a martyr.” (Muslim)” He (saws) also said, “There are seven kinds of martyrdom other then being killed in the way of Allah: the victim of a stomach disease (al-mabtun) is a shaheed; the victim of fire is a shaheed; the drowned person is a shaheed; the victim of cancer is a shaheed; the victim of plague is a shaheed; the victim of debris is a shaheed; a woman who dies from complications of pregnancy is a shaheed.” (Ahmad)

How is all this relevant to the Philippine?

If you have read my recent posts on Allah destroying America with an Asteroid you will know this is going to hit off the Coast of America, Ahadith say east of Arabia which is the west coast of the USA. Looking at any Map will tell you the Giant Tsunami’s that will result from the Impact are heading directly towards the Philippine, Japan and Papua New Guinea so these places are in the same kind of danger the people of Banda Aceh were in.

These Islands buffer other land Mass like Indonesia and Malaysia, but in a separate verse in the bible not related to the Asteroid, it says all Islands will disappear from the earth at the end of time.

People should pay attention to the warnings of Allah, otherwise, His judgement on them will catch them unawares like the 2004 Tsunami and this time the death toll will be in the hundreds of millions.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.

In an unrelated matter, I was asked about why am I sharing my spiritual experiences if Rijal al Ghayb of today are hiding themselves, it was a subtle question with obvious undertones. The simple answer is Allah revealed in the Quran about the Prophet Muhammad (saws), and this is his sunnah Allah is teaching us; “Nor was he miserly with news from the unseen” (81:24)