If you have not heard yet recently severe security flaws were found in the way Intel CPU’s are designed that allows anyone to access everything on your computer and basically do anything with it ignoring all the security on the PC.

The worst part is it can’t be fixed, you have to literally replace every computer one earth with new CPU’s that don’t have this flaw and they haven’t even designed or manufactured them yet.

Here is a good article describing it in detail; “Meltdown” and “Spectre”: Every modern processor has unfixable security flaws”


To the average person this may seem like the latest virus but this is far worse, a virus finds some way to attack your operating system, the software of the computer, it then has to jump through hoops and do some fancy tricks to get past security while this security flaw is in the CPU itself.

This flaw in the way Intel CPU’s are designed, basically lets anyone read what your CPU is doing whenever they want, bypassing all the software and security on your computer, no hacking is needed it’s basically a backdoor into your computer that lets anyone see what you are doing whenever they want, your antivirus only works with your operating system software, while this is a flaw in the way your hardware is designed to work which is underneath all that software.

It affects every intel CPU going back 15 years, meaning this has been around for 15 years since 2002. AMD is Intel’s Major competitor their CPU’s don’t have this basic flaw so no one can say there wasn’t a better way of designing how the modern CPU works.

The reality is this “flaw” quietly allowed America to get at the computer of every person and government on earth using Intel CPU’s, which is basically everyone today.

On September the 11th 2001 America declared its intensions to the world, and not long after that a backdoor to every computer on earth was silently placed in every PC on earth which allowed them to tighten their grip over every nation for the next 15 years.

Intelligence in the spy business is the lifeblood of that industry, whether destiny, Irony, hubris or something nefarious, calling the largest CPU maker on earth Intel-ligence speaks volumes, this isn’t the first time the intensions of something were spelled out in the fine print.

America distracted every person and government on earth with the idea you had to hack a computer to get at it, while they simply built a private access tunnel to your PC that they used whenever they wanted without having to deal with any security.

When this was made relatively public to key people in the industry, Intel’s CEO in November of 2017 sold $24 million in company stocks. I know most people are looking at the money, but to these kinds of people in charge this was rather a gesture/ayah/sign to other people who understand their aya’s/signs indicating the nature of this issue, most likely because now foreign governments will quietly force them to get rid of this ace they had up their sleeve.

All of this is the context and background to How I know America has finally reached the point in history where it lost its grip on the world.

While Allah was preparing us spiritually one of the things every servant of Allah has to go through, and this has been the case from the beginning of time, is to gain an understanding of everything that affects your life spiritually, you need to know why and how it is affecting you.

Some of you may have read the stories of the Awliayh, they have a historical setting to everything they experienced and this kind of opening they went through, but what does this process look like in the age of computers and technology. At first Allah made me focus on my food the prophet Dawwud (as) used to only eat food He grew with His own hands because of this, then my clothes Imam Ali (ra) warned that a people who don’t make their own clothes will never be free or prosper, then technology and computers and lastly my Home and  neighborhood which are the final responsibilities Allah places on a person as they mature.

In each case I had to understand how the companies behind every product I owned were influencing my life, a task much more difficult for a person today than it would have been in the time of the prophets because intensions today are more complex and products are numerous.

“everything is according to its intension” and seeing the intensions of the corporations that run everything from what their products are doing to a person’s spirituality, was a task that took me over a decade to accomplish, at the same time I had to fight the fitnah of western society so that Jihad took its toll.

One of the things I came to understand was how people are being spiritually dominated by everything that is on their computer and everything they use it for. From the type of components inside it, to every kind of software they have installed in it, to its brand.

Each item acts like a piece of the puzzle that makes up what influences you and the sum of these parts decides the final shape of that spiritual influence and its outcome. It is all deliberately designed and purpose built by people that are more spiritually aware than you are and know how to use that to manipulate and influence your life to their aims.

Products are used to push people in directions they design like leading a horse with a carrot and stick, you buy the carrot get what you want out of it see there is nothing wrong but you can’t see how the person holding the stick and string is leading you around.

Seeing to what extent this influence reached into the self, in trying to find out how a foreign country could get at people’s lives in such a personal way as they have, I asked Allah for answers and help.

You see the clothes you wear, the food you eat and products you buy they influence you spiritually and manipulate you, but that is not enough to get right down into your psychology, and America in a very short period of time, 17 years, has managed to convert much of the world to its ways with things that have little more value than horse manure.

That can only be done if they have something giving them access to you personally otherwise your own natural resistances and skepticism will deflect much, but it was like they just opened a door and walked into everyone’s lives, said some words and that is all it took, “it all just made sense” to everyone.

“By the heaven containing (spiritual) pathways” (51:7), you have to understand the way the spiritual world works to appreciate the significance of much of this, but understand that no one can get at you spiritually unless they first build a spiritual path to you, a sahir will use an item you own or place a hex bag on your property, the Mala’ikah will build these paths ahead of you to pave the way for what Allah decreed for you.

You create them for yourself by getting involved with simple and small things in life like choosing what brand of clothes to wear, what brand of food to eat and what brand of car you drive, each has a specific and known spiritual outcome to it because it was deliberately designed to have that outcome, so that is how they know what will happen when people adopt their products.

The spiritual paths you create or are created for you run your life and everything in it, these paths run the universe and how things interact with each other spiritually before the result materialises in life, Allah says by the heavens full of paths while physics calls them quantum entanglement, this is the same thing by a modern name.

The Jinn also need these paths to be created so they can do their work, when you go up against a country or any group of people you are in reality going up against their Jinn. This is why when you want to dominate a people the way America has, you need to destroy the symbols of that people first, wipe them from their psychology and history and it will leave the way free for you to change them into whatever you want them to be, they no longer have a frame of reference for their own identity.

So today they are destroying the graves of the Awliyah, hiding the graves of the prophets and banning people from visiting the holy places, when an entire community is made to wear the same type of clothing that is only one color you know psychological manipulation is being employed on that community.

When I saw to what extent America was able to influence people I asked Allah about it, the prophet Muhammad (saws) said “In the nations before you were people who were spoken to (muhaddathun) though they were not prophets. If there is anyone in my Community (today), it is `Umar ibn al Khattab. It is related by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, and Ahmad, this is the reality of the Awliyah after the prophets they are spoken to by the Mala’ikah.

“It is elucidated by the two hadiths in Tirmidhi whereby “Allah has engraved truth on the tongue of `Umar and his heart” and “If there were a prophet after me verily it would be `Umar.” Tirmidhi adds to the muhaddath narration that according to Ibn `Uyayna “spoken to” means “made to understand” (mufahhamun), while in his narration Muslim adds: “Ibn Wahb explained “spoken to” as meaning “inspired” (mulhamun),” and this is the majority’s opinion according to Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Bari (7:62:#3689) who adds “spoken to” means “by the angels.”

The Answer came to me in this manner by the Mala’ikah some years ago and they showed it to me step by step over a number of years until I understood it intimately.

I understood that hacking a person’s computer was not enough, or spying on their internet, these things are too far removed from the person personally to achieve what we are seeing in the world today.

I was made to understand that they have another way which they are not disclosing, being technically minded and having an understanding that these people only use the law to place boundaries on people so they can gain an advantage over them as they themselves ignore these laws, it became apparent the Issue must be in the CPU, a deliberate flaw designed into it.

Around this time, I’ll be short here, someone informed me in a dream, “they have a way of reading what your graphics card is doing and seeing everything that is on your screen”, so that put me on the right direction and eventually I concluded they have a way of reading what your CPU is doing and bypassing the defenses of the PC itself, which the Mala’ikah confirmed, they then spoke to me about the consequences of this on the people behind it.

They then informed me that soon in the future this will become publicly known and not long after that, because whenever any secret is revealed it loses its power in the world, America will begin to lose its grip over the world.

That was some years ago, I stayed silent on this until I recognised this present Issue with Intel CPU’s for what it was, the Mala’ikah then informed me after this became public it will take them about two years to fix this with all the CPU’s on earth, then people around the world will see freedom again because the thing that was silently gripping/chocking them has disappeared from the world.

Life will go back to how it used to be before this, think back to how the world felt in the 90’s, people will find peace again the 90’s is the closest description to the life people will live, but that falls short of what I was shown which was much more than this. Formalities and boundaries will be respected again as well as etiquette, there will be a place for religion and morality in the world again once they are gone.

The same personnel and spiritual boundaries won’t be violated in the same way again. This was a severe form of Maskh being done to the people of earth stunting their spiritual development, you can’t grow as a person if you are being spied upon because the act of spying is a fasad that taints every spiritual growth in your life corrupting the outcome of your labor.

I am not often informed of what will happen like this but whenever something affects my life there is more likely hood that I will be. I stayed silent on this over the past few years because in reality there is no one to say anything to, but Insha Allah I am going to explain one more thing I was informed about rather than stay silent waiting for it to happen first, and that is how America will end.

I don’t want people to take this as certain but rather like a weather forecast with a probability of the weather being predicted correctly. This is because sometimes when the Mala’ikah say things when conditions are not Ideal they use Jinn to say it for them which they support spiritually so they can speak with their authority, and I was informed of this in this manner.

I once asked them about why they use Jinn, Allah mentions in the Quran Jinn don’t know the future except for what the Mala’ikah inform them, the issue came down to this, living in the west in a densely populated suburb in the middle of a society that openly practices zina in every house in every direction you turn, the fasad of that act is thick in the air, had the atmosphere been pure like Makkah or Madinah people would see the Mala’ikah more often and speak to them more easily.

The first time I was informed of this matter regarding America I ignored it, I don’t like receiving news from Jinn, but when this Issue with computers came up it was repeated to me with much more clarity, more clarity than I have seen Jinn able to achieve so I payed attention.

In the next few years a people will emerge in American society asking for their rights, these are Americans who are abused and oppressed in the most severe ways you can imagine and they will emerge in large numbers. Pharaoh needed people to fuel his occult empire these are their equivalent in America today, their abuses are as severe if not more than the Jews suffered under Pharaoh. They will rise up against the government demanding their rights and no force in the country will be able to stomp on them, then in claiming their rights it will be as if they took a “Large chunk of the country” out for themselves and America won’t ever be the same again, the people of the world won’t ever view it the same and it will seem weak in their eyes because of it.

I think it will be something like a giant scandal that rocks America to its foundation’s which it won’t recover from, unlike previous scandals it has suffered.

To illustrate the magnitude of this event, I was then shown a Map of Australia and told Imagine someone took from Australia a chunk of land the size of the Northern Territory, it will affect American society like that, they indicated to me the North of America on the border with Canada, that will be the equivalent of their loss from this scandal (if it still isn’t clear I am not saying they will lose land, this is a metaphor for the loss they will suffer from this scandal and it will weaken their place in the world).

When Europe sees that it will be like a shark smelling the first drops of blood in the water and they will set their eyes on America, soon after that they will bring them down economically, probably crashing their economy which they won’t recover from unlike last time.

The Injeel says Europe will bring down America economically and then become the dominant power in the world, After that they will fight their wars with the Muslims which ahadith speak of, while the prophet (saws) said the Fitnah of America will last for 18 years then disappear, which is around 2019.

The aim of this work is to fill in the blanks of how American influence will end around the world by the time the prophet (saws) said it will end.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.