Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

The following is one of the oldest lessons in Islam, from its heart and core, unfortunately, scholars rarely talk about it today so if you haven’t heard this before know this is one of the pure lessons of old.

When we die and go to Jannah we become ahl al Barzakh, our souls are there and our bodies are in the grave until Yawm al Qiyamah. The scholars in our time explained between Maghrib and Isha prayers all the souls of the afterlife, those who are deceased, your family, friends, forefathers all the way back to Adam, are called every night to sidrat al muntaha, the lote tree, which is the Maqam of sayidinah Jibril (as), the place where he stopped on the night of Isra wal Miraj and told the Prophet (saws) he could not go further or He would be burnt up.

There, all the actions and deeds of the people still living on earth are displayed in front of their eyes, from the previous day until the present day. Everything that occurs on earth is exhibited for the souls of the deceased ones in a similar way to how we watch television. In barzakh the news of this world appears daily to your family friends and forefathers, in detail and in general. The deeds of the individuals, their community, nation are all displayed, and every soul in Barzakh knows about its relatives and what happened between them and how they are acting.

It is for this reason between Maghrib and Isha you make dua and give value to that time, whoever asks for Allah to cover their bad actions Allah will cover them and not display them at the lote tree under the Arsh. All deeds are displayed to them at this time except for the people who are busy asking Allah for forgiveness or asking Allah to cover their deeds.

All your good deeds will also be displayed to them and the Angels at that time will be making the Tasbih (prayer) “Subhana man Adh-hara al Jameel wa Satarah al Qadih”, “Glorified Is that one which has shown the beautiful and has hidden the ugly”.

So many people in this world die because their forefathers in barzakh are praying against them, when they see something that makes them shy (embarrassed of you), sad, ashamed, repeatedly causing them to shy away from you, they start to ask “Oh Lord either make them good or take them away”.

When they see something good they pray for you because you have enlightened their face, increased them in light. When we make dua or pray between Maghrib and Isha and Allah covers our deeds in front of them, it is a protection so we don’t receive any negative dua from them which affects our lives.

Every human being has to know that this time, daily, is a source of reward or misfortune for the people on earth.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.