Bismillahi rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum

This is a continuation of this account, please read that first if you have not yet:

A Spiritual Challenge

After writing this account it came to me that the Shindō jinen-ryū Master was being bothered by the local community and His own people because he interacted with me, since they are trying to Isolate me from having any kind of spiritual experiences in life to stop me from growing.

عَبَسَ وَتَوَلَّىٰٓ (١) أَن جَآءَهُ ٱلۡأَعۡمَىٰ (٢) وَمَا يُدۡرِيكَ لَعَلَّهُ ۥ يَزَّكَّىٰٓ (٣)

“He (The Prophet (SAW)) frowned and turned away, (1) Because there came unto him the blind man (Abdullah bin Umm-Maktûm, when the Prophet (SAW) was preaching to some of the Quraish chiefs) (2) And how can you (O prophet) know that he (the Blind man) might grow (spiritually/ Yazakah)? (80:3)

Insha Allah I am going to write about my encounter with him because He wasn’t at fault, the spiritual laws that govern this universe forced him to, otherwise he would have had to shut down his Dojo.

When a Master moves into a new area and opens a Dojo His reality/truth spreads in the area and decides his rizq, it interacts with the local reality and anyone attracted to it, in need of it, anyone that it could help will eventually find his way to His Dojo and over time the Master builds a school and community.

If the claims surrounding His reality, involve having a reputation as the master of the area, or being the spiritual leader of a community, or anything similar to this His reality will persist to be the dominant spirituality in the area as long as this remains the truth in the universe.

Allah says in the Quran about how truth/reality interacts with other realities that no longer remain the truth;

“No! We hurl the truth against falsehood, and truth obliterates it- see how falsehood vanishes away!” (21:18) ,“And say, “Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Falsehood is surely bound to vanish.” (17:81)

A persons Haq will remain in the universe as it is as long as it is the truth, when this is no longer the case the person will go through changes in his life.

Eventually as people come in contact with each other their realities interact then the matter is eventually settled regarding questions of spiritual superiority, the matter is placed on the scales and the superior Haq prevails.

In the respect Al Haqiah Al Muhamadiya, the reality of the prophet Muhammad (saws) is the dominant reality in the universe for all time, because of this Allah wrote His (saws) name on the Arsh, the thing responsible for every persons reality, so His name (saws) is above every persons, Angels and Jinns reality shaping their lives from the unseen.

Many years ago before our last major spiritual openings, the community I live in attacked me in an attempt to try to convert me to their degeneracy. In doing this they revealed themselves to me and so I began to dismantle their source of power affecting my life.

But before achieving this I became lost because I was being attacked from every source they could attack me from in life, and so I needed to focus my self and heal, I decided on practicing martial arts again and looked for a traditional form in my area that had history and spirituality.

I decided a long time ago to stay clear away from MMA and anything to do with that, it is deliberately designed to destroy the mind and spirit of any person that falls into it.

I discovered the Dojo of the Shindō jinen-ryū Master, I walked passed it in town a few times trying to get a feel for the place, to see its reality, eventually I decided to walk in to see what it was like, when I did I was greeted by an old white lady acting as secretary for the Master. When I did she gave the local “white greeting” and I knew she was evil, but everything else about the place said traditional Martial Arts, so I understood this was a compromise the Master had to make with the local people to Keep the Dojo open in such an area.

She was most likely an occultist placed there to keep the Japanese spirituality of the place in check and to decide who the Master could and couldn’t have as a student, it became clear I wasn’t going to be his student because when I got home I had to deal with her sihr. After ignoring her stupidity, most of these kind of people rarely see the inside of a university or a book, I took a good look around the Dojo and left.

At the time I was not as spirituality aware as I am now nor had the depth of understanding, by simply walking into the Dojo my reality now interacted with that of the Master and because this is all a matter of Ihsan, rather than martial arts skill, because traditional Martial arts is practiced to achieve Ihsan, it was inevitable my Haq would become the dominant one.

Later on when the Master realised what was happening, He sent His students to challenge me spiritually in a number of dreams to establish Haq.

At first they challenged me with traditional Martial arts in the dreams, my heart had no fear I fought Jinn in dreams many times before and one by one I defeated every one, eventually they would come at me all at once but this I won also. I defeated them with Taekwondo and the skills I gained from the Kata of the 3rd Dan black belt, these skills are much easier to bring out in the world of spirit because nothing is inhibiting you.

They left defeated and the Master understood, eventually they would come back with a more spiritual challenge involving fear, but by that time in my life I had interacted with Jinn who specialise in giving people nightmares and dissected their methods after withstanding them, the Japanese Jinn in the account linked to above was one such Jinn, eventually I earned their respect which they showed, so this new effort also failed.

Eventually the Master would come to me and tell me why, explaining if He wasn’t the dominant Master in the Area He would have to close His Dojo, it was part of the deal he made with “white people”.

I explained to Him my reality and informed Him their was nothing I could do this was something Allah had given to me a long time ago, He insha Allah learnt from what Allah had given me, from his experiences like any person of Ihsan learns.

In reality this was all hubris, Allah was punishing these white people for their evil, they went out of their way to isolate me so they could achieve spiritual dominance in everything, and now they wanted dominance in the Martial Arts of this area but Allah was forcing them to go through me to get it.

Eventually it worked out for the Master and His dojo remained open, but the plans of the occultists were ruined, they could never claim spiritual dominance in this town ever again.

They can never achieve what they want naturally again, the dominance people see in them is all manufactured and fake, it is based on the spiritual height of the things they built in life (organisations, buildings, businesses, communities) and their fake reputations rather than the spirituality they achieved in themselves.

They are welcome to try attacking me again, I have long ago dissected your racist occult tricks which you borrowed from the USA and its KKK, who took it from the Nazi SS, white supremacy isn’t anything more than an illusion you fool the weak into accepting.

I’ll pose a famous question you people love to ask, “What happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object?” nothing, Allah doesn’t create impossible opposites, you people are not smart enough to figure out the realities of the universe and how they work, you are just borrowing from people who could.

You also forget I grew up with the people of this town and knew them before they took on their persona’s, so I will have no trouble going to the heart of this and cutting it out of this town if I ever run into it again, this time you will see the spiritual force of the Mala’ikah with me, so Understand what you are seeing when you see your Jinn crushed.

You are nothing without them and they are nothing in front of me.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.