Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Some time ago I wrote about how Allah and His prophet (saws) asked me to help someone in trouble, you can read it here;, because it has now come to me that it is better to share some of the details of what I am doing I have decided to talk about some things I left out in that email.

In trying to help the women I began to look at what was spiritually affecting her, I asked the Mala’ikah to look into this, she was involved with some charities that were backed by some of the worlds biggest corporations which I found strange, the entire thing was a front to attack Islam in Indonesia and Malaysia (see the first email).

In helping her I began to locate some centers of evil on earth responsible for things she was suffering and in doing so I saw who was responsible for one of the Major fitnah’s plaguing this world. These places are called think tanks, they are organisation that perform research and advocacy concerning topics such as social policy, political strategy, economics, military, technology, and culture.

They think up strategic ways for the west to carry out its plans in an area, but what they are also responsible for in the world is all the Maskh that people are suffering.

They are responsible for the stunting of people’s spiritual and intellectual growth around the world.

Spiritually they claim they are the peak of human intelligence and through this claim they have built a plateau they are deliberately keeping the entire world under, they are the reason we don’t see scholars like those of old walking this earth anymore they have created a monopoly on intelligence through which they are dictating who in society can develop fully and who will be deprived of growth.

The idea behind the tower of Babel in the Bible was that it gave its builders a spiritual dominance over the people of earth they didn’t deserve to have from which they would oppress people spiritually, so Allah stopped them, today anyone can build a structure or create an organisation so the fitnah of the tower of babel isn’t isolated to that one building in history, today we have skyscrapers everywhere, like the tower the think tanks around the world are a spiritual structure on a world scale oppressing the spiritual aspect of human intelligence.

We all know society is being deliberately dumbed down, if you are old enough you have seen it, this is the mechanism behind that effort, think tanks are the spiritual peak behind the effort on the ground. If a movement or effort doesn’t have a spiritual reality above everything else it can’t dominate everything else this is how the spiritual part of our universe works and this is how to make things succeed in life, Allah declared this with the story of the tower of babel in the bible, He then destroyed the efforts of those people to stop them.

When I saw it I challenged their claims, delusions will persist in the universe until something real challenges them, Allah says this in the Quran, so I asked the Mala’ikah to place my Maqam with Allah over these centers if their claims are true my Haq won’t affect them but instead I saw the darkness of their evil explode and a light of Islam come from these places.

Intelligence and understanding are not the same thing, having a vast understanding is superior and more spiritually elevated, you can be the most intelligent Nazi on earth but you have the understanding of a pea by comparison and these places lack real understanding they see the world through a lense and so their reality/haq is something low.

If the Ummah is to recover from the state it is in, these places have to spiritually be dealt with, there is no avoiding it, the Imam’s of Tassawwuf should understand that.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.