Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

This email is a bit of an update on what Allah showed me the Kufar would attempt with my books which i mentioned a few emails back. Some time ago I realised the Jinn of the sahireen/occultists don’t tell humans anything when they get in trouble and that I would have to speak myself, I also saw Rasul Allah (saws) advising these Jinn to tell their masters what they are seeing, that I am fighting them, otherwise on the day of judgment it will all come upon them like a shock.

But the most important reason I am speaking is to raise people up, a long time ago the prophet (saws) told me people need to hear this kind of talk now because of what they will face in the future.

A few weeks ago I ordered some books from a local supplier, after some troubles they arrived late and as I already knew they arrived with sihr on them, I didn’t have to open the packaging to see it, it hit me as soon as I picked it up, add to this the fact the spiritual midgets behind it sent a shaytan about a week earlier telling me what they would do.

The Shaytan said to me in a threatening voice, you will be cleaning up after these (book) companies, He meant they would do a sihr on me so that I would receive the spiritual filth of this company, not sooner than he finished his statement one of Allah’s high Angels said to Him, Allah will remove that from Him, the shaytan shut up at that point.

When the books arrived before opening them I placed them under my prayer Mat, that is when the first shaytan left, it blinded them and they couldn’t stand it, I then took the books and sprayed them with cockroach spray and left them there, if you can imagine a pie chart, 60% of the Jinns power behind the sihr disappeared because its source was this kind of filth and 40% remained because he got it from the books at the book warehouse, books by nature are clean so the spray has no effect on it.

After I saw how persistent the idiots behind this sihr wanted to be I asked Mala’ikah Jahanam to take care of the problem, I asked them if their was some kind of thing in Jahanam they could place on the heads of these people which they will have to clean up like they intended towards me, and they showed me what they would do, they placed something black on all their heads from Jahanam, Jinn and Humans, and said it will stay there affecting them, even if they go to remove it or scratch their heads, it will return.

Moreover the Mala’ikah said they will open this company up (like a tin can) because they deliberately set themselves up against people like me, I then saw the (spiritual) top of the company being removed and every dark thing inside could be seen and was bare for everyone like they were naked.

Their Shayateen after hearing this began to complain, the Mala’ikah responded by saying He has a right to ask for it because of what you did to him, so they shut up.

These people have clearly let me know they are reading my emails, on multiple occasions, but they don’t listen, I warned you a long time ago that the Mala’ikah have no trouble returning to you what you do measure for measure, because Allah says in the Quran “And We ordained for them therein a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds is legal retribution”(5:45), now you will be the ones cleaning up after Jahanam.

I don’t think you have perspective on this, you think numbers mean anything the size of one of Allah’s higher Angels is larger than earth do you really think they would have trouble grabbing everything single person in a company with none hand.

If you were not the idiots being controlled by your Jinn rather than you controlling them they would tell you what they see rather than me having to write it here for you like children.

As long as anything affects me that is going to stay on you all, after that it is up to Allah when he removes it from you.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.