Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, asalamu alaikum.

[I have found that posting anything on a platform you own, or paying for, is more spiritually beneficial than posting it on something someone else owns, like facebook or email, this is why I have chosen to post this here rather than simply keep it directed at the people it is aimed at, much of what is in this section of my website is here for this reason alone. You should remember this spiritual reality in your life, you will find more success when you own the things you use or are paying for them.]


Today I wrote an article entitled, “The Cube: How The World Came To End”, I will share it here in a few days, it is about what society has done to the world. Not long after that a Jinn come to me and confessed, after seeing He was trapped in the cube, he was commanded to do a sihr on me so I would reveal what I am hiding about my self, He then said to me after realising what it was “that is like the sahir asking me to hit him with his own sihr”, it isn’t any good news for him and what He will hear will be hard on him.

My major secret which I have been hiding for 17 years in plane sight is the following, I am sharing it so it will be hard on people, any scholar who has read what I wrote in the past without an ego would have seen it you just have to know what you are looking at;

It is reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, once said after the salat:

‘O people! Listen to this, understand it, and know it. Allah has servants who are neither Prophets nor martyrs and whom the Prophets and martyrs yearn to be like, due to their seat and proximity in relation to Allah.” One of the Bedouin Arabs who came from among the most isolated of people twisted his hand at the Prophet and said: ‘O Messenger of Allah! People from humankind who are neither Prophets nor martyrs and yet the Prophet’s and the martyrs yearn to be like them due to their seat and proximity in relation to Allah?! Describe them for us!”’

‘The Prophet’s face showed delight at the Bedouin’s question and he said: ’ …

‘They are of the strangers from this and that place. They frequent this or that tribe without belonging to them. They do not have family connections among themselves. They love one another for Allah’s sake. They are of pure intent towards one another. On the Day of Resurrection Allah will place for them pedestals of light upon which He will make them sit, and He will turn their faces and clothes into light. On the Day of Resurrection the people will be terrified but not those. They are Allah’s Friends [ Awliya’] upon whom fear comes not, nor do they grieve.’

[Haythami in Majma’al-Zawa’id says: ‘Ahmad relates it, and Tabrani relates something similar, and the men in its chain of transmission has been declared trustworthy.” Also related through several chains by Abu Dawud, Ahmad, Baghawi in Sharh al-Sunna, al-Hakim in the Mustadrak, Ibn ‘Asakir, Ibn Abi al-Dunya in Kitab al-Ikhwan, Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, Ibn Abi Hatim, Ibn Mardawayh, and others].

I am one of these people, if you read the account of my Miraj (Journey To The Lord Of Power – My Miraj) the night in which Allah granted me everything, you will see it at the beginning it is the same as this hadith.

This hadith has been exactly my life, I have gone from one group to another, without belonging to any, learnt what Allah wanted me to learn and moved on, even my work was like this. The Christian Jinn of the monastery in my community used to like to call me the Jesus who walks, they have different kinds of names like this for different kinds of religious people in their community, that is what they chose for me because that was my quality.

I have stayed silent on this for 17 years out of modesty ,but now it is a means to something else because the people of this world have stripped it of all its modesty.

I am well aware of the methods employed by the sahireen in this country, white people or otherwise, I have seen the true face of Allah’s enemies, one advantage of having a private school education is that it ensures I am spiritually above the fodder and see most of what people are doing from an elevation, this is something they designed into their system.

​One of the first things I saw after becoming spiritual aware was how white people spy on you so they can know what sihr to perform, and I am also aware that what ever I mention they do sihr to cover every subject regarding it, they literally blanket the entire subject with sihr so they can stay dominant, after I began defeating them they admitted to me what I already knew.

They identify and target Allah’s people becoming drunk on what they are stealing from the purity of their lives, this society of destruction Allah informed us about it 2000 years ago; “I saw that the woman (America) was drunk with the blood of the saints (God’s holy people), the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus (his prophethood, the Awliyah of Islam)” (Rev:17:6).

​What YOU should be aware of in return is the retribution that I send your way every time you do something, the Mala’ikah have a more subtle hand in spiritual affairs than your bumbling Jinn and most of you are to dull witted to sense anything, while your Jinn are to afraid to tell you anything.

Next time someone want’s to do sihr you should rather consider what is going to come at you as a result, I am from the people for whom Allah declares war against my enemies.

“The Messenger of Allah (saws) said, “Allah the Almighty has said, ‘Whoever has mutual animosity with a friend (wali) of Mine, I declare war upon him.” (Bukhari)

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.