Bismilahi Rahmani Raheem, Assalamu alaikum.

Using Jinn to do anything for you is the worst thing you can do to yourself because Jinn stop things before they start, before they come into existence in this world, before they materialize, before they have had a chance to live. This is why Sihr, the Occult, Magic is such a severe crime and carries a death sentence with each act, it stops things and takes things and changes things at their source in the spiritual world before it reaches life on earth, so for that both the Jinn and Sahir (Occultist) will be punished for each act of sihr like they took a life because essentially, they stopped a life from existing.

They say if you give a man a fish he will eat for a day but if you teach him how to fish he will eat for a life time, what if you took away his ability to fish you will have taken from him a lifetimes worth of fish, such is the nature of doing anything with Jinn and manipulating ghayb, the unseen, the spiritual world.

Allah says in the Quran “O you men! surely We have created you of a male and a female and made you tribes and families that you may know each other; surely the most honorable of you with Allah is the one among you most careful (of his duty); surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.”(49:13)

This verse is about diversity, Allah created us varied so spiritual things will have a chance to come into existence, come into our life, this is what “Know each other” means, not so they can be stopped before they have a chance to exist through sihr.

The ones closest to Allah are those who are mindful of their duty, in this verse this means duty to society and the people around you so you can maintain diversity by maintaining boundaries, this is the definition of maturity and being an adult and what is needed to keep life spiritually healthy.

Such is the stupidity of Jinn in our time, they used to stand behind man waiting for things to occur in the world before taking part but now they want to race ahead of him as soon as they see anything coming on the horizon and decide his life from a distance that he can’t even perceive.

On the day of judgment, you will find this generation of Jinn utterly humiliated and despised by every one of their forefathers who will accuse them of bringing this world and its many civilizations to an end because they could not let man have his life on earth before interfering.

They will remain like this among the race of Jinn for the rest of time, seen as the weakest of their kind and the least intelligent.

If you could ask the elders among the Jinn today who lived from before the first world war, some are still alive, you will already see this reality, how they view these Jinn who have not had a chance to develop mentally.

One of the Main reasons Allah placed man on earth with Jinn is so Jinn can mature into adults, Jinn are easily influenced by their surroundings and are incapable of standing up unless what is in their environment stands up in front of them, they need man as role models so they know what Maturity looks like, otherwise you see stupid behaviour in them mixed with maturity and they stay like old aged children for the rest of their lives.

This is what the sahir relies upon for guidance, and after generation upon generation of relying on short sightedness and short sighted opinion the world today is trapped in a psychology it calls normal.

This is the psychological equivalent of inbreeding and after years of damage because real diversity has been killed in the world, the lizards hole (type of world view) the world has trapped itself into: Allah’s messenger (saws) said “You will indeed follow the ways of those before you, hand span by hand span, and an arm’s length after another. Even if they enter into a lizard’s hole, you will follow them.” We asked, “Is it the Jews and Christians?” He (saws) replied, “Who else!” (Bukhari).

Jinn are good at hiding themselves so people don’t see they are being led by a creature that has the maturity of a teenager with a “drug” habit that needs to be fed by human interactions.

In effect the jinn are stealing your life from you, what you built up in your heart from your experiences and treating it like nothing more than a T.V soap opera they watch and change the channel when they get bored.

Today we live in a world that has lost to this fitnah and the “MTV people and culture” spreading around the world are the result of that inbreeding.

Soon Allah will take care of this through war because this state is not sustainable by the earth and not once in History has He let it persist.

You don’t know Allah, nothing has changed in how things are done, what you are missing is an ability to judge affairs properly because you grew up in a world twisted into immaturity, the antithesis of right judgment, so how can you rely on your eyes?

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.