Bismillahi Rhamani Raheem, assalamu alaikum.

In my email “America Has Finally Lost Its Grip On The World” I outlined the tool America was using to dominate the world and that because that had finally come to light it marked the end of its dominance which also concurred with the Prophet Muhammad’s statement that their fitnah will only last for 18 years then clear up (2001-2019);

America built a “back door” into every single Intel CPU on earth that came out in the last 15 years or so which was recently discovered, they are working on fixing it but it won’t be fixed until Intel brings out their next line of CPU’s and every computer on earth is upgraded to that.

Now that spyhole into every person and governments life on earth has been blocked they have come up with something new to replace it.

In the next Microsoft Windows 10 update they are introducing a new feature called “timeline”, it will record everything you do in every app and every browser and maintain that record for 30 days, you can then open that app or document into the state you last left it in or search what you did over the past few weeks.

So instead of having to hack your computer and install spyware it is now directly built in by the manufacturer. How they intend for it to be used and how it can be abused are two very different things, you don’t install cameras inside your house broadcasting on the internet and say “well they are password protected”, as long as the tools are there they can be reprogramed and repurposed and Microsoft has now built the tools right into your home.

“Timeline tracks what you’re doing—which documents you have in which apps, which e-mails you’re writing, what Web pages you have open, that kind of thing—and lets you retrieve that information later. On Windows, the Timeline information is displayed in the task switcher. Press the taskbar button (or, we’d hope, Win-Tab) and Windows will continue to show your currently open applications. But you can now scroll that view to bring historic applications and documents into view. ”

“Behind the scenes, this is powered by the Microsoft Graph…It has its origins in Office 365; the Graph was initially a representation of user and group data that was stored in Azure Active Directory (a cloud computing service for data). New elements have been added over time; the Graph also represents, for example, documents and files, so you can find out who has been working on what files and when.”

“the net result is a system that can potentially be used by “far more people”, “much more of the time”.” (My quotation marks)


Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.