Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Why Does Allah says “Wasiaah Kursiyuhul Samawati Wal Ard?” (2:255)

Why does Allah make a point of saying the Kursi extends over both the heavens and the Earth, when this is true for both the Kursi and Arsh, why is it more significant for the Kursi than the Arsh?

Ibn Abbas (ra) explained “Kursiyuhu Ilmuhu” (bukhari), Allah’s Kursi is His knowledge in the universe, the Kursi is responsible for all knowledge in the universe, the knowledge of how things are created, how the universe and its systems work, every topic of knowledge you can think of except for one and that is reserved for the Arsh.

While the Kursi is raw knowledge, data, regarding everything, how that knowledge is used is the responsibility of the Arsh. The Arsh is responsible for Wisdom in the universe, because it is also responsible for the existence of Allah’s qualities in the universe and they only do things with Wisdom.

Allah makes a point of saying the Kursi is on earth because while every creature can freely have some form of intelligence not every creature attains wisdom.

Allah made it easy for His creatures to gain knowledge by allowing the Kursi to interact with our intellect on earth, but wisdom is something sought after, earned through how we live and a result of age and experience.

You have to look deep in yourself, become sagacious to become wise, this Journey of the inner self is your soul reaching deeper into ghayb (the spiritual world) to reach the Arsh and be inspired by it as easily as your intellect is inspired by the Kursi.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai