Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

​Jazak Allah khairan for reading my emails, they have achieved what I intended by them. It is not necessary to believe what I say that was never my intent, rather Muslim Jinn reading them are obliged to see their truth from what ghayb reveals to them and act, and they have done so.

Jinn live by their own rules which they agree amongst each other, one is how they should behave around scholars, Imam’s and what to do if a Mujtahid appears amongst them, even the devils in the Muslim Ummah are obliged to act because a long time ago before the Khalifah fell the Muslim Jinn made them swear oaths that ensured the survival of Islam.

I can tell you the very shaytan from the Arab Emirates sent to bother me after hearing what I said and seeing it from the Mala’ikah is now protecting me because of these rules, Him and the other Jinn with him to the point of openly threating Australian jinn if they do anything, while not a day earlier they were all helping each other because of political agreements.

The Muslims that came before us prepared the way for us and what they did is enough to get the Ummah to were it needs to go, Islam is not going anywhere you are just afraid of what the Kufar are planning for the world, don’t be the weakest people in the Ummah the prophet (saws) they are the only ones the Kufar will be able to defeat.

Struggle and you will survive give in to fear and you will never gain safety, that is their delusion, they won’t stop until they turn you into their tool inside and out.

Understand these Kufar trying to establish the rule of the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) their empires will not survive to see Him, Allah is going to turn them against each other before then because there is to much animosity between them, because America went too far.

Are they seriously going to say that was the only way to rule, if the Roman empire existed today and it treated people reasonably people would have been happy with life even if they had the entire world under them, Jahanam has seven depths do you think being in the worst part is equal to being in the easiest, these people are sworn to drag every human to the same place as their master Iblis because he swore it to Allah.

Iblis was the first idiot, the first moron, emulating him only turns you into what he is. In the Akhira his persona will dissolve like salt in water and you will see an Idiot is all that is left.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.