Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

The first Jinn Allah created existed in the early days of the Dinosaurs, the first mistake he made was deciding between two plants, telling the difference between them, by the end of his life he knew them all, so He achieved something with Allah.

Some people think Iblis was the first Jinn, that is not correct, Iblis was one of the last Jinn to be born from the age of Dinosaurs, most people think of Iblis being in heaven first then being cast out, he didn’t learn his bad qualities in heaven he comes from a primal age older and more archaic than man, which is why to Jinn and occultists he looks so unique while he is not, he is the last of his kind from that time, nothing more.

In terms of age mankind supersedes every other creature in the universe, that is why Jinn can’t surpass man and man can surpass Angels, Allah created everything from the first sub atomic particle He created in the universe, in Islamic terminology the first thing Allah created was the light of your prophet (saws) and He created the universe from that.

That is when mankind first existed in the universe and why we are its Khalifah, this fact has an impact on capacity and our ability to learn every kind of knowledge and wisdom with Allah in comparison to other creatures of intellect and wisdom that Allah created, we can see right to the end of things because we existed at the beginning of all things.

The Jinn where a race created on earth for earth, unlike mankind who were created in another part of the universe then brought here.

When Iblis saw his people making so much trouble on earth, at the time Allah saw him as the best of his kind which is why in the Quran Allah counted him among the Angels when He asked them to prostrate to man, Ibliss asked Allah to end his people because they would not change and only got worse. This is similar to the story of saydinah Nuh (as), Allah sent him the flood as an answer to his dua and began mankind again, while Allah sent Iblis the meteor that ended the age of dinosaurs, at the time Allah raised Him to heaven like He did with saydinah Idriss (as) and Isa (as) to save them.

We have accounts regarding Allah’s punishment on Dinosaurs which state what remains of them today, are lizards, and we have accounts of Iblis asking Allah to end his kind because of their trouble, regarding the first Jinn this is something the Mala’ikah and Allah gave us answers to after we asked.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.