Bismillahi rahmani raheem assalamu alaikum.

Sometimes when I am writing an article I understand things about the spiritual world or the occult that I think would help stop some evil in the world if evil people heard it, knowledge can hold back the hands of some people.

​But every time I am stopped and reminded of the command of Rasul Allah (saws) to not try and fix the world in our time. This present subject is different I was encouraged to speak about it directly to the occultists, it is about why your “spiritual” work will not affect anything Allah is doing, why you can’t touch the afterlife, why you can’t change the universe and why your prayers or requests go nowhere.

Let’s start with the understanding that the spiritual world your devils exist in is the subatomic part of space, that is governed by a different set of laws than the physics of our world called quantum mechanics, they are able to explain why every occult thing occurs. Devils are created from fire and fire is made of Atoms and subatomic particles, you know Angels are light that is the photon particle hence this is not a leap but a natural conclusion.

If the universe has an up and a down then it has dimensions and that means it has a limit, boundaries, the limit of subatomic space ends at the limit of the universe, in the Quran this is called sidrat al Muntaha, the furthest limit. Subatomic space has regions, 7 to be exact and these seven are the seven levels of Jannah, Heaven, they end at sidrat al Muntaha a region Allah has called the Arsh, His throne, because it governs all laws of the universe that make things exist.

So how is all of this relevant, some people may have heard that Jannah has guards protecting it, ask yourself the question guarding it from what, an Alien invasion?

No, but to answer that you have to understand one more thing, your actions on earth reverberate through subatomic space to its depths. Subatomic particles are easily influenced by your body and what it is doing, you can’t live without the body absorbing photon particles into it to fuel its chemical reactions so you can live.

Likewise your actions impact the universe at the subatomic level and influence it, this why both the occult (sihr) and prayer work, one is the manipulation of the forces of the universe to do evil the other is to do good, some people can even perform miracles which is the opposite of someone casting a spell.

Because of this Allah has Angels guarding Jannah, the Arh, Kursi (the region just below the throne) and everything else worth anything to Allah.

Your evil acts are not allowed to leave earth and any imperfect prayer is turned away from entering Jannah. What is left to you in this world are the Jinn who empower your acts and create your reality but once they stop so will your reality. Because your actions can’t reach any spiritual height to impact the universe in any meaningful way it can’t last, and everything you do is temporary.

It will only persist as long as people on earth make it persist and that is the difference between delusion and true reality.

When Allah said; “They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it” (61:8), He was saying the prophet (saws) and first generation of Muslims had done enough work in their life to establish Islam on earth and in the heavens until the end of the universe, they had done enough to shape reality the way Allah wanted.

He declared this clearly when the last verse of the Quran was revealed, that the fate of the world was sealed because of their work; “This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you as religion al-Islam. Whoso is forced by hunger, not by will, to sin: (for him) lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”(5:3)

In both verses you may have noticed something unusual, that Allah is referring to work needing to be done so His light and religion are completed and perfected on earth, this is the work they did, both these verses are examples of people’s work being accepted and raised up to the end of the universe so it impacts and writes the future of the universe shaping how it will evolve.

Another example of this in the Quran is when Allah revealed; “Alif, Lam, Mim, The Romans have been defeated” (30:1-2) He revealed this well before before the Muslims were even a force in the world, Allah revealed it as soon as the Muslims completed the spiritual work to bring about its future, the pagans of Makkah made fun of this small group of people who thought they could defeat the world’s strongest supper power, some thirty years later it occurred.

The point of this is to understand that whatever you do cannot override the work of the people that came before you, even if you cover the earth in your ways it won’t be allowed to override it and the prophet “prophesized” the future of things until the end of the world, so Allah has decreed the fate of things and they can’t be changed.

It may surprise you but some of your kind know this well and actually rely on it, it is the reason why they do things deliberately prophesised to be those people spoken of.

Understand, Satan is just another Jinn, had he actually been an Angel that still won’t matter because Allah would not have asked all the Angels to prostrate to Adam if mankind was not stronger than the Angels. He did not simply say follow Adam, He Commanded them to kneel and prostrate because of how indebted to Him they would be in doing the work Allah wanted done in the universe to perfect the existence of His light and religion.

If the Angels exist in the subatomic where the laws of the universe exist, man lives on earth where the end of these laws occur and his physical nature is a far more powerful thing that influences subatomic space than one single Angel can impact the universe.

Just like a nuclear bomb exists in each atom but man moves Atoms like they are nothing, so too is man’s capacity over the spiritual world and Satan.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.