Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

Recently a prominent Naqshbandi shaykh commented that I should not talk about myself publicly or tell people everything, of the things I have written this was his advice and contention regarding his understanding of my life.

The simple answer is I took the path of Rasul Allah (saws), that He (saws) asked me to take, “and he is not miserly concerning (revealing news of) the Unseen.” (81:24)

The choice to speak or stay silent was placed in front of me like this was placed in front of Rasul Allah (saws):

Abu Huraira narrated: On the night Allah’s Apostle was taken on a night journey (Miraj) two cups, one containing wine and the other milk, were presented to him at Jerusalem. He looked at it and took the cup of milk. Gabriel said, “Praise be to Allah Who guided you to Al-Fitra (the right path); if you had taken (the cup of) wine, your nation would have gone astray.” (Bukhari)

After I made my choice Rasul Allah (saws) said to me, you made the right decision had you stayed silent you would have fallen into fitnah (created by my enemies).

After years of writing and talking I defeated this fitnah sent against me, its people who place manipulate society then had the audacity to say to me you talked your way through it we put it in the world in such a way that is the only way to defeat it, referring to my work. It is a fitnah gripping the world, a fitnah that buries you under their descriptions about you from every facet of modern society you involve yourself in that they created and control.

It is a fitnah of words that seeks to shape your reality through how they choose to describe you in their systems, only elevating your self with Haq and talking about matters more than them will place your reality back in your hands, this has always been the work of religion in spreading the light of Allah to help people see Haq (the Real).

This is what is powering their occult system which you can’t seem to grasp its nature or the nature of the universe for that matter that allows it.

Do you think the Ummah is down because of their own actions, they do things on a global scale and you are not even aware.

Had I actually spoken about everything ya shaykh I would have openly said I was one of the Awliyah just as you did in a very public manner years ago.

I know my place with Allah and I know yours, but you don’t seem to know me, understand shaykh the Naqshbandi who are alive today Allah is not happy with them and neither are the Naqshbandi who came before them, their own forefathers and relatives.

Allah has kept them as a community today when every other community has failed and they are not keeping their duty to the Ummah, they are hiding themselves, this is not for them but the weak in the Ummah.

Leading is the responsibility of any community that can withstand the fitnah of today, Allah didn’t help them so they can rest and stay safe but to pick up responsibility like the Khalifah of Islam would on a global setting.

The Tariqah does not even see the small things in front of their face because their hands are completely removed from responsibility, half of Maariafh is experience with matters and firasah is not even possible if you don’t have Maarifah.

How can ahl al Dhikr not even be capable of preserving the Quran in an age of technology and mass media, can you tell me why every copy of the Quran is printed by salafi’s or wahabbie’s or similar deviant sects, or why every recital of it is by the same people, I can’t even buy an Arabic Quran from your store, why is that, which publisher would you choose do you even care?

Do you realize what reading from the books of your enemies or listening to a corrupt person, the very thing that is meant to help your soul will do to people, they do that is why they do it, this is why the youth are astray and you don’t even realize it.

These people are sahireen who do sihr on everything they touch, how can you be blind to this when you are meant to be ahl al fitrah and ahl al firasah.

You should be printing your own Quran and making your own recitation with people you know have Ihsan, for the entire Ummah to benefit from it.

I am placing these two things at the feet of the Naqshbandi Tariqah to take care of in this world for the Ummah, this is the starting point but what Allah wants is much more, your neglect is the reason you don’t see the world properly.

I already know Allah is going to ask the Tariqah about it on Qiyamah, I have Maarifah of this along with the state of people when they are being asked, this matter has been with me for some time and now it is with you.

It is more important today to listen and buy the Quran from the Tahireen than anything else you are doing, take care of it and Allah will take care of your Akhira.

​Jazak Allah Khairan, wa assalamu alaikum.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.