Tomb of Abu Darda (q)

“Allah will give so much power to the Mahdi. He will remove cruelty from the world overnight, religion will be established, and Islam will be revived. The Mahdi will restore its lost value to it, and it will come to life after its apparent demise … Ignorant people, misers and cowards alike, will be very knowledgeable, generous, and brave. … They will practice religion as in the time of Prophet Muhammad (saas)”…. (Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi, Al-Futuhat al-Makkia, p. 66; Allamah Muhaqqiq Ash-Sharif Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Rasul, Al-Isaatu li Asrat’is-saat, p. 186)

“The Mahdi will rule the world just like The Prophet Sulayman (as) and Dhu’l-Qarnayn.” (Book of Portents of the Awaited Mahdi p. 29)

“There are four kings (over the) Earth in total. Two are from the believers and two from the unbelievers. The believers are Sulayman and Dhu’l-Qarnayn. The unbelievers are Nemrud and Buhtannasir. ONE FROM MY PEOPLE WILL RULE THE WORLD AS THE FIFTH. In other words, the Mahdi.” (Letters of Rabbani, 2/251)

“He is called the Mahdi because he is given guidance for a situation unknown to anyone.” (Allah will teach him like al Khidr (as) and He will be able to guide like He (as) guided Musa (as)) (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, p. 77)

“The Mahdi will own the entire world.” (Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Al-Burhan fi `Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, p. 10)

“The Mahdi will invade all the places between East and West.” (From Ahadith we know He will rule Arabia, conquer Europe, Invade Russia and Persia, send expeditions to India and America, the later is referred to indirectly, Africa will convert under a leader that will rise from among them, and we can assume south America as well from this statement) (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi `Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 56)

“He (the Mahdi) is one who is confirmed as knowing the languages of birds and all animals. Thus his justice will be agreed by all human beings and djinns” (this is not as it seems, communicating with them spiritually is not like learning Japanese it is a baraka Allah gives to Prophets and Awliyah which helps expand their wisdom) (Portents of Doomsday, Berzenci, p. 188)

“He will be known as the Mahdi since he serves as a guide to a hidden state of affairs known to nobody.” (He will rule over ahl al Ghayb, the Mala’ikah, and have a say in what they are in charge of) (Book of Portents of the Mahdi of the End Times, p. 77)

“In his time nobody shall be woken out of sleep and nobody’s nose will bleed.”(i suspect this refers to sihr that does this and his (as) blocking the power behind sihr on earth. When you change the reality the world lives under you also change what people can and can not do with sihr) (Book of Portents of the Awaited Mahdi, p. 42)

“The Mahdi will emerge from among my community, and Allah will send him to make people wealthy. The community will be blessed, animals will eat and drink in plenty, the earth will give up its fruits”… (this is not what it seems, the prophet (saws) gave away all His (saws) wealth, and poverty is the door to Jannah, that has not changed, but what has changed is the world, the basis of the fitnah corrupting it today is spiritual elitism and evil people being at the top of every kind of mountain so they can rule all the people of the world from ghayb. Today it is impossible to get your spiritual rights unless you come up from under the Mass delusion that is driving the world today, that is why Imam Mahdi (as) is going to spread wealth to such an extent among the people previously denied it, it is a cure for the corruption and oppression we are seeing by the people who horde everything to themselves. This is how He (as) will remove the status quo) (Book of Portents of the Mahdi of the End Times, p. 15)

“The followers of the Mahdi will shelter behind him like honey bees shelter behind the queen, and he will fill the Earth with justice and honesty.” (Book of Portents of the Awaited Mahdi, p. 30)

…”He will bring down rain, bring forth the Earth’s abundance, and my community will enjoy a never before seen well-being in his time.” (Book of Portents of the Mahdi of the End Times p. 9)

Imam Mahdi (as) wont conquer Africa through war, it is stated in Ahadith that during His (as) time a just ruler will emerge from central Africa and many of its people will respond to him, eventually He and His people will convert to Islam after He speaks with imam Mahdi (as).

South America is not mentioned in ahadith because it is a newly discovered land like America. We know Muslims will invade America, it comes from two obscure ahadith (which may or may not be shia, i do not remember the source).

They describe how at the end of time a Muslim expedition will be sent to a land that is described as almost being rectangular in its borders, it is a generalisation, and this land will have giant lakes in the middle of it.

That is not the description of any country on earth today, but the ahadith state one more thing, they characterise it as having a thousand markets, meaning it is the home of capitalization.

Obviously America does not have giant lakes covering it, except if you consider the time this is referring to and the fact that when Allah goes to punish America, He will ask Jibril (as) to hurl an asteroid at it which will hit of its coast causing giant tidal waves to drown it and its people, the Muslims will be able to overpower its people with ease and take much wealth from it, just like the bible says America will be stripped naked.