Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum.

I was asked a question about what a person should do if he cannot travel overseas to get qualifications, the answer is simple Qualifications from who?

There is no Islamic institute on earth today you can travel to that is not corrupt and government controlled, these are not my words, one world famous scholar said you will have to go as far as west Africa before you find a place that is not being manipulated, that was a decade ago today that probably does not even exist.

The kufar may be happy at hearing this thinking it will get them somewhere in the end but all of their efforts are for nothing, Allah long ago has perfected teaching His servants, from even before Ibrahim (as) and that is almost 5000 years now.

If you want a lawyer to help you in life, you need a faqih, but people are confusing these matters and what Allah is doing with His Imam’s in this world.

Just like there is no place to go to on this earth to learn there is also no place on this earth where Allah can’t teach. This is the story of al Khadir (as), a person who Allah gave more knowledge to than one of His five greatest prophets. Understand, Al Khidr did not receive revelation if He (as) did Musa (as) would have seen the Angels and never asked Him (as) where He (as) was getting His knowledge from.

Al Khidr(as) received His (as) knowledge from His (as) own soul which Allah was talking to directly, unlike Musa (as) He (as) learned how to look in himself and see what Allah wanted without the help of Mala’ikah talking to him directly or openly, this is the kind of inspiration Allah teaches today to His Awliyah some thousands of years later.

Today the door of revelation is closed but the door Allah opened for Al Khidr is still wide open, this is why Al Khidr (as) is responsible for training all the Awliyah of Allah on earth and why many scholars have reported seeing Him (as) and Learning from Him (as), like Imam Nawawi (as) and Tirmidhi (as).

Are people going to ask Imam Mahdi (as) for a certificate? if not then how do you know He (as) has knowledge and where did He (as) get it from?
You have Iman Allah was able to teach Him (as) in a single night like Rasul Allah (saws) said Allah would, this is the same for al Khidr (as) and the Awliyah so likewise have Iman in the story of Al Khidr (as) in the Quran.

Let’s look at my work and what Allah has given me;
  • The first book I wrote was on Al Khidr (as), when I finished it Rasul Allah (saws) came to me and said I had reached the 6 depth of meaning on this subject, the Quran has 7 depths, I reached the sixth with my first book.
  • My Second book was on Syria and Signs of The Hour, it is the first book I know that arranges the ahadith in the proper order Rasul Allah (saws) intended them, it is more accurate than Imam Ibn Kathirs work and gives a clear picture of what event each hadith is referring to. This work took me a number of years to finish and throughout that time Rasul Allah (saws) would help me with the arrangement. In it I identified the biggest fitnah in ahadith, people still could not place it among the words of Rasul Allah (saws), September the 11th, where the West declared war on the rest of the world. From this precise arrangement you can clearly see how He (saws) spoke about what would happen from year to year, decade to decade until the hour which the companions (as) said He (saws) did but no one knew it until now.
  • My next openings where in Tafsir and the major one was the proper Tafsir of the verse of light 24:35. I am the first Mufassir of Allah, after the first generation, who understood this verse properly, Allah gave me its tafsir to share in this world and it opened the rest of the Quran for me afterwards.
  • I was also given the Tafsir of surah Al Shams, Al Rahman, Al Takwir, Nun, Al Mulk, Ta Ha, Al Hashr, Al Hadid, Al Aala and Surah al Najm. Surah al Najm is the Tafsir in which Rasul Allah (saws) informed me I reached the seventh depth of the Quran in its understanding. Only a small portion of knowledge remained which the prophets knew, I asked about this at a later time and I was shown exactly what Rasul Allah (saws) understood more, it is all science like a physicist would explain about this universe except most of their talk is based on theory, speculation and evidence. Rasul Allah (saws) was given Al Yaqeen regarding each subject of science.
  • Next Allah gave me understanding of all the verses and Ahadith that talk about subatomic space and the nature of the universe, the correct meaning of how Allah created everything. Before I wrote anything, people looked at these ahadith and thought this earth is on the back of a fish in the wind on the back of a rock, no one knew or had a clue what Rasul Allah (saws) was referring to so I dedicated an entire section of my work to this Tafsir. The tafsir of this subject came to me exactly like Allah said in the Quran “As for those who strive in Us, We surely guide them to Our paths, and lo! Allah is with the good.” (29:69)
  • After all of this Allah allowed me to prove Ghayb, the spiritual world is the subatomic part of our universe and it is responsible for everything we know about religion, all the miracles and reasons we do everything. Before this people had weird thoughts about spirituality, many still do. So I wrote many works on this subjects and that culminated in Allah allowing me to fulfil a promise He (swt) made to the Kufar in verse 41:53. Allah let me know beforehand this is what He was doing with my work but I had to wait a number of years before that promise was fulfilled.

“In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages [through what they perceive] in the utmost horizons [of the universe] and within themselves [the microscopic and subatomic], so that it will become clear unto them that this [what they are looking at] is indeed the truth (This, the subatomic, is the origin of the Quran and everything spiritual).” [Qur’an 41:53]

No work is perfect, if you can see the baraka Allah gave me then understand what it is.

Imam Dabbagh (as) who was the Ghawth of His time and one of the Awliyah Allah sent to guide me because of our similarities, was not even a Hafiz of the Quran He came from a long line of prominent scholars but deliberately shunned getting qualifications.

Understand, the Quran and guidance have nothing to do with Allah’s ability to guide, Adam (as) did not know the Quran or Fiqh or Usul, actual Usul al Fiqh came from Imam Shafii (as), before Him no one on earth prophet or otherwise knew it.

Guidance is the state of your heart not what you have learned or memorized, I am a well-educated person except the fitnah that is covering this world today has stopped me from doing what I want but I can tell you with certainty Al Hamdulillah I did not place my heart and mind at the hands of teachers who will place it in a box and blind it to Allah.

That is the reason Imam Dabbagh (as) did not want to learn from scholars He easily had access to, He wanted to learn from Allah only. Scholars teach you what came before that traps your mind on their sunnah but if Allah wants you to open new things for mankind then He has to clear you of your preconceptions, the things that shaped your mind to the sunnah of everything other than Him, this is why Rasul Allah (saws) could not read or write.

Imam Dabbag’s work is exactly that, Allah bringing new knowledge into this world, He explains what goes on in ghayb like no scholar before him, we come from an Ummah whose sunnah is for Allah to teach its Imams himself starting with the Prophet (saws).

Likewise, my work is about opening for mankind the proper tafsir of matters, pointing them in the right direction they should be looking to understand the Quran.

Al Hamdulillah it is not more than showing people that all of it including the things they could not explain is not more than science and physics and saying to people you are neglecting these when looking at the Quran or doing something weird with them, the answers are much simpler and straight forward.

This is the Barakah Allah gave us almost 20 years ago, it took a lot for that light to appear in the world but Al Hamdulillah it finally has.

Al Khidr (as) teaches all the Awliyah today because they need to do what He (as) does, He (as) Needs to show them what He (as) showed Musa (as), how to listen to Allah directly.

There is a reason Allah guided us to write about the subject of al Khidr (as) first, there are a small number of Awliayh who are like Him (as) in life who Rasul Allah (saws) teaches, (Rasul Allah (saws) explained this to me), they learned from Allah speaking to their souls, Imam Dabbagh (as) my teacher was one, I am one so is Imam Mahdi (as), there are also many more you have not heard of.

When I said “I am the first Mufassir of Allah, after the first generation, who understood this verse properly” that was not an assumption, some years after this occurred and Allah elevated me to a place where I could speak to Rasul Allah (saws) I saw how He (saws) understood the science behind the universe so I asked about the Sahaba (as), if they also understood and who.

The answer came back that yes they understood the science behind the universe but not many of them, they understood it with the vocabulary Allah and His (saws) prophet (saws) gave it.

Two names where given as having complete understanding Abu Bakr (as) and Umar (as), Ibn Abbas to some degree along with Ibn Masud (as), although their names are not mentioned you can also assume Uthman ibn Affan (as) and Ali (ra) about whom the prophet (saws) said “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate”, but not to the same extent as the prophets two closest companions Abu Bakr (as) and Umar (as).

Understand this hadith, the prophet (saws) said ““Never was anything revealed to me that I did not pour into the heart of Abu Bakr.”

I am a person who studied civil engineering, I did advanced mathematics and had classes in physics, at another time it was said to me Umar (as) understands the universe better than myself to show me to what extent the companions reached in their understanding of what Allah gave to Rasul Allah (saws).

That is better than you have seen me write about it relying on science and research papers, that is also better than what I understood from those research paper’s which are the words of physicists, but at this level it is only Abu Bakr and Umar (as) who have reached this.

No one ever assumed Ali (ra) understood quantum mechanics before this, so understand He does but His Knowledge/expertise lies in the wisdom Rasul Allah (saws) brought with Him (saws), it was explained to me this was because when Rasul Allah (saws) was made a prophet Ali (as) was still a youth (10 years old), while Abu Bakr (as) began hearing everything from the start as an adult with full maturity and comprehension, (the prophets mission was for 23 years, Imam Ali (ra) converted at the age of 10 and He (ra) was about 23 when they migrated and 32 when Rasul Allah (saws) died).

Ali (as) is the father of ahl al bayt, the scholars and awliayh Allah charged with spreading His light on earth until Qiyamah, this is the door Rasul Allah (saws) was referring to that is with Ali (as), the Imams from among His children and descendants will be the door mankind walks through to reach the city of knowledge, the wisdom Allah placed with Rasul Allah (saws).

This knowledge is not easy, think about atoms, imagine trying to explain that everything is created from atoms, then explaining subatomic space from that and then all the science behind it to Arabs that lived 1400 years ago in a desert.

That is starting from scratch, today you have society to assure you of things you have not seen, that was not the case 1400 years.

When Rasul Allah (saws) said “Abu Bakr does not precede you because of much prayer or fasting, but because of a secret that is in his heart,” this is what He was referring to.

Abu Bakr (as) understood it all from scratch and that is what made Him (as) excel above everyone else, having a clear understanding of what Allah created, in worth that is like receiving revelation and being the first to spread that light to the rest of mankind from which you will have a share in everything they gained. The supremacy of the prophets is their Ihsan allowed them to respond to Allah first after He created the souls of mankind, the merit of understanding what Allah created is a result of that day why you are seeing this in life from people, the souls who receive this are those who also turned to Allah after the prophets did.

Besides Ihsan this sir is what makes the Awliyah surpass others, “The Awliyah do not precede you because of much prayer or fasting, but because of a secret that is in their heart,” a secret perception/ understanding/ knowledge/ haq/ reality which all comes from the light Allah places in their heart, that allows them to understand as Allah wants them to understand from which they speak the words and gain the knowledge Allah teaches them.

I know this because this is how I surpass you, how Allah and Abu Bakr (as) made me understand it so I am able to say it to you now without fault in my nafs.

You often see the awliayh talking about the universe saying things never heard of before, that comes from Allah completing their understanding/vision/picture of His creation, it is a Maqam you reach and an opening you receive so your mind’s eye (your heart) can understand the nature of what you see in the world around you, every wali who comes close to Allah receives this.

You cannot become insan kamil without it, if a wali is not able to describe Allah’s creation to you he has not received this yet.

Revelations about the universe which we call science today began the dark ages in Europe from which we saw many scientist killed or imprisoned.
Although Abu Hurairah (ra) was not referring to this depth of knowledge when He said the following it is still the same point; Abu Huraira (ra) said “I have memorized two kinds of knowledge from Allah’s Apostle. I have propagated one of them to you and if I propagated the second, then my throat would be cut” (Bukhair).

The wali is able to see Allah talking to him, the Mala’ikah talking to him and the jinn talking to him.

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ مَالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai