Bismillahi rahmani raheem, assalamu alaikum

The first lecturer I had at university was with a professor who, as I was informed, in his youth worked on the Sydney harbor bridge, it is an Iconic bridge in this country. That may not mean something to a lot of people but knowledge and who you learn it from is exactly like the Sahaba, Tabiin and Taba Tabiin, how the scholars determined who was a Tabii from among the Imams.

Imam Abu Hanifa (as) was a Tabii because he heard from the companions, and so learning from people grounded in knowledge is a spiritual silsila and something that should be respected even if it is from your enemies, I was lucky enough to learn from another person of caliber at this university and that was in the subject of physics, the lecturer was a retired physicist and one of the best this country had seen.

All of this was well before I had a grasp on “world affairs”, unfortunately that class with the first lecturer was my only class because he was retiring, unknown to me he saw something in me and before he left on his final day fate would have it that I ran into him, I had never really spoken to him it was literally my first class at university but before he left, one of his student teachers was with him, he stopped me and asked me some questions relating to quality at university, then after seeing me more closely and that I had an affinity for scholars like himself, he all but apologized for not being able to teach me explaining some of the situation at university.

In not so many words the university was allowed to be run down by corrupt people from the middle east, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Bahai, religion has nothing to do with this it is a certain class of people from among these religions the university was now deliberately catering to, initially he mistook me for one of them until he saw different and went out of hi way to speak to me personally.

He had enough of their childish corruption and wanted to leave, His replacement was a corrupt lecturer which I mentioned in one of my last emails, he was not qualified to fill his role in the least and the students knew it, it was obvious he acquired his position by calling in favors.

When people know their subject the light of that subject shines from them and makes the subject “come alive” for the students listening, the two lecturers I mentioned had this the corrupt one did not, his lessons all came from copying the work of others and no doubt that is what rubbed off on people.

The university I went to was a dark place, not violent, but dark because sinister people went there, it was among these people and their schemes that Allah elevated me to wilayah and gave me spiritual authority, this was the first place Allah spread his light. I lived on campus with these people so I saw them up close, a number of times they tried to make me fall into things but I avoided it all.

Call it luck for them or call it Allah’s will, to deal with me they all decided I was the most popular guy at university and they all wanted to befriend me, every place I went people would come and greet me.

I think they thought they would be getting one thing but because of how I dealt with this popularity they got something else, and certainly this was Allah’s plan to change this place and teach them, it was a mercy for them to stop them from becoming worse people because otherwise the campus would have turned into what you see in American universities and they would have all been forced to live it.

What occurred through this was all the groups had to change the way they dealt with each other, rather than open animosity which is what was occurring until I arrived and what caused the professor to want to retire. If this seems strange this was not the first time this occurred to me, I went to an exclusive school before hand and was almost the only Muslim at this school there the student body approached me to become the school captain because of my morality and integrity.

Because I became their standard by which they chose what extremes to act by, and it just so happened I was devout so I tempered how they behaved, they had to stay within the bounds of my reality in public, over the years that ended up changing the entire university and them, before my time was over some of the students made remarks regarding this, speaking about how they would have had to act if nothing changed.

When I left the Deen of the university, who before becoming Deen was one of my lecturers, His jinn arranged for me to visit the university again and as I walked he spoke to me, he showed me the changes the Deen made to the university beautifying it and removing the darkness that was once there, he said that was because of my presence at university he was able to make some of these changes.

The university was able to get rid of the corruption because they where able to get rid of the student council that was dominated by these corrupt people from the middle east who were holding the university hostage, suing them on a number of occasions and holding the entire campus to ransom under their authority and corruption.

I have no delusions about the university and what its people are, the administration fought my presence there bitterly, I am just relating what some of its leaders chose to do out of courtesy to their enemy, the elderly among them followed gentlemen’s rules and that is how they conducted themselves.

That is the long and short of it, the corrupt lecturer accused me of being one of these people for his own gains to get at me spiritually and manipulated people and staff at university on that basis, He attacked me recently over an email on sihr sending His jinn to me in a dream and in the dream Rasul Allah (saws) came and revealed this about him defending me, the Prophet (saws) said to his jinn ‘you disliked him because you saw the light of Allah and His authority in him’, up to that point in time some 20 years later he still had not understood why he hated me and acted against me.

Everyone else at university saw me differently, I had been there for a number of years and they saw how I acted for themselves.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.