Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, assalamu alaikum,

A lot of people are interested in the physics side of my work so I wanted to quickly mention this before I forgot it, it occurred recently.

Science has already proven that time is attached to physical matter, because matter creates time, this means because the subatomic particles around us are responsible for the present time, the past then is not in existence and the future does not exist yet, the only thing that exists is what is happening now.

What I mean by the past is that the particles creating time are only doing what is occurring now and you can not time travel back into the past because they and the universe only exist now.

For the past to still exist you need subatomic particles to create it and they are all on the same journey as us, so in this same way the future does not exist now hence you cannot travel to it, again you need subatomic particles to create it and they are all busy creating what is occurring now.

If time travel existed then you would break this law in physics that time and space are intertwined, which is the foundation of modern physics. You would also break the first law of thermodynamics which says the total amount of energy in a closed system (the universe) cannot be created nor destroyed it can only be changed from one form to another, so you can’t say an entire universe was just created by someone making a choice you need to prove where the matter for that new universe comes from, so there is also no multiverse.

This is something Rasul Allah (saws) stated in front of me to a Jinn who was playing at manipulating time, trying to trick people into thinking Jinn can change past and future events basically through semantics, tricks of waswasa, He (saws) said to the Jinn (paraphrasing) “the only thing you can affect of time is what these particles are now doing to prepare the future” then He (saws) waved His (saws) blessed hand and moved the particles in front of me to show this, (He was referencing the fact time and space are intertwined and explained the scientific consequences of that).

People can know the future because our actions affect the subtlest particles in the universe who move first to begin its creation, so you can see images and get glimpses but you can’t actually visit it, although as Rasul Allah (saws) stated in ahadith you can change it before it occurs and nothing changes fate, the future, like dua.

Shaykh Rami Al Rifai.